What doctor do you see for pregnancy
Choosing the right health care provider for pregnancy and childbirth: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
You have many decisions to make when you are expecting a baby. One of the first is to decide what kind of health care provider you want for your pregnancy care and the birth of your baby. You may choose an:
- Obstetrician
- Family practice doctor
- Certified nurse-midwife
Each of these providers is described below. Each has different training, skills, and outlooks about pregnancy and childbirth. Your choice will depend on your health and the type of birth experience you want. The choices available to you may differ depending on your local resources.
Here are some things you need to consider when you decide on the type of provider you want:
- Risk factors you may have for problems during pregnancy and childbirth
- Where you would like to deliver your baby
- Your beliefs and desires about natural childbirth
An obstetrician (OB) is a doctor who has special training in women's health and pregnancy.
OB doctors specialize in both caring for women during pregnancy and labor, and delivering their babies.
Some OBs have advanced training in caring for high-risk pregnancies. They are called maternal-fetal medicine specialists, or perinatologists. Women may be advised to see an OB specialist if they:
- Had an earlier complicated pregnancy
- Are expecting twins, triplets, or more
- Have a preexisting medical condition
- Need to have a cesarean delivery (C-section), or had one in the past
The family physician (FP) is a doctor who has studied family practice medicine. This doctor can treat many illnesses and conditions, and treats men and women of all ages.
Some family doctors also take care of women who are pregnant.
- Many will care for you during your pregnancy and when you deliver your baby.
- Others provide prenatal care only and have an OB or midwife care for you during the birth of your baby.
Family doctors may also be trained to take care of your newborn after delivery.
Certified nurse-midwives (CNM) are trained in nursing and midwifery. Most CNMs:
- Have a bachelor's degree in nursing
- Have a master's degree in midwifery
- Are certified by the American College of Nurse-Midwives
Nurse midwives care for women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Women who want to have as natural a childbirth as possible may choose a CNM. Midwives view pregnancy and childbirth as normal processes, and they help women safely deliver without treatments or minimize their use. They are trained to be the primary care person during labor and delivery. Treatments may include:
- Pain medicines
- Vacuum or forceps
- C-sections
Most nurse midwives work with OBs. If complications or medical conditions develop during pregnancy, the woman will be referred to an OB for a consult or to take over her care.
Prenatal care - health care provider; Pregnancy care - health care provider
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists website. Joint statement of practice relations between obstetrician-gynecologists and certified nurse-midwives/certified midwives. www.acog.org/clinical-information/policy-and-position-statements/statements-of-policy/2018/joint-statement-of-practice-relations-between-ob-gyns-and-cnms. Updated April 2018. Accessed January 25, 2021.
Gregory KD, Ramos DE, Jauniaux ERM. Preconception and prenatal care. In: Landon MB, Galan HL, Jauniaux ERM, et al, eds. Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 5.
Williams DE, Pridjian G. Obstetrics. In: Rakel RE, Rakel DP, eds. Textbook of Family Medicine. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 20.
Updated by: John D. Jacobson, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda Center for Fertility, Loma Linda, CA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
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Prenatal Care: Your First Doctor's Visit
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- Why Is Prenatal Care Important?
- What Happens at My First Medical Visit for Prenatal Care?
- What Common Prenatal Tests Will I Be Given?
As soon as you suspect you're pregnant, schedule an appointment with your pregnancy health care provider, such as an obstetrician/gynecologist. Even if you've confirmed your suspicion with a home pregnancy test, it's still wise to follow-up with an appointment. This will ensure that you and your baby get off to a good start.
Why Is Prenatal Care Important?
Regular appointments with your health care provider throughout your pregnancy are important to ensure the health of you and your baby. In addition to medical care, prenatal care includes education on pregnancy and childbirth, plus counseling and support.
Frequent visits with your health care provider allow you to follow the progress of your baby's development. Visits also give you the opportunity to ask questions. Also, most health care providers welcome your partner at each visit, as well as interested family members.
What Happens at My First Medical Visit for Prenatal Care?
The first visit is designed to confirm your pregnancy and to determine your general health. In addition, the visit will give your healthcare provider clues to any risk factors that may affect your pregnancy. It will typically be longer than future visits. The purpose of the prenatal visit is to:
- Determine your due date
- Find out your health history
- Explore the medical history of family members
- Determine if you have any pregnancy risk factors based on your age, health and/or personal and family history
You will be asked about previous pregnancies and surgeries, medical conditions and exposure to any contagious diseases. Also, notify your healthcare provider about any medications (prescription or over-the-counter) you have taken or are currently taking.
Do not hesitate to ask your provider any question you may have. Most likely, those are the questions your provider hears most often!
Here are some questions you may want to ask. Print or write them down, add to them and take them to your appointment.
- What is my due date?
- Do I need prenatal vitamins?
- Are the symptoms I'm experiencing normal?
- Is it normal not to experience certain symptoms?
- Is there anything I can take for morning sickness?
- What are the specific recommendations regarding weight gain, exercise, and nutrition?
- What activities, foods, substances (for example, medicine, caffeine, and alternative sweeteners like Equal) should I avoid?
- Can I have sex while I am pregnant?
- For what symptoms should I call you?
- What is the definition of a high-risk pregnancy? Am I considered to be high risk?
What Common Prenatal Tests Will I Be Given?
During the first visit, your health care provider will perform several tests, including:
- Physical exam: You are weighed and your blood pressure, heart, lungs, and breasts are checked.
- Pelvic exam: During the pelvic exam, a Pap smear is taken to screen for cervical cancer and cultures are taken to detect sexually transmitted diseases (such as gonorrhea and chlamydia). In addition, a bimanual internal exam (with two fingers inside the vagina and one hand on the abdomen) will be performed to determine the size of your uterus and pelvis. This exam may also pick up on some abnormalities of the cervix, uterus, or ovaries.
Your health care provider may listen for the baby's heartbeat with a special instrument called a doppler, which uses ultrasound waves (high-frequency sound waves). A doppler usually cannot detect a baby's heartbeat before ten to twelve weeks of pregnancy. The provider may perform an ultrasound (a device using those sound waves to look at pictures of the baby on a screen) during this visit to verify your due date and check the baby's heartbeat.
Your provider will also order several laboratory tests, including:
- Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test screens for blood problems such as anemia (usually due to low levels of iron).
- HIV test: This test is recommended for prenatal screening. If the test is found to be positive, there are medications that can be used to greatly decrease transmission to the baby.
- RPR: This test screens for syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease) that can be transmitted to your unborn child. If left untreated, it can cause a dangerous condition called congenital syphilis in the baby that leads to bone and tooth deformity, nerve damage, or brain damage. Also, the baby could be stillborn.
- Rubella: This test screens for immunity (protection) against German measles. Most Americans received vaccinations against rubella as children and are immune. If you aren't you will need to avoid people with the disease (which is rare in the U.S.) as it can have serious consequences for your developing baby. You cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy, but you should be before you leave the hospital after delivery.
- Varicella: This test screens for immunity (protection) against chickenpox. It is usually done only if you don't have a history of the disease since an initial exposure during pregnancy can be harmful to the developing baby.
- HBsAg: This test screens for hepatitis B (a liver infection) that is transmitted through contaminated needles, or blood, or through saliva, semen, or vaginal fluid. Infected mothers can transmit this disease to their baby during childbirth. You could have this disease and not know it.
- Urinalysis: During this test, you will urinate in a cup and the urine will be tested for kidney disease or bladder infections and high levels of sugar that might indicate diabetes. These infections are very common in pregnant women and are easily treated. If left untreated, bladder infections can quickly progress to kidney infections, which can cause problems for the baby or premature labor.
Type and screen blood test: This test determines your blood type and Rh factor (a protein on the surface of blood cells that causes an immune system response).
Everyone is either Rh negative (your blood doesn't contain Rh factor) or Rh positive (your blood contains Rh factor; 85% of us are). Having either is fine, but if the mother's blood is Rh negative and your partner's blood is Rh positive, your baby's blood type may not match yours (it may be Rh positive). This can be a problem during delivery, or even during miscarriage because your body may produce antibodies to protect itself from this "foreign" substance. This phenomenon is called Rh incompatibility.
If your partner's blood is Rh+ (and yours is Rh-), you will be given an injection of Rh immune globulin (called Rhogam) during the 28th week of your pregnancy to prevent the development of antibodies that could be harmful to your baby. You will also receive this injection during invasive procedures and if you have any significant bleeding during your pregnancy. Additionally, an injection of Rhogam is given after delivery if your baby has Rh+ blood.- Genetic Tests: Depending on your ethnic background and medical history, you may also be tested for sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, and thalassemia.
Blacks, Jews, French Canadians, and people of Mediterranean descent are most at risk for these illnesses. All of these diseases can be passed onto the baby because of defective genes that the parents may carry (even if they don't have the disease.) Your provider may offer you a test for cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease that can affect breathing and digestion in your baby if you and your partner are carriers. You will also be offered genetic testing for Down syndrome, Trisomy 13 and 18, and spinal defects, which can be done in the first or second trimester of your pregnancy.
The first prenatal visit can be exciting yet stressful. With all the poking and prodding and the uncertainty of test results, it is bound to get any mom-to-be nervous. If you have any questions about these tests or what the test results may mean, talk to your health care provider.
Women's consultation: your rights - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Astakhova Anna Dmitrievna
Clinical Hospital Lapino-1 "Mother and Child"
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a pregnant woman can choose any antenatal clinic (LC), and not just the one to which she is attached registration. This means that you can live in one area of the city, and be observed in a completely different one: for example, next to your place of work or just in the antenatal clinic that you like best. Moreover, you can register for pregnancy even in the antenatal clinic of another city. The main thing is that you need a compulsory medical insurance policy valid throughout Russia. To register in a antenatal clinic not at the place of registration, you need to write an application addressed to the head doctor of the consultation, bring the original and a copy of your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, and SNILS insurance certificate.
And even if for some reason you stop attending antenatal clinics, and go, for example, to a private clinic or just don't go and that's it, no one has the right to deregister you from the LCD. And at any time you can return to your consultation and continue to be observed there.
Also, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can choose a doctor who will monitor your pregnancy, or change a doctor who for some reason did not suit you. To do this, you also need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the LCD.
And, of course, every expectant mother in a antenatal clinic or maternity hospital has the right to read her medical record or birth history, to look at records of examinations. And you don’t need to explain why you need it, it’s enough that this is your map and your research. If you do not understand why you need some kind of appointment or analysis, then the doctor should explain everything in an accessible form.
You can register with the antenatal clinic at any stage of pregnancy. True, in a very short period, neither a doctor nor an ultrasound scan will yet be able to accurately confirm pregnancy, so it’s still better to register after the 6–8th week. It is at this time that the doctor will be able to reliably establish the fact of pregnancy during the examination.
Another recommendation is to come to the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the first ultrasound is done at 10-12 weeks and at this time the gestational age can be most accurately determined. By the way, those women who register at the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks receive a cash payment called "a lump sum allowance for women registered with a medical institution in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)". True, they give nothing at all, but they will come in handy for someone.
But all this does not mean that you have to register strictly before 12 weeks. No, you can come at any time (even in the last trimester), the main thing is to have time to pass the necessary tests before the birth.
If you feel well, your tests are normal and you don't want to go to the antenatal clinic often, you have the right to refuse regular visits to the gynecologist. Just tell your doctor about it, he should respect your decision. Yes, the doctor will warn you that you are responsible for your choice, but he should not intimidate or threaten you to refuse to issue an exchange card. If something like this happens, immediately go to the head physician of the antenatal clinic or contact the health department.
But you need to know that there are studies (ultrasound, blood test for chromosomal pathologies) that must be done within strictly defined terms, otherwise their result may be unreliable. Therefore, ask the doctor in advance about the time of some examinations.
If you want to have all the examinations you need, you have the right to receive them in full. Each antenatal clinic has a list of examinations and consultations required during pregnancy. You can ask your doctor to tell you in detail about them and do everything that you are supposed to.
If, on the other hand, you feel that an appointment is not necessary or acceptable to you, you can refuse it. No one has the right to force you to do an ultrasound, screening, take any drugs. And you will get nothing for it. Even if you refuse something, you cannot be deregistered due to pregnancy, you cannot be issued a birth certificate and an exchange card. The doctor will simply record your refusal in the card and write that it was explained to you why this or that study was recommended.
In general, in order to receive an exchange card, you need to pass a series of tests at least once (clinical blood test, urinalysis, smear, tests for HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C) and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least twice. The first time you come for an initial examination and in order to get a referral for tests, the second time - to enter the results of the examination into the exchange card. The main thing here is to observe the "expiration date" of the analyzes.
All examinations in the antenatal clinic are free of charge. And even if there is no specialist or there is temporarily no research, you should be given a referral to another medical institution where all this is available. The doctor does not have the right to refer you to any additional paid tests or consultations if they can be done free of charge under compulsory medical insurance.
If you want to do some kind of research yourself for a fee and in another clinic (for example, to do an expert ultrasound), then you must accept its results in the antenatal clinic (and not say that we believe only our analyzes or specialists).
If you want to be seen in the antenatal clinic the way you want, don't be afraid to talk about your preferences. Calmly and confidently remind about your rights, it's up to you to choose what you need from medicine and what you don't.
Make an appointment
to the doctor - Astakhova Anna Dmitrievna
Lapino-1 Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child"
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Dermatologist answers 25 questions about mole removal
Which moles can be removed and which ones should never be touched?
What is the safest and most painless way to remove a mole?
What is the best way to remove a neoplasm at home if you do not want to go to the doctor?
These and a little over 20 more questions are really heard by our dermatologists most often. I didn’t have to invent anything - the wording was taken directly from those letters that come to us by e-mail. And from conversations with the patients themselves.
The dermatologists of the Lasersvit clinic are always ready to answer them. After all, the better people understand all the benefits and risks of removing moles, the easier it is for them to protect their health.
If you have many moles, this does not automatically mean serious health problems. But you are at risk and you should visit a dermatologist more often. If you have few moles, then this, unfortunately, is also not a reason for joy - sometimes skin formations are in an uncomfortable place and interfere with normal walking or wearing your favorite clothes. In this case, the neoplasm will want to be removed as soon as possible.
But in order to decide on this procedure, you need to learn as much as possible about it.
We have prepared answers to 25 frequently asked questions and, most likely, among them there will be those that torment you too.
If you are not interested in general information, but you need recommendations for your specific case, then just call the Lasersweet clinic and make an appointment with our dermatologists. They will solve your problem.
1. Why do moles need to be removed?
The answer is not always obvious. Moles look quite harmless - they are just a few brown dots on the skin. Why get rid of them?
Yes, moles or nevi are benign skin lesions. They are safe. Most often it is.
But for a variety of reasons, for example, due to the large amount of solar radiation received during one's life, due to solarium, genetics and other factors, moles can degenerate into malignant tumors. But melanoma is one of the fastest growing cancers.
Usually a person with this type of cancer does not live long.
The main thing here is to detect the disease in time and then at 9out of 10 cases, the prognosis is favorable.
The problem is that "good" moles are difficult to distinguish from skin cancer. Moreover, there are also many types of skin cancer - three main ones and a number of less common ones. That is, cancer can appear on the skin as a simple, painless spot or resemble inflammation, a rash. It may be pale, or it may be dark, red or purple. May be raised but smooth or form a reddish, scaly patch.
Are you sure you can figure it out on your own?
To protect yourself, you need to know which moles to remove. And only a doctor can understand this.
For patients, there are several signs of skin cancer to look out for:
- Change from round to asymmetrical.
- Bleeding or enlargement.
- Hue change.
- Changes in skin texture, such as flaking.
Does any of these items apply to your mole? If yes, then run to the doctor!
However, the threat of skin cancer is not the most common reason for the removal of nevi in our people.
Moles often appear on the neck, feet and in other "uncomfortable" places. Even if you just wear clothes or walk, you experience discomfort. To solve the problem, you need to make an appointment with a doctor and remove the annoying nevus.
The final reason for removing moles is cosmetic. Angelina Jolie and Marilyn Monroe have never been bothered by nevi on their faces, but not everyone is so lucky - some people seriously spoil their appearance. I want to get rid of this.
Some of the problems listed above may apply to you. If so, then contact a dermatologist and he will already determine which moles are best removed and how exactly to do it.
There are many people who are willing to perform a "mini-operation" on their own, at home. They find on the Internet special “recipes”, “folk remedies”, which supposedly should help with this.
Don't do it.
Just stop for a few minutes and read what we are about to say.
2. Can I remove a mole myself?
We do not recommend this. There are several reasons for this.
Before removing a mole, you need to determine how dangerous it is. People without medical education will not be able to correctly diagnose, and the eye of a dermatologist with a 90% probability will determine whether the formation is benign or not. At the slightest doubt, the doctor additionally uses special equipment for diagnosis.
Another problem is the choice of removal method. There are many ways to remove nevi - from a scalpel to a laser. Only a dermatologist can determine which one is right for your situation. Tools for such operations are available only in medical centers.
The use of folk remedies to eliminate nevi is very dangerous. Especially if you haven't consulted a doctor. Even with the removal of a benign formation, complications are possible - bleeding, infection. Often, scars appear at the site of the removed nevi. Often, self-medication leads to even greater problems than the skin neoplasms themselves.
Doctors, scientists do not know anything about the safety or effectiveness of home remedies for removing moles. No official research has been done on this. We don't know about the potential side effects either.
Why risk your life?
Instead of looking on the Internet for ways to remove a mole yourself, contact the LaserSweet clinic. Our doctors will quickly and safely relieve you of nevi.
While you are thinking about our proposal, we will tell you which growths can be removed.
3. I heard that not all moles can be removed. Which ones can't be deleted?
The answer to the question, "Which moles should not be removed?" The dermatologist will give you after examination. In fact, you can get rid of any nevus. But if there are no good reasons for the operation, then it is usually better not to disturb them. No need to be afraid that every mole will definitely turn into a malignant neoplasm - this is not at all the case.
We recommend getting rid of moles that are permanently damaged by rubbing against clothes or shoes.
Also, surgeries are often performed if the neoplasm has a bad effect on appearance.
Thus, with the consent of the doctor, you can make an appointment for the removal of almost any neoplasm.
Now consider how safe such procedures are.
4. Do you have any advice on how to safely remove a mole?
The mere thought of an operation causes great anxiety. Terrible images of severe pain and ugly scars on the face appear in my head.
Indeed, quite recently, a couple of centuries ago, all your worst fears were real. Yes, what can I say, the teeth were “treated” with huge forceps!
Now everything is different.
Modern methods allow you to remove a mole safely, quickly and without pain. For example, in our clinic, one neoplasm is removed by laser in just 2 minutes. It acts on the nevus with short pulses, so in most cases even local anesthesia is not needed. It is required only when removing large moles.
The treated area heals quickly. The laser prevents bleeding and disinfects the tissue.
To date, laser surgery is the most effective way to get rid of nevi.
If you decide to sign up for this procedure, read what time of the year is best to remove tumors.
5. In women's magazines I came across an article that moles are not recommended to be removed in the summer. Can you tell me why?
This is a recommendation, not a ban. For the operation, you can choose any time when it is convenient for you. But doctors advise removing nevi in autumn or winter. There is a reason for this.
After the operation, it is necessary to cover the treated skin area from the sun for two months. Otherwise, ultraviolet radiation will accelerate the production of melanin and increase pigmentation. As you can see, there's nothing to worry about.
In some cases, the operation cannot be postponed, regardless of the season. For example, if a mole grows in size, bleeds or is damaged. When this happens, you should consult a dermatologist.
6. Can you advise which doctor to contact to remove a mole?
You need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. This doctor studies the functions, structure and diseases of the hair, skin, sweat and sebaceous glands. It treats a wide range of diseases, ranging from hives to psoriasis.
We invite you to contact the LaserSweet clinic. If you want to know which doctor removes moles without pain, we have a whole team of such specialists here. Leading dermatologists of the country work in the clinic. They have already examined over 100,000 patients and will be happy to help you too.
While you are thinking about our proposal, we will talk about the dangers of removing nevi.
7. Why is it dangerous to remove moles?
The main reason why it is dangerous to remove moles is that they can be malignant and without dermatoscopy you won't even know it. And skin cancer quickly metastasizes. Such dangerous moles must be removed in a special way.
Consult qualified physicians. They will conduct an examination, study the tests and only then decide whether an operation is needed or not.
Even in many beauty salons, nevi are removed incorrectly. Don't just think about saving. Think about your health, about your loved ones.
8. I have moles on my body. How can I remove them?
All people have moles. Their presence is not a reason for panic. Moreover, most of them almost certainly do not interfere with you. Thinking about whether to remove moles on the body is only in a few cases:
- If they are often damaged.
- If they degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.
- If they spoil your appearance.
You can easily get rid of any nevus, but for this you need to contact a dermatologist. He will study the neoplasms and choose the appropriate method for their removal. Now we will talk about what patients feel during the operation.
9. I heard that removing a mole is a painful and long procedure.
In the past, patients may have had to endure severe pain to get rid of nevi. But now it is not necessary.
The use of a laser allows you to remove neoplasms in 2 minutes. The laser pulses are so short that even children do not cry from pain during the procedure. The area of skin with a nevus is constantly cooled, which reduces discomfort. Or local anesthesia is used.
If you want to remove a mole quickly, make an appointment with a dermatologist at the LaserSweet clinic. He will examine your growths and check them with a dermatoscope for signs of degeneration.
Even when nevi are removed, they still need to be looked after. We will now describe how to do this.
10. Advise how to treat removed moles?
The procedure itself for removing a nevus is not yet a complete disposal of a neoplasm. It is important not only how professionally the procedure is carried out, but also the observance of the doctor's instructions.
After using the laser, a crust forms on the treated area of the skin. It usually disappears within a week. The operated site must be protected from any damage. It is not allowed to apply cosmetics or scratch the removed nevus.
How to treat removed moles?
The dermatologist will write you a list of disinfectants that you can use. Chlorhexidine is suitable for processing the crust.
If the doctor's instructions are not followed, complications arise:
- Severe itching.
- Prolonged bleeding.
- Purulent discharge.
- Swelling of the skin.
These will require additional treatment. Save your time and nerves - strictly follow the instructions of the dermatologist after the operation.
11. Can large moles be removed?
Laser and other modern methods can remove both large and small moles. The only difference is the duration of the operation.
When working with large neoplasms, there are several important points:
- One small mole can be removed in 2 minutes.
It takes more time to process a large neoplasm.
- Requires local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain, since the removal of the nevus takes more time.
Sometimes the mole reappears after surgery. Now we will tell you what to do in this case.
12. I had a mole removed, and then it grew back. What to do?
This phenomenon is called nevus recurrence. It means that the neoplasm was not completely removed and its particles remained in the skin. Gradually they grew into a new mole. It is not dangerous to health, but it will require another operation to remove it.
For this reason, it is very important to seek the help of experienced doctors. They will operate on you so that the removed mole will not grow back.
There are currently 5 different methods used to remove nevi.
13. How can a mole be removed?
To properly remove a mole, you need to choose the right method for this. Therefore, doctors carefully examine problematic nevi to understand how best to remove them.
5 methods are used for this:
- Laser processing. A powerful light beam burns out the neoplasm cells. The skin is processed in layers, which prevents damage to healthy tissues. The procedure does not cause bleeding or pain.
- Electrocoagulation. The mole is cut off with a surgical coagulator. It creates a high-frequency current that cuts the tissue and solders it. This method does not cause bleeding and infection of the wound.
- Radio wave removal. For the treatment of nevi, a radioknife is used. It cuts tissue with high frequency radio waves. The procedure is contraindicated in people with a pacemaker, as well as in patients with herpes and in a feverish state.
- Cryodestruction. This method is best suited for the treatment of neoplasms in the upper layers of the skin. A swab soaked in liquid nitrogen is applied to them. As a result, the body rejects the treated nevi. The procedure is not suitable for people with cold intolerance.
- Surgical removal. This method effectively eliminates large and dangerous moles. They are cut off with a scalpel along with a small area of healthy skin. This leaves a large scar that takes several weeks to heal. Wounds need to be looked after for a long time.
Now that you have learned how to remove tumors, we will talk about the consequences of such operations.
14. I'm afraid to remove a mole because I'm afraid of the consequences
You won't have any problems if a qualified doctor removes your mole. But the consequences of the wrong operation can be very serious. Refrain from using the services of specialists from dubious beauty salons.
Not only the quality of the operation is important, but also accurate diagnosis. For example, in the Lasersvit clinic, when examining moles, a Delta 20 T dermatoscope is used. It allows you to detect skin cancer at an early stage.
If you decide to contact us, choose the right time to remove the growths. Now we will show you how to do it.
15. Tell me, at what time of the year is it better to remove a mole?
If you do not need to urgently remove a nevus, then the best time of the year for the operation is autumn and winter. There are few sunny days during this period. Therefore, it is easier for you to follow the doctor's instructions for protecting the operated area of skin from the sun.
However, you can also choose another time to have your moles removed. If you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, you can do it even in summer. But remember that for the successful elimination of nevi, it is important not only to find a good doctor, but also to follow his instructions.
16. I am pregnant in my second trimester. Can moles be removed during pregnancy?
There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on your specific situation. Contact your gynecologist and then consult a dermatologist. They will examine the nevi that are bothering you and determine if the mole can be removed during pregnancy.
We recommend you visit a dermatologist if:
- The flat neoplasm is swollen.
- Nevus enlarged and changed color.
- There was pain and burning in the area with a mole.
If you do not have these signs, then everything is in order. Pregnant women have a lot of nevi due to hormonal imbalance. It's quite normal.
If you want to remove the neoplasm for aesthetic reasons, it is better to wait until the baby is born. Don't put too much stress on him or yourself.
17. How can I check and remove a mole myself?
Now let's talk about checking and removing moles. You can still check it yourself, but deletion - in no case. If you do not have a medical education and suitable equipment, then the result of mole removal will be disappointing. It is highly likely that your inept actions will only lead to a worsening of the situation.
However, this does not mean that only a dermatologist should deal with your moles. There are 5 signs of nevus degeneration that you need to remember:
- Asymmetric halves.
- Rough edges.
- Color change.
- Size increase.
- External changes - cracks, peeling, bleeding.
Check your growths periodically. If you notice one of the signs described, contact a dermatologist. He will examine the nevi and determine if they need to be removed.
18. I have a prominent mole on my face – can it be removed?
Yes, but only after seeing a doctor. A dermatologist will check your growth and select the best method for removing it. He will also determine whether it is necessary to conduct a histological examination - the study of mole cells.
You can remove a convex mole on the face by any of the available methods: laser, coagulator or scalpel.
19. Is it necessary to do histology of removed moles?
Histology of the removed mole is carried out at the request of the patient. However, we strongly recommend that this study be performed if the doctor suspects the degeneration of a nevus.
Histology is now the most accurate method for diagnosing malignant neoplasms. Based on its results, you will know for sure whether you have skin cancer or not.
20. Advise how and how to remove a mole on the face without a scar?
Almost any modern method is suitable for this. For example, using a laser, you can remove a mole on your face without a scar in a matter of minutes.
You don't have to worry that after the operation you have to wait a long time until the treated area of the skin heals. The laser beam affects only neoplasm cells and does not affect healthy tissues. After the procedure, cell renewal begins - a hard crust from the skin surface disappears in a few weeks. Follow all the instructions of the dermatologist, and you will get rid of the nevus forever. At the same time, scars and scars will not remain on the skin.
Now we will tell you which moles can be removed with a laser.
21. Can all moles be removed with a laser?
Unlike other methods, laser surgery has no contraindications and is suitable for removing any nevi. But it is possible only after examining the mole - the doctor must give permission for removal.
Laser moles can be removed even during pregnancy. Although in this case, we recommend that the operation is carried out only when absolutely necessary.
Doctors use a laser to remove both small and large neoplasms. The only difference is the duration of the procedure.
In the clinic "Lazersvit" one small mole is removed sometimes even in a minute. The laser can treat many nevi at once. In this case, the operation will continue for 30-40 minutes.
22. My child is 10 years old. On his body, I found a mole that frightens me. Can it be removed?
Your caution is respected! It's great that you look after the child's moles - it can save his life. The main thing here is not to worry. Until you know whether a mole in a child is really dangerous. Take him to see a dermatologist. The doctor will check the nevus that is bothering you and make a diagnosis.
If you want to know how old moles can be removed, then know that there are no age restrictions. However, this does not mean that any neoplasm in a baby must be removed.
We recommend that surgery be performed only if there is an urgent need. For example, a baby has grown giant nevi, more than 20 cm in diameter. They are very dangerous. With a probability of 30%, these moles will degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. For small nevi, the decision should be made by a dermatologist.
Don't try to guess the diagnosis. Only after an examination by a doctor will it become clear whether it is possible to remove a mole from a child. Don't put off solving your problem until tomorrow - make an appointment with a dermatologist today.
23. I've heard that there are many ways to remove moles - advise what is the best way to remove a mole on the face?
It is impossible to say unequivocally that some way is the best. Each of them has its own characteristics. But if we talk about the most universal, then this is the use of a laser.
There are no contraindications for laser removal of nevi and this method is suitable for treating neoplasms on different parts of the body. The procedure is fast, painless, with a short period of skin healing.
Remember that even the most perfect removal method will be useless if you do not follow the doctor's instructions and do not take care of the treated skin area. Although you have learned the best way to remove moles, successfully getting rid of them depends largely on you.
24. I found red moles on my body. How can they be removed?
To remove red moles or scientific angiomas, the same methods are used as for the removal of ordinary nevi. Only here before deleting you need to understand whether there is a need for this.
Angioma is a benign vascular formation. It is not dangerous to health and occurs due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract or hormonal imbalance.