Fruits not to eat while pregnant
Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy Diet - Healthy Pregnancy
Though fruits are healthy and most recommended, some fruits are just not pregnant- woman-friendly. If precautions are not taken while consuming them, they can cause vaginal bleeding and in worst cases, miscarriage as well. Here you will learn about the fruits to avoid during pregnancy –
Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy:
Papaya –It tops the list for obvious reasons. Raw or semi ripe papaya contains latex which can induce premature contractions and that can be dangerous for your baby. However, ripe papaya is rich in vitamins and iron. Consuming it in controlled quantity will possess no harm but totally avoid eating an unripe papaya during pregnancy.
Pineapple –These are also not recommended to the pregnant women as they contain certain enzymes that alters the texture of cervix which could induce premature contractions. This can result in miscarriage. Apart from inducing such effect, it is also notorious for causing diarrhea and that can be very uncomfortable during pregnancy.
Grapes in pregnancy, Grapes aren’t recommended for consumption during the final trimester. They are known to generate heat in the body which is not good for both mother and the child. Avoid consuming too much grapes during pregnancy to stay clear of any complications.
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These are some fruits which shouldn’t be a part of your fruit bowl if you are pregnant. Some fruits which are harmless for pregnant mothers are:
Fruit to Include in Pregnancy Diet
- Watermelon– Rich in water content, helps maintaining electrolyte balance.
- Bananas– Rich in carbohydrates, prevents anemia and helps maintaining colon health.
- Oranges– Keeps you hydrated and are rich in Vitamin C.
Avocados- Rich in healthy fats and contains folate which promotes healthy growth of the newborn baby brain in fetus. They are also rich in vitamin K, vitamin B, fibre, magnesium and potassium.
- Apples– Rich in fibre, vitamins and potassium.
These are a few fruits that can be consumed during pregnancy diet. It is ideal to consume every fruit in moderate amount, once a day. This will provide the right kind of nutrients to your growing baby and keep their health in check. Try including more fruits in your diet. You can also consume a few with your each meal if you are not very fond of large fruit bowls. Therefore fruits to avoid during pregnancy can help to ensure that both the woman and baby remain healthy.
Here you can checkout the list of foods which you can include in your 1st month pregnancy diet chart.
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- Fruits During Pregnancy: The Good, the Bad, and the Unhealthy
It's wise for expecting mothers to watch what they eat, but what about fruit? All About Women physicians discuss which fruits to eat during your pregnancy, and which fruits to avoid.

When it comes to a pregnancy diet, it can feel like the restrictions never end: no caffeine, seafood, deli meat, etc. Women should certainly be cautious about what goes into their bodies because it's very possible that a baby's growth and development could be negatively affected by certain foods and drinks.
Fruits can provide women with a plethora of healthy vitamins and minerals that can be very beneficial for a newborn child; however, some fruits carry risks when they are eaten during a pregnancy.
Read on to learn which fruits should and should not be eaten while you are pregnant.
The Benefits of Fruit
Fruits are super, that's for sure! They provide vitamins and minerals that can help your baby along throughout your pregnancy. Pregnant mothers require foods rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin A and C, folic acid, and other nutrients in order to keep their bodies strong until baby arrives, and fruits can be an excellent and easy source.
Good Fruits for Pregnancy
Without further ado, here are some wonderful healthy fruits to eat while pregnant.
Apples are very high in fiber, which can help regulate a woman's digestion and prevent hemorrhoids – a common issue that many pregnant women face.
Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges are chock full of vitamin C. Vitamin C is responsible for helping your baby's bones grow properly. Citrus can also help with a woman's digestion and deter morning sickness during pregnancy.
Bananas are a wonderful source of potassium. Potassium can help greatly with regulating the fluid and blood pressure in a woman's body and preventing leg cramps or pain during the later stages of a pregnancy.
Kiwis contain a high level of folic acid and are delicious besides. Folic acid actively helps prevent fetal growth defects. In addition, kiwi helps expectant mothers absorb iron more efficiently, and this can prove essential for ensuring that a mother's blood carries enough oxygen to her baby.
Watermelon has it all: high levels of vitamins A, C and B6, as well as potassium for cramps and magnesium. Magnesium helps muscles relax, which can prevent premature contractions during pregnancy. In addition, watermelon can fight morning sickness, reduce heartburn, and prevent dehydration.
This includes strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pretty much any other berry your heart desire! Berries are rich in antioxidants that can help prevent serious diseases for both mother and baby.
Other Healthy Fruits
Besides those already listed, there are tons of healthy fruits that can give baby the nutrients he or she needs in the womb. They include:
- Mangoes
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Pomegranates
- Apricots
Ask your doctor more about which fruits can be beneficial to you during your pregnancy and the recommended serving suggestions.
Bad Fruits for Pregnancy
This list is much shorter than the last, but there are a few fruits that do pose a potential risk to expectant mothers and unborn children.
Pineapples are shown to contain bromelain, which can cause the cervix to soften and result in an early labor if eaten in large quantities. Many doctors believe pineapple is safe when eaten in small portions, and the fruit contains many helpful nutrients that could prove beneficial. To be safe, however, it's recommended to limit pineapple intake to the first trimester of pregnancy.
Papaya, when ripe, is actually pretty safe for expectant mothers to include in their pregnancy diets. However, an unripe papaya contains latex, which can cause premature contractions to occur. In addition, even ripe papaya skin and seeds are unsafe to eat. Many choose to cut out papaya altogether while pregnant to avoid these risks.
This one is a bit up in the air, but it is sometimes advised that women avoid grapes during their pregnancy. This is because grapes contain resveratrol, a toxic compound that could cause poisoning or other pregnancy complications. Like pineapple, however, when eaten in moderation, grapes typically prove to be a low risk food.
Final Thoughts
- ALWAYS wash fruit before consuming. Any fruit has the potential to have pesticide residue or soil remaining from harvest, which can be unhealthy for both mother and child. For this reason, many mothers opt for organic produce, but it is still necessary to wash.
- Many fruits are known to have a high sugar content, which can be a problem for women with a risk of gestational diabetes. For this reason, it's recommended to completely avoid fruit juices and keep fruit intake to a small serving size in order to keep getting the nutrients without the excess sugars.
- If you have any questions about your pregnancy diet, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about recommendations and ways to get the key nutrients to help your baby grow properly over your pregnancy.
It's always better to be safe than sorry!
If you have questions about your pregnancy, the proper diet, or what to expect during each stage, the staff at All About Women can provide you with compassionate care and support both during and after your pregnancy.
Contact us at our Gainesville or Lake City offices to schedule an appointment today.
What fruits can and cannot be consumed during pregnancy? • Center for Gynecology in St. Petersburg
Healthy food choices are extremely important for pregnant women. The right diet provides the fetus with the nutrients it needs to grow and develop to the maximum. Also, diet plays an important role for the overall health of any person, helping the body to function effectively and reducing the risk of certain diseases.
A healthy diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. In this article, we will explain why it is so important to eat fruits during pregnancy.
Also consider what fruits are best to eat and what foods to avoid.
Benefits of Eating Fruit During Pregnancy
Eating a healthy, varied diet is especially important during pregnancy, as many nutrients are needed for the growth and development of the fetus. An increased intake of vitamins and minerals will help a pregnant woman keep her body in good physical shape.
Fresh fruits contain many essential vitamins and nutrients and are a good source of fiber. What is very important, almost all vitamins and minerals coming from fruits are in a form accessible to the human body.
The best fruit during pregnancy
Fruit can be a great snack and substitute for confectionery, which is recommended to be completely excluded from the diet. Below are the top 12 fruits to include in a healthy pregnancy diet.
1. Apricots
Apricots contain: vitamins A, C and E, calcium, iron, potassium, beta-carotene, phosphorus, silicon. All these nutrients help the development and growth of the child. Iron prevents anemia, while calcium strengthens bones and teeth.
2. Oranges
Oranges are an excellent source of: folic acid, vitamin C, water. Oranges are great for maintaining health, moisturizing the skin and saturating the human body with moisture.
Vitamin C prevents cell damage and promotes iron absorption.
Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects that cause abnormalities in the baby's brain and spinal cord. Neural tube defects can cause conditions such as spina bifida, where the spinal cord does not develop properly, and anencephaly, where much of the brain and skull are missing.
3. Mango
Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C. One cup of chopped mango provides 100 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and more than a third of the daily value of vitamin A.
A child born with vitamin A deficiency will have low immunity and high risk of postpartum complications such as respiratory infections.
4. Pears
Pears contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid.
The use of a large amount of fiber in the diet of pregnant women improves bowel function. Fiber is a natural remedy for preventing constipation, a common symptom of pregnancy.
Potassium is very beneficial for the heart health of women and children. It also stimulates cell regeneration.
5. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are rich in vitamin K, calcium, folic acid, iron, protein and dietary fiber. The dense nutrients found in pomegranates are also a good source of energy, and their high iron content helps prevent iron deficiency.
Vitamin K is also essential for maintaining healthy bones. Studies show that drinking pomegranate juice may help reduce the risk of placental damage.
6. Avocado
Avocado is an excellent source of vitamins C, E and K, monounsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium and copper.
This fruit contains healthy fats that provide energy, stimulate the cells responsible for the formation of the skin and brain tissue of a developing child.
Potassium in avocado relieves leg cramps, another symptom that is common during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.
7. Guava
Guava contains vitamin E and folate, making it an ideal pregnancy fruit.
Guava is a great fruit choice for people who want more of the following nutrients: vitamins C and E, polyphenols, carotenoids, isoflavones. Guava contains a diverse combination of nutrients which makes it ideal.
Guava during pregnancy relaxes muscles, improves digestion and reduces constipation.
8. Bananas
Bananas contain high levels of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B-6. The high fiber content in bananas helps with pregnancy-related constipation. There is evidence that vitamin B6 reduces nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
9. Grapes
Grapes contain very important substances for the human body - vitamins C and K, pectin, organic acids, antioxidants.
The nutrients in grapes facilitate the biological changes that occur during pregnancy. They contain immune-boosting antioxidants that also help prevent infections.
10. Rose hips
Rose hips are a good source of vitamin C. They have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Berries are also high in water, so they are a great source of hydration.
Vitamin C helps absorb iron and boosts the body's immune system.
11. Apples
Apples are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber. Studies show that eating apples during pregnancy may reduce the chances of your baby developing asthma and allergies later on.
12. Dried fruits
Dried fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber. They contain all the same nutrients as fresh fruit. Thus, pregnant women can get their daily requirement of vitamins and minerals by eating a portion of dried fruit that is less by weight than the equivalent amount in fresh fruit.
However, it is important to remember that dried fruits can be high in sugar and do not contain the water found in fresh fruits. This means that they do not aid digestion.
Dried fruits can be eaten during pregnancy in moderation, and candied fruits are generally best avoided. In general, it is better to eat dried fruits in addition to fresh fruits, and not instead of them.
How much fruit should I eat during pregnancy?
For pregnant women, it is recommended to consume at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day and vary as much as possible. Fruit can be fresh, canned, frozen or dried.
In general, a serving of fruit is:
- one fruit, for fruit that is larger than the size of a tennis ball;
- one cup chopped fruit
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy provides pregnant women with adequate nutrition to support a developing baby.
Are there any fruits that a woman should avoid during pregnancy?
There are no specific fruits that pregnant women should not eat. However, it is important to know the portion size as some fruits are high in sugar. It is important to consider that juices and dried fruits often contain significantly more sugar and calories than their fresh counterparts.
- Purchasing organic natural fruits ensures that they do not come into contact with fertilizers and pesticides that can damage their quality.
- In any case, if the fruits are not from a personal garden, it is important to remove any pesticides and bacteria from their surface. Just rinse them thoroughly before use.
- Do not eat fruits with visible damage, which are more likely to contain bacteria. You can not buy already cut products.
- Keep fruit in a separate container in the refrigerator.
Fruits are an excellent source of nutrients that are essential during pregnancy. They contain vitamins, folic acid, fiber and much more, which helps to keep the woman and child healthy. These nutrients may also help relieve some common pregnancy symptoms.
Pregnant women should aim to consume at least five different servings of fruits and vegetables each day. At the same time, you should limit the consumption of dried fruits and fruit juices, as they may contain more sugar and calories than fresh fruits.
You can make a diet based on the individual characteristics of the body with an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist at the Gynecology Center on Shuvalovsky (St. Petersburg).
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8 foods that pregnant women should not eat
June 15, 2019LikbezZdorovye
Even scrambled eggs and healthy fish oil can harm.
0If you are pregnant, you should reduce the amount of coffee and avoid alcohol altogether. Everyone knows this.
But there are far more insidious foods. At first glance, they seem innocent and even useful. But in fact, they can harm mom or an unborn baby more than a couple of cups of double espresso three times a day.
Here is a list of popular foods to avoid during pregnancy. Or at least think twice before you eat.
1. Raw eggs
As well as products containing them: eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, raw dough, poached eggs, fried eggs with raw yolk, tiramisu.
What is the danger
One word is enough: salmonellosis. This acute intestinal infection is fortunately not fatal, but is accompanied by severe diarrhea and vomiting that can cause dehydration. But this is already bad: the normal blood supply to the fetus and the level of amniotic fluid in the uterus depend on the amount of moisture. Water deficiency can result in violations in the development of the unborn baby, as well as an increased risk of miscarriage.
What to do
If you have no strength to refuse eggs, make sure that they are thoroughly washed and heat-treated. Hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, baked goods are safe.
2. Raw meat
As well as rare fried steaks (“with blood”), raw smoked and cured sausages, poorly fried minced meat, for example, in fast food.
What is the danger
Raw meat may be contaminated with parasites. For example, Toxoplasma. They are able to penetrate the placental barrier and cause serious disturbances in the development of the unborn baby.
What to do
Removing parasites from meat is easy - heat it properly. If we are talking about dried or smoked products, freezing them for four days will help reduce the risk.
3. Raw fish
Be especially careful with river and wild ocean fish, shellfish (oysters, mussels), dried, smoked fish of all kinds and sushi.
What is the danger?0003
- like meat, fish can be infested with parasites;
- in the pulp there are also pathogenic bacteria - for example, listeria or botulinum bacteria, which cause deadly botulism (including for the mother);
- river fish can be caught in chemically polluted reservoirs - and both mother and baby will get all the toxic substances;
- oceanic fish accumulate mercury. Shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish are especially dangerous in this regard. Mercury poisoning affects the health of both the mother and the unborn baby - this element can cause brain damage and developmental delays.
What to do
Eat only properly cooked fish. You can take a chance with canned food: just keep an eye on the expiration date and in no case use the product from swollen cans.
4. Liver
As well as liver pate and sausage, cod liver oil.
What is the danger
Too much vitamin A. Its excess can lead to the development of birth defects in the fetus.
What to do
Do not abuse liver products. Especially if for some reason you are taking vitamin A supplements. Yes, and in no case should you prescribe vitamins and supplements for yourself - only your doctor can do this.
5. Soft cheeses
Special attention:
- soft cheeses with white mold - brie and camembert;
- blue cheeses - gorgonzola, roquefort, danish blue.
What is the danger
Due to the high humidity and mold, such cheeses are an ideal environment for the development of all kinds of bacteria, including those dangerous to the fetus. The same listeria, once in the body of a future baby, can provoke severe developmental disorders, miscarriage or stillbirth.
What to do
The ideal option is to switch to hard cheese (cheddar, parmesan, stilton and others): it is safe. Soft cheeses can also be consumed, but only if they are made from pasteurized milk. These are mozzarella, feta, ricotta, cream cheeses, halloumi, processed cheeses.
6. Unpasteurized milk
As well as yogurt and ice cream prepared from it.
What is the danger
All in the same high risk of bacteria content. Unpasteurized milk is a product that has not undergone heat treatment. Therefore, the same listeria, which is deadly for the unborn child, can be found in it.
What to do
Try to drink only pasteurized milk. If for some reason only raw is available, be sure to boil it before drinking.
7. Caffeinated products
Not only coffee, but also green tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks, and some cold and flu medications.
What is the danger
Too much of this substance can cause the baby to have a low birth weight - and this increases the risk of health problems in the future. Sometimes the abuse of caffeine products provokes a miscarriage.
What to do
You don't have to cut out caffeine completely, you just need to go no more than 200 mg per day. In order not to cross the line, be guided by approximate values:
- 1 cup of instant coffee - 100 mg of caffeine;
- 1 cup espresso - 140 mg;
- 1 cup tea - 75 mg;
- 1 can cola (330 ml) - 40 mg;
- 1 Energy Drink (250 ml) - 80 mg;
- 50 g dark chocolate - up to 25 mg;
- 50 g milk chocolate - up to 10 mg.
Once again, we emphasize: these are approximate figures. But they can be used for calculation. For example, if you drank a cup of espresso in the morning and a can of cola in the middle of the day, you received almost 200 mg of caffeine.
8. Poorly washed vegetables and fruits
As well as berries that grow close to the soil - the same strawberries or currants on the lower branches of the bush. Freshly squeezed juices are also questionable if you do not know how thoroughly you washed the ingredients before cooking.