How do i find immunization records for my child
Contacts for Immunization Records | CDC
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CDC does NOT have vaccination record information!
If you currently live or have lived in an area with an operational immunization information system (IIS), you may try to
- contact the IIS in your state or in the state where you or your child received their last shots to see if they have records
- contact your immunization provider directly or your local or state immunization program through your state’s health department
- look for additional suggestions on how to locate immunization records: child | adult.
- reference the grantee immunization web sites.
For general immunization-related questions you also may contact the CDC Information Contact Center at 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).
Find Your Child’s Immunization Record Through Your State’s IIS
Click a letter to “jump” to a state. (Cities are listed within the state)
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Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas
Call: 800.469.4599
Web: Immunization Provider Registry with Internet Technology (ImmPRINT)
Email contact form:
Call: 866.702.8725
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
American Samoa
Call: 684.699.9329/9328
Email: [email protected]
Call: 602.364.3899
Web: Arizona State Immunization Information System
Immunization Records:
Call: 800. 574.4040, Option 4
Web: Arkansas Immunization Website
Email: [email protected]
California | Colorado | Commonwealth of N. Mariana Islands | Connecticut
Call: 800.578.7889
Web: California Immunization Registry
COVID Vaccine Records: Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record (
Email: [email protected]
Call: 888.611.9918
Web: Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS)
Immunization Records: CIIS Public Portal
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth of N. Mariana Islands
Call: 670.236.8745
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 860.509.7929
Web: Connecticut WebIZ
Immunization Records: CT-WiZ
Email: [email protected]
Immunization Records Public Portal QR Code:
Delaware | District of Columbia
Call: 800. 282.8672 (in DE only)
Call: 302.744.4850
Web: State of Delaware’s Immunization Registry
Email: [email protected]
District of Columbia
Call: 202.576.7130
Non COVID Immunization Records:
COVID Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 877.888.7468
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Georgia | Guam
Call: 404.463.0810
Web: Georgia Immunization Registry (GRITS)
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 671.735.7143
Fax: 671.734.1475
Web: Guam Immunization Program
Email: [email protected]
Call: 800.933.4832
Fax: 808.586.8347
Web: Hawaii Immunization Registry
Email: immunization@doh.
Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa
Call: 208.334.5931
Web: Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS)
Email: [email protected]
Call: 217.785.1455
Web: Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE)
Immunization Records:
Call: 888-227-4439
Non Immunizations Records:
COVID Immunization Records:
Providers :
Email: [email protected]
Call: 800.374.3958
Web: Immunization Registry Information System
Link to: Immunization Records
Kansas | Kentucky
Call: 877.296.0464
Fax: 785.559.4227
Immunization Records: Kansas Statewide Immunization Registry
Email: [email protected]
Call: 502.564.0038
Web: Kentucky Immunization Registry
Email: KYIRHelpdesk@ky. gov
Call: 504.568.2600
Web: LINKS basics | Department of Health | State of Louisiana (
Immunization Records: Request vaccination records | Department of Health | State of Louisiana (
Maine | Marshall Islands | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Micronesia | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana
Call: 800.906.8754
Web: Maine Immunization Program – Immpact2
Email: [email protected]
Marshall Islands
Web: RMI WebIZ
Contact: Edlen J. Anzures
Call: 692.625.5660
Call/Email: Maryland Center for Immunizations
Call: 617.983.6800
Immunization Records: Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS)
Call: 888.243.6652
Contact: Contact
Link to: Immunization Records
Email: saladab@michigan. gov
QR code for the Michigan Immunization Portal page:
Call: 691.320.2619
Web: Currently Unavailable
Call: 651-201-3980
Immunization Records: Find My Immunization Record
Email: [email protected]
QR code for Find My Immunization Record:
Call: 800.634.9251
Web: Immunization Registry – Mississippi State Department of Health (
Immunization Records: MyIR – Mississippi State Department of Health (
MyIRMobile – MyIR Mobile
Call: 800.219.3224
Web: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Immunization Records: Request for Official Immunization Records
Email: [email protected]
Call: 406.444.5580
Web: Montana Immunization Information System
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York (except New York City) | New York City | North Carolina | North Dakota
Call: 1-888-433-2510 or 402. 471.0133
Web: Nebraska State Immunization Information System (NESIIS)
Email: [email protected]
Call: 775.684.5954 (general) OR 800.401.0946 (COVID Hotline)
Web: Nevada WebIZ
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
New Hampshire
Call: 603.271.4482
Immunization Records: Vaccine Record Instructions
Email: [email protected]
New Jersey
Call: 609.826.4860
Helpdesk: Submit a ticket
Request an Immunization Record Request: NJIIS
New Mexico
Call: 833.882.6454
Immunization Records:
New York
(except New York City)
Call: 518.473.4437
Web: New York State Immunization Information System
Email: [email protected]
New York City
Call: 347.396.2400
Web: New York Citywide Immunization Registry
Immunization Records: https://www1.
Email: [email protected]
North Carolina
Call: 877.873.6247
Web: North Carolina Immunization Registry
Link to: Immunization Records
Email: [email protected]
North Dakota
Call: 701.328.3386 or 800.472.2180
Web: North Dakota Immunization Information System (NDIIS)
Link to: Immunization record request
Contact for immunization records: [email protected]
Email contact for NDIIS: [email protected]
Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon
Call: 833.427.5634
Email: [email protected]
Call: 405.426.8580
Fax: 405.900.7612
Web: How to find a copy of your child’s immunization record
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 800. 980.9431
Web: Immunization ALERT
Email: [email protected]
Palau | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | Puerto Rico
Call: 680.488.7252
Web: Palau Health
Email: [email protected]
Call: 877.774.4748
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Web: PhilaVax
Call for COVID immunization records: 215.685.5488
COVID Immunization Records: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Puerto Rico
Call: 787.765.2929 ext. 3326, 3323, 3328, 3341
Web: Puerto Rico Electronic Immunization System (PREIS)
Email: [email protected]
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Call: 401.222.5960
COVID Immunization Records: or
Email: ridoh. [email protected]
San Antonio | South Carolina | South Dakota
San Antonio
Call: 210.207.5071 for Bexar County residents
Web: Texas Immunization Registry (ImmTrac)
Email: [email protected]
South Carolina
Call: 800.277.4687, option 3
Web: South Carolina Health contact information
Email: [email protected]
South Dakota
Call: 800.592.1861
Web: Immunization Program – SD Dept. of Health
Immunization Records: Getting an Immunization Record – SD Dept. of Health
Tennessee | Texas
Call: 800.342.1813
Web: Tennessee Immunization Information System (TennIIS)
Immunization Records: TennIIS Immunization Record Request (
Email: [email protected]
Call: 800.252.9152
Web: Texas Immunization Registry (ImmTrac)
Email: [email protected]
Call: 801.538.9450
Web: Utah Statewide Immunization Information System
Immunization Records: USIIS – Parents & Individuals – Immunize Utah
Email: usiistracking@utah. gov
Vermont | Virgin Islands | Virginia
Call: 888.688.4667
Web: Vermont Immunization Registry
Immunization Records: Vaccine Record Request
Email: [email protected]
Virgin Islands
Call: 340-776-1113 ext. 2222
Email: [email protected]
COVID Vaccination Records
Call: 877. 829.4682
Website: Vaccinate Virginia
Email: [email protected]
Non-COVID Immunization Records
Call: 866.375.9795
Website: Virginia Immunization Record Request
Email: [email protected]
Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming
Call: 866.397.0337
Web: Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS)
Email: [email protected]
Covid SmartHealth Cards:
West Virginia
Call: 877.408.8930
Web: West Virginia Statewide Immunization Information System
Call: 608. 266.9691
Web: Wisconsin Immunization Registry
Email: [email protected]
Call: 307.777.7952 or toll free at 1.800.438.5795 (option 1)
Immunization Records:
Email: [email protected]
Top of Page
Requesting Immunization Records for a Child or Adult
Obtaining Records from Your Healthcare Provider
If you need proof of immunization, the best place to start is by contacting the clinic, doctor, or healthcare provider that administered the vaccination. If your provider has the record on file, this will be the fastest way of obtaining your records.
Obtaining Records from Your School
If you need proof of immunization for your child or yourself, contact the last school that was attended. Schools are required to keep records for a minimum number of years.
ImmTrac2, the Texas Immunization Registry
If you are unable to obtain the records from your school or healthcare provider, your records may be stored in ImmTrac2, the Texas Immunization Registry.
In 1999, the Texas immunization registry was established as an "opt-in" registry for children’s records only, meaning parents/guardians who wanted their children’s immunization records stored in Texas’ registry had to sign a consent form.
Only doctors, schools, child-care centers, public healthcare providers, and other authorized healthcare organizations may directly access ImmTrac. Immunization records are NOT available to view online by the general public, including parents or legal guardians.
Child Immunization Records (0-17 years)There is a strong possibility that ImmTrac2 may have immunization records for vaccines administered to children under 18 years of age in Texas from 2005 to present. Since 2005, Texas law has required that all healthcare providers report to the Texas Immunization Registry all vaccines administered to children younger than 18 years of age.
To request a copy of immunization records for a child under 18 years of age, please complete and submit (by fax or mail) an Authorization to Release ImmTrac2 History Form (F11-11406).
The Texas Immunization Registry began storing adult immunization records in 2009 as an "opt-in" registry system, meaning that a consent form had to be signed to add records to the registry. This allowed Texans age 18 years or older to voluntarily store their adult immunization records in the registry.
Prior to September 1, 2015, immunization records of individuals who turned 18 were "hidden" unless consent was received. If consent was not received by the 19th birthday, the records were deleted from the registry. Beginning on September 1, 2015, the Texas Immunization Registry was allowed to extend the timeframe to hold childhood immunization records after an individual becomes an adult, from 18 to 26 years of age, but they are still "hidden" unless a consent form is received. Immunization records are deleted if a person does not complete and submit an ImmTrac2 Adult Consent Form (EF11-13366) by their 26th birthday.
To request a copy of immunization records for a person over 18 years of age, complete and submit (by fax or mail) an ImmTrac2 Adult Consent Form (F11-13366) and an Authorization to Release ImmTrac2 History Form (F11-11406).
NOTE: Your immunization record may not be available in ImmTrac2. If you are an adult and your healthcare provider did not submit information to ImmTrac2 or if you have not sent in a shot record, no information will be available.
Expected Timeframes
Please allow 10-14 business days for delivery of your immunization records from the time of submitting your ImmTrac2 request. During the time period of Back-to-School (August-September), the timeframe is approximately 8-10 weeks.
Further Help and Questions
For further help, please refer to our ImmTrac2 FAQs page.
If you still have questions, please contact us by email at [email protected], or call 800-348-9158.
An interactive calendar of children's vaccinations appeared in the electronic medical record
Gustavo Valiente/RIA Novosti
launch a personalized vaccination calendar for children in an electronic medical record. It is generated individually for each child based on data from the EHR.The calendar is interactive and visual, and color prompts will help parents to understand which vaccinations have already been completed and which need to be planned.Thus, parents can go online - the mode to see the full picture of the vaccination of their children, to know the timing of the necessary vaccinations and to do them in a timely manner in order to protect babies from serious infections and serious complications. nine0003
The calendar in the "My vaccinations" section is available in the electronic medical record on the portal - this is a clear interactive table with color indication. It indicates the recommended age for vaccination of the child, the name of the preventive vaccination, the type of vaccination (routine or revaccination), the type of vaccine (live / inactivated vaccine). Thanks to the personalization of the regional vaccination calendar for each child, parents can get acquainted with information about planned vaccinations by age in a visual interactive format, as well as clarify data on vaccinations already completed. Soon, a personalized regional calendar of children's vaccinations will also be available in the mobile version of the electronic medical record - in the EMIAS.INFO application. nine0003
"The calendar is not our first service for parents that allows you not to miss a vaccination. We have already launched personal vaccination reminders: parents are sent notifications about planned vaccinations that are recommended for children at a certain age, in the form of push notifications and by e-mail. Muscovites have already received more than 5 million such alerts," Anastasia Rakova added.
The Moscow regional children's vaccination schedule includes the prevention of more than 16 infections in boys and 17 infections in girls (an additional HPV vaccine for girls). An interactive calendar will help parents (legal representatives) not to miss the next vaccination of their children and protect them from dangerous diseases in a timely manner. nine0003
Also this year, paediatricians in the electronic medical records of small patients have access to an information block with detailed information about vaccinations carried out over the past month and tips with recommendations for routine vaccinations individually for each child. This allows the doctor to keep the issue of vaccination under control and prescribe the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner.
It is important to emphasize that the interactive calendar is formed on the basis of data from the child's electronic medical record. If the child was vaccinated at a private or federal clinic, parents have the option to upload the vaccination information themselves. The data is filled in manually, it is also necessary to attach a confirming scan of the certificate or a photo of the certificate of preventive vaccination. nine0003
More information about vaccination of children: where you can get vaccinated, how to prepare for vaccination, you can find on the website of the Metropolitan Department of Health.
As noted by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow, for all the time the citizens have applied for information from the electronic medical record more than 71 million times.
You can apply for access to your electronic medical record and your child's card on the mos. ru portal using a standard or full account. Users over 15 years old who have a compulsory health insurance policy can access the card. For more information about the electronic medical record, follow the link. nine0003
Moscow has been digitizing the healthcare system for 10 years. Now the basis of this process is a single digital platform, which is being developed jointly by the Moscow Social Development Complex and the Department of Information Technologies. It provides personalized management of each patient at all stages - from diagnosis, treatment to follow-up. Thanks to the platform, all data on the health status of citizens is accumulated in a single digital circuit and is available online to both doctors and patients themselves. nine0003
HealthVaccinations and vaccination
where to get and how to register a child for vaccination
September 22, 2021, 16:19
Photo: 1Mi Media Holding
The topic of vaccination against coronavirus does not lose its relevance. There is a lot of talk right now around the topic of childhood vaccination against COVID-19. It has not yet been officially announced, but work in this direction is already underway in Tatartsan.
After immunization, children are expected to receive a certificate of vaccination against coronavirus. nine0003
How to register a child for vaccination and where to get vaccinated against coronavirus
The fact that it is necessary to vaccinate not only adults, but also children, started talking this summer. Then the country was just experiencing the third wave of coronavirus, which was characterized by a large number of infected. Among its differences from the first and second waves was that minors began to get sick much more often and more severely.
It soon became known that the N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology began a study of the Sputnik V vaccine, in which about three hundred children took part. The head of the institute, Alexander Gintsburg, noted that in September everything would be ready for registration of a children's vaccine against coronavirus. The scientist also noted that vaccination among minors should be started before September 20, because with the beginning of autumn, children will already go to school, and an acute situation with infection may arise. nine0003
Questions are already being decided on how to register a child for vaccination, whether this vaccination will become mandatory, whether children will receive a certificate. If this type of vaccination is included in the national vaccination calendar, the fact of immunization will be reflected in the vaccination list of each young patient along with vaccinations against diseases such as measles, whooping cough, tetanus, and others.
What documents are needed for vaccination
If adults need to present a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy for free vaccination, then minors who do not have these documents just need to be registered at the children's clinic at the place of residence. And this is where parents need to take their child to get a free covid vaccination. nine0003
Photo: 1Mi Media Holding
How will the childhood vaccination system work in Tatarstan? Presumably, the direction for vaccination will be issued by the local therapist after examination and consultation.
Examination of a child before vaccination, what tests should be done
Today, doctors are inclined to believe that children who do not have chronic diseases can be vaccinated against coronavirus without restrictions. Since the beginning of June, studies have been conducted on the basis of two Moscow federal clinics in relation to 350 adolescents from 12 to 17 years old. All of them are clinically healthy. nine0003
During the experiment, the children themselves (they kept vaccination diaries) and their parents reported that they did not experience any side effects after the administration of the vaccine preparation. The maximum reported by adolescents was pain and redness in the injection area, as well as a slight temperature, which very quickly subsided.
Yet each young patient who is vaccinated needs an individual approach. This means that the child's therapist must carefully review the child's medical record. If he has chronic diseases, it is necessary to prescribe a number of necessary tests to exclude the acute phase of the disease and, if present, to postpone the vaccination to a later period, after the course of treatment. nine0003
Of course, if desired, any parent can organize a complete examination for their child before vaccination in order to check his health as much as possible and eliminate the slightest risk of side effects. If the child cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, it is necessary to obtain a medical exemption.
Do vaccinated children receive a coronavirus vaccination certificate? Such a card is started even in the maternity hospital at the birth of a baby, when he, being a few days old, begins to receive the first vaccinations. Then the card follows the child to the children's polyclinic at the place of residence, where specialists continue to fill it in as they receive vaccinations.

The vaccine against coronavirus, as a rule, should also be reflected in this card. You can ask your doctor about this, or you can check the child’s card yourself, because today, for example, vaccination cards are available online for residents of Moscow.
In fact, it is not necessary to receive a certificate of vaccination of children against coronavirus. It is enough to request an extract from the immunization card online.
How to get a vaccination certificate
Today, the fact of being vaccinated against the coronavirus is becoming increasingly important in society. An immunization document is required when leaving, attending events, enrolling in studies, and in a number of other important cases. Of course, citizens are concerned about how to get a vaccination certificate for themselves and for their children. nine0003
Photo: 1Mi Media Holding
All conditions have been created for vaccination of adults today. For example, in Tatarstan, registration for vaccination is carried out without delays and delays, and immediately after the introduction of the second component of the drug, a document is issued on the completed immunization.
A set of conditions is being developed under which even children who have been officially vaccinated against coronavirus will receive a certificate of vaccination. Once a childhood vaccine is registered and a campaign to vaccinate schoolchildren is announced, a clear course of action will be outlined. nine0003
How to apply through the State Services
It is possible that children can get a vaccination certificate at the State Services. Currently, this option is available only for adult patients. After receiving the first component of the vaccine, a letter is sent to the personal account on the State Services portal, which contains information about when and where the vaccine was made, which drug was administered - the vaccine "Kovivak", "EpiVacCorona" or "Sputnik V". After the second dose of the drug, a letter comes to your personal account with a link to the certificate of the vaccinated. As a rule, this happens quickly, almost within a day, but it can take several days. In any case, if the letter is delayed, you need to write a complaint to the appeals department here, on the State Services portal. nine0003
Who needs a certificate of vaccination
A certificate of vaccination is an important medical document. It confirms that the adult or child has been immunized and is no longer a carrier of a serious infection. Such a certificate can be required both when entering other countries (there is even an agreement between states on requiring a number of vaccinations from arriving foreigners), and at home.
Photo: 1Mi Media Holding
Thus, in Tatarstan, a certificate of vaccination is required for:
- enrolling in a school or university
- enrolling in a kindergarten
- traveling abroad
- applying for a job/service
- traveling to a rest home, sanatorium, children's camp
Today, when the coronavirus pandemic is raging around the world the scope of validity of the certificate of vaccination has been significantly expanded. In particular, a document on the made vaccine against coronavirus is needed literally at every step - to participate in a mass event, buy a ticket, receive important services, etc.
The question that schoolchildren will also need to receive a certificate of vaccination against covid was acute in the summer and began to seriously worry most parents. "What to do?" they grabbed their heads. The topic was widely discussed on social networks and provoked many rumors. As a result, the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko was forced to dispel the myths. In an interview with the Russian society "Knowledge", the minister stressed that the government has no plans to introduce mandatory vaccination for schoolchildren, much less link it with admission to the educational process. nine0003
So for the time being, schoolchildren do not need a certificate of vaccination against covid to attend school in person. But how the situation will change when the mandatory vaccination of minors is announced, time will tell.
How to check the vaccination certificate for authenticity
Demand, as they say, creates supply. Therefore, along with the total demand for vaccination certificates, numerous scammers became more active, who began to offer fake vaccination certificates to the population. First of all, those citizens who refuse to be vaccinated, but at the same time wish to have access to all benefits and opportunities. nine0003
The market for fake certificates began to grow rapidly, which could not help but notice the law enforcement agencies. References began to be carefully checked for authenticity. By the way, the fastest way to do this is to test the QR code printed on the document. If it is correct and legal, then it is easy to scan it using the STOP Coronavirus Public Services mobile application. It is noted that forgery of documents is punishable by law, and the person who presented the false document will also be held accountable. nine0003
Vaccination of children against coronavirus - are payments due? While this question remains open, experts say.