Recommended dosage for folic acid
Folic Acid | CDC
CDC urges all women of reproductive age to take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid each day, in addition to consuming food with folate from a varied diet, to help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida).
About folic acid
Folic acid is a B vitamin. Our bodies use it to make new cells. Think about the skin, hair, and nails. These–and other parts of the body – make new cells each day. Folic acid is the synthetic (that is, not generally occurring naturally) form of folate used in supplements and in fortified foods such as rice, pasta, bread, and some breakfast cereals
Why folic acid is important before and during pregnancy
When the baby is developing early during pregnancy, folic acid helps form the neural tube. Folic acid is very important because it can help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida). The neural tube forms the early brain and spine.
Women of reproductive age need 400 mcg of folic acid every day
- All women of reproductive age should get 400 mcg of folic acid every day to get enough folic acid to help prevent some birth defects because
- About half of U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, and
- Major birth defects of the baby’s brain or spine occur very early in pregnancy (3-4 weeks after conception), before most women know they are pregnant.
- When taking folic acid, a higher dose than 400 mcg of folic acid each day is not necessarily better to prevent neural tube defects, unless a doctor recommends taking more due to other health conditions.
- When planning to become pregnant, women who have already had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect should consult with their healthcare provider. CDC recommends that these women consume 4,000 mcg of folic acid each day one month before becoming pregnant and through the first 3 months of pregnancy.
- When planning to become pregnant, women who have already had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect should consult with their healthcare provider. CDC recommends that these women consume 4,000 mcg of folic acid each day one month before becoming pregnant and through the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Learn more about CDC’s folic acid recommendations here.
Learn more about the recommended intake level of folic acid here.
When to start taking folic acid
Every woman of reproductive age needs to get folic acid every day, whether she is planning to get pregnant or not, to help make new cells.
Are folate and folic acid the same thing?
The terms “folate” and “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, even though they are different. Folate is a general term to describe many different types of vitamin B9.
Types of folate can include
- Dihydrofolate (DHF)
- Tetrahydrofolate (THF)
- 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5, 10-Methylene-THF)
- 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-Methyl-THF or 5-MTHF)
Food fortification is a way to add vitamins or minerals, or both, to foods. Some rice, pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid. These foods are labeled “enriched.” Folic acid is a specific type of folate that does not generally occur naturally.
Folic acid is the ideal form of folate to use for food fortification. It is more stable than types of natural food folate, which can easily be broken down by heat and light. Folic acid is better suited for food fortification because many fortified products, such as bread and pasta, are cooked.6
CDC recommends that women of reproductive age who could become pregnant consume at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. However, it’s difficult to get 400 mcg of folic acid through diet alone. You can get 400 mcg of folic acid each day by taking a vitamin with folic acid in it, eating fortified foods, or a combination of the two, in addition to consuming a balanced diet rich in natural food folate.
How to get enough folic acid to prevent neural tube defects
In addition to eating foods with folate from a varied diet, women can get folic acid from
- Taking a vitamin that has folic acid in it:
- Most vitamins sold in the United States have the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 mcg) that women need for the prevention of neural tube defects.
Vitamins can be found at most local pharmacy, grocery, or discount stores.
- Most vitamins sold in the United States have the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 mcg) that women need for the prevention of neural tube defects.
- Eating fortified foods:
- You can find folic acid in some breads, breakfast cereals, and corn masa flour.
- Getting a combination of the two: taking a vitamin that has folic acid in it and eating fortified foods.
If taking folic acid for reasons other than neural tube defect prevention, talk to your healthcare provider.
Learn more about where to find folic acid in the United States here.
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Uses, Dosage, Effects, Food Sources, and More
Written by R. Morgan Griffin
In this Article
- Why do people take folic acid?
- How much folic acid should you take?
- Can you get folate naturally from foods?
- What are the risks of taking folic acid?
Folate, formerly known as folacin, is the generic term for both naturally occurring food folate and folic acid, the fully oxidized monoglutamate form of the vitamin that is used in dietary supplements and fortified foods. It is a B vitamin that's important for cell growth and metabolism. Studies show that many people in the U.S. don't get enough folic acid.
Don't be confused by the terms folate and folic acid. They have the same effects. Folate is the natural version found in foods. Folic acid is the man-made version in supplements and added to foods.
Why do people take folic acid?
Folic acid supplements are standard for pregnant women and women who plan to become pregnant. Folic acid reduces the risk for birth defects of a baby’s brain and spine -- spina bifida and anencephaly -- by 50% or more. Folic acid may also lower the risk of preeclampsia and early labor. Many doctors recommend that women of childbearing age take either a multivitamin or a folic acid supplement. Folic acid can protect against birth defects that may form before a woman knows they are pregnant.
Folic acid is used to treat deficiencies, which can cause certain types of anemia and other problems. Folate deficiencies are more common in people who have digestive problems, kidney or liver disease, or who abuse alcohol. Folic acid is also used to reduce the toxicity of the drug methotrexate in psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Folic acid supplements have been studied as treatments for many other conditions. So far, the results of these studies have been inconclusive.
How much folic acid should you take?
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) includes the folate you get from both the food you eat and any supplements you take.
Category | Folate (Folic Acid) For children under 1, only an adequate intake (AI) is available |
0-6 months | 65 micrograms/day |
7-12 months | 80 micrograms/day |
1-3 years | 150 micrograms/day |
4-8 years | 200 micrograms/day |
9-13 years | 300 micrograms/day |
14 years and up | 400 micrograms/day |
Pregnant women | 600 micrograms/day |
Breastfeeding | 500 micrograms/day |
The tolerable upper intake levels (UL) of a supplement are the highest amount that most people can take safely. Higher doses might be used to treat folate deficiencies. But don't take more unless a doctor says so.
Category | Folate (Folic Acid) |
1-3 years | 300 micrograms/day |
4-8 years | 400 micrograms/day |
9-13 years | 600 micrograms/day |
14-18 years | 800 micrograms/day |
19 years and up | 1,000 micrograms/day |
Can you get folate naturally from foods?
Good sources of folate are:
- Leafy green vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, and lettuce
- Beans, peas, and lentils
- Fruits like lemons, bananas, and melons
- Fortified and enriched products, like some breads, juices, and cereals
What are the risks of taking folic acid?
- Side effects.
Folic acid is generally regarded as safe. Side effects are rare. High doses of folic acid can cause nausea, bloating, gas, and insomnia.
- Interactions. High doses of folic acid can block the effects of some seizure medicines. If you take any regular medicines, ask how they will affect your intake of folic acid.
- Risks. Folic acid supplementation can sometimes mask the neurologic symptoms of serious and dangerous deficiencies of vitamin B12.
Folic acid how to choose. How to take folic acid while pregnant.
January 23, 2021
Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is a vital water-soluble vitamin involved in a number of important metabolic reactions in the human body. Also, B9 is one of the indispensable elements in the process of DNA formation, participates in the physiological, that is, correct, development of the fetus.
! | The name of the vitamin comes from the Latin folium - "leaf". |
Studies have shown that the human body does not produce enough folic acid. Even if the daily diet consists exclusively of vegetables, the body will not be able to independently provide itself with the necessary amount of folic acid. This must be understood and does not rely only on the diet.
In conditions such as pregnancy, tonsillitis, prolonged use of antibiotics, stress, influenza, vitamin B9 reserves are almost completely consumed by the body within two weeks. By using a folic acid supplement in their diet, anyone today can cover or prevent vitamin B9 deficiency and subsequent disease states.
Folic acid benefits
So, let's look at the functions of folic acid in the body
This is a vitamin that is not synthesized either in the liver or in the kidneys, but which must be supplied from the outside every day. A very small amount of vitamin B9 is synthesized by the beneficial intestinal microflora, and this is not enough to cover the costs of the vitamin by the body.
Why is he so important to us:
- weakness
- lethargy
- bad dream
- daytime sleepiness
- insomnia at night
- dizziness
- degraded performance
- susceptibility to seasonal infections
- The pallor of the skin
- emotional lability (constant mood swings from joy to irritation and back)
- experiencing cognitive problems
- including with memory
- reduced ability to concentrate
- possible skin rash in the form of blackheads or age spots
- liquid form
- capsules
- lozenges
- lozenges
- vegetable capsules
- tablets
Immature erythrocytes, red blood cells lose their properties. These red blood cells are called megaloblasts, and the disease associated with them is megaloblastic anemia.
Deficiency symptoms in the initial stages are "general":
Due to megaloblastic anemia, all organs receive less oxygen, due to which a separate pathological process begins in each of them.
The reason for all of the above may be a banal lack of vitamin B9. Using the example of megaloblastic anemia, we have shown the importance of folic acid supplementation in the prevention of disease states. The examples given are far from all that vitamin B9 is involved in..
Folic acid during pregnancy
Let us consider in more detail the importance of folic acid for pregnant women and children
According to WHO, folic acid deficiency occurs in more than half of modern women. And it mostly concerns young women. And since during pregnancy and lactation, the body intensifies the use of all useful substances, including B9 - with a vitamin deficiency, corresponding disturbances in the development of the fetus occur.
! | Large-scale clinical studies have shown that supplementation with B9 can almost completely (80%) correct folic acid deficiency within two to three months before the planned date of pregnancy |
The fact is that in pregnant women part of the folic acid goes to the intensively growing body - the child, so the mother does not receive the required amount.
As mentioned above, vitamin B9 is essential for DNA replication processes. It is this process that is most important for the embryo, fetus, and subsequently for the child. After all, the correct laying and development of the internal organs of the child, including the heart and brain, depends on the “quality” of cell division.
The process of formation of the neural tube of the fetus, from which the entire nervous system is subsequently formed - from nerve fibers to the cerebral cortex, occurs at the first stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is especially important to meet the target level of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy.
So how much folic acid do you need during pregnancy? - 400 μg
The first symptoms of B9 deficiency in pregnant women are noticeable in a week:
Such symptoms are often erroneously attributed to overwork, bad weather and other causes. But, the reason for the "bad" condition is banal - a deficiency of folic acid.
! | The solution is very simple - eat as much vitamin B9 as possible and take a natural vitamin supplement regularly. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right folic acid. |
How to take folic acid
Dosage 400 or 800
When choosing a dietary supplement, take into account the frequency of daily intake. Most often there are drugs that provide the daily rate for one or two doses. A common question is folic acid 400 mcg is how many mg. we answer 400 mcg - this is 0.4 mg.
! | Vitamin B9 is available in convenient dosages: 400 mcg, 800 mcg, 1 mg. |
Folate or folic acid?
Vitamin B9 is commonly found in dietary supplements as methylfolate, one of the most potent forms of the vitamin. The fact is that folic acid itself is not a sufficiently active substance. For example, it is not able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain. To pass this barrier, B9 must be converted to the more active form of folate. Folate is the common name for B9 substances.
"Activation" B9 is often easy. However, sometimes the metabolism of folic acid is hindered due to a number of hereditary disorders due to the MTHFR gene. As a result, the bioavailability of the vitamin in the amount we need is sharply reduced.
Therefore, the production of an already activated substance, methylfolate, has been established. It is important that methylfolate easily and freely enters the vascular bed, after which it is used by the cells of the body. In addition, methylfolate is non-toxic, which makes it absolutely safe for a healthy human body.
Daily Value of Vitamin B9
Supplemented folic acid has an advantage over food. The bioavailability of the vitamin from the supplement is many times higher.
Vitamin requirements depend on a number of criteria including age, occupation, alcohol use (reduces body stores of vitamin B9), and pregnancy.
Here are the doses recommended by the World Health Organization, depending on age:
- A person needs to consume a certain amount of folic acid daily. This is necessary so that the level of folate in the blood does not fall below the normal value of 5-20 mcg / l.
- The importance of taking a supplement every day is based on the fact that folates are very quickly excreted from the body - for example, 1% of folates are lost in the urine per day, in addition, part is spent on various metabolic processes.
- Folic acid must be taken regularly. Depending on the dosage of the drug you choose, once or twice a day.
- Vitamin B9 is desirable to use with food, the sooner the better. Taking vitamin B9 in the evening can stimulate the nervous system and temporarily impair sleep quality.
Daily intake, on the contrary, will add vitality and contribute to any activity.
A pregnant woman needs an increased amount of B9 - 200 mcg / day is added to the age norm. For example, a pregnant woman at the age of 40 in the first trimester should consume 400 mcg / day of vitamin B9. It should be noted that the benefits and necessity of taking folate during pregnancy has been proven by WHO
During the lactation period - breastfeeding, it is necessary to consume 60-100 mcg / day more than the age norm.
In some cases, pregnant women are advised to consume daily 800 micrograms of folic acid per day . This tactic is used for initially known deficiency of B9, with frequent acute respiratory diseases, megaloblastic anemia, a number of chronic diseases and other conditions.
Also, the dosage of 800 µg is used in the treatment of diseases associated with hypovitaminosis B9, during periods of increased physical and mental activity, stress and for the rapid replenishment of folic acid.
In addition, large dosages are convenient because in this form the supplement can be taken not daily, but once every two or three days.
Folic acid supplement course. |
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28 updates 01/23/2021
Hello. In the first trimester, she drank folic 5 mg per day, in the second, vitamins, which included folic 600 mcg. The vitamins ran out and the doctor said that until the fall, nothing needs to be taken except for potassium and magnesium. Since it is summer now and I will get everything from fruits and vegetables. But I doubt whether it is possible not to take folic. I thought you should drink it throughout your pregnancy. Nothing will happen with a break for a month?
Good afternoon! Tell the doctor, having recognized folic acid 800 mcg, I can take 5 mg of chi more than 1 mg of planned pregnancy!
Good afternoon! Before pregnancy, she drank metafolin 400 mcg for 1. 5 years and took it during pregnancy up to 13 weeks. At week 14, I started taking a complex for pregnant women and it contains folic acid 400mcg. Metafolin stopped taking. Please tell me, is it possible to take Metafolin 400 mcg additionally? Or from the second trimester, folic acid will be enough.
Good afternoon, I plan to take folic acid at a dose of 800 mcg for a skin day, 1 tab. What do you need more supplements to take like vitamins?
Good afternoon! What dosage can be given to a child 3.6 (FOLATE 400MCPG)?
Accidentally drank 2 400 mcg folic tablets in the morning. Planning for pregnancy. Ovarian stimulation in progress
Hello. I have been drinking solgar folate 400 mcg twice a day for 2 months now. When planning a pregnancy. Should I switch to once a day?
Hello, please tell me, I'm confused and I can't figure out mg and mcg, the doctor told me to take 400 mg of folic acid, my dosage is 100 mg on the pack, I drink 5 tablets, what is the result? Normal or Overdose? I have 8 weeks, I have been drinking for a month already
Hello, tell me please: 13 weeks pregnant, I bought methyl folate 400mcg, how many times and at what time is it better to take? And is it possible to take it for the entire period of pregnancy?) Thank you!
Good afternoon, please tell me when is the best time to take folic acid during pregnancy, in the morning after meals?
Can take folic acid 500 mcg 3 times a day until pregnancy
Can I take 500 micrograms of folic acid when planning a pregnancy?
Hello, I drank folic for two days at a dosage of 100 MG, 4 tablets each, the total is 400 MG, the doctor mixed it up and wrote mg instead of µg. Why is it dangerous for the fetus? (((
Hello! I have a ferritin of 8.9, and red blood cells are lowered, the doctor prescribed an iron preparation and folic acid 500 mg, namely mg. Is the dose too high?
Hello! I am planning a pregnancy. I have a low level of folic acid according to the tests. The gynecologist prescribed to drink 1 tablet 5 mg 2 times a day. Is this the correct dosage?
Good afternoon!
Is it possible to drink folic acid in doses of 500 mcg when planning a pregnancy?
Hello, the doctor prescribed folic acid at 5 mg per day and I drink prenatally, he has 800 mcg of folate in his composition, is everything okay? Not too much? I am 7 weeks pregnant
If you take folic acid 400 mg, will you have a monthly workout?
Good afternoon, we are planning a pregnancy, please tell me which folic acid and dose is better to choose "Folio forte" or "Folio". Should my husband drink with me?
Hello, you can always drink folic acid
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Folic acid for pregnancy planning
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Any woman who plans to become pregnant and become a mother in the near future should consciously and carefully prepare for this new status. And if everyone knows about a healthy lifestyle, parting with bad habits and walking in the fresh air, then expectant mothers often ignore the intake of certain vitamins and medicines before pregnancy. One such remedy is folic acid.
What is folic acid?
Folic acid is a vitamin B9. Often you can hear the generalized name - folates, they are derivatives of this vitamin. We must understand that we get them from food, and folic acid tablets are a synthetic agent that is already converted into folates inside the body.
All derivatives of vitamin B9 play an important role in hematopoiesis, that is, the formation of new blood cells. Therefore, the lack of these substances leads to anemia - a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells, or they are irregular in shape and do not perform their functions. Folates have another very important feature: they stimulate the formation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which are the basis of all body cells. Therefore, it is folic acid that is necessary for all rapidly dividing human tissues, including embryonic tissues.
The role of folic acid:
- is involved in the formation of DNA in all cells, that is, the source of hereditary information;
- stimulates hematopoiesis;
- indirectly blocks the formation of cancer cells;
- restores muscle tissue;
- during pregnancy: plays a role in the laying and development of the nervous tissue of the embryo, participates in the formation of placental vessels.
Why do you need folate during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the consumption of folate increases dramatically. All cells of the embryo are intensively dividing in order to eventually form full-fledged tissues. The nervous tissue of the future man is transformed especially quickly and difficultly. And it is she who requires a large amount of folic acid.
Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can occur due to the following reasons:
- Insufficient intake of folate from food.
- Folate malabsorption (in chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines).
- Genetic disorders of the folate cycle. In rare cases, a woman's body lacks the necessary enzymes (MTHFR). As a result, folic acid is not converted to folates, and they do not perform the necessary functions. Intermediate metabolic products accumulate in the body, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases, tumor processes, infertility and miscarriage.
In the presence of such a mutation, it is recommended to take folic acid derivatives, for example, Metafolin. It is absorbed faster and in greater volume.
- Certain anti-epilepsy and hormonal drugs dramatically lower blood folate levels:
- oral contraceptives;
- barbiturates, diphenylhydantoin;
- sulfa drugs (for example, biseptol), which inhibit the synthesis of vitamin B9 by the intestinal microflora;
- drinking alcohol also lowers their levels.
At what stage of pregnancy should I take folic acid supplements?
Folic acid intake for the prevention of fetal malformations should be started already at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, at least three months before the intended conception. That is why pregnancy should be planned. If conception occurred unexpectedly, then you need to start taking the drug as soon as it became known.
Reasons for taking folates at the stage of pregnancy planning:
- With an unbalanced diet, a woman can have a low level of folic acid, so it takes time to replenish her reserves.
It usually takes three to four months.
- The neural tube of the fetus is laid at such an early stage that a woman may not even be aware of the pregnancy, especially with a long menstrual cycle.
- Folate deficiency can make pregnancy difficult.
Doctors at the Intime Family Planning Clinic give the following recommendations for taking folic acid: in most cases, three months before conception and throughout pregnancy, you need to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. In some cases, the dosage is advised to increase: up to 1 mg per day for epilepsy and diabetes; up to 4 mg per day if there have been children with neural tube defects in the past Increased doses of folates can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. The dose of folic acid during pregnancy remains the same.
We wish you an easy pregnancy and healthy babies!
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