Rashes on bottoms
Causes, Remedies, Treatment, and Pain Relief
General symptoms of a rash on the butt can include:
- tiny bumps or dots on the buttocks
- blisters in the anal area
- itching that gets worse when you scratch it
- irritated, swollen patches of skin
- blisters or bumps that leak fluid and get crusty
- scaly patches of skin on the buttocks
- irritation between the butt cheeks
- pain and itching around the anus
- acne-like pimples on the buttocks
- sore spots that are tender to the touch
- spots that appear red, skin-colored, or slightly lighter or darker than your skin color
Butt rashes can be caused by irritation, infections, viruses, allergies, or other health conditions. Here are a few of the common causes of rash on your buttocks:
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a common type of rash. It appears when your skin comes into contact with a substance that causes irritation to the skin. Some contact dermatitis rashes appear immediately, but most take some time to appear.
Contact dermatitis symptoms
There are two types: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Common symptoms of both can include:
- swelling
- severe itching
- dry, scaly, or cracked skin
- bumps and blisters
- oozing, crusty skin
- pain, burning, or tenderness
Common allergens and irritants can include:
- plants, such as poison ivy and poison oak
- medications, such as antibiotics or antihistamines
- chemical additives, including food flavorings, cosmetics, and perfumes
- cleaning products, such as soaps or laundry detergents
- bath or personal care products, including lotions, shampoo, soaps, and sunscreen
- fertilizers and pesticides
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Atopic dermatitis, which is generally known as eczema, is a chronic skin condition that causes itchy, dry skin. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema and is often simply referred to as eczema. Eczema is most common in babies and children, but it can begin at any age.
Although eczema can cause rashes on the buttocks, rashes are typically seen:
- on the face
- on the elbows
- on the hands and feet
Atopic dermatitis symptoms
Symptoms can include:
- dry, itchy patches of skin
- skin that weeps clear liquid when scratched
- crusty, scaly skin
- skin that swells and itches more after scratching
- in lighter skin tones, it can appear red, and in darker skin tones, patches of eczema may be red, pink, magenta, or darker than surrounding skin
Heat rash
Heat rash is a common skin irritation that causes rash and stinging. Your skin may feel prickly or itchy, and small bumps may form. Heat rash occurs most often in hot, humid weather. Heat rash can also happen any time you sweat a lot.
Heat rash can appear red on lighter skin tones, and on darker skin tones, it may look like a series of gray or white spots.
When sweat gets trapped under your skin, it can clog up pores and causes small pimples to form. It typically occurs on parts of your body where skin rubs against skin, such as along your butt crack or inner thighs.
Genital herpes
Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted virus that can cause rash-like symptoms on your buttocks, anus, or thighs. Herpes can be transmitted through any type of sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, or anal contact.
Rash symptoms originate in the place where the infection entered your body but can spread when you scratch them. Symptoms can include:
- pain or itching in your genital and anal area
- small, discolored bumps that may range in size
- small blisters filled with fluid
- ulcers from ruptured blisters that may ooze and bleed
- scabs that form as ulcers heal
Keratosis pilaris
Keratosis pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin on the skin. Keratin is a protein that protects your skin from harmful irritants and infections.
In people with keratosis, keratin forms a plug that blocks the openings of hair follicles. This causes rough, sandpaper-like skin. Tiny red bumps may form on the buttocks, though they’re typically painless.
Shingles is an infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you have chickenpox, the inactive virus remains in your body for years and can reactivate in adulthood. It typically appears as a painful rash on one side of the body. The rash may include:
- numbness, burning, pain, or tingling
- tenderness to touch
- discoloration, which may appear as redness on light skin tones and the same color as the skin or darker on melanated skin
- blisters that break, causing crusty skin
- itching
You may also experience fatigue, general feelings of malaise, and fever.
Intertrigo is a rash that forms in the folds of the skin. When skin rubs against skin, it causes friction and creates a warm, moist environment that’s ideal for fungal and bacterial growth.
Intertrigo is common in the skin between the buttocks (butt crack), which can become very raw, itchy, and painful. It may appear red or reddish-brown, and in severe cases, the skin can crack, bleed, and produce a foul odor.
Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin condition. When you have psoriasis, your immune system mistakenly attacks your skin cells, causing them to grow rapidly and swell. The skin cell overgrowth forms a rash characterized by raised red marks and scaly white patches. People with psoriasis may experience flare-ups in which the disease returns in between periods of remission, when the disease temporarily recedes.
Psoriasis tends to appear pink or red on those with light or fair skin tones, and the scales can appear silvery white. On medium skin tones, it can appear salmon-colored with silvery-white scales. On darker skin tones, psoriasis may look violet, and the scales may look gray. Or it can also appear dark brown and be difficult to see.
Psoriasis can cause a rash anywhere on the body, including on the buttocks. You may have patches of raised skin that look cracked, scaly, and rough.
Ringworm (jock itch)
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect the skin of several different parts of the body, including the following:
- groin
- thighs
- genitals
- butt
It can affect people of all ages. Ringworm, which gets its name from the circular rash it produces on the skin, is often called jock itch or athlete’s foot, depending on its location.
Symptoms include:
- on lighter skin, the rash can appear red, flaky, or scaly, and on darker skin, the rash might appear gray or brown
- ring-shaped, circular rash
- scaly or cracked skin
- hair loss
Lichen sclerosus
Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that most often affects the genital and anal are but can affect other areas too. It’s most common among people who are postmenopausal, but it can affect people of all ages and genders.
Symptoms include:
- smooth, shiny, white spots
- bruising, scales, or cracking
- skin that’s thin and wrinkled or easy to tear
- bleeding and blistering
- itchiness and pain
- pain during urination, sex, or bowel movements
Folliculitis (butt acne)
People often mistake butt acne for regular acne. Pimples on your butt don’t form in clogged pores like facial acne. Instead, they form in clogged hair follicles.
In people with folliculitis, hair follicles become infected after being irritated, usually by friction or shaving. If you notice small, painful pimples on your butt or groin, it may be a symptom of folliculitis, and the bumps may contain bacteria.
These bumps can appear red on lighter skin tones. They may appear similar in color to surrounding skin or may appear brown on skin of color. They may be also itchy and form whiteheads.
Candida (yeast) skin infection
Candida is a fungus that frequently infects the skin, often in warm, moist areas such as the buttocks and groin. Candida is the most common cause of diaper rash in babies and adults.
People who have diabetes, who have obesity, or who are taking antibiotics are at an increased risk. Yeast infections of the skin can occur in people of all ages and genders.
Symptoms include:
- intense itching
- reddish skin rash that grows
- red small bumps that look like pimples
People who have difficulties with bladder and bowel control may develop butt rashes. This is particularly true of people who wear diapers, who are immobile, or who use a wheelchair for long periods of time.
Excess moisture between the buttocks and in the groin area provides an ideal environment for bacterial and fungal growth. Symptoms of incontinence-associated dermatitis can include:
- redness and irritation
- peeling
- pimply rash
- rawness
Butt rashes aren’t usually a symptom of anything dangerous. Typically, rashes clear up on their own after a few days or weeks, but sometimes they may require medical treatment. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends consulting a doctor about a rash when:
- the rash is sudden and spreads quickly
- the rash covers your entire body
- you have a fever with your rash
- you have blisters on your genitals or anus
- the rash is painful
- the rash starts to look infected, which may include yellow or green fluid, red streaks, or painful swelling
Dermatologists can often identify a rash on sight. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in skin health. A doctor will do a physical exam and look at the rash. They might also:
- take a tissue sample or culture
- take a sample of your blood
- ask about your medical history and allergies
- perform a patch test to see how your skin reacts to various irritants
There are some natural remedies and herbal remedies that you may be able to use to find immediate relief, and, in some cases, treat your rash.
Home remedies
- Tea tree oil can have antibacterial and antifungal effects when applied directly to a rash.
You can try it for yeast infections and folliculitis.
- German chamomile tea can be ingested or applied as a compress to treat dermatitis. It can reduce itchiness and inflammation and may speed up healing.
- Any gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer can be applied liberally to itchy, dry skin.
- Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer with antimicrobial (infection fighting) properties. You can typically apply it directly to your rash.
- Oatmeal has natural soothing, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory properties. You can try mixing ground oatmeal into a cool bath, or mix it into a paste and apply it directly to your rash.
- Aloe vera can sooth, moisturize, and decrease itchiness.
- Witch hazel can be applied directly to your rash to sooth irritated skin, speed up healing, reduce itchiness, and even help prevent infection.
- Menthol is an essential oil derived from Japanese mint. It has soothing, anti-itch properties.
- Honey may help fight infection in open sores.
Treatments for butt rash vary depending on the underlying condition. In some cases, you might be able to use over-the-counter (OTC) medications. For other conditions, you may need a prescription from a doctor.
OTC medications
- Hydrocortisone cream is a mild steroid cream that is suitable for many types of rashes. It can reduce redness, itchiness, and inflammation. Common brand names include Cortizone 10.
- Antifungal creams, powders, and sprays can be used to treat fungal infections such as ringworm, intertrigo, and yeast infections. They can help reduce itchiness, burning, and cracking skin. Medications include clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Cruex, Desenex) and miconazole nitrate (Monistat).
- Antibiotic creams and ointments can help fights bacterial infections. A common brand is Neosporin. This treatment works for folliculitis.
- Anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) can help reduce swelling and pain.
- Antihistamines are used to treat allergic reactions and reduce itchiness and irritation. An example of this type of drug is diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
Prescription medications
- Steroid cream or ointment can reduce itching and treat inflammation. They can work for most rashes, including lichen sclerosus, contact dermatitis, heat rash, intertrigo, and psoriasis.
- Corticosteroid ointments or creams may be used for lichen sclerosus. You may need to continue using the medication for about 3 months to help prevent a recurrence.
- Oral steroids can reduce inflammation in severe cases of rash.
- Oral antibiotics help fight bacterial infection.
- Immunomodulators can keep your immune system from overacting to allergens. They can be used to treat severe cases of allergen contact dermatitis.
- Antibiotic cream can fight bacterial infection. This may be prescribed for intertrigo, folliculitis, and incontinence.
- Antifungal cream can help with fungal infection.
This can be used to treat intertrigo, yeast infection, and ringworm.
- Oral antivirals can be used for shingles to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. They may also be prescribed for herpes to help sores heal sooner, minimize the chance of spreading the virus, and reduce the frequency of outbreaks.
- Retinoid creams can decrease inflammation and may be used to treat psoriasis and lichen sclerosus.
- Drugs that alter the immune system are used for severe psoriasis.
If you have psoriasis, a doctor may also prescribe medication to slow skin cell growth, including:
- topical synthetic vitamin D, which may be applied to the skin
- anthralin
- methotrexate
Depending on which type of butt rash you’re experiencing, there may or may not be steps you can take to prevent future outbreaks. Here are a few tips to prevent problems before they arise:
- Consider a fragrance-free laundry detergent.
- Opt for a gentle, soap-free, fragrance-free cleanser.
- Avoid wool and other itchy fabrics.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction.
- Try using a gentle moisturizer regularly.
- Use a moisture barrier ointment, such as petroleum jelly, to prevent friction.
- Choose antiperspirants to prevent excess moisture. However, deodorants can sometimes cause allergic skin reactions.
- Avoid harsh chemicals or other known irritants.
- Always shower and change into clean clothes after exercising.
- Avoid reusing sweaty clothes left in a gym bag.
There are many conditions that can lead to butt rash. However, many natural and OTC treatments are available that you can use to find relief. If your rash doesn’t go away, talk with a doctor.
Inverse Psoriasis vs. Intertrigo: What’s the Difference?
Inverse psoriasis vs. intertrigo
Inverse psoriasis and intertrigo are skin conditions that can cause discomfort. Although they look similar and often show up in the same places, the two conditions have different causes and treatments.
Read on to learn the similarities and differences between these two skin conditions.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to grow at an increased rate. This growth can lead to a buildup of red, itchy patches and plaques on the skin.
Inverse psoriasis usually doesn’t appear as scaly as in other forms of psoriasis. You may notice patches of red, inflamed skin. These areas can become more irritated if you perspire or if there is skin-on-skin rubbing.
Inverse psoriasis is distinguished by its appearance in the folds of your skin. These patches typically form:
- under the breasts
- in the armpits
- between the crease of the buttocks
- around the genitals
- on any other dark, moist fold of skin
Intertrigo is a rash caused by fungus, bacteria, or yeast. Intertrigo is similar to inverse psoriasis, and also appears in the folds of skin around the:
- breasts
- armpits
- groin
- toes
- buttocks
- neck
As the rash progresses, your skin may become more inflamed. Your skin may also:
- crack
- bleed
- ooze
- have a foul odor
At first glance, inverse psoriasis can easily be mistaken for intertrigo. You’re more likely to have inverse psoriasis if you have a family history of psoriasis or if you’ve already been diagnosed with a type of psoriasis.
Inverse psoriasis generally responds well to topical medicines. If you’ve had a rash before that didn’t get better with antifungal treatment, your doctor may suspect inverse psoriasis.
If your rash is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, you’re more likely to have intertrigo. This rash will respond better to antifungal treatments.
Psoriasis isn’t contagious. The exact cause of it isn’t clear, but it’s likely a combination of genetics and a triggering event.
You’re more likely to develop psoriasis if you have a family history of the disease. Inverse psoriasis is more common in people who are obese or who have deep skin folds. People with a weakened immune system are also at a greater risk of developing the skin condition.
Skin rubbing on skin is the main cause of intertrigo, and anyone can develop it. The condition isn’t contagious.
Your risk of intertrigo may increase if:
- you have diabetes
- you’re overweight
- you’re regularly exposed to high heat and humidity
- you have artificial limbs, braces, or splints that rub on your skin
- you’re malnourished
- you have poor hygiene
- you’re incontinent
- your shoes are too tight
For either condition, your doctor may tell you to keep the area dry and clean, minimize friction, and expose your skin to air when possible. To prevent irritation, wear loose-fitting, absorbent clothes. That will make it easier for your skin to breathe.
Inverse psoriasis treatment
Inverse psoriasis can be difficult to treat. Your doctor may prescribe topical ointments or steroids. In moderate to severe cases, ultraviolet B (UVB) light therapy or biologic medications may be necessary.
Intertrigo treatment
Intertrigo may be treated with barrier creams or powders to absorb moisture. If that doesn’t help, prescription strength topical creams should take care of it. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic or antifungal treatments. Other treatments may be necessary if your skin becomes infected.
It can be difficult to self-diagnose a skin rash. If you develop an unexplained rash that won’t go away or is getting worse, you should see your doctor. Early treatment may help clear it up before there’s any physical discomfort or chance of infection.
Pimples on the face [acne, rashes] - causes and types of acne in adolescents and adults
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I liked the product, I approve and recommend it.
Olga Novikova Novikova
For combination skin with rare rashes, it fits perfectly. I apply a thin layer after washing. Mattifies, not greasy, light. Haven't tried it under make-up yet, but I think it will work well.
Natalia Panina
The cream is perfectly absorbed, mattifies and evens out skin tone. I use the cream at night, the inflammation disappears very quickly, literally overnight the pimples disappear. Very satisfied with the cream. I recommend.
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Do I need to use SPF protection after using this cream in the morning (since there are acids in the composition)?
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The skin after the cream is well-groomed, the pores narrow and very good! The skin color is smoother and the make-up fits perfectly on it (but you need to give it time to soak in)!)
Irina Aleksinskaya
I use it in the morning and in the evening. The cream is light, quickly absorbed, economical consumption. The skin is very soft, looks healthy, pimples have disappeared. The cream fit perfectly, I like it very much. I will definitely buy more, I recommend.
SolomkoEvgenia Evgenia
Excellent summer cream, fresh smell, mattifies the skin, convenient packaging. The number of imperfections has been noticeably reduced.
Natalia Fedorets
Absorbs well, not greasy. I can’t say that I got rid of acne and wrinkles (but I also use it, to be honest, not every day), but it mattifies the skin, does not cause irritation, does not roll off, the sensations after it are pleasant, and I don’t expect more. Compared to Slow Age day cream, I opted for this cream, combination skin.
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The cream is excellent. The skin is not greasy. It absorbs quickly. The skin after it is pleasant. As such, I don’t have acne and everything else, so I can’t fully evaluate the effect. But the texture of the cream is excellent. nine0003
Lera Cherkizova
I use it both in the evening and during the day:) the skin with it has become of amazing quality! no traces of inflammation, pores are reduced. The texture is very light, quickly absorbed, ideal for make-up.
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The very first product from the Vichy series that I decided to try. The result pleasantly surprised me. The skin became smooth, even, acne and even traces of them disappeared. The skin has stopped peeling. The texture of the cream is light, pleasant, non-greasy. Fits well. Doesn't open up pores which is great. I don’t know how anyone, everyone’s skin is different, but this cream suited me perfectly. I have been using it for half a year (by the way, the cream is consumed very economically) and now I will definitely use it in the future. nine0003
Causes of a rash in children
Naturally, only a pediatrician, dermatologist or allergist can correctly determine the cause of rash , diagnose and prescribe treatment for a child. But parents themselves can provide initial assistance, relieve itching and help the baby, knowing the main signs and causes of the rash . At the first stage, it is important to determine the nature of the rash - infectious , allergic or none of the above.
Causes of rashes in children:
1. Newborn acne . For the first time may occur in newborns at the age of 1 - 2 months. As a rule, such rashes are hormonal in nature, are not contagious and are not allergies . A rash in the form of pimples, sometimes with a white dot in the middle, appears on the head, body of the baby. If there are no purulent compartments, then the rash goes away on its own and does not require treatment. Acne can also occur in teenagers. They most often appear on the face as black dots and are associated with hormonal changes in the body of a teenager and increased work of the sebaceous glands. To prevent acne, there are cosmetic lotions, washing gels and other products. In case of inflammation, it is better to seek advice from a pediatric dermatologist or cosmetologist, because. antibiotic treatment may be needed;
2. Urticaria is an allergic reaction on the skin of a child, accompanied by itching and blisters on various parts of the body, in some cases fever and disturbed chair child. The blisters appear suddenly and can disappear just as quickly, but sometimes they disappear only after a few days. The causes of urticaria can be various factors: hormonal disorders, malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, consumption of foods that caused an allergic reaction (fish, eggs, citrus fruits, etc.), insect bites, reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, emotional stress etc. Urticaria can be chronic and not go away for a long time, and acute - disappearing after a few hours. For the treatment of urticaria, it is important to identify the underlying cause that caused it;
3. Food allergy manifests itself in the form of spots pinkish red. It is slightly convex, edematous in places of scratching and is accompanied by itching. It is localized, as a rule, on the baby's cheeks, but can also appear on other parts of the body. It can occur in both infants and adolescents. If the baby is breastfed, then the allergy that has arisen is associated with the products consumed by the mother. If the newborn is artificially fed, then an allergic reaction may appear on the mixture. In older children, food allergies can be caused by fish, eggs, nuts, chocolate, strawberries, and other foods; nine0003
Allergy, as a rule, is accompanied by edema, which in turn, if not properly treated and provided with untimely assistance, causes suffocation . If an allergy of any nature occurs, a pediatrician's consultation is required to help in selecting the optimal mixture for the baby, or a pediatric dermatologist - allergist to refer older children to laboratory tests ;
4. Household allergies . It can occur in both newborns and older children. It usually appears as pimples all over the body and is accompanied by lachrymation, sneezing. The causes of such a reaction of the body can be washing powder and other detergents, dust, plants, animal hair, etc. An allergic rash differs from an infectious rash in that the child does not have a temperature with it, he does not have general ailments, there is no loss of appetite, drowsiness;
5. Prickly heat . It occurs mainly in infants. It manifests itself in the form of red pimples all over the body, especially in the inguinal zone. The affected areas must be smeared with a special baby cream, air baths more often for the baby and a diaper change; nine0003
6. Roseola (erythema infectiosum) is an acute childhood viral disease affecting only children under 2 years of age. Very often, roseola is confused with SARS or rubella . At the beginning of the illness, the baby's temperature rises sharply, which lasts 3-5 days, and after that the child becomes covered with a red-pink rash that disappears in 5-7 days. This is not a dangerous disease, it does not require treatment, and if it occurs, the child should be given only antipyretic drugs;
7. Windmill . This is a common childhood infectious disease that requires treatment. The incubation period of this disease can last from 11 to 21 days. Occurs at any age. It is accompanied by a rash on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of red spots, in the center of which blisters with a yellowish liquid are localized. Accompanied by itching. As the disease progresses, the blisters burst, crusts form, leaving scars if the child has scratched the blister and brought the infection. The disease can also cause fever and headache; nine0003
8. Measles is an acute infectious disease that is quite rare due to vaccination. In addition, this virus is rarely activated in babies under 8 months old, because. they are protected by their mother's immunity. The disease begins with symptoms of a common cold - coughing, lacrimation, sneezing and fever up to 40 C. Then the child develops white spots on the mucous surface of the cheeks, nasal discharge, severe headache, photophobia. Then, within a few days, red spots of various shapes appear on the face, neck, near the head and further throughout the body. The disease is contagious within a week of the onset of the first symptoms. The virus is dangerous with complications such as: meningitis , pneumonia , development of deafness, brain damage and even death;
9. Scarlet fever is an acute infectious streptococcal disease. Begins with sore throat, high fever, enlarged tonsils , in some cases with plaque. Then a small dotted rash appears on the back, chest, knees, armpits, groin and quickly spreads throughout the body and face. Only the area around the mouth remains white. Throat and tongue become very red. By the end of the disease, peeling of the skin on the toes and hands begins; nine0003
10. Rubella is an acute infectious disease . The disease begins with a slight increase in temperature and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the parotid and cervical region. A small rash also appears on the face and behind the ears, and then all over the body. Rubella is very dangerous for pregnant women, and complications can occur in older children and adolescents. In children, the disease proceeds in a fairly mild form;
11. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Rash in meningitis is not the main symptom. However, with this disease, rashes appear on the back of the throat, as well as on the hips, back, buttocks in the form of a red rash of various shapes. Symptoms of meningitis include very high fever, severe headache, vomiting, photophobia, and neck muscle tension. At the slightest suspicion of meningitis, parents should immediately consult a doctor. Timely help with this disease will save the child's life; nine0003
12. Streptoderma is a skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease affects, as a rule, the paranasal and perioral region. In the beginning, redness appears around the nose and mouth, then small bubbles with liquid. When they burst, yellow crusts remain. The disease may be accompanied by fever;
13. Herpes is an infectious disease accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, in children it is most often located on the lips.