Alternative to swaddle
Alternatives to Swaddling For Safe and Sound Baby Sleep – Sleeping Baby
Swaddles are great for so many reasons. They’re good for keeping your baby warm, cozy, and relaxed and are a cost-effective and simple method that all parents can rely on with minimal planning involved.
As babies are not allowed to be left with loose blankets as they sleep, swaddles fulfill the need to give your newborn some much-needed warmth, security, and protection after they’ve just left the safety of the womb. In short, it’s hard to think of a better way to dress your child in their initial months of life.
Yet, despite all its benefits, including the well-known “cuteness” appeal that swaddle-wrapped babies come with, there will come a time when an alternative is necessary. We explore some of the reasons alternatives to swaddling are necessary and suggest some options you can take into consideration when planning your baby's wardrobe.
Why Do Babies Need Swaddle Alternatives Anyway?Swaddling feels natural to most parents and infants, but their role in a child’s life should never be permanent. In fact, the window in which your child can be swaddled is relatively small when you consider that they shouldn’t be wrapped in swaddles past the age of 4 months.
In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this limit should be as early as 2 months to remove all potential risks associated with swaddling. After this point, parents should be looking for alternative ways to help their babies sleep.
You may even have to look for alternatives before this time because of your child’s personal preferences, or if you’ve decided that you want your child to self-soothe as early as possible without any sleeping aids like the swaddle.
Healthy Hip DevelopmentImproper swaddling or swaddling for too long may lead to hip dysplasia or developmental dysplasia of the hip, according to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. Because it keeps the legs together and straight, it can increase the risk of hip problems as your baby’s bones and muscles develop.
A prominent study from Turkey on 4,173 infants aged 3-24 months highlighted that of the 88% of the study whose cohort had been swaddled, the relationship to hip dislocation was statistically significant.
In order to allow for healthy hip development, legs should be able to bend up and out at the hips. This position allows for the natural development of the hip joints.
Even for swaddle transition products, which are a good alternative to the traditional swaddle (more on this below), it’s advised that they provide enough room for movement and come with a loose pouch or sack for the baby’s legs and feet to move around in.
Always be careful that whatever you dress your child in past the 2-month mark doesn’t tighten and confine the legs around the thighs, to reduce the chance of hip problems occurring.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)Swaddles can be dangerous if the fabric comes loose as this can tangle up your baby and increase the risk of suffocation. As such, some parents would rather avoid swaddle wraps altogether.
A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that when swaddled babies were put on their sides or bellies, their risk of SIDS went up significantly. And for those put on their bellies, especially babies more than 6 months old, the risk doubled.
Want to Learn More About Safe Baby Sleep Positions?
Not All Babies Like the SwaddleSwaddles can be incredibly comforting and cozy, keeping babies from waking up when experiencing the Moro reflex. However, some babies will quickly show you that they’re not as comfortable being swaddled up as you imagined. Signs of this are when they try and pull their hands free, stretch out their arms constantly, or try to kick the garment loose in whatever way they can.
If you see this, there’s really no point in continuing with the swaddle and it's time to consider some alternatives!
The Moro Reflex and Swaddling
There are a number of primitive reflexes that are a natural part of infancy. These include the rooting, sucking, and stepping reflexes. However, it is the Moro reflex that you probably hear the most about because of its relationship to swaddling and healthy baby sleep.
Once triggered, this startle reflex often results in your baby waking up, stretching out their limbs for support, and crying. In short, it can be distressing for your little one and one of the major benefits of the swaddle is that it can help to calm your baby down once they experience this reflex, or even stop them from experiencing it in the first place by keeping their bodies securely positioned in a safe and stable place.
The ability to counteract the Moro reflex is one of the top reasons parents choose the swaddle. Therefore, if you must stop swaddling your child, the problem is how you can prevent them from becoming scared, distressed, and uncomfortable due to their startle reflex kicking in.
Alternative products like our Zipadee-Zip can certainly help here, but you can also focus on removing the triggers of the startle reflex so that you baby is able to remain calm and content for as long as possible. Some of the most common triggers include:
- Bright lights
- Outside noises
- A sudden or cold touch
- A quick movement by someone around them
- Being placed down in a crib
- Change of position
If you must stop swaddling your child, the problem is how you can prevent them from becoming scared, distressed, and uncomfortable.
Best Alternatives to Swaddling
When you’ve lost your primary tool for keeping your infant cozy and content before they sleep, you’ll certainly need a few alternatives to swaddling that can help keep them relaxed, healthy, and ready for a good night’s sleep or daytime nap.
Wearable Blankets and Sleep SacksMany babies don’t completely hate the swaddle and just require more freedom of movement, especially in the arms and hips. If this is the case, there are many wearable blanket options out there that can free up specific parts of the body like the hands, rather than keeping them tucked down or folded at the chest.
Many alternatives also offer much more room for the legs to wiggle around, with no harm posed to hip developmental health.
The size, fabric type, tog rating, zip position, and more can vary depending on the brand you choose, but sleep sacks are generally considered a logical stepping stone for babies who still want some level of restriction and enclosure and are not ready for a completely swaddle-free life.
To learn more about the different types and styles of baby sleep sacks, we go into more detail in our blog: From Baby Sleep Sack to Swaddle Transition: Safe and Stylish Babies!
The Zipadee-ZipOur own version of the baby sleep sack is the Zipadee-Zip. It is designed to offer similar restrictive comfort to the swaddle, yet provides more freedom of movement. Unlike other products on the market, we opted for a star-shaped pointed sleeve design that lets your child’s hands and feet encounter the perfect amount of resistance.
We wanted to capture the same kind of sensation of being in the swaddle and the womb but wanted to avoid any of the drawbacks that come with wrapping up your baby too tight. We also refer to these items as swaddle transition products as they are a logical alternative to swaddling for parents and children looking to move gradually away from the swaddle, without leaving it behind entirely.
Discover the Science Behind the Zipadee-Zip!
Calming Techniques to Replace the Swaddle
There are some alternative calming methods that can help to replace the job that the swaddle usually performs in keeping your child relaxed and ready for sleep.
A Good Evening RoutineFamiliar activities and a set routine help keep babies calm and signals to them each night that they should wind down for sleep. For instance, this could involve a sequence of entertaining, yet calming nighttime activities like turning off the lights and reading a book, singing a lullaby, or playing some relaxing music.
For advice on creating a great evening routine for your baby, visit our blog: How to Help My Baby Sleep — The Perfect Evening Routine.
By addressing several important environmental factors, you can create a space where your little one can establish a healthy sleeping habit and feel relaxed and safe. A few tips for a good sleeping space include:
- Use blackout curtains
- Close windows and doors to reduce external noises
- Turn off electronics in nearby rooms
- Put your baby to sleep when they’re drowsy and not asleep, to reduce the chance of them becoming startled by a sudden change in movement.
- Always follow best safe sleep practices for baby cribs and healthy sleeping arrangements (firm mattress, no blankets)
For more advice on creating the perfect atmosphere for your child to sleep in and feel relaxed, take a look at our popular blog: Reduce Baby Startling: How to Create the Perfect Bedroom Atmosphere!
Baby MassageAn infant massage, paired with a healthy bedtime routine and a sleep conducive room atmosphere, is one of our favourite alternatives to swaddling as it’s a great way for any parent to relax their child. You can do this during bathtime, just after, or when your child is startled awake after experiencing the Moro reflex.
Blocking out unnecessary stimulation can let your child recharge their batteries faster during the day and reduce the chance of them becoming overloaded and overtired. With moderate levels of stimulation during the day and minimal-to-zero screen time, you’ll hopefully see your baby operate at much calmer levels, making it easier for you to calm them down and reduce fussiness.
Also, babies are much more sensitive to slight changes in their environment, which can evoke the Moro reflex. So, paying attention to the kinds of stimulation your baby receives can help to stop them from waking up and seeking the comfort of their swaddles. Simply take away things like loud ringing phones; disruptive music; the sound of TV or video games, or people talking too loudly nearby.
Drop the Swaddle CompletelyOne of the most drastic alternatives to swaddling is dropping it completely. You can choose to drop the swaddle gradually by implementing a number of steps leading to a complete removal of any swaddle. This might accelerate their sleep independence and reduce their reliance on any sleeping products and calming methods entirely.
This can involve only using the swaddle at certain times, such as during daytime naps. The goal is to ease your baby through the process, watching carefully whether they show any serious signs of discomfort. Other parents may choose the ‘cold turkey’ method, but this can often be accompanied by a fair few sleepless nights until your little one is used to the change.
Final Takeaways
Just because something works sometimes, or for other people, it doesn’t mean it’s right for every situation or for all families. When considering potential alternatives to swaddling, below are a few essential facts to keep in mind.
- Babies don’t need to be swaddled to be healthy and happy.
If your baby is happy without swaddling, that’s great news. Simply embrace it!
- Swaddling past the age of 2 months can potentially be harmful to their growth and healthy development.
- No matter which sleep clothing option you use, always put your baby to sleep on their back to reduce the chance of SIDS.
- Even if your baby doesn't need a swaddle, avoid using loose fabrics, pillows, stuffed toys and other such items in your child’s crib.
- Whether your child loves the swaddle or not, it is worth considering alternatives that offer a significant amount of room for the hips and legs to move.
Effective Alternatives To Swaddling
By Jessica Tucker
Not all babies like to be swaddled. For those babies, there are alternatives to gently calm them into slumber, swaddle, or no.
Parents are taught that they need to swaddle their babies in order to get them a good night of sleep. For some babies, regardless of how well parents swaddle them, it is not something that they enjoy. As such, instead of calming babies before they sleep, swaddling instead gets them agitated. Because of this, parents need alternatives to swaddling that are just as effective to get their little ones the sleep they need.
The reason that babies are swaddled is to help stop the Moro reflex from waking them from a sound slumber. This is because as a result of the reflex, babies can startle themselves awake, according to Stanford Children's Health. It is not until the newborns are two months old that the Moro reflex begins to subside and babies have better control over their reflexes. As such, during the first few months of life when babies do not want to be swaddled or parents have made the decision not to swaddle their babies, that something else needs to be done to calm babies before they are willing to close their eyes and sleep. Fortunately, there are other ways to lull babies to sleep that work just as well as swaddling, and in some cases, better.
RELATED: When Should I Stop Swaddling My Baby?
Here are alternatives to swaddling that are just as effective.
5/5 Sleepsuit Or Baby Sleep Sack
The sleepsuit or sleep sack is a good alternative to swaddling because it is a compromise between using nothing at all and the swaddle itself.
According to SleepAdvisor, babies are able to use sleepsuits or sleep sacks from the time they are newborns until about one year of age. Where swaddling can become a hazard to babies who are learning to roll over because there is no ability to use their arms to life their faces off the mattress after having done so, sleepsuits and sacks have the arms free. As such, regardless of the stage of development babies are in, they are safe, and in some cases, safer, when using a sleepsuit or sleep sack versus a swaddle.
Furthermore, sleep sacks will impede babies' ability to move their legs to the point where they are awakened by the Moro reflex when it happens. Therefore, if the arm reflex is not much, babies may continue to sleep through the reflex with ease.
Both options also provide babies with the ability to be warm without using a blanket. As such, until babies are at least one year old, per the publication, when a blanket can be used, opting for a sleepsuit or sleep sack will keep babies from getting too cold while sleeping peacefully at naps or at night.
4/5 Use Motion To Lull Baby To Sleep
When babies are gently rocked, they are soothed into a place of calm. The same calm that is needed in order to get them to fall asleep and sleep until the first feeding of the night is required.
According to, when babies are rocked, "natural sleep rhythms" are stimulated. These sleep rhythms help to ease babies into a restful state where their brains are more willing to let them drift off into sleep rather than just being placed in the crib alone. This includes babies being wrapped with a swaddle.
As a result of the brain waves being able to settle, the sleep mode that is required to sleep soundly is activated, per the publication. And when this happens, babies naturally fall to sleep with ease, free of the swaddle.
Skin-to-skin contact is one of the most natural ways for mothers and babies to bond. It has also been found to have several positive health effects on parents and babies, one of which for babies is getting longer, better sleep, versus those who do not participate in skin-to-skin contact time.
According to Rebecca Michi Children's Sleep Consultant, when babies are given skin-to-skin contact time with their parents daily, both parents and babies have lower stress levels and build a strong bond. But babies who have skin-to-skin time for about an hour daily will sleep better in some cases than being swaddled. It is because babies are secure with who they are with, can hear some of the same sounds they heard in the womb, and are comforted by these things. And when babies are comfortable, they are easily settled for sleep.
2/5 Use Baby Massage
To get babies to relax before bedtime, giving them a soothing infant massage will have babies struggling to keep their eyes open as the massage draws to an end.
According to the Mayo Clinic, infant massage controls the hormones that cause stress and reduces crying. Both of which may occur if babies realize that they are about to go to take a nap or go to bed. But, if babies realize that there is a transition from being placed in their cribs and relaxing massage time before they sleep, they may be more receptive to falling asleep than they would be placed in the crib with just a swaddle alone.
A world of caution, per the publication, for those parents who want to use oil during the massage. Make sure to purchase one that is fragrance-free and edible in case babies were to put it in their mouths accidentally.
1/5 Have A Nighttime Routine
When parents start a nighttime routine with their babies, they are helping them to relax from the day. And because the routine is repetitive, within a short period the process will be learned, bringing comfort to little ones while teaching them to fall asleep on their own.
According to the Sleep Foundation, young babies who participate in a nighttime routine are consistently better sleepers than those who do not have routines. This means that as babies know one step to the next what is going to happen as they get ready to go to bed, their bodies begin to instinctively calm down and relax. When this happens, parents are able to lay babies into their beds as they become drowsy to fall asleep on their own, which bodes well for little ones as they age. But the best part about this is that it works with or without a swaddle. Therefore, bundled up or not, babies are more apt to get good sleep just by having a consistent routine.
Source: Stanford Children's Health, SleepAdvisor,, Rebecca Michi Children's Sleep Consultant,Mayo Clinic, Sleep Foundation
Related Topics
- Infants
- sleep
- baby essentials
- baby development
About The Author
Jessica is a writer based out of California. She is a mom to two fiercely independent, fun-loving girls and wife to a man who helps her find balance in life. Jessica is an avid runner, consumer of really great cups of coffee, and enjoys adventuring off the beaten path whenever possible. Family is number one to Jessica and is what makes living this crazy, hectic, beautiful life worthwhile.
11 of the most convenient diapers and cocoons
Calm sleep conditions
Author A diaper is the oldest form of comforting a newborn before bed, a lifesaver for many parents and a topic of endless debate.
To swaddle or not to swaddle? What is the best way to swaddle newborns? What do you prefer - a diaper or an envelope? What should be a baby diaper?
If an excitable baby starts in his sleep, wakes himself up with his arms, can only sleep in his arms or in a sling, you can and should try loose swaddling. Swaddling promotes a smoother transition from the cramped, safe, comfortable space in the mother's belly to the vast world.
To make it easier for you to sort through the many diapers on the market, we will look at the most comfortable diapers and swaddling bags that allow you to swaddle your baby quickly and easily.
0–4 months. Sleep well in 3 weeks
Swaddle bags - a modern alternative to diapers
Swaddle bags with zipper or Velcro are a convenient and quick way to swaddle your baby. The envelopes stretch well, allowing the newborn to move, but not so actively as to wake himself up. The breathable material does not allow the child to sweat. The material can be very different: there are insulated envelopes for the winter or very light ones with mesh inserts for the heat. Here are the most popular models for newborns:
The envelope fastens with one zipper with two sliders. To change a diaper, you do not need to unzip the envelope completely. The envelope is all-weather, made of comfortable material - cotton with elastane. Cotton will not let the baby sweat, and due to elastane, the fabric stretches well, without preventing the baby from moving in the envelope. Overlock seams and a lightning are located outside. The soft fastener on a mouth protects skin of the kid from pinching by a lightning.
Sizes: 3-6 kg (Length at the back 57 cm), 6-9kg (back length 68 cm).
Envelope with a zipper with two sliders and soft protection at the neck. Made from bebeflex™ organic cotton. There are also warm merino wool envelopes and light models for the heat with a mesh in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handles or along the entire front from the arms to the legs. There is an option that "grows" with the baby - an envelope with the ability to release the handles.
Sizes: 2.5-6 kg, 6.5-9 kg, 9-11 kg.
Envelope for very young and premature babies. Made from cotton and elastane. Well "breathes" and stretches. Two-way zipper allows you to change the diaper without disturbing the baby.
Size: 2-4.5 kg, envelope length 50 cm.
Fabric - cotton with elastane. Wings for closing the envelope with Velcro, adjustable as the baby grows. Baby's legs can be opened for diaper changes without opening the handle.
Sizes: 3-6 kg, 6-10 kg.
Swaddle WrapSack
This is a 2 in 1 envelope and sleeping bag. You can swaddle the handles or leave them free. The envelope allows the kid to move legs freely. If you need to change the diaper, just unzip the leg area.
Size range: 3-6 kg, 6-10 kg.
Miracle Blanket
This blanket has no zippers or Velcro. Handles with the help of special lapels of the fabric fit snugly to the body. A long fabric belt wraps around the baby's body. There is a special pocket for the legs. In the heat or at home, you can not hide the legs.
Size: for babies up to 12 weeks.
Little Me
Little Me has seams on the outside. Two-way zipper on the strap (does not come into contact with the skin of the baby). The envelope is made of soft supima cotton.
Size: for newborns.
Love to Dream
The Australian brand presents a whole line of convertible sleeping bags from birth to 4-5 years. For example, the napkin for ages 4 to 12 months has removable parts in the handle area for gradual release from swaddling.
Size range: 0 to first rollover, first rollover to 12 months, 6 months to 5 years.
It is not necessary to buy an envelope for the baby. If you are used to swaddling a newborn in the traditional way, you can use diapers of different densities made of well-stretched and breathable fabric. The size of such a diaper can be different.
Baby nappies
The famous Aden+Anais nappies are made from soft muslin, which does not disturb the natural heat transfer and does not allow the baby's body temperature to rise. Large size makes swaddling more comfortable.
Swaddle Designs diapers are made from durable flannel and fine cotton voile. These diapers are also large in size, allowing you to swaddle even a large baby. The fabrics can withstand repeated washes. Many mothers note that Swaddle Designs diapers have neater hemming than Aden + Anais diapers.
Russian Little Me diapers are made of dense and thin jersey (these diapers are the best stretch and absorb moisture), as well as cambric and flannel. Flannel diapers are very warm. They absorb moisture well and retain heat. They can be used in the cold season. Knitted diapers are gentle, stretch very well. A diaper made of thin knitwear can be used in the heat.
What should a newborn diaper be?
- The diaper should have well-finished edges without protruding threads, finished with an overlock so that there are no hard seams.
- The diaper should be made of natural material: breathable, retaining the warmth of the baby's body, soft, absorbing moisture well.
- It is better to take a large size diaper, for example, square 120 cm x 120 cm, so that it is convenient for you to swaddle and so that the baby cannot open up.
- The diaper must be durable to withstand repeated washings.
How many diapers do you need?
Flannel, cambric, jersey, muslin, supima diapers dry very quickly. So even if your baby vomits frequently and you have to wash frequently, there is no need to buy dozens of diapers.
Most likely, you will need 5 thin and 5 warm diapers (if the baby is born in the summer, 2-3 warm diapers are enough) or a few swaddling envelopes.
How to choose the correct diaper size?
The diaper size you need depends on how you swaddle and how big your baby is. For a newborn, a diaper measuring 1 m x 1 m or 90 cm x 120 cm will be enough. It is not worth winding the diaper around the baby in 3-4 layers, this can lead to overheating. For a grown up or large baby, it is better to buy a diaper measuring 120 cm x 120 cm. Diapers less than a meter long and wide are needed, rather, to spread them under the baby during a massage or games. Swaddling a baby in a fabric of this size is inconvenient.
When swaddling your baby, follow the safety rules:
- Put your baby to sleep on his back only;
- The legs of the child should not be tightly brought together with a diaper and straightened;
- The diaper should not "squeeze" the baby;
- Observe the temperature regime in the room: + 18–22;
- Do not cover the child from above with an extra blanket;
- The crib should not have pillows, toys, soft sides.
Sleep Consultant Opinion
Alena Rubanovich
BabySleep Senior Sleep Consultant
Usually the need for swaddling fades by 5-6 months, but in practice we often leave (or return) swaddling for highly sensitive and excitable children up to the age of 7-8 months or even longer.
When an older baby begins to get out of the diaper on his own, this will be a signal to avoid swaddling.
Learn more about swaddling and baby sleep patterns from birth to six months at the BabySleep webinar 0-6 Months: Sleep Without Tears.
', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{breakpoint: 1199, settings: {arrows: !1, infinite: !1, slidesToShow: 1}}] }) })Vitosha diaper “Sleepy” - “Velcro diaper. Great alternative for swaddling. Free swaddling. »
To swaddle or not to swaddle your baby? It seems to me that this question is asked by a lot of new parents, because it is quite controversial, and there are whole debates and discussions around this topic... Especially in recent decades, when there is an active trend towards giving up diapers altogether. In any case, despite all the fashion trends in terms of newborn care, we must never forget that all children are different, and what is good for some, is not at all suitable for others . ..
For example, our child is an inquisitive fidget who falls asleep with great difficulty and can wake himself up with his hands, so we decided to still swaddle, but not in the old fashioned way, as our mothers and grandmothers swaddled in a column up to 6-12 months, but freely and only for the night. And in order to facilitate this monotonous and not always convenient process for everyone (since we are inexperienced parents and, frankly, both are not very patient), we purchased 2 special Velcro diapers for swaddling from the manufacturer Vitalfarm Sleepy "Vitosha":
Velcro diaper
What are their advantages? On a par with ordinary diapers, they :
- When firmly swaddled, they remind the baby of the feeling of the period when he was still in the womb;
- Soothes babies - baby sleeps longer and calmer;
- Proper swaddling reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Velcro diaper
Velcro diaper
Advantages of Velcro diapers of this company:
- Made from natural, environmentally friendly materials;
- Baby does not need to be fully turned to change diapers;
- Soft and smooth diaper fabric is gentle on baby's skin;
- Easy to use, even the most inexperienced parents can quickly change their baby's clothes with a minimum of inconvenience.
Wash very well;
General characteristics:
- Age from 0 to 3 months
- Weight 150 grams
- Gabarits, V/50 sh/25 g/1
- Country Russia
- 1
How to use them:
Place the baby with the shoulders on the upper border of the diaper, hide the legs in a special foot pocket, open the Velcro in the upper part of the pocket:
Velcro diaper
Then wrap the left side of the diaper around the baby's handle from left to right and attach the Velcro on the top of the leg pocket to the Velcro slot on the diaper wing.
Velcro diaper
Next, wrap the right wing from right to left, fastening two Velcro on the diaper seat. Wings should fit tightly around the child:
Velcro diaper
As you can see, they are convenient and easy to use and will help you a lot if you need to swaddle.