Nosebleed and nausea
What You Should Know About Bloody Noses & Dizziness – Nampons
Most nosebleeds are harmless and result from nose-picking or nose-blowing. When you're bleeding from your face for no apparent reason, it can be hard to process that information, but it's true.
If you search the web for information about nosebleeds, you've probably heard that before. You may have also seen a warning along the following lines:
"If you're taking blood thinners, have a bleeding disorder, or suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, consult a medical professional".
Blood thinners and bleeding disorders are self-explanatory. They limit your body's ability to create blood clots and can lead to heavier and more problematic bleeding.
But what about dizziness?
What Causes Dizziness and Nosebleeds?
There are a few reasons why you may experience dizziness in combination with regular nosebleeds. The cause isn't always serious, but you should still contact your doctor if you experience these symptoms.
Some of the most common causes of dizziness and nosebleeds include:
Although rare, frequent nosebleeds can lead to anemia, especially if there are other triggers present.
Anemia is caused by a lack of red blood cells and can lead to a host of symptoms and health issues. You may experience fatigue and dizziness, for instance, and this can occur during and after a nosebleed.
What do nausea, stomach pain, urinary problems, joint pain, cold-like symptoms, and insomnia all have in common? They are all side effects associated with atorvastatin, one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States.
If you experienced several of these symptoms at the same time, there's a good chance you'd be worried. If you let your imagination run wild, you might even convince yourself that you had a serious medical issue. But those symptoms would likely cease as soon as you stopped or adjusted your meds.
This is just one drug and one list of side effects. Others can cause headaches, sickness, vertigo, fatigue, and a seemingly endless list of ailments. If you can suffer from it, a medication can give you it.
There's a chance, therefore, that your dizziness and nosebleeds are caused by your medication. If you suspect this, consult your healthcare provider.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can increase the risk of nosebleeds, though it's not one of the main causes. It can also make you dizzy and weak and give you headaches.
It's important to check your blood pressure on a regular basis, as prolonged and untreated high blood pressure will greatly increase your risk of strokes and heart attacks.
If you have recently suffered from a blow to the face, you may have a head injury. Dizziness, vision disturbances, and vomiting could indicate a concussion while nosebleeds may be a result of direct trauma.
If you typically don't suffer from nosebleeds, and you're anxious by nature, there's a good chance you will panic when your nose starts to bleed.
If the blood flow is heavy and runs down your nose/throat, leading to spluttering and nausea, that panic may increase.
When panic takes hold, your breathing changes. You take short, sharp breaths, and this reduces the carbon dioxide in your blood and makes you dizzy.
Sit down, lean forward, pinch the soft part of your nose, and hold it for 10 minutes while taking slow and deep breaths through your mouth. If your dizziness is caused by panic, it should subside (along with your nosebleed) once those 10 minutes have passed.
Alcohol and Drug Use
Excessive use of intranasal recreational drugs (including cocaine and amphetamines) can cause both of these symptoms. Dizziness is a common symptom in all stimulants and most recreational drugs, and if those substances are consumed by "snorting" powders or crushed tablets, they may irritate the nasal lining, rupturing the delicate nasal blood vessels.
These symptoms might pass, but they could also worsen and indicate something more serious. Seek medical help if you experience extreme dizziness, chest pain, vision disturbances, or if your nosebleeds/dizzy spells are frequent.
Just because you feel dizzy and have the occasional nosebleed doesn't mean the two are related. It could be that your dizzy spells are related to low blood sugar and over-exertion, while your nosebleed is the result of nose-picking or blowing.
This is just one example, but if you're experiencing multiple symptoms like this, it's worth making a note of when they occur and with what frequency. It helps you to clarify whether they are related, and this information will be very useful to your doctor when making a diagnosis.
Other Health Conditions That Cause Dizziness and Nosebleeds
In addition to the above list, there are several other health conditions and illnesses that can cause both dizziness and nosebleeds.
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and may conduct a series of tests, including blood pressure, blood tests, and a nasal inspection. They can then provide advice, diagnosis, or treatment as needed.
When Should You Worry About A Nosebleed?
In addition to dizziness, there are a few other symptoms that warrant closer inspection.
Difficulty breathing is one of them. It could indicate an underlying health condition, including serious lung and heart problems. It could also suggest that the blood is flowing down the throat and impairing breathing.
Most nosebleeds happen in the front of the nose and occur when the delicate blood vessels in the nose are damaged. The bleeding is not usually very heavy and will often stop within 10 minutes. But some nosebleeds occur in the back of the nose.
Known as posterior epistaxis, these bleeds are heavier and can involve both nostrils. With such bleeds, it's normal for large amounts of blood to run down the nose and throat, causing nausea and difficulty breathing.
Whether your breathing difficulties are caused by underlying health conditions or a heavy bleed, it's worth paying a visit to the emergency room if the bleeding doesn't stop and the symptoms don't subside.
Chest pain, severe headaches, trouble breathing, and vomiting could also indicate a more serious problem.
When Should You Worry About a Nosebleed?
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Nosebleeds. Everyone has had one. While they are often frightening, they are rarely anything more than a nuisance.
What Causes a Nosebleed?
When the membranes lining the inside of the nose dry out and become irritated, the blood vessels break, causing a nosebleed. These are more common in the winter months, when the air is cold and dry. Other factors that may contribute to nosebleeds include:
- Colds
- Allergies
- Sinus infections
- Nose picking
- Blowing the nose too hard
- Frequent sneezing
- Overuse of nasal sprays
- Foreign objects in the nose
- Trauma to the nose
There are two types of nosebleeds, anterior and posterior. Anterior nosebleeds are the most common and are caused by bleeding in the front part of the nose. The bleeding from a posterior nosebleed comes from an artery in the back portion of the nose.
If nosebleeds are chronic or occur frequently, they may be the result of high blood pressure or other vascular diseases or, in rare cases, a serious medical condition like a tumor.
What Are the Symptoms of a Nosebleed?
Bleeding from only one nostril is the most common symptom of a nosebleed. Usually a nosebleed from both nostrils is due to a heavy flow from one nostril; the blood has just backed up and overflown into the other. If blood drips down the back of the throat into the stomach you may spit up or vomit blood. Excessive blood loss can cause a feeling of dizziness, light-headedness and fainting.
How Do You Treat a Nosebleed?
More often than not, a nosebleed can be easily controlled at home. Sit up straight, lean your head forward and pinch the nostrils together with your thumb and index finger for 10 minutes. Try not to swallow any blood as it may cause you to vomit. Once the bleeding has stopped, try not to blow your nose for the next 24 hours and avoid dry air.
If this home remedy does not stop the bleeding, you will have to visit your Carlsbad doctor. If the bleeding is coming from a blood vessel at the front of the nose, your doctor can easily seal up the opening with silver nitrate in a process called cauterizing. If the blood vessel is further back, nasal packing may be needed. This involves packing the nasal cavity with gauze, which puts pressure on the vessel and will stop the bleeding. The packing is left in place for 24 to 72 hours.
If the bleeding is coming from the back of the nose (a posterior nosebleed) a special type of packing is needed. You may need to be hospitalized and will be given a sedative and pain medication. The packing is left in place for 48 to 72 hours. If the bleeding still does not stop, surgery may be needed.
For those who are prone to nosebleeds, your Carlsbad otolaryngologist recommends taking steps to prevent them. Keep the nasal lining moist with a light coating of petroleum jelly several times a day, or use a saline nasal spray. Run a humidifier, especially if you live in a dry climate. Quit smoking; this causes dryness and irritation.
For more information, contact your Carlsbad doctor today.
Posted in BlogRecurrent nosebleeds: description of the disease, causes, symptoms, cost of treatment in Moscow
array ( [0] => Violation of the work of internal organs and systems with frequent volumetric bleeding; [1] => General exhaustion of the body; [2] => Anemia. )
An otolaryngologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Disease description
Nosebleeds or epistaxis can often occur regularly. It should not be ignored and considered the norm, since this condition often indicates the presence of certain pathologies that require mandatory treatment. Stopping nosebleeds is usually not difficult, which is why not all patients seek medical help in a timely manner to determine the cause of the problem and its treatment. If there is frequent bleeding from the nose, a visit to the doctor is required.
Recurrent nosebleeds can occur at any age due to external and internal causes. Frequent nosebleeds in adults have a variety of causes.
It is almost never possible to independently establish the cause of the pathology in a patient. Due to the fact that the nasal mucosa is permeated with a large number of vessels, even a slight damage to it provokes bleeding. For a traumatic reason, it is predominantly single or repeated several times over a short period of time - until the tissues recover. In other cases, with recurrent nosebleeds, medical assistance is indispensable. Nosebleeds for which no cause is known is a serious cause for concern.
Causes of pathology
The causes of nosebleeds, which tend to recur regularly, are divided by doctors into local and general. Local factors that cause bleeding include the following:
- foreign body in the nasal cavity - this phenomenon is more often observed in young children, who, out of interest, can stick a soft or hard object into their nose.
It will regularly damage the mucosa and, without timely extraction, will even cause the development of an ulcer on it, which will bleed especially strongly at the slightest violation of the integrity of its surface. Frequent bleeding from the nose in a child, be sure to check the nasal cavity for the presence of a foreign body;
- regular mechanical damage to the nasal mucosa is a common cause of frequent nosebleeds in children. Damage can be done with a fingernail or pencil if children have a tendency to pick their nose. After the cause of injury is eliminated, the tissues are restored, and the problem goes away without further treatment;
- larvae of worms - a number of parasites at a certain stage of their development migrate through the body and, penetrating into the nasal cavity, damage the vessels of the mucous membrane. Because of this, moderate to severe bleeding develops. They stop after the parasite leaves the nasal region and resume with the next stage of larval development and migration;
- neoplasms of the nasal cavity - can be a benign or malignant tumor.
In children, a benign neoplasm most often occurs. Malignant tumors in most cases are diagnosed in old age in men who are prone to alcohol abuse and smokers;
- Nasal septal defects are congenital disorders that cause bleeding in childhood. Without restoring the normal state of the nasal septum, it is almost impossible to eliminate them;
- chronic ENT diseases, in which there is an overflow of vessels with blood;
- degeneration of the nasal mucosa - frequent bleeding from the nose, while not abundant;
- dryness of the nasal mucosa.
Common causes of recurrent nosebleeds are associated with pathologies of systems and organs in which changes occur in the nasal mucosa, as well as in the walls of blood vessels, which makes them brittle. The most common violations of this nature are:
- congenital excessive vascular fragility;
- severe infectious diseases in which there is a strong increase in temperature. With them, bleeding is repeated several times a day and stops only after the temperature stabilizes;
- vasculitis - inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, which is not of an infectious nature;
- underdevelopment of the vascular walls - a congenital pathology, which most often has a hereditary character;
- deficiency of vitamins C and K - with almost constant bleeding from the nose;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- cancer of various parts of the respiratory system;
- significant increase in blood pressure that occurs regularly.
In this case, when the vessels are as crowded as possible, they burst;
- various diseases of the circulatory system and blood;
- chronic intoxication of the body - frequent bleeding from the nose, the causes of which are not always easy to establish, can annoy for a very long time.
Whatever causes nosebleeds, it must be treated. Regular blood loss is a serious danger, and it is extremely impossible to leave it unattended. During puberty, against the background of hormonal changes, a temporary decrease in the strength of the vessels of the nasal mucosa may occur and, as a result, the development of frequent bleeding, but even in this case, a doctor's consultation is required. The specialist will help in such a situation to prevent the appearance of anemia and properly support the body until the problem is eliminated.
When there is blood from the nose, the causes in an adult and in a child of the appearance of a problem are in many ways similar. This also determines similar treatment.
To determine the violation, the doctor, in addition to questioning the patient about his condition, conducts an examination, which determines the following: is there bleeding from the posterior parts of the nasal cavity, damage to the mucosa and neoplasms in the front of the nose. To obtain maximum information, rhinoscopy, endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, and pharyngoscopy are prescribed. Frequent nosebleeds require a full examination. The causes of frequent nosebleeds need to be established precisely. Without this, therapy will not be more effective.
To obtain information about blood parameters, its general analysis is performed, supplemented by studies to determine clotting indicators and iron levels (to determine the degree of anemia). This will allow you to understand why nosebleeds often come.
Prevention of nosebleeds
To reduce the risk of developing recurrent nosebleeds, preventive measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of external causes of the problem, as well as part of the internal ones, help. The main recommendations for preventing the problem are as follows:
- use of humidifiers if the air is excessively dry;
- the use of antipyretics when the temperature rises to more than 38 about ;
- timely removal of benign neoplasms of the nasal cavity;
- smoking cessation, since nicotine smoke contributes to the development of mucosal atrophy;
- refusal of alcohol, especially strong - it leads to a sharp expansion of blood vessels, which may cause their rupture;
- explaining to children from early childhood the danger of picking their nose and sticking foreign objects into it;
- regular monitoring of blood pressure in the presence of hypertension;
- prevention of contact with irritants and aggressive chemicals on the mucous membrane.
Prevention cannot completely protect against the occurrence of a violation. Because of this, if there is often blood from the nose, the reasons must be determined without fail.
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Epistaxis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
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Epistaxis is the outflow of blood from the nasal cavity.
Blood can either flow out through the nostrils or drain inward along the back of the throat. Usually, such bleeding stops on its own, as the damaged vessels are of small diameter. Very rarely, this condition requires medical attention.
The causes of bleeding are divided into local and general. Local include:
- Head and/or nose injuries.
- Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea.
- Operations on the nasal cavity.
- Neoplasms in the nose.
- Inhalation of irritants (hot vapour, acid and alkali fumes, gas).
- Increased air dryness.
Common causes:
- Sudden increase/decrease in blood pressure.
- Hereditary or acquired bleeding disorder.
- Increased vascular fragility.
- Willebrand-Diana disease (hereditary blood disorder).
- Infectious diseases, especially influenza.
The most obvious symptom of anterior bleeding is bleeding from one or both nostrils, in streams or drops.
Posterior nosebleeds do not manifest themselves in any way until the blood enters the gastrointestinal tract. Then patients experience nausea, vomiting (coffee grounds), hemoptysis, tarry stools.
Clinical manifestations depend on the amount of blood loss. If it is only a few milliliters, the person's condition will not change, but people with hemophobia may faint. If the bleeding is prolonged and continues, the person complains of dizziness, flies before the eyes, weakness, tinnitus, tachycardia. At the same time, his skin is pale, covered with sweat.
A surgeon, otorhinolaryngologist or therapist listens to the patient's complaints, collects an anamnesis and necessarily specifies the presence of chronic diseases such as arterial hypertension, pathology of the liver, blood vessels, hemophilia. In addition, it is important to know if the patient has had recent surgeries and is taking any medications. Be sure to find out how often nosebleeds recur.
After the interview, the doctor examines the nasal cavity, mouth and pharynx, measures blood pressure.
Perform a complete blood count to evaluate the number of red blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin and color index. A coagulogram and a biochemical blood test are also prescribed to check liver function.
A person can stop nosebleeds on their own. To do this, it is enough to tilt your head forward and strongly press the wings of the nose against the septum for 5 minutes. Contrary to a well-known myth, it is forbidden to throw your head back, as blood will run into your throat.
First aid:
- pressing the wings of the nose;
- cold compress on the nose;
- insertion of a tampon soaked in adrenaline into the nostril;
Mechanical ways to stop bleeding from the nose:
- anterior and posterior tamponade;
- cauterization of a bleeding vessel;
- hemostatic therapy;
- surgical methods: flashing of vessels, their embolization, ligation of arteries.Preventive measures include:
- Air humidification.
- Wetting of the nasal mucosa.
- Avoid head injury.
- SARS prevention.
- Blood pressure control.
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