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Twins Trust | Photos taken inside the womb show twins in detail
These incredible pictures show identical twin boys inside the womb at just 22 weeks old.
Detailed facial features and nails growing on their toes can clearly be seen on the photographs, which were taken by surgeons who had to operate before the twins were even born.
For Sarah and Dan Maund, it was a rare chance to see their unborn twins and something most parents will never witness. Far more detailed than a normal sonographer’s scan, the twins’ features can clearly be seen on the photographs.
But the adorable pictures were also a stark reminder that their little boys’ lives were in severe danger. The photographs were taken during laser ablation surgery to treat TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome). The family have kindly allowed us to share them to raise awareness of the condition and encourage people to donate to our research.
TTTS affects identical twins who share a placenta. It can be fatal to one or to both twins or leave one or both twins with disabilities. Laser ablation is often the best way to treat it, but can be a risky procedure.
“I was just blown away when I saw the pictures for the first time,” said Sarah, 35. “But I knew it was bittersweet – we saw these amazing photographs that most parents will never have the opportunity to see. But at the same time, we were still under admission at the hospital and they were still really concerned about the twins.”
The photographs were taken by surgeon and multiple births expert Professor Basky Thilaganathan at St George’s Hospital in London.
He said: “I don’t think all laser ablation surgeons do this, but I think it’s nice to save the photographs and video for the families so that they can see their babies. Sadly for some families, this will be the only chance they get to see them alive, as not all TTTS twins will survive to full term.”
Sarah was under a local anaesthetic, had a relaxant to calm her and was laid flat when they were taken, so she only saw them a few weeks later when Professor Thilaganathan gave the couple a memory stick for them to keep. But her husband Dan was in theatre with her and saw the images on the screen.
Dan, 34, said: “I watched the whole thing on the monitor – it was amazing. The images were so clear, they were like a normal photograph. I saw Basky putting the camera into Sarah’s womb too.”
TTTS occurs in about 10-15% of monochorionic (identical) twin pregnancies. If left untreated, 90% of these babies will die. Even with treatment, there is only up to a 70% chance of both babies surviving.
The condition affects the amount of blood passing to the twins. The donor baby, in this case Henry, receives less blood from the placenta and can become smaller and anaemic. The recipient baby, in this case Sebastian, gets too much blood which puts a strain on their heart.
Laser ablation surgery can correct this imbalance by sealing off some of the blood vessels in the placenta. It means both babies receive a more equal supply of blood.
Dan said: “It was very very scary. I can’t even imagine what it was like for Sarah, but for me, when we were in the hospital for the operation, that’s when the emotions started flowing.
“I knew I needed to be as strong as I could for Sarah – that’s all I could really do.”
The couple had an agonising six hour wait for a scan to see if the procedure had worked and to find out if both twins still had heartbeats. “It was the longest six hours of my life,” said Sarah. “We got in the room and they did the scan and yes, both twins were doing okay. It was such a relief.”
But the boys weren’t out of the woods and they had to wait for another scan at their hospital near home to see if the twins were still surviving.
“That was the hardest week, the waiting,” said Sarah. “Of course you feel kicks but you don’t know if it’s one baby or two. At the scan we found out both babies were still alive, thank goodness, but we still had issues with the amniotic fluid levels. Sebastian had too much fluid around him whereas Henry was almost shrink-wrapped because he had so little.”
From then on Sarah kept up her regular scan appointments every few days and by 25 weeks the TTTS had resolved itself. But a few weeks later she was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction, which ultimately caused her to go into early labour.
The boys arrived on 14th September 2014 by emergency caesarean section at 32 weeks – five weeks early for a twin birth.
They were sent to the special care unit but after about four weeks in hospital they were allowed home.
They now enjoy playing cars with older brother Alfie, aged 3, and getting into mischief.
Speaking from her home in Blandford Forum in Dorset, Sarah said: “When I look at the womb photographs and I look at the boys now, I can’t believe how far we’ve all come.
“It was an incredible gift for Professor Thilaganathan to give us.
“We were given a 1 in 3 chance of both of them surviving, so we know how lucky we are to have two happy, healthy survivors.
“But I know from hearing stories from other parents that it isn’t always a happy ending to the story, which is why research into TTTS is so vital. "
Here is a photo of Henry and Sebastian from when this story was origianally shared.
Please help us to continue our research and work by donating to the charity. We couldn't support our families without all of your incredible support.
90,000 "two faces and four eyes", frightening photos. Politeka
August 3, 14:30
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A unique baby was born in one of the hospitals, this happens once in 250 thousand
In Indonesia, there lives a child with two faces and two brains in one head.
A boy named Gilan Endika was born in the Indonesian city of Batam.
He has one body, two arms and two legs, but because his twin brother could not develop in the womb, the baby's head was deformed. This pathology occurs in one of 250 thousand cases.
The deformity of the head and the presence of the brain and face of a twin brother puts the child's life in danger - excess fluid accumulates in the head. Local doctors stated that they could not help the parents in this situation. While the child remains in the hospital under the supervision of specialists.
Gilan's mother said that she did not know about the state of her son in the womb until the birth. The woman was tested by ultrasound three times, but she did not show anything.
It was also previously reported that a very unusual child lives in India, relatives are already accustomed to his appearance, but society reacts sharply to the appearance of a young man. So, the schoolboy Lalit Patidar was "rewarded" by nature with a rare mutation, known as the "werewolf syndrome", because of which the whole face of the guy is covered with hair.
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According to the journalists of the publication, Lalit was born with congenital hypertrichosis. With this disease, excessive hair growth appears on different parts of the body, and also does not correspond to gender or age. The student has hair all over his face. The congenital form of the disease is almost not treated; only about 50 such cases have been recorded in the world.
Journalists also noted that the 13-year-old boy is quite popular at school, but sometimes strangers throw stones at him and call him names. When he first went to school, everyone was puzzled, but now everyone is used to him, and the girls like to take selfies with him. Despite this, he is used to his appearance and feels comfortable with it.
Recall that the Indian woman Pataruni Ghosh from West Bengal lived in the lake for 20 years, as she suffers from a rare disease. 65-year-old Gosh swims in the lake every day before sunset, coming there at dawn. She simply cannot be in the sun. The only salvation is many hours of bathing in running water.
Otherwise, her skin turns red, becomes covered with bumps and bakes unbearably. In the best case, the Indian woman is in the reservoir for 12-14 hours. Then she does housework and goes to bed.
Sometimes illness makes Gosh sit in the lake around the clock. It remains a mystery how, during all this time, she managed not to become infected with parasites, being in the water for so long every day. When a woman began to lead such a lifestyle constantly, her appetite began to decline to the point that she needed only a few meals a month to be satiated. An Indian woman eats rice and vegetables, denying herself high-calorie foods.
Recall that a woman lost her leg because of a bottle of perfume
As Politeka reported, an innocent kiss changed the face of a child beyond recognition
Also Politeka, wrote that a rare illness took the girl's arms and legs
Author: Alexandra Pavlenko
Tags: genetic disease Indonesia
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Rare semi-identical twins born in Australia
Photo copyright, Queensland University of Technology
Photo caption, If one egg is fertilized by two sperm cells, a triploid can be formed that has three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two.
A boy and girl born four years ago in Australia are identical twins on their mother's side. This case is reported in The New England Journal of Medicine.
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However, they share only a part of their father's DNA, which, from the point of view of genetics, makes them intermediate between monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (non-identical) twins.
According to experts, this type is extremely rare - usually such embryos do not survive.
Professor Nicholas Fisk, who led a team that looked after a mother and twins at the Royal Women's Hospital Brisbane in Australia in 2014, said the discovery was made during a routine pregnancy scan.
For the first time such twins were discovered before birth. Their mother, who was 28 years old, had not previously had a pregnancy and conceived naturally.
"An ultrasound of the mother after six weeks of pregnancy showed a single placenta and a characteristic arrangement of the amniotic sacs, which indicated the presence of identical twins," says Prof. Fisk.
"However, an ultrasound performed after 14 weeks of pregnancy revealed that the twins were a boy and a girl, which is impossible with identity."
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Monozygotic (also called identical or homozygous) identical twins are formed from one zygote (one egg fertilized by one sperm), divided into two or more parts during the crushing stage. They have the same genotypes.
Monozygotic identical twins are always of the same sex and have a very large portrait resemblance. Among monozygotic twins, there is often a great similarity in characters, habits, and even biographies.
Heterozygous (non-identical) twins develop when two eggs are fertilized by two sperm. Heterozygous twins have different genotypes. They are no more similar to each other than brothers and sisters, since they have about 50% of identical genes. Interestingly, in rare cases, heterozygous twins can be born from different fathers. Sometimes heterozygous twins share a fused placenta.
In this case of semi-identical twins, the egg was probably fertilized by two sperm at the same time before it split.
If one egg is fertilized by two sperm cells, a triploid is formed instead of the usual diploid, having three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two - one from the mother and two from the father.
According to scientists, three sets of chromosomes are incompatible with life and such embryos usually die in the early stages of development.
Semi-identical twins are not named.
Why are twins born?
Image copyright Getty Images
Non-identical twins are more common in families that have had twins before. They appear more often in late-born mothers, since they often have several eggs at the same time during the process of ovulation.
The appearance of identical twins is not related to whether they were in the family of the spouses. Fertility treatments can increase the chance of having twins.
About 12,000 twins are born in Britain every year.
"Exceptional case"
The first documented case of the birth of semi-identical twins was noted in the USA in 2007.
Professor Fisk notes that an analysis of the world's available statistics confirms the rarity of this phenomenon.