4 days overdue
Overdue babies - Better Health Channel
Read the full fact sheet- From early in your pregnancy it is best to keep in mind that due dates are only a guide. Only about five per cent of women give birth on the exact date they are due.
- Most babies arrive between 37 weeks and 41 weeks of pregnancy, but usually within a week either side of their expected due date.
- Most doctors and midwives are happy for you to go a few days over your due date as long as everything seems to be okay.
- If your baby is overdue, you can usually continue to wait or you can discuss with your healthcare professional ways to bring on your labour.
It is very common for pregnant women to go beyond their due date. In fact, only about 5 per cent of women actually give birth on the exact date they are due. Most babies arrive between 37 weeks and 41 weeks of pregnancy, but usually within a week either side of their expected due date. Twins and triplets tend to arrive early.
Coping with being overdue
From early in your pregnancy it is best to keep in mind that due dates are only a guide. However, once you hit the 40-week mark, it is natural to start getting anxious. You might be getting particularly uncomfortable or just be excited about meeting your baby.
Here are some strategies to help:
- Keep busy. Plan something for each day so you are not just sitting at home waiting for something to happen. Get out of the house but don’t wander too far! Always take your mobile phone with you.
- Prepare meals for freezing. Once the baby comes, you will be glad for those times when you can just grab something from the freezer and reheat it rather than having to shop and cook.
- Let friends and family know that you will make contact when something happens. They are excited too, but daily calls can get frustrating when you are already frustrated yourself.
- Get some extra rest. Nap during the day if you are finding it difficult to sleep at night. Even sitting comfortably will help build your stores of energy for labour.
- Give your GP (doctor) or midwife a call if you are worried.
The dangers of going past your due date
Most doctors and midwives are happy for you to go a few days over your due date as long as everything seems to be okay. Many will let pregnant women go up to two weeks over.
After 42 weeks, however, the baby’s health might be at risk. A very small number of babies die unexpectedly if they are still in the womb beyond 42 weeks of pregnancy.
It is unclear why the risks of a death of the baby rise as the weeks go by. It may have something to do with the placenta not working as well as it did. If this is the case, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your baby may be reduced.
Options for when you are overdue
When you go for your 41-week appointment, your midwife or doctor may:
- double-check your due date by confirming when you had your last period
- re-check your dating scan, if you had one
- carry out a blood pressure check and test your urine for protein
- feel your stomach to check the position and size of your baby
- examine your vagina to see if your cervix feels ready for labour.
Your doctor or midwife will discuss your options with you. If your midwife or doctor is happy that everything is okay, you can:
- keep waiting for your labour to happen naturally while your healthcare professionals continue to monitor your baby every 3 to 4 days – this could involve your healthcare professional listening to your baby’s heartbeat or conducting an ultrasound to check your baby's movements and to look at the levels of amniotic fluid in your womb
- choose to have your labour induced.
However, your midwife or doctor might suggest inducing labour (or performing a caesarean section) if they are concerned about:
- your health
- the health of your baby
- the risk that the placenta can no longer sustain your baby’s life
- your waters having broken but with no contractions occurring.
Inducing your baby
‘Induction’ means taking steps to encourage labour to begin. In Australia, about a quarter of pregnant women are induced. Your midwife or doctor (usually an obstetrician - a doctor that has specialised in pregnancy and childbirth, or a GP with obstetric qualifications), will often offer an induction after 41 weeks but the timing will depend on your health and your doctor’s (or hospital’s) policy.
Some policies allow inductions between 7 and 10 days after your due date. Others allow it to go up to 2 weeks. Policies vary because there is no scientific evidence about the ideal time to induce labour.
Medical procedures for inducing labour
If you and your midwife or doctor have decided to induce your labour, the process will begin with the doctor or midwife examining your cervix to see if it is ready for labour. This vaginal examination may be a little uncomfortable, but will only take a few minutes.
Based on the examination, your doctor or midwife will use one of the following ways to induce your labour:
- Sweeping of the membranes – gently separating the membranes from the opening of your uterus with their fingers to try to ‘trigger labour’.
This procedure can be uncomfortable and can sometimes cause a small amount of bleeding.
- Artificial rupture of membranes (breaking your waters) – using a small instrument to make a hole in the sac of amniotic fluid around your baby. Your cervix will need to be open a couple of centimetres before the waters can be broken. This can be uncomfortable, especially if your cervix is not open very far. Breaking the waters may be enough to start labour on its own, but sometimes medication such as oxytocin is also required.
- Applying prostaglandin gel – placing this gel (or a pessary) in the back of your vagina to help soften your cervix and prompt it to open. This may be enough to bring on labour, or you may also need your waters broken, or oxytocin to bring on contractions.
- Oxytocin drip – putting you on a drip of the man-made version of the hormone, oxytocin, which brings on contractions. This is given through a drip in your arm, and is often used in combination with the other methods listed.
Oxytocin can only be administered when the waters have broken, and is used to start contractions or increase contractions.
- Cervical ripening balloon catheter – inserting a balloon attached to a tube into your cervix, and filling the balloon with saline to put pressure on your cervix. This remains in place for 15 hours, or until it falls out. Over this time it should cause your cervix to soften and open. This may be enough to bring on labour, or you may also need your waters broken, or oxytocin to bring on contractions.
Where to get help
- Your GP (doctor)
- Midwife
- Obstetrician
- Maternal and Child Health Line (24 hours, 7 days) Tel. 13 22 29
This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:
Overdue babies - Better Health Channel
Read the full fact sheet- From early in your pregnancy it is best to keep in mind that due dates are only a guide.
Only about five per cent of women give birth on the exact date they are due.
- Most babies arrive between 37 weeks and 41 weeks of pregnancy, but usually within a week either side of their expected due date.
- Most doctors and midwives are happy for you to go a few days over your due date as long as everything seems to be okay.
- If your baby is overdue, you can usually continue to wait or you can discuss with your healthcare professional ways to bring on your labour.
It is very common for pregnant women to go beyond their due date. In fact, only about 5 per cent of women actually give birth on the exact date they are due. Most babies arrive between 37 weeks and 41 weeks of pregnancy, but usually within a week either side of their expected due date. Twins and triplets tend to arrive early.
Coping with being overdue
From early in your pregnancy it is best to keep in mind that due dates are only a guide. However, once you hit the 40-week mark, it is natural to start getting anxious. You might be getting particularly uncomfortable or just be excited about meeting your baby.
Here are some strategies to help:
- Keep busy. Plan something for each day so you are not just sitting at home waiting for something to happen. Get out of the house but don’t wander too far! Always take your mobile phone with you.
- Prepare meals for freezing. Once the baby comes, you will be glad for those times when you can just grab something from the freezer and reheat it rather than having to shop and cook.
- Let friends and family know that you will make contact when something happens. They are excited too, but daily calls can get frustrating when you are already frustrated yourself.
- Get some extra rest. Nap during the day if you are finding it difficult to sleep at night. Even sitting comfortably will help build your stores of energy for labour.
- Give your GP (doctor) or midwife a call if you are worried.
The dangers of going past your due date
Most doctors and midwives are happy for you to go a few days over your due date as long as everything seems to be okay. Many will let pregnant women go up to two weeks over.
After 42 weeks, however, the baby’s health might be at risk. A very small number of babies die unexpectedly if they are still in the womb beyond 42 weeks of pregnancy.
It is unclear why the risks of a death of the baby rise as the weeks go by. It may have something to do with the placenta not working as well as it did. If this is the case, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your baby may be reduced.
Options for when you are overdue
When you go for your 41-week appointment, your midwife or doctor may:
- double-check your due date by confirming when you had your last period
- re-check your dating scan, if you had one
- carry out a blood pressure check and test your urine for protein
- feel your stomach to check the position and size of your baby
- examine your vagina to see if your cervix feels ready for labour.
Your doctor or midwife will discuss your options with you. If your midwife or doctor is happy that everything is okay, you can:
- keep waiting for your labour to happen naturally while your healthcare professionals continue to monitor your baby every 3 to 4 days – this could involve your healthcare professional listening to your baby’s heartbeat or conducting an ultrasound to check your baby's movements and to look at the levels of amniotic fluid in your womb
- choose to have your labour induced.
However, your midwife or doctor might suggest inducing labour (or performing a caesarean section) if they are concerned about:
- your health
- the health of your baby
- the risk that the placenta can no longer sustain your baby’s life
- your waters having broken but with no contractions occurring.
Inducing your baby
‘Induction’ means taking steps to encourage labour to begin. In Australia, about a quarter of pregnant women are induced. Your midwife or doctor (usually an obstetrician - a doctor that has specialised in pregnancy and childbirth, or a GP with obstetric qualifications), will often offer an induction after 41 weeks but the timing will depend on your health and your doctor’s (or hospital’s) policy.
Some policies allow inductions between 7 and 10 days after your due date. Others allow it to go up to 2 weeks. Policies vary because there is no scientific evidence about the ideal time to induce labour.
Medical procedures for inducing labour
If you and your midwife or doctor have decided to induce your labour, the process will begin with the doctor or midwife examining your cervix to see if it is ready for labour. This vaginal examination may be a little uncomfortable, but will only take a few minutes.
Based on the examination, your doctor or midwife will use one of the following ways to induce your labour:
- Sweeping of the membranes – gently separating the membranes from the opening of your uterus with their fingers to try to ‘trigger labour’.
This procedure can be uncomfortable and can sometimes cause a small amount of bleeding.
- Artificial rupture of membranes (breaking your waters) – using a small instrument to make a hole in the sac of amniotic fluid around your baby. Your cervix will need to be open a couple of centimetres before the waters can be broken. This can be uncomfortable, especially if your cervix is not open very far. Breaking the waters may be enough to start labour on its own, but sometimes medication such as oxytocin is also required.
- Applying prostaglandin gel – placing this gel (or a pessary) in the back of your vagina to help soften your cervix and prompt it to open. This may be enough to bring on labour, or you may also need your waters broken, or oxytocin to bring on contractions.
- Oxytocin drip – putting you on a drip of the man-made version of the hormone, oxytocin, which brings on contractions. This is given through a drip in your arm, and is often used in combination with the other methods listed.
Oxytocin can only be administered when the waters have broken, and is used to start contractions or increase contractions.
- Cervical ripening balloon catheter – inserting a balloon attached to a tube into your cervix, and filling the balloon with saline to put pressure on your cervix. This remains in place for 15 hours, or until it falls out. Over this time it should cause your cervix to soften and open. This may be enough to bring on labour, or you may also need your waters broken, or oxytocin to bring on contractions.
Where to get help
- Your GP (doctor)
- Midwife
- Obstetrician
- Maternal and Child Health Line (24 hours, 7 days) Tel. 13 22 29
This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:
Is it possible to eat expired products?
Some cooks believe that there is nothing wrong with mold on food, scientists do not always agree: there are expired products that can be hazardous to health. Some advise sniffing food so you don't throw it away too soon...
Sniffing instead of looking at dates
It's amazing how a person could live before the advent of the expiration date label, which tells us by what date a certain product should be consumed. It turns out we can do without it. In the past, most of the time we relied on the smell of foods and then decided whether it was worth eating or not. Today, about half of the entire population relies solely on date labeling on packaging, and as a result, food that is still safe to eat is often thrown away. According to the Waste Resources Action Program (WRAP), an organization that promotes sustainable development, about 4.2 tons of food is wasted in the UK every year, which, in addition to financial costs, has a strong impact on the environment.
Photo by Alamy, The Guardian
Either we buy too much, we cook too much, or we forget to store leftovers properly. However, the biggest reason why we waste so much food is that we don't eat it on time, and in many cases we just look at the date on the packaging and not the contents, although this date can be completely ignored. In February 2016, a supermarket opened in Denmark that only sells expired products. In the UK, Approved Food, an online retailer, sells "short-lived" foods that are nearing their expiration date.
Expiration date and recommendations for use
The problem is that there are too many date stamps and it's confusing. “Under European Union law, most products must be labeled “Best before…(date)” or “Best before…(date),” explains the head of Food Poison Control at the Food Standards Agency (Food Standards Agency) Kevin Hargin (Kevin Hargin). Food companies decide for themselves what labeling and what expiration date to put on the packaging, and, as a rule, they do this together with their scientists. “All of this is done considering the condition and quality of the raw ingredients, the processing method, the length and nature of the supply chain, and the storage process, both at the retailer and by the consumer.”
“Using food before its expiration date indicates that it is safe to consume, and labeling with a “best by” recommendation indicates the state of the food’s quality,” says a Food Standards Agency spokesman. – The expiration date is usually used to label fresh and perishable foodstuffs, which can lead to poisoning if their expiration date has passed. Best Eating Recommendations are used for foods such as bread and pastries, which are unlikely to cause poisoning if eaten after the recommended date, although the quality of this product will be worse. The expiration date and recommended sales dates are indicated in order to help store employees with promotions.
In February 2016, a supermarket opened in Denmark that sells only expired products.
Not everyone panics when they see mold spots appearing on the packaging of tomatoes that have expired. You may very well be the one to take food out of the trash can and think it's "pretty good" when someone else in your family would have thrown it away. You may also still have a sticky 20-year-old Tabasco bottle or tin cans with an outdated brand in your home. It is quite possible that you never throw away the cheese, despite the fact that a significant part of its surface is covered with a green coating - you just cut it off.
Should I be worried about the dates on the packaging?
“The advice is: don't eat expired foods,” says microbiologist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Food Safety at Bath Spa University Iain Haysom (Iain Haysom). – This is necessary as some foods carry a higher risk of poisoning than others. So, for example, meat and fish are more likely to contain harmful pathogens, while lettuce or bean sprouts are less likely.” However, other factors can also greatly influence the poisoning, such as the working condition of the refrigerator, or how strongly your body reacts to the ingress of harmful bacteria. Some micro-organisms, such as E. coli or Salmonella, will not change the odor of the product. You can safely eat unopened cheese or yogurt that has expired. “But if you have children or sick people with you, then it is better to refrain from such a risk,” experts say. You can also extend the shelf life of certain foods by preparing them and leaving them in the refrigerator or freezing them. ”
Photo by Alamy, The Guardian
If fruits and vegetables have a date, it is more likely to be a recommendation based on their expiration date than their expiration date, but this is only if they are sold unprocessed. form, and not in the form of ready-made salads or cuts. This type of processed food, according to Hayes, is already cleaned and moistened, which creates a kind of breeding ground for any bacteria to live and grow. “I had tomatoes that were in the refrigerator for several weeks, and also apples that were stored in the refrigerator for months,” the microbiologist gives an example. The use recommendation label can be completely ignored if it is on cans or packages of dry pasta. “Expiry” will of course affect the loss of taste and quality, but this will not affect the state of health in any way. “A colleague at work gave me a can of oatmeal made on 1960s; I opened it and everything was fine,” Haysom recalls.
Angela Hartnett, Chef & Restaurateur:
- At work, because customers pay money, we use only the best products, and if there is something that is not quite high quality, then we will not serve on the table. However, at home, I'm not going to throw countless lettuce leaves in the bin. I had some pancetta left at home, and it already had some mold on it. And there was nothing wrong with that, because it's smoked, canned meat. If I think something is expired, I throw it away, but if I'm sure that everything is in order, I eat it calmly. I won't throw something away just because the recommended release date for the product has passed. If it's something vegan and slightly wilted, I'd rather cook it than throw it away. Although I confess that it is not so simple. I never know what to do with eggs - whether to keep them in the refrigerator, or at room temperature. But the eggs don't stay long enough in my house to worry about whether they're fresh or not. If I'm making pasta, I finish the leftovers the next day - I just add some water and heat it up.
Ruby Tandoh, Food Writer and Chef:
– There is a strong instinct for self-preservation in my family. We do not take unnecessary risks. My father campaigned all his life against licking batter from a mixing bowl: he saw salmonella and certain death in every drop of a raw egg. My sister gave us her Christmas candy because the due date had passed a month ago and one of the candies had taken the shape of a peanut. I, too, have inherited this expiration warning, which isn't really nice to admit if you work in the food world. If you work with food, it means that you are among all food, including raw, smelly and questionable manifestations of it.
The expiration date is usually used to label fresh and perishable products
If the expiration date of the eggs has passed at least a day, it is a real torment for me: to find out if they are good for food, I bring them to my ear and listen to the sounds inside them or immerse in water to see if the egg sinks or not. If everything looks okay, then I cook them, but very carefully and deep frying. I want to be more rational in my food intake. I want to learn how to just scrape mold off food, cover my nose and eat. In testing recipes for my next book, I've already taken a few steps in that direction. A few wilted carrots on the bottom of a vegetable drawer can be a good ingredient for a salad with spicy carrots and chickpeas, rather than being relegated to a side dish or, worse, thrown into the trash can. I'm not so hopeless.
Tamal Ray, Baker, G2 Journalist, Physician:
- I'm pretty liberal about "best before" labeling, but even I have a limit. Once I was visiting a girl who cooked a huge pot of beef bolognese. She forgot to put it in the refrigerator. And the bolognese stood in the corner of the stuffy kitchen for three days, until a thick layer of mold formed on the food. This girl came into the kitchen while I was making tea and remembered that she forgot to put away the pot. Right in front of me, she cleaned up all the mold and put the pot in the fridge. Not noticing my horror on her face, she invited me to try: “Do you want some?” I refused, I had a feeling of impending vomiting.
Photo by Tom Hoenig/Getty Images/Westend61
When I really look at labels, it's when I'm shopping for products. After that, when I'm already at home, I rely only on my feelings. If a product looks and smells good and I feel it is okay, I will eat it. One of my girlfriends has a completely different attitude: if the expiration date has passed, she throws it away. I well remember how she threw out a packaged, good-looking fish and a cardboard box of still-fresh grapes just because the marked date had passed. She argued that she was no longer a student and she no longer needed to eat from the bin. I couldn't do anything about it. I just hate throwing away food. Moreover, even if the date of the recommendation for consumption has passed, we can still eat many products. It just takes a little imagination. The stale edges of the bread can become crackers or croutons. Overripe fruit fruits are good for cocktails. The only thing to be careful with is the meat.
Thomasina Miers, chef and journalist for The Guardian:
– I check food for smell and appearance, and if food smells and looks bad, I throw it away. I found out that yogurt can be consumed for at least one more week after the expiration date. I don't leave raw meat for long periods of time, but I'm comfortable leaving leftover cooked food in the fridge for four to five days. I have kept onions in the fridge for several weeks. At my parents' house, we found a 10-year-old bottle of ketchup, and it was still usable. However, I am very careful with some products. The easiest way to poison raw chicken. Boiled rice is never stored in our refrigerator for more than a day, because harmful bacteria can grow there, but we can store fried rice in storage. which is published in the newspaper " The Guardian ". Access date: March 20, 2016
Specialist's comment
Daria Chumakova, Environmental Solutions Center Green Lifestyle Program Manager:
If the product can be stored for less than 72 hours, then after the words "best before" the hour, day and month must be indicated. If the product can be stored from 72 hours to three months, then the date, month and year must be indicated on the package. If the expiration date of the product is at least three months, then only the month and year are indicated, or “best before the end” indicating the month, year.
In order to indicate the shelf life of food products, the word “best before” indicating the number of days, months or years, or for a shelf life of up to 72 hours, the word “best before” indicating the number of hours can also be used.
It is also important to know that the words “best before”, “best before”, “best before end” in the labeling of food products can be replaced by the words “best before”, “best before” or words similar in meaning.
It is generally accepted that Belarusians are very careful about food, rationally use food leftovers. However, according to the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, the proportion of organic waste (mostly food leftovers) in the garbage thrown out is 30 percent.
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Named 15 foods that can be eaten after the expiration date
https://ria.ru/20210627/produkty-1738771866.html 15 foods that you can eat after the expiration date - RIA Novosti, 06/27/20210003
The Consumers Organization of Spain told what products can be eaten after the expiration date, writes Vanguardia. RIA Novosti, 06/27/2021
2021-06-27T02: 17
2021-06-27T02: 17
2021-06-27T11: 10
https://cdnn21.img. ria.ru/images/156291/94/1562919467_0:161:3070:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_8b21ee14954a322cdcddee9a9f43488d.jpg
MOSCOW, June 27 - RIA Novosti. The Consumer Organization of Spain told what products can be eaten after the expiration date, Vanguardia writes. Experts reminded of the need to distinguish between the minimum shelf life and the consumption period. The first one shows that the given product has lost its organoleptic qualities, but it is still safe to eat. And the consumption period is indicated for perishable products such as raw meat, chicken and fish, and it must be followed strictly, experts emphasize. According to the Spanish Consumers Organization, the following products can be eaten after the expiration date: If bread and pastries begin to dry out, The consumer organization advises using them for making puddings, French toast, tiramisu, breadcrumbs, garlic soup or croutons. Sausages should be frozen before the expiration date, experts recommend. You can also freeze cheeses, but their structure changes from freezing and they become drier. The same applies to fruits and vegetables. But if fresh vegetables and fruits begin to rot or become moldy, then they can be eaten after removing the damaged area with a large margin, experts say. However, experts recommend doing this with caution, since mold can penetrate deep into the product and release toxic substances that can cause cancer and genetic changes.
For fresh meat and fish, experts advise either freezing the product or cooking it. In addition, experts emphasize that it is possible to eat these foods a day later if they are subjected to prolonged heat treatment beforehand to get rid of possible pathogens. Read the full text of the article on the InoSMI website >>
https://rsport.ria.ru/20210621/tvorog- 1737829898.html
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society, food, spain, health, nutrition
Society, Food, Spain, Health, Nutrition
MOSCOW, June 27 - RIA Novosti. The Consumers Organization of Spain told what products you can eat after the expiration date, writes Vanguardia.
Experts recalled the need to distinguish between the minimum shelf life and the expiration date. The first one shows that the given product has lost its organoleptic qualities, but it is still safe to eat. And the consumption period is indicated for perishable products, such as raw meat, chicken and fish, and it must be followed strictly, experts emphasize.
February 14, 2021, 4:25 pm
An American defied the expiration date and boldly drank a Pepsi from the 1980s
According to the Spanish Consumers Organization, the following foods can be eaten after the expiration date:
1 3 Yoghurts;
Toast bread; -
Dried fruits; -
Dried sausage; -
Dried cheese; -
Canned tomatoes; -
Macaroni; -
Chips; -
Rice; -
Legumes; -
Soft drinks; -
Cakes and biscuits; -
Alcohol; -
Jam; -
Instant soup.