Can you get pregnant in one day
How long does it take to get pregnant after sex? When you’re actively trying to get pregnant, it’s easy to get caught up with wanting to understand all the details about how it works. Sure, you might...
Vaccinations contraindicated in pregnancy
Vaccines During Pregnancy FAQs | Vaccine SafetyMoro PL, Zheteyeva Y, Lewis P, Shi J, Yue X, Museru OI, et al. Safety of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (Gardasil®) in pregnancy: Adverse even...
Travel 3rd trimester
Traveling While Pregnant or BreastfeedingSpecial considerations for traveling while pregnantTraveling during pregnancy is normal and a lot of women do it. But it's important to think about potential p...
5 weeks pregnant hormone levels
hCG levels | Pregnancy Birth and BabyhCG levels | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content 3-minute read Listen Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone normally produced by the placen...
White spots on newborn gums
Symptoms, Pictures, Causes, and Treatment What are Epstein pearls?If your infant has a small white or yellow-tinted bump on their gum line or the roof of their mouth, it’s likely an Epstein pearl. Thi...
How to check if your child has diabetes
Type 1 diabetes in children - Diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosisThere are several blood tests for type 1 diabetes in children. These tests are used to diagnose diabetes and to monitor diabetes managemen...
Why is bonding with your baby important
The Importance of Infant BondingWhen a caregiver consistently responds to an infant’s needs, it sets the stage for the growing child to enter healthy relationships with other people throughout life an...
How to teach your child mandarin chinese
How I'm Teaching My Kids Mandarin Chinese: 7 Techniques for Raising Your Children in Your Non-Native LanguageFor the first two years of my son’s life, I spoke to him almost exclusively in Chinese.We r...
How to control the hyperactive child
5 Great Ways to Help Hyperactive Kids LearnDo hyperactive kids drive you a little crazy in the classroom? Most teachers would say yes. Hyperactive students are demanding, but does that mean you give u...
Full term stillbirth
What is Stillbirth? | CDCThe loss of a baby due to stillbirth remains a sad reality for many families and takes a serious toll on families’ health and well-being. Learn more about stillbirth below.A s...