Red rash on kids face
Pictures of Childhood Skin Problems: Common Rashes and More
Medically Reviewed by Debra Jaliman, MD on August 06, 2021
Wondering about that rash, welt, or bump on your child's skin? Sickness, allergies, and heat or cold are often behind kids' skin changes. Most aren't a big deal and are easy to treat. You can learn to tell what many of them look like. Of course, always check with your child's doctor to know for sure and get the right treatment.
Worms don't cause ringworm. And ringworm doesn't need to be itchy. It's caused by a fungus that lives off dead skin, hair, and nail tissue. It starts as a red, scaly patch or bump. Then comes the telltale itchy red ring. The ring has raised, blistery, or scaly borders. Ringworm is passed on by skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal. Kids can also get it by sharing things like towels or sports gear. Your doctor may treat it with antifungal creams.
This contagious and usually mild illness passes in a couple of weeks. Fifth disease starts with flu-like symptoms. A bright face ( classically described as a 'slapped cheek' appearance) and body rash follow. It’s spread by coughing and sneezing and most contagious the week before the rash appears. It's treated with rest, fluids, and pain relievers (do not give aspirin to children). If your child has fifth disease and you are pregnant, call your doctor.
This once-common rash isn't seen as much in today's kids thanks to the chickenpox vaccine. It’s very contagious, spreads easily, and leaves an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all over the body. The spots go through stages. They blister, burst, dry, and crust over. Chickenpox can be very serious. All young kids should get a chickenpox vaccine. So should teens and adults who never had the disease or the vaccine.
Impetigo, caused by bacteria, creates red sores or blisters. These can break open, ooze, and develop a yellow-brown crust. Sores can show up all over the body but mostly around the mouth and nose. Impetigo can be spread through close contact or by sharing things like towels and toys. Scratching can spread it to other parts of the body. It's treated with antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics.
A virus causes these funky but mostly harmless, painless skin growths. Warts can spread easily from person to person. They also spread by touching an object used by a person with the virus. They're most often found on fingers and hands. To prevent warts from spreading, tell your child not to pick them or bite nails. Cover warts with bandages. They can easily be treated in a doctor's office by a freezing procedure.
Blame blocked sweat ducts. Heat rash looks like small red or pink pimples. You usually see heat rash on the head, neck, and shoulders of babies. The rash often comes when well-meaning parents dress a baby too warmly. But it can happen to any child in very hot weather. Dress your baby in only one more layer than you're wearing. It's OK if their feet and hands feel cool to the touch.
Some kids' skin reacts after touching foods, soaps, or plants like poison ivy, sumac, or oak. The rash usually starts within 48 hours after skin contact. Minor cases may cause mild redness or a rash of small red bumps. In severe cases you may see swelling, redness, and larger blisters. This rash usually goes away in a week or two but can be treated with an anti-inflammatory cream like hydrocortisone.
Despite its scary name, this is a common childhood illness. It starts with a fever, followed by painful mouth sores and a non-itchy rash. The rash blisters on hands, feet, and sometimes buttocks and legs. It spreads through coughing, sneezing, and used diapers. So wash hands often. Coxsackie isn’t serious and usually goes away on its own in about a week.
Kids prone to eczema may have other allergies and asthma. The exact cause isn't clear. But kids who get it tend to have a sensitive immune system. Watch for a raised rash with dry skin and intense itching. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. Some children outgrow it or have milder cases as they get older.
Many things can trigger these itchy or burning welts. Medicines such as aspirin (which kids should never take) and penicillin can set off hives. Food triggers include eggs, nuts, shellfish, and food additives. Heat or cold and strep throat can also cause hives. Welts can show up anywhere on the body and last minutes or days. Sometimes an antihistamine can help. Hives can be a sign of serious problems, especially when they come with breathing troubles or swelling in the face. In those cases or if hives don't go away, see your doctor.
Scarlet fever is strep throat with a rash. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, belly pain, and swollen neck glands. After 1-2 days, a red rash with a sandpaper texture shows up. After 7-14 days, the rash rubs off. Scarlet fever is very contagious, so wash hands often to keep it from spreading. Call your child's doctor if you think your child has it. They'll probably be treated with with antibiotics.
Roseola, a mild illness, gets its nickname from a list of six common childhood rashes. Young kids 6 months to 2 years are most likely to get it. It's rare after age 4. It starts with a cold, followed by a few days of high fever (which can trigger seizures). Then the fevers end suddenly. They're followed by a rash of small, pink, flat, or slightly raised bumps. It shows up first on the chest and back, then hands and feet.
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American Academy of Dermatology: "Atopic dermatitis," "Hives."
CDC: "Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD)."
KidsHealth: "Chickenpox," "Fifth Disease," "Ringworm," "Roseola," "Warts."
Medscape Reference: "Allergic Contact Dermatitis," "Impetigo."
Princeton University Health Services: "Skin Care."
Sutter Health: "Caring for Your Newborn."
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Pictures of Port Wine Stains, Moles, and Other Common Birthmarks
Medically Reviewed by Stephanie S. Gardner, MD on April 26, 2022
Birthmarks gain attention when there's a media blitz about someone with a visible mark, such as New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees. News reports suggest that he was born with this birthmark on his right cheek, which doctors checked early on and found to be harmless. Folk wisdom calls such babies "touched by an angel," but a doctor's advice is best.
A birthmark is a colored mark on or under the skin that's present at birth or develops shortly after birth.Some birthmarks fade with time; others become more pronounced. Birthmarks may be caused by extra pigment-producing cells in the skin or by blood vessels that do not grow normally. Most birthmarks are painless and harmless. In rare cases, they can cause complications or are associated with other conditions. All birthmarks should be checked by a doctor.
Seen here is former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who has a port wine stain on his forehead.
Salmon patches are nests of blood vessels that appear as small, pink, flat marks on the skin. They occur in one-third of newborn babies. Salmon patches can appear on the back of the neck ("stork bite"), between the eyes ("angel's kiss"), or on the forehead, nose, upper lip, or eyelids. Some fade as baby grows, but patches on the back of the neck usually don't go away. Salmon patches require no treatment.
Port-wine stains are a progressive vascular malformation of the skin, meaning that they're related to the skin's blood vessels. They are made of dilated capillaries that tend to get darker, increase in size and are more suseptible to bleeding with age. The color changes from pink to red to purple as the patient grows, and the lesions may become nodular during adult life. Because port-wine stains show no tendency to shrink, this is a disease with potentially devastating psychological and physical complications. Most medical specialists agree that it is very important to begin treatment as early as possible and to maintain treatment to prevent enlargement and vascular nodules. Treatment includes laser therapy, oral prednisone, skin grafts, and masking makeup.
Congenital melanocytosis are flat, smooth marks that are present from birth. Frequently found on the buttocks or lower back, they're typically blue, but can also be bluish gray, bluish black, or brown. They may resemble a bruise and are most common on darker-skinned babies. Congenital melanocytosis usually fade by school age, but may never disappear entirely. No treatment is needed.
Cafe-au-lait spots are smooth and oval and range in color from light to medium brown, which is how they got their name, "coffee with milk" in French. They're typically found on the torso, buttocks, and legs. Cafe-au-lait spots may get bigger and darker with age, but are generally not considered a problem. However, having several spots larger than a quarter is linked with neurofibromatosis and the rare McCune-Albright syndrome. Consult a doctor if your child has several spots.
Hemangiomas are a collection of small, closely packed blood vessels. Strawberry hemangiomas occur on the surface of the skin, usually on the face, scalp, back, or chest. They may be red or purple and are often raised, with sharp borders. These occur in 2 of every 100 babies born.
Strawberry hemangiomas usually develop a few weeks after birth. They grow rapidly through the first year before disappearing around age 9. Some slight discoloration or puckering of the skin may remain at the site. No treatment is required, but when they develop near the eye or mouth, or in a location that can bleed or become infected, they may need to be treated or removed.
Present at birth, deeper cavernous hemangiomas are just under the skin and appear as a bluish spongy mass of tissue filled with blood. If they're deep enough, the overlying skin may look normal. Cavernous hemangiomas typically appear on the head or neck. Most disappear by puberty. A combination of cavernous and strawberry hemangioma can occur.
Venous malformations are veins that did not form normally. They are present at birth but sometimes are not visible until later. VMs can look like a growth under the skin or simply resemble a bruise. They typically appear bluish color.
Congenital nevi are moles that appear at birth. The surface may be flat, raised, or bumpy. These moles can grow anywhere on the body and vary in size from less than an inch to over 8 inches. Congenital nevi occur in 1% of newborns. Most moles are not dangerous. But congenital nevi, especially large ones, have an increased risk of developing into melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. All moles should be monitored for changes.
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(10) Copyright © Bart's Medical Library / Phototake -- All rights reserved.
WebMD Medical Reference: “Your Newborn's Skin and Rashes.”
WebMD Medical Reference: “Skin Conditions: Pigmented Birthmarks.”
WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise: “Birthmarks -– Topic Overview. ”
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: “Birthmarks – Pigmented.”
WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise: “Skin Changes -– Topic Overview.”
WebMD Medical Reference provided in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic: “Skin Conditions: Moles, Freckles and Skin Tags.”
WebMD Medical Reference provided in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic: “Skin Conditions: Red Birthmarks.”
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: “Port Wine Stain.”
WebMD Medical Reference: “Cosmetic Procedures: Birthmarks and Other Abnormal Skin Pigmentation.”
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: “Birthmarks –– Red.”
American Academy of Dermatology: “Vascular Birthmarks.”
KidsHealth: “What’s a Birthmark?”
WebMD Medical Reference from the National Organization for Rare Disorders: “Cavernous Malformation.”
Vascular Birthmarks Foundation: “Venous Malformation Information.”
eMedicine from WebMD: “Vascular, Venous Malformations.”
WebMD Public Information from the U.S. National Institutes of Health: “What You Need to Know About Melanoma. ”
Children’s Specialists of San Diego website: “Congenital Pigmented Moles (Congenital Nevi).
New York Times: “Congenital Nevus On the Abdomen.”
Dr. Green website: “Hemangioma.” "Port-Wine Stains." "Your Newborn's Skin: Birthmarks & Rashes." "Birthmarks & Hemangiomas."
American Academy of Dermatology: "Red, white, and brown: Defining characteristics of common birthmarks will determine type and timing of treatment."
American Academy of Dermatology
National Library of Medicine
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Seattle Children's Hospital
Johns Hopkins Medicine
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Causes of rashes in children
Naturally, only a pediatrician, dermatologist or allergist can correctly determine the cause of rashes , diagnose and prescribe treatment for a child. But parents themselves can provide initial assistance, relieve itching and help the baby, knowing the main signs and causes of the rash . At the first stage, it is important to determine the nature of the rash - infectious , allergic or none of the above.
Causes of rashes in children:
1. Newborn acne . For the first time may occur in newborns at the age of 1 - 2 months. As a rule, such rashes are hormonal in nature, are not contagious and are not allergies . A rash in the form of pimples, sometimes with a white dot in the middle, appears on the head, body of the baby. If there are no purulent compartments, then the rash goes away on its own and does not require treatment. Acne can also occur in teenagers. They most often appear on the face as black dots and are associated with hormonal changes in the body of a teenager and increased work of the sebaceous glands. To prevent acne, there are cosmetic lotions, washing gels and other products. In case of inflammation, it is better to seek advice from a pediatric dermatologist or cosmetologist, because. antibiotic treatment may be needed;
2. Urticaria is an allergic reaction on the skin of a child, accompanied by itching and blisters on various parts of the body, in some cases fever and disturbed chair child. The blisters appear suddenly and can disappear just as quickly, but sometimes they disappear only after a few days. The causes of urticaria can be various factors: hormonal disorders, malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, consumption of foods that caused an allergic reaction (fish, eggs, citrus fruits, etc.), insect bites, reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, emotional stress etc. Urticaria can be chronic and not go away for a long time, and acute - disappearing after a few hours. For the treatment of urticaria, it is important to identify the underlying cause that caused it;
3. Food allergy manifests itself as pinkish red spots . It is slightly convex, edematous in places of scratching and is accompanied by itching. It is localized, as a rule, on the baby's cheeks, but can also appear on other parts of the body. It can occur in both infants and adolescents. If the baby is breastfed, then the allergy that has arisen is associated with the products consumed by the mother. If the newborn is artificially fed, then an allergic reaction may appear on the mixture. In older children, food allergies can be caused by fish, eggs, nuts, chocolate, strawberries, and other foods;
Allergy, as a rule, is accompanied by edema, which, in turn, if not properly treated and provided with untimely assistance, causes suffocation . If an allergy of any nature occurs, a pediatrician's consultation is required to help in choosing the optimal mixture for the baby, or a pediatric dermatologist - allergist to refer older children to laboratory tests ;
4. Household allergies . It can occur in both newborns and older children. It usually appears as pimples all over the body and is accompanied by lachrymation, sneezing. The causes of such a reaction of the body can be washing powder and other detergents, dust, plants, animal hair, etc. An allergic rash differs from an infectious rash in that the child does not have a temperature with it, he does not have general ailments, there is no loss of appetite, drowsiness;
5. Prickly heat . It occurs mainly in infants. It manifests itself in the form of red pimples all over the body, especially in the inguinal zone. The affected areas must be smeared with a special baby cream, air baths more often for the baby and a diaper change;
6. Roseola (erythema infectiosum) is an acute childhood viral disease affecting only children under 2 years of age. Very often, roseola is confused with SARS or rubella . At the beginning of the illness, the baby's temperature rises sharply, which lasts 3-5 days, and after that the child becomes covered with a red-pink rash that disappears in 5-7 days. This is not a dangerous disease, it does not require treatment, and if it occurs, the child should be given only antipyretic drugs;
7. Windmill . This is a common childhood infectious disease that requires treatment. The incubation period of this disease can last from 11 to 21 days. Occurs at any age. It is accompanied by a rash on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of red spots, in the center of which blisters with a yellowish liquid are localized. Accompanied by itching. As the disease progresses, the blisters burst, crusts form, leaving scars if the child has scratched the blister and brought the infection. The disease can also cause fever and headache;
8. Measles is an acute infectious disease that is quite rare due to the use of vaccinations. In addition, this virus is rarely activated in babies under 8 months old, because. they are protected by their mother's immunity. The disease begins with symptoms of a common cold - coughing, lacrimation, sneezing and fever up to 40 C. Then the child develops white spots on the mucous surface of the cheeks, nasal discharge, severe headache, photophobia. Then, within a few days, red spots of various shapes appear on the face, neck, near the head and further throughout the body. The disease is contagious within a week of the onset of the first symptoms. The virus is dangerous with complications such as: meningitis pneumonia development of deafness, brain damage and even death;
9. Scarlet fever is an acute infectious streptococcal disease. Begins with sore throat, high fever, enlarged tonsils , in some cases with plaque. Then a small dotted rash appears on the back, chest, knees, armpits, groin and quickly spreads throughout the body and face. Only the area around the mouth remains white. Throat and tongue become very red. By the end of the disease, peeling of the skin on the toes and hands begins;
10. Rubella is an acute infectious disease . The disease begins with a slight increase in temperature and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the parotid and cervical region. A small rash also appears on the face and behind the ears, and then all over the body. Rubella is very dangerous for pregnant women, and complications can occur in older children and adolescents. In children, the disease proceeds in a fairly mild form;
11. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Rash in meningitis is not the main symptom. However, with this disease, rashes appear on the back of the throat, as well as on the hips, back, buttocks in the form of a red rash of various shapes. Symptoms of meningitis include very high fever, severe headache, vomiting, photophobia, and neck muscle tension. At the slightest suspicion of meningitis, parents should immediately consult a doctor. Timely help with this disease will save the child's life;
12. Streptoderma is a skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease affects, as a rule, the paranasal and perioral region. In the beginning, redness appears around the nose and mouth, then small bubbles with liquid. When they burst, yellow crusts remain. The disease may be accompanied by fever;
13. Herpes is an infectious disease accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, in children it is most often located on the lips. This disease is extremely rare in newborns, because. they are given maternal immunity. It affects children from 3 to 4 years of age. In addition to a rash, the disease may be accompanied by a sore throat, fever.
There are a lot of skin rashes and diseases in children, they can be very similar, but some are completely harmless to your child's health, while others pose a threat not only to the general condition, but also to the child's life! Do not take risks, and if you have any doubts, if any spots, rashes and other symptoms appear, contact your pediatrician, who, if necessary, will refer you and your child to a pediatric dermatologist, allergist, neurologist or other highly specialized specialist, depending on the nature of the rash and the severity of the skin disease.
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Red pimples on the face of a newborn: symptoms, causes and treatment
Allergic rash in a newborn
An allergy in a baby is an unfavorable immune response of a child's body to a potentially dangerous substance. Most often, an allergic rash occurs against the background of the use by a nursing mother of products that can act as an irritant. This group includes:
- cow's milk;
- soy [1] and egg white;
- fish;
- strawberries;
- nuts.
The first sign of developing allergic rash is peeling. Pathological foci with overdried skin on the face of a newborn are formed symmetrically, localized on the cheeks and on the forehead.
It is necessary to consult a doctor if the appearance of rashes affects the general condition of the baby. Irritability, restless sleep, gastrointestinal disorders, fever and vomiting are dangerous symptoms that should be stopped immediately under the supervision of a pediatrician.
Neonatal acne
Neonatal acne may appear in the first weeks of a child's life on the forehead, nose and cheeks. In appearance, they resemble acne with purulent heads, characteristic of a teenage rash. It is assumed that the cause of the appearance of acne is increased production of sebum, which clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands and provokes an inflammatory reaction.
The pathogenesis of the appearance of small pimples in newborns is also associated with the processes of the formation of the hormonal system. The body gets rid of the transplacental influence of maternal androgens [2], adrenal hormones begin to be produced more intensively, which affect the condition of the skin.
Neonatal acne does not require treatment [9] - standard daily care using delicate soap or baby cosmetics is sufficient. In most cases, pimples that appear on the face go away on their own by 4 months of age.
Miliaria is a skin lesion that is associated with hyperfunction of the sweat glands and irritation of the excretory ducts . The disease can develop due to improper skin care newborn, with a long stay in hot rooms and the wrong choice of clothing (the child is heavily wrapped up).
Miliaria resembles an allergic rash, but differs from it in localization. Signs of allergy most often appear on the skin of the child's face, and with miliaria, rashes form throughout the body - most often in natural folds, on the neck, lower abdomen and upper chest.
What prickly heat looks like:
- small blisters with clear contents, prone to burning and itching;
- in difficult cases, reddish nodules with an inflamed rim;
- with extensive skin lesions - weeping areas.
Prickly heat by itself is not dangerous to the health of the child. But damage to the skin is fraught with the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection. In this case, purulent processes develop, the skin becomes edematous, a putrid odor appears. Red pimples with prickly heat cause discomfort in the child - he becomes capricious and irritable, refuses to eat and sleeps poorly.
Seborrheic dermatitis
In addition to red pimples, yellowish scales may appear on the skin of a newborn. These are signs of seborrheic dermatitis, a disease associated with increased secretion of sebum. Scales are formed in the first month of life in areas of the body with a large accumulation of sebaceous glands - on the scalp, upper third of the back, on the face, chest and in the area of the auricles. Seborrheic dermatitis is sometimes called "milky crusts", which may be associated with the use of unsuitable cosmetic products for baby skin care.
In fact, the disease is caused by high blood levels of maternal hormones or changes in the biochemical composition of lipids on the surface of the skin [4].
Most childhood seborrheic dermatitis resolves on its own. Parents need only take care of proper care , but diligently remove crusts is not recommended - you risk damaging delicate skin and causing infection. It is better to use specially designed products - such as Shampoo-foam from "milk crusts" for newborns. He facilitates the removal of scales in 90% of cases and soothes the scalp in 95% of babies [5.2]. The product contains 99% ingredients of natural origin. The shampoo is fragrance-free and has a tear-free formula.
In the presence of thick, dense scales, which are located not only on the scalp, but also in other areas, a good helper will be Milk crust cream which helps to completely remove milk crusts in an average of 7 days [5.3].
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease that is accompanied by chronic inflammation of the skin. Causes of an uncontrolled allergic reaction in infants are:
- food allergens - animal protein, soy products, certain types of vegetables;
- airborne allergens - household dust, pollen, pet hair, tobacco smoke, etc.;
- pathogenic microflora - fungi, viruses, bacteria.
Newborns are most often diagnosed with erythematous-squamous form of atopic dermatitis with signs of an acute inflammatory reaction:
- hyperemia of the skin;
- peeling;
- flat small papules.
Red spots are localized on the arms and legs in the area of the folds , on the sides of the neck, on the back of the hands and on the cheeks.
Children with atopic dermatitis are advised to regularly cleanse and moisturize their skin [6]. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only for extensive skin lesions that impair the quality of life of the baby - in this case, you should contact your pediatrician.
For daily care it is recommended to use STELATOPIA Emollient Cream . Studies [5.1] have shown that emollient:
- Reduces dry skin in 90% of cases [5.1] and reduces the likelihood of clinical signs of AD by 51% [10]
- Soothes itching in 91% of cases [5.
- Reduces inflammation after 32 hours [11]
Diaper dermatitis
This disease is better known as diaper rash and is accompanied by inflammation of the skin in the diaper area in infants. Rash appears as a result of prolonged body contact with wet diapers - the skin becomes excessively moist and defenseless against damaging factors (chemical, physical, infectious). The situation is aggravated by the simultaneous effect on the skin of children's feces that remain in a diaper or diaper.
Diaper dermatitis is not localized on the face - pimples in newborns appear on the lower abdomen, on the convex surfaces of the thighs and buttocks.
9 indicated for non-pharmacological treatment of pathology0003 air baths [7], bathing in a decoction of string and celandine [8] and meticulous hygiene procedures. For the prevention of diaper dermatitis and redness, it is recommended to use Diaper Cream 1 2 3.
Useful properties of the product:
- reduces redness and irritation by 80% from the first application [5];
- does not interfere with skin breathing;
- reduces the risk of exacerbations by 74% [5];
- protects, restores and soothes inflamed skin.
A number of dermatological diseases of newborns develop as a result of improper care, so parents should pay special attention to children's hygiene, and if the baby's condition worsens, immediately consult a doctor.
1. Bhatia J, Greer F, for the Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The use of mixtures based on soy protein in infant feeding.// Pediatrics, 2008; 121:1062–1068.
2. Herani M.I., Ando I. Acne in infancy and acne genetics // Dermatology 2003. Volume 206. Number 1. pp. 24-28. DOI: 10.1159/000067819