First swim with baby
Baby’s first swim – SheKnows
Whether your child is two months old or a year old, taking your baby swimming for the first time can be a daunting challenge for many parents. However with a little preparation, your baby’s first swim can be a fun experience for both of you.
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Baby’s first dip in the pool
Before you bring your baby into the pool for his first swim, there are several things that you should know.
Temperature matters
Infants get cold very quickly. Therefore, you should make sure that the pool is heated to a suitable temperature for babies. The water should be at least 85 degrees F (or 90 degrees F for babies under 3 months old). Water temperatures below 82 degrees, though they might feel warm to you, can cause your baby to chill too quickly and can pose a risk of hypothermia. If your baby shivers or his lips turn blue, take him out of the water immediately, wrap him in a warm towel and offer a bottle (or your breast) to help raise his temperature.
Keep it short
Avoid peak hours at the pool — you want a quiet environment, if at all possible. For your baby’s first swim, you need to keep the session short and sweet. A 10- to 15-minute dip in the pool is the perfect way to introduce him to the water. After the first three or four times in the pool, you can work your way up to 20 to 30 minutes.
A favorite toy is a must
Having something familiar for your baby to play with — such as his favorite bath toy — will make your baby more relaxed and comfortable in the pool. Plus, you can use the toy to boost his confidence. Try blowing a ball along the surface of the water and encouraging your little one to reach for it.
Eye contact is important
When first starting out, keep your baby’s face close to your own and keep eye contact while in the water. This will help your little one feel more secure. Bounce him up and down while singing his favorite song to help put your baby at ease.
Remember sun protection
Avoid taking your baby swimming during the hottest parts of the day — from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Talk to your pediatrician about using sunscreen on your little one if he is under 6 months old. For older babies, use a sunscreen product designed for babies and reapply often. Sun-protective swimsuits and wide-brimmed hats are also great ideas to help protect your baby from the sun’s harmful rays.
Swimming offers many benefits
Swimming isn’t just fun, it also has many benefits for your baby. Because of all the skin-to-skin contact, it’s a terrific bonding activity to enhance the connection between you and your little one. Plus, because your baby can move without the restriction of gravity while in the water, he can use muscles that he never uses on land. Swimming can benefit both your baby’s strength and coordination. Learning to swim and how to be safe around water is also the best defense against drowning.
Don’t forget
To prevent accidents in the pool, your baby will need a swim diaper. You can find swim diapers almost anywhere and they are normally sized by your baby’s weight. Some swimsuits for babies also come with washable swim diapers built in.
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15 Great Tips For Your Baby’s First Swimming Pool Trip
As the weather hots up, what better way to keep you and baby cool than a trip to the pool? Babies love to swim and it can be a fantastic way to bond with your little one during the warm summer months. However, it can also be potentially dangerous unless you know what you’re doing.If you want to ensure your baby’s first trip to the pool is memorable for all the right reasons, below you’ll discover 15 great tips to follow.
Table of Contents
1. Make Sure The Pool Has A Baby Friendly Temperature
Did you know that babies get cold very quickly? A temperature that feels quite warm to you, could be hazardous for your child. So, look for a pool that’s heated to a minimum temperature of 90 Degrees Fahrenheit for infants under 3 months, and 85 Degrees Fahrenheit for babies aged 3 months and over.If the water is too cool, your baby could be at risk of developing hypothermia. To spot the signs of this while in the water, look to see if baby is shivering or if their lips are starting to turn blue. If they are, take them out of the pool and wrap them in a warm towel before offering a feed. This should help raise the temperature. However, it’s also a good idea to seek help from the pool staff.
Important note – While a pool temperature of 85 or 90 Degrees Fahrenheit is the general recommended temperature, it’s worth seeking advice from your pediatrician before you go to see what they recommend.
2. Keep The Sessions Short
While you may enjoy being in the pool for half an hour to an hour, babies should only begin by staying in the water for around 10 minutes. They don’t have the stamina or the attention span required to spend long periods of time in the water just yet.You can start to build up to 20 minute sessions. If your baby is under a year old, the maximum amount of time you should stay in the water is 30 minutes.
3. Consider Starting In The Bathtub
The bathtub is the best place to introduce your little one to water, especially if they’re still a newborn. This is obviously something you’ll have already have been doing, but you can start to add things to their bath time routine to imitate what will happen in a swimming session at the pool.In particular, use it as a chance to let your little one discover how water feels on their head. Fill a small cup and gently and slowly pour a little onto baby’s head. Allow the water to run down over the face. Some babies won’t mind this at all, while others may start to cry at the unexpected and unfamiliar feel of the water on their face.
Another tip is to lie baby on their back and gently glide them across the water. This again will mimic some of the movements they’ll be doing in the pool. If you really want to make them feel comfortable in the water, you can also try feeding them in there. This will help them to associate the water as a safe, happy place to be.
Now the only thing to note here, is to be careful not to pour too much water onto baby’s head. Do it a little at a time as to not fully overwhelm your little one.
4. Don’t Take Them If They Haven’t Been Well
Babies shouldn’t swim for at least 48 hours after they’ve had an upset tummy. It’s also important not to take them to the pool if they aren’t feeling well. So, if they have a cold or they have a slight temperature, it’s safer to stay at home.5. Ensure You’ve Got The Right Equipment
There’s a few things you’re going to need for your first pool trip with baby.
Not all pools have baby changing facilities so it’s a good idea to take a changing mat so you aren’t having to rely upon a bench. Then obviously you’ll also need towels for you and baby, as well as a change of diaper and feeding equipment as your baby is likely to be hungry after swimming.
Finally, you could also take some of your little one’s favorite bath toys to keep them occupied whilst you’re in the water. They will also help to relax your baby as they have something familiar to play with.
6. Have Fun!
One of the most important tips to follow on baby’s first pool trip is to make it fun. The more fun your little one has in the water, the more they’ll enjoy it the next time you go.
7. Don’t Feed Baby An Hour Before Going
Avoid feeding your little one for at least an hour before you take them to the pool. The reason being, if they feel full and they accidentally get a tiny amount of water in the nose or mouth, they could end up being sick. This will obviously be distressing for them and it could lead to a dislike of water.If your baby is hungry beforehand, you can give them a small top-up feed. This should be done around 15-20 minutes before you get into the pool and remember – only give them a small amount!
8. Remember – Tears Don’t Necessarily Mean Baby Hates The Water
It’s not uncommon for babies to cry when they’re in the pool. However, it can be worrying as a parent as you obviously don’t want to see your little one unhappy. What you need to remember is that swimming is new to your little one and it’s highly likely they will get water splashed on their face at some point.
All they need at this point is a little reassurance that it’s ok. It’s also worth noting that the younger your little one is, the less it will bother them.
9. Don’t Plan Anything Else For The Day
While the first swimming session with your baby may only be short, it’s important not to rush. Don’t schedule anything else in for the day and make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get to the pool, get changed, swim, get dry and feed your little one before heading home.You want to really be able to enjoy baby’s first pool trip and you won’t be able to do that if you’re constantly thinking about the next place you need to be. Also, remember that if you’re stressed, your baby will pick up on that and they’ll become stressed too – not what you want for their first pool experience!
10. Ensure Your Baby Is Facing You
The first few times you take your baby into the pool, it’s important to make sure they are facing you.
11. Consider Baby Swimming Classes
If this is your first time taking a baby to the pool, it’s really useful to sign up to baby swimming classes. This will help reassure you, as well as your little one and ensure you are both safe.There’s a lot of different types of classes available, so take your time to look at what is available in your local area and which classes would best suit you and your baby.
12. Get Your Baby Used To Having Their Ears Underwater
At some point when you and baby are comfortable in the water, you’ll be in the position all parents dread – dipping their little one underwater for the first time. Before you get there however, it’s a good idea to first get them used to having their ears underwater.The best way you can do this is by laying baby on their back while supporting them as usual. Then, slowly and gently lower their head into the water until their ears are submerged. This will be quite strange for your baby as the sound will suddenly become muffled and it may cause them to panic. To start with, only hold the ears underwater for a few seconds. This will prevent them from becoming overwhelmed and it’s a fantastic way to prepare them for being fully submerged underwater.
If this is something that sounds scary to you, you may consider applying the previous tip and sign them up for classes with a professional.
13. Keep Moving
As mentioned earlier, babies do get cold quite quickly in the water. So, you’ll want to avoid just standing there throughout the session. Instead, move around a lot and try out different positions. This will help keep your little one warm and help to make it more fun too.If you’re not confident moving around too much, just bounce baby up and down in the same spot. You can also swoosh them around a little in the water.

14. Consider Taking The Entire Family
The more people who are there that your baby recognizes, the more reassured they will feel. It’s also a fantastic way to bond with the family if you all go together. As an added bonus, this will also make it easier for family to take your baby swimming without you. If you’re the only one who takes baby swimming, they may panic if you’re not there one time.15. Improve Your Own Swimming Skills
If you’re not confident in the water, it’s a great idea to improve your own swimming skills before taking baby. The problem is, if you’re not comfortable, your baby will sense that and they won’t feel comfortable either. You’ll also have a lot more fun together in the pool if you’re confident in your abilities.Conclusion
Overall, taking your little one swimming for the first time can be daunting, but the 15 tips above will really help to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time.
Do you have any more tips? We’d love it if you’d share them below, or simply tell us about your baby’s first experience at the pool!
how to register a child for swimming immediately after birth
Anna Kostenko
enrolled her son in the pool from birth
My son has been swimming since a month - on the recommendation of doctors.
Experts say that symmetrical muscle hypertonicity, that is, a strong muscle tension in a child at rest, is a normal phenomenon in the first month of a newborn's life. But in my child, the tone of the hands was expressed very clearly, and the legs, on the contrary, were weak and thin. The son clenched his fists so hard that his hands turned purple. nine0003
To fix this, the neurologist and pediatrician advised me to enroll my child in infant swimming. We attended the first lesson when our son was a month old. Now he is almost a year and a half old - and he still goes to the pool with pleasure. In the article I will tell you what baby swimming is, how to choose a coach and how expensive it all is.
Go see a doctor
Our articles are written with love for evidence-based medicine. We refer to authoritative sources and go to doctors with a good reputation for comments. But remember: the responsibility for your health lies with you and your doctor. We don't write prescriptions, we make recommendations. Relying on our point of view or not is up to you. nine0003
What is baby swimming
Baby swimming is a set of exercises based on the child's innate reflexes: swimming, breathing and pushing. Usually, baby swimming is called classes with babies up to one year old.
Exercises are aimed at the general physical development of the child: they strengthen the muscular corset, form the habit of swimming and diving, and help to practice swimming movements. Even such physical activity can improve the appetite and sleep of the baby. nine0003
There is no conclusive evidence that baby swimming can improve a child's health. But there is also no reason to refuse classes if the child is healthy and he and his parents enjoy swimming.
A child can visit the pool almost from birth: the main requirement is a healed umbilical wound. We came to classes when our son was a month old.
How much did I spend on a child in the first year
What to look for when choosing a pool
Parents often choose a pool with good reviews and closer to home. But two more criteria were important for me: the cleanliness of the pool and the availability of a feeding room.
How to check the cleanliness of the pool. A variety of diseases can be transmitted through pool water, from enterobiasis to viral hepatitis A and skin tuberculosis. Therefore, it was important for me to make sure that the water in the pool was cleaned properly.
Infections that can be transmitted through pool water
According to sanitary regulations, the water in any pools must be disinfected by at least chlorination or bromination. You can also additionally use ozonation or ultraviolet radiation.
If the water is chlorinated, it is important to monitor the concentration: the level of residual chlorine in the water should be at least 0.1 mg / l, and pH, pH, in the range of 7.2-7.6. These indicators can be obtained from the pool administration, sanitary regulations require checking the level of residual chlorine every four hours. nine0003
In the center where my son works, chlorination is combined with both ultraviolet treatment and ozonation, and a quartz-sand filter purifies the water. All this takes 30 minutes. Thanks to constant multi-stage cleaning, you can not be afraid if water accidentally gets into your mouth.
The water temperature in children's and adult pools is different: for babies under three months it should be at least 32 °C, and for older children - 30 °C.
Kiddie Pool Guidelines - British Swimming Teachers Association
What should be in the feeding room. Pay attention to whether you feel comfortable feeding your baby after bathing. If the baby is breastfed, a comfortable place for the mother should be equipped in the feeding room, and if he eats formula, cereal or other food, a place where you can dilute the mixture and warm up the food.
I like the feeding room in our center. There are two tables here - a changing table and a regular one, as well as a sofa, a cooler and a microwave. For older children, a high chair is provided. nine0003
Your rights if you have children
What certificates are needed for classes
Parents themselves need permission from the doctor to visit the pool, but the pool will ask for confirmation that the child will not infect other visitors. To do this, you will need to take certificates at the clinic.
Certificate from the pediatrician on the form 083/4-89 that the child is healthy and has not been in contact with infectious patients.
The certificate must have three seals: two are affixed by a medical organization, one more by a doctor Test for worm eggs and scrapings for enterobiasis with a negative result. It can be done in a compulsory medical insurance clinic or in a private laboratory. An analysis for eggs costs an average of 400 R, and for enterobiosis - 600 R. In some pools, from babies up to 6 months old, these tests are not required.
If a child under the age of one has moved from a baby bath to a swimming pool, he will only need a certificate from a pediatrician about his state of health. You can get it on the day you visit the doctor. You don't need to take tests. nine0003
Information for parents. Parents also need to take a certificate in order to exercise with their child in the pool. To do this, you will have to undergo an examination by a dermatologist and receive a conclusion from a therapist. The certificate must indicate that the parents are healthy and can visit the pool.
How to get a health certificate for the pool
Some centers require parents to have a x-ray. Sometimes mothers are asked to additionally bring the conclusion of a gynecologist, and fathers - a separate certificate from a dermatologist. Therefore, it is worth calling and specifying the list of necessary examinations in advance. nine0003
I made a certificate for free at the polyclinic at the place of residence, but in the end it was not useful to me. When at six months the child moved from the bath to the pool, I chose a subscription where a coach would work with him, and not a parent. In this case, no certificates need to be collected.
How to choose a coach for your baby
Russian universities do not train baby swimming instructors. But there are special courses, a certificate of completion is required when applying for a job. Some centers give preference to applicants with a medical or physical education education. nine0003
Recently, due to the pandemic, some baby swimming instructor courses can be completed remotely. This is alarming: it seems to me that it is impossible to remotely learn swimming techniques with kids. Therefore, I recommend checking with the administrators of the center what kind of education the coach received and whether he has a lot of experience working with children.
I did just that, and eventually settled on a trainer with a secondary professional medical education. He completed courses as an instructor in infant swimming, medical massage and exercise therapy, worked in a swimming rehabilitation center for children with disabilities. I thought that a specialist with such qualifications can be trusted with a child. nine0003
At the first lesson, the trainer asked about my son's well-being, his diagnoses, and the date he was born. He asked what kind of sleep the baby has, whether colic bothers him. Colic is not a contraindication to swimming, but the baby may be naughty during class if his stomach hurts.
How to help a newborn with colic
Then the trainer conducted an independent examination of the child: he checked reflexes, bloating and pain in the abdomen, muscle tone. He asked why they decided to go to the pool. I talked about the hypertonicity of the hands and the hypotonicity of the legs. It is important to say such things right away: the training program will depend on this. nine0003
What are the subscriptions and how much do they cost? It is also worth finding out how many days the subscription is valid and whether it can be frozen - that is, skip a lesson so that it does not disappear.

Swim centers often offer 50% or 100% discounts on first visits. In our pool, you can get to the first lesson for free if you buy a subscription on the same day. nine0003
A subscription to individual classes gives mom the opportunity to relax and watch the process from the side: the coach will take care of everything. He will give the child a massage, have a short workout on the fitball, and then move on to classes in the bath. The duration of training can be different, but usually it takes about 20 minutes for a massage and a fitball session, the water part lasts a little longer - 25-30 minutes.
Business: children's swimming studio in Khabarovsk
Approximate cost of private lessons in baby swimming
Moscow | St. Petersburg | Samara | |
Average price per visit | 2000 R | 1500 R | 1000 R |
Subscription for 4 lessons | 7000 R | 5500 R | 3500 P |
8 lessons | 13 000 R | 10,000 R | 6500 R |
12 lessons | 20 000 R | 15 000 R | 9000 R |
The average price of a one-time visit
2000 r
Subscription for 4 lessons
7000 ° C
8 lessons
13 000 R
12 lessons
20,000 000 °
Average price of one -time visit
1500 r
Subscription for 4 lessons
5500 R
8 lessons
10 000 0002 12 lessons
15 000 R
The average price of a single visit
1000 r
Subscription for 4 lessons
3500 r
8 lessons
6500 r
12 lessons
9000 000 0002 Group subscription "Mom + Baby" are classes in mini-groups under the supervision of a trainer. Mom, dad or another accompanying adult can deal with children. It is important to consider that while swimming in the bath, the baby will have to hold the entire workout on his hands. In a month, my son weighed 4.6 kg, at six months - already 9 kg. Holding a child with such a weight for half an hour and doing exercises at the same time is quite difficult, so you need to calculate your strength.
Estimated cost of group lessons in baby swimming
Moscow | St. Petersburg | Samara | |
Average price per visit | 1500 R | 1000 R | 800 R |
Subscription for 4 lessons | 5500 R | 3500 P | 2500 R |
8 lessons | 10,000 R | 6500 R | 4000 R |
12 sessions | 15 000 R | 9000 R | 6000 R |
The average price of a one-time visit
1500 R
Subscription for 4 lessons
5500 R
8 lessons
10 000 R
12,0002 15,000 000 0002 Petersburg
Average price of a single visit
1000 R
Subscription for 4 lessons
3500 R
8 classes
6500 R
12 lessons
9000 °
The average price of one -time visit
800 R
Subscription for 4 lessons
2500 R
8 lessons 9000 4000 4000 4000 R
12 lessons
6000 R
The trainer comes straight home and works out with the baby in a regular bath - sometimes this option is also possible. It is the most expensive: an average lesson costs from 2000 to 4000 R. And there are nuances here. For example, our home bath is much smaller than the swimming bath, my son could feel cramped in it during class. In addition, the control of temperature and water purity with this approach falls on the shoulders of the parents. nine0003
When we first visited the center, I chose the "mom + baby" subscription, which included massage, fitball and water part. We were supposed to attend 12 classes in 30 days. Subscription freezing is free. In a short time, I learned how to massage a child and perform exercises on a fitball. She also practiced swimming movements and diving with him. My son started swimming in the pool when he was six months old. Here I have already chosen another subscription - individual lessons with a trainer.
11 important questions for pediatrician Sergey Butriy
What to put in a bag for classes
Especially for the pool, I bought only swim diapers and disposable diapers - it cost about 500 R per month of classes. Everything else was already at home. Here are the things that we needed before 6 months:
- Change of shoes, short sleeves, medical masks for parents during the pandemic.
- Swim diapers or briefs, it is better to have two pairs with you. They are disposable and reusable. The price of disposable diapers starts from 200 R for 10-12 pieces, reusable diapers cost from 700 R a piece. nine0372
- Cloth diaper - I used it to cover the changing table. After the massage, I used the same diaper for fitball exercises.
- Disposable absorbent pad - easy to lay over cloth. The most convenient size is 60 × 90 cm. A pack of 30 costs from 300 RUR.
- Toys to distract the child during massage and aquagym.
- Dry diaper to change into after training.
- Towel.
- Formula to feed your baby after class if he is formula fed. nine0372
- Powder and cotton pads are usually available at swimming centers, but it's better to bring your own just in case.
How is the session
Our training starts with a massage. Due to increased muscle tone in the arms and colic, my son initially had some slight discomfort during this procedure.
Massage is a warm-up before swimming: it lasts 15-20 minutes. In some centers, massage is not done, but a light warm-up before swimming or already in the water is still necessary, this will warm up the baby's muscles. nine0003
How to properly massage a baby - YouTube channel of the obstetric and gynecological clinic Isida
After the massage - a short exercise on the fitball. It takes 5-7 minutes. During such classes, the child relaxes and tunes in to training. I noticed that after jumping on the ball, my son's mood improved.
At the first lesson, the instructor did everything himself and explained every movement in detail. Then I did everything, but under the control of the coach.
Basic Fitball Exercises - Jumping and Swinging And finally, training in water, which lasts 20-30 minutes. In the first lessons, the baby is not immersed under water, but only helped to practice swimming movements and prepare for diving: the coach pours water on the child's head. If the baby begins to hold his breath, then you can proceed to diving. This happens around the third lesson.
Aquatic training begins with aqua gymnastics: it includes jumping in the water, swimming on the back and on the stomach. If the child does not yet hold his head on his own, then the instructor or mother supports it with his hand. nine0003
Infant swimming complex from coach V.A. Dorokhova — YouTube channel "Healthy Child" and help the child make swimming movements with arms and legs. If the baby remembers well the relationship between words and movement in the water, then, once in the pool and hearing these words, he will start rowing on his own.
Then the most interesting part of the training begins - diving. The parent holds the child in the bath so that the face is above the water and almost parallel to the surface. Then he says "Let's dive!" and blows on the baby's nose. The baby triggers a breath holding reflex, at this time it is immersed in water. Then they take it out, the child exhales and inhales for the next dive. nine0003
Regular training allows you to translate the breath-holding reflex into a conscious action. Three months later, the son after the word “Dive!” he was already holding his breath.
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Children behave differently during training. Some immediately make active swimming movements, while others get scared and for some time do not understand what is required of them. Usually, the earlier classes begin, the easier it is for the child to adapt. nine0003
Toddlers swim for 25-30 minutes, but not everyone can complete a full workout for the first time, especially if before that there was a massage and fitball exercises. From the first lesson, my son behaved calmly and swam with pleasure all the time.
Frequently asked questions about infant swimming
Daniil Bukatin
infant swimming instructor
Why is it better to send a child to infant swimming for up to three months? It is at this age that the breath holding reflex is present. And in the first three months, the baby is actively growing and developing. Early swimming helps to strengthen the muscular corset, develop the musculoskeletal system, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. nine0003
Can water get into the ears? Maybe, but there's nothing wrong with that. The eardrum in a baby is thicker than in an adult. This reduces the risk of inflammation when water enters the ear. After training, you need to get your ears wet with cotton.
What happens if a child swallows bath water? If the water is treated according to sanitary standards, nothing bad will happen. In a baby bath, the water is so pure that you can drink it. nine0003
When will the baby start to float on its own? Without the help of an adult and without sports equipment, the child begins to float on the water closer to three years. At this age, the body becomes more proportional. The center of body mass shifts to the pelvis, as in an adult, so it becomes easier for a child to stay on the water.
What results have we achieved
My son has been swimming for a year and four months. Until the year we went to the center three times a week, after that - twice. On days when there is no training, I myself give the child a massage and practice on the fitball at home. nine0003
Due to the increased tone in the arms, my child has been swimming only with his legs for a long time. And while swimming under water, he used only one hand, which is why he often turned over. Five months later, he was able to swim underwater for three seconds on his own.
Around this age, the son stopped clenching his fists with force and keeping his hands in tension, and his legs became strong and strong. During a scheduled examination in a month, the surgeon suspected a small umbilical hernia in his son, but during the examination in six months, the hernia was not found. I had colic for the first two and a half months, massage and fitball helped alleviate the condition. After training, the son always slept soundly and for a long time. nine0003
How to solve baby's sleep problems
Swimming also affects mood. My child likes to swim and splash in the water. In between dives, he often laughs. Sometimes we go to training with the whole family and kill two birds with one stone: we improve the health of our son and organize our leisure time with my husband.
- Before you give your baby for swimming, you need to consult a pediatrician and a neurologist. Then get a certificate stating that the child is healthy and, if necessary, take tests. nine0372
- Babies need certain things to exercise.
Much can be found at home, but swimming panties and disposable diapers will have to be purchased.
- When choosing a swimming center, you should pay attention to the location, reviews about it, the cleanliness of the pool and the availability of a feeding room.
- Now infant swimming instructors are taught even remotely - and this does not inspire confidence. Therefore, it is better to ask in advance about the education of the coach and his experience.
- There are two types of subscriptions: individual lessons with a trainer and group workouts "mom + baby". The second option is cheaper and suitable for parents who want to work with the child on their own, but under the supervision of an instructor. Some centers offer a third option: the trainer comes to the house and works out with the baby in a regular bath.
- Training usually consists of three stages: massage, fitball and water part. On average, everything together lasts about 50 minutes.
Materials that will help parents save their budget and sanity are in our telegram channel @t_dety.
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First trip with a baby: making sure everything goes according to plan
If you think that having children is not a reason to postpone your own life and give up travel, outdoor activities and new experiences, know that you have many like-minded people. They are ready to share their experience and give valuable advice. nine0483
The times when a small child was taken out of the house no further than a dacha are long gone. Even newborns at the age of 2 days (with a certificate from a doctor) are allowed on the plane today, and 7-day-old ones already without any certificates. An approach to education that sees only dangers in the world around us and requires them to be carefully avoided is no longer relevant. Now you can go to visits and museums with your children, plan trips and trips at any age. The key word is "plan". The main thing is to choose and adapt the format and complexity of the trip to the capabilities of the family. So where to start? nine0003
The hardest thing is the move
The most difficult thing for children, and adults too, is the day of the move. Therefore, when choosing a direction and planning a route, consider the distance of the trip and choose the appropriate mode of transport. Much will depend on the temperament of the baby. One will sleep quietly at his chest all the way, while the other will scream during an air flight, for example. There are many reasons for a baby to be nervous: new places, many strangers, a change in regimen, unusual sensations along the way. But you can’t do without moving, so please be patient. nine0003
A car is suitable for not very long trips. This is a good option: there will be no contact with strangers, you can independently adjust the mode, stop at will. The main thing is that the child has a comfortable, reliable car seat and does not get sick on the road.
Longer trips can be taken by train. Better, of course, in a compartment to avoid unnecessary contact of the child with other passengers. One of the disadvantages of rail travel is narrow sleeping places in carriages. You can’t put a child alone, he can fall off the shelf, and it’s unlikely that two people will be able to sleep in such a small space, and this is also unsafe. By the way, traveling by train with a 3-4 month old baby will be easier than with a one year old. The smaller the child, the more likely it is that he will sleep on the road. A one-year-old baby will be interested in everything around, he will not calm down so quickly, and besides, he can make you walk along the corridor with him, because he will be bored in the small space of the compartment. nine0003
If you want to go very far, get ready to fly by plane. In some airlines, infants under one year old are provided with a baby cot on board. You just need to notify the airline staff in advance. There are changing tables both in airports and on the plane, so there will be no problems with changing clothes. The main thing is to stock up on disposable diapers, wet wipes and a change of clothes.
An important point: so that the baby does not block his ears during takeoff and landing (small children suffer more than adults at this moment), he must suck on the breast or bottle. Swallowing helps relieve ear pain. nine0003
Experienced traveling moms recommend using a sling at the airport. This is very convenient, because the stroller will have to be checked in as luggage, and going through passport control, registration, and then waiting for luggage with a baby in your arms will be difficult for both you and him. And in a sling or in an ergo-backpack, the baby can safely move around without even waking up. The ideal flight at this age looks like this: short, lasting up to 4 hours, should be daytime, if you need to fly for a long time (7-8 hours), then it is better to book tickets for a night flight. nine0003
What to eat?
The easiest way, of course, is for those mothers who breastfeed their baby only. They always have food with them, in the right amount and at the right temperature. No need to think about what and how to give the baby; in addition, attachment to the chest will help to quickly calm the baby; breast milk also provides some protection against infections. If on a trip you suddenly notice that there is less milk, increase the amount of liquid you drink and breastfeeding.
For a bottle-fed baby, you must take the usual mixture with you in the amount that you need for all days of rest. In the places where you are going, it may simply not be. You can prepare a certain number of bottles in advance with the right amount of dry mix, which simply remains to be diluted with water. nine0003
For a baby who is already receiving complementary foods, take a few jars with you for the first days of rest. If you are traveling to a European country, then most likely you can buy baby purees at the nearest supermarket. True, their taste may be somewhat different from what the child is used to at home.
Where to live?
When choosing where to stay with a small child, collect all the information about the place where you are going to: how far is the hotel or apartment from the airport, is the resort noisy or quiet, what shops are nearby, can you buy baby food or products in them, what your baby eats, and what alternatives are there if they are not available. Are diapers of the right brand sold, because even such a fact as irritation from a new diaper or cream can overshadow your vacation. If the information you are interested in is not available on the Internet, ask these questions in a letter to the owners of the apartment or hotel staff. nine0003
When choosing a hotel, find out if there are family rooms, playgrounds and pools, animators and a children's menu.
You need to decide what is more convenient - a hotel or an apartment. The most convenient option for a family with a baby is to rent an apartment or a room with a kitchen in an apartment hotel. The advantage of the apartments is the homely atmosphere and the ability to cook food to your liking. True, there is a minus here: if you cook, you will have to wash the dishes, do the cleaning... In general, everything is like at home.
Water treatments
Please note that swimming in open water is not recommended for children under 2 months of age when relaxing by the sea or lake. An underdeveloped immune system of a baby may not be able to cope with dangerous bacteria in the water.
In children up to 6 months, the mechanism of thermoregulation is still insufficiently “debugged”. If a child gets into cool water, he can quickly get cold.
It is better to start bathing after six months. At this time, the baby is already confidently holding his head, and his thermoregulation is improving. For such water procedures, choose places with a small crowd of people to reduce the risk of infections. And, of course, look at whether the baby likes being in the water. If it doesn't give him pleasure, don't force him to bathe. nine0003
Remember that tanning is dangerous for babies. Up to 6 months, you can’t take the baby out into the open sun at all. After 6 months, sunscreen must be used.
Three main points of preparation
Parent's passport with a record of the child (old passport). If there is no entry in the passport, you will need a birth certificate of the child indicating citizenship or an individual passport of the child.
In the case of traveling without parents, a notarized consent of at least one of the parents for the child to leave the country. nine0003
If the child and parents have different surnames, a document confirming the relationship.
If the child does not have a second parent - a document explaining the reason (certificate from the registry office, death certificate, certificate of deprivation of parental rights).
Visit your pediatrician before you travel. The doctor will be able to assess the health of the baby and give his recommendations about the trip. Pediatricians advise to make sure to do all the vaccinations recommended by age. Vaccination against some infections can be done earlier than the dates indicated in the vaccination calendar; you need to consult a doctor about this. nine0003
Decide on the region and season. You should not go south during the hottest season. If your child has an allergy, do not travel during the flowering season of allergenic plants.
It is better to take a small child to countries with a climate different from Russia for at least 21 days. During this time, he will have time to acclimatize, rest and gain strength.
Do not exercise heavily on the first day of rest. Give your child the opportunity to adapt to the new environment.
Consider the type of holiday. The less extreme your trip is, the easier the child will endure acclimatization. nine0003
What many think of as acclimatization may actually be an infection. The child came to the sea, and a few days later he had a fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Parents think that this is a reaction to climate change, but in fact, the viruses that he met on the road make themselves felt.
It is not necessary to buy insurance from tour operators, you can arrange it yourself. When applying for insurance with a tour operator, choose the maximum amount of coverage. nine0003
Do not take out insurance with deductible. This type of insurance is of interest to the insurance company, not to the client.