Early pregnancy and hunger
Hunger pangs (pregnancy sleep) - BabyCentre UK
In this article
- Why do I keep waking up hungry?
- How can I stop hunger pangs from waking me up?
Do you ever feel as if you're never full? An increased appetite during pregnancy is very common. From early pregnancy, changes in your hormones can make you feel hungry at any time. Eating plenty of fibre-rich food and drinking lots of fluids during the day can help you feel fuller for longer. Read on for more tips on stopping night-time hunger pangs.
Why do I keep waking up hungry?
Your changing hormones can make you feel hungrier from early into your first trimester.
When you're pregnant, your body gets better at using the energy in the food you eat. So even though you may feel ravenous, you don’t actually need any extra calories during the first six months of pregnancy. It’s only in the third trimester that you need an extra 200 calories a day.
But as your body works harder to make the most of your calorie intake, it's not surprising if you wake in the night feeling hungry. An empty stomach can also make pregnancy sickness worse.
How can I stop hunger pangs from waking me up?
These simple tips may help you tackle those hunger pangs and get a better night’s sleep:
During the day
For your daytime meals, eat plenty of fruit and veg, and choose wholegrain bread or brown rice and pasta over white varieties. These foods are full of fibre and release energy slowly, so you feel fuller for longer and also help to prevent constipation.
Go easy on sweet and fatty foods. They may give you a quick energy boost, but they don't really fill you up and they can make morning sickness worse. They also won't give you the nutrients that you and your baby need.
Foods to avoid in pregnancy
From undercooked meat to too much caffeine, find out what food and drink you should limit or avoid altogether during your pregnancy, to keep your baby safe. More pregnancy videos
If you suffer from indigestion, avoid rich, fatty and spicy foods, as well as caffeine, fruit juice and chocolate. These can all make heartburn worse, which could further disturb your sleep.
Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids during the day. Sometimes thirst can be confused with hunger. Aim for around 1.6 litres (2.8 pints), or six to eight medium glasses of water or fluids every day. If you’re worried about more night-time visits to the loo, try to get most of your fluids during the day.
Before you go to bed
Eating foods that are high in starch and sugar before bedtime, such as fast food and takeaways, can cause your blood sugar to spike and then fall. When your blood sugar drops, you may feel hungry enough for it to wake you up. So if you crave your favourite takeaways, try to have them just once in a while and earlier in the day if you can.
Have a light snack before going to bed. Keep your fridge and cupboards stocked with quick-to-prepare, healthy snacks. These could include:
- a slice of toast or malt loaf
- fresh fruit and vegetables
- hard-boiled eggs
- a small bowl of cereal
- a handful of unsalted nuts
Some foods contain a natural sleep-promoting amino acid called tryptophan, which may help you sleep. Turkey, chicken and pumpkin seeds all contain tryptophan. Don’t be tempted to take a tryptophan supplement though, as it isn't safe for pregnancy.
Other studies have found that kiwi fruit can help with sleep, as they contain high levels of a calming hormone called serotonin.
During the night
If you wake in the middle of the night craving a midnight snack, choose something that's healthy and satisfies your hunger pangs. Try a milky drink, or something containing carbs and protein, such as a bowl of cereal with milk, toast with peanut butter, or a few crackers with cheese.
You might also like:
- Check out our diet for a healthy pregnancy
- Discover our trimester-by-trimester meal planners
- Feeling nauseous at night? Learn what to do.
- See 20 healthy 200-calorie snacks for your third trimester
Cafasso J. 2018. Why Am I Always Waking Up Hungry and What Can I Do About It?. Healthline. www.healthline.com [Accessed March 2021]
Medline Plus. 2020. L-tryptophan US National Library of Medicine. medlineplus.gov [Accessed March 2021]
Murray I, Hendley J. 2020. Change and adaptation in pregnancy. In: Marshall J, Raynor M. eds. Myles textbook for midwives. 17th ed. Elsevier, 197-245
NHS. 2018. Insomnia. NHS Choices, Health A to Z. www.nhs.uk [Accessed March 2021]
NHS. 2020a. Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy. NHS Choices, Health A- Z. www.nhs.uk [Accessed March 2021]
NHS. 2020b. Have a healthy diet in pregnancy. NHS Choices, Health A to Z. www.nhs.uk [Accessed March 2021]
NHS Inform Scotland. nd. Hydration. NHS Inform Scotland. www.nhsinform.scot uk [Accessed March 2021]
NICE. 2010. Weight management before, during and after pregnancy. Ph37. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. www.nice.org.uk [Accessed March 2021]
NSF. 2020. The best foods to help you sleep. National Sleep Foundation. sleepfoundation.org [Accessed March 2021]
Sleep Council. nd. The good-night guide. www.sleepcouncil.org.uk [Accessed March 2021]
Smith J, Fox KA, Clark SM. 2021. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: Treatment and outcome. UpToDate. www.uptodate.com [Accessed March 2021]
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Why It Happens and How to Manage It
Pregnancy cravings are the stuff of legend. Expectant mamas have reported jonesing for everything from pickles and ice cream to peanut butter on hot dogs.
But it’s not just hunger for off-the-wall food combos that can increase during pregnancy. Throughout your 9 months of baby-growing, you may find you’re simply hungrier in general — for anything, all the time.
Clearly, your body is working overtime to make a fully formed human, so it’s not a bad thing if your appetite prompts you to eat more right now. In fact, it’s totally natural!
However, if you feel like a grumbling tummy is driving you to eat for a crowd instead of eating for two — which is not even technically the advice you want to follow — it can be frustrating.
And since it’s important to stay within a healthy range of weight gain during pregnancy, you may wonder how to keep cravings under control.
Here’s a look at how to handle increased hunger during pregnancy.
It doesn’t take a medical degree to understand that building a tiny human requires a lot of work — and therefore, extra energy from food.
During pregnancy, your body is performing a veritable three-ring circus of activity, increasing your blood volume by as much as 100 (but typically closer to 45) percent, growing your uterus from the size of a pear to the size of a basketball, and knitting together a 6- to 10-pound infant.
Even though you may not be aware of all the amazing functions happening inside you, you’re using up extra calories, which naturally increases your hunger.
Changing hormones can also affect your hunger levels. According to research, fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone drive increased appetite, adding to the pregnancy munchies package.
Can increased appetite be an early sign of pregnancy?
Tender breasts, nausea, and (of course) a missed period are all classic signs of early pregnancy. Can you add a hankering for a four-course meal to that list? Possibly.
While feeling ravenous may be an early indicator of pregnancy, it’s unlikely for this to be your only symptom. In fact, many women find their appetite actually decreases in the first trimester, as morning sickness makes the sight and smell of food unappealing.
It’s important to remember, too, that feeing hungry could also be a symptom of PMS. Just like hormone spikes affect your appetite in pregnancy, they can do the same before or during your period.
If morning sickness had you queasy during your first trimester, your appetite may see a major turnaround upon entering your second trimester.
“I’ve found that this varies greatly from woman to woman, but on average I would say the majority of my clients begin to notice a marked increase in their hunger around the halfway mark or 20 weeks,” says dietitian and lactation consultant Meghan McMillan, MS, RDN, CSP, IBCLC, of Mama and Sweet Pea Nutrition. “There are, however, many women who experience it right off the bat.”
Though some expectant moms feel extra hungry right up until delivery, it’s not uncommon for increased appetite to drop off at the tail end of pregnancy. As your growing uterus crowds out your organs, including your stomach, eating to fullness can feel uncomfortable.
Plus, third trimester heartburn may put a damper on your interest in food, especially spicy or acidic options.
Based on your circumstances, such as your weight status when you got pregnant and whether you’re having a single baby or multiples, your doctor or dietitian can guide you on how many extra calories to take in per trimester.
But — surprise! — for most people, an increase in calorie needs doesn’t come until later in pregnancy.
“We often hear the term ‘eating for two,’ but this is really misleading,” says McMillan. “In actuality, the increase in calorie needs is much less than many women think. The guidelines tell us that there are no increased calorie needs during the first trimester. It’s not until the second trimester that the energy requirements increase by around 300 calories per day during the second trimester and then increases to around 400 calories per day in the third trimester for a singleton pregnancy. This increase then remains the same through the rest of the pregnancy.”
Remember, too, that 300 calories can get used up pretty quickly. Your daily extra allotment isn’t carte blanche to load up on unwholesome extras like ice cream and potato chips.
A 300-calorie increase might look like a fruit and yogurt smoothie ora quarter-cup of hummus and a dozen whole wheat pita chips.
Feel like you can’t stop snacking? An insatiable hunger can be a serious challenge during pregnancy — but there are ways to keep cravings at bay.
First, focus on planning filling meals. “To help manage their hunger, I encourage [clients] to make meals that are satisfying and filling,” says McMillan. “To do this, they should focus on including three key nutrients at each meal: protein, fiber, and healthy fats.”
Opt for lean protein choices like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, and soy foods. To boost fiber, include whole grains, fruits, and veggies. And to get more healthy fats, reach for olive oil, avocado, yogurt, and nuts.
It’s okay — even smart! — to work in some snacks throughout the day, as long as you’re making nourishing choices. “Listen to your body when it comes to snacking,” says McMillan. “Many pregnant women do need to incorporate a snack or two into their day.”
With snacks, McMillan again emphasizes keeping macronutrients in mind. “I help my clients keep their hunger at bay by encouraging them to include a protein or healthy fat, in addition to a carbohydrate, with every snack. Some examples include an apple with peanut butter, full-fat plain Greek yogurt with blueberries, or tuna salad with whole grain crackers. Not only are they tasty, but they will help keep them feeling fuller for longer.”
Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated! Dehydration can show up as hunger, so keep your water bottle handy and sip often. (Bonus: extra fluid can help prevent the dreaded pregnancy constipation.)
Related: Your guide to a healthy diet and good nutrition during pregnancy
As tempting as it may be to reach for empty calories when you’re hungry, it’s important to use your extra allotment of food wisely while pregnant. Give these healthy suggestions a try.
Instead of… | Try… |
Soda, energy drinks, sweetened coffee drinks | Sparkling water with a splash of juice |
Chips, pretzels, and other salty snacks | Popcorn, whole wheat pita chips dipped in guacamole, salty roasted chickpeas |
Sweetened cereal | Oatmeal, homemade granola |
Ice cream | Yogurt with fresh berries and honey, chia pudding |
Cookies and pastries | Dark chocolate, fresh fruit with peanut butter |
White pasta | Whole wheat or chickpea pasta, grains like quinoa and farro |
Processed meats like pepperoni and deli meat | Chicken, salmon, tuna (be sure to thoroughly cook fish) |
Your body is performing some pretty monumental tasks over the 9 months of pregnancy. Hunger can serve as a reminder of all it’s working to accomplish, as well as a hint that your job is to nourish it well.
Even if a constant appetite feels frustrating, remember that it’s not forever. In this relatively brief window of life, staying mindful of your food choices, planning ahead for meals and snacks, and keeping up with your hydration can help you stay satisfied and healthy.
why there is a constant desire to eat and methods of dealing with it
The feeling of hunger in the early stages haunts many mothers. On the one hand, this is logical, because a small life grows inside, which needs strength. On the other hand, mommy also gets tired of sometimes just an animal appetite that haunts her day and night. What to do so that hunger during early pregnancy does not lead to problems in the later stages? It is worth finding out the reasons for its appearance.
Content of article
- 1 Causes of increased appetite
- 2 Pathologies that provoke an increase in appetite
- 3 Basic rules of nutrition for a young mother
- 4 What is undesirable to eat
Causes of increased appetite After all, extra pounds is a direct path to varicose veins, back pain, a large fetus, respectively, difficult childbirth and others.

Cause | Why is this happening |
Hormonal changes in the body | It is mainly due to this factor that mommy wants to eat a lot and often, and also those foods that she would hardly have combined with each other before pregnancy. |
Psychological attitude | Caring grandmothers, mothers and friends tell a young girl that now she has to eat for two. And under the influence of such provocateurs, she begins to “pamper” herself with sweets, not being afraid to gain extra pounds. |
Depression | Usually this condition is characterized by a lack of such an important substance as serotonin or the hormone of joy. Being in a depressed state (especially during a “spontaneous” pregnancy, with problems with the future dad and at work), mom tries to replace the missing emotions with food. Many women have noticed the same behavior behind themselves in everyday life, when any sadness wants to eat something tasty or just chew something so as not to be so nervous. |
The fact that there is a strong feeling of hunger during early pregnancy is not a problem in itself. This is a normal reaction of the body.
However, if measures are not taken in a timely manner, it will be very difficult in the future to return to normal form and not suffer from the “side effects” of overeating.
It is worth noting that some girls were so frivolous about their appetite, absorbing everything indiscriminately and without restrictions, that they managed to gain up to 40-50 kilograms by the end of pregnancy. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow some rules for the normalization of the diet.
Watch the video about the peculiarities of the nutrition of a pregnant woman:
Pathologies that provoke an increase in appetite
The reasons for regular trips to the refrigerator are not always so cloudless. The following diseases can also provoke a constant desire to eat:
- diabetes mellitus;
- gastric ulcer, gastritis;
- hyperthyroidism.
If a mother-to-be knows that she has problems in these areas, she should definitely tell her gynecologist about it.
Ideally, before conception, it is necessary to take care of yourself and treat existing diseases. But pregnancy can be unplanned, and in chronic forms it is not always possible to foresee this. To exclude possible pathologies, the doctor will offer to take tests, and then adjust the treatment and talk about the rules of nutrition.
Basic nutritional rules for a young mother
In order not to turn into a baby elephant by the end of pregnancy, you should follow these simple nutrition recommendations:
- If there is constant hunger in early pregnancy, not associated with diseases, you can satisfy it with the help of healthy foods (dried fruits, biscuit or cereal cookies, muesli).
- You can eat as often as you like, as long as there are limits on portion sizes. For example, no more than three to five spoons or a serving the size of a fist.
And to make it psychologically easier, you should take dessert plates for a snack. On them, small portions will not look as dull as on large plates.
- Grain bread will provide fewer calories than white bread. You can also eat bread.
- In the eternal bustle, ladies often forget about the simplest thing - water. Far from always, the expectant mother really wants to eat, she may be tormented by thirst. To reduce the amount of food consumed, as well as avoid dehydration, it is recommended to stay hydrated and drink one glass of fluid before meals.
- Acidic foods provoke feelings of hunger. They irritate the walls of the stomach, which provokes the desire to eat something else.
- Fruits are best friends. They will not only saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements, which is so important for mother and child, but also help fill the stomach with fiber, which is low in calories.
- Meat will help you stay full longer. Yes, it is difficult to eat enough fruits or cereals alone.
The natural protein found in meat allows you to quickly feel full and stay away from the refrigerator for longer. However, it is worth remembering that against the background of the same unstable hormonal background, constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Therefore, meat products are best consumed in boiled and steamed form.
- Dairy products, cheeses will help saturate the body with calcium. Thanks to this, in the future it will be possible to avoid problems with brittle hair, nails, crumbling teeth. Hard cheese is the perfect snack food.
- The rate of absorption of food is also of great importance. Scientists have long proven that only a calm, measured meal will help you eat without overeating. After all, the feeling of fullness comes after 20 minutes from the start of a meal. Therefore, lovers of eating on the go or in 5 minutes should reconsider their habits. To prolong the process, you can make it a real art: beautifully set the table, carve figures from unloved fruits, look out the window and enjoy the views.
Some nutritionists also advise eating naked in front of a mirror. Usually such a sight discourages the desire to overeat, even with an ideal figure.
- Bananas, mangoes, fish and legumes are foods rich in tryptophan. They are recommended to eat before going to bed in order to calmly relax and not be interrupted by nighttime snacks.
- I feel bad - I'll go eat. This is the motto of many women, not only in an "interesting" position. However, the habit should also be abandoned. Of course, the expectant mother is frustrated and causes an excessive storm of emotions by many factors that she would not have paid attention to without her frisky hormones, but you need to control yourself.
- Hunger is a symptom of boredom. Quite often, in the early stages, various unforeseen pathologies arise up to the threat of a breakdown. To avoid losing the baby, the doctors put the mother in the hospital. And there is absolutely nothing to do there, except to drink tea with delicious cookies or sweets, carefully brought by relatives and husband.
A sedentary lifestyle will further contribute to weight gain. It is better to find another activity for yourself (books, magazines, embroidery, etc.), and also do not forget about hiking if you feel good. After all, pregnancy in itself is not a disease, light physical activity, provided you feel good, will only benefit.
Nutrition during pregnancyDo not forget that doctors have long developed recommendations for optimal weight gain. So, girls who were too thin before pregnancy can gain 12 - 18 kg. For those who have a normal weight, it is recommended not to cross the bar with indicators of 11 - 16 kg. For obese girls, the optimal increase would be from 7 to 11 kg, but for those who fall into the “obese” category, you will have to keep within 5-9 kg. Proper nutrition will allow you to keep yourself at a normal weight and control your appetite without harming yourself.
We recommend reading the article on healthy nutrition during pregnancy. From it you will learn about the necessary trace elements, dietary features for toxicosis, recommended foods for a pregnant woman in the early stages.
What to eat is undesirable
There is a certain list of foods that doctors do not recommend to absolutely healthy people who are not in an "interesting" position. As for mothers, they are completely forbidden for them. These include:
- smoked meats, especially from the store;
- pickles, which retain fluid in the body and lead to swelling;
- marinades, condiments;
- hot sauces, especially if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- fast food products;
- carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee;
- crackers, chips and other delights with a large amount of chemical additives and salt;
- confectionery, pastries, which will very quickly show their presence in the body by deposition on the sides.
Healthy foods include seafood and citrus fruits. However, during pregnancy, they should be approached with extreme caution, since an allergy can be provoked, even if it has not been observed before that time.
The feeling of constant hunger is often quite normal in the early stages. Moms noted that it passes by 10-12 weeks. If you eat right and choose foods for snacks, then problems with excessive weight gain can be avoided. And following the doctor's recommendations will allow you to survive the happy nine months of waiting without incident, preparing your body for an easy birth.
The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages - how to determine whether conception has occurred?
Table of contents:
- General information
- First signs of pregnancy
- Minor signs of pregnancy
- Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding
- Types of pregnancy diagnostics
Not every woman realizes that the long-awaited pregnancy has already begun. Indeed, the first signs of the birth of a new life can easily be mistaken for the harbingers of menstruation. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages and prepare for the thought that you will have a baby? In this article, we will give an answer to this question.
General information
Some women quickly realize that they are about to become a mother, others do not notice any changes in their condition for a long time. But if you listen to yourself, it will not be difficult for you to recognize the first signs of pregnancy even before the test shows the coveted two strips. This will allow you to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to undergo the necessary examination and ensure peace of mind for the next nine months.
After how many days can you find out about pregnancy?
In the very first days after conception, the body will not give you any specific signals. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be observed no earlier than the 8-10th day from the moment of fertilization of the egg, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and the pregnancy hormone, chorionic gonadotropin, begins to enter the mother's body. How noticeable they appear depends on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes. On the 20th day of embryo development (coincides with the first days of delayed menstruation), most women usually guess about their condition.
Important! Standard rapid tests determine the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine at the 3-4th week of pregnancy, i.e. 1-2 weeks after fertilization 1 .
During this period, it is extremely important that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the development of the baby. Therefore, as soon as you begin to suspect that you are expecting a baby, start taking special vitamin and mineral complexes. This is important because the formation of all organs and systems of the embryo occurs from the very first weeks.
The first signs of pregnancy
After fertilization of the egg and its transition from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, a series of hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which rather quickly make themselves felt in the form of the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages1.
Breast enlargement and tenderness
A few days after the expected date of menstruation:
- breasts swell,
- nipple halo widens and darkens,
- bumps on the halo, the so-called tubercles of Montgomery, increase in size.
If swollen breasts cause discomfort and pain during sleep, try wearing a padded bra without wires at night.
Important! The mammary glands are designed in such a way that they do not have muscles that could prevent the skin from stretching, therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to wear a supportive bra and change it in accordance with breast growth to avoid squeezing.
This is not a sure sign of pregnancy, as nausea can also be caused by digestive problems. But in combination with other symptoms, nausea often signals that you will have a baby. In the first trimester, this is an absolutely normal, albeit unpleasant, manifestation of your new condition.
Nausea is more often mild and occurs only in the morning, but if it continues throughout the day and is accompanied by vomiting, then you should consult a doctor.
A few simple tips will help you overcome the attacks that often overshadow the first weeks of pregnancy.
- If you feel sick in the morning, drink plenty of fluids. Before you get out of bed, you can eat low-fat yogurt - this will make you feel better. Avoid long breaks between meals, as even increased salivation when you are hungry can cause nausea. Salty crackers and biscuits are good snacks.
- Eliminate coffee with milk, sweets and fried foods.
- Eat more often, but in small portions.
B vitamins and vitamin D can help reduce morning sickness. Add more whole grains, wholemeal bread, beef liver, cheese, dairy products and nuts, cabbage, apples to your diet. In addition, vitamin-mineral complexes specially designed for taking in the 1st trimester can replenish the reserves of these components.
Urination frequency
In the very first weeks of pregnancy, many women experience frequent urination. This is due to the increased production of the hCG hormone. Especially often the urge to go to the toilet disturbs at night.
Carefully monitor your condition, drink more fluids to make up for its losses. During this period, mineral water without gas, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes, juices half diluted with water are useful. They will not only replenish the volume of fluid, but also help reduce the severity of nausea.
Hypersensitivity to smells
If you feel nauseated by morning coffee, perfume, or any other strong smell, you may be expecting a baby. Some women note an increased sensitivity to smells and a sharp change in taste preferences as one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation in the early stages. Do not rush to get rid of perfume, the aroma of which has become unbearable: after the baby is born, the old aromas and tastes will again become pleasant to you.
To reduce nausea caused by odors, spend more time outdoors and walking more. While at home, ventilate the room for 5-10 minutes every two hours. Access to fresh air will help reduce discomfort.
Drowsiness and fatigue
Decrease in blood pressure at the beginning of pregnancy and more intense metabolic processes in the body often provoke severe fatigue. A balanced diet and walks in the fresh air will help to improve the general condition.
Important! If in the early stages you are haunted by dizziness, we can talk about anemia, that is, a lack of iron, or changes in blood pressure. It is necessary to consult a doctor.
To reduce the risk of anemia, it is necessary to eat foods containing iron: red meat, offal (beef liver, heart). In order for iron to be better absorbed from food, it is worth adding foods rich in vitamin C to the diet: fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, garden greens. Meat dishes, complemented by vegetable salad, are a great option. Special vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women with the inclusion of iron will help replenish stocks. They contain the necessary daily dose of this mineral.
Delayed menstruation
One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy. After menstruation stops, because the endometrium creates optimal conditions for the development of the child. However, cycle disorders can also be associated with stress, diseases of the reproductive organs and hormonal disruptions.
Important! About a week after conception, small spotting is possible, which accompanies the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Doctors call this phenomenon implantation bleeding. It is also considered one of the early signs of pregnancy.
Important! From the very first days you learn about pregnancy, you need to start taking folic acid. The active form of this substance is metafolin. When ingested, metafolin is 100% absorbed and helps the proper development of the baby's heart and brain.
Secondary signs of pregnancy
In addition to direct, there are indirect signs of pregnancy that will help confirm your guesses. They also shouldn't cause you concern.
Heaviness in the lower abdomen
The uterus is preparing to receive its new inhabitant, therefore the blood circulation in it increases, which is accompanied by characteristic sensations in the pelvic region.
Increased appetite
At the beginning of pregnancy, the body consumes more energy - no wonder you are constantly hungry. However, bouts of hunger attack just before the onset of menstruation, stress can also be the cause. In any case, you should not lean on fast food, sweets and starchy foods, especially if the suspicion of pregnancy is confirmed.
Diversify your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, protein products (fish, chicken). An excellent snack between meals can be nuts, dried fruits, dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt). They saturate well without giving an excess of calories.
It happens that as a result of hormonal and psychological changes, the expectant mother hardly falls asleep and often wakes up at night. Try to compensate for the lack of sleep by resting in the afternoon at least on weekends, before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air and ventilate the bedroom for at least 10-15 minutes.
Important! Never take sleeping pills without consulting your doctor. There are many ways to improve sleep without drugs. A warm (not hot) shower or bath, reading a book, relaxing music helps. At least an hour before bedtime, you must stop using gadgets and watching TV: they overload the nervous system. Warm milk with a spoonful of honey before bed will help you fall asleep.
During pregnancy, the increased production of progesterone relaxes the intestinal muscles, making it difficult for digestion to work. Include high-fiber foods in the menu in reasonable quantities: whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables.
Magnesium helps in the regulation of the intestines, it is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle function. Magnesium is found in grains and nuts, dark chocolate, legumes, leafy vegetables and dairy products. To provide the body with a daily dose of magnesium will help to take a specialized vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women.
Magnesium not only regulates bowel function, but has a sedative, anti-stress effect and is important for the prevention of increased uterine tone.
Due to the same hormones , the expectant mother feels a headache in the early stages, which can also be one of the signs of pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor in order not to miss arterial hypertension.
Make it a rule from the very beginning of pregnancy to regularly measure the pressure twice a day: in the morning, just waking up, before breakfast and hygiene procedures, and in the evening, at about 19-20 hours, after a 15-minute rest.
Many pregnant women complain of emotional instability and mood swings in the early stages. When you find out the good news about the addition to the family, warn your loved ones that your whims had a very good reason.
If you forgot about skin rashes after you've left adolescence, then during pregnancy you may have to remember: pimples can reappear on the face and again under the influence of hormones. Be patient, over time, the condition of the skin will return to normal.
It is important during this period to pay attention to face and body care. The immune system is being rebuilt to protect not only you, but also the baby, so choose hypoallergenic care products. They do not contain dyes and fragrances that can irritate the skin.
Pigmentation on the abdomen
The appearance of a dark strip running from the navel to the lower abdomen is also included in the list of signs of early pregnancy.
Tingling in the groin
Under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the ligaments become more elastic so that the stomach can further increase in volume without hindrance. This process can respond with mild discomfort in the groin area.
Leg cramps
If you have calf cramps, this indicates a change in metabolism and, in combination with other symptoms of pregnancy, signals your condition.
Consult your doctor, he will select a set of measures that will save you from cramps, and tell you about measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy. Wear shoes with low heels, do foot baths with alternating cool and warm water, a light massage of the calf muscles and feet.
An increase in vaginal secretions is normal during pregnancy. But if the discharge has become liquid and has acquired a gray-white color with an unpleasant odor, or, conversely, has become cheesy, flaky or purulent, be sure to consult your doctor. In these cases, the risk of infectious complications, including infection of the fetus, increases.
Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding
The myth that a nursing mother cannot become pregnant is one of the most enduring. If the birth of another child is not in your plans, do not forget to use reliable methods of contraception. Your doctor will help you choose a contraceptive. If you are preparing to give your baby a brother or sister, it is not at all necessary to stop breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is also possible during pregnancy if your doctor allows it. It is important that you get all the minerals and vitamins you need. Pay attention to the sufficient intake of iodine: it helps in the formation of the brain and thyroid gland of the baby.
Why diagnosis of pregnancy is important
The sooner you find out that you are pregnant, the sooner you will be registered at the antenatal clinic and meet with doctors who will exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy, hereditary and genetic diseases of the fetus, and will also give all the necessary information about how to behave during pregnancy. They will tell you the rules of nutrition and recommend taking special vitamin and mineral complexes for the proper formation of organs and the development of the baby, they will warn you about what changes will happen to you during this period, and indicate the timing of screening examinations that allow you to assess the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
Types of pregnancy diagnostics
Pregnancy test
The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually, so a standard rapid pregnancy test will give a reliable result only two weeks after conception.