How do i get an abortion
Where Can I Get an In-Clinic Abortion?
In This Section
- In-Clinic Abortion
- What happens during an in-clinic abortion?
- What can I expect after an in-clinic abortion?
- How safe is an in-clinic abortion?
- How do I get an in-clinic abortion?
You can get an abortion from a doctor, abortion clinic, or Planned Parenthood health center. You may be able to get your abortion for free or at low cost.
Where can I get an in-clinic abortion?
You can get an in-clinic abortion at many Planned Parenthood health centers. Our caring doctors and nurses are experts at providing safe abortion and providing support throughout the process. You can also get an abortion from some private doctors or gynecologists, family planning clinics, and abortion clinics. Even if your local Planned Parenthood health center doesn't provide abortion services, you can call for more information about where to get an abortion. You can also visit
Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions if you’re 17 years old or younger, or waiting periods to get an abortion. You can ask about these when you call to make your appointment. All abortions are very safe, but it may be harder to find a health care provider who will do an abortion after the 12th week of pregnancy, so it’s best to try to have your abortion as soon as possible.
When you’re looking for a place to get an abortion, beware of “crisis pregnancy centers.” These are places that seem like normal medical centers, but they don't provide abortion or a full range of health care — they're actually run by people who want to scare or shame people out of getting an abortion. They often give you false or misleading information about pregnancy, abortion, and birth control, and they usually don't have to follow privacy laws. Your local Planned Parenthood health center or can help you find a trustworthy abortion provider in your area.
How much does an abortion cost?
An in-clinic abortion can cost up to around $800 in the first trimester, but it’s often less. The average cost of a first trimester in-clinic abortion at Planned Parenthood is about $600. The cost of a second trimester abortion at Planned Parenthood varies depending on how many weeks pregnant you are. The average ranges from about $715 earlier in the second trimester to $1,500-2,000 later in the second trimester.
The cost of abortion can vary depending on the state or health center where you get care and whether you can use health insurance (private or government insurance). Your nearest Planned Parenthood health center can give you more information about the cost and funds that might be available to help you pay for your abortion.
Some things to know:
- The professionals at Planned Parenthood will work to get you the services you need, whether or not you have insurance. Contact your nearest health center for more information on costs and whether financial and logistical assistance may be available.
- Your abortion may be free or low-cost with health insurance. Some insurance plans don’t cover abortions. You can call your insurance provider directly to find out their policies.
- Some government health insurance plans (like Medicaid) in certain states cover abortion, while others don’t. Some plans only cover abortion in certain cases.
You may be able to have some or all of the cost of your abortion covered by your health insurance, depeding on your plan and where you get your abortion. Call your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to find out if your insurance can help lower the cost of your abortion. Our staff can also let you know if there is financial assistance available for your abortion and other related costs, like transportation.
Some government health insurance plans (like Medicaid) in certain states cover abortion, while others don’t. Some plans only cover abortion in certain cases.
Abortion funds may also be able to help you pay for your abortion. Abortion funds may also offer help with transportation, lodging, childcare, and other resources you may need to access abortion. The National Network of Abortion Funds connects people with organizations that can provide financial and logistical support for people getting abortions in the U.S. Just keep in mind that you need to already have an appointment scheduled in order to search for funding.
If you’re worried about cost, call your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to learn about options for getting health care that you can afford.
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Where Can I Get The Abortion Pill & How Much Will It Cost?
In This Section
- The Abortion Pill
- How does the abortion pill work?
- What can I expect after I take the abortion pill?
- How do I use the abortion pill?
- How safe is the abortion pill?
- How do I get the abortion pill?
- How much does the abortion pill cost?
You can get the abortion pill from a doctor, nurse, health clinic, or Planned Parenthood health center. You may be able to get the abortion pill for free or low cost.
Where can I get the abortion pill?
You can get medication abortion (AKA abortion pills) from many Planned Parenthood health centers. Our caring doctors and nurses are experts at providing safe abortion and non-judgmental support throughout the process. You can also get an abortion pills from some private doctors or gynecologists, family planning clinics, and abortion clinics. Even if your local Planned Parenthood health center doesn't provide abortion pills, you can call for more information about where to get them. You can also visit
Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions if you’re 17 years old or younger, or waiting periods to get an abortion. You can ask about these when you call your doctor or your nearest Planned Parenthood health center.
When you’re looking for a place to get an abortion, beware of “crisis pregnancy centers.” These are places that seem like normal medical centers, but they don't provide abortion or a full range of health care — they're actually run by people who want to scare or shame people out of getting an abortion. They often give you false or misleading information about pregnancy, abortion, and birth control, and they usually don't have to follow privacy laws. Your local Planned Parenthood health center or can help you find a trustworthy abortion provider in your area.
In some states, you can do your visit online (AKA telehealth) and get your abortion pills mailed to you.
At this time, only some Planned Parenthood health centers are able to offer telehealth for the abortion pill (where the pills are mailed to you or you pick them up at your local pharmacy). The best way to learn about the services available in your area is to call your nearest Planned Parenthood health center. Below is a list of Planned Parenthood affiliates that currently offer virtual visits for the abortion pill. In order to have the pills mailed to you, you must have an address where you can receive the pills in one of the states listed below:
- Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St.
Louis Region - (IL)
- Planned Parenthood Keystone - (PA)
- Planned Parenthood of Maryland
- Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC Inc. (DC, MD, VA)
- Planned Parenthood of Montana
- Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (MA)
- Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (VA)
- Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (NV, NM, CO)
- Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai'i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky (WA, HI)
- Planned Parenthood North Central States (MN)
- Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (OR)
Contact your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to see if this is an option for you.
What’s a self-managed abortion?
Finding and taking abortion pills to end a pregnancy without the help of a doctor or nurse is called “self-managed abortion” (which some people call an “at-home abortion”). Research shows that self-managing an abortion with abortion pills (mifepristone and/or misoprostol) can be safe and effective. This is especially true for people who:
- Usually have regular periods, are fairly sure of the first day of their last period, and are less than 10 weeks from the first day of their last period
- Have access to good information about how to take the pills
- Don’t have medical reasons why they shouldn’t use the pills (like inherited bleeding disorders, heart or kidney disease, still have an IUD in place, or think you have an ectopic pregnancy)
- Could get to urgent care, if needed
As it gets harder for so many people to access abortion due to state laws, more and more people may choose self-managed abortion for lots of different reasons, like because they can’t afford to travel for care.
But, there may be legal risks to buying and using abortion pills outside of the health care system. Repro Legal Helpline has more information about this.
Plan C has more information about the difference between getting an abortion from a doctor or nurse, like the staff at your local Planned Parenthood, and a self-managed abortion, including legal considerations.
After taking abortion pills, it’s normal to have fever, chills, nausea, strong cramping and heavy bleeding for a day. If you’ve used abortion pills and have symptoms that worry you, like soaking more than 2 maxi pads an hour for more than 2 hours in a row, heavy bleeding for several days that causes dizziness, chills, and/or fever lasting more than 24 hours, go to an emergency room. Emergency doctors and nurses can care for you whether or not they know about a self-managed abortion. In fact, the symptoms after taking abortion pills are the same as a miscarriage. That information should make no difference in your treatment.
Remember that if you have any concerns about your health, including any symptoms you’re experiencing during or after an abortion, your local Planned Parenthood is available to help you, even if we didn’t provide your abortion. We can also help you get set up with birth control after an abortion.
If you can't get in touch with a Planned Parenthood health center, but still have questions about a miscarriage or abortion, the Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline is a private and secure phone and text hotline, staffed by medical professionals. They are not affiliated with Planned Parenthood, but they may be able to provide helpful information.
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Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages in Nizhny Novgorod at the Tonus clinic, medical abortion, mini abortion
Termination of pregnancy is an important step in the life of a woman who is going to do this. It is important to think carefully about everything, and also, to choose a clinic where you would like to have an abortion. After you have made up your mind, the question arises, where to have an abortion? Not all clinics are licensed to perform abortions, so if you want to do abortion, clinic , in which it will be performed, must have the appropriate permission.
In our country, at her own request, a woman can have an abortion for up to 12 weeks. There are also various indications for termination of pregnancy. Abortion for social reasons a woman can do up to 22 weeks, for medical - at any stage of pregnancy.
Abortion in this case is performed after determining the indications for it by a gynecologist and related specialists. The reason for termination of pregnancy for medical reasons can be both a serious pathology on the part of the woman and on the part of the fetus. Only a competent and experienced gynecologist will help you decide on the choice of the method of abortion - medical, mini-abortion or surgical.
The best is early termination of pregnancy . Early termination of pregnancy reduces the risk of complications in the future and can be carried out without the use of invasive techniques.
Early termination of pregnancy. Medical abortion
Medical abortion is one of the safest methods and an excellent alternative to surgical abortion. Medical abortion is performed up to 6 weeks of pregnancy. When holding medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages, drugs are used that, by their mechanism of action, inhibit the synthesis of progesterone.
Medical abortion is performed only under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. After medical termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is required to examine the uterine cavity.
Early termination of pregnancy by medical abortion method does not impair the woman's reproductive function. According to many studies, after medical termination of pregnancy, ovulation is restored in the shortest possible time. An additional positive quality of medical abortion is the possibility of its implementation directly on the day of treatment.
Early termination of pregnancy - mini-abortion
Mini-abortion as a method of early termination of pregnancy can be performed from 6 to 12 weeks. The main technique for mini-abortion is vacuum aspiration. The fertilized egg is removed from the uterine cavity using a special electric suction. This option for early termination of pregnancy is more gentle than the standard options for surgical abortion.
We must not forget that the sooner have an abortion , the lower the risk of complications.
The procedure takes about 5 minutes and the woman can go home within a few hours after the procedure. The uterine mucosa, unlike curettage, is slightly injured. A contraindication to abortion in this way is the presence of infection in the acute period. After the mini-abortion, a control ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity is performed.
Where to have an abortion?
Many women (especially young women), in order not to advertise their pregnancy, start looking for options, where to have an abortion . It must be remembered that it is most correct to have an abortion in a clinic, under the supervision of specialists, and not with the help of folk remedies.
An abortion made outside the walls of a medical institution that has the right to perform this manipulation is called criminal. A self-performed abortion by untested means can lead to serious consequences. In this case, a woman risks not only the possibility of having children in the future, but also her health.
Medical abortion
Termination of pregnancy by indications or at the request of a woman for a period of 6 to 12 weeks can be performed by curettage of the uterine cavity. This procedure is a surgical procedure and requires preparation. As with any other operation, all the necessary tests are given. Termination of pregnancy is carried out on an empty stomach, as the woman is given anesthesia.
In the postoperative period during the month you need to refrain from sexual intercourse, do not go to the sauna, bath, bathing in water, it is not recommended to take a bath. All these measures are aimed at preventing infection.
It is also not advisable to overcool, be subjected to excessive stress and physical exertion for some time. It is necessary to give the body a rest, so that in the future there will be no problems with conception.
After the abortion, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. During the appointment, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination with obligatory ultrasound control, as well as select the optimal method of contraception, which will help to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the future, and therefore new abortions. A large number of abortions brings with it a large number of complications that can affect the reproductive potential of a woman.
Psychological support for a woman is also important, both before and after an abortion. The doctor in this case should be not only a competent specialist, but also a sensitive psychologist who can encourage the patient.
A great role is given to conversations with a woman, since she must understand that the doctor is on her side and in no case condemns the perfect act.
Within a month after the abortion, women should monitor their well-being.
If you experience pain, bleeding, fever or other unusual phenomena, you should definitely visit a gynecologist for a comprehensive examination and identify the cause of the symptoms.
Where to have an abortion in Nizhny Novgorod?
Termination of pregnancy in Nizhny Novgorod is performed by experienced specialists at Tonus Medical Center. It is possible to carry out manipulations at various stages of pregnancy. An abortion performed at Tonus Medical Center is a safe procedure carried out by highly qualified doctors who choose an individual approach to each woman and provide reliable medical care.
You can make an appointment at the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology by calling 8 (831) 411-11-22
Pregnancy or abortion - City Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after. BI Alperovich
The statistics are sad: in Russia, out of three pregnancies, only one ends in childbirth. Almost 10% of women of childbearing age have an abortion once a year, and 60% of women terminate their first pregnancy in this way. That is, abortion remains the most common method of "contraception".
Establishing the facts of pregnancy
Pregnancy or delay?
I think it is superfluous to remind you that it is a holy woman's business to follow her monthly cycle. At the slightest uncertainty that you are now ready to save, endure and give birth to a child, in the very first days of a delay in menstruation - run to the doctor. Pregnancy of a teenage girl, which is currently not so rare, is rarely detected before the notorious three months: it happens that the girl has not had regular periods at all or she has not yet got used to keeping a calendar, as adult women do. As a result, hopes that everything will “come” or “dissolve” are not justified.
Of course, if you are not pregnant, everything will work out by itself. What if you are still pregnant? The later you decide to have an abortion, the greater the likelihood of complications. The fact is that most non-surgical methods of abortion are effective only in the early stages, with a delay of several days. But ladies, unfortunately, in such a situation, most often "wait for the weather by the sea" ...
How to establish the fact of pregnancy?
A missed period is not necessarily pregnancy. Nervous tension, lack of sleep, weight loss (whether it's just malnutrition or taking weight loss pills) have the right to affect your cycle. By the way, even in the most healthy woman, when weight is reduced to the minimum, interruptions in menstruation will begin, and then they will stop altogether. Nature is arranged so that in critical situations of a global scale (wars, revolutions), which are necessarily accompanied by stress and hunger, women do not lose blood, and do not become pregnant, and do not give birth.
Will an ultrasound always help?
The only reliable way to determine pregnancy is ultrasound (ultrasound). Ultrasound is one of the most reliable diagnostic methods. However, in the first weeks of delay, he is still not able to reliably “consider” pregnancy, and time is running out.
Establishing pregnancy by hormone levels
"Test strip". This is the simplest of the express pregnancy diagnostic tools you can buy at any pharmacy kiosk. The principle of such a diagnosis is simple - during pregnancy, from the very first day after conception, there is a change in the level of hormones in the woman's blood. The fetal egg (future fetus) produces hormones that enter the bloodstream, and from there into the urine, the test is based on determining the level of one of these hormones (chorionic gonadotropin).
Advice - buy the test in the evening and use it in the morning: in the morning urine, the concentration of the hormone is much higher than during the day.
Laboratory tests. More sophisticated methods for determining pregnancy are based on measuring the level of hormones in a woman's body in a laboratory way. You take an analysis: blood from a vein or urine, and after a while you get the result. In this case, the level of another, more specific hormone, trophoblastic beta-globulin, is usually determined, which gives more reliable information about the timing of a possible pregnancy.
The laboratory method is much more reliable, although more time consuming.
So, pregnancy has been established
You are not going to keep this pregnancy for some reason. What is the first thing a good doctor should tell you?
First, that all sorts of artisanal methods, like sitting in a hot bath with a glass of vodka, are effective only if there was no actual pregnancy. Conclusion: never try to get rid of a pregnancy on your own!
Secondly, about the fact that any, even a well-performed abortion, can lead to negative consequences for the female body: the menstrual cycle can be restored in 3-4 months; in nulliparous, the restoration of all functions can be delayed for up to six months or more;
abortion is the most common cause of gynecological diseases, after an abortion every fifth woman develops them;
abortion disrupts the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, reduces the body's resistance;
a woman subconsciously perceives abortion as violence against her own body - this is psychological stress that can lead to changes in the psyche;
Like any other operation, abortion can cause a number of complications of varying severity.
Thirdly, if all these arguments do not convince you and you still decide to have an abortion, a good doctor should tell you how to act in order to minimize the consequences of an abortion. And he will advise you something like this:
Inform the father of the unborn child about the pregnancy and make a decision together.
Have an abortion as soon as possible (it is safer to terminate a pregnancy before 6 weeks). In general, at the first suspicion of an unplanned pregnancy (delayed menstruation), you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Don't delay - every day is precious.
Depending on your situation, choose the safest method of abortion.
What method is right for you, the doctor will tell you, the purpose of this article is to acquaint a woman with all the possibilities of modern medicine, to acquaint and once again (alas, often not superfluous!) Warn: when determining the method of abortion, you only choose the least of several evils; The choice of a person who really cares about his health is the choice of contraceptives!
Non-surgical abortion
Efficiency of not more than 20%
needle-reflex therapy
Efficiency up to 40% with a small (10-15 days) delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist
Magnetic induction (“Magnetic cap)
based on an artificial disruption of the normal transmission of electrical impulses from the uterus to the brain, causing contractile activity of the uterus and provoking miscarriage
Effectiveness 50% with a delay of no more than 3-5 days, is used only if there are no contraindications
Medical abortion ("French pills") eggs
Efficacy 90-95% up to 42 days late
Surgical abortion
vacuum aspiration (“mini-abortion”)
on pregnancy periods up to 4-5 weeks
Medical abortion
Instrumental removal of the fetal egg with simultaneous wrapping of the uterine cavity
9000 9000for 12 pregnancy periods up to 12 weeks
"Late abortion"
Solutions inducing labor are introduced into the fetal bladder
For periods of more than 12 weeks of pregnancy for special indications
Small Caesarean section
Breeding pregnancy for a long period for medical reasons
Good abortions do not have
, Abortions are usually divided into early (Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy) and later (from 12 to 28 weeks) performed according to special indications. In practice, induced abortion is most often used in early pregnancy. There is also such a thing as a mini-abortion, it is done at an extra early date (from 12 to 25 days of delay).
Methods of termination of pregnancy
Non-surgical methods of termination of pregnancy have a huge advantage over conventional abortion, as they minimize possible complications. There is no penetration of instruments into the uterus, so there are no tears, ruptures or any other mechanical injuries. There are no inflammatory complications and, finally, there are no complications associated with anesthesia. Among the disadvantages are the presence of a number of contraindications and a sharp decrease in effectiveness as the gestational age increases.
But if the deadline is missed, only a classic abortion remains in stock. When choosing a clinic for this operation, it is important to pay attention to the following circumstances: first of all, the clinic must have a license, and the doctor must have a certificate. The operation must be performed under general anesthesia (narcosis). To do it, of course, should be in sterile conditions. It is also highly desirable to conduct a course of antibiotic treatment after an abortion to prevent infection.
Russian legislation on abortion
In pre-revolutionary Russia, abortion was considered a crime, the responsibility for which was borne both by the woman herself and by the person who performed the operation (the woman was threatened with imprisonment in a house of correction, and the doctor was in prison).
After the revolution, the situation changed: By the Decree of the People's Commissariat of Health and the People's Commissariat of Justice of November 16, 1920 On the artificial termination of pregnancy, abortions were legalized.
Then, in 1936, due to the difficult demographic situation, abortion operations were again banned under pain of criminal liability (Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 27, 1936 "On the prohibition of abortion").
On November 23, 1955, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the abolition of the prohibition of abortion", the operation of artificial termination of pregnancy was allowed for all women in the absence of medical contraindications. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 29On November 1956, the Instruction “On the procedure for performing an artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion)” was adopted, which regulated this issue in detail, in 1961 some changes were made to it regarding the issuance of sick leave.
At the same time, the performance of an illegal (criminal) abortion entailed a fairly severe punishment. Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (1960) provided for liability (from 1 to 8 years in prison with deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities) for illegal abortion by a person without a higher medical education and even by a doctor without special training, as well as for abortion outside a specialized medical institution . A number of the Criminal Codes of the Union republics also provided for liability for forcing a woman to have an abortion.
Currently, abortion is officially permitted, but its production is strictly regulated by the Instructions on the procedure for performing an artificial termination of pregnancy (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 242 dated June 11, 1996), the deviation from which entails criminal liability in the form of freedom for up to 5 years with deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities.
Abortion is allowed only in stationary medical institutions specially designed for carrying out such operations, with a gestation period of not more than 12 weeks.
If there are medical or social indications, it is possible to have an abortion even after 12 but up to 22 weeks. Medical indications are considered to be the presence of diseases in a woman that pose a threat to her life and health during pregnancy and childbirth; serious illness in the unborn child.