How do i get proof of child support payments
Child Support Forms | Office of the Attorney General
These forms allow parents, families, and employers to provide the Child Support Division with additional information so we can better serve you.
All child support forms are categorized and linked below as downloadable files. Select the category you need to see the corresponding forms.
- Paternity
- Military
- Paying or Receiving Child Support
- Safety
- Child Support Administrative Review
- Child Support Enforcement
- License Suspension
- Medical Support
- State Directory of New Hires
- Release of Information
Parent Survey on the Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP)
This form is to be completed after the AOP has been signed or a person has declined to sign the AOP.
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Application for New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage
The VS-166 - Application for a New Birth Certificate based on Parentage form is used to add, remove, or replace information regarding the parents listed on the original birth certificate. Click on the link to find the form on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.
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Military Affidavit
This form is used as proof to the court that a custodial or noncustodial parent is in the military.
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Paying or Receiving Child Support
Arrears Payment Incentive Program
This form is used by a delinquent noncustodial parent to reduce amounts owed to the State of Texas.
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Direct Deposit Authorization Form (1TAC 55.803)
This form is used to set up direct deposit for child support payments.
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Request for Warrant Cancellation
This form is used to stop payment on a warrant (check) that has been lost or damaged.
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Child Support Review Questionnaire
This form provides the Child Support Division information about a custodial or noncustodial parent when a case review is requested.
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Custodial Parent’s Certification of Direct Payments
This form is used to document child and medical support payments made directly to a custodial parent by a noncustodial parent (in any form).
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Noncustodial Parent’s Certification of Direct Payments
This form is used to document child and medical support payments a noncustodial parent makes directly to the custodial parent (in any form).
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Request for Nondisclosure
This form is used to report a parent’s safety concerns on a child support case and request the Child Support Division not disclose any identifying information to the other parent.
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Child Support Administrative Review
Request for Administrative Review (1 TAC 55.101(f)(2))
This form is completed by a noncustodial parent to contest a claim of past-due child support and request a review of their case.
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Administrative Review - Distribution of Child Support Payments (1 TAC 55.141(e))
This form is used by a custodial parent, who is a current or former Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipient, to request an Administrative Review hearing to resolve disputed issues concerning distribution of payments.
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Child Support Enforcement
Notice of Application for Judicial Writ of Withholding (1 TAC 55.111)
This form is used to notify an employer to withhold wages from a noncustodial parent when they have past-due child support.
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Motion to Stay (1 TAC 55.112)
This form is used by noncustodial parents to contest a Judicial Writ of Withholding.
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Employer's Motion for Hearing on Applicability of Income Withholding for Support (1 TAC 55.115)
This form is used by an employer to request judicial determination about an employee’s wage withholding.
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Notice of Administrative Writ of Withholding - (1 TAC 55.116(a))
This form is sent to the noncustodial parent by the Child Support Division to inform them that withholding has begun and to provide information on how they can contest the withholding.
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Request for Issuance of Income Withholding for Support (1 TAC 55 .117)
This form is used to request the issuance of income withholding for support.
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Federally Mandated Income Withholding for Support (IWO) (1 TAC 55.118(b))
This form is used to notify an employer of a specified amount of child support to be paid by withholding income from an employee's paycheck. This form (provided by the Office of Child Support Enforcement OCSE) is used to notify an employer of a specified amount of child support to be paid by withholding income from an employee's paycheck. This form is federally mandated for use in IV-D and non IV-D cases. (OMB 0970-0154)
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Notice of Lien (1 TAC 55.

This form serves notice that a custodial parent has placed a lien on a noncustodial parent’s property for unpaid child support. The lien shows a right to keep possession of property belonging to the noncustodial parent until they pay their owed child support.
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Release of Child Support Lien (1 TAC 55.119(b))
This form is used to lift the lien on a noncustodial parent’s property after they have paid their owed child support.
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Partial Release of Child Support Lien (1 TAC 55.119(c))
This form is used by a custodial parent to lift the lien only on the specific property of the noncustodial parent, as listed on the form. It does not prevent action to collect from other property owned by the noncustodial parent.
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Record of Support Order(1 TAC 55.121)
This form is used by counties to provide the record of support data needed by the state case registry.
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Record of Support Order with Application (1 TAC 55.

This form is used by counties to provide the record of support order data needed by the state case registry. Effective September 1, 2021, this form must be used by the following counties that participate in the Integrated Child Support System: Bexar, Cameron, Dallas, Ector, El Paso, Gregg, Harris, Harrison, Hidalgo, Lubbock, Midland, Panola, Smith, Tarrant, Taylor, Travis, Webb, and Wichita.
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License Suspension
Administrative Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(a))
This form notifies a noncustodial parent who owes past due child support that an action to suspend their driver’s license has been filed.
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Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form is sent to a noncustodial parent alerting them that an action to suspend their license has been filed.
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Administrative Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(b))
This form is used to outline a noncustodial parent’s court-ordered child support repayment schedule that must be followed before their license is reinstated.
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Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form shows a noncustodial parent’s court-ordered child support repayment schedule that must be followed before their license is reinstated.
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Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form is sent to a noncustodial parent alerting them that an action to suspend their license has been filed.
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Request for Hearing (1 TAC 55.203(c))
This form is used by a noncustodial parent to request a hearing to contest a petition to suspend their license.
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Notification to Licensing Authority Order Suspending License (1 TAC 55.203(d))
This form is sent by the Office of the Attorney General to the licensing authority to request action is taken to suspend a noncustodial parent’s license.
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Notification to Licensing Authority Order Vacating or Staying Suspension of License (1 TAC 55.

This form is sent by the Office of the Attorney General to the licensing authority to notify them that a noncustodial parent’s license may be reinstated.
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Medical Support
National Medical Support Notice (1TAC 55.120(a))
This form notifies an employee that they are obligated by a court or administrative child support order to provide health care coverage for the child identified.
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Request for Review of National Medical Support Notice (1 TAC 55.120(b))
This form is used by an employee to contest withholding based upon a mistake of fact.
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Termination of National Medical Support Notice (1 TAC 55.120(c))
This form notifies employers when there is no longer a judicially or administratively ordered obligation for an employee to provide health care coverage for the listed child(ren).
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State Directory of New Hires
Texas Employer New Hire Reporting (1 TAC 55.

This form is used by employers to report the details of newly hired employees.
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Release of Information
Authorization for Release of Information (1 TAC 55.803)
This form is used to authorize another party to receive information about your child support case or payments on your behalf.
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Revocation of Authorization for Release of Information (1 TAC 55.803)
This form is used to revoke an existing authorization to release information and/or child support payments to another party.
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How to Prove Child Support Payments : 7 proactive things you can do
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When a child is born, both parents have a financial responsibility for that child. It’s not uncommon, once the parents separate, for both parents to contribute to the daily needs of the child; they share time with the child, school expenses, extracurricular activity expenses, purchase clothes, and in many cases, one parent gives money directly to the other parent for the child , oftentimes even without a formal court order. However, time and again, at some point, the parent who receives that money from the other parent alleges that the parent has not been making child support payments as ordered. This is where problems arise, because if the paying parent can’t prove that they have in fact been financially supporting their child, they may be hit with child support arrears (back child support), which can have detrimental financial and legal effects including increased wage garnishments, contempt charges, bank levies, license suspension, and more.
- Avoid paying in cash– Although typically “cash is king,” that is not true when it comes to child support cases.
In fact, paying child support in cash is one of the biggest mistakes often made by the non-custodial or paying parent. Cash is hard to track. Unless you are given a receipt from the receiving parent for the cash payments you make, if that parent one day alleges that payment was never made, you will have to go to far lengths to prove that you actually did make payment directly to the parent.
- How to prove cash payments– If you’ve already made several payments to the other parent in cash in the past, all hope is not lost if claims of non-payment are made, but you will have to do a little leg work, and it may or may not suffice, depending on how diligent you’ve been keeping track of things.
• Method 1– Obtain copies of your bank statements that align with each payment you made. If you withdrew money for your child support from the bank, or made transfers with the note “child support,” indicated, you may be able to show that you routinely withdrew cash payments specifically for child support.
• Method 2– Subpoena the other parent’s bank records. When you have a pending Family Law matter, you can often take advantage of what’s known as the “discovery” process; this is the way lawyers are able to obtain information from the other party in your case that they may not voluntarily provide. If you subpoena the other parent’s bank records, you may be able to show that your checks were in fact cashed or deposited into their bank account and that they did actually receive the payments. This method goes hand in hand with having your bank records, as you will be able to cross-refer their deposits to the withdrawals that came from your account. - Use checks or money orders– If you pay using a check, it’s usually pretty easy to obtain copies of canceled (cashed) checks from your bank. Using Money orders is a slightly less efficient way to track payments, but if you make a copy of the completed money order and save the money order stubs/receipts, this may suffice.
- Write “child support” in the memo of each check or money order– When using checks or money orders, it’s important to note “Child Support” in the memo of the check or on the stub.
- Keep receipts– It’s so easy to make a habit of immediately trashing receipts in an effort to avoid clutter. However, in the case of caring for your child, it’s essential that you keep receipts for any and all payments and purchases made for the benefit of your child. I like to say, it’s better to have too much than too little – it’s okay to go overboard. Set up a file, call it “child expenses,” and put any receipts in that file. And to take it a step further, make a note on your receipts, circle the date/time, amount, and write what the payment was for. This way, if the issue of whether you take care of your child come up, you will have plenty of documentation to show what was purchased, when, why, and for how much.
- Communicate with your spouse regarding each payment in writing– In case all else fails, always C.
Y.A. (“Cover YOU’RE A* %). Good Lawyers do it when they work on your behalf and you should do it too. C.Y.A. is important for every aspect of your case, but in this aspect, all it requires is that you send a letter, text or email to the other parent, confirming delivery/receipt of the child support payments. That way, you can use this document as evidence or an exhibit at your trial or hearing later to show that payments were made and/or received.
- Go with the garnishment– In most cases, when a child support order is made, a wage garnishment will be issued. This means that your child support will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. This is especially true in cases where the local child support agency is involved. However, in some cases, the parents can agree that support payments will be made directly to the other parent. More often than not, this is a bad idea, especially in cases of high conflict between the parties, because at some point, claims of non-payment are made.
So, to be on the safe side and avoid unnecessary litigation for the sake of proving that you paid your child support, it’s likely best that you request or agree to wage garnishment – this way there are trackable records of payment and your payments will be made on time.
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Where can I get a certificate that I do not receive child support?
Where can I get a certificate that I do not receive child support? You can get a certificate of non-receipt of alimony at bailiff service .
You can get a certificate on the absence of alimony payments at the FSSP branch, where enforcement proceedings were opened to recover alimony . To issue certificate , a citizen will need to write an application.
In order to receive child benefits I need a certificate stating that I do not receive alimony, my husband and I are registered at different addresses, which specialist can I get it from? Answer from user Elena A certificate of non-receipt of alimony can be issued at bailiff service .
Where can I get a certificate stating that I do not receive alimony?
Galina, A certificate stating that you do not receive alimony is issued by bailiffs. Come to them with divorce papers + documents for a child, and they issue a certificate that they have no case in the proceedings for the recovery of alimony for your child.
How to get a certificate that the husband does not pay alimony?
To calculate the debt for alimony or to receive a certificate of the presence of debt and non-receipt of alimony to apply for benefits, you need to apply in writing to the bailiff at the location of the executive document.
How long does it take to get a certificate that I do not receive alimony?
The certificate is made 7 working days after you submit an application to the office of the SSPI department. However, if you approach the bailiff in person and warn that you have submitted a statement to her name, maybe she will deal with it faster. 7 days is the standard of the Law, make reference case 10 minutes.
How to write a statement that I do not receive child support?
Go to the FSSP at the place of residence of your former spouse, write an application for the issuance of such a certificate, and it will be issued to you. Application is written in an arbitrary form with a request to issue a certificate on volume that in the specified department the bailiff service and enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony were not initiated .
What should I do if my father avoids paying child support?
If the father evades the payment of alimony, he can be deprived of parental rights. To do this, the mother must collect evidence that the father is not involved in the upbringing of the child. Often the father of is given a chance for correction. If he continues to continue not to pay child support , you can file a second claim for deprivation of his parental rights.
How to terminate the parental rights of the child's father if he does not pay child support?
Many women wonder if parental rights can be taken away from the father , if he does not pay child support . Possible . Deprivation of parental rights is carried out only in court. The process involves the prosecutor, a representative of the guardianship and guardianship.
Where can I get a maintenance certificate?
You can get a certificate through the bailiffs, if they are engaged in withholding alimony , or from the debtor's employer. Uniform certificate is not approved by law, so the document is issued in an arbitrary form.
How long does it take to prepare a maintenance certificate?
64.1. Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ 'On Enforcement Proceedings'. In accordance with this article, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application to the bailiff service, it is transferred to the appropriate official for execution.
Can I apply for child support without a maintenance certificate?
➡️ Benefit can be assigned, as in the presence of enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony , and without of it. ➡️ If there is enforcement proceedings in the application, you must indicate its number. If there is no enforcement proceeding, the details of the court decision.
How to get a social security certificate?
How to get a certificate without leaving home?
- Enter your personal account through the State Service portal.
- In the search bar, enter the name of the service "Providing certificate on receipt (non-receipt) of social support measures.
- Press the button " Get service".
How to write a statement to the bailiffs about the recalculation of alimony?
How to write an application for a maintenance certificate?
I ask you to issue me a certificate on the amount of alimony payments collected for the period from _________________ to ____________ on the execution of a court decision dated _________ No. __________, issued by ______________, on the recovery of alimony from ____________________________________________ in favor of __________________________________, for
How to write an application for receiving alimony?
Rules for drawing up a receipt for receipt of alimony
- Name (the word "receipt" at the top center of the sheet).
- Place of compilation (city).
- Compilation date (actual date of procedure).
- Payer and recipient personal data:
- Personal data of a third party (if the receipt is drawn up in the presence of a witness).
What if child support is paid unofficially?
- What if child support is paid unofficially? In some instances, they require from the parent who maintains a minor or an adult disabled child a certificate of the amount of alimony received on him. Where can I get such a document, how to write an application for a certificate and where can I get a sample of it?
How to order a child support certificate through the State Services, types of certificates
To receive benefits, you must provide income information. Among other documents, you will need proof of receipt of funds from your ex-spouse. You can order a certificate of alimony through the "Gosuslugi".
Features of requesting documents online
The online portal of public services provides the ability to remotely generate the necessary documents. On the site you can also get an electronic certificate confirming the fact of receiving alimony.
To request information, you must create an account on the Gosuslug website. The initial registration procedure is quick: all you need is a phone number and email. However, please note that there are several types of account on the portal:
- simple;
- standard;
- confirmed.
Simplified registration does not require personal identification, but most services will not be available. Standard registration opens up more opportunities for using the service; for this, passport data, SNILS and TIN are indicated. A full range of documents is opened upon confirmation of identity at the Service Centers and the MFC.
Most services are provided free of charge by law, except in cases that require the payment of a government fee. You can get a sample receipt here, on the Gosuslug Internet portal, and pay online.
Ordering certificates of alimony at the "State Services"
Material maintenance of the child is a civil debt of one of the spouses after a divorce by a court decision. Certificates of its implementation may be required to be submitted to the social security authorities. To do this, you need to confirm the income of each of the family members, including minor children. You can get a certificate of alimony through the "State Services", which make a request to the FSSP.
After requesting through the portal, within two weeks you will receive a notification in an SMS message about the readiness of the certificate. The document is issued in the personal account also in electronic PDF format with a confirmed signature of an authorized employee of the competent authority. After that, it remains only to print the official paper on the printer. If necessary, the document can also be notarized.
If the readiness message does not arrive, it is necessary to clarify on the Gosuslug portal or in the FSSP why the delay occurs. If it is not possible to receive an answer in any instance, the citizen has the right to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.
There are several types of certificates of maintenance, the choice depends on the specific purposes for which such a document may be needed:
- on payment;
- on receipt;
- about absence;
- about debt.
You can order a certificate of alimony through the "Gosuslugi" of any type for subsequent submission to social services.
Proof of payment
Proof of payment is required to show that the parent of a minor child does not evade obligations following a court-ordered divorce. To obtain an official paper, you will need a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony and a writ of execution.
After filling in the required fields on the Internet portal, you need to wait a few days. The paper will indicate the specific amounts of payments by months for the last six months. A certificate of alimony through the "Gosuslugi" for social protection, after confirmation by an electronic qualified signature, will be available in your personal account.
On receipt
The document is similar in form to the previous one, but its content is slightly different. A certificate of receipt of alimony is provided under certain conditions. A voluntary agreement on the material maintenance of minor children must be signed between parents. Reliable information about the former spouse is needed: his place of work or study, address.
If the parent is unemployed and not registered with the employment center, there is no agreement between the mother and father, it will not be possible to order a certificate of receipt. The same situation is with the document of non-payment of funds. If there are no obstacles, you can request a certificate of alimony through the "State Services".
On the absence of alimony
If the parent did not apply for payments from the former spouse, to confirm income and receive social benefits, you must order a certificate of the absence of alimony from the State Services. The document confirms the fact that the parent did not receive funds from the former spouse.
About debt on alimony
To obtain a loan or preferential charges, travel abroad, exchange a driver's license, a citizen needs confirmation of the absence of debt obligations. Such a document can serve as a certificate of debt on alimony, which is convenient to order through the "Gosuslugi". The official paper shows all the latest accruals for a six-month period.
Upon receipt through the Internet portal, a certificate of alimony debt is confirmed by a unique electronic signature of a civil servant. The certificate has a certain expiration date, since a citizen can pay the debt at any time. Usually the document is valid for about a month.
Other documents
In addition to the above certificates, you can order a certificate of non-receipt of alimony through the "Gosuslugi". It is required when applying for child benefits, to recognize a family as poor and receive benefits. Also, a citizen is required to obtain a document when moving abroad for permanent residence.
A certificate of non-receipt of alimony through the "State Services" can be issued if there are related evidence: alimony agreement and a writ of execution. It is also important to consider that the validity of the official paper is limited. It must be submitted within one month from the date of issue.
A certificate of non-payment of alimony through the "Gosuslugi" is required for a citizen to receive a monthly allowance for a child. This applies to cases when the parent of a minor who is obliged to pay funds evades or hides, does not get in touch. It also happens that a person cannot support a child due to unemployment, or illness and being in a specialized medical institution, or while serving a sentence by a court decision.
Production time
Certificate of alimony through the "Gosuslugi" is issued after five working days.