Pain at 35 weeks pregnancy
35 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy
Many choose to begin their maternity leave around now, and then use the next few weeks to prepare for the baby's arrival. Others prefer to work until the birth. You can do what feels right for you.
What’s happening in my body?
If you've spotted any yellow stains in your bra, then that's probably colostrum, which is an early milk that is rich in antibodies. Some pregnant women start to make it weeks or even months before the birth. When you breastfeed, this helps to protect your baby from stomach bugs and other infections.
Around 3 to 5 days after the birth, your milk will come in, and your breasts will look even bigger. You may wish to get ready for this by getting measured for a feeding bra that will allow a bit of growth. You could also stock up on breast pads to soak up any extra milk, so that you don't stain your clothes.
Not everyone can breastfeed, and it takes a bit of practice, but if you can, then it gives your baby a good start in life. Read the Start for Life page about breastfeeding.
Talk to your midwife about group B strep
Group B strep is a common bacteria and up to 2 in 5 people have it living in their body. If you carry group B strep while you're pregnant, there's a small risk it could make your baby seriously ill. Most group B strep infections in newborn babies are preventable.
For more information talk to your midwife, or visit the Group B Strep Support website.
Your pain management options for labour
There are lots of effective ways for managing pain during childbirth. You do not need to pick just one of them. You could start with one, and then move on to another.
This is the use of relaxation techniques, moving around, and feeling empowered through knowing what is likely to happen during labour. Self help relaxation techniques mean that you are in control and there are no side effects. They may not work for everyone
Gas and air (Entonox)
This involves breathing in a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas through a face mask or mouthpiece. Gas and air:
- works quickly
- may make you feel sick
- may not take the pain away completely
Pethidine (or sometimes Diamorphine)
This is an injection of a drug into your thigh or bottom. Pethidine:
- can help you relax for around 2 to 4 hours
- takes about 20 minutes to work
- may make you feel sick
- is not suitable for late stages of labour as the drugs can interfere with the baby's feeding and breathing
This is a local anaesthetic that numbs the nerves that tell your brain you're in pain. You are given an injection into the space outside your spine. Your baby's heart will be monitored throughout. An epidural:
- can work well during a difficult labour
- is unlikely to make you feel sick
- needs to be given by an anaesthetist, so is not available everywhere
- could slow down your labour and you may need further intervention, such as a forceps delivery
- does not always work – around 1 in 8 women who have an epidural also need other types of pain relief
Water birth
This is where you give birth in a special pool kept at a comfortable temperature. The warm water feels soothing and it's easier to move around. Many hospitals and birth centres have birthing pools, you can also hire them for home births. If you choose to have a water birth:
- try not to get into the pool too early, as it can slow down labour
- you will need to leave the pool and get medical help if there are complications
TENS machine
A TENS machine delivers small amounts of electrical currents through pads on your back. It's believed to encourage the body to produce more of its own natural painkillers (endorphins). If you use a TENS machine:
- you may need to hire or buy your own machine
- it might help with early labour, but not for the later stages
- there are no side effects – it's drug-free and you're in control
Alternative methods
Some women choose complementary treatments such as acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathy. Talk to your doctor or midwife if you're planning to give birth at a hospital or midwifery unit, and would like a therapist to be with you in labour.
Things to bear in mind with alternative methods:
- there are no side effects for most of them
- there is no strong evidence that they work
Have a look at where to give birth and your options on the NHS website.
Discuss your ideas with your midwife, doctor and partner. Then write your preferences in your birth plan. Remember – you can change your mind on the day.
Read more about pain relief on the NHS website.
3rd trimester pregnancy symptoms (at 35 weeks)
You may be getting sore ribs now. That could be because your baby is head down, and kicking away. If the pain is really bad, or under your ribs, then talk to your midwife or doctor, just in case it's a sign of a condition called pre-eclampsia. However, it's more likely that your little one is just very active.
Your signs of pregnancy could also include:
- painless contractions around your bump, known as Braxton Hicks contractions
- sleeping problems (week 19 has information about feeling tired)
- stretch marks (read about stretch marks on week 17's page)
- swollen and bleeding gums (week 13 has information about gum health during pregnancy)
- pains on the side of your baby bump, caused by your expanding womb ("round ligament pains")
- piles (read about piles on week 22's page)
- headaches
- backache
- indigestion and heartburn (week 25 talks about digestive problems)
- bloating and constipation (read about bloating on week 16's page)
- leg cramps (week 20 explains how to deal with cramp)
- feeling hot
- dizziness
- swollen hands and feet
- urine infections
- vaginal infections (see week 15 for vaginal health)
- darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma or the "mask of pregnancy"
- greasier, spotty skin
- thicker and shinier hair
You may also experience symptoms from earlier weeks, such as:
- mood swings (week 8's page has information on mood swings)
- morning sickness (read about dealing with morning sickness on week 6's page)
- weird pregnancy cravings (read about pregnancy cravings on week 5's page)
- a heightened sense of smell
- sore or leaky breasts (read about breast pain on week 14's page)
- a white milky pregnancy discharge from your vagina and light spotting (seek medical advice for any bleeding)
Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.
What does my baby look like?
Your baby is around 46.2cm long from head to heel, and weighs about 2.4kg. That's approximately the height of 2 bananas and the weight of a honeydew melon.
Your baby is getting chubbier, which will help them to stay at the right temperature when they're born.
It's getting rather cramped in your womb now, but your baby should still be moving around, and you should feel movements as strongly and regularly as you have done in previous weeks.
If the movements change or stop, then talk to your doctor, midwife or call NHS 111.
Action stations
Have you had the whooping cough jab yet? It's usually offered to pregnant women between 16 and 32 weeks – but it's not too late to have it now. This vaccine will protect your tiny baby from this dangerous disease for the first few weeks of their life. Talk to your midwife or doctor about the jab, if you haven't already.
This week you could also...
You have maternity rights. You can ask for a risk assessment of your work place to ensure that you're working in a safe environment. You should not be lifting heavy things and you may need extra breaks and somewhere to sit. You can also attend antenatal appointments during paid work time.
It's a good time to tone up your pelvic floor muscles. Gentle exercises can help to prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze or cough. Get the muscles going by pretending that you're having a wee and then stopping midflow. Visit Tommy’ for more ideas about pelvic floor exercises.
Tommy's has lots of useful information on antenatal classes and preparing you for birth.
Even if you've had children before, antenatal classes are still worth going to as you can meet other parents-to-be. The NCT offers online antenatal classes with small groups of people that live locally to you.
To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, you should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight.
Some people should take a vitamin D supplement all year round, find out if this applies to you on the NHS website. You just need 10 micrograms (it's the same for grown-ups and kids). Check if you're entitled to free vitamins.
It's recommended that you do 150 minutes of exercise while pregnant. You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. Check out Sport England's #StayInWorkOut online exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.
There's no need to eat for 2. Now you're in the third trimester, you may need an extra 200 calories a day, but that's not much. It's about the same as 2 slices of wholemeal toast and margarine.
Try to eat healthily, with plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and avoid processed, fatty and salty foods. You may be able to get free milk, fruit and veg through the Healthy Start scheme.
How are you today? If you're feeling anxious or low, then talk to your midwife or doctor who can point you in the right direction to get all the support that you need. You could also discuss your worries with your partner, friends and family.
You may be worried about your relationship, or money, or having somewhere permanent to live. Don't keep it to yourself. It's important that you ask for help if you need it.
Having another baby is probably the last thing on your mind. However now is a good time to start planning what type of contraception you would like to use after your baby is born. Getting pregnant again could happen sooner than you realise and too short a gap between babies is known to cause problems. Talk to your GP or midwife to help you decide.
You and your family should follow the government and NHS guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19):
To find out about about COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, have a look at advice on the:
Baby Development, Symptoms and Tips
Key Takeaways at 35 Weeks Pregnant
- At this stage, it might feel like you’re all belly—and with good reason.
Believe it or not, your uterus has grown to about 500 to 1,000 times its original size.
- Make sure you know the signs of labor. Braxton Hicks contractions will feel intense at this point; make sure they’re not getting stronger and more frequent. If they are, call your doctor.
- The Group B strep test will be happening in the next week or two. Your doctor will swab your vaginal area and rectum and have it tested for bacteria called Group B Strep. It’s common, but can be harmful to baby. Don’t worry, if you’re positive, you’ll just be given antibiotics during labor to protect baby.
At 35 weeks, some moms-to-be feel like they have a ton of stuff left to do before baby’s arrival. Others can barely wait for baby to make their debut. Either way, try not to stress; baby will show up when they’re ready and won’t care if you haven’t checked every little detail off your list. As long as you’ve got a safe place for baby to sleep, some diapers and an infant car seat for the ride home, you’ve already got a bunch of baby’s basic needs taken care of.
Baby at Week 35
Baby’s hearing is now fully developed, and your 35-week fetus responds best to high-pitched noises. If you’re pregnant with a boy, you would see on a 35 weeks pregnant ultrasound that his testes have probably fully descended. (Bet you hadn’t thought about that one!)
How big is baby at 35 weeks?
At 35 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a pineapple. Baby measures about 18.2 inches from head to heel. From here on out, they won't get much longer but will keep plumping up. Your 35-week fetus now weighs about 5.3 pounds, and will put on a pound or more of baby fat before you meet them.
35 weeks pregnant is how many months?
Thirty-five weeks pregnant is eight months pregnant, although doctors refer to your stage in pregnancy by week, not month. Just about five more weeks left!
35 week ultrasound
Wondering if you’ll get an ultrasound this week? Probably not—unless you’re considered high risk. This week or next, you may have a Group B strep test. For it, your doctor will take a swab of your vaginal area and rectum and have it tested for bacteria called Group B Strep. This bacteria is common and isn’t going to make you sick, but it could be harmful to baby if they’re exposed to it at birth, so knowing whether you have it is important. If you do, you’ll be given antibiotics during the birth to prevent exposure, and that’s that. Easy peasy.
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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 35
As you wrap up your eighth month, you’re probably feeling some of these 35 weeks pregnant symptoms:
Frequent urge to pee
Yup, your bladder is being pressed on by baby (or babies, if you’re 35 weeks pregnant with twins), who’s likely sitting pretty low in your pelvis, getting ready for birth. Don’t let the extra trips to the bathroom deter you from drinking lots of water, though—dehydration puts you at risk for preterm labor, so drink up.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Make sure to get plenty of fiber in your diet. If you’ve tried everything and are still struggling with constipation, ask your doctor if it’s okay for you to take a fiber supplement or a stool softener.
Aches and pains in the hips and pelvis
These ouchies are continuing—and you may even be feeling a few new ones. While you’re dealing with discomfort, look on the bright side: It’s a sign your body is getting ready to deliver your baby. Yep, all of this pain actually has a purpose! Your ligaments are loosening so that baby can make their way out of your uterus and into the world.
Braxton Hicks contractions
At 35 weeks pregnant, you may have noticed an increase in the number of contractions you're having. It’s kind of crazy how hard your belly can get! Just keep an eye on those contractions; rest when you get them and drink lots of water.
Is it normal to be really tired at 35 weeks pregnant?
You are definitely not alone in feeling fatigued at 35 weeks! Your body’s aches and pains, your bursting bladder and your very active baby all make insomnia a very real possibility at this stage of your pregnancy. You may also be experiencing symptoms such as leg cramps or heartburn that can prevent you from sleeping soundly. Just try to get all the rest you can now—in a few weeks, it will be much harder to sleep with a new baby to love and care for!
Your Pregnant Belly at 35 Weeks
Growing, growing, growing. Yup, baby and you. Now that you’ve reached 35 weeks pregnant, your uterus has grown to about 500 to 1,000 times its original size, a number that might sound exaggerated to everyone else—but to you, it probably feels more like a million. You can expect to gain about a half-pound each week until you give birth.
When you’re 35 weeks pregnant, it’s a good idea to review the signs of labor. You may think this is early, but about 11 percent of singleton moms give birth prematurely, while moms who are 35 weeks pregnant with twins are close to being considered full term at this point.
Signs of Labor at 35 Weeks
This is not a drill! Here are signs of actual, call-the-OB-and-grab-your-hospital-bag labor:
Water breaking.

You’ll know your water has broken if you experience something that’s less like discharge and more like a flow of water. It can happen in a big gush (like in the movies) or in a slow trickle that just keeps coming.
Painful contractions
Those Braxton Hicks have nothing on real contractions. If you’re suddenly feeling pain in your 35 weeks pregnant belly or back instead of some mild tightness, it could be time.
Regular contractions
True contractions happen regularly and don’t stop—they get more frequent, and more painful. Your doctor will probably tell you at what point to call and let them know about your contractions. A good rule of thumb is to call when contractions are about five minutes apart for a first pregnancy. If it’s not your first, call earlier—more like when they’re 10 to 15 minutes apart—because those labors tend to be much shorter.
Unsure if any 35 weeks pregnant symptom could be a sign of labor? Always call the doctor just to be safe.
Can baby be born at 35 weeks and be healthy?
Yes! While it’s still a couple more weeks until baby reaches “early term” at 37 weeks, they can still be born now and be just as healthy in the long run as one born later. Don’t be surprised if your doctor wants to extend baby’s hospital stay a bit just to make sure all is well.
"It's not too early to start organizing the pile of goods needed for your hospital (or birth center) stay!… Cluttering your labor and postpartum space will bring unnecessary stress, not to mention tripping hazards in darkened rooms. Think comfort, familiarity and necessities: your bed pillow, personal toiletries, stretchy clothes, special objects for labor focal points, phones/chargers, snacks, baby outfit, car seat. Channel your inner minimalist!" - Julie Lamppa, APRN, CNM, certified nurse midwife at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and the co-author of Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More.
Tips for 35 Weeks Pregnant
Feeling over it? We hear you. Don’t worry, your pregnancy journey will be over soon enough—and the reward will be worth it! In the meantime, here are some ways to stay busy this week.
Pack your hospital bag
If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to prepare for delivery. There are things you’ll need (insurance information, photo ID) and there are things that you’ll want (socks, comfortable clothes for the trip home). Here’s a checklist if you need ideas for what to pack.
Use your pregnancy pillow
At the 35-week mark, this pillow has probably been a lifesaver for you. It helps you maintain that ideal left-side sleeping position, and it also relieves pressure on your hips while you’re lying in bed.
Watch your water intake before bed
There’s not a whole lot you can do about your frequent trips to the bathroom—it’s just part of being 35 weeks pregnant. Up all night? Limit how much water you drink in the hour or two before you go to bed to reduce the number of middle-of-the-night wake ups.
Eat more salads
They’re a great way to get more fiber in your diet to prevent constipation. Start with spinach or kale, add some lentils or roasted chickpeas (or go fruit-forward with pears, berries or apples) and top with sesame seeds or chopped almonds—they’re all tasty fiber-rich foods.
Pregnancy Checklist at 35 Weeks Pregnant
Reminders for the week:
- Get ready to announce baby's arrival
- Get to know the signs of labor
- Program important numbers into your phones
What happens to the baby and mother
The 35th week of pregnancy has come: what sensations are observed in the mother, and how does the baby feel?
35 weeks pregnant? Are you worried about endless delicate questions and worries about the baby’s condition, but is it embarrassing to open up to a gynecologist? You can dive into the vastness of the Internet and read our useful, informative article that reveals all the questions. First of all, we can say that there is very little left before meeting with the long-awaited baby, very soon pleasant moments and chores will come. nine0003
- 35 weeks is what month of pregnancy?
- What changes happen to the baby at 35 weeks?
- How many times does the fetus move?
- Presentation
- Is the baby ready for birth?
- How does twins feel at 35 weeks?
- Ultrasound examination
- CTG indicators
- What is happening with mom: feelings
- How to distract from bad thoughts
- pain
- Possible dangers
- Proper nutrition of mom
- Sex at 35 weeks of pregnancy
- Physical exercises
- Tonus of the uterus
- Tips for expectant mothers
Tummy of a woman at 35 weeks are difficult to move, difficult to move around . If the expectant mother is still working at work, then it's time to think about the decree! There are only a few weeks left before the birth, you need to have a good rest in order to gain strength and prepare a dowry for a small bag. It must be remembered that 35 weeks is the time when a baby can be born unexpectedly, so a medical policy, an outpatient observation card and a passport must be prepared in advance. nine0003
35 weeks is what month of pregnancy?
35 weeks means that 8.5 months of pregnancy is over. According to the calculations of the usual calendar months, the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy has come.
A woman's weight increases by 10-13 kg by this period. The tummy drops noticeably.
What changes happen to the baby at 35 weeks?
The fetus continues to grow and develop. All organs work in harmony. The heart pumps blood, and the lungs prepare for the first breath by producing a substance called surfactant. It will help the lungs to fully open up and not stick together at the time of the first cry of the newborn. nine0003
The immunity of the fetus is being strengthened, but it still cannot resist some infections, so the mother must take care of her health so as not to harm the development of the baby.
Fat mass builds up on the body, due to which the folds on the body of the fetus are smoothed out, and the skin becomes denser and no longer translucent. The color of the skin acquires a pinkish tint, the shoulders are rounded, and cheeks appear on the face.
It's amazing, but the little man living in the womb has already formed an individual pattern on his fingers. It remains for life and does not change. Facial features become more perfect and acquire individuality. nine0003
At 35 weeks, the primordial fluff that covers the body, ears, face of the baby begins to disappear. Nails and hair are actively growing, so heartburn often worries mom. Pigment accumulates in the hair, on which the color of the hairline will depend. The iris of the eyes is not yet fully formed, there is practically no pigment in it. Almost all babies are born with gray-blue eyes, which will change over time and acquire the color laid down by the genes.
The bones of the skull have not yet fused, which allows them to deform during childbirth. nine0003
How many times does the fetus move?
As the baby grows, there is less and less space in the uterus. Mom is hard to tolerate the daily exercise of the baby. After all, he manages to kick, push, turn around more and more. The rate of movements in this gestation period is 10 times in 12 hours. During this period, a woman should responsibly monitor the movements of the crumbs: stirring less or more than 10 times is a sign of going to the doctor.
You can already see that the tummy is starting to sink. The child takes a comfortable position for him upside down. There is no need to worry, being upside down, he is very comfortable, and most importantly - this is the correct posture that contributes to easy childbirth.
If the baby is lying across or upside down, then you should not worry, the baby can change position before the birth. Otherwise, the gynecologist will prescribe a caesarean section.
Is the baby ready for birth? nine0010
The baby is warm, comfortable, the nutrients are supplied constantly, the heartbeat is normal, so we can say with confidence that everything is in order with him. The organism of the fetus is preparing for a new habitat: the process of existence in the womb is completed:
- the original feces, meconium, have accumulated in the intestines. Its composition is dominated by skin cells and bile. As a rule, the mass leaves the intestine after a few hours;
- the amount of original lubrication decreases - thick white or yellow mucus that protects the skin of the child in the womb; nine0014
- liver removes waste products;
- kidneys have completed their development;
- fat that grows on the baby's body will provide him with good thermoregulation after birth;
- baby's eyes are still closed;
- adrenal glands continue to develop and produce hormones, active substances;
- internal organs perform their functions like clockwork.
The child is preparing to live independently, i.e. extrauterine;
- patterns on the feet increase; nine0014
- The brain controls the first innate reflexes.
Delivery at 35 weeks is too early. But there are certain indications that indicate early delivery. Preliminary doctors assess the viability of the baby after childbirth.
All babies at 35 weeks of development are born different. Some can breathe on their own, while others need intensive resuscitation. Thanks to special medical equipment, babies born at this time have every chance of a successful outcome. In addition, they do not have deviations in physical and mental development. nine0003
How are twins feeling at 35 weeks?
Prenatal development of twins does not differ from normal pregnancy. Babies have already taken the position in which they will be born, so the doctor prescribes an additional ultrasound examination to schedule a caesarean section if the children are not lying correctly.
Expectant mother should be prepared that future babies at 35 weeks are rapidly gaining weight. This will affect the condition of the pregnant woman. Twins behave unpredictably, so you need to be prepared for anything. nine0003
Why is a fetal ultrasound necessary? Features of the procedure:
- the stage of placental maturity is assessed. If the stage of its development is the second, then it loses all its resources, therefore, urgent hospitalization of the pregnant woman is required;
- ultrasound examination at 35 weeks once again convinces doctors and mom that there are no pathologies in the fetus;
- baby's activity, weight, height, heartbeat are diagnosed. The weight of the child should be 2500 kg, height 45-47 cm.
- checking the condition of the uterus, amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord;
- location of the fetus.
CTG parameters
At the 35th week of fetal development, CTG (cardiography) is prescribed. It checks the heartbeat and signs of fetal hypoxia.
CTG result:
- 8-10 points - norm;
- 6-7 points - the fetus suffers from hypoxia;
- 5 points or less 5 - critical condition of the fetus. The reason for hospitalization, urgent delivery is carried out. nine0014
Heartbeat indicators:
- in the moving state of the baby, there are 130-190 beats;
- at rest of the fetus - 110-160 strokes.
What happens to the mother: sensations
At the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman is constantly tormented by weakness. But how could it be otherwise, when the stomach has almost reached its maximum size! It is impossible to rest calmly, because it is very difficult to get into a comfortable position for sleeping. nine0003
Walking is also difficult, the legs are swollen, they feel pain. A large belly clamps the lungs, so shortness of breath worries and fatigue sets in. The uterus causes discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes the appearance of annoying heartburn, causeless nausea. The bladder from the very beginning of pregnancy begins to disturb the pregnant woman, but at 35 weeks she has to run to the toilet again and again at short intervals. The problem is that after a night of "running" on a small woman can not sleep. nine0003
The tummy grows and stretches the skin, so it starts to itch and stretch marks appear. The navel sticks out funny, the "track" from the navel to the pubis takes on a dark shade. There is a marked change in gait.
At this period of development, the child takes calcium from the mother's body. Therefore, you need to eat healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals.
How to distract from bad thoughts
Due to discomfort, the expectant mother feels exhausted, she wants to see her baby sooner and regain her former ease. A pregnant woman is constantly tormented by bad thoughts associated with childbirth. I would like to note that women in a position feel like unnecessary hippos to anyone, so relatives should surround her with care and love. You need to often walk in the fresh air, listen to pleasant music, read interesting books and watch positive TV shows. nine0003
In your free time, you can think about the upcoming task - how to name the baby. You can think about who the child will look like, imagine his eye color, hair, smile. Classes on the arrangement of the children's room and the preparation of diapers, sliders, undershirts, necessary accessories helps to tune in to a positive wave. Frequent conversations with the stomach allow you to establish a close bond between mother and child.
Light, mild vaginal mucus is a sign of normal condition. If the consistency and color of the mucus are disturbed, an unpleasant pungent odor appears, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps this indicates an infection in the genitourinary system, which must be eliminated before the onset of childbirth. Bloody discharges are the most dangerous. nine0003
Premature birth is a precursor to the emission of amniotic fluid. They come out immediately or periodically leak. They are distinguished by the absence of color, smell. Such a phenomenon should be accompanied by an immediate call to the emergency department of the maternity hospital.
It is not surprising that in the later stages there is aching pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to the sprain and the heavy weight of the uterus. At 35 weeks, the stomach, as if, gathers into a bundle and turns to stone. This feeling is called training contractions, the uterus is preparing for childbirth. nine0003
If abdominal tension becomes regular and with severe pain, and the interval between them decreases, then this is no longer a “training” of the uterus, but real contractions.
A pregnant woman is accompanied by chest pains. After all, it pours, hardens, gets heavier. It's time to get a special bra for nursing mothers. It lifts the chest, eliminating discomfort.
In addition, the head, back, legs, perineal and pelvic areas hurt. The child kicks the mother in the hypochondrium, which also causes severe pain. There is also discomfort in the anus, especially in the presence of hemorrhoids. nine0003
Possible hazards
Late gestosis may appear at week 35, manifested by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, edema and sudden weight gain. It is dangerous for both women and children. In addition to disruptions in the functioning of numerous internal organs, the nervous system and vision, the following problem arises - premature detachment of the placenta, leading to early birth and fetal asphyxia. Timely failure to provide medical assistance can lead to disastrous consequences - a child's lag in physical and mental development. If at least one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. nine0003
Expectant mothers need to take care of their health from viral infections, because the baby's immunity still cannot resist some diseases: measles, rubella, hepatitis.
Proper nutrition of the mother
In the late stages of an interesting situation, the expectant mother begins to feel pain in the stomach due to disruption of the digestive system. Therefore, doctors advise to follow proper nutrition and diet to reduce stomach pain and prevent heartburn. nine0003
What you can
Eat healthy foods rich in calcium and iron. The diet should contain fruits and various vegetables, low-fat broth, cereals. They will help the intestines cope with digestion, and vitamins have a good effect on the development of the internal organs of the fetus. For the body of the mother and child, red meat, dairy products, liver will be useful.
Do's and Don'ts
It is necessary to give up sweet, smoked, salty, fried foods. It contributes to a significant weight gain, which negatively affects the course of childbirth. nine0003
Water balance
It is necessary to monitor the water balance, because edema appears at the late stage of pregnancy. Water should be consumed little by little, but often. You should not drink a large amount of liquid before going to bed, so that in the morning you do not wake up swollen and tortured from the endless running around to the toilet.
Do not lie down immediately after eating. It is necessary to walk a little so as not to provoke the appearance of heartburn. nine0003
Sex at 35 weeks of pregnancy
Sex can be dangerous for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy, but if there are no obvious contraindications, then doctors do not prohibit intimate relationships.
When is intimacy allowed?
Modern research shows that male sperm has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the cervix. If the spouse is sure that the husband is 100% “clean”, then you can safely practice unprotected sex. nine0003
It must be remembered that sex must be neat and many positions must be avoided due to the size of the tummy. Many "pregnant" couples prefer positions with penetration from behind, and doctors have nothing wrong with this position.
In what cases is intimacy prohibited?
- threatened preterm labor;
- placenta low;
- most recent days of pregnancy;
- expectation of twins;
- sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain; nine0014
- the partner has diseases of the genital organs;
- the protective plug has come off.
Physical exercise
The 35th week of pregnancy should force the expectant mother to follow moderate physical activity. You should not stand up or sit down abruptly, strain. It is not necessary to completely eliminate physical activity. You can attend yoga classes, swimming. You should train your lungs every day with deep exhalations and inhalations - this will come in handy during childbirth. Exercises on a large special ball are considered the best in the later stages of an interesting position. nine0003
Uterine tone
Determination of uterine tone:
- the abdomen becomes hard;
- predominant pain in the groin and lower abdomen;
- brown discharge appears.
During the examination, the gynecologist quickly determines the tone of the uterus and, if necessary, prescribes Papaverine.
Tips for expectant mothers
- Proper diet is the key to an easy delivery;
- bowel movements should occur every day. With constipation, dried apricots, prunes, beets, kefir will help; nine0014
- cereals, jelly do not provoke heartburn;
- should not be in one position for a long time, so that swelling of the legs and arms does not occur;
- contrast shower of the lower extremities relieves swelling;
- frequent walks in the fresh air;
- for sleeping you need to take the most comfortable position, you can put a pillow under the lower back, stomach or between the knees;
- gymnastics should not be forgotten;
- correct posture! You can not cross your legs in a sitting position, so as not to worsen blood circulation; nine0014
- there is a need to take care of the skin with special ointments for stretch marks during pregnancy;
- leaving the house, you must take a bag with documents.
Contractions can start at any moment;
- advice about continuing intimacy would be helpful.
Pregnancy is a miracle of nature that makes a woman beautiful and happy. But by the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman does not have the strength left to endure colossal loads day and night. But nothing, there is very little time left before the birth of the long-awaited blood. Maybe in a month, or maybe in a couple of weeks or in general, in 2-3 days, so you need to be ready to meet the newborn. nine0003
33-36 weeks pregnant
33 weeks pregnant
How does the baby develop?
This week, the baby continues to actively grow and gain weight, his height is already about 44 cm, and the weight of a tiny body is approximately 1800-1900 g. During this period, the baby is no longer so easy to turn around, he takes up more space, which is why and his movements. This week, the baby sleeps a lot and therefore moves less, and the amplitude of his movements also decreases. The muscles become stronger, so the pushes, although rare, are quite strong and more concentrated. For a mother, baby movements can be very sensitive and painful, causing internal organs to suffer. The blood vessels of the baby are already expanding and contracting, their walls are becoming thicker, and the tone is higher. Brain cells undergo a process of adhesion. The skin of the crumbs turns pink, and due to the increase in subcutaneous fat, all wrinkles on the body are smoothed out. On the head of the crumbs, the hairs become darker and thicker, and the hairs covering the body become less and less. This fluffy hairiness is called lanugo. At 33 weeks, the baby's skin is covered with a special lubricant that protects it and ensures an easier delivery. Lubrication most of all covers the face, back, folds under the arms, groin and neck. nine0003
How does mother feel?
The uterus of the expectant mother rises higher and higher, up to 34 cm from the pubis, and the tummy grows significantly. This is due to the large weight of the crumbs, amniotic fluid and placenta. At the same time, it is harder for the mother to squat and make other movements. Strong and sharp jolts of the baby, as well as an enlarged uterus, can cause pain. But the expectant mother can already determine what exactly pushed her baby: with her knee or fist. If the tremors are light, this may indicate that the baby is hiccuping. At this time, a woman is recommended light physical activity, which allows you to take frequent breaks. Walking or fitness is best. Due to the fact that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on many organs, the mother may experience temporary discomfort, which is not related to any diseases. A high load is placed on the spine, causing pain in the sacrum, lower back and pelvis. In a pregnant woman, the volume of circulating blood increases by a liter, which has a strong effect on the functioning of the kidneys, oppressing the bladder and causing frequent urination. Sometimes mom can get up to six times a night.
The cause of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and nausea is the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. In this case, frequent meals in small portions will help to alleviate the condition. nine0003
34 weeks pregnant. How does the baby develop?
At this time, the baby has grown significantly, the weight of his little body reaches 2100 g, and the length is 45 cm. The body of the baby is already proportional and it is difficult to distinguish it from a newborn child. There are no wrinkles and folds on the face, the skin is smooth and even. The baby already often sucks his finger, developing a sucking reflex, so his cheeks are already formed and visible. Bones become denser, muscle mass also grows significantly. You can already see even the facial muscles on the face. By this time, the baby has already finally settled down in his mother's tummy and he is unlikely to be able to change the position of the body now. The bones of the skull, which are filled with connective tissue, remain very soft. nine0003
The baby's internal organs continue to develop. He swallows amniotic fluid many times throughout the day. Water passes through the digestive tract and stimulates the muscles. The pancreas and liver process the dense part of the amniotic fluid, which consists of vellus hairs, lubrication, and small skin flakes. The liquid component of the water is excreted by the kidneys. The body thus processes about half a liter of water. Bile continues to accumulate in the gallbladder, providing preparation for the activities of the organs after birth. There is an intensive preparation for the appearance of the crumbs into the world, his head shape may change. With the onset of childbirth during this period, the lungs of the baby are able to provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. nine0003
How does mother feel?
This week of pregnancy requires conscientious control of the condition of the expectant mother. This is just the period when a woman can feel false contractions. Painful sensations appear in the upper part of the uterus and gradually subside. With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, contractions become more pronounced. They resemble short muscle contractions lasting from a few seconds to five minutes. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming birth. This process with varying intensity accompanies the pregnancy of every woman. Experts call it Braxton-Hicks contractions. How can a future mother distinguish labor pains from precursors, especially if she is expecting a baby for the first time? nine0003
Consider the main differences:
- Preparatory contractions are characterized by a high interval between them, which varies in duration. And prenatal contractions are regular, with a gradually decreasing interval.
- Preparatory contractions may stop immediately after rest or a change in the body position of the expectant mother, and labor gradually intensifies regardless of the change in position.
- Pain sensations are also different.
Labor pains are accompanied by severe pains that become more and more noticeable. Preparatory contractions are characterized by either sharp pain, or they can be completely painless. nine0014
- False contractions may stop with the use of medically approved antispasmodics. While such drugs will not have any effect on labor pains or it will be minimized.
- A woman can feel false contractions in various places. This may be the lower abdomen, the side walls of the uterus, the entire abdomen. Pain during labor pains can resemble premenstrual pain. Also, pain can begin in the lower back, gradually covering the front of the abdomen. nine0014
It is very important for a woman with such symptoms to ensure a sense of security, in case of any contractions, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist of the pregnant woman.
35 weeks pregnant. How does the baby develop?
Each baby reaches their weight and height this week. Approximately, his body weight is approximately 2,300 g, and his height is up to 47 cm. Starting this week, the height and weight of the crumbs will gradually increase by 250 g. But these parameters depend on genetics and individual characteristics of the organism. By this period, the formation of all systems and organs of the baby is already ending, and cardinal changes in the body are not expected. The amount of mucus that covers the baby's skin gradually decreases. The hair fluff practically disappears from the body, and even if it remains, it completely disappears after birth. The body becomes pink, the muscles are stronger, and the shoulders become rounded. The baby already almost completely occupies the uterine cavity, its arms and legs are in a bent state. The baby is already very crowded and the mother can feel his every movement. The baby often changes his facial expression, closing his eyelids and contracting facial muscles. Small nails appear on the fingers. This week, the formation of the genitourinary and nervous system ends. The fact that the bones of the skull have not yet fused will make it easier to pass through the birth canal.
It is important during this period to control the number of movements of the baby. For half a day, approximately 10 movements should be recorded. If the movements are much more or less, the mother should consult a doctor. nine0003
How does mother feel?
Mom has difficulty breathing during this period. This is caused by the growing uterus, which pushes the lungs first. The lungs cannot fully expand, making breathing difficult. Also, an enlarged uterus pushes the bladder and intestines aside. This week, almost every pregnant woman feels short of breath, she has shallow and rapid breathing and a constant desire to take a deep breath. The cause of shortness of breath during this period can be a long walk or climbing stairs, as well as a long stay in the supine position. Proper alternation of rest and physical activity will help to alleviate the condition. The bottom of the uterus rises 35 cm from the pubis and 15 cm from the navel, this is the highest point for the entire period of bearing a baby. It feels like one of the hardest weeks of pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, all ligaments become more extensible and elastic. It can also lead to an increased risk of injury and falls. During this period, doctors do not recommend flights and long trips. If you need to go somewhere, the presence of a loved one and a mandatory change of position approximately every 15 minutes is important. Mom needs to rest more often this week. Special physical exercises that will help reduce back pain will be useful. nine0003
36 weeks pregnant. How does the baby develop?
This week the baby begins to actively prepare for the birth. All organs of the baby are already almost completely mature and can function independently. The weight of the baby reaches 2,500 g, and its height is approximately 46 cm. This period is preparatory for the birth of the baby. By the beginning of this week, the baby is already in its final position in the uterus. In the vast majority of cases, it is located facing the back of the mother and head down. This position is the safest during the passage of the birth canal and the most convenient. If there is a breech presentation of the baby, a caesarean section is possible. In this case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But this week, it is possible to change the position of the body only from the pelvic to the head, since the baby's head is heavier and this part of the body outweighs. The baby constantly sucks his finger and his cheeks become chubby. The baby also receives oxygen through the umbilical cord and also makes respiratory and swallowing movements. The baby at this time looks the way it is born, and the bones of the skull still remain pliable and soft to facilitate passage through the birth canal. nine0003
How does mother feel?
During this period, a pregnant woman feels very tired. The tummy becomes heavier, making it difficult to choose the position of the body. The baby begins to sink lower, preparing for childbirth, and it becomes easier for the mother to breathe. But this increases the pressure on the bladder, causing more frequent urination. The uterus is located at a distance of 36 cm from the pubis. This is the highest point throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt, leading intensive preparation for childbirth. Hormonal changes cause an increase in hormone levels. The pelvic bones soften under the influence of hormones, trying to make it as easy as possible for the baby to pass through the birth canal. At the same time, contractions intensify and more abundant vaginal discharge appears. A pregnant woman needs to listen more to her body this week and carefully monitor it. With pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as pain in the lower back, attention should be paid to its duration and frequency. If you have all the indicators, you should immediately contact a gynecologist: premature birth this week is not uncommon, so it is important to respond to body signals in time.