Green diarrhea in infants
Colored Stool and Diarrhea in Infants
Find out what color changes, diarrhea, and frequency may say about your baby's health.
Written by Lisa Zamosky
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 31, 2022
New babies don't come with an instruction manual, but they do leave clues about the state of their health. Hiding in a baby's diaper is a wealth of information, and many new parents understandably find themselves spending a lot of time and energy trying to decode the messages left for them -- the amount, the color, the consistency -- and what it all means.
So what does the content of a baby's diaper say about their health? And when should you be worried about what's in the diaper? Here's expert advice.
How Much Poop Is Normal?
"A lot," says Kenneth Wible, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri and pediatrics medical director at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, Mo.
"It depends somewhat on diet," Wible says. "Babies who are breastfed generally have more and thinner stools than babies who are formula fed. But five to six stools per day is pretty normal."
While it's a good idea to expect a lot of poop in the early stages of a baby's life, the frequency of bowel movements among children varies widely, notes Barry Steinmetz, MD, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Miller Children's Hospital Long Beach in Long Beach, Calif.
"Some kids will go up to seven or eight times a day," he says. Other infants may go every other day.
Many parents become concerned when an infant's bowel movements suddenly drop in frequency. But particularly for breastfed babies, this is a common occurrence as a mother's milk becomes more mature.
"The mother's milk is so well balanced and the baby's digestive processes are so good, there's not a lot of residue," Wible says.
The key, Steinmetz says, is that the stool is soft and the child is eating well and gaining weight.
There's often a large amount of liquid content in babies' stool because before six months, doctors recommend that babies get their nutrients exclusively from milk.
"It kind of looks as if you took a jar of mustard and mixed it with cottage cheese, especially for formula-fed babies," Wible says. "With breastfed babies, there is a lot more liquid and the milk curds in the stool are a lot finer and smaller."
Is It Constipation?
It's not simply the absence of stool but stool that is formed or looks like pellets that should tip you off that your child may be constipated.
Very firm or pebble-like stools require a call to the doctor. This can sometimes indicate that the child is dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration might include decreased tears, lack of saliva, and a sunken look in the eyes and the infant's soft spot. The soft spot, also called anterior fontanelle, is a space between the bones on the top of an infant’s skull. The soft spot can be present until about 2 years of age.
Most parents are concerned that the pained, red-faced look their baby gets while pooping means straining and constipation. That's usually not the case.
"A baby doesn't know how to ... contract the abdominal musculature and push," Steinmetz explains. "Plus, they don't have gravity helping them like when you sit on a commode."
By the age of 1, most kids have it worked out and lose the tortured look.
Signs of Diarrhea
When it comes to diarrhea, parents sometimes have a hard time knowing what they're dealing with because infants' stools are naturally loose. But looking for subtle changes in a baby's poop is often a waste of time, Steinmetz says.
"Blow-out diarrhea that goes up the back is not that subtle," he says. And it's just the kind of outburst that is common when diarrhea strikes very young children.
Call your doctor right away if there is diarrhea, especially with newborns, Wible advises. It can signal something more serious, such as a virus or other systemic illness dangerous for very young children.
What Does Color Mean?
Baby poop changes color and it's a constant concern for parents. But for the most part, it needn't be.
"Color has not much to do with anything except the transit time of food [in the baby's system] and the bile coming through the GI tract," Steinmetz says.
The poop color timeline works like this: Yellow means milk is moving through the baby's system quickly. When the process slows down, poop becomes green -- and can unnecessarily worry parents. Even slower, poop turns brown.
"That's why infants often have yellow stools, because they have a very fast transit time," Steinmetz says.
Colors of Concern
The main colors that should concern a parent and prompt an immediate call to the pediatrician are white, red, and black.
White poop can indicate an infection or a problem with bile, which is a fluid produced by the liver that aids digestion. Black is a sign of digested blood in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and red indicates fresh blood that could be coming from the colon or rectum.
Sometimes, however, breastfeeding newborns whose mothers' breast skin is cracking swallow their mother's blood while feeding, which comes through their stool, Wible says.
That's no cause for alarm, and your doctor may be able to perform a test to tell who the blood belongs to.
Occasionally, green, mucus-like poop can be caused by a virus commonly seen in babies. If your child has green poop and symptoms of diarrhea, fever, or irritability, call your pediatrician.
Solid Food and the Changes They Bring
When your child begins eating solid food, expect a firmer consistency and a change in the color of your child's poop, notes Wible.
"How it will change is unpredictable, but it will change," he says.
In general, it's a good idea to pay attention to the contents of your baby's diaper, as long as you keep it in perspective, Steinmetz says. Typical signs of an issue of real concern -- blood in the stool, vomiting blood, abdominal distention -- are hard to miss.
Still, if an issue is keeping you up at night, don't hesitate to call your doctor's office.
Causes in babies, toddlers, and children
Green poop in kids can be alarming, but it is usually not a cause for concern. Diet, such as eating leafy greens, often causes green poop. Otherwise, the cause may be diarrhea or a bacterial infection.
Poop is usually brown, but it can change color daily. This is not usually a cause for concern. The reasons for green poop in kids may vary, depending on their age, such as in babies, infants, and children.
This article discusses what causes kids to have green poop and when to take them to a doctor.
Poop is usually brown because it contains bile. Bile is a brownish-green fluid that the liver produces. Brown poop generally means that the liver and the pancreas are working normally and adding enough bile to poop.
Because bile is a brownish-green color, it can sometimes make the poop look green. In fact, green poop in babies and kids is not unusual.
Sometimes, the stool might even look yellow or slightly orange because of the way bile has mixed with a baby or child’s diet.
Diet and diarrhea are two of the most common reasons for kids’ poop to turn green:
Most of the time, as in adults, a kid’s poop turns green because the child has eaten something green. Foods that contain chlorophyll, which is the substance that makes plants green, can turn poop green.
Artificial food coloring can have the same effect. This is especially true if the food moves too fast through the colon before it can transform into the typically brown-colored stool.
Foods that can cause green poop in kids include:
- leafy greens, including spinach, kale, and lettuce
- candy, frosting, or cakes that contain artificial coloring
- iron supplements, which can turn the poop green or black
Diarrhea is often a culprit in poop color changes. Diarrhea happens when the small intestine cannot absorb enough water, which can often be due to a virus.
Because diarrhea changes the amount of water and electrolytes in poop, and because the material is moving through the digestive system faster than usual, the color of poop can change.
Some common causes of diarrhea in babies and children include:
- norovirus
- rotavirus, which doctors vaccinate most children against
- bacterial infections, such as salmonella
- medications, such as antibiotics
- food poisoning
Chronic diarrhea in a baby or child could signal an underlying condition, such as:
- inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Crohn’s disease
- irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- food allergies or intolerances, such as to gluten due to Celiac disease
- hyperthyroidism
- cancer, although this is very rare
Parasites can also cause diarrhea. Since children are notoriously bad about washing their hands, they are more vulnerable to parasites.
Giardia is a parasite that spreads through contact with infected bowel movements. People with giardiasis often develop diarrhea and a greasy-looking stool. Sometimes the stool looks green.
Green poop in infants under 6 months old is typical, and even reassuring.
Because newborns and infants should only consume breast milk or formula, the color of their poop tends to be more consistent than it is in older children.
Breastfed or chest-fed babies typically have mustard-yellow stools. It may look seedy or have slight hints of green. Poop color may change with the mother’s diet.
Formula-fed babies should have tan or yellow poop with traces of green. Sometimes the poop may look more green than others.
While green poop in babies is nothing to worry about, green poop accompanied by diarrhea can be dangerous. Worldwide, diarrhea is the fifth leading cause of death among children under the age of 5 years old.
The primary risk from diarrhea is dehydration. Caregivers who notice signs of diarrhea in babies should carefully monitor for signs of dehydration. These include:
- absence of a wet diaper for 3 hours or more
- crying with no tears
- dry lips or mouth
- sunken eyes or cheeks in advanced cases
- sunken soft spot on top of the head, also in advanced cases
Loose stools are common in babies until they start eating solid food. If the baby shows no other signs of illness, loose stools or green stools are probably not caused by diarrhea.
However, caregivers should bring babies under 2 months old who have diarrhea to a pediatrician.
When a baby develops diarrhea, a person should continue feeding them as usual unless a pediatrician recommends otherwise.
Sick children benefit especially from breast milk, which can also prevent dehydration, so a person should feed on demand whenever the baby wants to eat, even if it is more frequently than usual.
As children begin eating solids and eventually wean from breast milk or formula, food becomes a more frequent culprit in green poop. This includes leafy greens and artificial food colorings.
Parents should not worry about green poop as long as a child is otherwise healthy.
Diarrhea in children can be dangerous, especially if it lasts several days. Parents should monitor for signs of dehydration, which include:
- infrequent peeing or none at all
- dry, chapped lips
- low energy
- not sweating
- lack of tears when crying
- very dark urine
- irritability
To prevent dehydration, caregivers can consider offering their child a pediatric electrolyte drink and encouraging the child to continue drinking water.
Most cases of diarrhea clear up without treatment, but sometimes it is more serious. It is vital to monitor symptoms and ask a child to say if they begin feeling worse.
Not all poop color changes are as harmless as green poop.
Pale or clay-colored stool may mean there is a problem with the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. This is because there is less bile in the stool when it is one of these shades. A person should consult a doctor right away if this happens.
If there are other symptoms, such as pain or vomiting, they must go to the emergency room.
Dark poopBlack poop is typical in newborns that are a few days old. This poop is called meconium.
In older babies and children, black poop can mean there is gastrointestinal bleeding. A person should call their pediatrician if their child has black poop.
If there is blood in a child’s poop or poops blood, a parent or caregiver should immediately take the child to the emergency room.
Warning signsA person should see a doctor when a baby or child has diarrhea and any of the following symptoms:
- signs of dehydration
- vomiting for longer than a day
- a fever higher than 100.
4°F (38°C) in babies under 3 months of age
- lack of interest in eating
If an infant over 3 months of age has a fever higher than 102.2°F (39°C), a person should speak with their doctor as a precaution. As long as the child is still consuming liquids, it is fine for the infant to avoid eating for several days and their parent or caregiver may be able to wait until they get better at home.
Parenting is full of scary moments. Many parents find themselves becoming highly attuned to changes in their child’s poop and will be able to detect early signs of illness.
But green poop by itself almost never means there is something wrong, meaning parents can cross this worry off their list. As with all symptoms, they should contact a pediatrician if something seems particularly untoward or there is a major change in what is typical for their child.
Baby's green stool - Articles about baby food from pediatricians and MAMAKO experts The child's stool suddenly began to look completely different, instead of yellowish, it turned out to be green.

- Anastasia Anatolyevna, what kind of stool should a healthy baby have and what deviations are acceptable?
— Stool color differs between breastfed and formula-fed babies. If greenery appears in the stool, and its consistency and frequency remain normal, this is acceptable.
— What diseases can be a symptom of green stool in a newborn?
- Various diseases can provoke the appearance of green stools, primarily disorders in the baby's gastrointestinal tract and infections:
- liver or gallbladder dysfunction;
- diseases of the pancreas;
- dysbacteriosis;
- bacterial infections;
- viral intestinal diseases;
- helminthic infestation;
- food allergy.
- Let's see what green stool means in common problematic situations.
- Situation 1. Green loose stools in an infant
- If diarrhea occurs suddenly, accompanied by vomiting, fever, intestinal colic - this is a disease. It can be caused by enteroviruses, pathogenic fungi, intestinal bacteria. For example, staphylococci and streptococci, entering the intestines of a child, begin intensive reproduction and change the acidic environment to an alkaline one. Therefore, the color of the stool changes.
- Situation 2. Green feces with dysbacteriosis in infants
— Every baby faces dysbacteriosis: it occurs during the formation of the necessary microflora in the intestines. The unnaturally green color of the stool in dysbacteriosis is due to the content of dead leukocytes in the feces. They accumulate in the intestinal area and increase the inflammatory process. The stool turns green due to fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. Other manifestations of dysbacteriosis include bloating, gas formation, and a skin rash. The child's stool will return to normal when the microflora is fully populated.
If the child is gaining weight well, nothing bothers him, then green stool is considered normal. Other symptoms will indicate indigestibility of food.
Green stool in a baby - causes
— What symptoms should a child see a doctor against the background of green stools?
- Decreased appetite in a baby, fever, colic, abdominal pain, bloody impurities and mucus in the feces, vomiting, rash on the body - such complaints should be an obligatory reason for a visit to a children's doctor. Upon examination, he will recommend a list of studies to make the correct diagnosis.
If a green stool appeared during a change in nutrition, but the child has an adequate weight gain, good health, he is active, his appetite is normal, then there is no reason for concern. This may be a one-time manifestation that will disappear without any complaints.
Green stool in a child - what tests to pass:
- blood and urine test – the presence of inflammation in the body is determined;
- coprogram - the presence of an inflammatory process in the intestine is assessed,
- analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis - to assess the intestinal microflora;
- biochemical blood test - checking the functioning of the digestive organs;
- scraping for enterobiosis - confirms or excludes a parasitic disease;
- Ultrasound examination of the digestive system - to assess the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
Watch the video in which Rabiyat Salakhiddinovna Zayniddinovna, a pediatrician, will tell you why artificial and breastfeeding babies' stools are green and in which cases parents have no reason to worry.
- How to treat green stools at home?
— The child must be treated by a specialist. Therapy depends on the cause of green impurities in the feces. In case of malnutrition, a change in the diet of mother and child, a decrease in the volume of complementary foods, and the selection of the right complementary foods are prescribed.
If an infection is suspected, the child must be hospitalized in a specialized department, because adequate assistance can only be provided there.
Treatment of intestinal infection and green stool:
- drinking regime - to prevent dehydration;
- sorbents - to remove pathogenic toxins from the body;
- antibacterial drugs - are prescribed when a causative agent of a bacterial intestinal infection is detected.
Non-infectious causes of green stools in a child - what to do:
- lactose intolerance - lactose is excluded from the child's diet;
- allergic reaction - determine the allergen and exclude it from the diet of an artificial child or a nursing mother;
- helminthic invasion - give anthelmintic drugs;
- dysbacteriosis - correct the intestinal microflora with pre- and probiotics.
— What can be considered the best prevention of green stools?
- Timely and correct introduction of complementary foods, nutrition without overeating, dietary compliance by the mother, individually selected milk formula will contribute to comfortable digestion in a small child.
There are many reasons leading to green stools in babies. Green stools can appear in both breastfed and formula-fed babies. Whether the change in stool color is caused by infectious diseases, your pediatrician will help you figure it out, who will select the right treatment.
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Green liquid stool in a child - causes and treatment
- Children's Medical Center "Pediatrician and Me"
- Articles
- Green stool in a child up to a year old, or how the color of feces changes from nutrition
The digestive system of babies in the first year of life reacts sharply to any intervention: changing the mixture, introducing complementary foods, taking medications, etc. In this case, the baby may experience colic, bloating, but most often parents pay attention to a change in stool. Often a situation arises when the baby's feces become green. Let's talk about the causes of this condition and whether it is dangerous for the child.
Causes of green stools
Sometimes there are situations when a child's stool turns green. The stool acquires this color due to the presence of a special pigment in them - biliverdin, contained in bile. Biliverdin is formed as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells and contains oxidized iron.
The presence of biliverdin in the intestine can lead to a rather bright coloration of the infant's stool. This condition is an indirect sign of pathology, but can be observed even in perfectly healthy babies. If you are faced with a similar phenomenon, show the child to a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist.
Effect of nutrition on baby's stool
The stool of a breastfed baby can be very different from the "artificial" stool. The feces of a baby receiving mother's milk are yellowish in color. This color is due to the presence of the bile pigment stercobilin, which is a breakdown product of bilirubin. The stool itself has a mushy texture and may contain small lumps. The smell is sour milk. A breastfed infant can empty the bowels up to 4-5 times a day. However, for this, the mother of the baby must eat right, and the child himself should not have health problems.
Formula-fed babies have thicker, more formed stools. The color of the feces varies from light brown to darker. There is a characteristic fecal odor. Bowel movements occur less frequently, about 2-3 times a day.
Most often, green stools are observed in babies who are bottle-fed. Much depends on the type of mixture chosen. If a child has health problems, such as milk protein intolerance, special nutrition is prescribed for him. Mixtures based on hydrolyzed protein or amino acids most often cause green stools.
The introduction of vegetable complementary foods
Green stools in children older than six months can be observed against the background of the introduction of complementary foods. Most often, such a reaction occurs on vegetables, such as broccoli, zucchini, green peas, etc. In addition to the uncharacteristic color, a large number of semi-digested lumps are found in the feces. This happens due to the peculiarities of the work of the children's intestines, which cannot fully digest coarse food. As a result, dietary fiber comes out with the stool. In the presence of this problem, it is worth reducing the amount of complementary foods and give the body time to get used to it. The help of a pediatrician in this situation is not required.
Switching from breastfeeding to formula
The baby's digestive system is adjusting to a new product that is very different from mother's milk. In the first few days of the transition, there may be a change in the color of the stool to greenish. However, this condition quickly returns to normal.
Pathological causes of green feces
The predominance of pathogenic microflora in the intestine can be one of the reasons for staining feces in an uncharacteristic color. In the process of decay and fermentation, specific protein compounds are formed that give the feces a greenish color and an unpleasant odor. In the presence of dysbacteriosis, the baby's feces become liquid, mucus impurities may be present in the masses. In addition, the baby may experience symptoms such as bloating, increased gas formation, and pain.
Bacterial and viral infections
Infants are very vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Some pathologies can provoke disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the baby's stool becomes green. In addition, the child also has other symptoms: fever, anxiety, diarrhea, etc. The consistency of feces is liquid, foamy. If you have these symptoms, seek urgent medical attention.
Sometimes green stool indicates the presence of allergens in the body. This may be a reaction to a specific product: complementary foods, vitamin supplements, new mixtures, etc. Also, allergens can be found in breast milk. With allergies on the baby's body, a rash, lacrimation, etc. may form. In rare cases, the temperature rises. The condition of the child is normalized immediately after the allergen is removed from the diet. Sometimes the help of an allergist and the introduction of special mixtures are required to detect a problem.
Lactose deficiency
Occurs in children of the first year of life, but may also appear at a later age. With this disease, the child's body does not absorb milk sugar (lactose), which leads to quite serious complications. In addition to green stools, the baby has colic, grumbling in the stomach, frequent regurgitation, and poor weight gain. A comprehensive examination is required to make an accurate diagnosis.
Green stool is not a direct sign of pathology. This is a fairly common occurrence for babies. If, in addition to this symptom, the child is not bothered by anything, do not worry about this. However, you can always seek the advice of a pediatrician.
When to see a doctor
There are a number of situations where the presence of green stool requires close attention from parents. It is necessary to seek help if the phenomenon is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Changes in the child's mood: lethargy, capriciousness, refusal to play and eat;
- Fever;
- Foamy and offensive stools;
- Diarrhea;
- Presence of blood or mucus in secretions;
- Deterioration of general well-being;
- Pain and bloating;
- Constipation.
Green stools are normal if they occur sporadically and the shape and smell of the stool do not change. In formula-fed babies, a change in stool color most often occurs during the transition to new formulas. If green feces bother the baby regularly, consult a pediatrician.
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The article was written under the editorship of an expert, pediatrician, doctor of the highest category Storcheus Natalia Yurievna. To undergo the treatment mentioned in the article materials, you need to contact a specialist. The information in the article is not a call for self-treatment!
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