How to enroll my child in public school
New Students
Need a School?
If you're new to New York City DOE public schools or need help with enrollment, you've come to the right place!
- Year-round, we're here to help with applications, waitlists, and more.
- Learn how to enroll for each grade level below.
- Looking for other enrollment-related forms?
- Find them on our Forms page.
- Have a child with accessibility needs?
- To learn about any school building's accessibility, check its Building Accessibility Profile. If you have questions, please reach out to that school directly.
Need Childcare for Children 6 Weeks to 2 Years Old
Learn about options for eligible families, who can enroll, and how to apply on our EarlyLearn page.
Enroll in 3-K
In New York City, you can apply to 3-K in the calendar year that your child turns three.
- If you have a child born in 2019 and don't yet have a 3-K offer, create a MySchools account to add yourself to program's waitlists now.
If a program can make you a waitlist offer, they will contact you directly. Waitlists expire in October.
- Watch this video to learn how to set up your MySchools account.
- Watch this video to learn how to add your child to waitlists.
- Some 3-K seats (Extended Day and Year seats, Head Start seats) offer care and education for up to 10 hours a day, all year round to eligible children. Eligibility for these options is based on family income and needs––learn more on the 3-K page.
- Need help? Email
Learn more about 3-K.
Enroll in Pre-K
In New York City, your child can start attending pre-K in the calendar year they turn 4.
- If you have a child born in 2018 and don't yet have a pre-K placement, you can add your child to programs' waitlists by creating a MySchools account.
- Watch this video to learn how to set up your MySchools account.
- Watch this video to learn how to add your child to waitlists.
- If a program can make you a waitlist offer, they will contact you directly. Waitlists expire in October.
- Some pre-K seats (Extended Day and Year seats, Head Start seats) offer care and education for up to 10 hours a day, all year round to eligible children. Eligibility for these options is based on family income and needs––learn more on the Pre-K page.
- Need help? Visit a Family Welcome Center or email
Learn more about pre-K.
Enroll in Elementary or Middle School
- Children can start kindergarten in the calendar year they turn five. Elementary school spans kindergarten through grade 5.
- Children who have completed fifth grade can enroll in middle school, and most NYC middle schools serve children in grades 6–8.
Most students in kindergarten through grade 8 attend their zoned school if they have one.
- To find out if your New York City home address has a zoned school, call 311 or visit schoolsearch. and type in your home address.
- When schools are in session: If you have a zoned school, contact that school directly to register.
- If you don't have a zoned school, email or need help, email us at or
- Learn about your zoned school and/or other schools in your district online with MySchools:
- Find elementary schools
- Find middle schools
For Children Entering Kindergarten in Fall 2022
- Missed the application period and need a school for the fall? You can still participate in admissions by adding your child to schools' waitlists. To do so, create a MySchools account.
- Watch these videos to learn how to set up your MySchools account:
- For kindergarten applicants
- Watch these videos to learn how to add your child to waitlists:
- For kindergarten applicants
- Watch these videos to learn how to set up your MySchools account:
- Kindergarten waitlists expire in October.
Enroll in High School
If your child has finished eighth grade, they can start high school. Families with new students who aren't yet enrolled in high school should email a Family Welcome Center to learn how to find a program and register.
- Use MySchools to explore high schools and make a list of programs that interest your child.
- Then email your local Family Welcome Center and share your list with them.
For Children Entering Grade 9 or 10 in Fall 2022
- Missed the application period and need a school for the fall? You can still participate in admissions by adding your child to schools' waitlists!
- To do so, create or log in to your MySchools account.
- In the MySchools directory, use filters and the search bar to find schools by interest area, location, accessibility, course offerings, and more. You can use the "Available 9th Grade Seats" or "Available 10th Grade Seats" filter to find programs that may have available seats.
- When you're logged in, you can click "Join waitlist" next to a program's name to join it.
- Watch this video to learn how to set up or access your account. Need help with your MySchools account? Visit or contact a Family Welcome Center.
- Watch this video to learn how to add your child to waitlists.
- In the MySchools directory, use filters and the search bar to find schools by interest area, location, accessibility, course offerings, and more. You can use the "Available 9th Grade Seats" or "Available 10th Grade Seats" filter to find programs that may have available seats.
- If a school can make you a waitlist offer, they will contact you directly.
- High school waitlists expire on September 16.
Learn more about high school.
Transfers, Non-Resident Enrollment, and Charter Schools
- Find out how to request a transfer from one NYC public school to another.
- If you live outside the five boroughs of NYC but would like to enroll your child in a NYC public school next year, learn about non-resident enrollment.
- If you're interested in charter schools, learn how to enroll and contact schools directly.
Enrollment for Students in Temporary Housing
Students in temporary housing, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, are not required to submit documentation (including address, proof of date of birth, and immunization records) in order to participate in any admission process or enroll in school. Read the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act in the Documents section to learn more.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act available in:
Registration Checklist available in:
Call Us
Call Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm at 718-935-2009.
Get Support
Family Welcome Center staff are here to help.
How to Enroll a Child in a New School
For a lot of parents enrolling their child in school might feel a bit overwhelming. It is important that anyone who wishes to enroll their kid in school plans ahead to ensure they have all the necessary vital records in order. Depending on the school, it is possible that some of documents required to enroll your child may vary. Things that might influence this are whether the school is public of private.
The requirements will likely be different if you are enrolling your kid for the first time or if you are transferring them from another school. With that said, there are also certain specific documents that all parents are expected to present, regardless of the state where you live in.
As a parent, to successfully enroll your children in a public school in the respective district area you will need to present quite a few documents. Even before you begin the process, you may first be asked to complete an enrollment application to determine the district school where your child will need to go to.
One of the main documents you will have to get your child’s birth certificate as you will need to proof the age and identity of your child. Additionally you will need proof of residency, immunization records, and other medical records. Furthermore, some schools might ask for a portfolio that showcases your child’s skills. Charter schools will certainly ask for the portfolio.
What documents do you need to enroll your child in school?
In order to enroll your kid in a private school, you will need the same documents that are required at at public school. However, private schools will require teacher recommendations, an application, a formal placement assessment, and on occasion an interview with the parents and child.
The following are the most essential documents needed to enroll your kid at school:
- A general application form
- A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Emergency contact details of the parents or guardians
- Proof of residency
- Proof of guardianship and or custody
- Record of immunizations
In case that you are not enrolling your kid for the first time, but you are transferring them to another school, you will need the above listed document as well as these:
- Teacher recommendations
- Former school records (grades)
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) records
Before going there, it is a good idea to contact the school in advance to inquiry if they require additional documents. If you don’t have your child’s birth certificate, you can easily obtain it by completing an online application and it will be sent to you by mail. Nonetheless, even though you can get your birth certificate online, bear in mind it can take up to 10 business days or more before you get it.
Vital records offices offer rush service, to speed up the process and could deliver your child’s certified copy between 2 to 3 business days.
How do I know which school district should I enroll my child in?
If your child is going to attend to a public school, they are assigned to a specific school district based on where the child lives. If you don’t know which school district you should enroll your kid in, you can call your city’s Student Assignment Office. As a parent it is essential that you know that by law, your child is required to go to the school designated by their district.
You will need to visit the central registration office for your school district. This office addresses everything that is related to student enrollment. Here you will obtain information and it is where all documents are handled for the enrollment of your child. In the case that you are transferring your kid, this is where you will need to present all the documents.
When enrolling your kid or kids for school, you’ll have to complete a student registration form. You will need to provide some basic details including their full name, date of birth, and current address.
If it is a school transfer, provide the name of previous schools they’ve attended. Whenever completing a registration form, be sure to check that all details as accurate. Please also keep in mind that students who will be attending a new high school may also have to go through a medical exam.
Related:How to request a school transfer for a child
How to enroll a child in first grade in 2021? | Education | Society
Maria Voluyskaya
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Category: Education
April 1 in Russia starts a campaign to enroll children in the first grade in state and municipal schools. In 2021, it will be held for the first time in accordance with the new procedure established by the order of the Ministry of Education. nine0005
Who will be able to enroll children in first grade from 1 April?
April 1st is the deadline for applications from parents of prospective students who live in the school's designated area or have an advantage in enrollment. The priority right to enroll, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, was given to brothers and sisters of students who already attend this educational institution if they live in the same family at the same place of residence.
Families who live in the school's designated area or have an enrollment preference will be closed by June 30th. Within three working days after the completion of the acceptance of applications from parents, the director of the educational organization will have to issue an administrative act on admission. nine0005
What are the admission dates for schools for other families?
First grade applications for children who do not live in the school's designated area and do not have priority enrollment will begin on July 6th. It will end after the vacancies are filled, but no later than September 5th.
A public or municipal school may only refuse to enroll a child in first grade if there are no more places available. In such a situation, local education authorities should help parents to place their child in another educational institution. nine0005
How can I find out about the number of places in the first grades of schools?
Schools had to publish no later than March 15 an act on assigning educational organizations to specific territories. The document can be found at the information stand of the educational institution and on its official website on the Internet.
No later than 10 days later, schools had to report the number of places in the first grades of schools. These data are also published on information boards and on the websites of educational institutions. nine0005
Information about the availability of places for receiving children not at the place of residence will be posted there no later than July 5th.
What documents are needed to enroll a child in the first grade?
An application for admission is required to enroll a child in first grade. Its sample can be found at the school stand or on its official website.
In addition, the child's parent or legal guardian must submit the following documents:
How can I submit the application and documents? nine0018
You can submit an application and documents for admission to study in several ways:
- bring it in person to the educational institution. In this case, you will need to provide the originals of the required documents;
- send by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt; Send
- to the school email or attach it to the website of the educational organization (if its functionality allows). In this case, the documents must be in electronic form: in the form of scans or high-quality photographs of the originals; nine0049
- to submit using the regional portal of public services (possible in most regions of the Russian Federation).
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Hurry up to enroll your child in the first grade
December 3, 2018
On December 15, the campaign for enrolling in the first grades of schools for the 2019-2020 academic year starts. Documents will begin to submit preferential categories of citizens.
You can apply for enrollment in the first class either directly at the My Documents center or without leaving your home - through the Portal of State and Municipal Services of St. Petersburg. To submit an application on the Portal, you must register an account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). You can apply for an ESIA at any convenient center of public services in just five to ten minutes by presenting the Passport of the Russian Federation and SNILS. nine0005
For the convenience of citizens, different categories of applicants will be enrolled in the first classes at different times.
From December 15, to January 19, , only preferential categories of citizens begin to apply. From January 20, 2019, the preferential right of beneficiaries will be exercised for vacant places.
From January 20 to June 30, inclusive, registration will be made for children living in the assigned territory. nine0077 The territory of the district of St. Petersburg, on which the general educational organization is located, is considered to be fixed. When enrolling a child, the fact that the child lives in the territory, the boundaries of which are determined by the order of the district administration for each school (microdistrict), will also be taken into account.
Starting July 1, , we begin accepting applications for enrollment in the first classes of children who do not live in the assigned territory. Educational organizations that have completed the admission to the first grade of all children living in the assigned territory are accepting children who do not live in the assigned territory from May 10, 2019of the year.
Parents may apply to three schools at the same time. To apply, you will need an identity document and the original birth certificate of the child. A complete package of documents confirming the privileged category, the right to reside in the assigned territory, and the child's health certificate are provided directly to the school after receiving an invitation from the educational institution.
Acceptance of documents for registration in the first grades of schools will last until September 5th. The priority right is exercised strictly within the allotted time. nine0005
Sending an invitation to an educational organization to the applicant indicating the date and time of receipt of documents is carried out within the following terms:
when accepting children with a preferential right to enroll - no earlier than 10 days from the date of admission, but no later than 30 days from the date of submission statements;
· When accepting children living in the assigned territory - no earlier than 30 days from the date of admission, but no later than 45 days from the date of application;
· When accepting children who do not live in the assigned territory - no earlier than 10 days from the date of admission, but no later than 30 days from the date of application.
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