Least developed sense at birth
Infant vision development: Helping babies see their bright futures!
Kylie Rymanowicz, Michigan State University Extension -
Eyes aren’t only the windows to the soul, vision is an important part of learning about, exploring and connecting with the world. Supporting your child’s visual development helps to set their sight on success!
The first year of your baby's life is a critical period of development. Photo credit: Nick Fedele | MSU ExtensionDuring the first year of life, your baby is experiencing rapid growth, physically, cognitively and emotionally. Being that vision is the least developed sense at birth, a lot happens during the first 12 months. Your baby will go from being nearsighted and having difficulty focusing their eyes to being able to imitate movements, recognize faces and play peek-a-boo.
To help you understand this important year of development, Michigan State University Extension has information about how vision changes during the first year of life and ways you can support it.
Birth to Four Months
Until around three months of age, infants cannot focus on objects that are more than 8-10 inches away from their faces. Around three months, their range of vision begins to increase but they haven’t yet developed the ability to move their visual focus from one object to another.
Babies have an easier time focusing on high contrast objects during this stage of development. Black and white photos with contrasting patterns or images, also called infant stimulation cards, are easy for your infant to focus on and can encourage their vision development. You can post these cards throughout your home where your child can see them or even create a mobile with them.
At about three months, babies should be engaging in visual tracking, this refers to the ability to follow an object with their eyes. To practice tracking with your baby, place your baby on their back and try to get their attention with a rattle, bell or other toy held above them in midline (the center of their body). Once they look at your toy, slowly move the toy to the right or left towards the floor. Watch to see if your baby follows the object with their eyes. If your baby loses the object, try shaking it to get their attention again. You can also try gluing a high-contrast infant stimulation card to a paper plate and encouraging your child to track the image.
Supporting vision development from birth to four months:
- Hold toys and others stimuli within 8 - 10 inches from your baby’s face so they are able to focus on it. Give them plenty of time to focus their eyes on the object and remember to give them lots of down time to avoid overstimulation.
- Get your baby moving! Hold your baby up as you walk around the room and turn them slowly so they can see objects and people in the room.
- Change it up! Make sure to alternate which side your child is feeding on and even which direction they are sleeping in the crib. This will allow them to balance what they are seeing and prevent them from always turning the same direction.
Five to Eight Months
Infants are beginning to develop depth perception, a more sensitive perception of color vision and can accomplish tasks like moving an object from one hand to the other. As children develop their motor skills during this period, they are also developing hand-eye coordination. Your baby will start to be able to tell the difference between strange and familiar faces. They also develop the ability to concentrate on objects like toys or even their own fingers or toes.
Supporting vision development from five to eight months:
- Small toys, like wooden blocks, will encourage fine motor development and hand-eye coordination.
- Make sure your baby has plenty of floor play so they can watch and explore the world around them.
- Songs and other games that include a motor pattern like “patty cake” or “so big” can help encourage visual development and muscle coordination.
- Hang a mobile above your child’s crib or play area that your child can reach for, pull or kick.
Nine to 12 Months
Babies are working on using their eyes and hands together and synchronizing these movements. They will develop better motor control of their hands and fingers and will be able to pick up objects by coordinating those fine motor muscles and their eyes. During this time they should be starting to feed themselves finger foods.
Supporting vision development from nine to 12 months:
- Reading books with your child is a great way to test their sight. Allow your baby lots of time to explore books. They will be exposed to new and different colors, shapes and images and practice their hand-eye coordination by turning the pages.
- Playing hide and seek using toys or your face is a great way to work on developing your infant’s visual memory.
Partially cover your infant’s favorite toy and watch them work on retrieving it.
- When you are out and about with your baby, point and label objects. It not only encourages visual acuity, but language and cognitive development as well.
- Schedule plenty of face time. Babies still enjoy looking at familiar faces. So make silly faces and give plenty of kisses and tickles.
For more information about your child’s vision development, check out the American Optometric Association.
This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit https://extension.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension.msu.edu/newsletters. To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu.edu/experts, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).
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What is the least developed sense at birth?
Being that vision is the least developed sense at birth, a lot happens during the first 12 months. Your baby will go from being nearsighted and having difficulty focusing their eyes to being able to imitate movements, recognize faces and play peek-a-boo.
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What is the least developed newborn sense?
Answer and Explanation: The sense of sight is the least-developed sense at birth.
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Which of the following senses is the weakest at birth?
Vision is developing quickly but is believed to be the weakest of the senses. Motor skills develop as your baby's muscles and nerves work together.
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What sense is the slowest to develop?
Smell and taste are the slowest and can take more than a second to react to a new sensation.
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What is a human's weakest sense?
Taste is a sensory function of the central nervous system, and is considered the weakest sense in the human body. The sense of taste begins with the taste buds, which are found in large bumps on the tongue called fungi form papillae.
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What is the 1st sense a baby develops?
Touch. This is the very first sense to form, with development starting at around 8 weeks.
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Which sense is most developed at birth?
Hearing is fully developed in newborns. Babies with normal hearing should startle in response to loud sounds. These babies will also pay quiet attention to the mother's voice, and briefly stop moving when sound at a conversational level is begun.
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What is the least developed sense at birth quizlet?
Vision is the least mature sense at birth because the fetus has nothing to see while in the womb.
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What is the least needed sense?
The sense of smell has been regarded as the least important of the five senses in western culture since at least the writings of Plato [1].
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Is sense of touch developed at birth?
Your baby's sense of touch begins to develop when he's still in the womb—around week 7. As soon as he's born, your little one starts learning about himself and the world through his ultra-sensitive tactile sense. That's why holding him skin-to-skin or giving him a massage is so powerful.
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In what order do the 5 senses develop?
Sight comes first, because the eye is such a specialized organ. Then come hearing, touch, smell, and taste, progressively less specialized senses.
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What was the first sense to evolve?
Olfactory sense is, in terms of evolution, one of the oldest senses, allowing the organisms with receptors for the odorant to identify food, potential mating partners, dangers and enemies.
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What is the last of the 5 senses to be lost?
They concluded that the dying brain responds to sound tones even during an unconscious state and that hearing is the last sense to go in the dying process.
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What is the oldest of the five senses?
What we know is that smell is the oldest sense, having its origins in the rudimentary senses for chemicals in air and water – senses that even bacteria have. Before sight or hearing, before even touch, creatures evolved to respond to chemicals around them.
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Can you be born without a sense of touch?
The condition, also called congenital peripheral sensory neuropathy, is caused by a genetic mutation that disrupts the development of sensory nerve fibers that carry sensations such as touch, pain, temperature and vibration to the brain.
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Are babies born with a sense of self?
When a baby is first born, it has no concept that it is a separate entity from its mother or other beings. As a child grows they begin to develop a sense of themselves and what they can do, what they like and who they are as a person. Around the age of three, this development increases dramatically.
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Why can't babies look in the mirror?
In Greece, locals believe that a newborn baby shouldn't see themselves in the mirror, as mirrors can capture and trap souls, never to be freed again. This superstition isn't only exclusive to Greece though – a lot of cultures and countries share this belief.
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Are babies born with a sense of right and wrong?
Early theorists in psychology mainly took the approach that babies are born without any sense of morality and have to learn it as they get older. We now know that although a fully developed sense of morality does not emerge until adolescence or later, babies already show signs of a rudimentary moral compass.
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Are babies born knowing anything?
Even before birth, babies have begun paying attention to sound. And newborns can recognize familiar voices and tunes! Late in gestation, babies are already paying attention to the sounds they hear. How do we know?
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Which sense is hardest to live without?
Out of our 5 senses, our ability to sense touch (also called “haptic” sense) is the first one to develop as we're a growing foetus. Biologically this speaks to its primary importance of touch in life, over and above the other senses. In fact, it is the one sense that you cannot live without.
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Is there a sense that humans don't have?
Senses that humans don't have
There are some senses that are only found in the animal world. Electroception – the ability to feel electrical fields around us. Sharks can detect electrical fields in their environment, including those emitted by prey it cannot necessarily see.
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What is the strongest sense of a human?
Vision is often thought of as the strongest of the senses. That's because humans tend to rely more on sight, rather than hearing or smell, for information about their environment. Light on the visible spectrum is detected by your eyes when you look around.
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What was our first sense?
Touch is thought to be the first sense that humans develop, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Touch consists of several distinct sensations communicated to the brain through specialized neurons in the skin.
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What was the last sense to evolve?
Hearing in air came last, because sound waves are weak compared to electromagnetic waves such as light, and require specialised structures to amplify the signal, especially for high frequencies. Fully-functioning ears didn't evolve until 275 million years ago.
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Is there a 7 sense?
We all learned the five senses in elementary school: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. But did you know we actually have seven senses? The two lesser known senses are vestibular and proprioception and they are connected to the tactile sense (touch).
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Neurologist for parents about children
What is common between a child who is afraid to go to the blackboard and an excellent student who suffers from skin allergies and tics?
Between an impulsive child who is rude to teachers and hits classmates, and a fearful and insecure C student with headaches and impaired attention?
Between a restless, irritable, nervous child for any reason and his desk neighbor suffering from sleep disorders and enuresis, who is not interested in anything, who is not affected by either shouts or deuces?
Many of these manifestations of behavior in children are based on violations of the mechanisms of development of the nervous system . ..
What explains the disturbances in the nervous activity of the baby, if there are no visible changes in the brain?
The fact is that outwardly correctly formed brain is not yet a guarantee of its normal operation. Having experienced unfavorable influences in a critical period (intrauterine, during childbirth or in a newborn), the brain "goes out of the schedule" of its development into the most critical phase. The formation of the most important functions does not have time to "fit" into the optimal age period allotted for this, into a kind of peak in the plasticity of the nervous system, and then, in addition to what has already been said, the baby may develop irreversible conditions ....
But if everything that happens in childhood were irreversible, then childhood diseases of the nervous system would be incurable...
And this is not so!
How to treat brain diseases? Our pediatric neurologists and psychoneurologists will answer this.
A child psychoneurologist, unlike an adult neuropathologist, has to deal with almost all the pathologies inherent in the body:
- damage to the nervous system in utero and during childbirth as a result of various adverse factors
- disorders of motor development (from tempo delays in the formation of initial motor skills to paresis and paralysis)
- birth and domestic traumatic brain injury and their consequences
- epilepsy, other convulsive conditions
- sleep disorders, including paroxysmal
- cerebrovascular accidents (strokes) in both acute and chronic stages
- congenital and acquired hydrocephalus
- "rejuvenated" multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and other progressive diseases of the nervous system
- pains of various origins
- hereditary neuromuscular diseases and other genetic diseases affecting the nervous system
- behavioral disorders, adaptation problems, neurotic reactions and habits (tics, stuttering, urinary incontinence, obsessions, fears, etc.
- diseases of the mental sphere (early childhood schizophrenia, autism, mental retardation - intellectual deficiency of varying severity)
- disorders "accompanying" chronic somatic diseases
and many other disorders, except perhaps a very small range of genetic conditions, age-dependent, but they also tend to rejuvenate ...
Perinatal damage to the nervous system is a collective diagnosis that implies a violation of the function or structure of the brain (encephalopathy) and spinal cord of various origins that occurs in the perinatal period (from the 28th week of intrauterine development, including birth, to the period corresponding to the first week of a child's life with processes characteristic of him adaptation of the newborn to environmental conditions). Causes that affect the occurrence of symptoms of PPNS can be:
- intrauterine infections (rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, etc.)
- exacerbations of chronic diseases of the future mother with adverse changes in metabolism
- intoxication
- exposure to various types of radiation
- genetic conditioning
- long dry period
- absence or weak intensity of contractions and induction of labor activity inevitable in these cases
- insufficient opening of the birth canal
- rapid labor
- use of manual delivery techniques
- cesarean section
- umbilical cord around the fetus
- large body weight and size of the fetus
- neuroinfections
- injuries
The consequence of these causes is a violation of breathing and circulation (asphyxia, hypoxia), energy deficiency of the heart and brain, insufficiency of individual organs or functional systems (multiple organ failure), leading in some cases to irreversible phenomena.
Birth trauma of newborns is damage to the organs and tissues of the fetus that occurs during childbirth as a result of a discrepancy between the birth expelling forces (contractions, attempts) and the elasticity of the tissues of the fetus. Predisposing causes include: toxicosis of pregnant women, cardiovascular diseases of the mother, infections during pregnancy, metabolic disorders, prematurity and overmaturity, etc. Prenatal asphyxia (hypoxia) of the fetus plays a special role in the occurrence of birth trauma.
Sometimes injuries are accompanied by intracranial hemorrhages, cerebral edema with increased intracranial pressure, with the development of hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain), fractures of the clavicles and humerus, spine, injuries of the facial nerve and paralysis of the brachial plexus, etc.
Traumatic brain injury (including domestic). Head injuries can vary greatly in severity, from minor bruising of the soft tissues of the head to severe damage to the skull and brain. In young children, even sometimes outwardly “harmless” falls from a small height can hide fractures of the skull, its internal platinum with damage to brain tissue. Mechanical trauma to the skull leads to compression of the brain tissue, tension and displacement of its layers, and a temporary sharp increase in intracranial pressure. The displacement of the medulla may be accompanied by rupture of the brain tissue and blood vessels (hemorrhage), brain contusion. Usually, these mechanical disturbances are accompanied by complex changes in the brain and their consequences.
Epilepsy is a chronic neuropsychiatric disease characterized by a tendency to recurrent sudden seizures. Seizures are of various types (convulsive and non-convulsive), but any of them is based on a very high electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain.
Epilepsy has been known since ancient times. Epileptic seizures were noted in many prominent people, such as the apostle Paul and Buddha, Julius Caesar and Napoleon, Handel and Dante, Van Gogh and Nobel. Its prevalence reaches 15-20 cases per 1000 people. In addition, approximately one in 20 children had seizures at least once with a rise in temperature. There are epilepsy as an independent disease, epileptic syndromes (with various diseases of the brain) and epileptic reactions to sudden external stimuli (poisoning, intoxication, environmental influences, trauma, stress, etc.)
Paroxysmal sleep disorders (parasomnias). Paroxysmal sleep disorders have been known since antiquity and are described in the writings of Hippocrates and Aristotle. Some of them are similar to epilepsy, both in terms of manifestations and diagnostic characteristics. To date, a large number of independent syndromes that occur during sleep are known, which are associated with the peculiarities of the development of the child's nervous system (including general medical, neurological, emotional, social problems, environmental factors). These are such as enuresis, night terrors and nightmares, vegetative disorders (excessive sweating, respiratory rate disorders, asthma attacks and palpitations), bruxism (teeth grinding), excessive motor activity during sleep, startling, sleepwalking, sleepwalking, paroxysmal night pains, convulsions in limbs, disturbed awakening after sleep.
Along with these sleep disorders, there are also sleep-wake rhythm disturbances associated with sleep disorders (dyssomnias), as well as sleep disorders with concomitant diseases (ARVI, rhinitis, various pain syndromes, teething period in children, etc.), sleep disorders can also be observed in psychiatric diseases, etc.
Cerebral circulation disorders in children. Children may develop all types of cerebral circulation disorders, starting with their initial manifestations (in the form of headaches, dizziness, mental disorders, intellectual retardation, etc.) and ending with strokes. Blood diseases, brain tumors, improper development of the walls of the cerebral vessels themselves (aneurysms), diabetes mellitus, alcohol and drug use can lead to vascular diseases of the brain, both in adults and in children. The probability of their development is quite high in case of heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, heart defects and inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle. Inflammatory diseases of the vessels of the brain - vasculitis - can also be the cause of impaired cerebral circulation. In children, vasculitis is more common with rheumatism. Cerebral circulation disorders of the brain and spinal cord in children can also be long-term consequences of a birth injury of the spine.
A nervous child is an irritable, naughty child who does not know how and does not want to control himself. Moreover, almost 90% of completely different children fall under this parental “diagnosis”. The birth of a nervous child may depend on the fact that the expectant mother was nervous, suffered from toxicosis, and had a difficult birth. But even in the case when there is none of the above reasons, and your child was born and grows in favorable conditions, congenital insufficiency of certain brain structures can become the cause of nervousness. Under the concept of "nervous child" from the point of view of medicine can hide both a child with increased emotional sensitivity, and with anomalies in the development of character, neurosis, with organic disorders of the brain.
A child also becomes nervous when he does not get enough sleep, watches TV all day, listens to horror films when the house is very noisy and crowded, the family quarrels when he is the only child in the family, and adults who love him fulfill his every whim or desire, thinking that in this is true love.
If something worries you in the behavior of a nervous child, be sure to consult a doctor: a neurologist, psychoneurologist, clinical psychologist. In most cases, we are not talking about serious mental disorders, but about ordinary ailments, which, if they are “captured” in time, are quite easy to correct. Specialists will be able to find out the cause using various types of examinations - ultrasound (ultrasound), electroencephalography (EEG), laboratory tests, neuropsychological and pathopsychological examinations. The treatment of a nervous child is complex - medication (psychopharmacotherapy), psychosocial treatment (aimed at correcting the microsocial environment surrounding the child, at forming support and helping relationships), psychotherapy (aimed at correcting behavior),
Neurotic reactions are psychogenic disorders that appear due to quarrels, conflicts, "biting" feelings of loneliness, any fears. A neurotic reaction easily arises from an experienced sad or terrible event for a person. The intense rhythm of modern life and school loads are also pushing towards them, and more and more often they are found in the most vulnerable - in our children. Of course, the life of a little man is not without problems. But the problems of children are different. It's one thing when they fit into the framework of age-related developmental norms. But some baby problems can only be solved by specialists, such as tics, stuttering, enuresis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, finger and tongue sucking, body and head rocking (yactation), masturbation (masturbation) that occurred in prepubertal age, nail biting (onychophagia) hair pulling (trichotillomania), etc.
With mental retardation, assistance is provided by a child neurologist, psychoneurologist, psychiatrist. Parents do not always realize the desirability of early contacting these specialists, although they can help with the child's problems, including behavioral and emotional ones. Mandatory consultation of an endocrinologist, cardiologist, because. the reasons for the delay may lie in neurological, hormonal disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The child may need to conduct additional studies - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (ultrasound), EEG (electroencephalography). For a more accurate understanding of the causes of the origin of the child's problems.
According to indications, medications can be prescribed that improve memory and attention, reduce excitability and develop perseverance. Children, unlike adults, have more reserves and capabilities of the body. With timely assistance, the phenomena of mental retardation are noticeably smoothed out in the future, there is a good adaptation in everyday life.
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
"Hyperactivity" is restlessness, inattention and impulsivity, frequent nocturnal awakenings, occurs most often in childhood and affects the general atmosphere in your family and the social future of your child. This syndrome is a "hodgepodge" of various diseases, their cause must be found out.
Early organic brain damage in the perinatal period (for example, complications during pregnancy, birth trauma, hypoxia in childbirth), as well as genetic and socio-psychological factors (family conflicts, defects in education, acute and chronic stresses that reduce the resistance of the nervous system to external and internal influences).
"Disaster children", "difficult children" - this is how children with ADHD are called. Indeed, they cause so much trouble to their parents, they constantly get into some kind of unpleasant situations, since they often do not have a developed sense of self-preservation and control over behavior. At school, they cannot learn the educational material, be at the desk during the entire lesson. At the same time, such children most often do not show mental retardation or pronounced neurological disorders, although increased excitability can also manifest itself in various early lesions of the nervous system (head trauma, neuroinfections, etc. ). Such children require an individual approach in the educational process, so the recommendations of the teacher are important. Do not consider such children aggressive and dangerous to other children. With age, in the process of social interaction, the phenomena of hyperactivity become less pronounced. Sometimes such people become leaders, have increased efficiency.
With ADHD, a neurologist, a neuropsychiatrist, a psychiatrist, a medical psychologist (clinical psychologist), and even better - all together can help, because then doctors will have the opportunity to discuss a comprehensive treatment regimen that will be most effective.
So, it is necessary to find out what the state of physical health is, whether the characteristics of the child’s behavior are the result of organic disorders in the brain, ultrasound (ultrasound), EEG (electroencephalography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), consultation with a neurologist.
It is important to assess the state of the cardiovascular system (consult a therapist, a cardiologist), determine the level of hormones and get advice from an endocrinologist.
Treatment is complex - biological, psychological and social. Drug treatment (psychopharmacotherapy) is aimed at reducing motor anxiety, improving the functions of cognition of the surrounding world, and normalizing sleep.
Enuresis (second name - urinary incontinence) - the inability of a person to "endure" to the toilet, a constant struggle with wet sheets.
Potty training is one of the stages in the overall mental and physical development of the child. The age at which it is already possible to talk about enuresis in a child should be at least 4-5 years.
The causes of enuresis are very different - mental trauma, anomalies in the development of the urinary tract, underdevelopment of the lumbosacral spine, improper daily routine, poor nutrition, endocrine disorders, delayed maturation of the nervous system.
Enuresis can be both an independent disease and a manifestation of any other disease. There are enuresis day and night, primary and secondary. In primary enuresis, there is a lack of previous control over the emptying of the bladder. Secondary enuresis is said to be in the event that a person controlled the process of urination for at least 6 months, and then again began to urinate in his pants or bed, due to the influence of urological, neurological, mental or endocrine diseases.
With enuresis, there are persistent sleep disturbances, problems with falling asleep and waking up, excessively deep sleep, night terrors, sleep-talking and sleepwalking. If such a child is forcibly awakened, then orientation disorder with motor excitation and fears can be observed.
Who can help with enuresis?
With enuresis, a psychoneurologist will help. Additionally, you need to be examined to exclude a malformation of the urinary tract and spine, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the central nervous system. Consultations of a pediatrician, endocrinologist, laboratory tests, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder (ultrasound), EEG (electroencephalography) will be needed.
Treatment of enuresis is complex. Drug treatment (psychopharmacotherapy) is aimed at eliminating anxiety and fears, stabilizing mood. Psychotherapy - to eliminate emotional disorders and change behavior, in particular, compliance with the daily routine, food and drink regimen - fluid restriction, eating foods with only a low fluid content. Other non-drug methods of influence are acupuncture, manual therapy.
Children often complain of headaches. For the most part, it is, as doctors say, benign in nature and only in rare cases become a manifestation of a serious general or neurological disease. Therefore, it is important not to brush aside the timid complaint of a child, who sometimes still cannot clearly articulate what hurts him. Parental anxiety, prompting them to go to the doctor to identify the causes of the child's ill health, is understandable and justified.
Why do children have headaches?
Acute headache in children is primarily one of the main symptoms of acute neuroinfectious diseases, as well as paroxysmal conditions, while chronic headache is a frequent manifestation of vegetative dystonia and neurosis.
The most common tension headache. It is based on a painful contraction of the muscles of the soft tissues of the head (scalp) or the cervico-occipital region. Tension headache is usually associated with emotional stress. What is the child's stress? Do not count them. This, for example, preparing for a test or exams, the loss of a beloved pet, a quarrel with a friend ... An overweight child who does not want to undress in the presence of classmates often complains of a headache before physical education classes. The duration of such pain usually does not exceed 1 - 2 hours. Of course, the doctor cannot cancel the control exams at school, but parents, teachers, and the doctor must work hard to eliminate and mitigate stressful effects. The doctor usually prescribes prophylactic drugs.
The most characteristic type of vascular headache is MIGRAINE. This disease is associated with genetically determined changes in the cerebral vessels. Migraine attacks in children, as in adults, provoke physical and mental overload, emotional stress, changes in atmospheric pressure, weather conditions, allergic reactions: for example, cheese and chocolate loved by a child can cause a headache.
More often, children have a simple form of migraine. The phase preceding the onset of an attack of pain includes irritability, malaise, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision or the appearance of spots before the eyes, a sharp change in mood.
Parents should be aware that a child suffering from migraine has a particularly sensitive type of nervous system that reacts to various stimuli with pain sensations along the vessels of the brain and scalp. Therefore, it is very important with the help of a doctor to identify as much as possible all the factors that provoke seizures, and, if possible, exclude them from the lives of children.
Often children are diagnosed with PSYCHOGENIC HEADACHE. It can be associated with depression, fear of entering school, intensify with difficulties in mastering the school curriculum and lack of contact with peers or parents. Such children require consultation of a psychoneurologist and a psychologist.
It happens that parents fear that their child's headache is caused by a BRAIN TUMOR. Although this is the rarest cause, it should be ruled out by careful examination. In children, tumors are localized mainly in the posterior cranial fossa, cause difficulty in the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, and increase its pressure. The pain is felt in the back of the head or neck, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The child often looks lethargic, indifferent. There is unsteadiness of gait. The development of hemiparesis (weakness in the muscles of the left or right limbs) may indicate the development of a tumor in one of the hemispheres of the brain. The most informative diagnostic procedure for confirming or excluding a brain tumor is computed tomography, which is usually referred to the patient.
It is extremely rare for children to experience neuralgic pain that has a paroxysmal character. These are short, successive attacks of penetrating, cutting, burning pain localized in the face (cranial neuralgia or prosopalgia) with the presence of zones, the irritation of which provokes an attack (touch, washing, eating, etc. ), here in particular refers to trigeminal neuralgia.
In addition, there is a drug headache caused by taking certain medications, such as antihistamines, antibiotics, etc.
Headache associated with the abuse of various analgesics, more often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as anti-migraine drugs, is called overuse, or ricochet. The caffeine withdrawal headache is also known among lovers of strong tea and coffee when it is impossible to drink your favorite drink again and again.
If a child has a headache combined with a high fever and tension in the muscles of the neck, making it difficult to bend the head forward, there is reason to suspect MENINGITIS. In such cases, consult a doctor without delay.
Mixed headache. Headache is only a subjective symptom that accompanies various diseases. To successfully treat a headache, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the mechanism of its occurrence, since different types of headache require a completely different approach.
Examination of children suffering from headache begins with a thorough study of complaints, the history of the development of the disease and a careful medical examination. If during the examination symptoms of an organic lesion of the central nervous system are revealed, then special instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out to clarify the diagnosis. Help for headaches is provided by neurologists and psychoneurologists. For correct diagnosis, studies are important - ultrasound of the vessels (Dopplerography), EEG, MRI, CT, examination by an ophthalmologist, and other specialists according to indications.
They don't have to be afraid. On the contrary, without tightening, do everything prescribed by the doctor. For only then the result of the treatment of your child will be ensured as much as possible.
Headache treatment. Our center uses a pathogenetic approach to the treatment of headaches. It includes not only drug therapy, but also non-traditional methods in treatment (acupuncture, manual therapy), psychological correction, rational psychotherapy and recommendations for lifestyle changes (behavioral medicine).
Characteristics of 9th grade students
Characteristic No. 1
9th grade student MBOU secondary school full name XXX, born in 2002
XX has been studying at school since the first grade according to the main general education program. Owns educational material at the level of assessment "satisfactory". Does not study to the best of his ability, does not always do homework, has missed lessons without a good reason. Efficiency in training sessions is average, sometimes distracted by extraneous things. Can study better, but does not show much interest in studies. Fulfills the requirements of teachers in the classroom. Alexander is disciplined, he behaves calmly in class. Balanced and adequate in behavior.
Sasha took an active part in the public life of the class and the school, and was responsible for the fulfillment of public assignments. He was the host of many solemn school-wide events.
He is laconic, knows how to clearly define his moral position, can defend his views and beliefs.
Physically developed. In his free time, Alexander is engaged in the basketball section of the Youth Sports School, where he is considered one of the best players in the team. He took part and was a winner in city sports competitions in athletics and basketball.
In the classroom, the school enjoys authority. In communication with classmates, he is friendly, with elders he is polite. He is non-conflicting, he solves emerging problems in communication on the basis of a compromise. All his actions testify to a tolerant attitude towards people.
Sasha responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice, evaluates his own strengths, choosing tasks and deeds "on the shoulder". Achieves the fulfillment of the intended, does not retreat in the face of difficulties. Emotionally balanced. Testing for the level of upbringing showed that Alexander objectively assesses his capabilities.
The guy is brought up in a complete family, but the parents did not maintain contact with the school.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 2
of a Grade 9 graduate of the basic school No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2017-2018 academic year Ishachenko Sergey Alekseevich, 06/06/2001. year of birth
Sergey has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. For all the time of training, he showed himself to be a capable and diligent student. Sergey's knowledge is rated at "4" and "5". He treats studies with interest and a sense of responsibility, actively participates in the course of the lesson. He reacts calmly to failures in studies, looks for the reasons for failures in himself, tries to correct himself immediately. Oral and written speech, memory, imagination are well developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is high. There are no pronounced abilities, it is comprehensively developed.
Behavior during lessons and breaks is restrained, without excessive activity.
Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students of the school, indicated in the Charter of the school, there were no cases of missing lessons without a good reason, disciplined.
Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.
Systematically performs homework. In 2015, he took part in the city Olympiad in English and took 7th place. Interested in history. She dreams of working in the police, because she loves order in everything.
In the class, Sergei deservedly enjoys the prestige and respect of his classmates, his opinion is listened to, he is consulted. The style of relations with peers is calm - benevolent. He is attentive and tactful with teachers and elders. Criticism of others is treated with attention, without resentment.
The main character traits: activity, confidence, responsiveness, goodwill, ability to empathize, accuracy, diligence, sociability.
Sergey participates in extracurricular activities and socially useful activities.
Physically, Sergei is developed, he is in the main group at physical education lessons.
Has no bad habits.
Sergei is brought up in a complete family, in which all members have good and respectful relations. Parents try to develop in their son such character traits as responsibility and independence. Mom pays a lot of attention to Sergey, is interested in the successes and failures of her son. Helping her mother take care of her little sister.
Sergey is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Headmaster: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 3
Angelina has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. Over the years of study, she showed herself to be a diligent student, she was evenly engaged in all subjects, conscientiously preparing for the lessons. Favorite subjects: Russian language and literature, English, geography. Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm. The girl has a stable motivation to get an education and a further choice of a professional path - to become a kindergarten teacher.
Angelina took an active part in the social life of the class and school, initiated various events. Creative person. She has varied interests. She reads a lot of fiction, sings and dances well.
The girl has charm and warmth. She is kind and considerate. Knows how to convince, respects people, treats them kindly. She is capable of empathy, easily approaches people, she is characterized by softness and simplicity in communication. Angelina is self-critical, reasonably evaluates not only her successes, but also her failures. Not afraid to speak your mind openly.
Angelina is a friendly person and has many friends. She is characterized by calm, even relations with her classmates, and is responsible for her actions.
Angelina was elected President of the school in 8th and 9th grades.
Brought up in a complete family, in which friendly and respectful relations between all members. Mom pays a lot of attention to Angelina, is interested in the successes and failures of her daughter.
Angelina is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No.

Grade 9 graduate of the Primary School No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2015-2016 academic year Bogachev Alexander Alexandrovich 09/19/2000 year of birth
Alexander is studying at this school from first grade. Has a complete family.Relations in the family are respectful.
Possesses average learning abilities, studies mainly at "3" and "4".
Can study better, but does not show much interest in studies. Fulfills the requirements of teachers in the classroom. Favorite subjects: English, history, physical education. Alexander is disciplined, he behaves calmly in class. Balanced and adequate in behavior. Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.
Physically developed. He takes part in school-wide and city events, he found particular activity in sports. Interested in technology.
His moral qualities are sufficiently formed. A well-developed sense of honor, decency, duty and humanism. Helping her mother take care of her younger brother.
Has friends among classmates, does not conflict. Able to work in a team. Correctly responds to criticism, both teachers and classmates, listens to advice, soberly assesses his abilities.
Alexander is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Headmaster: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 5
Elena has been studying at this school since the 1st grade.
From the first grade, the girl has established herself as a diligent and diligent student.
The intellectual level of development is high. The girl has good abilities in the humanities. Favorite subjects: biology, English language, Russian language and literature.
During her studies, the student did not miss classes without a good reason, she took a responsible approach to preparing for classes when doing homework, and independently organized her work. In class, she is always attentive, organized and collected. The girl has a stable motivation to get an education and a further choice of a professional path - to become a doctor. But the lack of confidence in one's own strengths and abilities interferes with learning: it requires the support of adults, the creation of a situation of success in any activity. The girl reads a lot, has a good monologue speech.
Took part in the city competition in biology and took 8th place, in the city competition of journalists and took 2nd place. Draws well.
Took an active part in the social life of the class and school, with full responsibility related to the implementation of public assignments.
Elena is sincere, benevolent, responsible for her actions, striving for harmonious relations between people. A laconic, modest girl knows how to clearly define her moral position, she can defend her views and beliefs. The girl is characterized by high organization: she tries to plan her activities and stick to the plan, allocating time for the implementation of the previously planned. The girl is neat, tidy, takes care of her things and things of her comrades. He takes criticism quite calmly, listening to all comments, showing a desire to correct all shortcomings.
The style of relationships with classmates and teachers is based on mutual understanding, support and cooperation. The girl enjoys respect and unconditional recognition in the class team, in the school community and among teachers.
Shows respect and tolerance in relations with comrades. Never refuse help. Non-conflict, problems in communication solves on the basis of compromise. Respect for teachers and school staff.
Elena is brought up in a complete family, the relationship between parents and child is stable and favorable. Parents support their daughter in everything, educate them on kindness, respect and trust.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 6
of a graduate of the 9th grade of the main school No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2015-2016 academic year Ishachenko Sergey Alekseevich, 06/06/2001.

Sergey has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. For all the time of training, he showed himself to be a capable and diligent student. Sergey's knowledge is rated at "4" and "5". He treats studies with interest and a sense of responsibility, actively participates in the course of the lesson.
He reacts calmly to failures in studies, looks for the reasons for failures in himself, tries to correct himself immediately. Oral and written speech, memory, imagination are well developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is high. There are no pronounced abilities, it is comprehensively developed.
Behavior at lessons and breaks is restrained, without excessive activity.
Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students of the school, indicated in the Charter of the school, there were no cases of missing lessons without a good reason, disciplined.
Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.
Systematically performs homework. In 2015, he took part in the city Olympiad in English and took 7th place. Interested in history. She dreams of working in the police, because she loves order in everything.
In the class, Sergey enjoys deserved authority and respect from his classmates, his opinion is listened to, he is consulted. The style of relations with peers is calm - benevolent. He is attentive and tactful with teachers and elders. Criticism of others is treated with attention, without resentment.
Main character traits: activity, confidence, responsiveness, benevolence, ability to empathize, accuracy, diligence, sociability. Sergey participates in extracurricular activities and socially useful things. Physically, Sergey is developed, at physical education lessons he is engaged in the main group.
Has no bad habits.
Sergei is brought up in a complete family, in which all members have good and respectful relations. Parents try to develop in their son such character traits as responsibility and independence. Mom pays a lot of attention to Sergey, is interested in the successes and failures of her son. Helping her mother take care of her little sister.
Sergey is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 7
graduates of the 9th grade of 2016 of the basic school No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2015-2016 academic year Mironenko Angelina Vadimovna in this school since grade 1. Over the years of study, she showed herself to be a diligent student, she studied smoothly in all subjects, conscientiously prepared for the lessons. Favorite subjects: Russian language and literature, English, geography. Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm. The girl has a stable motivation to get an education and a further choice of a professional path - to become a kindergarten teacher.
Angelina took an active part in the social life of the class and school, initiated various events. Creative person. She has varied interests. She reads a lot of fiction, sings and dances well.
The girl has charm and warmth. She is kind and considerate. Knows how to convince, respects people, treats them kindly. She is capable of empathy, easily approaches people, she is characterized by softness and simplicity in communication. Angelina is self-critical, reasonably evaluates not only her successes, but also her failures. Not afraid to speak your mind openly.
Angelina is a friendly person and has many friends. She is characterized by calm, even relations with her classmates, and is responsible for her actions.
Angelina was elected President of the school in 8th and 9th grades.
Brought up in a complete family, in which friendly and respectful relations between all members. Mom pays a lot of attention to Angelina, is interested in the successes and failures of her daughter.
Angelina is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristics No.

of a Grade 9 graduate of the Primary School No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2015-2016 academic year Alexander Alexandrovich Bogachev 09/19/2000 born
from first grade. Has a complete family.
Relations in the family are respectful.
Possesses average learning abilities, studies mainly at "3" and "4".
Can study better, but does not show much interest in studies. Fulfills the requirements of teachers in the classroom. Favorite subjects: English, history, physical education. Alexander is disciplined, he behaves calmly in class. Balanced and adequate in behavior. Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.
Physically developed. He takes part in school-wide and city events, he found particular activity in sports. Interested in technology.
His moral qualities are sufficiently formed. A well-developed sense of honor, decency, duty and humanism. Helping her mother take care of her younger brother.
Has friends among classmates, does not conflict. Able to work in a team. Correctly responds to criticism, both teachers and classmates, listens to advice, soberly assesses his abilities.
Alexander is a reliable, well-organized and responsible person.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 9
Grade 9 graduates of the Primary School No. 3 in Snezhnoye for the 2015-2016 academic year of Elena Valerievna Redikova September 25, 2001, born
Elena is studying at this school
from class 1.
From the first grade, the girl has established herself as a diligent and diligent student.
The intellectual level of development is high. The girl has good abilities in the humanities. Favorite subjects: biology, English language, Russian language and literature.
During the training, the student did not miss classes without a good reason, she took a responsible approach to preparing for classes when doing homework, and independently organized her work. In class, she is always attentive, organized and collected. The girl has a stable motivation to get an education and a further choice of a professional path - to become a doctor. But the lack of confidence in one's own strengths and abilities interferes with learning: it requires the support of adults, the creation of a situation of success in any activity. The girl reads a lot, has a good monologue speech.
Took part in the city competition in biology and took 8th place, in the city competition of journalists and took 2nd place. Draws well.
Took an active part in the social life of the class and school, with full responsibility related to the implementation of public assignments.
Elena is sincere, benevolent, responsible for her actions, striving for harmonious relations between people. A laconic, modest girl knows how to clearly define her moral position, she can defend her views and beliefs. The girl is characterized by high organization: she tries to plan her activities and stick to the plan, allocating time for the implementation of the previously planned. The girl is neat, tidy, takes care of her things and things of her comrades. He treats criticism quite calmly, listening to all comments, showing a desire to correct all shortcomings.
The style of relationships with classmates and teachers is based on mutual understanding, support and cooperation. The girl enjoys respect and unconditional recognition in the class team, in the school community and among teachers.
Shows respect and tolerance in relations with comrades. Never refuse help. Non-conflict, problems in communication solves on the basis of compromise. Respect for teachers and school staff.
Elena is brought up in a complete family, the relationship between parents and child is stable and favorable. Parents support their daughter in everything, educate them on kindness, respect and trust.
School director: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 10
Alina has been studying at this school since the first grade. Has a complete family.
Relations in the family are respectful.
Possesses average learning abilities, studies mainly at "3" and "4".
Can study better, but does not show much interest in studies. Fulfills the requirements of teachers in the classroom. She does not always come to school with homework prepared, she is not always attentive in class, although she has the ability to work purposefully and quickly absorb information.
Participates in the social life of the class. She showed a positive attitude to work, participated in all public affairs.
Interested in technology. Likes drawing.
Her moral qualities are sufficiently formed. Alina is disciplined.
Has friends among classmates, does not conflict. Able to work in a team. Correctly responds to criticism, both teachers and classmates, listens to advice, soberly assesses his abilities. She was the head of the class.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No.

9 "A" students of the MBOU secondary school XXXX Full name, XXXX year of birth
The girl has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. The educational process is treated with an understanding of significance, giving preference to the study of subjects of the humanitarian cycle. The level of basic educational skills and abilities is average. For all the time of training, she showed herself to be a student, whose knowledge is rated at "3". In the classroom, she is not always attentive, but at the same time she is able to independently organize work on the assimilation of educational material. The girl tries to overcome difficulties and correct her mistakes. But, unfortunately, sometimes she lacks self-confidence and patience.
Participates in all extra-curricular and school-wide activities, municipal socially useful affairs. She took part in competitions for the best project and drawing, and was the winner. Does not remain indifferent to everything that happens in the classroom and school. Performs public assignments, always treats them responsibly. She graduated from the chickens TsDOD in cooking.
Strives to follow the School Code of Conduct for students. In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice, and tries to correct shortcomings. Her temperament is choleric. It has increased emotional excitability, a tendency to violent emotional manifestations: it always reacts vividly to any life phenomena. If someone needs help, the girl will always try to provide it. She is characterized by optimism, a positive attitude towards life, a sense of humor.
Shows proper respect for teachers and elders. She tries to be polite and tactful with her peers and classmates, in communication with them she is friendly. She is brought up in a complete family (stepfather), she has a younger sister, with whom they are very friendly. Mom goes to school, attends parent-teacher meetings, is interested in her daughter's successes and failures in her studies and behavior.
School director: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 12
student of class XXX MBOU secondary school name xxxx year of birth
The guy has been studying at this school since the first grade.
He is brought up in a full family with many children. School visits with great desire. Do not miss classes without a good reason. The level of education is average. Can study better, but does not always do homework diligently and conscientiously and is not always organized in class. At the same time, the boy is very worried about the current unsatisfactory marks, he always tries to correct them.
Out of school hours, attends the sports section of wushu-sanda and football at the Youth Sports School. The student's health condition is considered satisfactory, he has 1 health group.
Employed during the summer holidays (worked as a janitor). At home, he helps his mother: walks with younger children, goes to the grocery store.
Public activity is high, but in the team he acts as a follower. Participates in all school and classroom activities. He does not shy away from public assignments, shows independence in their implementation. Able to bring the work started to the end, see and evaluate the results of their activities. Well on duty in the dining room, class, school. Self-service skills. The guy is always neat, monitors his appearance. Discipline does not violate.
In communication with adults, he is friendly and responsive, always responds adequately to comments, and maintains good relations with classmates. It has a balanced character, but focuses mainly on the opinions of others.
Mom supervises her son's studies and leisure, attends school and parent-teacher meetings, maintains contact with the class teacher and teachers.
School director: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 13
students of the 9th "X" grade MBOU secondary school Full name, born in 2002
A girl has been studying at this school since the first grade. During her studies at school, she has established herself as a diligent and responsible student. The program material is completely mastered. Active and attentive in class. Strives to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of the teacher. She has grades "4" and "5" in all academic subjects. Preference is given to the study of such subjects as physics, mathematics. She took part in subject Olympiads, has prizes.
In the process of educational and upbringing work, there was a balance in behavior and learning, stability in the manifestation of mood.
I attended school regularly, there were no absences without good reason. She had no offenses, controls her behavior, tries to avoid conflict situations.
The level of development of communicative and organizational skills is average. She took an active part in extracurricular activities of the class and school. She was a member of the teaching committee. At school, she has established herself as a disciplined student, observes the rules of conduct at school and public places. Developed sense of justice. Has no bad habits.
Katya shows initiative and ingenuity. She treats elders with respect and will always help. Among comrades and classmates enjoys respect. Responsible for assignments. She has better working skills than most of his peers.
Katya goes in for sports professionally, she is a multiple winner of municipal and regional competitions, a candidate master of sports in swimming.
Parents control the girl, they are aware of all her affairs, relationships in the family are built on trust between her members.
Principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 14
student of grade 9 "X" MBOU OOSH Full name born in 2003
At this school, he has been studying since the 1st grade. During his studies, he showed himself to be a capable and diligent student. The guy's knowledge is rated "good". He treats studies with interest and a sense of responsibility, actively participates in the course of the lesson.
He reacts calmly to failures in studies, looks for the reasons for failures in himself, tries to improve. Oral and written speech, memory and imagination are well developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is high. There are no pronounced abilities, but it is developed comprehensively. He took part in school Olympiads in many subjects and won prizes.
Behavior during lessons and breaks is restrained, without excessive activity. Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students, indicated in the Charter of the school, there were no cases of missing lessons without a good reason, disciplined. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.
In the class he is respected by his classmates, his opinion is listened to, he is consulted. The style of relations with peers is calm - benevolent. He is attentive and tactful with teachers and elders. Criticism is treated with understanding, without resentment.
Main character traits: activity, confidence, responsiveness, benevolence, ability to empathize, accuracy, diligence, sociability. The guy participates in all extracurricular activities and socially useful things, many of which were organized on his initiative. Physically developed, at physical education lessons he is engaged in the main group. Has no bad habits.
He is brought up in a complete family (stepfather), in which there are good and respectful relations between all members. Parents try to develop in their son such character traits as responsibility and independence. X is a reliable, well-organized, responsible person.
School director: __________
Class teacher: __________
Characteristic No. 15
for a 9th grade student Full name MBOU OOSH XXXX Born in 2002
The guy has been studying at this school since 2009. During his studies at school, he has established himself as a hardworking, inquisitive and disciplined student. All the years of schooling, he only managed to get the grade "good" and "excellent". The guy has a well-developed oral and written language. He is a capable, diligent, diligent, obedient, accurate student. Strives to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of the teacher. He took part in school Olympiads, was the winner of the city Olympiad in chemistry and biology.
Takes an active part in the social life of the class. The character is balanced, restrained, friendly, thanks to which he has developed good relationships with classmates. Easily finds a common language with the interlocutor. In class and school enjoys authority. In communication with comrades, he is friendly, always ready to help those who are lagging behind in their studies, and in communication with elders, he is polite. All his actions and words testify to a tolerant attitude towards people. He correctly responds to fair criticism, listens to good advice, evaluates his own strengths, choosing tasks and deeds “on the shoulder”. Achieves the fulfillment of the intended, even if long-term efforts are required, does not retreat in the face of difficulties. Emotionally balanced.
He is brought up in a complete large family with his stepfather, who always attended parent-teacher meetings, followed the progress of the guy, was aware of his interests. Parents are an example for him, they instilled in their son such qualities as kindness, decency, mercy, good manners, a sense of duty and responsibility.
School principal: __________
Class teacher: __________
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Author: Larisa Morozova
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