Nausea and sleepiness
10 Common Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore
By Tammy WorthMedically Reviewed by Justin Laube, MD
Medically Reviewed
Certain symptoms women commonly experience after age 40 may be nothing to worry about, particularly if they’re part of your “norm.” But when you have a sudden change like headache, nausea, fatigue, unexpected vaginal bleeding, heart palpitations that last more than 15 minutes, or a rash on your breast that doesn’t go away within a couple of days, it’s wise to see your doctor.
“The reality is that a lot of times these symptoms are normal,” says Courtney Baechler, MD, a cardiologist and vice president of the Penny George Institute for Health and Healing at Abbott Hospital in Minneapolis. To put things in perspective, she reminds her patients that these are all things they've probably experienced in one form or another in just the past week — but they can also indicate a more serious health condition.
Take extreme fatigue in women, for example. Fibromyalgia syndrome, a disorder that causes chronic, deep muscle pain, may cause debilitating fatigue, even headache. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that occurs more often in women than men and has no known cure. Medication, getting sound sleep, being active, and eating a healthy diet may help the extreme fatigue of fibromyalgia.
Severe fatigue may also be caused by much more serious conditions that need a doctor’s attention, including, for example:
- Cancer
- Depression
- Some types of inflammatory arthritis
Antihistamines, antidepressants, and pain medicines at higher doses can cause significant fatigue. If you have experienced severe fatigue symptoms for several weeks, set up a doctor’s appointment. Your doctor will do a physical exam, ask about your health history, and order laboratory tests to make sure nothing serious is going on.
Headache, nausea, fatigue, and achiness may be a sign of a common cold or flu virus virus or a sign of heatstroke, especially in older adults. If you suspect heatstroke — call 911 or medical personnel immediately.
According to the Merck Manual, nausea and fatigue can be symptoms caused by cancer, diabetes, anemia, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other serious diseases. Or nausea and fatigue can be normal symptoms during PMS, menstruation, or pregnancy.
That’s why it is important to know your body. Even weight gain or weight loss could be a result of eating more or less — or a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes.
Knowing when new symptoms occur and checking with your physician to make sure they are not serious will let you be your own bodyguard when it comes to health and longevity.
When to Call the Doctor for Out-of-the-Ordinary Breast Changes
Jonathan Ford/CorbisThe size, feel, and look of your breasts are as individual as you are, and breasts often change predictably throughout the month. Some women normally have lumps; others get a lump every month before their period. But something outside of your usual breast condition could be a symptom of a health problem, says Rachel Freedman, MD, MPH, a medical oncologist at the Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.
“Look for anything new that persists, such as a mass, skin change, or rash that doesn’t go away in a day but sticks around,” Dr. Freedman says. Breast cancer can appear as an unusual redness of the skin that looks like an infection, swelling, lumps, bumps, or nodules. Other potential symptoms include nipple discharge that’s bloody (if it’s not bloody, it’s probably not of concern), and breasts that become unusually asymmetrical.
Unexpected Irregular Vaginal Bleeding
iStock.comIrregular bleeding, especially if it’s accompanied by pain during sex, could signal a serious condition like cervical cancer or uterine cancer. If your menstrual period becomes unusually heavy or irregular, occurs more often than every three weeks, or you have spotting between periods, get these symptoms checked out.
Discuss any post-menopausal spotting with your doctor. Even a little bit of bleeding after menopause is abnormal, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Some of the common causes are polyps (noncancerous growths) and either atrophy or thickening of the endometrium — the lining of your uterus.
Is Surprising or Sudden Weight Gain Serious?
Getty ImagesDramatic, unexplained changes in weight can be a sign of a serious health problem. For example, weight loss can be a sign of cancer, while weight gain may be a warning sign of heart failure or thyroid issues. If you experience new bloating or distension in your midsection that is persistent, it could be a sign of ovarian cancer, says Dr. Baechler. Ovarian cancer is uncommon, yet bloating is often one of the first symptoms.
If you have weight gain along with swelling in both of your legs and shortness of breath when you lie flat, you could be showing signs of heart failure, says Ashley Simmons, MD, medical director of the University of Kansas Hospital's Adelaide C. Ward Women's Heart Health Center in Kansas City, Kansas. Rapid weight gain, swelling, and retention of fluid can occur when your heart doesn’t pump fluid as efficiently as it should.
Moles That Bleed or Change Are Red Flags
CorbisHaving moles isn’t inherently a problem, but moles that bleed or change form are red flags, says Daniel Aires, MD, JD, dermatologist with the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. The rule of thumb is to follow the “ABCDE” of your mole:
- Asymmetric appearance
- Border that’s irregular
- Color variation
- Diameter larger than a pencil eraser
- Evolving size, color, and shape
The American Academy of Dermatology says these are warning signs of possible melanoma.
If there's a history of skin cancer in your family, watch your moles even more closely. Routine evaluations can help find potential problems. If you have a concern about a mole, it may be wise to take a photo of it every six months to make it easier to notice changes over time.
Persistent Leg Pain on One Side May Be a Blood Clot
Swelling and pain in one leg that doesn't go away may signal that you have a blood clot inside a vein, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). These signs should be tended to at once, particularly if you’re at higher risk for DVT. Risk factors that make DVT blood clots more likely get riskier with age. These include smoking, having surgery, being on estrogen-containing pills or hormone therapy, being immobile for a long period of time (like during long-distance travel), being pregnant, and recently giving birth. A life-threatening pulmonary embolism can occur when a blood clot moves from one part of your body to your lungs and blocks a vital artery there. According to Dr. Simmons, about 70 percent of blood clots that travel to the lungs begin in the legs.
Seek Medical Help for Heart Palpitations That Last 15 Minutes
An intermittent extra heartbeat here or there isn’t something that should concern you. But if you have heart palpitations that last longer than 15 minutes — especially if they’re accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness — you should be checked out, Simmons says. These symptoms could indicate a heart condition called atrial fibrillation.
In atrial fibrillation, the top chambers of the heart beat more quickly than the lower chambers. When prolonged, this can result in blood clots that can move to other parts of the body and may lead to stroke or heart failure over time.
Chest Pain Under Strain? Get It Checked Out
Getty Images“In older white males, we know chest pain may be a sign of heart attack. But we haven’t gotten that same sort of education with women,” Baechler says. “Women fear breast cancer more than heart disease, but they are more likely to have heart disease.” In fact, heart disease is the No.1 killer of women in America today, causing more deaths than all types of cancer combined.
If you lift something and have chest pain that you’ve never had before, get it checked out. You should also see your doctor about any new chest pain when you walk upstairs or exert yourself in some way. This is particularly important if the pain goes away after a short period of rest. Women are more likely than men to have atypical symptoms of a heart attack: shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, a cold sweat, or pain in the arms, back, neck, or stomach, Baechler says. Get these, and any of the more traditional symptoms, checked out.
Worsening Shortness of Breath Could Be a Sign of Heart Disease
Getty ImagesDon’t ignore shortness of breath by assuming it’s from a lack of conditioning or recent weight gain. If you experience shortness of breath after exertion that progressively gets worse, it could be a sign of a heart disease like aortic stenosis (a valve problem in an older woman) or coronary artery disease (a partial blockage in an artery leading to the heart). Check with your doctor if you have shortness of breath that suddenly gets worse.
Sudden Vision Changes May Be Signs of a Stroke
ThinkstockAs you age, it’s normal for your vision to progressively worsen. But don’t ever ignore visual changes that affect only one eye, the sudden onset of double vision, or the inability to see the center of what you’re looking at.
Vision changes that occur suddenly can be signs of a stroke. They’re particularly alarming if they come with other warning symptoms of stroke, such as numbness on one side of the body, or difficulty speaking or finding the right words. More subtle variations on these symptoms could indicate a transient ischemic attack, commonly called a mini-stroke. Getting them checked out could prevent a larger stroke later, Baechler says.
See Your Doctor for Unexpected Bowel Habit Changes
Brook Rieman/Getty ImagesBowel movements are a measure of how things are passing through your body, which means they can be a good indicator of something that’s awry. Conditions like colon cancer and anal cancer can have similar symptoms. These include bleeding or blood in the stool, and any major changes in the amount, frequency (either constipation or diarrhea), consistency, or appearance of stools.
Bowel changes that don’t go away after a couple of days or weeks should be checked out with your doctor. “It's really normal most of the time, but it’s just always good to get routine checkups if something is changing,” Baechler says.
Causes, symptoms, treatment, and more
Fatigue and nausea are common symptoms that often occur together. In some cases, these symptoms may develop as a result of lifestyle factors, such as poor sleep or diet, or lack of exercise. In other cases, they may signal an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.
Fatigue is a term that describes a lack of energy or a feeling of tiredness or sluggishness. Nausea is a feeling of discomfort in the stomach or a feeling of needing to vomit.
This article outlines the potential causes of combined fatigue and nausea and lists the medical treatments and home remedies that may help alleviate these symptoms. We also provide advice on how to prevent fatigue and nausea and when to see a doctor.
Fatigue and nausea can co-occur as a result of:
- lifestyle factors
- short-term, or acute, illnesses
- long-term, or chronic, conditions
Some possible causes of fatigue and nausea are outlined below.
Lifestyle factors
The following lifestyle factors may cause fatigue and nausea:
- staying awake too late
- not getting enough sleep
- eating too much
- eating too late at night
- drinking too much alcohol the night before
- using recreational drugs
- lacking physical activity
- overexerting oneself
- being jet-lagged
Certain infections may also cause symptoms of fatigue and nausea. Examples include:
- bacterial infections, such as:
- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
- Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection
- chlamydia
- viral infections, such as:
- influenza
- Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)
- hepatitis
- poliovirus
- Ebola virus
- malaria
- dengue fever
- parasitic infections, such as:
- hookworm infections
Psychological causes
Mental health issues can sometimes cause physical symptoms, including fatigue and nausea. Examples include:
- anxiety
- stress
- depression
- loss and grief
Hormonal issues
Fatigue and nausea can sometimes occur as a result of a condition that affects the hormones or the endocrine system that makes the hormones. Examples include:
- hyperthyroidism
- hypothyroidism
- hyperparathyroidism
- hypercalcemia
- Addison’s disease
Neurological conditions
Issues that affect the nerves and the nervous system may also cause symptoms such as nausea and fatigue. Examples include:
- migraines
- epilepsy
- concussion
- traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- multiple sclerosis (MS)
- brain tumor
Other conditions
Other conditions could also cause nausea and fatigue with or without additional symptoms. Some examples include:
- reactions to animal bites or stings
- food poisoning
- food intolerances or allergies
- celiac disease
- inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- peptic ulcer
- hypertension
- heatstroke
- premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- endometriosis
- sleep apnea
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- diabetes
- kidney disease
- liver cirrhosis, or liver failure
Fatigue and nausea are common during the early stages of pregnancy. Doctors use the term “morning sickness” to refer to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, although these symptoms may occur at any time of day. A 2014 study notes that morning sickness occurs in around 85% of pregnancies.
If there is any possibility that a person may be pregnant, they should take a pregnancy test. If they are not pregnant, they should see their doctor to determine the cause of their morning nausea.
Feeling nauseous upon waking up may simply be the result of poor sleep or an upset stomach from the night before. However, it could also signal a more chronic underlying health issue.
It is fairly normal for a person’s energy levels to dip after eating. This happens because the body redirects blood to the digestive system to help break down food in the stomach.
Eating too much may cause a large dip in energy levels since the body has more food to digest. Overeating may also cause feelings of fullness or nausea.
Symptoms of fatigue and nausea after eating can sometimes signal a digestive issue. Other possible symptoms of a digestive disease include:
- difficulty swallowing
- acid reflux
- heartburn
- vomiting
- bloating
- abdominal pain
- belching or flatulence
- constipation
- diarrhea
- bowel incontinence
- blood in stool
- unexplained weight gain or weight loss
The treatment for fatigue and nausea depends on the underlying cause. Treating the cause should help eliminate or control the symptoms. Chronic conditions may require a long-term treatment plan.
Doctors may also prescribe treatments for the symptoms themselves. For example, a doctor may prescribe antiemetic drugs to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Certain home remedies may help manage the symptoms of fatigue and nausea. Some examples are outlined below.
Home remedies for nausea
The following home remedies may help settle an upset stomach and reduce feelings of nausea:
- sipping a cold drink
- drinking ginger or peppermint tea
- eating foods containing ginger, such as ginger biscuits or candied ginger
- eating multiple small portions
- getting a lot of fresh air
- finding distractions, such as listening to music, watching a movie, or reading a book
In addition, people should avoid the following:
- preparing or eating strong-smelling foods
- eating foods that are spicy, fried, or greasy
- eating too fast
- drinking while eating
- wearing clothing that is tight around the waist or abdomen
- lying down shortly after eating
Home remedies for fatigue
The following home remedies may help reduce fatigue:
- eating smaller meals and healthful snacks every 3–4 hours
- gradually decreasing caffeine intake over the course of 3 weeks
- limiting alcohol intake and avoiding alcohol before bedtime
- drinking more water to prevent dehydration and associated fatigue
- gradually increasing physical activity
- reaching or maintaining a moderate weight
- going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends
- avoiding daytime naps
- establishing or maintaining a relaxing bedtime routine
- reducing stress levels through one or more of the following:
- working out
- practicing yoga or tai chi
- spending time with friends
- receiving counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for fatigue caused by stress, anxiety, or low mood
Experiencing fatigue and nausea is not always a cause for concern. Sometimes, these symptoms are the result of poor lifestyle habits. Changing these habits should lead to an improvement or reduction in symptoms.
However, people should see a doctor if they experience severe, persistent, or worsening episodes of fatigue and nausea.
It is important to seek immediate medical attention for fatigue and nausea that are accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
- chest pain or pressure
- difficulty breathing
- slurred speech
- persistent confusion
- continuous or repeated vomiting
- fever
- yellowing of the skin or eyes
- suicidal thoughts
The above symptoms may indicate a serious underlying medical condition that requires prompt medical treatment.
The outlook for people experiencing combined fatigue and nausea depends on the underlying cause of these symptoms.
Fatigue and nausea are not always a cause for concern. This combination of symptoms sometimes goes away following appropriate lifestyle adjustments, such as changes in eating, sleeping, or exercise habits.
However, severe, persistent, or recurrent episodes of fatigue and nausea can indicate an underlying medical condition that requires treatment. In some instances, it may take time for a doctor to diagnose and treat the cause. Once a doctor has established a diagnosis and a treatment plan, a person will typically find relief from these symptoms.
It may not be possible to prevent all causes of fatigue and nausea. However, the following factors may reduce a person’s risk of developing these symptoms:
- staying hydrated
- limiting alcohol and caffeine intake and avoiding either before bedtime
- avoiding large meals and eating late at night
- getting plenty of sleep each night
- following basic personal hygiene to help prevent infections
- eating a healthful diet and exercising regularly to reduce the risk of health conditions that can cause fatigue and nausea
- alleviating stress through one or more of the following:
- mindfulness meditation
- breathing exercises
- yoga or tai chi
- seeking therapy for mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression
Fatigue and nausea are symptoms that commonly occur together. In some cases, they are the result of lifestyle habits, such as poor sleep or diet, or lack of exercise. In other instances, they may signal an underlying mental or physical health issue that requires treatment.
Sometimes, a person may experience symptom relief after using home remedies to aid sleep, alleviate stress, or improve diet. However, if these changes do not lead to an improvement in symptoms, a person should see their doctor.
Anyone who experiences severe, persistent, or recurrent episodes of fatigue and nausea should seek a medical diagnosis and treatment. Following appropriate treatment, most people should experience an improvement in their symptoms.
Causes of dizziness and drowsiness in women, prevention.
Causes of dizziness and drowsiness in women, prevention. Gimranov Rinat Fazylzhanovich
Neurologist, neurophysiologist, experience - 33 years;
Professor of Neurology, MD;
Clinic for Rehabilitation Neurology. About the author
Publication date: October 30, 2021
Updated: October 25, 2022
Weakness, dizziness, drowsiness - a complex of symptoms typical of a tired body. Probably every person periodically experiences this after a busy day at work.
If signs such as frequent dizziness and headache, weakness, drowsiness, nausea and loss of energy in women become regular, the cause that causes them is probably more serious than fatigue.
Content of the article:
- 1 reasons
- 2 Symptoms
- 3 Diagnostics
- 4 Treatment
- 5 Prevention
- 6 List work and rest. It can also speak of a severe progressive disease [1].
If you experience frequent or severe attacks of drowsiness and dizziness, you should seek medical help and undergo a complete examination. Diagnosis will help to find the cause of the problem, and treatment will help eliminate it and get rid of annoying sensations.
Unpleasant sensations in the form of drowsiness and dizziness in women occur at different times, have different intensities.
It depends on the reasons causing the deterioration of well-being.
Among them - the natural influence on the organism of the environment or a specific reaction to non-hazardous phenomena. However, such a malaise is a signal of a disease that requires serious treatment. For example, with atherosclerosis or other conditions.
Causes of drowsiness and weakness can be:
- Pregnancy: common, the condition in question is characteristic of the first trimester.
- A sharp decrease in blood pressure. At a young age, it is a natural reaction of the body, often occurs against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It can also indicate cardiovascular disease.
- Anemia, anemia. A decrease in the level of iron in the blood leads to a lack of hemoglobin. This is a protein in red blood cells that allows them to supply oxygen to tissues, including the brain.
- Taking medication, even if prescribed by a doctor.
Side effects of drugs can manifest themselves in this way.
- Drop in blood glucose (hypoglycemia). Often, it is caused by a prolonged break between meals. It also occurs due to the introduction of the wrong dose of insulin or an overdose of hypoglycemic drugs.
- Chronic fatigue. When the body does not have enough time to recover and rest, well-being worsens.
- Traumatic brain injury. Consequences of brain concussions may appear some time after, it seemed, recovery [2].
- Neoplasms in brain structures. The growing knot compresses the surrounding tissues, making you feel worse.
Different causes cause a different set of symptoms, but if you feel dizzy and weak, drowsy, you have a headache, then even without a fever, this is a signal of malaise that requires professional help.
Often, when we feel sleepy and dizzy, we have no fear. Such sensations are attributed to fatigue or the temporary influence of external factors.
However, if other symptoms appear along with those described, it is worthwhile to see a doctor immediately. Dangerous comorbidities include:
- nausea and vomiting;
- severe, unbearable headache;
- desensitization of extremities;
- speech problems;
- tremor of limbs;
- fever;
- inability to concentrate;
- blurred vision, double vision, its partial loss or the appearance of "flies", darkening in the eyes.
With such symptoms, every hour of delay can be decisive for maintaining health [3].
When a doctor is consulted with complaints of headache, weakness, dizziness and constant sleepiness, the doctor looks for the reasons as closely as possible. After all, it depends on his experience and knowledge whether the correct treatment will begin on time.
Diagnosis includes an initial examination in which the patient is asked in detail about the characteristics of an episode of malaise.
They clarify the events accompanying it, collect an anamnesis, find out about the presence of certain diseases in relatives.
After a preliminary determination of the cause of poor health, the patient is assigned laboratory and instrumental studies:
- monitor blood pressure;
- MRI reveals tumors, neoplasms and describes the general condition of the cerebral vessels;
- x-ray of the cervical spine for abnormalities of bone structures;
- dopplerography shows the patency of the vessels supplying blood to the brain;
- blood and urine are checked to determine the presence of infection, glucose and hemoglobin levels.
Also, according to the results of the diagnostics, it will become clear how the kidneys work and whether there is enough oxygen in the blood to properly nourish the body.
According to the results of the tests, the doctor will appoint consultations with doctors of the required profile, and make an accurate diagnosis.
After it is found out why a person is constantly dizzy and has a headache, wants to sleep, appears weak and nauseous, the doctor, in accordance with the cause, makes up a course of individual, complex therapy [4].
The treatment strategy combines several methods:
- Medical approach. Prescribed drugs that directly affect the cause of seizures. Medications that eliminate negative symptoms can also be prescribed.
- Physiotherapy includes a complex of procedures such as extremely high frequencies, vortex magnetic fields and others. Sessions purposefully influence the affected parts of the brain and generally strengthen the human body.
- Psychotherapy, if dizziness and lethargy is caused by excessive stress, a complex psycho-emotional state.
In some cases, the only way to get rid of the problem is surgery. It is used in cases of serious injuries or in case of neoplasms of the cerebral cortex, subcortical structures.
Feeling dizzy, constant weakness and drowsiness in women not during pregnancy may occur not only due to a serious disruption of the basic body systems. In most cases, attacks of poor health can be avoided by following the advice of specialists.
Effective preventive measures are:
- Smoking cessation. Each cigarette smoked provokes vasospasm, which can lead to dizziness. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke has a negative effect on well-being, because it replaces the oxygen needed by the brain in red blood cells.
- Ventilate the room you are in regularly. Open the windows in the bedroom before going to bed for 15-20 minutes, even in winter.
- Take walks in the fresh air. Daily exercise for 30 minutes will not only improve the supply of oxygen to the brain, but also relieve stress accumulated during the day.
- Monitor your blood pressure. Try to avoid sudden changes in indicators. When jumping, you must immediately take the necessary measures.
- Find out from relatives about the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cases of anemia. Knowing about such a history, in the event of the first symptoms, you can quickly identify the problem and begin treatment.
- Avoid physical and mental overwork. Build a schedule for work and rest and strictly adhere to it.
- Arrange an ergonomic workplace for yourself so that hypodynamia and forced body position do not cause discomfort.
Pay special attention to health.
If you follow a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time attacks of weakness and dizziness with drowsiness still happen, you should consult a doctor [5].
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Gimranov Rinat Fazylzhanovich
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- Fatigue and weakness: main causes, signs of serious diseases
If fatigue persists after rest, find out why
Fatigue, feeling of exhaustion, lack of strength and energy? This is a normal reaction of the body.
If the fatigue subsides after a rest, there is no reason to worry, but if it persists, you need to find out why. This may indicate various abnormalities in the body.
Diseases that cause weakness
There are many diseases in which weakness is one of the symptoms. But you should not make a diagnosis yourself, especially since without an examination, tests, a specialist will not be able to cope with this task.
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First you need to contact a therapist, and he, if necessary, will refer you to the right doctor.
Weakness may appear in the presence of the following diseases:
- Allergy. During an allergic reaction, a large amount of histamine and other substances that affect the walls of blood vessels are released, which leads to a drop in blood pressure and weakness. In addition to this symptom, the patient may be disturbed by a runny nose, lacrimation.
- Diseases of the heart. When this organ is out of order, blood flow decreases, many organs suffer from a lack of oxygen. Weakness appears, which increases with physical exertion. If you are worried about shortness of breath, compressive pain in the heart, you need to go to the doctor.
- Endocrine diseases. This may be hypothyroidism, due to which a person suffers from drowsiness, weakness, hypotension. Patients complain of chilliness, reduced attention and memory, increased weight. After treatment, all these unpleasant symptoms disappear. Weakness also appears with hypoglycemia, which may occur due to improper treatment of diabetes.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When the intestinal microflora is disturbed, a huge amount of harmful substances can accumulate in the body, which causes intoxication. In addition to weakness, heaviness worries, it is difficult for the patient to do his job. Headaches or dizziness, nausea, often a person refuses to eat may appear.
- Liver diseases. Any hepatic pathology is accompanied by weakness. At first, a person is very tired at the end of the working day, it is difficult for him to concentrate on something. Then the weakness becomes permanent, patients begin to avoid any physical activity, because. even with minor loads, dizziness, shortness of breath appears.
- VSD. Most often found in young people, weakness and fatigue are aggravated by severe stress, overwork, and malnutrition. In addition to fatigue, dizziness, severe sweating, and pre-fainting are disturbing.
- Depression . It's not just a bad mood. Due to depression, a person can sleep up to 14-16 hours, most of the time lies in bed, complains of weakness and fatigue. Feeling worse after stress or conflict.
- Tumor. The decay products of cancer cells cause severe intoxication, due to which patients suffer from fatigue and weakness, which is not associated with physical exertion.
Even in the morning they do not have the strength, headaches and weakness can disturb. Often a person has a low temperature, aches appear all over the body, appetite disappears.
There are other diseases accompanied by weakness. The symptoms of some are similar, so only a specialist can prescribe treatment.
Other causes
But if a person suffers from weakness, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of some kind of disease. There are other reasons that cause severe fatigue, for example, working seven days a week for about 10-12 hours a day.
Most often it affects middle-aged or older people who find it difficult to adapt to such overloads. At the end of the working day, drowsiness, weakness are disturbing, and if a person does not get enough sleep, then the malaise does not go away in the morning.
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Poor sleep is also the cause of weakness, fatigue, weakness.
To feel good, a person should sleep at least 7-9 hours a day. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
Weakness can be caused by a lack of vitamins, for example, B12, when a person is not able to work physically, he often feels dizzy, “flies” flash before his eyes, the skin becomes pale, and the nasolabial triangle turns blue.
Often, muscle weakness is observed with a lack of vitamin D, especially we feel it in the autumn-winter period, when the daylight hours are reduced. To prevent the occurrence of these symptoms, you need to eat right and varied, because. It is from food that we get the necessary vitamins and minerals.
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If we are talking about beriberi, you can take special supplements, but only after consulting a doctor. The cause of weakness can also be malnutrition or too low a caloric content of food.
Strict diets are harmful and do not bring results.
the weight may come back later. It is advisable to eat at least 3 times a day, including fruits and vegetables in the diet and reducing the amount of fast food and sweets.
Sometimes weakness is due to medication, for example, drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies can reduce blood pressure. Some antihistamines, sleeping pills, tranquilizers cause drowsiness. In this case, you need to talk to your doctor, change the dosage, or try other drugs.
Weakness is not a disease, but may be one of the symptoms of a disease. A correct diagnosis and timely treatment can restore a person's strength. Sometimes it is enough to improve sleep, proper nutrition, give up night shifts, try to minimize the number of stressful and conflict situations.
A good "medicine" is a change of scenery, for example, a trip to a sanatorium or to the sea. In any case, you need to take care of yourself, because if it is a serious illness, the treatment will be effective only if the patient immediately sought help, and did not dismiss the symptoms that appeared, hoping that everything would go away on its own.