How do i get a social security award letter for my child
New York State Supplement Program
OTDA Home Programs & Services New York State Supplement Program (SSP)
SSP provides state-funded financial assistance to aged, blind and disabled individuals and is part of the monthly benefit paid to most Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients.
Applying for SSP
You must submit an application for federal SSI benefits to the Social Security Administration (SSA). This serves as your application for SSP benefits. SSA shares this information with New York State, who will determine your eligibility for SSP benefits.
There is no online SSI Application. Please schedule an appointment with a local Social Security office to file an application.
- Social Security Office Locator; or
- Call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday 7 am to 7 pm.
For more information on how to apply for SSI benefits, visit www.
You are eligible for SSP benefits if you:
- Are an adult who is age 65 or older; or are blind or disabled; or are a child under the age of 18 who has a physical or mental impairment; and
- Reside in New York State; and
- Have limited income and resources; and
- Are a citizen or a qualified alien, or otherwise meet citizenship requirements.
Monthly benefit amounts vary depending on a variety of factors including:
- living arrangements,
- income; and
- county of residence.
View Maximum Monthly Benefit Amounts by Year:
- SSI/SSP 2023 Maximum Monthly Benefit Amounts
- SSI/SSP 2022 Maximum Monthly Benefit Amounts
How You Receive Benefits
If you receive both SSI and SSP benefits, you will receive your SSP benefits the same way you chose to receive your SSI benefit.
If you receive SSP benefits but do not receive SSI benefits, you can choose how to receive your benefits. We strongly encourage you to receive benefits through direct deposit, which is safe, fast and convenient.
If you currently have a representative payee for your SSI benefits, that person will also manage your SSP benefits. If you want to change your representative payee, you must contact SSA. If you receive SSP but do not receive SSI benefits, you can assign or change a payee by calling SSP at 1-855-488-0541.
Medicaid Eligibility
If you are eligible for SSP, you will automatically be eligible for Medicaid.
Reporting Changes to Your Case
You must report changes that may impact your benefits. The following reporting requirements apply to all SSP/SSPNA recipients:
Your SSP and SSPNA eligibility as well as benefit amount is based on information received from the Social Security Administration (SSA) as well as information reported to New York State (NYS).
Your failure to report changes and/or to report any changes in a timely manner may result in a possible suspension, discontinuance, or reduction of your benefits. You may also have to repay benefits that you improperly received as a result of not reporting changes as required.
For Individuals Who Receive Both SSI and SSP Benefits:
If you receive both SSI and SSP benefits, you will report your changes to SSA.
Examples of changes that must be reported include, but are not limited to:
- Change of residence and/or mailing address
- Marriage, divorce or separation
- Improvement of a disability
- Income or employment changes
- Change in countable resources that exceed $2000 for an individual or $3000 for an SSI/SSP couple
- Changes in bank account information
- Changes in your payee
- Changes in who you wish to allow to receive information about your benefits
NOTE: You must report any change in your State Living Arrangement directly to NYS SSP, not to the SSA.
A change in living arrangement must be reported to NYS SSP within ten (10) days of the date of the change. Please note that a change in who is in the household must be reported even if your address has not changed. The death of a household member, or changes to who is living in the household are living arrangement changes that must be reported.
For Individuals Who Only Receive SSP Benefits:
If you receive only SSP benefits, you will report your changes directly to NYS SSP.
Examples of changes that must be reported include, but are not limited to:
- Change of residence and/or mailing address
- Marriage, divorce or separation
- Improvement of a disability
- Income or employment changes
- Change in countable resources that exceed $2000 for an individual, or $3000 for an SSI/SSP couple
- Change in living arrangement or household composition, including the death of a household member or changes to who is living in the household.
Please note that a change in who is in the household must be reported even if your address has not changed.
The changes listed above must be reported to NYS SSP within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the change.
You should also tell NYS SSP about the following changes as soon as you know about them:
- Changes in bank account information
- Changes in your payee
- Changes in who you wish to allow to receive information about your benefits
The Following Information Applies To All Recipients:
All applicants and recipients must respond to requests for information and/or documentation made by SSP within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to requests for information may have a negative impact on your benefits.
Where to Report Changes or Provide Requested Information:
You may report changes to SSA by calling 1-800-772-1213 or by visiting your local SSA office in person.
You may report changes to SSP by calling toll free at 1-855-488-0541; OR by fax at: 518-486-3459; OR by email at:; OR by regular mail at:
State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, NY 12201
NOTE: If you receive Social Security Retirement, Survivor’s, or Disability payments and also receive SSP benefits, SSA does not share your federal benefit information or any changes, including address or living arrangement, with SSP and you must report changes directly to SSP.
Complete and send the following forms to tell us about changes to your:
- Living Arrangements - State Living Arrangement Form
- Bank Information - Direct Deposit Enrollment Form
- Direct Deposit Cancellation Form
- Income - Income Verification Form
- Designated Representative – Designated Representative Form
- Rights and Responsibilities of Designated Representatives
Congregate Care facility representatives should report changes, including admissions, discharges, direct deposit bank account information, and income on behalf of residents using the following form:
- Congregate Care - Congregate Care Change Report Form
Where to Return Forms
Completed forms may be mailed to:
NYS OTDA State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, NY 12201
Or may be faxed to: 518-486-3459.
Scanned forms may be emailed to:
How to Get Proof of Your NYS SSP Benefits
New York State Supplement Program (SSP) recipients, their payees and authorized representatives can request an SSP Benefit Verification letter in any of the following ways:
- By calling the SSP Customer Support Center toll free at 1-855-488-0541
- By emailing us at:
- By faxing us at 518-486-3459
- By writing us at:
State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, New York 12201
When emailing, faxing or writing, please include the following information:
- Name
- Last four numbers of your Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Mailing Address
The SSP Benefit Verification letter provides information on current SSP benefits.
Benefit Verification letters are mailed directly to the recipient and/or representative’s address.
Please allow at least 10 business days for the Benefit Verification letter to be received.
Benefits - Verification Requirements - Virginia Department of Social Services
Different programs have different verification requirements. Following are examples of items the agency may need to verify and suggested ways to verify the items. If possible, please give the agency these verifications when you apply. Federal law and regulations require you to provide Social Security numbers for everyone on your application. You must also provide any documents necessary to establish your eligibility. If documents are not available, you must provide the names of individuals or organizations that can verify the information you give on your application.
- Driver's license, alien registration card, voter's registration card, work or school ID, library card
- Social Security cards for everyone
- Birth certificates for all children (if applying for financial or medical assistance for children)
- Leases or mortgage agreements, rent receipts
- Most recent utility and phone bills
- Bills for child care or care for elderly or disabled adults
- Bills for medical expenses
- Child support obligations paid by a member of the household
For SNAP applications, failure to report or verify any of the above expenses will be seen as a statement by the household that it does not want a deduction for the unreported expenses. -
- Most recent account statements for all checking, savings and Christmas club accounts, trust funds and certificates of deposits
- Proof of stocks and bonds
- Copies of burial trusts or burial arrangements, and information about burial funds and plots
- Registration or title for all cars, trucks, vans, motorboats, motor homes/mobile homes, recreational vehicles, motorcycles/mopeds
- Medical insurance policies or medical cards
- Life insurance policies which can be cashed in
- Pay stubs or pay envelopes for this month and last month for everyone working
- Records of tips, bonuses, commissions
- Divorce decrees or support orders
- School budgets or award letters for educational grants or scholarships
- Award letters or notices for Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, unemployment compensation, veteran's benefits, pensions, settlements or any other type of income
Your eligibility worker will tell you if any other verification is needed. If you need help in obtaining or providing any verification, tell your eligibility worker.
The information you provide is subject to full investigation or review by this agency as well as by local, state and federal officials. This may include home visits (with advance notice given for Food Stamp cases), inquiries of employers, financial institutions, medical providers, and any other individual or organization necessary to establish or review your eligibility; and access to agency records. The information that you give may be matched against federal, state and local records including the Virginia Employment Commission and the Department of Motor Vehicles to determine if it is correct, accurate and truthful. In addition, your Social Security number will be used to verify your identity, prevent receipt of benefits from more than one social service agency at the same time and make required program changes.
The Income and Eligibility Verification System will also be used to verify information. This system uses your Social Security number to verify wages and salary, unemployment benefits and unearned income by using records from the Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration. In addition, the Immigration and Naturalization Service will be used to verify the status of immigrants. Any differences between the information you give and these records will be investigated. Information from these records may affect your eligibility and benefit amount.
meet the conditions, collect a package of documents, transfer papers to local authorities
Tamara Skokova
maternity and child protection specialist
Author profile
According to the Ministry of Labor, as of November 2021, 2 million large families lived in Russia, in which 6.6 million children were brought up.
Under certain conditions, many of them may qualify for state awards.
I worked for 17 years in the social protection authorities - this is where the documents of those who apply for awards of various levels arrive. I will tell you what state awards a large family can receive, what is needed for this and what benefits it can bring.
A family with many children
There is no official definition of a large family. Usually this is a family that brings up three or more children. Regions may have different nuances about their age.
In Moscow and the Moscow Region a large family is one in which there are three or more children, including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepdaughters. A family is considered to have many children until the youngest is 16 years old or 18 if he is studying at a school in a general education program.
cl. 1 art. 2 laws on social support for families with children in Moscow
In St. Petersburg , families with three or more children have the status of a large family, including adopted children and those who are under guardianship or guardianship under the age of 18.
Art. 1 of the Social Code of St. Petersburg
In the Leningrad Region , a family with three or more children, including adults under the age of 23, who study, for example, at a technical school or institute in a full-time department, is considered a large family.
Art. 1.3 of the Social Code of the Leningrad Region
In the Belgorod Region , families with three or more children under the age of 18, as well as students of educational organizations of all levels at the full-time department aged 18 to 23 years, receive the status of a large family.
Art. 63 of the Social Code of the Belgorod Region
Large families can apply for state awards, which I will talk about later. However, first you need to get the status of a large family. How to do this, read in T-Z.
What state awards parents with many children can receive
The highest form of encouragement for citizens of the Russian Federation for merits in various fields is state awards.
Parents with many children can apply for the Order of Parental Glory and the medal of the Order of Parental Glory. In the first case, it is necessary to adequately raise at least seven children, in the second - at least four.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory
Statute of the Order of Parental Glory
Regulations on the Medal of the Order of Parental Glory
A woman who has given birth and raised 10 children or more can receive the Order of the Mother Heroine.
This is how the complete set of the Order of Parental Glory looks like: the order itself, a certificate, a badge of the order for wearing on ceremonial occasions, and a miniature copy of the badge for everyday wear. Photo: Evgeny Samarin / The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is made of silver with gilding. In the photo - the female version of the medal. Photo: Evgeny Samarin / mos.ruWhat it takes to receive an award
Of course, the number of children alone is not enough to receive an award. There will still be many conditions, here they are:
- All family members are citizens of the Russian Federation.
- The parents are in a registered marriage or the parent is raising the child alone.
- The youngest child is 3 years old and the rest of the children are alive. There are exceptions to the last rule: for example, children who died in a terrorist attack, while on duty, as well as those who died as a result of an industrial injury or occupational disease, are taken into account.
- Parents take proper care of the health, education and physical development of their sons and daughters. For example, this means that schoolchildren should study well, win prizes in olympiads, creative and sports competitions, participate in the social life of the class, and engage in circles. Students must successfully cope with the curriculum, not have academic debts, and be active in social activities.
- Parents pay attention to labor education, involve children in household chores, and pass on skills to them.
- If a child with a disability is brought up in a family, parents help him adapt to life in society, create conditions for harmonious development.
- Ways of raising children must exclude neglect, cruel, rude treatment. If a family is registered with the social security authorities, it cannot qualify for a state award.
What documents need to be collected
Each entity develops its own regulation, which contains a list of documents required for submission to the award. You can clarify the nuances in social security at the place of residence. The standard package of documents includes:
- Passport of the applicant - one of the parents.
- Marriage certificate.
- Birth certificate for each child. Adult children provide a passport.
- Court decision to adopt a child - if any.
- Agreement on the transfer of a child to a family - if the children are adopted.
- Certificate of the applicant's family composition - it can be obtained at the passport office, MFC or management company.
- Certificate of employment of parents, as well as positions held.
- Characteristics from parents' workplaces.
- Act of examination of the social and living conditions of the family. In some regions, this is a conclusion about the satisfactory state of housing conditions. If the family lives in a rural area or district center, the act is prepared by employees of the village or city administration. If the family is adopted or adopted, this is done by the guardianship authorities. The document confirms that parents and children live in decent conditions and keep their housing in order.
- Gratitude for parental work, creative and sports awards for children, diplomas and other documents that confirm that parents raise and develop their daughters and sons well.
- Family photos, videos, newspaper articles. In the photo, for example, you can show how the whole family usefully spends time together - singing, playing football, going out into nature. As a rule, these materials are needed for presentation during the awards ceremony - they are shown on the big screen while parents and children go up to the stage.
- If necessary, a death certificate confirming the fact of death, death of children of a large family.
- Application form.
No original documents needed, only copies.
The package of documents must include certificates of children for creative and sporting achievements. All-Russian awards are valued more thanWhere and when to submit documents
A package of documents can be submitted through public services or in person to the social protection authorities. This can be done before December 31 - if the family expects to be awarded next year. Until the same day, you can supplement or update documents if necessary.
Local governments will then have 30 days to review the application. There may be different terms in different subjects - this must be taken into account.
When the application is considered at the local level, it is transferred to the Ministry of Social Development of the subject, and then to the regional government. From there, a package of documents is sent to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
How to use the public services portal
Every year, two families from each region are awarded. If the family did not pass the selection competition, then the petition from the head of the district, district or city can be submitted for consideration again next year. The family can remind about themselves, for example, by making a phone call to social security.
The Order of Parental Glory and the Medal of the Order are considered honorary awards. Therefore, they are handed over in a solemn atmosphere in the Kremlin personally by the President of Russia. This is usually timed to coincide with Children's Day.
Note that if the family already has awards of the USSR, the RSFSR for motherhood, awards of the Russian Federation for raising children, then the award of "Parental Glory" is excluded: for the same merits they are not awarded twice.
What state awards give
One time payment. The family - the owner of the Order of Parental Glory receives 500,000 RUR at a time. For the medal of the Order of Parental Glory, 200,000 RUR are paid.
The right to be recognized as labor veterans. Those awarded with the order or medal of the Order of Parental Glory are labor veterans. They have additional benefits - for example, utility bills. The status of a large family also gives the right to benefits, but usually this right is lost by the parents' pension: children grow up and are no longer suitable in age for a family to be considered a large family. And nothing affects the status of a labor veteran, it is impossible to lose it.
What are the benefits for a labor veteran
What are the awards in the regions
The authorities of many Russian regions also encourage families who have raised three or more children. As a rule, the condition for receiving regional medals is permanent registration at the place of residence in the region for 5, 10 and even 20 years.
For example, I will tell you about several regions.
Moscow. The badge of honor "Parental Glory of the City of Moscow" is awarded to parents who raise five or more children. Only families in which the youngest child is already 5 years old, and parents have permanent registration in Moscow for at least 10 years, can apply for the award.
Decree on the badge of honor "Parental glory of the city of Moscow"
Moscow region. The “Maternal Glory” badge is awarded to women who have permanently resided in the Moscow Region for at least five years, have given birth or adopted and adequately raise five or more minor children. Upon awarding, the regional budget pays a lump sum of 100,000 RUR.
Appendix 4 to the Law "On Awards of the Moscow Region"
Leningrad Region. The Honorary Badge "Glory to the Mother" is awarded to women who have lived continuously for at least five years in the Leningrad Region, have given birth or adopted and adequately raise five or more children.
For a mother of many children to be eligible for the award, the youngest child must be three years old. In addition to the award, a woman receives 100,000 RUR.
clause 1.2 of the regulations on the insignia "Glory to the Mother"
Belgorod Region. The badge of honor "Mother's Glory" is awarded to mothers who have given birth or adopted three or more children, worthily raising sons and daughters under the age of 18 inclusive. The family must have lived in the Belgorod Region for at least 20 years, and the youngest child must be one year old.
The regional badge of honor "Maternal Glory" has three degrees and, depending on the number of children, involves payments from 86,000 to 172,000 rubles.
- because their spouses were sent to other regions of Russia in connection with work or service.
Art. 6 of the law "On awards of the Belgorod region"
Tyumen region. Fathers are also awarded here: men who worthily raise five or more children (including adopted children) and have lived in the Tyumen Region for at least 15 years can qualify for the Father's Valor medal. A father can be nominated for an award only when the fifth child is seven years old.
Tyumen Region: regulations on medals "Mother's Glory" and "Paternal Valor"
- There are two federal awards for large families - the Order of Parental Glory, if there are seven or more children, and the medal of the Order of Parental Glory » for a family with at least four children.
- To qualify for the award, a family must meet certain criteria. For example, children should study well and participate in the life of a school or institute, help their parents with the housework. Father and mother, in turn, are obliged to take care of the physical and moral development of sons and daughters, to educate them in a benevolent and respectful atmosphere.
- To participate in the qualifying competition, parents must collect a large package of documents and submit it to the social security authorities at the place of residence. Nothing further depends on the family: social security employees independently coordinate the presentation for an award with various authorities and transfer documents to higher authorities.
- The family cannot send documents directly to the president - only regional authorities do this.
- Those who already have awards of the USSR, the RSFSR for motherhood and awards of the Russian Federation for raising children cannot be awarded again.
- Holders of the Order of Parental Glory receive 100,000 R at a time, there is no reward for the medal of the Order. However, next year everything may change: Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to pay 500,000 R for an order, 200,000 R for a medal of the order. Among the mandatory conditions is permanent registration at the place of residence for a long time.
Official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region
April 15, 2013 at 11:33 pm Question: ". The law of the Sverdlovsk region has been implemented only for the 3rd year. Have many residents of the region been given this title?
Answer: The title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" as of March 1, 2013 was awarded to 19,574 citizens.
Question: What is the procedure for applying for the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: A citizen applying for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" must apply to the territorial department of social policy at his place of residence with an application for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" and present a passport or other identity document .
The application must be accompanied by documents confirming compliance with the conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region".
Question: And what are the conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: There are only three conditions. This is residence in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, the presence of an award or an honorary title and the presence of an appropriate work experience.
Question: Is it possible to award a title only for a long work experience? For example: with an experience of 50 years or more?
Answer: No. All three conditions for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" must be combined.
Question: How long do you need to live in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region to be eligible for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: Article 2 of the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region dated December 23, 2010 No. 104-OZ “On Labor Veterans of the Sverdlovsk Region” provides that the title “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region” is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons with compliance with the conditions of residence in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, the period of residence in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region is not established.
Question: Living in the region is understandable, but what awards do you need to have?
Answer : An exhaustive list of awards is clearly spelled out in Article 2 of the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region dated December 23, 2010 No. 104-OZ “On Labor Veterans of the Sverdlovsk Region”, namely: area "I, II or III degree;
- insignia of the Sverdlovsk region "Maternal Valor" I, II or III degree;
- Diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region;
- Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region;
- Diploma of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Head of Administration of the Sverdlovsk region;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the regional executive body of state power of the Sverdlovsk region;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council of People's Deputies;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region;
- Diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Regional Council of Trade Unions;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Regional Council of Trade Unions and the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
No other awards are the basis for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region".
Question : Having in my hands letters of gratitude and thanks from various ministries, for example: the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region, is it possible to apply for the title of “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region”?
Answer: Unfortunately, thanks and letters of thanks do not give the right to confer the specified title. As noted earlier, the law provides for an exhaustive list of awards that give the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region", other awards are not the basis for conferring the title.
Question: Do citizens awarded with certificates of honor issued by any ministry together with the regional trade union committee have the right to confer this title?
Answer: Unfortunately, no, as already mentioned above, only the awards specified in the law are taken into account. The law names only three diplomas, the decision to award which was taken jointly by several subjects. This is
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council of People's Deputies; the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region;
- Diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Regional Council of Trade Unions;
- Certificate of honor or diploma of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Regional Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Regional Council of Trade Unions and the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
Question: With awards, it is clear, but what titles give the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: Currently, only one honorary title is indicated in the law. This is the honorary title of the Sverdlovsk Region "Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk Region".
Question: Also, tell us about the third condition for awarding a title - having experience. What experience do you need to have to get a title?
Answer: The generally established length of service required for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" is 40 years for men and 35 years for women.
At the same time, the law establishes the categories of citizens for whom the requirements for the length of service are reduced.
Question: What are these categories of citizens and how long do they need to work?
Answer: The list of categories of citizens is established by article 2 of the law and the requirements are as follows:
- women awarded with the distinction of the Sverdlovsk region "Mother's Valor" III degree require 20 years of work experience;
- disabled people of groups I and II similarly require 20 years of work experience;
- women awarded with the badge of distinction of the Sverdlovsk region "Mother's valor" II degree - 15 years;
- women awarded with the badge of distinction of the Sverdlovsk region "Maternal valor" I degree - 10 years;
- to men who, in accordance with federal law, were assigned an old-age labor pension before they reach the age of 60 - 35 years;
- to women who, in accordance with federal law, were assigned an old-age labor pension earlier than reaching the age of 55 - 30 years.
Question: If all three conditions for awarding the title are met, what documents should be submitted to the territorial department of social policy?
Answer: On January 12, 2011, the Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 11-PP approved a list of documents confirming compliance with the conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Briefly, you can list:
1) identity card;
2) certificate of the established form for an honorary title, badge of distinction or Certificate of Honor or Diploma:
3) documents confirming the work experience;
4) for disabled people of groups 1 and 2, a certificate from the federal state institution of medical and social expertise on the establishment of disability.
Question: What if the certificate is lost or, for example, the work book?
Answer: In case of loss of the original documents, an archival certificate from the authorized body on conferring an honorary title or awarding a badge of distinction or a certificate of honor is submitted. In case of loss of the work book, certificates from archival institutions are accepted.
Question: Does it matter where a citizen worked - in our region or not?
Answer: Where the citizen worked, in this case, does not matter. The main thing is that there is a general work experience necessary to resolve the issue of conferring the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region". But the awards should be from the Sverdlovsk region. And the applicant for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" must also live in our region.
Question : The citizen already has some other privileged status, for example: "Veteran of Labour", home front worker or has a disability. Can such a citizen claim the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: This is the right of a citizen. If there are grounds for conferring the title of “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region”, being a federal beneficiary, or a “Veteran of Labor” or a home front worker, citizens can also apply to the social policy authorities for the title of “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region”.
Question : But then the question naturally arises, the more statuses a citizen has, the more social support measures are provided to him?
Answer: No, that is not correct. The law regulates this issue as follows:
If a citizen is simultaneously entitled to a monthly cash payment under the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region "On Labor Veterans of the Sverdlovsk Region" and under another law of the Sverdlovsk Region or a federal law or other regulatory legal act, regardless of the basis on which it is established, he is provided with one monthly cash payment either under this Law, or under another law of the Sverdlovsk region or a federal law or other regulatory legal act at the choice of a person.
It should also be borne in mind that if a citizen is simultaneously entitled to a monthly cash payment under the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region "On labor veterans of the Sverdlovsk Region" and to social support measures established by the Laws of the Sverdlovsk Region "On the badge of distinction of the Sverdlovsk Region" For services to the Sverdlovsk region region”, “On the honorary title of the Sverdlovsk region “Honorary citizen of the Sverdlovsk region”, “On the social protection of citizens living in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region who have been injured or ill without causing disability, while undergoing military service or service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in period of a state of emergency or armed conflict”, “On social support for veterans in the Sverdlovsk region”, “On social support for large families in the Sverdlovsk region” and “On social support for rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression in the Sverdlovsk region”, give him a monthly cash payment under this Law or measures of social support under the specified laws of the Sverdlovsk Region at the choice of a person.
Question : Then it turns out that if a citizen already has some kind of privileged status, he will still not be provided with social support measures?
Answer: Social support measures will be provided at the choice of the citizen. In the application submitted to the territorial department of social policy of the Sverdlovsk region, it is necessary to indicate on what privileged status the citizen wishes to receive social support measures.
Question : Does this apply to all categories of citizens living in the Sverdlovsk region? Or there are some exceptions.
Answer: Yes, you are right, there is such an exception for persons who are simultaneously entitled to a monthly cash payment under the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region "On labor veterans of the Sverdlovsk Region" and under the Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens who have been subjected to exposure to radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” or the Federal Law “On social guarantees for citizens exposed to radiation due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site”.
Question: Now it is clear that every citizen applying for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" needs to decide whether he will receive social support measures under this law, or it is more profitable for him to receive under another law. And in order to decide, you need to know what social support measures are provided for labor veterans of the Sverdlovsk region?
Answer: For labor veterans of the Sverdlovsk region, the law establishes a measure of social support - a monthly cash payment, which from 01.01.2013 is 671 rubles.
Question: And other measures of social support that have been awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" are not provided?
Answer: Not available.
Question: Do I understand correctly that a citizen can apply for the title of “Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region” immediately after he has this right?
Answer : Of course, but he will receive social support measures only after retirement.
Question: A citizen submitted documents to the territorial department of social policy. How does he know the result of the consideration of documents?
Answer: The application, in accordance with the law, must be considered within ten calendar days from the date of acceptance. If a decision is made to refuse inclusion in the list of persons applying for the title, within five days (after the adoption of such a decision) a written notification is sent to the citizen indicating the reasoned reason for the refusal.
Question: Does the territorial department of social policy only include citizens in the list for awarding the title? And how is the process of conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region"?
Answer: Territorial departments of social policy on a monthly basis before the first day submit to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region lists of persons applying for the title of "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region".
The Ministry, on the basis of the lists received, within twenty calendar days from the date of receipt of these lists, prepares a draft decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region on conferring the title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" and submits it to the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.
The title "Veteran of Labor of the Sverdlovsk Region" is awarded by the Decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Question: How does a citizen find out about the signing of the Decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region and what should be done next?
Answer: After signing and registration, the decree, in accordance with the established procedure, enters the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, which, in turn, sends the decree to the territorial departments of social policy within 1 working day, which, in turn, notify veterans of the award of the title and the need to obtain the appropriate certificate.
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