Itchy throat pregnant
Pregnancy rhinitis | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Pregnancy rhinitis | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
If you have unexplained breathing problems, see your doctor as soon as possible. If your breathing problems are very bad and come on quickly, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance.
What is pregnancy rhinitis?
Pregnancy rhinitis usually involves a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and post-nasal drip. These symptoms seem to come out of nowhere during pregnancy. While it's not a life-threatening medical condition, pregnancy rhinitis can be bothersome. There are things you can do to find some relief.
What are the symptoms pregnancy rhinitis?
Symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis are like those of allergic rhinitis (hay fever). These include:
- a runny or congested nose
- sneezing
- itchy eyes
- watery eyes
While it might feel like you are getting a cold, pregnancy rhinitis is not associated with bacterial or viral infection. This means it is not contagious.
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What causes pregnancy rhinitis?
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of your nose.
People who are affected by allergies may also experience similar symptoms during pregnancy. In these circumstances, symptoms are triggered by one or more allergens. These allergens may be seasonal, such as:
- pollens
- fungi
- moulds
Or they can be perennial (year-round) such as:
- dust mites
- pets
- cockroaches
Rhinitis in pregnancy may also have a non-allergic origin. It's not known exactly why rhinitis occurs more frequently in pregnancy. Some research suggests that factors such as hormones increase the likelihood of rhinitis during pregnancy.
Smoking is also associated with pregnancy rhinitis. It's never too late for future parents to quit smoking.
How is pregnancy rhinitis diagnosed?
Pregnancy rhinitis should be distinguished from other conditions such as infections. Your doctor can do this during a routine visit.
You may have a breathing problem if:
- you feel you can't get enough air through both your nose and mouth
- you are breathless
- you feel like you're being suffocated
- your chest feels very tight
- you are needing more of your usual asthma or lung medications
If you have unexplained breathing problems, see your doctor as soon as possible. If your breathing problems are very bad and come on quickly, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance.
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How long will my symptoms last?
While pregnancy rhinitis can occur at any time during your pregnancy, it is most common during the first trimester.
Symptoms may last for at least 6 weeks. The good news is they usually disappear within 2 weeks of your baby's birth.
How is pregnancy rhinitis treated?
Your pregnancy rhinitis may be triggered by a known allergen. If this is the case, you can try and avoid or limit your exposure to the allergen.
Nasal irrigation is a drug-free technique to clear out air-borne allergens and mucus from blocked nostrils.
Using salt water (saline) nasal sprays can provide relief and is a good solution during pregnancy.
Persistent symptoms are managed individually. If you have itchy-watery eyes, there are certain eye drops that are approved for use during pregnancy. Similarly, specific medicated nasal sprays and antihistamines can be used.
However, always check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine while pregnant.
Is there an impact on my unborn baby?
There are insufficient studies to fully understand the impact of pregnancy rhinitis on the growth and development of unborn babies.
However, any condition that reduces your quality of life has the potential to affect your baby. This includes the quality of your sleep during pregnancy.
If you are concerned about your sleep or breathing during pregnancy, speak to your doctor. They can help you find the best way to clear your breathing passages and improve your sleep.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Auris Nasus Larynx (Medical Management of rhinitis in pregnancy), American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy (Redefining Pregnancy-induced Rhinitis), International Journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Its Impact on Pregnancy), South Eastern Sydney Local health District/The Royal Hospital for Women (Hay Fever in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding), The Royal Women’s Hospital (Medicines in Pregnancy), Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) (Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Update)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: July 2022
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Need more information?
Allergic rhinitis - symptoms, causes and treatment -
Rhinitis means inflammation of the lining of the nose. Allergic rhinitis means that this inflammation is caused by an allergy.
Read more on myDr website
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)? - Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
Allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) affects around 18% of people in Australia and New Zealand. It can affect children and adults.
Read more on ASCIA – Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy website
Allergic Rhinitis (hayfever) - Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is one of the most common allergic conditions affecting 1 in 5 people in Australia. It is caused by the body’s immune system reacting to common allergens in the environment such as pollen, house dust mite, moulds and animal danders (skin cells and fur).
Read more on Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia website
Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) - Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) is the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand. ASCIA promotes and advances the study and knowledge of immune and allergic diseases, including asthma.
Read more on ASCIA – Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy website
Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) - Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT) has been used for over 100 years and is a proven treatment providing long-term relief for hay fever. The aim of AIT is to help people react less to their trigger allergen/s that cause symptoms (such as grass pollen/house dust mite). This means having no/less symptoms and a better quality of life.
Read more on Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia website
Pollen - a trigger for hay fever - National Asthma Council Australia
Plant pollen is well known as a trigger for seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
Read more on National Asthma Council Australia website
Hay Fever & Asthma | Hay Fever-related Asthma Causes & Symptoms - Asthma Australia
Hay fever is a common allergy, also known as allergic rhinitis, that can also trigger asthma flare-ups. Learn more about hay fever-related asthma & symptoms here.
Read more on Asthma Australia website
Other Allergic Conditions - Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
Other Allergic Conditions included: Urticaria (Hives), Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis), Allergic Conjunctivitis, Allergic Rhinitis (hayfever), Sinusitis
Read more on Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia website
Thunderstorm asthma - Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
It seems reasonable to think that rain would relieve allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma triggered by pollen, by washing pollen out of the air. However, rain from some thunderstorms can make some people's symptoms worse. Epidemics of thunderstorm asthma in Australia have occurred in Melbourne and Wagga Wagga.
Read more on ASCIA – Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy website
Allergy Treatments - Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) is the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand. ASCIA promotes and advances the study and knowledge of immune and allergic diseases, including asthma.
Read more on ASCIA – Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy website
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Managing allergies and asthma during pregnancy
This article is authored in part by Matthew Feldman, M.D.
April showers bring May flowers – and allergies for 50 million people in the United States. Spring is the peak of allergy and asthma season for many patients. The severity of seasonal allergy symptoms can range from hardly noticeable, to annoying, to intolerable without medication or other treatment.
To make matters worse, symptoms can become more severe during pregnancy. When not controlled, allergies and asthma can lead to the need for antibiotics or steroids, which might cause health problems for a woman and her baby. Let’s discuss what women should know about seasonal allergies and asthma during pregnancy and what they can do to relieve symptoms safely.
How pregnancy affects allergies and asthma
Seasonal allergies occur when the body’s immune system overreacts to certain otherwise common environmental substances, such as pollen and dust. When people with allergies breathe in such a substance – which for them is an allergen – their bodies see it as a foreign invader and mounts an immune response. When this happens, the body produces multiple inflammatory chemicals which can cause classic allergic reactions, such as:
• Inflammation and swelling of the sinuses
• Itchy, watery eyes
• Sinus congestion
• Sneezing
• Sore, itchy throat
• Runny nose
Antihistamines and saline nasal spray can help can help control mild symptoms, while moderate to severe allergies require other therapies, such as nasal steroid sprays.
Asthma and seasonal allergy symptoms may worsen, improve, or remain unchanged during pregnancy. We can’t predict exactly how a pregnant woman’s body and hormonal changes alter how the immune system reacts to foreign substances. For example, pregnancy induces swelling of the nasal mucosa, the inner lining of the nose. Inflammation can lead to pregnancy rhinitis, or nasal congestion and a runny nose during pregnancy. Although the cause of pregnancy rhinitis is related to hormone production and not allergens, this condition may make pre-existing seasonal allergy symptoms worse. Together, these symptoms can make someone pretty miserable and impact nutrition, stress, sleep, and general comfort.
What pregnant women can do
Pregnant women have many options for controlling allergy symptoms. The first step is to be proactive. Ideally, if a woman typically suffers from seasonal allergies, she should talk to her doctor about starting a medication before symptoms begin. If she notices seasonal allergy symptoms for the first time during pregnancy, she should visit her doctor to determine the cause and manage symptoms, which can reduce the risk of a sinus infection.
Mild allergies
For mild allergies, patients can start with first-line defenses, such oral antihistamines or nasal irrigation. Nasal irrigation involves putting saline solution in one nostril and washing out mucus and allergens. I also recommend those with asthma to use prescribed inhalers. Patients also might try changing their bedding more frequently to reduce reactions to dust and pollen she and her partner bring to bed.
Moderate to severe allergies
Steroid nasal sprays are effective and safe for to reduce inflammation that can cause nasal congestion. Immunotherapy, or allergy shot therapy, also can be effective for asthma and seasonal allergies. This therapy teaches the immune system to be less responsive to allergens over time.
Some women worry that taking their regular allergy or asthma drugs will endanger their pregnancy, so they decrease or quit taking their medications. However, the risk is very low, and severe seasonal allergies can lead to sinus or ear infections that require oral steroids or antibiotics – medications that pose a slightly higher risk to developing babies.
Allergy management is important for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. With a doctor’s help, patients can safely control their seasonal allergy symptoms and enjoy the changing seasons again.
To schedule an appointment, call 214-691-1330 for Allergy and Immunology or 214-645-8300 for Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Sore throat during pregnancy
What to do if the mother-to-be gets sick? Consider acceptable methods of treating a sore throat during pregnancy.
The appearance of pain in the throat, perspiration during the period of bearing a baby often causes a lot of unrest in expectant mothers. This is not at all surprising, because any infection suffered by a woman during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Why do sore throats occur during pregnancy? Consider the most likely reasons. nine0003
Causes of sore throat
The main cause of discomfort and sore throat during pregnancy is bacterial or viral flora on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. Sometimes perspiration can be observed against the background of problems with the stomach, when the contents of the stomach are thrown into the oropharynx. Very rarely, the cause of pain when swallowing can be a foreign body.
If, in addition to sore throat, you also have an elevated body temperature and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, then most likely that you develop acute inflammatory process. This condition requires a woman to immediately consult a doctor, because many pathogenic microorganisms can freely penetrate the placental barrier, thereby causing developmental abnormalities in the baby. No need to try to treat a sore throat on your own at home, or even worse, ask for recommendations about treatment at the nearest pharmacy. Only the gynecologist leading the pregnancy can prescribe the drug that is most safe for the fetus in the womb, and, if necessary, refer to other specialists. nine0003
First aid for sore throat
During pregnancy, it is especially important not to start the disease and to eliminate all its clinical signs at the initial stage. So, if you feel a sore throat, not very pronounced pain when swallowing and discomfort while eating, but the body temperature remains within the normal range, then you can try alternative methods of treatment and local antiseptics.
Excellent help at the initial stage of a sore throat inhalation with the addition of a decoction of sage or chamomile. These medicinal plants have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and do not cause any side effects on the fetus growing in the womb. nine0003
Raspberries, cranberries and lingonberries are natural antibiotics. For sore throats, warm raspberry tea or freshly prepared lingonberry and cranberry juice helps well. Perfectly relieve pain, perspiration and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, gargling with infusions of medicinal plants (oak bark, chamomile, sage).
In addition to the traditional treatment of sore throats during pregnancy, try to avoid eating too hot or cold food and liquids. Compliance with a certain temperature regime is necessary so as not to additionally injure the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx. As a rule, if treatment with folk remedies was started immediately, then the mucous membrane of the pharynx is restored after 2-3 days. nine0003
Folk remedies
Milk with honey
For sore throat accompanied by difficulty in swallowing, warm milk with honey is very helpful. It is better to drink such a drink before going to bed and immediately cover yourself with a warm blanket. Until the morning, the pain in the throat will be almost imperceptible. In addition, warm milk with honey has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps the expectant mother fall asleep quickly.
Chamomile is a very effective folk remedy for the first symptoms of pharyngitis, tonsillitis. This plant has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To prepare herbal infusion, add 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers to 1 liter of hot water. Put this mixture in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes, then strain and pour into a thermos. Use a warm infusion for gargling. Sage grass and oak bark have similar properties. nine0003
Prevention of viral infections during pregnancy
To prevent diseases during pregnancy, it is often recommended to spend time outdoors, eat healthy and healthy, and avoid crowded places. In the apartment, ventilate the room more often, maintain the optimum temperature regime - 22 degrees, air humidity in the room - 70-80%. Daily wet cleaning.
To prevent vitamin C deficiency during pregnancy, you can drink rosehip broth, cranberry fruit drinks. Thus, you not only maintain your immunity, but also strengthen blood vessels. nine0003
Essential oils are an excellent way to prevent many viral diseases. Only gynecologists do not recommend the use of aromatherapy in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Oils such as fir, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, grapefruit have a pronounced antiseptic effect. You can add 3-4 drops to a container of water and place near heating appliances or drip into an aroma lamp.
Consequences of a sore throat for an expectant mother
No matter how sad it may sound, in most cases we take our health very lightly. It is especially sad when pregnant women do not monitor their health. After all, they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for the baby growing in the stomach. When the first symptoms of the disease occur, including sore throat, the expectant mother should be aware of the possible consequences if treatment is not started in a timely manner. For example, bacterial throat infections left untreated during pregnancy can lead to threatened miscarriage or premature birth. It is unlikely that a sane expectant mother would risk the life of her baby like that simply because there was no time and desire to see a doctor. nine0003
Drug treatment of a sore throat during pregnancy
What to do if local antiseptics are ineffective or the woman has already started an inflammatory process? First of all, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate at home. Delay can lead to the progression of the inflammatory process, which can result in severe tonsillitis. With the development of complications of inflammation of the pharynx, with streptococcal infection, antibiotics are often necessary, you should not worry about this, since antibiotics are always prescribed, which are allowed during pregnancy and cannot harm the health of the baby in the womb. nine0003
Antiseptics in the form of sprays or lozenges for resorption can reduce sore throat and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. They have proven absolute safety for pregnant women and the baby in the womb. What drugs, your gynecologist will advise you.
If white plaque or purulent plugs appear on the tonsils, do not wash the plaque or squeeze out the plugs on your own, you should immediately consult a doctor.
What can I take if I have a high temperature?
Pregnancy is a burden for a woman's body, there is a restructuring of many body systems, first of all, the immune system is suppressed. Due to a decrease in immunity in the future mother, viral infections and colds are often observed. For sore throats, as mentioned above, some medicinal plants, essential oils and antiseptic solutions help well. But what should a pregnant woman do if an increase in body temperature is added to the general symptoms of a viral infection? After all, many drugs can not be taken during the period of bearing a baby, so as not to expose the fetus to unjustified risk. So, consider what to do if the disease progresses. nine0003
First of all, if the pain in the throat is accompanied by increased body temperature, put aside all your affairs and call the consultation to call a doctor at home. Now you absolutely do not need to go to the clinic on your own, wait in line for an appointment and put your child at risk.
Drugs such as analgin, ibuprofen, coldrex, antigrippin, acetylsalicylic acid are categorically contraindicated during childbearing, regardless of the duration of pregnancy! Such drugs not only adversely affect the overall development of the fetus, but can also provoke uterine bleeding in the mother and impaired placental circulation. nine0003
Paracetamol is a relatively safe drug for reducing fever during pregnancy. It is allowed at any stage of pregnancy, but not more than 2000 mg per day. Paracetamol and its analogues not only reduce body temperature, but also relieve muscle aches, headaches and malaise.
However, it is very important not to bring down the body temperature if the thermometer does not exceed 38 degrees. It is with an increase in body temperature above this mark that the body begins to actively produce interferon, a substance that fights viruses and strengthens the immune system. nine0003
A cold compress can be applied to the forehead to help reduce fever. This procedure helps to more easily endure elevated body temperature and relieves headaches a little. For such a compress, a gauze bandage is moistened in cold water, squeezed out and applied to the forehead. As the compress heats up, the gauze is moistened again. Instead of a moistened handkerchief, you can use an ice pack, but first you need to wrap it in several layers of fabric so as not to cause frostbite on the skin. nine0003
To reduce elevated body temperature, cold compresses can be applied to the main blood vessels (popliteal arteries, inguinal arteries, elbows).
If the body temperature of a pregnant woman does not exceed 37.5 degrees, it is highly recommended to drink hot linden tea. Linden has a diaphoretic effect and lowers body temperature. The main thing - do not forget about drinking plenty of water, this is 2.0-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
Remember that at the slightest symptoms of illness, it is best to see a doctor right away. After all, any viral infection, even without an increase in body temperature and severe ailments, transferred during pregnancy can end very badly for the woman herself and her baby growing in her stomach. nine0003
Make an appointment with a gynecologist
For more details, consult a qualified specialist at the Semeynaya clinic.
To find out prices for a gynecologist's appointment or other questions, follow the link below:
safe remedies and useful tips
If you have a sore throat during pregnancy, proven medical and folk remedies will come to the rescue. For what reasons a pregnant woman can have a sore throat, how to recognize a disease by the type of pain, how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, and what is not worth it, read in our material. nine0003
Tanya Shchelkanogova, website editor
Sore throat in a pregnant woman: symptoms and causes
Do not self-medicate! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.
The main cause of sore throat, both in pregnant women and not, as a rule, lies in a bacterial or viral infection, or an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and not at all eaten ice cream or drunk cold juice. nine0003
Sore throat . If the throat of a pregnant woman is ticklish, then this is not necessarily a symptom of a cold. Often perspiration occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a very common problem of pregnant women - heartburn and its consequences - can be confused with a sore throat.
Increase in body temperature - is a reaction to an acute inflammatory process in the throat of a pregnant woman. With inflammation, the mucous membrane of the pharynx also swells and becomes red, swallowing is difficult because it causes pain. nine0003
Red throat (usually redness of the back of the throat) may be a symptom of pharyngitis or coronavirus in a pregnant woman. Their symptoms are similar.
- When pharyngitis is noted: dryness in the throat, perspiration; pain when swallowing; a foreign body is felt in the throat; cough is unproductive, does not cough; a runny nose, a slight temperature and distortion of the voice are possible.
- If the cause of sore throat during pregnancy is coronavirus, then the following symptoms are observed: fever; fatigue; headache; dry cough; muscle pain; diarrhea; conjunctivitis; loss of smell and taste; rash; labored breathing; dyspnea; feeling of constriction in the chest. nine0114
Tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils. With angina, the pain in the throat is especially severe. Other symptoms include general weakness, decreased activity, headache, and fever. Angina is a formidable infectious disease, and self-medication is unacceptable. If you suspect a sore throat (or better, with any type of sore throat in pregnant women), you need to consult a doctor.
Sore throat in pregnant women: how to treat?
When you are pregnant, do not rush to buy medicines for sore throats in a pharmacy, the maximum that you can use without consulting a doctor is lozenges (not tablets, but mints) that relieve pain. nine0003
You should not prescribe all other tablets, syrups and sprays on your own, even if you successfully used them before pregnancy. As you know, this period has many contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm yourself and the baby.
Sore throat in pregnant women: folk remedies
What, then, can be used for sore throat during pregnancy? If the doctor has ruled out various dangers (such as the occurrence of a sore throat, for example), try these remedies to relieve discomfort:
Infusion of chamomile. For rinsing a sore throat during pregnancy, a warm infusion of chamomile is suitable. This medicinal herb can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended for uncomplicated forms of pharyngitis, it quickly softens the throat and relieves inflammation.
Honey . An effective folk remedy if you are not allergic to it. Warm up a mug of milk with honey or prepare a mouthwash solution by mixing a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of baking soda in 500 ml of water. Gargle with this remedy for a sore throat 3-4 times a day. nine0003
Lemon juice with honey. Another solution for gargling a sore throat during pregnancy can be prepared by mixing a spoonful of honey and half a lemon with warm water.
Hot drinks. Milk with honey and butter, hot herbal tea or berry juice - all this will help a pregnant woman who has a sore throat feel more comfortable.
We have described the safest methods. Keep in mind that not all folk remedies for sore throats are just as unsafe for pregnant women. Before taking them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Some herbs have abortive properties, while others are able to change the hormonal background. nine0003
Sore throat: what can not be treated during pregnancy
During pregnancy, many medicines that we are used to treating sore throat are contraindicated. You should know what restrictions exist during this period:
- At an early stage of pregnancy and until the end of the 1st trimester (and preferably in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters), pregnant women are advised to stop taking any chemical drugs without acute need.
- Pregnant women should not use medicinal tinctures with alcohol to treat a sore throat. They, like alcohol, are prohibited during pregnancy. nine0114
- Immunomodulators - lemongrass, eleutherococcus and ginseng are contraindicated.
To support immunity, it is better to take vitamin complexes specifically for pregnant women.
- During pregnancy, it is impossible to treat a sore throat with the help of heating, mustard plasters, go to the bathhouse and sauna. Even foot baths with very hot water are contraindicated. Such procedures can cause uterine muscles to contract and increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Pregnant women should not take aspirin and indomethacin, which can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus, as well as drugs that can increase heart rate and pressure, and drugs that affect blood clotting due to an increased chance of bleeding. And, of course, during pregnancy, in no case should you treat your throat with antibiotics, especially without the permission of a doctor. nine0114
Again, if you have a sore throat during pregnancy, you should immediately seek medical help. Many viruses and bacteria are able to overcome the barrier that the placenta creates around the fetus, leading to the development of abnormalities in a child growing in the womb.