How do i get my child on a 504 plan
Steps for Getting a 504 Plan for Your Child
For a child who is having trouble in school, a 504 plan can offer a lot of support. The plan can put in place changes to how your child is taught, like frequent breaks or audiobooks. 504 plans are great for kids who don’t need but who do need support to learn.
How do you get your child a 504 plan? Many kids get a 504 plan after they are found not eligible for an IEP. When this happens, the school usually proposes the plan. Other times, though, families ask the school for a 504 plan. If that’s you, here are seven steps to get your child a 504 plan.
1. Document your child’s needs.
Your child must have a legal to get a 504 plan. (Kids who learn or think differently generally do.) Start by gathering any documents about your child’s needs, like any records of a medical diagnosis. Other things to gather are schoolwork, report cards, and private evaluations. It can be helpful to organize these papers in a binder.
2. Find out who the school’s 504 coordinator is.
This person may also be the IEP coordinator. Check the school website for the coordinator’s name and contact information. If you can’t find it, ask the principal.
3. Write a formal request for a 504 plan.
It’s a good idea to make a formal written request for a 504 plan. In your request, be specific about why you’re asking for the plan. For example, you might say: “I would like a 504 plan for my child who, due to , needs frequent breaks throughout the day to be able to learn like his peers.”
Use this letter template to request a 504 plan. Copy and paste the text. Then customize with details about your child. (This letter was adapted from The Everything Parent’s Guide to Special Education [Adams Media, 2014]).
Use this letter template to request a 504 plan.
opens in a new tab4. Follow up on your request.
The 504 coordinator should respond right away. However, you can keep things on track by following up by email or phone after a few days.
5. Go through the 504 plan evaluation process.
An evaluation for a 504 plan isn’t always as comprehensive as one for an IEP. But the school will still want to review your child’s schoolwork, medical records, and other documents. The school will also want to talk with and observe your child, as well as interview you, your child’s teacher, and other school staff.
6. Meet with the school to see if your child qualifies.
After the evaluation, the school will most likely meet with you to decide if your child qualifies. You can also ask for this meeting if the school doesn’t schedule it. If your child qualifies, you’ll move to the next step. If not, it may be time to look at your options for 504 plan dispute resolution.
7. Work together to create the 504 plan.
Once your child qualifies for a 504 plan, the school will work with you to create the plan. A written 504 plan isn’t required. But most schools will create one. Download a sample 504 plan to see what it might look like. And get tips for developing a good 504 plan.
Keep in mind that another way to get a 504 plan is through the standard IEP process. If you aren’t sure whether your child needs an IEP or a 504 plan, it may be best to request an evaluation for an IEP.
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What Is A 504 Plan And How Do You Get One For Your Child?
What’s inside this article: Information regarding what a 504 plan is, the difference between 504 plans and IEPs, how to decide if your child needs one, and what steps you need to take to get a 504 plan for your child.
In some public schools in the United States, anywhere from 20 to 30 percent of students have 504 plans.
Have you wondered whether or not your child could benefit from this kind of support? Are you confused about what 504 plans are or the kinds of accommodations they offer?
If so, read on to learn more, including the steps you need to take to get a 504 plan for your child.
What Is a 504 Plan?
A 504 plan is a formal plan developed for children with special needs or specific learning challenges. It ensures they get the support and accommodations they need while at school.
504 plans are available to any student whose needs limit their daily activities or affect their school performance.
In addition to accommodating students and giving them the tools they need to succeed, 504 plans also prevent discrimination. They protect students with disabilities and are covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which is a civil rights law that was passed in 1973.
This also means a 504 plan is a legal document that your child’s school is required to follow.
Example 504 Plan Accommodations
504 Plans can include an array of accommodations depending on the child’s unique needs. The following are just a few examples:
- A quiet, interruption-free environment for taking tests and quizzes
- More frequent check-ins from the teacher to ensure they’re understanding key concepts taught in class
- Changes in the way curricula are presented, such as listening to audiobooks instead of reading written text or offering oral exams instead of written ones
- Separate sets of books/supplies to combat contamination fears
- Opportunities to leave class early to avoid crowded hallways and minimize social anxiety
For more ideas and examples, read: 50+ Student Accommodation Ideas to Help Kids Succeed at School
It’s important to note that students who receive 504 plans are still learning the same material as their peers. The content of their education doesn’t change, only the way they go about learning it.
504 plans simply eliminate barriers and create a more equal playing field for all students to thrive.
504 Plans vs. IEPs
A 504 plan is different from an Individualized Education Program (or IEP for short).
They’re both created with the goal of helping students to thrive in school, and they’re both available at no cost to the child’s family. However, IEPs are part of special education, and 504 plans are not.
There are also different requirements for students to receive IEPs compared to 504 plans.
For example, to qualify for an IEP, a child has to have at least one of the 13 disabilities that are listed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (or IDEA). This list includes Specific Learning Disabilities, ADHD, autism, speech and language impairments, deafness, and orthopedic impairments.
504 plans, on the other hand, are available to any child with special needs or challenges that interfere with their ability to learn at school .
Because the definition of a disability is broader in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, some children who don’t qualify for IEPs can still get help through a 504 plan.
How to Get a 504 Plan
If you think your child will benefit from a 504 plan, here are some steps you can take to ensure they get the help they need:
How to Get a 504 Plan
- Gather Documentation
For your child to receive a 504 plan, they must have a documented condition or disability.
To begin the process of getting their plan and accommodations, you’ll need to gather records that verify this. This includes doctor’s notes, medical records, and records from private evaluations. Schoolwork, report cards, and notes or recommendations from teachers can be helpful, too.
- Reach Out to the School’s 504 Coordinator
Every public school in the United States has a designated staff member who’s responsible for handling 504 plans.
They will be instrumental in helping your child get the accommodations they need.
Reach out to the 504 coordinator for your child’s school district and let them know that you want to begin the process of getting a 504 plan.
You can typically find this person’s contact information on the school district’s website, or you can ask your child’s teacher or the school principal.
- Write a Formal Request
To get a 504 plan, you’ll need to write a formal request letter. Your letter doesn’t have to be long or elaborate. However, it should be specific and make it clear why you’re requesting a plan for your child.
Include information about your child’s needs, and how you would like to see them accommodated to support their learning.
For example, let’s say your child has been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder. You might mention in your letter that they need to have opportunities to talk to the teacher one-on-one to show they’re retaining information, rather than being called on to speak in front of the entire class.
- Follow Up If Needed
Ideally, you’ll hear back right away from the school district’s 504 coordinator after submitting your request.
If you don’t receive any kind of response within a few days, though, you may need to follow up with a phone call or additional request. - Prepare for the Evaluation Process
Technically, your child does not need a formal evaluation to receive a 504 plan. However, the 504 coordinator will likely want to do some assessing of their own before approving your request.
They might want to talk to your child’s teacher, observe them in class, or review their classwork work.
- Arrange a Meeting with the School
After the evaluation, the 504 coordinator will likely want to meet with you to discuss your child’s needs in more depth and let you know if they think a 504 plan is the right solution to their learning challenges.
This is a good opportunity for you to ask additional questions about what the plan entails or how the school is going to support your child.
Make a list of questions you have, and accommodation ideas you think will benefit your child so you don’t forget anything important at the meeting.
It can feel overwhelming sitting around a table with the school staff, especially if your child regularly encounters behavior challenges. You can bring an advocate with you, if you feel like you need one to help you in advocating for your child.
- Collaborate and Create a Plan
Finally, you’ll collaborate with the 504 coordinator, your child’s teacher, and other representatives from the school to create a plan that centers your child and accommodates their needs.
Every 504 plan is unique and tailored to the child’s individual needs. However, if you’re unsure of where to start, there are plenty of templates available online that you can reference.
You can also reach out and speak with a Special Education Advocate, and your child’s doctor or therapist will likely have recommendations as well.
Get Help for Your Child Today
Do you want to move forward with pursuing a 504 plan for your child? You can begin this process at any time throughout the school year.
Follow the steps outlined above so you can feel confident while advocating for them and getting the accommodations they need.
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School parents, college students and students must adjust to the rapidly evolving coronavirus situation.
In such uncertain conditions, the most reasonable solution in the educational sphere would be to abandon the incomprehensible experiments with e-education on children and extend the holidays and the school year.
Perhaps e-education is suitable for some of the parents, some courses can be used for self-study of children. But what about those who do not want to “voluntarily-compulsorily” use electronic innovations? nine0003
We have prepared material on the transition to an Individualized Education Plan, hereinafter IEP, which can help avoid e-learning. In this case, you need to focus on the quarantine measures that are being taken in your region and the local acts of the school in which the child is enrolled.
As previously reported, the parents' choice of the proposed electronic novelties is purely voluntary and there is an opportunity to study at home during the quarantine period and in the traditional way. nine0003
As an option for formalizing relations with the school, one can consider an individual curriculum (IEP) - this is the development of a school educational program by a child, but taking into account his individual needs and interests.
Often, many schools use the opportunity to transfer to IEP rather one-sidedly, offering parents of children “put on a pencil” due to poor progress, to transfer to adapted education, i.e. the most simplified school programs. nine0003
Yes, this is also an IEP, but not our version.
So that you do not change the adapted program for the child, automatically writing him down as “lagging behind”, and you yourself do not automatically turn into an “irresponsible parent”, do not agree to write applications for passing various kinds of psychological and pedagogical commissions on the basis of Article 42 of the Federal Law-273 " On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter FZ-273). For a regular transfer to IEP, when there are no non-certifications for the year and the child is studying, only an application from the parents is required. (For a full understanding of Art. 42, see). nine0003
Another nuance here is that children with disabilities, disabled children (here a medical commission is required under Art. 42), children in need of long-term treatment can study under the IEP.
Paragraph 23 of Article 2 of Federal Law-273 defines that an individual curriculum is a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content , taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student . The right of students to study according to the IEP is enshrined in clause 3 of part 1 of Art. 34 FZ-273, and the implementation of the right to IEP is carried out within the framework of the mastered program implemented in a particular school.
It is important to remember that every student is provided with the right to IEP training. This is one of the options for possible training outside the persistently offered electronic distance.
The order of training for IEP is established by the local act of each school independently. The requirements for the curriculum, including the IEP, are established by Article 2 of the Federal Law-273, namely, the curriculum is a document that determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, other types of educational activities and forms of intermediate certification of students. All of the listed features of the curriculum should be reflected in the formation of the IEP. The IEP is compiled on the basis of the curriculum of the school where your child is studying as the main mechanism for implementing the educational program and comply with SanPiNov standards. nine0003
That. children who: study well, are highly motivated to study, study under a pre-profile or profile program, under a program with in-depth study of subjects, and also for other reasons determined by school . (In our realities, we will refer to the epidemiological situation of the coronavirus, and to the educational needs of a particular child).
And if it is required to compile an IEP for such children (and not transfer to an adapted educational program), then this, to put it mildly, does not please the school, because. it will be necessary to organize training for each child in accordance with his interests without fail, coordinating with the parents. nine0003
Parents must control the fulfillment of the child's tasks, the recommendations of subject teachers, follow the class schedule, etc. The child always has the opportunity to clarify incomprehensible points from the subject teacher of his school.
The positive possibilities of IEP are that when studying at IEP, you can switch to any individual subjects, and not to all subjects at once, and the school load is distributed by the school in accordance with the norms of SanPiN at the rate of one school week, which will save the child from an excessive number of various kinds of tasks and studying issues on their own. - So, if a child needs more physics, Russian or something else, then you can draw up an IEP with an emphasis on specific subjects (that’s why it’s an “individual” plan), and in schools with a profile or in-depth study, ask them to pay attention to the right subjects , keep up with the program and ensure the proper level of education. In other subjects, you can safely continue to study within the framework of the general education program, i.e. "bases" according to textbooks. You can master subjects in blocks or courses and in one volume or another; - This option provides an excellent opportunity to quickly pass certain subjects. - For example, physical education at home can be "engaged" by completing certain tasks (usually written ones) in accordance with the teacher's recommendations. The same can be extended to other subjects: life safety, music, fine arts, thus making the emphasis on the main subjects in these conditions, reducing the load on the child and ensuring his development. And if parents feel that in some subjects they can teach on their own, this is also an option.
This is also a great opportunity to organize the education of children using traditional paper textbooks, and various kinds of electronic resources - only in accordance with the norms of SanPiNs. (So, if the school suddenly inclines to the use of various kinds of distance courses or sites, video communication, then you can point to the prevention of excess use of computers during the learning process ) .
Considering the current situation as much as possible and observing preventive measures, as well as taking into account the fact that our teachers are also people and they were also put in a very difficult situation, we would recommend that when switching to IEP, we talk about part-time or part-time education for your child. - This form of education makes it possible to attend school, if it is allowed in the region under certain conditions, and, at the same time, limits the dangers and threats in the realities of the epidemiological situation, does not put either parents or the school in a “hard” framework. nine0003
The IEP includes: a list of subjects, the sequence of their development, compulsory and optional parts of training, the number of hours for studying the subject, course, forms of intermediate certification.
The school should develop a local act that will determine the features and procedure for teaching IEP at school, and the school administration will have to report to the education authorities indicating the reason and period for the transition to IEP.
At the request of the parents, a decision is made by the pedagogical council of the school, a schedule of classes, consultations is drawn up, agreed in writing with the parents / legal representatives and approved by the school management. A register of IEP training is maintained. nine0003
Important : in the context of education modernization, if you switch to IEP, there may be attempts to replace a subject teacher who teaches with a tutor who accompanies the learning process and gives recommendations.
If tutors have already appeared in your schools, and you do not need this, then it is better to avoid such help, because. in the process of teaching a child, the role of a teacher may be replaced by the role of a tutor, and even when switching to IEP, you yourself will not notice how you teach children on your own, even if you do not have the time and knowledge, and the tutor will only check your work, checking how you taught and give advice. nine0003
Parents who are offered distance learning/e-learning can write an appeal to the school in which the parents record the refusal of distance learning/e-learning and ask for a transfer to the IEP.
Appeal and Application for IEP can be submitted through the websites of schools, asking them to register and send incoming numbers.
If you submit in paper form, then you need to make two copies in advance and make sure that the number of the incoming one is put on your copy. nine0003
If you decide that you need an Application, then first you submit it for registration / send it through the school website, and then the application for the IEP itself. We write to the director on our own behalf, preferably with a phone number so that you can be contacted on this issue promptly.
Dear (name of director)
I, the full name of the parent / legal representative, being the legal representative of my child, a student of __ ____ class, GBOU No. ___, was asked to sign an application / register on certain electronic educational resources and transfer my child to e-learning and the use of distance learning technologies.
nine0073 I inform you that in accordance with paragraphs 1, 3 of Article 44 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, I refuse to accept the above proposal of the school to transfer to electronic education and distance learning technologies.
Coercion to register on any information resources in electronic form or use electronic education leads to a violation of the norms of the current federal legislation: to coercion to receive public services in electronic form, to the illegal collection of information / information about the private life of a child and / or members of his family and to the dissemination of such information, to the violation of the constitutional rights of Art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which cannot be infringed by any federal laws, incl. in the event of a state of emergency (part 3 of article 56 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). nine0022
Sincerely, Name of parent/legal guardian
Date: Signature:
I, the full name of the parent / legal representative, being the legal representative of my child, student of __ ____ class, GBOU No. ___, I ask you to transfer (full name) to an individual curriculum for the period of restrictive measures due to the spread of coronavirus infection from (specify a clear period) and organize the learning process according to IEP in accordance with the norms of SanPiNov, guaranteeing health protection. nine0076
Transfer to training according to the individual curriculum according to the program
(choose the appropriate name for your child below depending on the class)
elementary general education (grades 1-4), basic general education (grades 5-9), secondary general education (grades 10-11) is associated with the individualization of the organization of the learning process in accordance with the interests and capabilities of the child, in order to develop his creative and cognitive potential, in order to ensure the receipt and organization of the learning process and the development of the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, in connection with the introduction of restrictive and preventive measures to counter the coronavirus pandemic, as well as on the grounds specified in the Application dated (indicate the date of submission of the application above and its registration number, if any, and if you submitted it, if not, then we remove the phrase about the appeal). nine0076
When organizing the learning process according to an individual curriculum, I ask you to provide for possible adjustments depending on the circumstances and measures taken to counter the spread of coronavirus infection, and transfer my child to part-time / part-time (we choose what suits you best, taking into account the situation in the region) form of study for the period from (specify the dates). nine0076
I ask you to organize training according to an individual curriculum in subjects: ...
- ... (which are of primary interest).
- ... "for in-depth study" ... (for special schools with in-depth or specialized education).
In other subjects, I ask you to organize training within the framework of the general education program. nine0076
In cases of prolongation of measures to counteract the spread of coronavirus infection and the related inability of my child to attend an educational organization for reasons beyond my control, I ask you to extend the training according to the individual curriculum for (full name of the child) for the period of such events.
Date: Signature:
You should get acquainted with the local act of the school on an individual curriculum, discuss the details with school employees, discuss possible options for obtaining assignments and interacting with subject teachers.
The situation may differ in different regions and schools. Study the content of the region's regulation on quarantine and the school's local acts on distance learning, part-time education, or IEP.
However, it is possible that for the quarantine period, it will be easier for parents to limit themselves to a brief written request “to allow homeschooling without the use of e-education.” In such cases, the teacher will send the assignment (links to assignments for paper textbooks or materials for printing) in an accessible way (mail, VK) and consult by phone. Discuss this issue at school. nine0003
It is also relevant to raise the issue of postponing vacations and extending the school year to the leadership of the school, the region and the Ministry of Education in order to ensure full-time education in order to fully master the programs for children and preserve their health. Moreover, you can return to this issue at any time during the quarantine. Perhaps the first week of “distance learning” will create chaos (the first complaints against the organization have already begun), which will provide additional arguments for parents to appeal to the authorities. nine0003
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What to play during the New Year holidays - DDoS-Guard on
New Year holidays are coming - time to have fun and relieve stress from a long working run. We found out from colleagues what video games they plan to spend the whole weekend playing, and we are sharing a festive selection.
2022 in games
The outgoing year was not too rich in big game releases - the forced downtime in production due to the COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting. Nevertheless, several significant titles have come out and they deservedly received their awards.
According to the industry's largest award, The Game Awards, the best games of 2022 are:
- Elden Ring.
Action-RPG in the open world from the developers of the cult series Dark Souls - Game of the Year, Best Art Direction.
- God Of War: Ragnarok . A new chapter in the acclaimed game series with Scandinavian mythological flavor - Best Screenplay, Best Soundtrack. nine0251
- Bayonetta 3 . The long-awaited (for 8 years!) new part of the fighting witch franchise is the Best Action Game.
These games, of course, were also included in the New Year's list of DDoS-Guard employees. But most of the positions in it are occupied by both old, time-tested masterpieces and very exotic options.
So, what are our colleagues looking for in video games?
Calm and regularity
nine0242During the festive period, you want to relax and change the situation, escape from reality in search of peace. Our UX / UI designer Maria, for this purpose, is going to deliberately regress and play the already well-known fourth part of The Sims :
100% of all free days on the New Year holidays I will play The Sims 4.
The New Year holidays and winter time immerse me in a carefree childhood when I was still at school and I had holidays. There is snow outside the window, and I, wrapped in a blanket, fulfill my dreams in a life simulator. It's a tradition for me to surround myself with childhood memories and find peace and security for at least a week. nine0003
The Sims 4 came out in 2014. As in the previous parts of the life simulator, the player creates characters, equips them with a house and manages relationships with the outside world.
Our technical writer Anton also intends to create a soothing winter atmosphere, who will try to finish the seemingly endless game Death Stranding .
In this game, you work as a courier in a post-apocalyptic world who delivers parcels with valuable and significant cargo to shelters where people have taken refuge. You are also restoring the local Internet 3.0, the chiral connection, building roads, and thus helping to rebuild the lost connections both symbolically and in a literal logistical sense.
80% of the time in Death Stranding is just walking with a load on your back, often over rough terrain, over mountains. This has a strangely calming effect, although from the outside it may seem that it is boring. The main thing is the feeling that your actions are not in vain, that you really bring (literally) benefit to people's homes. nine0003
Technical writer Valeria is also going to create a festive mood through the most direct (and not so) gaming associations:
I will play those games where there is snow, atmosphere and New Year's mood: for me it is Skyrim - I really like the sound design in the game: from the soundtracks of Jeremy Soule to songs about Ragnar the Red. Another good one is Syberia , my favorite character is Oscar the robot machinist. I will also include in this list both parts Dishonored ;I don't know why, but they make me feel like Christmas.
Syberia (2002) is the first part of a series of classic quests set in an alternate reality with steampunk elements. Dishonored's immersive sim duology was released in 2012 and 2016, and the series has been repeatedly praised for its stunning visual aesthetic.
Planning and development
The most popular category of games among DDoS-Guard employees turned out to be strategies and similar titles in which planning, extraction of various resources and control of a large system play an important role. You can probably consider this a professional deformation of IT specialists, but you can evaluate it like this - the brain requires confidence in the future, feels comfortable when it has built, planned and maintains something. Let this be the system of pixels on the screen. nine0003
Product Manager Yaroslav is preparing to manage the crew of his own space station at Space Station 14 . The game has not yet been officially released, but its early build has been in the public domain since 2020.
Events in the game are randomly generated, the task is to cope with the chaos, survive until the end of the shift and evacuate the crew. The task is very difficult, as random invasions of diseases, zombie viruses, giant mice, spiders, xenomorphs, syndicates or a rebellion within the team will interfere. Excellent management simulator - 13/10. nine0003
Space Station 14 is inspired by the classic Space Station 13.
Alexey, an engineer from the Web Application Security team, prefers Space Station 13 and describes it like this:
Simulator of not completely burnt out engineers, scientists not fully brought to the end, botanists not allowed to fertilize and other wonderful people trying to coexist on the space station and not break it by the end of the work shift.
nine0276In addition, Aleksey advises such "bagels" as Darkest Dungeon and Loop Hero , noting good replayability and variability. And he advises to inspect the last passing weekend, looking at the minimalistic Vampire Survivors , with its almost contemplative gameplay.
Two recently released strategies at once in radically different settings are going to be played during the New Year holidays Product Owner Dmitry:
Victoria 3 (2022) - The game covers world history from 1836 to 1936 and allows the player to control the selected country during this time period. The game focuses on politics and demographics, with gameplay focusing on appeasing populations. They have many interests and different ideologies.
- IXION (2022) - The player will take on the role of the leader of the large-scale space station Tiqqun, and his task will be to find a new home for humanity. A station moving through space will require constant maintenance and new resources, and the need to manage and control the flight path will add to the difficulties. nine0251
Another interesting strategy option (along with tactics and role-playing) was proposed by our developer Ilya:
The Banner Saga 1-3 parts (2014-2018).
The game is too underestimated by the gaming community, none of my friends have played it, but I will continue to stomp for its distribution.
Great plot, Celtic-Norwegian theme, characters you care about and save to help them
- Turn-based strategy (hexes)
- Resource management
- Decision making
- Advanced lore
Classical breath
Why play new games when there are good old ones? Okay, that's not entirely true, but still. Although the gaming industry is young, in 25 years of conscious life it has generated a huge number of world-class hits and little-known masterpieces. If you played them as a kid, it's always nice to get back to the old feel (and also marvel at how great the graphics looked back then). If not, it's still an interesting historical digression into how good game design was understood in the classical era at the dawn of the industry.
Account manager Ilya plans to play two good old games for the New Year holidays:
nine0002 The most radical plan for condescension into the past was proposed by our commercial director Dmitry:
- Diablo 2 , with the Underworld mod or The Grapes of Wrath. Both mods are good, but Underworld almost completely changes the game. For example, the necromancer now summons crowds of shadows and other summoners instead of skeletons and golems, and is also able to transform into a death knight with Über protection and incredible damage. Mobs and locations have also undergone a total overhaul. Otherwise, it's still the same hack&slash. You turn it on and relax, destroying Evil in any of its manifestations. nine0251
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003). The game takes place in the Star Wars Expanded Universe nearly 4,000 years before the events of the films. You will play as a Republican pilot, who later becomes a Jedi. During the game, there will be an opportunity to run around the famous places: Tatooine, Yavin, Kashyyyk, Dantooine, etc.
A great RPG with a rich storyline and well-developed characters.
Step one, play a modern version of the old strategy game Master of Orion :
The Wargaming version turned out to be very atmospheric and just like the original MoO But it completely loses the sense of time :D
Step two, play the original Starcraft from 1998 on that legendary Big Game Hunters map. nine0003
Step three, play with a tambourine really old games from 30 years ago!
Streets of Rage 3/4, Golden Ax 3, Rock'n'roll racing / Contra hard corps will go well with beer (the latter via the Gens Sega emulator with multiplayer support).
New sensations
Several staff members sent in such interesting ideas for what they would play that they had to be separated into a separate category.
Learning new things, discovering unusual narrative formats, unusual atmospheres and non-trivial game mechanics - all this is very useful and expands the personal experience of perception. nine0003
Pathologic 2 is a remake of the 2005 cult art game Pathologic (aka Pestilence: Utopia) from Ice Pick Lodge, one of the strangest products ever created by the domestic industry.
For 17 years, the original version of Pathologic has acquired a gigantic fan base and a thousand memes, so a lot of people were waiting for a remake of the existential parable. Unfortunately, due to development difficulties (only one of the three storylines is still ready) and the almost complete lack of PR, release in 2019year passed unnoticed by a wide audience. And yet - the doors of this amazing adventure are already open for everyone. Our front-ender Yana definitely recommends Pathologic 2 :
Russian developers again, and this is felt in the level design and not only.
A very relevant game after 2020, you play as a doctor, rummage around the trash cans in search of bottles, buy different white powders from children, drown out hunger with lemons, try not to die and save at least someone. nine0003
The game hurts, does not lead you by the hand and even directly mocks you - there is a charismatic type among the characters who loves to tell the player where and how he made a mistake. Pathologic 2 immerses in the story as much as possible, gives real emotions and does not make the player a superman who saves the whole world, as is usually the case. The plot seriously touches on the themes of choice, death, opposition to religion and those. progress, in general, everyone can find something of their own. The characters are alive, dark and tired. Adding to the atmosphere is amazing music. nine0003
Support Presales Manager Igor noted another delightful piece of gaming arthouse. The Outer Wilds was released in 2019 and was a little lost against the background of its more mainstream almost complete namesake The Outer Worlds and Disco Elysium that overshadowed everyone that year.
The protagonist in Outer Wilds is a resident of the planet Timber Hearth in a small solar system similar to ours.
In essence, we are playing a space archaeologist who is free to decide which part of the solar system to explore. It functions like a real one, all objects revolve around the sun or each other. The protagonist is the first astronaut who will use the latest device to translate the texts of the ancient Nomai race, which used to live in this solar system. Of course, the ancient race has its own secrets, which, with the help of a map of clues and deduction, can and should be unraveled. That is why the game suffers from spoilers so much, it is all built on knowledge. nine0003
Knowing all the information and the necessary clues, you can go through in 20 minutes, but I left about 20 hours in it. And it was the most atmospheric, comfortable and, in a sense, philosophical adventure. One can of course wonder why I should replay the game if I already know everything? It's a good question, probably to go back and look around again, sit by the fire with other characters, listen to their music and eat marshmallows.
I think it's perfect for Christmas. nine0003
Igor told about another unusual game — Eastward (2021):
This indie game is probably the least known of them all, with insanely beautiful pixel art and a touching story.
I started it a couple of days ago, but judging by the number of chapters, I will play it on holidays too. The batch is like this: some kind of catastrophe happened on earth. Civilization, although preserved in some large cities, but many things are destroyed. And a certain miasma appears between the cities, which destroys everything in its path. We play as a duet of characters: the silent miner John and the little girl Sam, whom he found during excavations in the cryochamber. The gameplay is something similar to the old Zelda games, but with more emphasis on communication with the characters and the overall story. Sam's dialogue is always super-cute and her character is really written like a real child, who is curious and interested in everything (even if she is in mortal danger).
I chose her too because of the cozy atmosphere and the warmth between the characters, which is perfect for the holidays. nine0003
Among other games that DDoS-Guard employees are going to play:
- indie game of the year Stray about a cat in the land of robots
- Japanese Narrative Giant Persona 5 Royal
- art house visual novel Athanasy
- cyborg philosophical thriller Nier: Automata
- tactical shooter Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
- Corporate Ale Gnome Shooter Deep Rock Galactic
- space horror Callisto Protocol
- more space strategy Stellaris
- is the legendary western Red Dead Redemption II , which achieved such accuracy in the details of the era that the American University of Tennessee decided to include this game in its history course.