19 and pregnant what benefits can i get
Financial support for teenage parents
Financial support for teenage parents | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
One of the biggest concerns as a young parent is around having enough money to care for your child and for yourself. Knowing what your main expenses will be such as food, clothing, housing, transport, child care and health and where to get financial support can help you to manage these expenses and reduce stress.
Your financial situation will depend on your circumstances. Whether you are supported in full or part by your family and/or partner, or are earning an income, it’s a good idea to check whether you are entitled to any payments from the government.
The government offers a variety of payments to parents through Centrelink, including:
- Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement — if you meet certain eligibility requirements
- Parental Leave Pay — for eligible working parents who are on leave from work to care for their child
- Dad and Partner Pay — two weeks government-funded pay for eligible working dads or partners
- Child Care Subsidy — to help pay for the cost of approved child care
- Additional Child Care Subsidy (transition to work)(commonly known as JET Child Care Fee Assistance) — to help pay for child care if you want to start working again or are job searching, working or studying
- Family Tax Benefit (often called the ‘small pay’) — to assist with costs of raising children
- Parenting Payment (often called the ‘big pay’) – the main income support payment to assist with costs of raising children
- Household assistance payments — for example, Single Income Family Supplement and the Energy Supplement
Centrelink can help you find out whether you are eligible for any of these payments.
You may need to wait before getting any money, so contact Centrelink 3 months before the birth of your baby. Call the Families and Parents line on 13 61 50 to get started.
Other payments
You may also be eligible for other payments that are not related to your baby. Check with Centrelink for other benefits that apply to your situation, such as:
- Youth Allowance
- Health Care Cards
- Newstart Allowance
The government also offers a range of services to help you manage your money and any Centrelink payments you receive. These services include Centrepay, Rent Deduction Scheme, MoneySmart and Income Management. Also, the government Job Seekers website can help you find work.
If you are at risk of becoming homeless or need extra help with financial support, Centrelink offers these payments:
- Rent Assistance — financial help to people who pay rent and receive a Centrelink payment
- Crisis Payments — a one-off payment to help people who have experienced extreme circumstances
- Telephone Allowance — helps with the costs of maintaining a telephone and a home internet service
If you’re really stressed about money, ASIC’s MoneySmart website has practical information on how to get your finances in better shape. You can also talk to a free and independent financial counsellor by calling the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007. Lifeline provides counselling on 13 11 14 or you can call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436.
Department of Human Services (Before the birth of your baby), Department of Human Services (Assistance with child care fees), Department of Human Services (Manage your money), Department of Human Services (Payments for families)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: October 2021
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Teen Parents: Your Rights Under Welfare Reform
If you are under age 20 and pregnant or a parent, you must be in school full-time or have graduated from school. If you are under age 18 years, you must also meet special living arrangement rules. You still have a right to file your own application for TAFDC benefits without your parents, even if you live with them.
1. How do the school attendance rules work?
Unless you have graduated, if you are under 20 you must be in high school, middle or elementary school OR a in a full-time GED (high school equivalency) program of at least 20 hours per week. If your GED program is less than 20 hours a week, you may be asked to do community service or other training as well. This rule does not apply if you are within 60 days of turning age 20. You must be in school or a GED program at least 75% of the time (15 hours out of a 20 hour program) to be eligible for TAFDC benefits. If you need help getting into school, ask your DTA worker. The worker is supposed to help you find a program and help you get day care and pay for transportation costs to school and day care. But, you cannot be sanctioned if you are not in school because of lack of child care or because of domestic or teen dating violence (like where your current or former boyfriend is stalking or has threatened you).
2. Are there good reasons for absence from school?
Yes. You can have good cause for absences due to lack of transportation or child care, bad weather, a health problem, an emergency or crisis you need to attend to. If you do not have good cause and you are absent more than 25% of the time, you will first lose about $92 of you TAFDC grant for 30 days. After 30 days, you will lose the entire TAFDC grant. Your SNAP/Food Stamps and MassHealth should continue.
3. How does the living arrangment rule work?
If you are under age 18 and not married, you must:
- Live with your parents, or
- Live with another relative (related to you or your baby) who is age 20 or over, or
- Live with a legal guardian, or
- Be a "graduate of a DSS independent living program," or
- Be 17 years old and meet special "waiver" rules (see below).
If you do not meet one of the above, you may be asked to live in a teen living program — if one is available. If you are under 18 and married, you must be living with your spouse to be exempt.
18- and 19- year old teens (and teens within 60 days of turning age 18) do not need to live with parents, relatives or in group homes. But you do need to meet the school rules above.
4. Who are the relatives you can live with?
Teens still meet the living arrangement rules if living with an aunt, uncle, grandparent, older sibling or other relative who is age 20 or older. You can also live with a former stepparent—like your father's ex-wife or the paternal grandparents of your child (but this does not include living with the child's father if you are unmarried). Your relatives do not have to get legal guardianship. If you live with an unrelated adult, that person does need to be legal guardian.
The income of relatives or legal guardians does not count in calculating your TAFDC grant.

If you are under 18 and can't live with your mother or father, tell DTA. A teen specialist under contract with DSS will contact you and look at whether you can continue with your parents, in a teen living program, or on your own. You should not be forced to live at home if you fear abuse, if your parent(s) refuse to support you, there is substance abuse in the home, if the home has code violations, OR if there are any other "extraordinary circumstances." The teen specialist’s job is to find out why you cannot live at home and make a recommendation Be sure to tell her ALL the reasons. You can also ask your school guidance counselor or other professionals who know you to call or write the teen specialist. If the teen specialist agrees you cannot go home, DTA may find you a teen living program to go or advise you of the waiver rules for 17 year olds.
Teens who are 17 years old and cannot live with your parents can request a special "waiver" to live on their own if: a) in a good living situation, b) in school full-time in good standing, c) have stable child care and d) are participating in a teen parenting program.
If you are within 60 days of turning age 18, you do not need a waiver and are exempt from the rule.
6. How is Parental Income counted?
If you are under age 18 and live at home, your parents' income above 200% of the poverty level counts in deciding how much TAFDC you and your baby get. This level is currently $1,990/month for two persons. If your parents refuse to tell DTA their income, you may be denied TAFDC but you can still apply for SNAP/Food Stamps and MassHealth.
Your parent’s income does not count once you turn age 18. The income of non-parent relatives you live with does not count —regardless of your age.
7. Challenging denial of benefits:
If your TAFDC is being cut, you have a the right to an advance written notice.
If you ask for a hearing within 10 days of the date of notice, your benefits should continue during the appeal.
You have a right to bring in any new evidence about why you cannot live at home. If DTA says you missed too much school, bring to the hearing any information that explains why you missed classes. You have a right to see your TAFDC case record, including school attendance records and/or reports from the DSS contracted teen specialist. You have the right to make copies of any documents in your file, to ask questions of DTA worker or the teen specialist at the hearing and to bring a friend or advocate to assist you.
Call your local Legal Services for more advice or legal representation. You can also contact the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy: 1-617- 482-9122 for advice and referrals.
how to get and where to apply for payments for children
Elena Glubko
mother of two children
Author profile
Diana Shigapova
This article contains all the main federal payments and benefits that families with children can receive.
Here are the amounts you can count on and what you need for this.
Payments and benefits for a child in 2023
- Unified allowance for registration in early pregnancy
- Pressure allowance
- A lump -sum allowance at the birth of a child
- Monthly childcare allowance up to one and a half years
- Monthly payment for the first child up to three years old
- Monthly payment from the uterus of
- Unified benefit for children up to 17 years old
- Maternity capital
- Lump-sum payment table for children
- Monthly payment table
Unified allowance for a pregnant woman when registering up to 12 weeks It is beneficial for the state that children are born healthy. For this, a pregnant woman needs to visit a doctor, take tests, do an ultrasound - all this helps to detect and eliminate problems in the development of the child in time. So that pregnant women do not delay a visit to the doctor, the state is ready to pay them money for early registration for pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, but only for those who have a low level of income.
How much. 50, 75 or 100% of the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the region. On average, from 8,000 to 16,000 R per month, but depending on the region, the amount will be more or less. For example, the maximum amount in the Belgorod Region is 13,162 RUR, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory — 17,392 RUR, and in Chukotka — 39,172 RUR. Pregnant women can count on this benefit under the following conditions:
- Russian citizenship.
- A woman was registered with a medical organization before 12 weeks of pregnancy. And visits a doctor at 10-12, 18-22 and 30-32 weeks.
- The average per capita income for each family member does not exceed the subsistence level per capita in the region.
- The list of property of family members fits within the established limits. For example, you can have an apartment, a car, and a house at the same time. But if there are two cars in the family and she does not have many children, there will be a refusal.
- Adult family members have earned income or objective reasons for their absence. This is called the "zero income rule": helping those who are trying to provide for themselves and their families, and not striving to live only on benefits. The list of good reasons is approved by the government. For example, this is caring for a child up to three years old or the status of a parent with many children.
Self-employed women and the self-employed can also receive this allowance if they meet the above conditions.
How to get. Up to 12 weeks you need to register. Then you will need to submit an application through the public services website or in person to the SFR office in your region.
In most cases, no proof of pregnancy or income is required. The FIS will request information itself, but sometimes confirmation is required if there is not enough information in the databases. For example, it is not possible to verify the fact of full-time education or treatment for more than three months to confirm the reasons for zero income.
You can apply from 12 weeks pregnant. This should be done by the woman herself, not the husband. The allowance is assigned from the month of registration, but not earlier than six weeks. You can get it before childbirth - always a full month in advance.
There are two ways to receive a unified pregnancy allowance:
- to a bank account - linked to the Mir card or without a card at all;
- through the post office.
All maternity benefits
Details must be specified in the application. You can change them if you wish.
Additional allowance in Moscow for pregnant women. In the capital, pregnant women with a Moscow residence permit who are registered with Moscow medical organizations up to 20 weeks of pregnancy will receive a lump sum payment of 759 RUR from social security.
Moscow has its own conditions for a single allowance for pregnant women. A lot of things differ from federal rules - from the list of objective reasons for zero income to the rules for accounting for property. Muscovites must apply for a unified allowance through the Mos-ru website, and not through public services.
How parents can get money from the state
We will tell you in the free Glass of Water mailing list: once a week we send a letter about the financial side of parenthood
Maternity allowanceIn everyday life it is called "maternity leave". The allowance is paid to employed women once before going on maternity leave to compensate for the loss of wages before and after the birth of a child.
According to the law, you can go on maternity leave at 30 weeks - this is the seventh month of pregnancy. In some cases, earlier. An electronic sick leave certificate will be issued at the antenatal clinic, which will automatically go to the employer and to the SFR.
How to apply for maternity leave
How much. The minimum amount of maternity leave for those working under an employment contract at the beginning of the decree in 2023 is 74,757.2 R for the entire period of sick leave, the maximum for 140 days of the decree is 383,178.6 R.
Maternity leave can only be obtained in three ways:
- On the "World" map.
- To a bank account to which no card is linked.
- By postal order.
Who is supposed to. To all pregnant women working under an employment contract, full-time students, female civil servants, municipal employees, military personnel and individual entrepreneurs with voluntary contributions for the past year.
From 2023, maternity benefits can also be received by women who work under civil law contracts without individual entrepreneur status, but only if contributions for the previous year have been paid. In 2022, such contributions could be voluntary or as part of an employment contract. And in 2023, the customer pays social insurance contributions for all contractors under GPC agreements.
Women who have been laid off can receive the benefit if their employer ceased operations and laid off employees, and they were registered with the employment service within a year. True, the amount in this case will be quite symbolic - less than 900 R per month.
How to get. The allowance is assigned on the basis of a sick leave issued by a medical organization. A woman must write an application addressed to the employer. He will transfer the necessary information to the SFR. And the sick leave data is in the database of the department in electronic form.
How to get paid while on maternity leave. You cannot be on maternity leave and work under an employment contract at the same time. You need to choose one thing. A woman may not go on maternity leave if she does not want to. Or get out of it even immediately after giving birth - if, for example, you are ready to work remotely.
A woman with IP status can also receive maternity leave if she entered into a voluntary social insurance relationship with the SFR and paid contributions. This must be done in the previous year before the year of the decree.
How to go on maternity leave from abroad
Voluntary contributions = minimum wage on January 1 × 2.9% × 12
To go on maternity leave in 2023 and receive benefits, you need in 2022 pay in the FSS 4833.72 R.
In districts and localities where district coefficients are applied to wages, they are also taken into account when calculating the payment in the SFR.
The contribution can be paid in one payment, or in installments, but not before December 31, 2022. When the time comes to apply for maternity leave, the entrepreneur will send an application for the assignment of benefits and sick leave to the SFR, and in return will receive 74,757.2 rubles on the card.
What to do? 07/15/19
How can an individual entrepreneur receive maternity payments?
Maternity benefits are not subject to personal income tax - the expectant mother will receive the entire amount without deducting 13%.
How to get maximum maternity pay
- You need to work under an employment contract, and the salary should be white, not gray.
- The average monthly salary for 2021 and 2022 should be about 85,000 R before deducting personal income tax. Then the daily earnings will be the maximum possible.
- If you work in several places at the same time, each employer will pay maternity leave, but on the condition that you have worked at another place of work for at least two years. In this case, ask the antenatal clinic to write out a sick leave for each place of work.
- If you have changed jobs in the last two years, take a salary certificate from your previous job in form 182n. The FIS will take this earnings into account when calculating maternity leave.
- If the maternity pay period fell on another maternity or child benefit period, you can replace it with previous years to take into account the salary and get more money.
Certificate of average salary in the form 182nDOC, 74 KB
We have a detailed article on how to independently calculate maternity payments. But you need to do this only for verification, because the SFR is responsible for all accruals. His calculations can be checked in your personal account.
At birth
One-time allowance at the birth of a childWhen a child is born, the state compensates parents for part of the costs. Moreover, one of the parents can receive this money, regardless of who exactly goes on parental leave.
The size of the salary doesn't matter either. Even the unemployed will be paid.
How much. From February 1, 2023 - 22,909.03 R. Guardians, trustees or adoptive parents will receive the same amount. When adopting a child over seven years old, brothers and sisters, or a child with a disability, the amount of the payment is 175,043.67 R.
Regional allowances. Regions add their own payments to the lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child. To receive them, one of the parents and the child must be registered in this region.
For example, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, when registering the birth of a child in the registry office of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the region pays 20,000 RUR.
In St. — 52 191 R, for the third and subsequent children - 65 232 R. This card can be used to pay for the purchase of children's goods in most large stores in the city.
How to get benefits when a child is born
Who is eligible. One of the child's parents. If both work - dad or mom, by choice. If the parents are unemployed, you can also choose who exactly will apply. If only one person works, he will receive the money, there are no options. For example, dad has an employment contract, but mom doesn’t. The allowance will be paid to the father of the child, but the mother will not be able to issue it.
If the parents are not married, the person with whom the child lives will receive the money, regardless of employment.
How to get. The payment is made by one of the parents at the place of work. It must be listed according to the birth registration data from the registry office.
If both parents are unemployed, the allowance is issued through public services or in the SFR.
Additional payments in Moscow
Newborn box. In Moscow, they give a “Sobyanin box” to all parents, regardless of their place of residence, but subject to two conditions:
- Their children were born in Moscow maternity hospitals.
- They received their birth certificate in Moscow.
From February 18, 2020, instead of a set of things, parents can receive compensation - 20,000 RUR.
One-time allowance. One of the parents can issue a compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth. To do this, you need to have a Moscow residence permit. For the first child they will pay 6313 R, for the second and following - 16 642 R. At the birth or adoption of three or more children at the same time, they will pay 57 383 R.
Luzhkov's payments to a young family. If both parents are under the age of 36 at the time of the birth of the child and the family income per person is not more than the subsistence minimum, the city will pay an additional 108,590 R for the first child, 152,026 R for the second, 217,180 R for the third and subsequent. Citizens registered in New Moscow will also receive these payments.
UNTIL 1.5 years
Benefit for caring for a child up to one and a half yearsWhen a mother's maternity leave is over, the next one can begin - to care for a child. During this period, a parent or other person who sits with a child is assigned an allowance - but only up to one and a half years. Leave with the preservation of the workplace and position can last up to three years.
Benefits can be received not only by the employed, but also by the unemployed: difference in amounts and execution. And you can also combine child care and work duties and, in addition to payments from the budget, receive a salary at work.
How to get out of the decree
How much. 40% of the average salary for the previous two years. The minimum is 8591.47 R. The maximum in 2023 is 33,281.8 R: such a benefit will be paid if your average salary for 2021 and 2022 is more than 85,000 R. In fact, when assigning benefits, they calculate the average daily earnings - the same way as well as for maternity leave.
If there is no employment contract, care allowance up to one and a half years is assigned in the minimum amount. But it can only be received for children born before 2023. If a child was born in 2023 or later, a single allowance can be issued for him from birth, taking into account the need. That is, a family with two cars or no labor income may not receive state support at all for up to a year and a half, even the minimum. But if there is a right to a single allowance, its amount may be much higher than the care payments under the old rules.
Who is supposed to. Mother, father or other adult caring for the child. It could also be a grandmother. Only one person will receive the benefit. Vacation can be taken in turn: for example, first mom, then father, and then grandmother.
The unified allowance for children born since 2023 can only be received by a legal representative. Grandmother will not appoint him.
How to get. Make payments at the place of work. If the mother or father is unemployed, an application for a care allowance for up to a year and a half can be issued at public services or at the SFR.
How to get a job and keep the monthly allowance
During parental leave, the mother cannot work full time, otherwise she will lose the right to receive monthly allowance. At the same time, the law allows you to work part-time or work from home. And there is one trick here.
Judging by article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work can be considered both part-time and part-time work.
Since a full working day is 8 hours and a full working week is 40 hours, the parties must find an option for the employee to work a little or the prescribed 8 hours every day, but not on all days of the week.
Here it is necessary to take into account the position of the Social Insurance Fund and the Supreme Court - the child care allowance compensates for lost earnings. If the mother has not lost her earnings, then she has nothing to compensate. Sometimes the assigned allowance is even cancelled.
I was laid off on maternity leave, but I was able to keep the amount of benefits
the number of working hours for a woman to earn 60% of her previous salary. More about this has already been written in the article "How to reduce the working day and receive benefits. "
Instead of the mother, the father can apply for parental leave plus part-time work in exactly the same way.
If both spouses do not want to lose wages, they can apply for benefits for working grandparents.
Monthly payment for the first child up to three years from the budgetIn 2018, monthly payments appeared for the first and second child up to three years old. They were also called Putin's. They were assigned to families with incomes below two living wages for the working-age population in the region: for the first - from the budget, for the second - from the capital. According to these rules, payments were made until 2023. But now the rules of assignment have changed.
A monthly payment from the budget up to three years can only be received for the first child born before 12/31/2022. For children born later, you can receive a single allowance and a payment of up to three years from the mother's capital.
How much. 100% subsistence minimum for children in the region. On average in Russia, this is about 15,000 R per month.
Living wages by region in 2023
Families with children born before 2023, whose average per capita income is not more than two living wages of the working-age population in the region. The presence of property and the zero income rule, as in the single allowance, are not taken into account.
A prerequisite is the citizenship of the Russian Federation for the applicant and the child. The average per capita income is determined for the 12 months preceding the month before the date of application:
Income of family members / 12 / Number of family members
How to get. By default, the child's mother can apply. If she is dead or deprived of parental rights, then the father applies. It is convenient to issue at public services. In case of personal contact - in the client service of the SFR.
Money can now be received only on the Mir card or on an account that is not linked to any cards.
Up to 3 years
Monthly payment for any child up to three years old on the account from the mother's capitalUntil 2023, a payment from maternity capital up to three years could only be received for the second child. Now she is assigned to any child in a row - the first, second, third, and so on. And you can receive it simultaneously with a single allowance.
A child can be born before 2023 or after.
How much. 100% regional living wage for children. In Adygea — 12,415 R per month, in Moscow — 18,770 R, in the Sakhalin region — 20,880 R.
Who is supposed to. The conditions are similar to the payment for the first child from the budget, but there are still differences. A family with an income of no more than two living wages per capita in the region can receive money from the mother's capital every month.
To calculate the average per capita income, you need to divide the income of family members by 12 and by the number of family members. The settlement period for accounting for income is 12 months preceding one month before the month of circulation.
Family property is not taken into account. It is also not necessary to have a confirmed working income.
How to get. The application is submitted by the owner of the certificate for mother capital. Usually this is a woman who gave birth or adopted a child. You can apply for it at public services or in person at the SFR.
UP TO 17
Unified allowance for children under 17 years oldThis is a new benefit from 2023. In fact, it combined several payments that were before:
- For leaving up to a year and a half unemployed.
- For the first child up to three years old from the budget.
- For the third and subsequent children according to regional rules.
- Payment from 3 to 7 years.
- Benefit from 8 to 17 years.
According to the old rules, these types of state support can be received instead of a single allowance only for the birth of a child until 2023.
Below we will talk about all the conditions for calculating the single benefit, but if you want to quickly figure out whether you are entitled to it and how much you can count on, use our calculator:
So, the main feature of the single benefit is that it is assigned only to needy families. Taking into account income, property and the desire of adults in the family to work. According to such rules, allowances for children from 3 to 7 and from 8 to 17 years old have already been assigned.
How much. 50, 75 or 100% of the subsistence minimum for children in the region - depends on the degree of need.
How the amount of the single allowance is determined
Subsistence minimum share | Terms of appointment |
50% | Base size |
75% | Increased amount - if, when assigning the base amount, the average per capita income did not reach the subsistence level per capita |
100% | The maximum amount - if, when an increased amount was assigned, the average per capita income still did not reach the subsistence level per capita |
The fans of the subsistence minimum
The conditions for the appointment
Basic size
increased size - if the under -end of the average per capita income did not reach the cost of living of the population
The maximum amount - if, when an increased amount was assigned, the average per capita income still did not reach the subsistence level per capita
To whom it is necessary. Families with children under the age of 17, subject to the following conditions:
- The parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Russian Federation.
- The child is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
- The average per capita family income is not more than the subsistence minimum per capita in the region.
- The property of the family is not more than the established list.
- Family members had income or objective reasons for their absence in the billing period.
Average per capita income = Family income in the billing period / 12 / Number of family members
For what period are incomes taken into account
Applying | Income accounting |
January 2023 | December 2021 - November 2022 |
February 2023 | January 2022 - December 2022 |
March 2023 | February 2022 - January 2023 |
April 2023 | March 2022 - February 2023 |
May 2023 | April 2022 - March 2023 |
June 2023 | May 2022 - April 2023 |
July 2023 | June 2022 - May 2023 |
August 2023 | July 2022 - June 2023 |
September 2023 | August 2022 - July 2023 |
October 2023 | September 2022 - August 2023 |
November 2023 | October 2022 - September 2023 |
December 2023 | November 2022 - October 2023 |
Accounting for income
January 2023
December 2021 - November 2022
February 2023
January 2022 - December 2022
March 2023
February 2022 - January 2023
April 2023
March 2022 - February 2023
May 2023
April 2022 - March 200002 June 20000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 2022 - April 2023
July 2023
June 2022 - May 2023
August 2023
July 2022 - June 2023
September 2023
August 2022 - July 2023
October 2023
September 2022 - August 2023
November 2023
October 2022 - September 2023
December 2023
November 2022 - October 2023
How to get. There is a form for public services to apply for a single allowance. An application can be submitted by one of the parents of a child under 17 years of age. If you do not have an account, you can personally contact the SFR customer service.
The allowance is granted for 12 months, but not later than the month of the child's 17th birthday. Every year it must be renewed on a new application.
Other conditions in Moscow
Moscow is the only region of Russia where a single allowance is assigned according to its own rules, different from federal ones. The difference is very big. For example, in Moscow, benefits can be received up to 18 years of age, and when assigned, the movement of money through accounts is taken into account. The list of property and the justification for zero income are also different.
All conditions are in the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 12, 2022 No. 553-PP.
One-time payments
Maternal capital This type of state support appeared in 2007, and since 2020 it is assigned even for the first child.
The right to maternity capital is confirmed by a personalized certificate. It can be obtained upon application to the FIU or automatically at public services.
How much. The amount depends on the year of birth of the child and what kind of account he is in the family.
Matkapital since February 1, 2023
When the child was born | Amount |
The only one since 2020 | 586,946.72 P |
First - until 2020, second - from 2020 | 775 628.25 R for the second |
First and second - from 2020 | 586 946.72 R for the first, 188 681.53 R for the second |
Third or subsequent - from 2020, before there was no mother capital | 775,628.25 P |
When the child was born
The only one - from 2020
586 946. 72 R
The first - to 2020, the second - from 2020
775 628.25 r for the second
The first and the second - from 2020
9000 586 946.72 r for the first , 188,681.53 R for the secondThird or subsequent - from 2020, before there was no mother capital
775,628.25 R
Money can be used only for the established purposes:
- Children's education.
- Monthly payments for the second child.
- Mom's funded pension.
- Goods for children with disabilities.
Who is supposed to. Usually, the mother capital is received by a woman who has given birth or adopted a child.
Responsibilities when using matkapital
If the mother has died or is deprived of parental rights, a certificate will be given to the father or adoptive parent.
How to get. In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or on the public services portal. The certificate comes to your personal account automatically in electronic form - after the registration of the birth of the child by the registry office. To use money, you need to apply for an order.
There is also regional maternity capital.
We have articles about maternity capital to use state support with benefits:
- How to spend a mapped on a mortgage
- Where since 2019 you can’t spend a uterus
- How to sell an apartment in which the uterus was invested
- How to cash off the uterus
- How to spend maternity capital on building a house
- How to calculate the deduction when buying an apartment with maternity capital
- How to reduce personal income tax when selling an apartment with a capital capital
One-time payments for a child in 2023
Payment | Size |
Maternity allowance for 140 days | From 74,757.![]() |
Payment at birth | 22,909.03 R |
Maternity capital | 188 681.53 R, 586 946.72 R or 775 628.25 R |
pregnancy and birth benefits
from 74 757.6 to 383,178.6 P
Payment at birth
22 909.03 p
Material Material Material capital
188,681.53 R, 586,946.72 R or 775,628.25 R
Monthly payments and child benefits in 2023
Payment | Size |
When registering before 12 weeks of pregnancy | 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum for the working population |
Caring for a child up to one and a half years old | Minimum - 8591.47 R, maximum - 33 281.8 R |
For the first child up to three years old from the budget | 100% regional living wage for children |
For any child up to three years old from the mother's capital | 100% Regional Living Wage for Children |
For children under 17 | 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum for the working population |
when registering up to 12 weeks of pregnancy
50, 75 or 100%of the regional living wage for the working -age population
for the age of
at least - at least - at least - at least - at least - at least - at least - at least - at least - 8591. 47 R, maximum - 33 281.8 R
for the first child to three years old from the budget
100%of the regional subsistence level for children
on any child under three years of age from the uterus
100%of the regional subsistence minimum for children
per children under 17 years old
50 50 , 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum for the working population
Benefits for orphans in Russia
Orphans are children under 18 whose both parents or only parent have died. Benefits are also provided to children left without parental care, as well as to people aged 18 to 23 years old if they lost their parents before they came of age - these are persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.
Benefits in this area apply to orphans, children left without parental care, orphans and children left without parental care.
They are entitled to:
attendance at the state kindergarten free of charge;
study at the preparatory department of the university at the expense of the budget, but only if they study at the department for the first time;
admission to the university in the preferential order and to the budget - according to the quota;
second secondary vocational education at the expense of the budget in full-time education;
payments during studies: a monthly state social stipend and an annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and stationery.
The amount of payments is set by the regional authorities;
free travel on urban and suburban transport;
compensation for travel to the place of residence and back to the place of study if the educational institution is located in another locality;
maintaining full state support and social stipend during academic leave for medical reasons, pregnancy and childbirth or caring for a child under three years old;
receiving one-time financial assistance upon graduation from an educational institution.
Also, such children can receive vouchers to children's health camps and travel there and back. In addition, they are entitled to free trips to sanatoriums if there are medical indications.
Housing and housing and communal services
Children from the preferential category have the right to housing in which they can settle after they graduate from, for example, a boarding school. Housing is provided under a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises for five years. After that, the contract can be extended for another five years or re-registered for a social employment contract. Housing under a social lease agreement can eventually be privatized, rented out, exchanged or sold.
Benefits for paying for housing and utilities are provided at the regional level.
Employment Benefits
First-time job seekers in this benefit category receive benefits for six months. Important: to receive these payments, you need to register with the employment service. Payments will be in the amount of the average monthly salary in the region on the date of registration as unemployed.
If an organization where an orphan or a person left without parental care works is liquidated, then the employer is obliged to pay for the necessary vocational training and employ him. The employer must do the same if a person from the privileged category is subject to reduction.
More payments
The following types of state assistance are provided for orphans:
monthly compensation payment for the maintenance of children to persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying full-time in state educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, married to the same persons;
social pension for children under the age of 18 and over 18 years of age studying full-time in educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, both of whose parents are unknown or deceased, as well as to children of a deceased single mother and other categories of children. Orphaned children whose parents are known are also entitled to a fixed payment to the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;
monthly compensation payment to certain categories of children left without parental care - minor children who are not entitled to any type of pension provision and alimony.