Fever check without thermometer
How do I take a temperature?
Children under 5
For advice about taking a temperature in a child under 5, see how to take a baby's or young child's temperature.
Using a digital thermometer
One way to check your temperature is to use a digital thermometer. You can buy these from supermarkets and pharmacies.
To use a digital thermometer:
- Clean the tip with cold water and soap, then rinse it.
- Turn the thermometer on.
- Put the tip under your tongue, towards the back of your mouth.
- Close your lips around the thermometer.
- Wait until it beeps or flashes.
- Check the temperature on the display.
You can also use a digital thermometer in your armpit. Make sure you keep your arm tight against your body until the thermometer beeps or flashes.
Digital ear thermometers
If you use a digital ear thermometer, follow the instructions that come with it.
You usually need to gently pull your ear up and back before putting the thermometer in your ear. This helps you get a more accurate temperature.
Important: Other thermometers
Do not use a glass thermometer or a forehead strip.
Glass thermometers can be dangerous and forehead strips are not accurate.
If you do not have a thermometer
You can often still tell if you have a high temperature even if you do not have a thermometer.
Touch your chest and back. If they feel hotter than usual, you may have a high temperature. You may also have other symptoms such as feeling shivery (chills).
Touching your forehead is not a very accurate way of checking your temperature.
What is a high temperature?
Normal body temperature is different for everyone and changes during the day.
A temperature of 38C or more is usually considered a high temperature (fever).
It's not always easy to take a temperature accurately.
If you feel hot or shivery, you may have a high temperature even if a thermometer says your temperature is below 38C.
What should I do if I have a high temperature?
Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to do your normal activities.
Use the NHS 111 online service to find out what to do.
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
Page last reviewed: 31 March 2020
Next review due: 31 March 2023
How to tell if you have a fever: Signs, symptoms, and treatment
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Identifying a fever is relatively simple if a person has a thermometer. Even without one, there are certain ways of telling whether or not a person has a fever. It is especially important to monitor fevers in babies and children.
A fever occurs when the body’s temperature rises above 100.4°F (38°C) for a sustained period.
Most fevers need no treatment, but some home remedies can ease the symptoms. That said, anyone with a very high fever should see a doctor for a full diagnosis.
A person should seek professional medical help if they have a fever alongside:
- other severe or worsening symptoms
- difficulty breathing and chest pain, especially if they have symptoms of COVID-19
- severe pain or swelling
It is also important to see a doctor if these symptoms occur after recent surgery.
In this article, learn more about how to tell if a person has a fever.
For more advice on COVID-19 prevention and treatment, visit our coronavirus hub.
Many people can recognize when they feel feverish. Some describe it as a feeling of warmth.
There is no completely accurate way to diagnose a fever without using a thermometer. However, certain techniques can give a person a good idea of whether or not they have a fever.
These methods include:
Touching the forehead
Touching a person’s forehead with the back of the hand is a common method of telling whether or not they have a fever. If the person has a fever, their forehead may feel very hot.
This can be inaccurate, but it may provide some general information.
However, a person with a suspected fever who touches their own forehead may not feel anything unusual. For this reason, it is important to ask someone else for help.
A person may also be able to check for a fever by resting their cheek against the person’s forehead. However, this may not be advisable if they suspect COVID-19. A person should always wash their cheek after resting it against someone else’s forehead.
Pinching the hand
Dehydration can be one sign of a fever. To check for dehydration, a person can gently pinch the skin on the back of their hand, then let the skin go and watch it carefully.
If they are well hydrated, their skin will fall back into place very quickly. If the skin moves slowly, the person may be dehydrated.
However, this method can also be inaccurate, as dehydration does not always indicate a fever.
Looking for flushing in the cheeks
Checking in a mirror for any signs of flushed cheeks can help a person tell whether or not they have a fever.
If they do, the cheeks may be reddish or purple, or they may simply have more color than usual.
Checking urine color
Urine color may also help indicate whether or not someone has a fever.
Fevers dehydrate the body, which can prevent it from making as much urine as usual. This leads to more concentrated urine, which may be dark yellow or orange and possibly have an odor.
Learn more about urine colors in this article.
Looking for other symptoms
Some other signs and symptoms of a fever can include:
- a headache
- chills
- shivering
- sweating
- soreness and aching
- weak muscles
- sore eyes
- general fatigue
- a loss of appetite
- difficulty concentrating
- swollen lymph nodes
Checking for a fever is straightforward when a person has a thermometer.
There are a few different types of thermometer available. The following sections will describe these in more detail.
Oral thermometer
Oral thermometers take the temperature in the mouth. Most modern oral thermometers are digital. They usually beep when they complete a reading, which makes them very easy for most people to use.
Oral thermometers are easier to use in adults, as they require a person to close their mouth and keep the thermometer in place for about 20 seconds to get an accurate reading.
The thermometer should rest under the tongue and as close to the center of the mouth as possible. Once it has taken the reading, it will display the person’s temperature.
Ear thermometer
Ear thermometers measure the temperature of the eardrum. They are more common in doctors’ offices, but at-home versions are also available.
Ear thermometers can give results within a few seconds. This makes them a good option when dealing with very young children, who may find it difficult to sit still for a prolonged period of time.
However, ear thermometers can give less accurate readings than other types.
To use an ear thermometer, hold the device up to the ear, with the sensor pointing inward, down the ear canal toward the eardrum. Turn on the thermometer, and wait for it to signal that the reading is complete.
Forehead thermometer
Forehead thermometers are becoming more popular for home use. They tend to be accurate, but not as accurate as rectal thermometers.
Forehead thermometers are a good option for use in children, as they do not require them to sit still for a long time.
There are two different versions available. One type, when a person places it on the temporal artery in the forehead, uses infrared light to measure a person’s temperature.
The second type is a plastic strip thermometer that a person can place on the forehead. These strips can detect a fever, but they do not give an exact reading. They only show if a person’s temperature is high or low.
Rectal thermometer
A rectal thermometer takes the temperature of the rectum. Although it may not be the easiest or most comfortable option, it does provide highly accurate readings.
As some researchers note, rectal thermometers give more accurate readings than ear or oral thermometers.
To use a rectal thermometer, apply a lubricant to the tip and gently insert it about half an inch (1.3 centimeters) into the rectum. A person can do this with an oral thermometer, or they can purchase one designed for rectal use.
Rectal thermometers may be the best option when caring for infants. Getting an accurate reading is vital when a baby may have a fever or need medical attention.
A range of thermometers is available for purchase online.
It is important to catch fevers in infants and children early, before their temperatures become very high.
Beyond feeling very hot, an infant or young child with a fever may:
- have skin that is red or flushed
- be irritable
- be unusually tired
- have difficulty drinking or breastfeeding
A fever in a child is any temperature over 101.3°F (38.5°C). Older children may show many of the same symptoms as adults.
Most fevers result from infections, which trigger the body’s natural defenses. The body’s temperature rises, attempting to kill off harmful bacteria or viruses.
Types of infection that can cause a fever include:
- upper respiratory tract infections, such as a cold or flu
- lower respiratory tract infections
- skin infections
- urinary tract infections
- gastrointestinal infections
Other health issues that can lead to a fever include:
- sunburn
- heatstroke
- physical exertion
- dehydration
- reactions to certain medications
- chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis
- cancerous growths
The treatment options for a fever usually involve addressing the underlying cause and controlling any symptoms.
The following sections will discuss some of these options in more detail.
Over-the-counter medications
Share on PinterestOver-the-counter medications can help relieve the symptoms of a fever.
Over-the-counter medications are often the first-line treatment for a fever.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can usually help reduce a fever and its accompanying symptoms, such as pain. However, if a person suspects COVID-19, they should not use anti-inflammatory drugs, as these can lower a person’s immune response.
Common examples of these drugs include:
- ibuprofen (Advil)
- aspirin
- naproxen (Aleve)
Never give aspirin to a child, as there is a risk of a life threatening complication called Reye’s syndrome.
Fluid intake
Fluid intake is crucial when a person has a fever, as the process of raising the body’s temperature uses a lot of water.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps combat the effects of the fever and prevent dehydration.
It may also be helpful to drink soup broth. The salts it contains can help replenish the body’s electrolytes when a person is sweating.
Cooling off
If a fever results from exertion or heatstroke, medications may not help. Instead, a person needs to cool down.
Sitting in a cool room may help, but avoid extreme temperatures. Do not cool off by taking a very cold bath or shower, for example. A cold bath or shower can cause a person to shiver, raising their body temperature even higher.
However, sponging the body with lukewarm or cool water may help, as the water will evaporate and cool the skin.
A fever often requires no medical treatment. It will usually go down on its own in time. People can, however, focus on relieving their other symptoms.
However, adults with very high fevers — above 103°F (40°C) — should seek medical help.
Children may need to see a doctor sooner than this. Infants younger than 3 months old should receive medical attention if they have a rectal fever of over 100. 4° F (38°C).
Also, anyone who has had a fever for more than 48 hours should see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.
Some early symptoms of COVID-19 may include:
- a fever
- a dry cough
- a low appetite
- shortness of breath
If a person has any of these symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that they stay at home and, as much as possible, stay away from other people.
They should also wear a cloth face covering if other people are near.
If they also start to experience the following symptoms, they or someone nearby should call the emergency services and let the operator know that they may have COVID-19:
- difficulty breathing
- severe chest pain
- a bluish tinge to the skin, due to a lack of oxygen
- confusion or changes in consciousness
A fever is the body’s reaction to various issues, including infection, sunburn, and dehydration.
A thermometer is the most accurate tool for diagnosing a fever, but other techniques can also help a person tell.
A fever usually resolves on its own. However, a person should see a doctor if a fever is very high or does not go down after 48 hours.
How to measure temperature without a thermometer
January 24, 2022 Likbez Health
A hot forehead is not the only sign of fever.
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It is not possible to measure body temperature to tenths of a degree without instruments. Even household thermometers make mistakes. But, as a rule, high accuracy is not needed. It is enough to find out if there is a fever (temperature above 38 ° C) - it is she who is considered one of the key symptoms in the diagnosis of various diseases. nine0003
How to measure temperature without a thermometer
There are five main ways. Individually, these methods are not very reliable, but together they can briefly replace a thermometer.
1. Touch forehead
When you have a fever, your forehead becomes hot. In order not to make a mistake, observe the following rules.
- Do not check if you have a fever yourself. Your hands may be hot too, so you won't feel the heat.
- Use the back of your hand. The skin is more sensitive there. nine0023
- Make sure the room is neither too hot nor too cold before checking. If the hand is cold, the forehead will feel very warm. And with a hot palm, it will be easy to miss the heat.
2. Touch your chest or back
The rule is the same here - use the back of your hand. If the chest or back feels hot, the person most likely has a fever.
3. Look at the complexion
Flushed cheeks is another sure sign that doctors take into account. nine0003
Remember that it is worth assessing the complexion only if the person is at rest. With active movement or immediately after physical exertion, the cheeks can also turn red, but it is unlikely due to increased temperature.
4. Measure your pulse
The normal heart rate for adults is 60-100 beats per minute. This also applies to children over 10 years of age. In preschoolers, the normal pulse does not exceed 120 beats, in children aged one to two - 130, and in infants under one year - 160.
Studies show that when you have a fever, your heart beats faster. Every 8-10 heartbeats above the norm allow us to suspect that the body temperature has risen by one degree.
5. Analyze how you feel
An increase in temperature is usually accompanied by other characteristic symptoms. The more of these additional signs, the more likely fever.
- Fever It often seems to a person that he is "burning".
- Chill. In spite of internal heat, people with fever often shiver from cold. Although the air temperature in the room is normal or even elevated. nine0023
- Severe weakness. It could be drowsiness or just severe fatigue.
- Strong perspiration. In a person with a fever, the skin often feels clammy, moist to the touch.
- Feeling unwell. People cannot always describe what specifically worries them, but the sensations will definitely be unpleasant.
- Nausea. Sometimes not strong, and sometimes quite palpable.
- Headache. Another common symptom in fever. nine0023
When to seek immediate help
A fever can be a sign of a really dangerous illness. Call your doctor right away if you suspect a fever and have the following symptoms:
- neck stiffness where the person cannot turn or tilt their head;
- confused mind;
- abrupt changes in emotional state, such as pronounced anxiety or irritability;
- rash of any kind extending over the body;
- photophobia, that is, painful sensations in the eyes when looking at light;
- dehydration - suggestive of dark urine, sunken eyes, lack of tears when crying;
- convulsions.
You should also consult your doctor if your fever cannot be brought down with paracetamol or ibuprofen-based antipyretics, or if it persists for more than five days.
Read also 👩⚕️🩺
- What to do if the temperature stays at 37 °C
- How to take the temperature correctly
- How to bring down the temperature of a child or an adult
- Why the temperature does not go astray and what to do about it
- What does the temperature indicate without other symptoms of the disease
How to determine the temperature without a thermometer: 4 tips
We are sure that you have ever been in a situation where it seems to you that you or your loved one has a temperature, but there is no thermometer to confirm this. But there are several ways to help figure out whether the temperature is actually elevated or not.
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Of course, you can accurately measure the temperature only with the help of a thermometer - it will show both subfebrile values, when the indicators are kept around 37 degrees, and a high temperature, which definitely needs to be brought down.
But life is such that a thermometer is not always at hand, which means that in this case you will have to focus on some signs that may occur when the temperature rises. Self-determination of temperature cannot be called too accurate, but still, in more than half of the cases (58%), patients who suspected that their temperature was above the norm actually had a high temperature. nine0003
So, here are some ways to help you figure out your temperature without a thermometer.
Assess your condition
If you are not three years old, but a little older, then most likely you perfectly understand what the condition is like when the temperature rises. And the most obvious signs are a feeling of heat, in which you want to open up, on the contrary, a feeling of cold, when you want to cover yourself with the warmest blanket. In addition, pay attention to headaches, muscle pains, severe fatigue, which, it would seem, is not caused by anything. nine0003
Try to move
No one talks about a full workout or some kind of active action. Try to go up and down the stairs, lift something heavy - a bag or other load, walk a little. If you are completely healthy, and your temperature is normal, then such a load will not affect your well-being in any way. But if the temperature is high, then you will instantly get tired and exhausted.
Look at yourself in the mirror
If you suspect a temperature in yourself, then pay attention to your reflection in the mirror, if you think that the temperature has risen in one of your loved ones, look at their face. When the temperature rises, the cheeks will turn pink, or even the whole face as a whole will be red.
Ask someone to touch your forehead
It is quite difficult to understand whether you have a temperature or not by feeling yourself.