How to stop child labour essay
Essay on Child Labour Causes, Effects, Solution & Prevention
Table of Contents
Child Labour – Essay 1
IntroductionLife of the little ones is destroyed when they work in their childhood. Child labour is a common term that you hear in your everyday life. It is defined as work that deprives a child of his/her childhood and harms their mental and physical wellbeing.
According to ILO, any child below the age of 14 should not be involved in work for remuneration. It is a matter of concern in developing countries, like India, where there is a lack of awareness and education about a child’s health. They neglect the fact that children are the hope of their future.
It is a common practice to employ those children as domestic helper, shopkeeper’s assistants, etc. Child labor in the agriculture sector is common. Of course, it would be great when children could graduate a college and even keep in touch with a writer from ib extended essay writing service but, unfortunately, according to the conditions, their parents make them work in the fields instead of studying.
According to them, studying is not beneficial in any way, and their children should help them earn money. Their parents implant this mindset in their children also, and the child also believes the same thing. This mindset hampers the growth opportunity and development of the country.
Causes of Child LabourPovertyThe main reason for child labor to prevail in India is poverty. More than half of the country’s population belongs to the poor class. It usually happens when parents cannot afford the studies of their children, so they make them earn from a very tender age. It becomes a need to survive. Because in its absence, they won’t have enough money to have their daily bread.
Lack of Proper EducationEven after years of Independence, the children in our country are deprived of the fundamental right of education. It is a problem in the rural areas where there is no facility of education, and if something is available, it is miles away from their home.
Due to such administrative issues, child labor is so prevalent in India. At times children are forced to opt-out of school and end their studies because of financial problems. The worse affected are low-income families.
The Lure of Cheap LabourThere are shopkeepers, factory owners, and companies who employ these children so that they can pay them less. In this way, they hire labor and make a profit as well. They make these children work more than an adult would do as they can be easily manipulated and influenced, which leads to their exploitation.
Disease or DisabilityThere are families where the child is a sole earner as either his parents are dead or they are too sick to work. In such a situation, the parents have no other option but to send their child to work and earn the bread for the family. So, the children, instead of going to school, go to factories to work and financially support their family.
Consequences of Child LabourPoor Mental and Physical HealthChildren are very vulnerable at a young age. It affects their mental and physical health. Some studies show due to these works, children have stunted growth.
They also lose their innocence at an early age. The kind of care and attention a child needs growing up disappears because of the demands made from them.
Sexual Abuse-There is sexual exploitation of both girls and boys. Some girls end up taking drugs, infected by HIV, STDs sometimes early and unwanted pregnancy. They get into the trap of prostitution or gets raped. In low-income families, girls are sold or married to older men by parents for some money.
No Education-According to statistics, in developing countries, one-third of the child population fails to complete four years of their education. With the short-term benefits, they miss the educational qualifications and skills, which makes them lead the life of poverty. It is the lack of training that hinders their growth opportunity.
Physical Abuse-There are various types of physical abuse, which involve cuts, burns, fractures, excessive fears, and nightmares. These consistent injuries leave an everlasting impact on a child’s mind.
To cope up with these fears and pressures, they end up abusing drugs. Ir tends to make them mature faster than usual. Childhood dreams get replaced by bitter realities.
Challenges in Controlling Child laborUnclear Laws-Child labor is not uniform. It takes place in many forms and types, depending on the kind of work a child has to do. The laws are vague, which does not help in combating the crime of child labor.
There are no strict guidelines that would protect the children from such horror. It is due to such complexity and no clear instructions that it becomes difficult to save a child from the grip of this crime.
Rehabilitation Problem-The issue faced by the government and NGOs is that they lack the rehabilitation facility which the child might need. With no proper facilities available, they can fall on the grips of labor again.
For them to have a fresh start, those children need to feel the control of their new lives. These children need proper guidance and counseling to get better and achieve things in life.
Lack of Awareness-Education will be the key to combat child labor. It is because of the lack of proper education and awareness; the families fall in this trap. There is a need for a proper awareness campaign to educate parents about the pitfalls of child labor.
The importance should be given on giving quality and relevant education. The mindset has to be changed in training young children to stop child labor.
ConclusionChild labor act as a hindrance to the economic and social development of the country. It has to be resolved to have a better future. People and governments should come together to fight this evil.
Every child has a right to grow and prosper. It is the age of enjoyment and getting proper schooling. The children should not just be a mere means of having economic benefits for their family. It has many ill effects on a child’s mental health.
It leaves an impact which will haunt them all their adult life. So, to free our children from such evil, we need to make every effort to shape the future of children better. One has to create ways to help those kids upskill and support them to make sure the transition happens.
Child Labour – Essay 2
Child labour has been gripping the world at a very fast pace. But in India, this rate is quite alarming. This rate needs to be controlled as soon as possible not only in India but globally.
What is Child Labour?In a broad sense, child labour simply means employing children illegally at workplaces. This is strictly prohibited under law and those who are caught employing children who have not attained working age will be treated by law.
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Though rules and regulations are not strict in India, the day is not far off when we would see our country working towards bringing an Empanelment that work for the rights of children.
The actual definition of child labour can be technically explained as the fearless violation of the child rights act, wherein the act provides protection for the child and safeguards him by providing him with safeguards he is entitled to.
When child rights are not followed properly and the society misuses them to employ them in conditions unfit for their working, it is grossly equivalent to child abuse.
Child abuse and violation of child rights at workplace lead to a scenario that is discussed in the later part of this article.
Children under the age of 17 are strictly prohibited to take part in any kind of economic activity that will provide those wages.
In many cases they may be employed under worst conditions and may not even receive wages. So being part of a work environment, even if it’s for a few hours under the age of 17 is grossly treated as child labour.
Different types of Child LabourIn India, child labour occurs in various forms. Some of the most common types of child labour include bonded child labour, child labour in the mining industries, in manufacturing sectors, in domestic jobs, in fireworks industries and the worst of all, in the trafficking menace.
If we employ a small girl to work as a maid in our house and the girl happens to be under the age of 17, then that is treated as child abuse and we would be booked under Child Labour Act.
We can find many young boys and girls working in the fireworks and perfumed incense stick industries.
These kinds of tasks are easily performed by young boys and girls and they don’t have to be paid too much.
So, cheap labour is a cause of child labour in India.
In the manufacturing sector, children can be easily employed to do not-so-tough jobs like packaging work. These are identified as simple and can be done by small age groups with a little training.
Hence, not very high skills are required to employ children in this category. It works in both ways for the industries.
Firstly, the cost of employing a child would be definitely less compared to employing an adult, secondly, there is no training cost involved in teaching a child how to package things.
In the fireworks industry, particularly in the southern regions of India, there are huge factories employing children to work on fireworks.
Children are employed to coat the fireworks with a chemical substance that is not just harmful for their skin but may be hazardous to their health too.
In case of scented incense sticks, children employed in these types of industries tend to inhale the chemical coated on top of the incense sticks. Long term inhaling of these substances can cause injury to the respiratory system.
The bonded labour system is a banned system, for both adults and children. But in many remote parts of our country, these practices continue to exist and even children are made part of the inhuman practise.
A certain less known fact lies in employing children in cigarette industries. This is not talked about openly in the public since smoking itself is considered injurious to health.
Smoking ads have been banned by the government recently. Due to these strict norms, nobody discusses in the open about children being employed in their industries.
Rolling nicotine rolls and placing a tobacco may seem easy for any child to do, but the detrimental effects on thousands of children is hardly ever thought of.
So, these are some of the types of child labour that we commonly see in India. There are many more depending on the type of industry a particular child is associated with.
Child Labour in IndiaIn India, child labour is a major problem because of the many reasons.
The fact that child labour is easily available and cost-effective puts it at the top most criteria for people to employ children blindly without taking note of their future.
For example, if we go to any suburban hotel in any part of our country, we are sure to spot at least one helper or cleaner being a guy under the age of 17.
Rules are made to prevent child labour acts. But the correct implementation of these rules is far from reality. There is no check in place. There are no officials who would check if these rules are strictly enforced.
So in India, the situation is more likely that rules and laws made are only for purposes of printing on paper and not beyond that.
The correct implementation of these rules would come to light when people start thinking about the children they have employed.
If we take our car to a service centre, we can find a whole lot of boys doing service work for the cars, cleaning them up, checking up the parts of the vehicles, etc.
The cheap labour these small guys are entitled to works as a double whammy for both the employer as well as the working guys. The employer makes a profit by employing small guys at cheap rates.
Guys whose families are stooped in misery and financial breakdowns are forced to go to work for making an earning to run the family.
Poverty and financial imbalances in society are therefore, trouble creators and their effects are seen directly on children.
Child labour laws in IndiaSome of the rules and acts enforced against carrying out child labour are given below:-
Free and fair education to all citizens of India in the age group of 6 to 14. Education for children in this bracket is declared compulsory too. (This is mentioned in the fundamental rights and directives of state policy.)
Child labour (Prohibition and regulation act) was formed in 1986 to protect children against working in factories under the age group of 14.
Persons found to be employing such children will be imprisoned for 3 months (extendable up to a year) and a fine imposed for INR 20,000.
A national policy on child labour was formulated in the year 1987.
The article 24 of the Indian constitution prohibits child labour in India.
The factories and Mines act also have special provisions to protect the rights of children.
These are just some of the rules and regulations present in India to protect children against child labour.
But the issue is about the effective implementation of these acts and ordinances which has not taken place as yet. If there were strict enforcement, children would not be employed so easily in various work forces.
People do not tend to the rules with fear, they know very well about the lenient nature of these regulations. Hence, approval or disapproval of these entitlements do not come into the picture in most of the cases.
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Child Labour – A Big Social Menace in IndiaIndia is plagued by many social evils that bring a very bad picture to the nation and people belonging to the country.
Due to a certain section of the population that involves children in such activities, the entire society faces threat from becoming part of illegal activities.
Since long, there have always been cases of child labour thronging the country and have been a very bad impact on the society.
Today, looking at the facts and figures we can still claim that the situation hasn’t improved much in spite of strict enforcement of law and the judicial grounds.
It is high time we look into these aspects with deeper perspectives and set our thinking forces into action.
Child labour is a practice where children engage in economic activities on a full time basis. The practice deprives children of their childhood and is harmful to their physical and mental development.
The constitution of India, in its fundamental rights and Directive principles of state policy prohibits child labour below the age of 14 years. (Source Wikipedia)
Young children are enrolled in many business activities, house hold activities or forced to work in industries, totally ruining their future.
At a time when they should be attending school and play with other children, they are being enrolled in activities that deprive them of the very essence of childhood.
Many colors of child labourThere are countries which are facing worst form of child labour in the form of child slavery.
In such cases, they use children for illicit activities such a drug trafficking, exposing them to much hazardous work that is likely to harm the health, safety and morals of children.
It has been noticed that many industries such as coal mines and others that prepare chemicals like silicon, aluminum etc. employ children to carry out harmful tasks in their work areas.
This turns out to be even worse for the children as they end up suffering non curable disease and contract infections that may sometimes prove fatal also.
Causes of Child LabourChild labour is not just an issue, it’s a social menace, right from the law makers to the normal citizen, everyone is involved in helping this social issue grow from its seeds to a big tree.
It has plagued India since time immemorial when strict enforcement’s were not prevalent.
Today, we find many people openly involving people in child labour activities and being proud of it as they are not afraid of lawmakers and are quite happy about doing so.
There are several reasons behind the causes of child labour and over population being one of the biggest and major factors.
Other possible causes could be poverty, lack of social security, lack of proper education or no education, no visible alternative measures to make a livelihood.
Worst of all, the high prevalence of low income groups in a developing economy like India where rigid labour laws and numerous strict regulations are rampant make it even easier for the growth of child labour in the organized sector.
Girls are the ones who are the most deprived and underprivileged among all children.
Descriptive reasons for child labour in IndiaOverpopulationThe population of India has been growing at an alarming stage and will soon cross China, which is currently holding the top position in terms of most populous country of the world.
In such a scenario where an underprivileged family has a minimum of three to four children, there is not much scope for people to earn well.
Hence, they make their children their own desirable medium to earn daily wages for the family.
It’s a normal scenario that people having more than two children (in fact people are preferring just one kid these days) are facing difficulties in planning for their kids’ education, clothing and jobs.
PovertyChildren who belong to the poorer sections are forced to help their parents and siblings financially for their livelihood.
In developing countries unemployment is a major problem and on account of this, they cannot afford even the basic of facilities like food, shelter, clothes etc.
Children can be found employed in mines and industries, apart from other skilled areas like artisan jobs, etc. They have to work to make a livelihood out of it and to generate income for their family.
People who belong to the underprivileged sections of society tend to believe that the more number of off springs they produce, the more the working hands they receive to fulfill their daily needs.
In an educated society, the scenario is quite different. People understand the importance of attending school and the primary reason for getting employed in government jobs or in other good firms and MNCs.
On the other, illiterates undermine the value of education and do not realize the importance of going to school and further seek employment in a government job or in other good positions.
To see their children come out in flying colors in the future, they do not have big dreams or aspirations, hence they are limited to their own cringing world.
Early marriageBeing unemployed are one of the major issues in India, one of the major reasons being early marriage and also contributing to the factor of overpopulation.
It is practically impossible to create jobs or offer employment opportunities to all citizens of the country. On account of this, children are forced to help parents for their income and seek out on child labour.
For providing quality education, parents have to spend more money to get their children enrolled in good schools.
Today, many children don’t attend school for the sake of education, but rather stay at home losing out on precious time, simply because they cannot afford expensive education and the lack of important degrees and skill sets makes them unskilled in job fronts.
This could also play a major role in increasing child labour cases.
Lack of primary educationThe Government of India has provided right to education to every child of India till the child reaches the fifth grade in school.
Government schools offer education at low and affordable rates to make education reach every child, so that child labour can be handled till a certain level and to avoid them in indulging in any economic activities.
But still poor people don’t understand the value of education and make their children working unsafe zones. These factors are depriving them from their basic compulsory education.
Letting children to get involved in age inappropriate activities leads to many bad influences on the child.
Some children suffer a bad childhood because their parents create a hostile environment for them, some others are unprivileged because they cannot afford good education and a basic livelihood, and some curse their own being as they are handicapped off their very existence by a section of anti-social elements in the country.
A quick peek into some of the damaging effects will provide a better idea:
Loss of quality childhoodLife does not offer a smooth ride at every stage. It is said that childhood is the golden period of one’s life and we cannot afford to get it back whenever we want it back.
Children should be allowed to play with their friends and make their childhood memorable.
Child labour, as a deadly evil, deprives children of a quality childhood as children engage themselves in hazardous work areas like mines and industries for their livelihood and to generate income for their family.
If children start working at such an early age they can in no way enjoy their childhood or have pleasant memories of a good childhood.
Health issuesIf young children are forced to work at their tender ages in mines and industries, they are prone to various health issues and hazards, while they won’t even be having stamina to face mental and physical problems.
Working in mines and factories can lead to serious respiratory problems and can become lifelong victims of such dreaded diseases.
IlliteracyIf children work in the mines and industries for their livelihood and to help their parents and siblings for generating money, they obviously cannot go to school for their education.
Education can help them to be self dependent and walk on their own feet in the society. Sadly, if we are not educated and are unskilled, we would not be employed by any good hirer and have to lead a life full of struggles.
Indulging in criminal cases / activitiesAs children remain uneducated they lose out on their sense of what is good and what is bad and many of them naturally tend to indulge in criminal activities.
This is a serious issue and of late, government is taking up strict measures to deal with it.
Many juvenile cases have been reported and are increasing at a very fast rate. It’s the moral responsibility of parents and teachers to take care of their children, guide them properly and monitor them.
Emotional harassmentWhen children who are not very privileged to be part of a larger civilized society see other children in a better picture playing, making merry and enjoying them, they are filled with thousands of stress creating questions about their existence and economic situation.
They are emotionally disturbed. And these emotionally disturbed children easily get influenced by criminal activities and take to anti-social elements very early in life.
Possible Solutions for Child LabourEvery problem has a possible solution. Yes and even a big menace like child labour can be stopped and prevented in a large country like India. It all depends on changing mindsets and evaluating situations from time to time.
Strict enforcement’s of laws together with rapid action committees to bring about execution of laws will be torch bearers for a better tomorrow and can throw light in the aspect of changing many innocent lives.
Let us now explore some possible solutions here:
Free educationIf free education for one and all is made mandatory by the government, then to some extent it helps to check child labour.
This is especially helpful for parents who have very poor financial aids to allow their children to seek education and in the long run, benefit the society at large, especially the impoverished and underprivileged groups.
Mid-day meal schemes can also can be provided to children for their daily food needs. Good educational support creates an independent standing for a person in his community and in the society he belongs to.
If a good awareness is created among citizens for eliminating child labour then it can be stopped to a large extent.
Parents should be aware of the benefits of education and should send their children to school for their formal educational process.
In this way, they can become self dependent and on par with others in the society, landing them in good jobs for their sustenance and livelihood.
To bring about awareness, social campaigns should be created and inform citizens about the problems of child labour and related health issues.
Empowerment to poor peopleChildren from poor families are most likely to get involved in child labour cases. They are exploited by rich and influential people for managing their household work.
It’s not right on the part of affluent people to bring in helpless people from their communities and involve them in age inappropriate chores.
It goes against laws and if we also take up initiatives to empower them enough, then they cannot be exploited by such persons.
Indian Government on their part has done a fascinating work in carrying on their mission of eliminating child labour from India.
They have made strict rules such as Factory act and mines act which prohibit any children to work in such hazardous environments.
Plus they have also made rules for free education and mid-day meals in various states of India which has currently garnered an overwhelming response from all sections of society.
Moral education to parents and childrenThere is an urgent need for making education mandatory, not only for children but equally for parents to bring in a bigger perspective regarding the upbringing of their children.
They should be well aware of the consequences of child labour and how it can affect their child’s life.
Social AwarenessThe citizens, on moral grounds should not rope in younger children less than age of 14 and force them into household activities or other workshop related work.
In fact if anyone sees any person misbehaving with children or forcefully employs them, they should be immediately taken under the action of law and such persons should be immediately reported to the authorities.
Children are god’s most precious gifts to human being. It’s not good to ruin their lives by employing them at inappropriate ages.
We should allow them to enjoy their childhood to the fullest. A well groomed child will become a responsible citizen of the country and will respect others and same will be carried forward to the coming generations.
People should come forward and join hands in removing child labour from India completely. It’s not a single day job but if we all work together towards the cause, then nothing is Impossible.
Let’s hold our hands together and take pride in making our nation child-labour free and take our nation a step forward from developing to a developed stage.
Child Labour Facts & StatisticsSome of the facts and figures revealed under the latest census are
- Over 27 million children do not attend school in India.
Some are school drop outs, some of them do not attend school because their families don’t encourage them, and some of them are forcibly made to seek employment to support families.
- Out of this huge number, around 10 million children spend every day in their lives by being employed in some or the other factory or industry.
- Almost 70% of children employed in child labour activities are in the age group of 5 to 14.
- Almost 20 to 30% of these children are from below poverty line families.
- Almost 43% of the 27 million children are employed as domestic helps in houses.
Some of the possible steps that help in creating improved awareness about child labour and its prevention is discussed below:
By educating the public about the ill effects of child labour. Child labour is illegal. This statement should be etched in the minds of people who propose to employ children at their workplaces.
People should not only be told that child labour is illegal, but they should be enlightened about the fine and imprisonment that they attract if they happen to enforce child labour in their companies.
If we really want to stand up against child labour, then we must join hands with an NGO or a social service center that fights for the rights of children.
We must make effective use of child lifelines and if we spot children anywhere being employed for work, we must immediately call up the help center and aid them in rescuing such children.
Child labour quotesChildren are the most precious gifts from God. We have to nurture them and provide them opportunities to fly with bright colors.
We have to help them shape their future. We must secure their future by giving them good education. Below are some quotes against child labour:
- “Child labour is not just a menace; it is the result of a weakened thought process.”
- “Eradicate child labour else the country may soon see a degradation of rich talent going in for a waste”.
- “Child labour destroys the future of children; the future of the country is at stake due to this”.
- “Employing children for free and cheap labour is equivalent to moral destruction of many innocent lives of the country”.
- “Think of your own children being part of a child labour act, wouldn’t that make you arise and awake to bring about a new change in the society?”
These days there are many public campaigns carried out by various organizations and volunteers to act against child labour.
People come out in the open and are no longer confined to the comfort of their rooms to voice their concerns. They use effective tools of technology to validate their thoughts and act accordingly.
We can see many organizations shouting slogans to make people aware about this deadly menace:
- “Stop Child labour at once, children need better lives.”
- “Why child labour, why not child education?”
- “ Freedom for children illegally involved in child labour”
- “Children need freedom for their development, bonding them under child labour is a crime”.
- “Child rights and child freedom are gifts from god; let us not invade their territories”.
In a particularly interesting case, a small town boy from West Bengal accidentally came into the hands of an agent who used children for easy money making.
He would stealthily catch hold of children or take them away from their parents and cheat them. He would actually steal children and once children are in his clutches, he would harass them and leave them homeless.
He was operating in a big network and his circles were present in south Indian regions.
He grabbed this particular boy named Ranjith who was just 14 years then and took him over from a small town in West Bengal all the way to Kerala. In Kerala, he had connections with a small time gold shopkeeper and handed over this guy to him. Ranjith saw the worst times of his life.
The shopkeeper made him work for almost 14 hours a day. He was left with no food and no sleep for days together.
He was physically and mentally abused at many times. The shop owner brutally hit him if he disagreed to doing his tasks.
He was morally disgraced and the boy entered depression gradually. But, he mustered courage and on the pretext of going out for some other reason, he found a way to escape from the clutches of the shop keeper.
Not familiar with the place in Kerala, he ended up somewhere at Kozhikode. The police at Kozhikode saw this particular guy wandering homeless and planned to rehabilitate him properly.
The personnel acted with concern and took him to a rehabilitation center where he was further referred to a child care center at Calicut.
During his stay at Calicut, the child began to feel better and started improving. With company of other children and friendly staff, he began to open up on his past experiences.
During one of his counseling sessions with an expert in child care, he briefly talked about his abusive master in the form of gold shop owner. He further threw light about the agent operating in circles and how he was nabbed by him.
The personnel at the child care center took up this matter seriously and soon informed the police about it. The police acted swiftly.
They sat out to nab the agent. 3 police personnel forming a group, including a lady sub inspector hatched out a plan to nab the agent.
The agent was found out by police sources and was contacted by the lady sub inspector who told him that she was actually a teacher.
She made the agent believe her that she wanted money. In return for money, she was ready to hand over Ranjith who was under his custody till some time ago.
The tricks of the police had worked. They contacted the agent again and told him the venue from where he could come and collect Ranjith.
The agent gave in. Instead of him, he sent one of his men to the pre-discussed spot. The police personnel, all three of them, arrived at the spot in plain clothes and successfully nabbed the agent’s man.
The agent’s man, upon strict interrogations, revealed his own identity and gave vital clues about the agent’s whereabouts.
Finally, the agent was tracked down and nabbed. Technology also played a major role in tracing the agent and nabbing him. The culprit was given his due punishment and booked under law.
The gold shop owner was also booked under the child labour act and was fined severely.
Thorugh several interrogations, it was finally revealed that around 6 children were trapped by the agent in total and he was part of a bigger network.
The network was traced down and all the six children were freed from their clutches. They were provided proper rehabilitation under the child care center in Calicut.
Ranjith was luckily sent back home and re-united with his family in the small town at West Bengal.
Implications drawn from the case studyNot everybody is as lucky as Ranjith. In most of the cases, children go unnoticed in crimes and become part of bigger networks that deport them to different parts of the world.
They can hardly be traced back or re-united with their families. Many of their identities would be erased and they would be totally blacked out.
In Ranjith’s case, it was the police which played the most crucial role in not just rescuing his life, but also providing a new life to six other children who were part of the trap.
The right attitude towards rescuing children and giving them their due rights provided the right steps in the right direction.
The case had many turning points but the police handled them with their intelligence. We salute such people and applaud them in our society. They are a true asset to the country and its citizens.
We may also come across similar child care centers operating in different parts of the country in various different ways for the welfare of children.
Some of the noteworthy mentions include CRY (Child Rights and YOU), Child line India foundation, Save the Children Foundation, etc.
ConclusionWe should understand that child labour is a problem, not just in developing countries like India but exists in developed countries as well.
The police cannot arrive at every workplace to check if there is existence of child labour. People and their mentalities should change to put an overall end to this issue.
People should be educated; they should be enriched with morals and values to stop this menace. They should be morally made responsible for their own acts and they should be made to own their mistakes.
Essay On Child Labour | Causes, Impacts & Solutions
Child Labor is one of the worst social problems facing most of the countries worldwide. The basic human rights of children are violated severely. here we have written best essay on child labour its causes and impacts.
There are many causes of child labor including poverty, illiteracy, injustice etc. Read here Essays, articles, speeches on Child labor, facts and statistics, impacts, possible solutions and remedies of child labor etc. These essays are written in narrative, descriptive manner with outline, introduction, quotes, headings, facts and figures etc.
These essays are equally helpful for all class students including primary, high school and college level students. Read online, download pdf and share with your friends.
Essays on Child Labor | Causes & Impacts of Child Labor
The child labor is very rigorous issue. This issue prevails all across the world. However, the major cases of child labor and violation are reported from Asia and other third world countries. It is the time that we need to take serious steps to curb the menace of child labor in the world.
1. Essay On Child Labor | Types, Factors, ImpactsChild Labour is defined as the employment of children often forceful or unreasonable. It is considered as one of the heinous crime. Child Labour is also known as the making children work specially belonging to 8 to 15 years of age.
This is the age of educating them so that they grow and find opportunities to excel in their lives. Instead of education they are forced to work. It not only deprive them of their childhood but destroy their whole life. It is observed that most of the poverty stricken families engage their kids at work to earn in order to meet the necessities and needs of life.
There are two types of child Labour; One is debt bondage child Labour, while second one is children’s employment to supplement family’s income. Sometimes child Labour is practiced to repay the debts of their families from the employer or landlord.
Recently a worldwide report has unveiled that around 218 million children throughout the world ranging from 5 to 15 years of age are employed at work in different sectors. According to world statistics there are about 72.1 million children employed as child Labour.
The regions of Asia and pacific have 62.1 million child labours. Even, America bears 10.7 million child labours. Furthermore, the countries of central Asia and Europe have 5. 5 million and Arab states 1.2 million child labor respectively.
The biggest caused behind the child Labour is the rampant poverty. Poor families are entirely helpless to fulfill their basic requirements. They are naturally compelled to send their children to work at different sectors. Poverty is the significant driving factor behind the child Labour. Even a united nations agency UNICEF has stated poverty as the biggest cause of child Labour.
Child Labour has grown with the rise of industrial revolution. All industrial societies are also a cause of child Labour growth. The repression of the rights of children is also a biggest cause of child Labour.
The unemployment is also another cause of child Labour. Lack of proper education is the main factor. There is no free education to poor families. They can’t afford education expenditure and finally decide to engage their children at work. Unnoticeable social control and limited laws have raised child Labour.
Impacts of Child Labour
Child Labour cuts the growth of children and deprives them of their childhood. In different factories they suffer from many diseases as they are not provided medical aid. They live in unhygienic conditions. Illiteracy leads them to be backward in society. They hardly find any opportunity to succeed in life.
They become victim of leading a solitary life. These children are unable to find an open platform to excel in their lives. It leaves an adverse effects on the lives of children. This ultimately drags them into uncertainty of life. They hardly find any possibility of progress and betterment in life. It destroys them physically and mentally.
Children become victims of mental disorders like depression. Eventually they start using drugs. Children live under hazardous, non sociable and pathetic conditions of life where there is no hope in life. It is a biggest barrier to attain social and economic development.
Way Forward: How to Prevent Child Labour?In order to eliminate child Labour there is need of formulation and implementation of strict laws. Government must take initiative to punish the perpetrators. If any person or organization is found involved in child Labour they must be imprisoned.
All the sectors where children are employed specially garment industries, brick kilns, fireworks and agricultural sector must be warned and enforced with policies and laws to prevent child Labour.
All competent authorities must have an eye on all sectors. If ever they find any sector breaking laws enforced to reduce child Labour, it must be treated accordingly so that this crime could be eliminated.
New laws must be enacted to prohibit engagement of children at work places. As India is exercising two main laws Juvenile Justice, (care and protection) of children Act-2000, and child Labour (prohibition and abolition) Acg-1986. All other laws relating to children are based on these two laws.
Education is the basic right of every children. It must be ensured that all children get education equally. Unions should be organized which visit poor families and establish contract with poor parents to educate their children. The parents also must cooperate for the education of their children.
Child trafficking must be banned in order to help reduce child Labour. It is also necessary to provide employment opportunities to poor families so that they overcome poverty and educate their children their children.
ConclusionChildren are the future of the nation. All nations must take immediate and urgent actions to eliminate the increasing crime of child Labour to develop and prosper. Child Labour is an abuse, if this crime will not be controlled and addressed properly it will cause social and economic decline of the nations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the examples of child Labour?
Children under 18 years working in various industries are the best example of child labour
What is child Labour in simple words?
In simple words child Labour refers to children (below 18) works in various industries as a labour.
Where is child labor today?
In these days most of child labour is found in Africa and south asia.
How can we prevent child Labour?
To prevent Child labour we should protest and government should introduce strict laws against child labour.
What are the reasons for child Labour?
Illiteracy, Unemployment, poverty are the main reasons of child labour.
Argument against child labor essay example
Childhood is a vital and powerful experience in the life of every person. This is the most important and impressive period of study. In all the ups and downs, childhood is remembered forever. Although children have many rights, in some developing countries these rights are not always protected. Older, manipulative adults use children to profit for themselves. This is known as child labor and it happens more often than many people realize. Child labor is corrupt and has no place in our modern world.
Child labor occurs in many countries. There are many reasons why children are exploited. First, nothing seems to be happening to prevent this. Child labor must be eliminated as quickly as possible before many more children are trapped like the millions who have been in the past. Secondly, many children are too young to understand that what is happening to them is wrong and illegal. Underage children to work in these developing countries have more important things to do than work. Every child deserves a good education, as well as the opportunity to enjoy life, learn new things and, most importantly, have fun. Hard work at an early age can really affect a person's future outcome. This terrible scam doesn't give kids a chance at life; a chance for them to reach their full potential.
Child labor refers to children working at a very early age. Most of the children are between the ages of five and fourteen. Children at this age in many developing countries work hard every day for very little pay. Millions of young people are forced to work without any real choice. Work consumes so much time that school attendance is impossible. School is a very important period in life. School is a place where people learn almost all the information they need to know and use in the future. Education is compulsory and children must attend school; they should not be forced to work. One in four children in developing countries work. This is a sad statistic. Millions of kids work and none of them should.
Children are paid very little. Some children at this age do not know how little they are paid. It is not good that children work in these conditions, and it is not good that they are underpaid. On average, children earn less than half the salary of an adult with seven years of education. This happens for many reasons. Children are more malleable; they will do what they are told without asking any questions. They are much more powerless. They are also less likely to organize against oppression and may be physically abused without striking back. Some customs in developing countries are very different from those in Canada. For example, in some developing countries, some people believe that lower caste children should work rather than go to school. They believe that this is their only option, and they do not need education. In these countries, children are forced to grow up too quickly and are not allowed to be "children" for very long.
Some children are forced to work to support their families. The parents of these young people are mostly unemployed, unable to find work, or receive very low wages. The child's parents look to them to bring some money for the family. The roles of parent and child are reversed. It shouldn't be allowed. Adults have more experience, more time, usually a better education, and a lot more knowledge. Children definitely do not need to suffer and be forced to work. Employers cost a lot less by paying children. This is mainly because no one can stop it. Children are at stake, and it's just not fair. Many countries have different laws for minimum working age. Some countries do not have a minimum age to work; an average of fifteen years. In some countries, the age ranges from sixteen to eighteen years. Any age under the age of fifteen is too young to be given such a responsibility.
The work required of children is long and dangerous. This is unacceptable and will not come close to today's standards in Canada. Children are forced to work long days without food or without food, without breaks, and they sometimes have to work up to six days a week. That's more than the average Canadian has to work, and these employees are only five to twelve years old. Most employers do not take into account the legal rights of children. They are deprived of school, play and social activities. They are also denied emotional support from friends and family. Children are also vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse. These conditions would be very difficult for the average adult to accept and live, especially for a child of five years of age. Children in these countries are taught at an early age to accept their work conditions rather than challenge them. Most of the parents of these children are surprisingly ok with this. In fact, in some developing countries, parents of a less well off family often give their offspring to mill owners or their agents to obtain small loans. In fact, the culture in these countries is very different from most cultures in North America, but this should not happen under any circumstances. Parents are forced to sell their children. Most people think this is unheard of, but it happens every day. This is wrong and should not happen. Children belong to their parents and nothing should come between them. Children have no choice; they are powerless and usually don't even know what's going on. Some factory owners held the children captive, tortured them, and forced them to work non-stop for twenty hours straight. In some jobs where a child is forced to do hard labor, life expectancy has been reduced to twenty-five years or younger.
It's almost like murder, and if not murder, then certainly an extreme case of child abuse. Child labor does not allow these children to live a full life. This slavery must be stopped before it claims the lives of others. No one in this world, especially children, is able to work so hard for so many hours.
Recently, many people in the US and Canada have noticed this dire situation. Petitions are currently being signed to try to stop what is happening in these poor developing countries. Craig Kielburger, a young boy from Toronto, is making a name for himself as a child labor activist. At thirteen, Craig traveled to Asia for seven weeks and learned the truth about child labor. He has educated many people about child slavery, and now he has an organization active throughout North America. Everyone in this world can really have a big impact on this issue. Since Craig told the world about child labor, thousands of people have volunteered to help solve the problem. UNICEF has done a lot in the last couple of years to stop child labour. Slavery was thought to have been ended hundreds of years ago, yet little known to the world, it still takes place today. The abuse of power must be stopped. Taking advantage of innocent little boys and girls is not right. All children should be educated so that they can live better when they grow up and feel good as people.
There are a few more key steps that need to be taken to remedy this catastrophic situation. First, the immediate elimination of hazardous and exploited child labour. This means that governments must take strong action against anything that interferes with a child's physical, social, cognitive, emotional or moral development. They must also provide free and compulsory education. Registration of the birth of all children is required. Registration is necessary to ensure the rights of the child, such as access to education, health care and other services, and to provide employers and labor inspectors with evidence of the age of each child. If these important steps are taken, child labor will rapidly decline.
Child labor is cruel and appropriate. This infringes on the rights of children, and it is simply unfair. Child labor has been around for a long time, but most people tend to ignore and ignore it. Measures are currently being taken to end the use of child labour. These acts will slow down and hopefully put an end to child labor forever. The world will be richer and happier for everyone if child labor is stopped.
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Child labor as the most important social problem essay example
Child labor is a full-time job performed by children in any area. This is a convincing demonstration of parents or relatives. Childhood is a birth right that children should live under the care and supervision of their parents, yet this illegal display of children's work forces the child to live just like the elder. This leads to the absence of many vital things in the lives of children, such as shameful physical development, improper brain enhancement and socially and mentally unhealthy.
Child labor keeps a child away from all the benefits of childhood, the most joyful and vital time of everyone's life. This makes it difficult to go to regular school, making them socially unsafe and harmful to society. This illegal child labor activity is gradually expanding even after the government passed many laws against it in order to completely ban the display of child labor. Parents want to make them extremely responsible towards their family in the early childhood of their children. They do not understand that their children need love and care, they require appropriate education and play with their friends in order to grow up healthy. Such parents understand that their children are their main property, they can use them as needed. All things considered, every parent should understand that they have some duty towards their nation. They must make their children healthy in every perspective to make a bright future for the country.
As the world became more aware and fearful of the prevalence of child labour, the number of child laborers worldwide has declined. This is good news, but it's not enough. More than 200 million children are child laborers today, and 120 million are forced to work in dangerous jobs. 73 million of these children are under the age of 10, most of them in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the past decade, the number of children forced into the army and war has risen to 300,000. Most of the children work on farms that produce consumer goods. 20 million children work in factories that produce clothes, medicines, alcoholic beverages, etc.
To eliminate the social problem of child labor, there are some solutions to restore good social life in any country. Building more unions can help stop child labor as it will encourage more people to help against child labor. Each family must acquire its own base for the prevention of child labor. Government laws need to be stricter and more adult jobs need to be created as nearly 800 million adults are unemployed. Business and business owners should not accept underage children for any job. These are some simple changes that everyone needs to make to stop child labor and improve the welfare of our nation.
Child labor is a serious social problem that must be addressed by both the people and the government. The kids are too young but convey the prosperous eventual destiny of any developing country. Everything has its place, and children's job is to play with friends and grow up in a happy family and school environment.