What is giving birth
Childbirth | Stages of Labor | Effacement
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When you are ready to have your baby, you'll go through labor. Labor is the process of giving birth. Signs that you might be going into labor include:
- Contractions that are regular then start to come closer together
- Leaking fluid or bleeding from the vagina
- Low, dull backache
- Abdominal cramps
Call your health care provider if you have any of these signs, even if it is before your due date. Preterm labor can start before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy.
Labor happens in three stages. The first stage begins with contractions. It continues until your cervix has become thinner and dilated (stretched) to about 4 inches wide. The second stage is the active stage, in which you begin to push downward. Crowning is when your baby's scalp comes into view. Shortly afterward, your baby is born. In the third stage, you deliver the placenta. The placenta is the organ that supplied food and oxygen to your baby during pregnancy.
Mothers and babies are monitored closely during labor. Most women are able to have a baby through normal vaginal delivery. If there are complications, the baby may need to be delivered surgically by a Cesarean section.
NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Labor and Birth (Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health) Also in Spanish
- Stages of Labor (March of Dimes Foundation) Also in Spanish
- What Is Labor? (Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Also in Spanish
- Contractions and Signs of Labor (March of Dimes Foundation)
- Cord Blood Testing and Banking (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish
- Monitoring Baby's Heart Rate during Labor (American Academy of Family Physicians) Also in Spanish
- Water Breaking: Understand This Sign of Labor (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
- Dealing with Pain during Childbirth (Nemours Foundation) Also in Spanish
- Apgar Scores (American Academy of Pediatrics) Also in Spanish
- Birthing Centers and Hospital Maternity Services (Nemours Foundation) Also in Spanish
- Birthing Classes (American Academy of Family Physicians) Also in Spanish
- Elective Deliveries Before 39 Weeks: Is It Worth It? (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Why at Least 39 Weeks Is Best for Your Baby (March of Dimes Foundation)
- Assisted Vaginal Delivery (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
- Cesarean Section: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish
- Episiotomy: When It's Needed, When It's Not (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
- Induction of Labor at 39 Weeks (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
- Labor Pain (American Society of Anesthesiologists)
- Natural Childbirth (Nemours Foundation) Also in Spanish
- FastStats: Births - Method of Delivery (National Center for Health Statistics)
- PeriStats: Perinatal Statistics (March of Dimes Foundation)
- ClinicalTrials.
gov: Delivery, Obstetric (National Institutes of Health)
- ClinicalTrials.gov: Labor, Obstetric (National Institutes of Health)
- Article: The acceptability and feasibility of a randomised trial exploring approaches to.
- Article: Drotaverine to shorten the duration of labour in primigravidas: a randomised,...
- Article: Negative childbirth experience in relation to mode of birth and events.
- Childbirth -- see more articles
- Accredited Birth Centers (Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers)
- Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health Also in Spanish
- Find an Ob-Gyn (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
What happens to your body during childbirth
What happens to your body during childbirth | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content7-minute read
Key facts
- Female bodies are designed to give birth, and changes during the last weeks of pregnancy help prepare your body for labour and delivery.
- The shape of the pelvis, hormones, powerful muscles and more all work together to help you bring your baby into the world.
- Many different types of hormones work together to prepare your body for labour and birth.
- Your baby’s skull can also change shape to better pass through your birth canal.
How does my body prepare for labour?
Here are some of the ways your body will prepare both you and your baby for the birth ahead.
Braxton Hicks contractions
In the weeks or days before you start having proper contractions, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions. This is your uterus tightening then relaxing. These contractions don't usually hurt and are thought to help your uterus and cervix get ready for labour. Braxton Hicks contractions are sometimes referred to as 'false labour'.
Braxton Hicks contractions may become more regular as you get closer to the time of birth. Unlike labour contractions, they don't change the shape of the cervix. Your midwife can tell you if you're experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions or if you are in labour by doing a vaginal examination.
Changes to the cervix
As labour gets closer, your cervix softens and becomes thinner, getting ready to dilate (widen). This will allow your baby to enter your vagina during birth. You may also see a ‘show’, which is a pinkish plug of mucus that may be bloodstained.
Your baby may move further down your pelvis as the head engages, or sits in place over your cervix, ready for the birth. You may feel that you have more room to breathe after the baby has moved down. This is called ‘lightening’.
Rupture of the membranes, or ‘waters breaking’
During labour, the sac of amniotic fluid containing the baby breaks, and the fluid leaks (or gushes) out of the vagina. This is called rupture of the membranes or 'waters breaking'. In some cases, this happens before labour.
Let your maternity team know when your waters have broken and take notice of the colour of the fluid. It is usually clear or tinged pink. If it is green or red, tell your maternity team since this could mean the baby is having problems.
If your labour doesn’t start within 24 hours of your waters breaking, there is a risk of infection. If this happens, your doctor or midwife may recommend inducing your labour.
How will I know when labour has started?
Movies often show labour starting with sudden, painful contractions and a rush to hospital. In real life, labour usually starts gradually. It’s common not to be sure if your labour has actually started.
You may feel restless, have back pain or period-like pain, or digestive issues such as diarrhoea.
Labour officially begins with contractions, which start working to open up (dilate) the cervix. It’s a good idea to phone your midwife when your contractions start. However, you may not be encouraged to come to the hospital or birthing centre until your contractions are closer together.
In preparation for labour, your baby may move further down your pelvis as the head engages, or sits in place over your cervix.
You and your baby’s bodies work together during labour and birth.
Your pelvis is located between your hip bones. Females typically have wider, flatter pelvises than males, as well as a wider pelvic cavity (hole) to allow a baby to pass through.
During childbirth, the muscles at the top of your uterus contract and push your baby towards your cervix. If your baby is facing head-down, the head will press on your cervix.
This, along with the release of the hormone oxytocin (see 'How hormones help you give birth', below), brings on contractions. The bones and ligaments of your pelvis also move or stretch as the baby travels into the vagina.
Your baby’s skull is made up of 5 separate bones, which can cross over each other during labour. This allows your baby's head to fit more easily through your birth canal.
Which hormones help me give birth?
Your body produces hormones that trigger changes in your body before, during and after childbirth. Here's how they work to help you deliver your baby.
- Prostaglandin — Before childbirth, a higher level of prostaglandin will help open the cervix and make your body more receptive to another important hormone, oxytocin.
- Oxytocin — This hormone causes contractions during labour, as well as the contractions that deliver the placenta after the baby is born, and during breastfeeding.
- Relaxin — The hormone relaxin helps soften and stretch the cervix for birth. It helps your waters break and allows the ligaments in your pelvis to stretch to allow the baby to come through.
- Beta-endorphins — During childbirth, this type of endorphin helps with pain relief and may cause you to feel joy or euphoria.
- Adrenaline and noradrenaline — These ‘fight or flight’ hormones are released just before birth, causing several strong contractions and a surge of energy that help you birth your baby.
When childbirth doesn’t go to plan
Despite your best efforts, sometimes, labour and birth do not go to plan. This could be because of complications before the labour, such as your waters breaking early, problems with your placenta, or issues with your baby’s position, health or progress during labour. If this happens, your midwife or doctor may recommend intervening to ensure a safe birth for both you and your baby.
Some of the more common interventions include:
- external cephalic version (turning your baby so they are in a better position for birth)
- induction or augmentation of labour
- assisted delivery
- episiotomy
- caesarean section
It’s your choice whether to have interventions in your labour. You can ask your doctor or midwife about the benefits and risks of any intervention they recommend.
Talk to your doctor or midwife if you have questions about your body. They can give you more information and help you understand what you're experiencing.
You can also call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby for free advice, support and guidance from our maternal child health nurses.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Mater Mothers’ Hospital (Labour and birth information), National Childbirth Trust (Hormones in labour: oxytocin and the others – how they work), NSW Government (Having a baby), QLD Health (How your body prepares for labour), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Labour and birth), Stat Pearls (Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis), You and Your Hormones from the Society for Endocrinology (Hormones of pregnancy and labour)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: August 2022
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Need more information?
Pregnancy: premature labour & birth | Raising Children Network
Are you likely to be having a premature birth? Here’s all you need to know about preparing for and recovering from premature labour and birth.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Pregnancy: labour & birth | Raising Children Network
Pregnant? Here’s all you need to know to decide where to give birth and prepare for labour and vaginal birth or caesarean birth.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Labour & birth: what to expect | Raising Children Network
Early labour signs include a show, waters breaking and pain. During labour, your contractions increase and your cervix dilates, so you can birth your baby.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Premature birth & premature babies | Raising Children Network
This essential guide for parents of premature babies covers gestational age, premature birth risk factors, premature labour and premature development.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Premature birth: questions & checklist | Raising Children Network
Our checklist has answers to questions about premature birth and labour, covering where and how premature babies are born, and things to ask medical staff.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Developing a birth plan - Better Health Channel
A birth plan is a written summary of your preferences for when you are in labour and giving birth.
Read more on Better Health Channel website
Premature babies and birth | Raising Children Network
Premature babies are born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Our essential guide covers premature birth, babies, development, NICU and more.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Dads: premature birth and premature babies | Raising Children Network
After a premature birth, it can be hard for dads. Our dads guide to premature babies and birth covers feelings, bonding, and getting involved with your baby.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Premature birth: emotional preparation | Raising Children Network
If you know your baby will be born early, you can prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Practise relaxation and take a tour of the NICU. Find out more.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Labour and Birth
Read more on RANZCOG - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website
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We give birth like at home - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Zimina Natalya Nikolaevna
MD GROUP Clinical Hospital
Presentation of home birth
The most typical arguments of supporters of home births:
- A woman's body is designed specifically to give birth to children.
By nature, it has all the necessary strengths and capabilities to give birth to a healthy child on its own, which means that the help of a doctor in this process is completely unnecessary.
- The maternity hospital is not needed, because the atmosphere in it is official, hospital, and this does not contribute to relaxation in contractions and the opening of the cervix.
- When giving birth at home, you can take any position that is comfortable for the woman.
- And at home, you can give birth in the water (in the bath), or at least just relieve contractions by immersion in water.
- During home birth, not strangers (doctors, midwives) will be nearby, but the husband, relatives or friends.
- From the first minutes of birth, the child will be constantly next to his mother, he will not be supplemented, he will not be subjected to unnecessary manipulations and examinations.
Well, ideally, supporters of home births present them like this: effective contractions begin at 40 weeks, the first stage of labor lasts no longer than 10-12 hours. At this time, the woman in labor behaves in a way that is convenient for her, takes comfortable postures, uses techniques to anesthetize contractions (massage, breathing, water). Then comes the complete opening of the cervix, water spontaneously pours out, there are attempts, during which a healthy baby is born without much effort. The child is immediately applied to the mother's breast - he sucks it as much as he wants, the umbilical cord is cut only after the end of the pulsation. Mom has no breaks, the child is absolutely healthy. In general, everyone is satisfied and happy.
The picture of home birth is presented, of course, idyllically. And how happy ordinary women would be, and doctors too, if every birth went that way. But it’s not always possible to give birth the way you breathe. In childbirth or immediately after them, various unpleasant situations can arise with a woman or a child. We will not list them so as not to upset anyone. Let's just say that often the life and health of a mother and baby depend precisely on how quickly they received medical assistance . But what can be done at home in such a situation? The only thing is to call an ambulance, because it is impossible to help a child with asphyxia or a woman with bleeding or high blood pressure without certain drugs, equipment, and simply medical skills. But after all, one of the specialists will be present at the birth with the expectant mother? Good obstetricians and gynecologists are well aware of the high risk of home births, so they do not accept births at home, and a midwife, even with experience, will only cope with the simplest situation. In addition, many so-called spiritual obstetricians, as a rule, do not even have a higher, often secondary medical education, and, of course, they do not bear any legal responsibility for the outcome of childbirth. And it happens that sometimes in home births there is no midwife at all (did not come or the woman was convinced that she was not needed). Therefore, of course, we can agree that the home environment helps a lot, but will it be possible to give birth in it in the event of some non-standard or difficult situation?
Natural childbirth is possible
But how then to ensure naturalness in childbirth and are there such childbirth at all? In fact, today, natural childbirth is widely carried out in most maternity hospitals, and is not only carried out, but also actively promoted . If everything goes well, if the birth proceeds correctly, if the baby’s heart beats evenly, and the mother feels good, the doctors of the maternity hospital do not interfere with the birth, but simply observe their course. A woman gives birth on her own, as nature dictates. But what about the notorious home comfort in childbirth? Turns out today many maternity hospitals provide natural childbirth "at home" :
- Almost everywhere now free behavior during childbirth is actively practiced : a woman in labor does not have to lie on the bed all the contractions, but can choose any position.
- In many maternity hospitals there are various devices to facilitate contractions : transforming beds, balls, ropes (with their help you can take different positions in contractions), and in some, in addition to the shower, there is even a jacuzzi in which you can spend the first stage of childbirth.
- Of course, not all, but already many Russian maternity hospitals have either been renovated or built in accordance with modern ideas about beauty and comfort .
Even in free maternity hospitals there are cozy double rooms with a private bathroom, fresh renovation and beautiful linens. What can we say about childbirth under a contract or in a commercial clinic - the conditions there are more than excellent.
- According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in any maternity hospital where there are separate maternity boxes, a husband, girlfriend, personal midwife or even a psychologist can be present at the birth, and absolutely free of charge . So, the expectant mother will not be left without support.
- Today, in all maternity hospitals, babies are immediately applied to the mother's breast; it is also possible for mother and baby to stay together in the postpartum department.
- Now you can easily find a maternity hospital where you can live together with your husband after childbirth in a comfortable family room . All this, of course, is not free - but if you really want it, then it is quite feasible.
So do not be afraid of the maternity hospital: it has all the conditions for natural and safe childbirth. And home birth is an unjustified risk and an unknown result.
Have you read at least one story about childbirth at home that ended unsuccessfully? Hardly. And if they read it, it is not enough. And the reason for this, as a rule, is the same: with an unfavorable development of childbirth and problems with the child, a woman is aware of her carelessness and simply keeps silent about it.
“They used to give birth in the field” is one of the popular arguments of supporters of home births. They gave birth, but only the mortality rate in childbirth (both children and mothers) was extremely high.
An individual approach to the future mother and her baby, living together, free behavior during childbirth, the opportunity to choose a doctor and midwife, take a husband to give birth - all this is now available in many Russian maternity hospitals
5 signs that you are having a natural birth in the hospital
- Freedom of movement: in the maternity box there is a multifunctional bed-transformer, balls, ropes.
- Presence of a partner: a future father, girlfriend or psychologist is welcome at the birth.
- Natural Pain Relief: The delivery room has hydromassage baths or showers to ease contractions during the first stage of labour.
- Living together with the child: in the maternity hospital, the constant presence of the baby with the mother and breastfeeding are practiced.
- School of childbirth for expectant mothers: in it, a woman is taught not only to endure contractions, but also helps to prepare psychologically for childbirth and child care
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to the doctor - Zimina Natalya Nikolaevna
Clinical Hospital MD GROUP
PregnancyPregnancy and childbirth with kidney diseasePregnancy after IVF pregnancyManagement of pregnancy after IVFPregnancy with Rh conflictManagement of multiple pregnanciesManagement of childbirthManagement of childbirth by an individual midwifeManagement of childbirth in case of diseasesManagement of childbirth in breech presentationVertical childbirthRestoration of contracts for childbirthTypes of contracts for childbirth Home birthMissed pregnancyCaesarean section (operative childbirth)Contracts for the management of pregnancyContracts for childbirthTreatment of pregnant women in a hospitalTreatment of miscarriageMultiple birthsExamination for 1 day in case of miscarriageComplicated pregnancyDepartment of pathology of pregnancyPlanning of pregnancyPlanning of pregnancy in endocrine pathologiesLate pregnancyPostpartum contraceptionPremature birthInterruption of pregnancy ChildbirthWater birthBirth with placenta growing into a uterine scarPhysical birth with a scar0003
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God loves trinity
Zimina Natalya Nikolaevna Normantovich Tatyana Olegovna
Is giving birth painful?
Childbirth is a natural physiological process that is inevitably associated with pain. Prolonged pain tires a woman, leads to a violation of the contractile activity of the uterus and can adversely affect the course and outcome of childbirth, and most importantly, the health of the mother and child. Therefore, pain relief is very important!
In our maternity hospital, we use the most modern and gentle methods of analgesia in the labor process.
The most common methods of labor pain relief in Russia are the use of narcotic analgesics and epidural analgesia.
Intravenous or intramuscular injection of a narcotic analgesic is usually used in the early stages of labor or during labor precursors to give a woman an opportunity to rest and gain strength. A narcotic analgesic can cause drowsiness in a woman in labor and depression of consciousness and breathing in a child, so its administration is not recommended in the later stages of childbirth.
Epidural analgesia is the most effective and safe method of labor pain relief:
it makes it possible to eliminate pain throughout childbirth and saves the woman strength and emotions to meet the baby;
better than other methods of anesthesia, it allows you to fulfill the requirement for careful management of childbirth and turns childbirth into a less traumatic process for the fetus and mother;
reduces pain sensitivity in the lower parts of the body, but does not affect the consciousness and mobility of the woman in labor;
contributes to the normalization of labor activity in case of its violations;
allows you to anesthetize the closure of tears and abrasions of the tissues of the birth canal after childbirth without the use of anesthesia;
if the birth plan changes and there is a need for a caesarean section, anesthesia is continued by the same safe method, which allows the woman to be conscious and communicate with the baby from the first minutes of his life.
What is the essence of the method of epidural analgesia?
The anesthesiologist, painlessly for the woman in labor, inserts a special sterile thin catheter between the vertebrae into the space in front of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord. Nerve roots pass through this space, through which pain impulses from the contracting uterus enter the spinal cord, and from there to the brain with the formation of a sensation of pain. An anesthetic solution, a local anesthetic, is injected through the catheter to block the nerve roots and interrupt the flow of pain information during childbirth.
Does epidural analgesia affect the fetus?
Epidural analgesia is safe for mother and child - this has already been proven by many modern studies. Moreover, effective pain relief not only increases the comfort of a woman during childbirth, but also normalizes blood flow in the placenta, which in turn helps prevent oxygen deficiency in the fetus.