Split abdomen after pregnancy
Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation): Symptoms & Treatment
Diastasis recti happens when a person's abdomen stretches during pregnancy and creates a gap in the abdominal muscles.What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti (diastasis rectus abdominis or diastasis) is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles during and after pregnancy. The rectus abdominis runs vertically along the front of your stomach. It's frequently referred to as someone's "six-pack abs." It's divided into left and right sides by a band of tissue called the linea alba that runs down the middle. As your uterus expands during pregnancy, the abdominals are stretched and the linea alba thins and pulls apart. This band of tissue gets wider as it's pushed outward.
Once you deliver your baby, the linea alba can heal and come back together. It's highly elastic and retracts backs (like a rubber band). When the tissue loses its elasticity from being overstretched, the gap in the abdominals will not close as much as it should. This is diastasis recti.
If you have diastasis, your belly may appear to stick out just above or below the belly button, making you appear pregnant months or years after giving birth.
Why does diastasis recti happen?
Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on your abdomen (abs). The abdomen is made up of left and right ab muscles and a thin band of connective tissue (linea alba) in between. They are pushed outward and stretched to make room for the growing baby. Diastasis recti occurs when the linea alba is overstretched and doesn't come back together. The left and right sides of the abdominals stay separated. It's also referred to as an "ab gap" or abdominal separation.
Who gets diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is most common in pregnant and postpartum women (it can also be seen in men and infants). Diastasis recti usually develops in the third trimester. There is increased pressure on the abdominal wall because the baby is growing quickly during this time. Most people don't notice diastasis recti until the postpartum period.
How common is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is extremely common in those who are pregnant and during the postpartum period. It affects 60% of people. It usually resolves itself within eight weeks of delivery. About 40% of those who have diastasis recti still have it by six months postpartum.
Symptoms and Causes
What are the symptoms of diastasis recti?
Most people don't notice signs of diastasis recti until they are postpartum. You can have diastasis recti during pregnancy, but it's hard to distinguish because your abdomen is stretched.
Common signs of diastasis recti during the postpartum period are:
- A visible bulge or "pooch" that protrudes just above or below the belly button.
- Softness or jelly-like feeling around your belly button.
- Coning or doming when you contract your ab muscles.
- Difficulty lifting objects, walking or performing everyday tasks.
- Pain during sex.
- Pelvic or hip pain.
- Low back pain.
- Poor posture.
- Urine leaking when you sneeze or cough.
- Constipation.
- Feeling weak in your abdominals.
What does diastasis recti feel like?
Diastasis recti is not painful. You may feel pain associated with some of the side effects of diastasis, but the ab separation itself doesn't hurt. You may feel weakness in your core when doing once easy tasks, like lifting a laundry basket. Some people feel a jelly-like texture in the space between the left and right abdominals when contracting the ab muscles.
How do I know if I have diastasis recti?
There are some common signs that can signal you have diastasis recti. One of the most common signs of diastasis recti is a bulge in your midsection that doesn't go away, even after exercising or losing weight gained during pregnancy. Another sign is that your belly cones or domes when you lean back on a chair or get up out of bed. You can check for diastasis recti on your own, but it is always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider about your symptoms.
What are the risk factors for developing diastasis recti?
Several factors can increase your risk for developing diastasis recti:
- Having multiple pregnancies (especially back-to-back).
- Being over 35 years old.
- Having multiples (such as twins or triplets).
- Having a heavy or big baby.
- Being extremely petite.
- Vaginal delivery. Pushing can increase abdominal pressure.
Diagnosis and Tests
How is diastasis recti diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider will evaluate if diastasis is present, where it's located and how severe it is. Diastasis recti can occur above the belly button, below the belly button and at the belly button.
Your provider will use their hands and fingers to feel the abdominal area for gaps and muscle tone. Some providers may use ultrasound, measuring tape or a tool called a caliper for a more accurate measurement. This exam typically occurs at your postpartum appointment before being cleared for exercise.
An abdominal gap wider than 2 centimeters is considered diastasis recti. Diastasis recti is also measured in finger widths, for example, two or three fingers' separation.
Your healthcare provider may recommend movements for diastasis recti or they may refer you to a specialist for additional treatment.
How do I test myself for diastasis recti?
You can test yourself for diastasis recti:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Lift your shoulders slightly off the ground, keeping one hand behind your head for support. Almost like you are doing a sit-up. Look down at your belly.
- Move your other hand above your belly button area, palms down and fingers towards your toes.
- Use your fingers to feel for a gap between the abs. See how many fingers can fit in the gap between your right and left abdominals.
If you feel a gap of two or more finger widths, discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. They should confirm diastasis recti with a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate care.
Management and Treatment
How can I fix diastasis recti?
To fix diastasis recti, you'll need to perform gentle movements that engage the abdominal muscles. Before starting an exercise program, be sure it's safe for diastasis recti. Work with a fitness professional or physical therapist who has experience with diastasis recti. They can create a treatment plan to make sure you are performing the movements correctly and progressing to more challenging movements at the right time.
Certain movements will make abdominal separation worse. During the postpartum period, there are some modifications you should make:
- Avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.
- Roll onto your side when getting out of bed or sitting up. Use your arms to push yourself up.
- Skip activities and movements that push your abdominals outward (like crunches and sit-ups).
Some people use binding devices (elastic belly bands) to help hold their belly in and support the lower back. Wearing binders can't heal diastasis recti and will not strengthen your core muscles. It can be a good reminder of your diastasis recti and promote good posture.
Can you fix diastasis recti without surgery?
Yes, it's possible to fix diastasis recti without surgery. Surgery is rarely performed to fix diastasis recti. Healthcare providers will recommend physical therapy or at-home exercises to help heal diastasis before surgical methods. Surgery is performed in cases of hernia (when an organ pushes through the linea alba) or if a woman wants diastasis recti surgery (a tummy tuck).
What are the best exercises for diastasis recti?
The best exercises for diastasis recti are those that engage the deep abdominals. Most diastasis recti exercises involve deep breathing and slow, controlled movements. Unfortunately, many of the most common ab exercises (like crunches) can worsen your diastasis. Before starting abdominal exercises, ask your healthcare provider to check you for diastasis recti.
What movements make diastasis recti worse?
Any movement that bulges the abdominal wall forward can cause more damage to your diastasis recti. Everyday movements like getting out of bed or up off a chair can worsen diastasis. Try to be mindful about how you are using your abdominals as you go about your day.
These exercise movements should be avoided if you have diastasis recti:
- Crunches or sit-ups of any kind.
- Planks or push-ups (unless using modifications).
- Downward dog, boat pose and other yoga poses.
- Double leg lifts, scissors and other Pilates moves.
- Any exercise that causes your abdominals to bulge, cone or dome.
How do I prevent diastasis recti?
Some abdominal separation is normal and expected with pregnancy. There are some things you can do to lower your risk for developing diastasis recti:
- Healthy weight gain during pregnancy: Exercising and eating healthy foods to keep weight gain within a healthy range.
- Proper posture and deep breathing: Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Take deep breaths that allow your ribs to expand and not just your belly.
- Safe core exercises: Avoid exercises like sit-ups and crunches that put pressure on your abdominals after 12 weeks of pregnancy and postpartum.
- Don't strain while lifting: Certain day-to-day activities like lifting grocery bags or your children can put undue strain on your abdominals.
- Log roll when getting out of bed: If you're pregnant or postpartum, roll to one side and use your arms to push up out of bed.
Outlook / Prognosis
How long will it take to heal my diastasis recti?
The amount of time it takes to heal diastasis recti depends on the amount of ab separation and how consistent you are with strengthening exercises. After several weeks postpartum, this gap will start to close as your muscles regain strength. If you're making modifications to your lifestyle and performing exercises with good form, you're more likely to notice progress.
Can I get diastasis recti again?
Yes, you can heal your diastasis recti and get it again. Your risk for diastasis recti increases the more times you are pregnant. Think of the linea alba as a rubber band that is continuously stretched. Over time, the rubber band will lose its elasticity. The linea alba may not regain its original shape or form after being stretched through multiple pregnancies.
Is it too late to fix my diastasis recti?
It's never too late to repair your diastasis recti. With the proper exercises, you can fix your ab separation years after you've delivered your last baby.
Are there complications from diastasis recti?
If left untreated or in severe cases of diastasis recti, complications can include:
- Umbilical hernia.
- Increase in back pain.
- Pain during sex.
- Urinary incontinence.
- Pelvic and hip pain.
Living With
When should I see my healthcare provider?
Diastasis recti is a common and easily treated condition. If you have more than a two-finger gap between your abdominals or are experiencing pain, contact your healthcare provider for a diagnosis. They may want you to see a physical therapist or pelvic floor specialist to help strengthen your abdominal muscles.
A note from Cleveland Clinic:
Diastasis recti can make you appear pregnant years after your last baby. Discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider so they can diagnose and treat you. Getting treatment can help you feel more confident in your body and correct any pain you are experiencing.
How to Improve Diastasis Recti After Baby
Women often struggle to realize the flat and toned midsections that they enjoyed pre-baby won't always bounce right back post-delivery, and diastasis recti may be the culprit. Diastasis recti, more commonly known as abdominal separation, leaves many women looking pregnant months, even years, after delivery. But this condition is more common than you may think.
If you’ve recently given birth and are looking to strengthen and tone your abdomen, or you’re wondering how to get rid of your “mommy tummy,” here are some key facts and helpful tips for you to keep in mind.
What is Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, is a fairly common condition experienced by women during and after pregnancy, in which the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle spread apart at the body’s midline.
In addition to reducing the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall, diastasis recti can also lead to pelvic girdle instability, causing women to experience pelvic and back pain, sacroiliac (SI) joint irritation, and restricted mobility.
Hi, I'm Cheryl. I work at Moreland OB-GYN and today I'm here to talk about diastasis recti. What is diastasis recti? It is the separation of the left and right abdominal muscles that happens during pregnancy.
Why does it happen? The connective tissue between your right and left abdominal muscle group is called the linea alba. The hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy soften connective tissue and break down the linea alba causing a protrusion of the abdominal area or a little pooch belly. Will you develop a diastasis recti? Some women will and some women won't. Women who are short or petite in nature, if you have had a separation of muscles in previous pregnancies, you're most likely to develop it again, or if you've had previous medical conditions. If you're a previous exerciser and have strong muscles, that will help you to prevent any weakness as baby grows. It's also encouraged to perform the "log roll" maneuver in bed before getting up. I hope you have found this video and instructions useful. It is our mission at Moreland OB-GYN to lead you to better health.
What Causes Diastasis Recti?
During pregnancy, widening and thinning of the midline abdominal tissue occurs in response to the force of the growing uterus pushing against the abdominal wall. This, combined with pregnancy hormones that soften connective tissue, creates a small amount of widening of the midline and is normal.
Diastasis recti occurs in approximately 30-percent of all pregnancies and can develop anytime in the latter half of pregnancy. However, the condition is most commonly seen after pregnancy when the abdominal wall is lax, and the thinner midline tissue no longer provides adequate support for the torso and internal organs.
Those at the greatest risk of diastasis recti include:
- Women who are expecting more than one baby
- Petite women
- Women with a visible sway back and those with poor abdominal muscle tone
- Women who are considered obese
However, genetics also plays a significant role in determining whether your abdominal muscles will separate. For most women, it’s simply how their bodies respond to pregnancy.
How Do I Know If I Have Diastasis Recti?
A simple self-test will help you to determine if you have diastasis recti. Follow these steps:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, and place the soles of your feet on the floor.
- Place one hand behind your head, and your other hand on your abdomen, with your fingertips across your midline, parallel with your waistline, at the level of your belly button.
- With your abdominal wall relaxed, gently press your fingertips into your abdomen.
- Roll your upper body off the floor into a “crunch,” making sure that your rib cage moves closer to your pelvis.
- Move your fingertips back and forth across your midline, feeling for the right and left sides of your rectus abdominis muscle. Test for separation at, above, and below your belly button.
If you feel a gap of more than two-and-a-half finger-widths when your rectus abdominis is fully contracted, the gap doesn’t shrink as your contract your abdominal wall, or you can see a small mound of tissue protruding along the length of your midline, you most likely have diastasis recti.
Are There Any At-Home Treatments for Diastasis Recti?
The good news is that the vast majority of women can close their midlines and flatten their abdominal walls with proper rehabilitation exercises.
Transverse Abdominis Activation
While lying on your back with your knees bent, draw your belly button in towards your spine. Contract your stomach muscles (as if coughing or sneezing) and hold this position. When this becomes easy and pain-free, move on to the next exercise.
- Repeat: 10 Times
- Hold: 3 Seconds
- Complete: 3 Sets
- Perform: 2 Times a day
Brace Heel Slides
While lying on your back with your knees bent, perform the transverse abdominis contraction as outlined in the first exercise. Hold this position with your stomach and slowly slide your heel forward on the floor or bed and then slide it back. Use your stomach muscles to keep your spine from moving. When this becomes easy and pain-free, move on to the next exercise.
- Repeat: 10 Times
- Complete: 3 Sets
- Perform: 2 Times a day
Brace Marching
While lying on your back with your knees bent, perform the transverse abdominis contraction as outlined in the first exercise. Slowly raise up one foot a few inches and then set it back down. Next, perform on your other leg. Use your stomach muscles to keep your spine from moving. When this becomes easy and pain-free, move on to the next exercise.
- Repeat: 10 Times
- Complete: 3 Sets
- Perform: 2 Times a day
Brace Single Knee Extension
While lying on your back with knees bent, perform the transverse abdominis contraction as outlined in the first exercise. Slowly straighten out one knee while keeping the leg off the ground. Hold as indicated, then return to original position. Next, perform on the other leg. Keep your stomach muscles contracted.
- Repeat: 10 Times
- Complete: 3 Sets
- Perform: 1 Time a day
When Do I Need to See My Doctor for Diastasis Recti?
In extreme cases of diastasis recti, abdominal tissue may tear, which may cause internal organs to poke out of the opening, also known as a hernia. In severe cases, the protruding organ may become strangulated, causing the blood supply to get cut off, which may lead to infection and tissue death. If you suspect you have a hernia, we encourage you to see your doctor for a physical exam or other diagnostic tests.
Why Choose Moreland OB-GYN?
We understand how important it is for women to “get back to normal” as soon as possible after pregnancy, and while many are comfortable diving back into their previous exercise routines, some women may need a little guidance. We’re happy to answer any questions that you have and deliver a personalized care plan tailored specifically to your needs.
At Moreland OB-GYN, we specialize in women’s health care and prioritizing the needs of our patients at all ages and stages of life. We hope you’ll connect with us to answer your questions and we hope you’ll turn to our experts as a trusted source for information.
how to remove and tighten the skin?
The birth of a child is the most beautiful and anticipated moment in the life of every girl. But the joy of motherhood always has another side - the reflection in the mirror no longer pleases. The stomach most often suffers from excess weight after pregnancy and childbirth. A sagging apron, multiple stretch marks (stretch marks) on the skin, diastasis - all these changes cause a certain discomfort to a young mother.
Many people say that you can get in shape with the help of diet and sports, but, unfortunately, these methods do not cope with all the changes that have occurred. For example, the “apron” on the stomach after losing weight will sag even more, and stretch marks and diastasis will not go away.
Return a slender and toned belly after childbirth - abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world to restore lost shape.
Belly after childbirth: how do the muscles behave?
From the middle of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles begin to gradually stretch under the influence of a significant increase in the uterus and strong internal tension. The rectus abdominis muscles literally "diverge" to the sides. This provokes the occurrence of diastasis - the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Plus, the influence of the hormonal background is added to this.
But nature cunningly conceived the female body - after the birth of a baby, the abdominal muscles return to their original state. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen for everyone. There may be several reasons:
- dysplasia (weak connective tissue fibers)
- significant fetal weight
- low level of physical fitness - the muscular corset of the expectant mother is not ready for transformation
- short interval between births (less than 1.5 years)
It is worth noting that each subsequent pregnancy increases the likelihood of muscle separation.
As a rule, the belly after childbirth worries young mothers more from an aesthetic point of view. The abdomen looks round, puffy, with flabby and sagging skin, there is no relief.
What if the belly sagged after childbirth?
Sagging belly after childbirth is a very common and characteristic phenomenon for young mothers. But it's not just the skin that sags. On the abdomen, the body accumulates fat deposits to protect the unborn baby.
It is important to understand: the belly does not quickly return to shape after childbirth, the body needs time to recover. Approximately after 2 months, the uterus returns to its prenatal state, the hormonal background and other body systems are restored. A woman in labor loses extra pounds, and the skin on her stomach tightens. In this case, the following will help: proper balanced nutrition, wearing compression underwear (bandage) for 4-6 months after childbirth, cosmetic procedures (massages) and physical exercises. All recommendations are given in the hospital, so strictly adhere to them.
But it is not always necessary to rely on the restoration of forms. For example, after a caesarean section, the abdominal muscles simply cannot return to their previous shape due to the fact that they are physiologically unable to “close”. Then the stomach after childbirth is significantly noticeable, the navel looks a little “turned out” outward. And all this is accompanied by stretched skin. In this case, there are direct indications for abdominoplasty.
How to tighten the skin on the abdomen?
Before starting recovery after childbirth, it is worth consulting with your family doctor. Usually, experts recommend starting this no earlier than 2 months after childbirth.
The recovery process is always individual and can take from 5 months to 1 year. It all depends on many factors:
- how much did you gain during pregnancy
- what was the birth - natural or caesarean section
- baby weight
You can restore the tone of the stomach after childbirth, conditionally, in 2 ways: at home, eating right and playing sports, or contact a plastic surgeon.
Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth
More than half of new mothers develop stretch marks after childbirth. What are stretch marks on the skin? These are skin imperfections. In simple terms, the skin "tears" and scar tissue appears in this place. Stretch marks are often pink at first and then fade to whitish. Sometimes microtraumas destroy small vessels and capillaries, which stain striae in a maroon color.
The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are hormonal changes and weight fluctuations (a sharp set of kilograms, and then weight loss). Also, the skin, due to the lack of collagen and elastin, cannot withstand the increase in the circumference of the abdomen and hips.
Stretch marks most often occur on the thighs and abdomen. It is impossible to remove them at home. One of the solutions for a small number of stretch marks on the body is laser resurfacing with a Fotona laser. The procedure improves their appearance.
Stretch marks can be removed during a surgical tummy tuck. Completely go away striae, which are located near the navel and lower abdomen. In addition, due to the fact that during abdominoplasty the skin is smoothed, stretch marks become almost invisible.
How to clean the belly after childbirth at home?
Young mothers usually begin the return of lost forms at home.
- Proper nutrition. This is the foundation of all foundations. But young mothers often make the main mistake - they want to lose weight quickly. Rapid weight loss has a negative effect on the figure. You need to eat properly and fully. Only then can good results be achieved. In numbers, breastfeeding takes up to 800 calories, so the daily diet of a nursing woman should be 1300-1400 calories. Thus, weight loss will be uniform and will allow you to fix a stable weight.
- Bandage. Properly selected compression underwear will help to quickly contract the skin and support weakened abdominal muscles.
- Physical exercise. It is worth resuming physical activity no earlier than 6-8 weeks after the birth of a child. Start with a moderate load, preferably cardio training - walking, running, and then strength. The last thing you need to load the press.
- Massage. Home vacuum massage stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, improving skin quality.
How to clean the stomach after childbirth with the help of a doctor?
In most cases, surgery is needed to achieve a smooth and flat stomach, just like before childbirth.
Plastic surgery, which is aimed at giving a tightened appearance to the abdomen, is called abdominoplasty. Its essence: removal of excess skin from the anterior abdominal wall, fat deposits and strengthening the white line of the abdomen. A full range of problems can be solved in one surgical intervention:
- remove overhanging skin-fat “apron”
- eliminate loose skin and partial stretch marks
- suture diastasis
- remove unaesthetic retracted scar after caesarean section
- strengthen abdominal muscles
- outline the waistline
Abdominoplasty is always performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgical intervention is determined by its volume. Usually it is 2-2.5 hours.
There are the following types of tummy tuck:
- Mini tummy tuck. Performed with minimal aesthetic defect. It does not involve the removal of a large "apron" and the transfer of the navel.
- Classic full tummy tuck. It is carried out with significant sagging of the skin, the presence of a skin-fat "apron", deformity of the navel.
A tummy tuck is often combined with liposuction - lipoabdominoplasty - to achieve maximum results.
When the surgeon says yes
For surgical tummy tuck, like any operation, there are indications:
- aesthetic dissatisfaction with the shape of the abdomen
- sagging skin-fat "apron"
- skin laxity, postoperative scars (caesarean section scar), scars
The first step to a perfect figure is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Only he can determine the indications for plastic surgery and give recommendations. And, of course, before surgery, it is important to undergo an examination and pass tests. According to their results, the surgeon will be able to say the final “yes”.
And when you shouldn't…
Abdominoplasty is the most effective way to restore beauty to the stomach. But there are situations when you should not rush. For example, if you are planning another pregnancy. A tummy tuck operation is recommended when the family is formed and the girl does not plan to give birth. This will be the key to a stable and long-term result.
Also, tummy tuck has a number of contraindications:
- chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage
- heart or lung failure
- malignant growths
- bleeding disorder
The results will not keep you waiting
Rehabilitation after a tummy tuck takes 2 weeks. All this time (around the clock) the patient must walk in a bandage - this is important to stabilize the result and reduce postoperative risks. You can evaluate the result of a tummy tuck after 1 month.
How to clean the belly after childbirth
Many women after childbirth are very worried about the figure and look at themselves in front of the mirror with fear, not believing that the former forms will ever return again. Not everyone becomes slim again in a short time without effort. Basically, you need to change a lot in life and work on yourself, while devoting a lot of time to the baby.
Moms are especially worried about the condition of the abdomen, which has not yet gathered after childbirth and often literally hangs down. As a result, women begin to exhaust themselves with diets and workouts, not even suspecting that they can harm their own health. Only one thing worries them most of all - how to remove the stomach after childbirth, how to tighten the figure and look good again, to be able to wear things that were the size before pregnancy.
Causes of flabby abdomen after childbirth
Before you figure out what to do with the stomach after childbirth, you need to know that pregnancy greatly changes the figure of a woman. Other processes also influence this:
- an increase in body weight - this indicator is affected not only by appetite during the bearing of a baby, but also by the growth of the fetus and uterus, the restructuring of the metabolic process in the body, fluid retention in tissues;
- shift in the center of gravity - posture changes in the first trimester under the influence of the hormone relaxin. It helps to soften the ligaments of the spine and inguinal ring. When the fetus grows, the center of gravity shifts; as a result, the stomach begins to bulge forward, the process of accumulation of fat and fluid begins;
- diastasis - stretching the muscles of the abdominal wall is a problem that many women in labor face.
And the main reason for this is an increase in the uterus, a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, congenital weakness of the connective tissue;
- surgical intervention - after a caesarean section, the body recovers longer and is accompanied by swelling, which visually increases the volume of the waist.
It happens that a woman experiences a stressful state after childbirth, cannot switch and get used to the role of a mother, changes in life and figure, worries about how to clean her stomach. Added to this is poor sleep and lack of sleep. Postpartum depression negatively affects the state of a woman, both moral and external. She does not know how to remove the postpartum belly, and is constantly dissatisfied with herself.
What to do with the belly after childbirth
First of all, you need to consult a gynecologist. It is not always possible to play sports and allow yourself physical activity after the birth of a baby. And the first month and a half after the baby was born, it is categorically contraindicated.
The fact is that the uterus immediately begins to contract after childbirth, and this process continues for 40 days. Together with the reduction of this smooth muscle hollow organ, the process of restoration of the abdomen is also started. Until the end of the process of uterine contraction, doctors do not recommend playing sports. Such loads can cause bleeding or prolapse of the uterus, if there was a caesarean section, suture divergence is possible.
The uterus is a strong muscular organ that is able to greatly stretch and contract, to support the weight of the fetus. During pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus reaches the base of the ribs and diaphragm by 36 weeks.
If after childbirth you feel normal and there are no complications, it is allowed to use a special postpartum bandage, with which you can tighten your stomach. If at the same time the woman feels tension in the muscles and discomfort, the bandage should be discarded.
There are various creams, the composition of which is aimed at tightening the skin of the abdomen, helps to make the skin more elastic and elastic. You can use them after childbirth.
But when exactly the problem will disappear, it is simply impossible to predict in advance due to a number of factors:
- body constitution;
- heredity;
- the number of kilograms gained during pregnancy.
A lot also depends on the efforts made by a woman to return to her former forms. And as already mentioned, not everyone can afford sports after the birth of a child, if there are doctor's orders and complications.
Reconstruction of the abdomen after childbirth
After childbirth, the skin in the abdomen loses elasticity, becomes flabby and sags. Indeed, in the process of bearing a child, the stomach constantly increased, and then abruptly “emptied”. Often, ugly stretch marks form on the skin, which also need to be dealt with. Physical exercises and gymnastics should be performed in a complex.
To get rid of the stomach, you need a whole range of measures. And first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition and adjust it without harm to the baby: after all, if you eat poorly, milk will disappear.
There are some simple and important rules for women after childbirth:
- eat often, but little by little, try to eat a balanced diet. Do not allow the body to starve, because in this case it begins to store fat reserves;
- Include cereals, white meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, vegetable fats, proteins in the diet. Fatty meats should be completely excluded, and fruits should preferably be eaten in the morning;
- drink water, up to 2 liters daily, it helps to start the metabolic process in the body, improves the appearance of the skin and increases its elasticity.
All these simple measures will help to quickly reduce the postpartum belly and get rid of the problem. And in conjunction with physical activity, the process will go even faster.
Abdominal exercises after childbirth
If you can play sports, you should use exercises for the whole body and on the abdominal area. You can start only after the permission of the doctor, not earlier than 6-8 weeks after childbirth. As for intensive training, it is better to start them within the first six months after the baby was born. It is important to know that correct posture helps to remove the postpartum belly.
Start your workout with a warm-up: you need to warm up the muscles before exercise, develop the joints. The stomach is well adjusted with the help of such an exercise as a plank. To do this, you need to stand on outstretched straight arms and legs, while the body should be parallel to the floor, the back is straight, the lower back does not bend, the buttocks do not rise. You can do a plank on your elbows, raise your legs to a raised position, do a side plank or a plank with crossed arms. When the body is static, the muscles are very tense and work with an increased load, which has a great effect on their relief. You can start doing the bar with approaches of 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 1-2 minutes.
Include a set of exercises for the arms, thighs and buttocks, back. Of course, it seems that there will not be enough time for all this at all, but devoting half an hour a day to your body is not a difficult task.
There is another effective way to tighten the stomach after childbirth. It helps to massage the abdomen, which is desirable to carry out daily for 10-15 minutes. After that, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or stretch mark cream to the skin of the stomach.
Massage is contraindicated at elevated body temperature, during menstruation, in the presence of skin lesions, diseases of the gallbladder or kidneys, the formation of a hernia.
You can tone up sagging skin of the abdomen and speed up its tightening by rubbing with a massage brush.