What can i drink for energy while pregnant
7 Natural Pregnancy Energy Boosters
It’s no secret that pregnancy can be exhausting. Growing baby is hard work! In fact, feeling tired can usually be one of the first signs of pregnancy, and the fatigue can persist throughout all trimesters of pregnancy.
One of the biggest reasons behind this drop of energy is the increase of the hormone progesterone. While it plays a key role in maintaining early pregnancy, progesterone can have a sedating effect on women, explains Temeka Zore, MD, a California-based ob-gyn and reproductive endocrinologist with Spring Fertility. Along with the rise of progesterone, it’s also just physically demanding to grow another human, so it’s important to ensure your body is getting the nutrients and rest it needs, she adds.
Another underlying cause of the fatigue pregnant women often feel? Changes to blood volume, blood pressure and blood sugar. “Minimizing dramatic spikes and falls in your blood sugar is best maintained by foods that can provide energy and maintain your blood sugar at more constant levels,” Zore says. “Foods such as proteins and complex carbohydrates are excellent sources of energy that provide essential nutrients for your body and can maintain your blood sugar levels.” While caffeine and sugar may be your normal go-tos for a quick energy boost, during pregnancy they’ll likely result in a “energy high” (due to blood sugar spiking) followed by a crash, leaving you feeling just as tired as you felt before.
Luckily, there are plenty of other excellent options for boosting your pregnancy energy levels naturally. Keep reading to learn about seven foods that’ll help you boost energy in pregnancy and win the fight against pregnancy fatigue.
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1. Water
Okay, this one isn’t food, but if you’re wondering how to get energy while pregnant, making sure to hydrate is one of the best ways. Water is the main component of blood and helps carry key nutrients to your cells, and fatigue is one of the first signs your body is low on fluids. Very few women actually drink six to eight glasses of water per day, and when you’re pregnant you’re supposed to have even more, since your body is busy making baby’s amniotic fluid. (The water you drink helps constantly replenish the fluid supply.) Dehydration can also up your risk of urinary tract infections and preterm labor.
Sick of plain water? Frances Largeman-Roth, a registered dietician and author of Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide, suggests drinking coconut water, or adding mint, lemon, lime or cucumber slices to your h3O for a subtle kick of flavor. However you like your water, the key is carrying an 8-ounce bottle with you all day and sipping from it often.
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2. Nuts
Snacking throughout the day can help keep your energy up during pregnancy—and nuts are a convenient (and healthy) option to carry with you. They offer protein and fiber to keep you fuller longer, plus healthy fats (including brain-boosting omega-3s) and magnesium (which you should be getting 350 milligrams of a day). The one caveat: Nuts have a lot of calories. Opt for the ones that take longer to eat, like shell-on pistachios, to give your body more time to register that it’s full.
Image: angelbandala | Shutterstock
3. Oatmeal
Yet another reason not to skip breakfast! Oats are loaded with iron and zinc, two elements known for kicking fatigue to the curb. Plus, “oatmeal is rich in B vitamins, which are great for energy,” says llyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN, a certified dietician based in Greenwich, Connecticut. Not only do B vitamins support healthy cell function and help metabolize macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but they can also be great for people with anemia, as they help with blood regeneration. Oatmeal is also rich in soluble fiber—a slow-burning carbohydrate that’s great for sustained energy—and beta-glucan, a type of fiber that may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, Largeman-Roth explains.
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4. Mangoes
Most pregnant women are mildly anemic, especially during the final stages of pregnancy when the body is preparing for birth and producing a ton of extra blood. And—you guessed it—anemia makes you tired. Your lifesaver? Mangoes. “The natural fruit sugars in mangoes lift energy levels,” Largeman-Roth says. “Plus, fresh mango is an excellent source of folate, which can help prevent birth defects.” Mango also has vitamin C, which helps your body absorb the energy-boosting effects of iron-rich foods, like lean red meat and beans.
Image: Ataly | Shutterstock
5. Spinach
Spinach is an excellent example of an iron-rich food. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout your body, and a lack of iron can leave you feeling exhausted. One cup of boiled spinach offers 6.4 milligrams of iron. Keep a bag of it on hand for salads and sautés, and even sneak it into your Sunday lasagna. Note that while spinach is high in iron for a veggie, you need a whopping total of 27 milligrams of iron each day during pregnancy—so keep taking your prenatal vitamin too.
Image: Michelle Patrick | Shutterstock
6. Sweet Potatoes
Here’s another food to help you reach your iron quota and boost energy—one medium sweet potato offers 0. 8 milligrams. Plus, the vitamin C and copper help your body absorb the iron. Bonus: Your body uses a sweet potato’s beta-carotene to make vitamin A, which helps baby’s eye, bone and skin development.
Image: Melica | Shutterstock
7. Apples
The phrase “an apple a day” was invented for a reason. Apples contain plenty of boron, another mineral that can help naturally boost energy, Schapiro says. Plus, they boast natural sugars like glucose and fructose, both simple carbs that can help offer a quick energy boost without blood sugar spikes. They’re also full of fiber (a little over 4 grams!), which can be effective when trying to regulate and control blood sugar. Yet another benefit to eating apples during pregnancy? According to a study that analyzed data from more than 1,200 pregnant women and their children after birth, apples may also be protective against the development of childhood asthma and allergies. Largeman-Roth recommends pairing an apple with two tablespoons of peanut or almond butter for a filling snack that has a balance of carbs, protein and healthy fat.
On the whole, foods rich in iron, protein and fiber are great ways to fuel the body and boost energy while pregnant. Along with the foods mentioned above, Zore suggests sneaking in eggs, salmon, beans, lentils, fresh fruits, vegetables, lean poultry, milk and cheese to help maintain your energy during pregnancy.
But remember, along with the types of food you’re eating, it’s also important for pregnant women to pay attention to how often they’re eating. Eating smaller meals more frequently to maintain a healthy diet in pregnancy is beneficial for a couple reasons, Zore explains. First, nausea and vomiting may prevent some women from eating larger meals. Second, in the third trimester, your expanding uterus will compress your stomach and digestive system, including your bowels, making it harder to consume larger meals, she says. Smaller, frequent meals are not only easier on your stomach, but they can also help reduce heartburn, nausea and other digestive issues while still maintaining your energy and blood sugar levels.
If you’re eating well and still feel super-sluggish, it could be due to an underlying problem. Take to your OB, who may want to test for anemia or check your thyroid.
About the experts:
Temeka Zore, MD, is an ob-gyn and reproductive endocrinologist practicing at Spring Fertility in San Francisco. She received her medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine.
Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, is a nutrition expert and New York Times bestselling author of books Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide and Eating In Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family. She earned her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and went on to complete her dietetic internship at Columbia University.
Ilyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN, is a certified nutritionist who runs a private practice in Greenwich, Connecticut. She is a graduate of New York University’s Nutrition and Dietetics Master’s program.
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
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17 Safe and Best Energy Drinks To Take During Pregnancy
You may be eating all that high-energy food throughout. Your diet might start from nuts to fruits, all to keep you active and going throughout. However, you will realize that despite all the best diets you follow, you still run low on energy levels at some point in the day. What do you do then? You may be too tired to eat the same food. So, what about some energy drinks? Energy drinks and pregnancy go together and there is a wide range of drinks for you to try. Here is an article that will enlist all the kinds of energy drinks safe for pregnancy.
Is it Safe to Have Energy Drinks While Pregnant?
Absolutely! Energy drinks are real saviours when you can actually feel your energy levels of the body go down. They compensate for all the fat that gets deposited in the fetal and maternal tissues. It also compensates for the calories you burn for enhanced metabolism. Most women are physically very active during pregnancy. For them, energy drinks help replenish the body and will keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Natural and Best Energy Drinks During Pregnancy:
Here are our 17 good and healthy energy drinks for pregnant women. Let’s have a look at them.
1. Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is a very appropriate energy drink that can be made easily at home with the help of raw lemons. It is a great way to rejuvenate yourself during your pregnancy without delving into caffeine and sugar-rich energy drinks. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which is a very good energy booster.
How To Make:
- Squeeze two lemons and add cool water. Add sugar or honey of your choice, as per your taste.
- Add a pinch of salt too.
See More: Best Juices for Pregnancy
2. Banana and Strawberry Smoothie:
Rather than relying on chemically rich energy drinks try and drink healthy and rich smoothies and juices which are rich in calories allowing for the proper development of your baby. It is said that a baby requires over 230 calories extra every day and thus an extra amount of calories must be consumed.
How To Make:
- Cut banana and strawberry into pieces. Put them in the food processor and add a cup of milk.
- Add sugar or honey as per your taste.
4. Pomegranate Juice:
It is one of the best homemade health drinks that you should enjoy during your pregnancy if you want to help in the development of your baby. The colour is inviting and is a rich source of nutrients and minerals making it a great homemade health drink for all expectant mothers making it one of the best health drinks for pregnancy.
How To Make:
- Simply grind the kernels along with honey or sugar and strain it before your drink.
5. Mango and Apple Juice:
Mango and apple juice is also a great homemade health drink which adds flavour to your pallet allowing you to fight fatigue and also providing the adequate nutrients necessary for the proper development of your baby.
How To Make:
- Peel the apples and cut them into small blocks. Put it along with the diced mangoes and a cup of milk.
- Add sugar or honey as per your taste.
6. Chia Fresca:
If you are looking for a healthy alternative to caffeine or any other energy drink then try out this great health drink that doubles as an adequate energy drink as well. Chia Fresca is a classic energy drink for pregnant women and is an energy drink good for pregnant women.
How To Make:
- Soak a spoon of chia seeds and stir them well. Let the seeds seep down and leave them for about 10 minutes.
- Add fresh lime juice to it for added taste.
7. Tea:
Tea is possibly one of the most rejuvenating liquid consumptions you will ever have. The Tea is a mood elevator and a stress buster for many of us. For pregnant women, it sure can be a good way to relax and let loose.
See More: Safe Herbal Teas During Pregnancy
Best Readymade Energy Drinks for Pregnant Women:
Here are our 10 safe and best energy drinks for pregnancy. Let’s have a look at them.
8. Monster Energy Drink:
Monster is a great energy drink sold all over the world and is also available for pregnant mothers. In moderation, it is an energy drink good for pregnant women. Can pregnant women drink a monster energy drink? Yes, it is the only that excess amount can lead to problems, as it contains caffeine.
9. Redbull:
Drinking red bull in moderation is regarded to be safe. It contains taurine, an amino acid that is considered to be an essential dietary nutrient. It is also present in breast milk and in baby formula.
10. Gatorade:
Gatorade is a safe energy drink whole pregnant, to consume. It helps replenish the body with natural minerals. It has electrolytes and thus will help in dehydration.
11. Sting:
Another healthy drink that pregnant women can consume is Sting. Another repeated caution is to watch out for the quantity you drink. 250ml of the drink twice a week is considered good. However, it contains caffeine and thus is better to exercise some control over the intake.
12. Glucon –D:
The famous Glucon-D has been a very common and usual drink in many households. It hydrates the body and keeps your energy level all-time high. Watch out for your sugar level before you take this. Do not drink too much. 250ml of Glucon D should be good thrice a week.
13. Cloud 9:
Cloud 9 has a caffeine-free variant and we strongly recommend you try that. A can of cloud9 contains 163 calories, this is a good way to ensure you are not low on energy. They come in a series of flavours too.
14. Tzinga:
Another energy drink safe for pregnancy is Tzinga. It is recommended for pregnant women. They contain caffeine and thus limit your intake after consulting your doctor for the ideal dosage limit.
15. Healthy Mama:
Healthy mama is a caffeine-free protein-rich energy drink that works well for you during your pregnancy period covers two very important factors which are the absence of caffeine which can prove to be harmful to your child and protein-rich which is very necessary to keep you and your baby healthy and strong making it one of the best energy drinks during pregnancy.
16. Hour Energy:
Is a brand that is quite widely used as an elaborate energy drink. 5-hour energy drink while pregnant is one of the only widely used health drinks that can actually be safely consumed during pregnancy making drinking energy drinks while pregnant a much safer situation.
17. Cobra:
Cobra energy drink is pregnant women is also another safe option to consider when you are pregnant. It energizes you and helps you make the best of your mood.
See More: Drink Buttermilk During Pregnancy
Benefits Of Drinking Readymade Energy Drinks:
- Readymade energy drinks contain the right mixture of electrolytes and other minerals needed for the body, especially when pregnant.
- They are a good source of nutrients and minerals.
- They keep you hydrated.
There is a range of energy drinks for pregnancy available in the market. You have to make the right choice about what to drink and what not to. But if you ask us, is energy drink good for pregnant women? Our answer is yes! They keep you hydrated and have a good source of minerals. Alternatively, you can also try out homemade energy drinks.
1. What Is The Difference Between Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks?
The main difference is the ingredients both contain. Energy drinks contain caffeine and sports drink contain carbohydrates in the form of sugar. However, both have electrolytes and minerals.
2. Can I Drink Energy Drinks While Breastfeeding?
Yes, you sure can! You only need to limit the intake of the drink as they contain caffeine. Excess caffeine in the body is not considered good while lactating.
3. Can Energy Drinks Cause an Abortion?
No, they do not cause abortion. They are safe and are only meant to hydrate the body and increase metabolism.
What vitamins do you need during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman's body changes and requires much more vitamins and microelements than during normal times. The hormonal background and blood composition are changing, due to the development of the baby, you need to get twice as much iron and folic acid, 50% more calcium and zinc, and B vitamins - more by a third.
Pregnancy planning vitamins
Vitamin deficiencies are not so acute in Russia - as a rule, the average person on a normal diet has enough vitamins from food, but when it comes to a pregnant woman, supplementation will simply be inevitable.
The most essential vitamin in preparation for pregnancy is B9 (folic acid). He is responsible for the development of the nervous system of the child. Folic acid during pregnancy should be taken up to the 12th week. The daily dose is normally 400 mcg. A lack of folic acid during the first trimester can cause underdevelopment of the baby's brain.
Early Pregnancy Vitamins
Different diets and vitamins are required for different stages of pregnancy. Your obstetrician-gynecologist should provide you with detailed information. As mentioned above, the most essential vitamin in early pregnancy is folic acid. But do not forget about other elements.
- Vitamin A during pregnancy. Retinol is essential for the mother during the first and third trimesters. Its dose should not exceed 1400 mgc per day, since an overdose may interfere with the development of fetal tissues.
- Vitamin E during pregnancy. Tocopherol is needed not only by itself, but also as a substance that helps the body absorb vitamin A.
A lack of tocopherol leads to a constant feeling of weakness, and the baby may have problems with the development of vision. In addition, vitamin E during pregnancy plays a useful role as an antioxidant. Too much leads to heart problems.
- Vitamin D during pregnancy. This vitamin is needed by the mother's body for the synthesis of certain hormones. It also helps in the absorption of calcium.
- Vitamin B6. This is one of the most important components during pregnancy. The need for it increases by a third compared to the period before conception. B6 is responsible for the synthesis of amino acids and proteins that serve as building blocks for the fetus. Also, a sufficient amount of vitamin in the body reduces the frequency and severity of toxicosis during the first and second trimesters.
To choose the right diet, taking into account the needs of the body and tell you how to take vitamins, you should have a personal obstetrician-gynecologist at the consultation on the pregnancy management program. In the Medicenter, such a program (which includes consultations, examinations and tests) is divided into trimesters.
Multivitamins during pregnancy
In any pharmacy you can find a lot of multivitamin complexes, which contain all the necessary elements. Is there a difference between them, and which one should I choose? This is not an easy question, and your doctor should help resolve it. Most often, it is recommended to take the Vitrum complex during pregnancy, so this is one of the few drugs where dosages are selected specifically for the period of perinatal development of the baby.
Hypovitaminosis during pregnancy
Vitamin deficiency during pregnancy can affect the health of mother and child in different ways. During the first trimester, the nervous system of the baby can suffer the most from hypovitaminosis, as a result of which the risk of miscarriage increases dramatically. At a later date, problems arise with the development of individual organs, the cardiovascular and digestive systems are poorly formed.
Vitamin therapy during pregnancy is indicated both in the presence of various abnormalities, and in the normal course of the perinatal development of the fetus. Of course, before taking any additional vitamins and minerals, you should consult with a specialist.
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Nutrition during pregnancy - Juno
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Why nutrition is important during pregnancy
The expectant mother should think not only about herself, but also about the child who is in her stomach. The nutrition of a pregnant woman is one of the factors that plays an important role in this crucial period. And you need to think about this already when preparing for motherhood, and not at 7-8 weeks, when you took the test and got registered at the antenatal clinic.
First, the fetus needs micronutrients. He needs them for normal growth and development.
Secondly, a woman herself needs vitamins and trace elements. And more of them are required, since the child “takes” a part. You need to revise your diet, introduce a lot of healthy foods.
What should pregnant women eat?
- Vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes - sources of vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, fiber. It is advisable to use them fresh, but frozen or dried can also be used. Experts recommend that you include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in your meal plan during pregnancy every day. 1 serving is what fits in the palm of your hand (figuratively) or 1 cup chopped/half cup leafy vegetables.
- Dairy products are sources of calcium, protein, phosphorus, vitamins D, A, B12. Useful milk (pasteurized), cottage cheese, natural yogurt without additives, cheese. They normalize bowel function, support comfortable digestion.
- Cereals contain fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamin B1, iron, calcium. A woman needs to include oatmeal, corn, millet, buckwheat, rice, grain bread, durum wheat pasta in her diet.
- Proteins are rich in meat (veal, rabbit), poultry (turkey, chicken), fish, eggs, legumes, nuts. In addition, they contain iron, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.
- The fats necessary for the development of the fetus are found in various types of vegetable oil, butter, fish, nuts.
Drinking mode
The quality of the liquids that a woman consumes in an interesting position is of great importance. What features of the drinking regime should be taken into account?
You should drink clean water without gas. Water supports metabolism, promotes the absorption of micronutrients, removes toxins and metabolic products. It ensures the normal functioning of the intestines, prevents constipation, and as a result, hemorrhoids.
If a pregnant woman has early toxicosis, it is necessary to drink more water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration is dangerous, as it can lead to a violation of the acid-base state and the pathological conditions caused by these conditions. In addition, it can increase the manifestations of toxicosis. Signs of dehydration: weakness, dry skin, mucous membranes, constipation. The volume of water is determined by an obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the characteristics of your body.
In recent months, the load on the organs increases, as the volume of blood that circulates through the vessels increases, metabolism increases. Because of this, edema may be disturbing in the third trimester. In order not to accumulate excess water in the body, limit the amount of salt in your meals.
Essentials for a healthy pregnancy
Consider the most important micronutrients during pregnancy and their role.
Folic acid
Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is needed in the first months after conception. Folic acid reduces the likelihood of neural tube defects, i. e., abnormalities of the spinal cord and brain. Foods rich in this element: beef liver, cod liver, legumes, green leafy vegetables, whole grains.
It is recommended to start folic acid supplementation at the planning stage, and both parents should take it.
Calcium is needed for the formation of bones and teeth, biochemical processes in cells, the nervous system and muscles. If the expectant mother does not consume enough calcium, this element is “spent” from her reserves for the growth and development of the child. Hence, problems with teeth, a high risk of osteoporosis in the future.
To avoid this, include dairy products, legumes, citrus fruits, vegetables and greens with dark leaves, grains, nuts in your daily menu.
Vitamin D
The biological role of vitamin D is to influence phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Partially, vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. But this is not enough. It is necessary to consume seaweed, salmon, fish oil, cod liver, butter, egg yolk. The doctor will also prescribe a vitamin orally and select the dosage for you.
Iron is used by the body to synthesize hemoglobin, which, as part of red blood cells, transports oxygen to tissues. In pregnant women, the volume of blood increases, therefore, the need for iron increases.
Natural sources of iron include liver, beef, poultry, fish, whole grains, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, beets, pomegranates, apples, apricots, and juices from these fruits.
Iodine affects the development of the fetus, it is also necessary for the synthesis of hormones. It contains iodized salt, seaweed.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is not synthesized in the body, so it must be supplied from outside. Ascorbic acid is rich in fruits and berries (kiwi, lemon, orange, wild rose), vegetables (cabbage, bell peppers), greens.
Nutrition during pregnancy
Nutrition during pregnancy should be built taking into account the needs of the expectant mother and her baby. Food from the first weeks of an interesting situation should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
Proteins are a complete building material for cells. It is needed for the formation of the placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal membranes. With a lack of protein, malnutrition, short stature, and skull volume are possible. In the future, there may be a lag in physical and psychomotor development.
Fats are necessary for the structure of cells: the nervous system, liver, brain and others.
Carbohydrates are needed as a source of energy. When they are deficient, the body activates other ways of obtaining energy: proteins break down, and the decay products poison the body.
Rules for rational nutrition during pregnancy:
- Eat healthy foods every day. Proper nutrition should be balanced. A great solution is a pre-planned plan, for example for a week. Planning will help you understand what components are missing in the diet and competently eliminate this deficiency.
- Diet during pregnancy should be varied: you can not have only meat or carbohydrates on the plate. Combine foods and eat more vegetables, boiled or fresh.
- Of the dairy products, the most useful are milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir. Sweet curds, fat-free products are best avoided.
- Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
- Way of cooking - steaming, boiling, stewing, baking.
- As a snack, fruits, kefir, natural yogurt, salads are allowed.
- Replace artificial harmful sweets with dried fruits, fruits, nuts.
- With gestational diabetes, you should keep a diary where you will enter all meals and snacks.
Rational nutrition during pregnancy provides the body of the expectant mother with energy, nutrients, taking into account all the changes that her body undergoes.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy by trimesters
The amount of nutrients and the characteristics of the diet depend on the period.
First trimester
In the early stages, the needs of the body do not change. It is only necessary to remove harmful foods and drinks from your diet.
Second trimester
Significant changes begin in the second half: the child grows, the volume of the placenta and uterus increases. The work of the digestive tract is changing. Therefore, more protein, foods high in iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamins should be included in the nutrition for pregnant women.
Third trimester
Closer to childbirth, salt should be limited to avoid swelling.
What not to eat
Sweet drinks and juices, sodas should be categorically excluded from the list of favorite drinks. Their use can lead to metabolic syndrome and gestational diabetes.
Limit or completely abandon spicy, salty, fatty foods, the use of spices, sauces. There is no benefit from them, besides, they increase the risk of heartburn in recent weeks.
Do not eat raw meat, fish, seafood, raw smoked products, eggs, unpasteurized milk. They can cause parasitic diseases such as listeriosis, salmonellosis, which are very dangerous for women and children.
Molded cheeses are also harmful. It is not known how the body will react to bacteria.
You can not eat some varieties of fish that may contain mercury - a toxin that has a teratogenic effect. These include mackerel, tuna, swordfish, and shark. Salmon, catfish, cod, tuna (canned) are safe.
You can drink coffee, but in small quantities, no more than 200 ml per day, that is, one cup. Please note that caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in black tea, cocoa, and chocolate.
Alcohol is on the list of strictly prohibited drinks. Drinking even low-alcohol drinks can lead to fetal malformations.
Special groups of pregnant women
Vegetarian diets, if balanced, do not adversely affect pregnancy. It is advisable to choose a scheme together with the doctor and take vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, calcium, vitamin B12. You can take multivitamin complexes. In no case do not buy complexes without consulting a doctor and avoid dietary supplements with unproven efficacy and safety.
Also, vegetarian girls should take care of an additional source of protein and include legumes, nuts, and whole grains in the menu.
Gluten-free diets with the exclusion of foods containing gluten (gluten) are now popular. From a medical point of view, if the expectant mother does not have celiac disease, such a diet is not indicated, as it can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, namely vitamin B1, B2, PP, folic acid, and iron.
Women may also have partial lactase deficiency. Then you have to limit dairy products. In this case, an additional intake of calcium supplements is indicated. It should be drunk not only by pregnant women, but also by lactating women.
Girls who are on PP can continue to eat the same. But it is necessary to look at the components of PP so that there is no shortage of micronutrients and calories. The same rule applies to breastfeeding women.
Weight during pregnancy
In the first weeks and months of pregnancy, body weight usually does not change. Sometimes there may be weight loss due to toxicosis. If the weight loss is significant, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he selects the appropriate therapy. According to the recommendations of experts, pregnant women should consume an additional 150-200 calories per day - this is one snack, such as a small bowl of salad.
From the 13th week, that is, the second trimester, a visible weight gain begins. The increase occurs due to an increase in the size of the uterus and placenta, mammary glands, the growth of the child, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, and a change in metabolism. The need for nutrients is also increasing. But there is no need to go too far: you need to add only 300-500 calories to your regular diet - this is one full meal.
Pregnancy weight gain
Regarding weight gain, you can rely on the recommendations of the American Institute of Health for weight gain during pregnancy. In a memo table, we present data from the document.
Weight before pregnancy | BMI | Optimal weight gain |
Normal | 19.8–26.0 | 11.5-16.0 kg |
Inadequate | Less than 19.8 | 12.5-18.0 kg |
Excess | 26.0–29.0 | 7.0-11.5 kg |
Obesity | Over 29.0 | 5.0-9.0 kg |
BMI is calculated using the formula weight (kg) / height (m)2. Sample calculation: a woman weighs 75 kg with a height of 170 cm. Her BMI will be: 75 / 1.7 × 1.7 = 25.9 - this is normal body weight. We recommend that you save the memo table and the sample calculation.
Remember that overweight and obesity are dangerous for both the woman and the fetus, including after childbirth. In case of any deviations, contact the doctor who is observing you.