When can you do the harmony test
Harmony Test | Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
- Getting Started
- Why Choose Harmony?
- How It Works
The Harmony® prenatal test is a DNA-based blood screening test for the most common chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome (trisomy 21). Harmony is more accurate than traditional tests and can be performed as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy with just a simple blood test 1,2.
Combined first trimester screening (cFTS) can detect 85-90% of pregnancies with Down syndrome (trisomy 21) with a false-positive rate of 5%. 2 Harmony has been shown in clinical testing to identifygreater than 99% of Down syndrome cases and to have afalse-positive rate of less than 0.1%.1,2 Clinicians in more than 100 countries have trusted Harmony 3. Harmony can be ordered for all naturally conceived or in vitro fertilisation (IVF) singleton or twin pregnancies, including those with egg donors, although only singleton pregnancies can undergo the sex chromosome aneuploidy and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome analysis.
Australian Clinical Labs is NATA accredited for the Harmony Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing/Screening (NIPT/ NIPS), and all analysis is conducted in Australia – allowing for high accuracy and quick result turnaround times. Results will be with your referring doctor 5-10 business days after receipt of the sample at our labs.
- Stokowski et al. Prenat Diagn. 2015;35:1-4.
- Norton et al. N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr 23; 372(17): 1589-97.
- Data on file.
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Getting Started
What is NIPT?
NIPT stands for Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and unlike traditional prenatal testing which can be invasive, NIPT uses a simple blood test to analyse the DNA of your baby.
Harmony is a non-invasive prenatal test which is analysed from a simple blood sample during pregnancy from week 10 onwards. The basic principle of prenatal screening is to offer a safe, accessible and accurate test to all pregnant women in order to identify those women with an increased likelihood of having a baby with a chromosomal aneuploidy that can cause birth defects.
The Harmony prenatal test was developed to be a more accurate prenatal Down syndrome screening test, is validated for use in women ≥ 18years and is suitable for women of any risk category*. When you’re pregnant, your blood contains fragments of your baby’s DNA. Harmony analyses this DNA in a sample of your blood to assess the risk of Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and two other genetic conditions, trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
*Any risk refers to the average risk population (age < 35) and high risk population (age > 35).
Why is it important?
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) recommends that all pregnant women be provided with information regarding screening for Down syndrome 4.
Combined first trimester screening (cFTS) can detect 85-90% of pregnancies with Down syndrome (trisomy 21) with a false-positive rate of 3-5%.2 Harmony has been shown in clinical testing to identifygreater than 99% of Down syndrome cases and to have afalse-positive rate of less than 0.1%.1,2
What does Harmony NIPT screen for?
Harmony is viewed as a reliable screening test and can be seen as the first universal tier antenatal screening test for the most common chromosomal conditions – making up approximately 80% of all chromosomal conditions. Please see table for a summary of the key abnormalities that are screened by Harmony.
The chromosomal conditions that Harmony screens for can be broken down into trisomies, sex chromosome aneuploidies and microdeletions.
Our cells usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Trisomy is the word used to describe the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells. Trisomies are named based on which chromosome has the extra copy, so a person with trisomy 21 has an extra copy of chromosome 21. The Harmony test looks for trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies
Most people have either two X chromosomes or one X and one Y chromosome in their cells. People with a sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) have a different number of X and/or Y chromosomes. People with SCAs can have birth defects, infertility and learning differences. Some people with an SCA have such subtle features that the condition isn’t identified until after childhood. Here are the SCAs that Harmony screens for:
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Harmony Test - The Fetal Medicine Centre
The Harmony test analyzes cell free DNA in maternal blood and gives a strong indication of whether the baby is at high or low chance of having trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) or trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
- The test identifies 99%, but not all, of the babies with trisomy 21, 98% of babies with trisomy 18 and 90% of babies with trisomy 13.
- If you decide to have the test you will be asked to sign a consent form by one of our doctors or an appropriately trained member of our staff. We will then draw a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm. This may cause some discomfort but the sample is usually taken very quickly. Sometimes there can be some bruising after a blood sample is taken.
Table of Contents
When do I expect to get the Harmony test results?
- The results from the test will generally be available within two weeks and we will notify you as soon as we receive them by phone and email / letter.
- In about 5% of cases the test does not give a result. This is due to technical problems with the analysis of the sample and does not suggest that there is a problem with the baby. If you want you can have the test repeated (at no cost) and there is a 65% chance that the test will give a result.
What would the Harmony test results show?
- If the Harmony test shows that there is a high chance that the baby has trisomy 21 or 18 or 13 it does not mean that the baby definitely has one of these conditions. If you want to be certain if the baby has one of these conditions you should have CVS or amnio.
- If the Harmony test shows that there is a low chance (less than 1 in 10,000) that the baby has trisomy 21 or 18 or 13 it is unlikely that the baby has one of these conditions.
Do I need to have any other tests?
- The Harmony test does not provide information on other rare chromosomal abnormalities. If the scan at 11-13 weeks shows a high nuchal translucency (more than 3.
5 mm) or major defects, such as exomphalos, holoprosencephaly, heart abnormalities or megacysis, the chance for some rare chromosomal conditions may be high. In such cases you may choose to have CVS or amnio.
- The Harmony test does not provide information on physical defects, such as heart or brain abnormalities and spina bifida, or fetal growth. It is therefore advisable that you still have ultrasound scans at 11-13 weeks and at 20-22 weeks to examine the fetal anatomy and at 30-32 weeks to examine the fetal growth.
What is the cost of the Harmony test?
- If your pregnancy is less than 11+4 weeks you can have a viability scan and HarmonyTM test from 10 weeks at a total cost of £400.
- If your pregnancy is 11+4 weeks or more you can have a nuchal scan (11+4 -13+6 weeks), or a mini-anomaly scan (14-19 weeks), or an anomaly scan (19-24 weeks) or a wellbeing scan along with a HarmonyTM test on the same appointment for a total cost of £500.
Who carries out the analysis of your blood for the Harmony test?
We will send your blood sample along with your personal information (including name, date of birth, gestational age) to a company called TDL Genetics, which is based in London, United Kingdom. The laboratory will extract cell-free DNA from your blood and carry out the Harmony test on the cell-free DNA.
There will be no further clinical testing on this blood and your blood sample will be discarded once we have confirmed the results with you. Your blood sample or the extracted DNA samples will not be used for any other purpose.
Harmony test - when to do this prenatal test? Review, reviews
Home » Research » Harmony test - when to do this prenatal test? Review, reviews
The Harmony test is a blood test performed on women in the first trimester of pregnancy - primarily at the 10th and later at the 14th week. The analysis involves evaluation of fetal extracellular DNA from the mother's blood for a disorder known as trisomy. He et & # 39; associated with diseases such as Patau's syndrome (trisomy 13), Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18) and Down's syndrome (trisomy 21).
Pregnant women can monitor the development of the fetus with a variety of prenatal tests. This includes the non-invasive Harmony test, which detects diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Conditions can be determined using the Harmony test and can pass the test?
As part of the Harmony test, you can study the sex chromosomes X and Y. This means that we will know the sex of the child, as well as identify any abnormalities, that is, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome. The reliability of the harmony test is estimated to be approximately 99%. One of the main advantages of this study is its low invasiveness and no risk of complications for mother and child.
Performing the Harmony test is a safe solution for women who are at greater risk of developing genetic defects in the fetus, i.e. especially after 35 years. Pregnancy at this age increases the chance of Down syndrome. The issue of age is also important for the father - diagnostics are recommended for men over 55 years of age. Another indication for the Harmony test is in vitro fertilization or concern about pregnancy ultrasound results. The method should also be used prophylactically to ensure that the child is not at risk of trisomy or other genetic defects.
Some prenatal tests are contraindicated and should not be done for HIV and HPV, and for the presence of a leading placenta. In such cases, the output is a non-invasive test. Keep in mind this Harmony Prenatal Screening is addressed to women between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It is carried out in case of single and double pregnancy.
Although the Harmony test is not invasive, it should be performed under certain special circumstances. Contraindications apply to women who have undergone organ transplantation and have undergone stem cell therapy. Women who have had a blood transfusion within the six months prior to pregnancy should withdraw from the study.
A woman gives a small sample of blood to a laboratory for genetic analysis as part of the Harmony test. Fragments of childhood DNA (cfDNA) are isolated from the blood and then examined for chromosomal defects. Usually, you have to wait almost two weeks to get the results. When we receive the documentation, we go with it to the attending physician.
If the result of the Harmony test indicates a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, it is recommended to confirm this diagnosis with invasive tests. They consist of taking a sample not from the mother, but directly from the fetus.
The price of the harmony test ranges from approximately PLN 2200 to PLN 2600.
There are methods other than the Harmony test to assess the risk of developing a congenital disease. Non-invasive methods also include the SANCO test, fetal ultrasound and the PAPP-A comprehensive test. However, the most certainty is provided by invasive tests, which have a minimal risk of miscarriage. This group of prenatal tests includes chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, and cordocentesis.
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IN HARMONY WITH YOURSELF Are you really? - Tricky - tests for girls
Hello, dear and unique test taker. Good to see you again when taking my tests!
Nature inspired me: endless tropical forests and waterfalls. This is how I imagine the abode of unity with the world. You can use the phrase: "how overgrown is your path to harmony with yourself?".
With this test, I want to try to combine the topics of all my previous publications. I think harmony - a single state for all, to achieve which you need either a very small amount of experience, or a fairly large amount. Let's see what of this applies to you and have you found harmony in yourself?
Question 1.
Are you often in a good mood?
Almost always
Question 2.
Do you feel anxious?
Question 3.
Do you have temper tantrums?
Question 4.
Are you in harmony with your body?
Question 5.
Would you describe your eating as intuitive?
Question 6.
Are you actively doing what you love?
Question 7.
Do you think you are attractive to others?
I don't think
Question 8.
Do you have a lot of untapped strength and energy?
Question 9.
Do you like the people around you?
Question 10.
Are you afraid of any changes?
Question 11.
Do you hope to fulfill your potential in life?
Of course
I don't hope
Question 12.