I m having triplets
Pregnant With Triplets? What You Should Know
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- What Causes Triplet Pregnancies?
- Risks Associated With Triplet Pregnancies
- What Triplet Pregnancies Are Like for the Mother
Many women look forward to becoming pregnant and starting or growing their family. Most of the time, you don’t expect to see three tiny fetuses on your ultrasound. But if you do, here’s what you need to know about triplet pregnancy.
What Causes Triplet Pregnancies?
If you’re pregnant with more than one baby, it is often referred to as multiples. Pregnancies of more than one child represent approximately three in 100 births. If more than one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, your multiples are fraternal. If one egg is fertilized and splits before implanting in the uterine lining, you have identical multiples. In triplets — or any multiples more than two — the siblings can be all fraternal, all identical, or a combination of both.
There are several factors that increase your chances of being pregnant with more than one baby:
- Heredity. If you have a family history of multiple babies during pregnancy, it’s more likely that you will have twins or triplets.
- Age. If you’re older than 30, there’s a greater chance you’ll have multiples.
- Previous pregnancies. If you’ve been pregnant at least once before, you’re more likely to have a multiple pregnancy your second or third time. This is especially true if you previously gave birth to twins or triplets.
- Race. African American women are more likely than any other race to have a multiple pregnancy. Asian and Native American women are the least likely. White women who are older than 35 have the highest rate of multiple births that are more than twins (triplets, quadruplets, etc.).
- Ovulation-stimulation medicine. Medications like clomiphene citrate and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) help your body produce eggs.
These are often used for low fertility but can lead to a triplet pregnancy if multiple eggs are released and fertilized.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF). This and other similar treatments help parents get pregnant by fertilizing eggs in a lab and then returning them to the uterus to grow. IVF pregnancies are more likely to produce multiples than natural pregnancies.
Risks Associated With Triplet Pregnancies
Premature birth. The greatest risk in carrying triplets is your babies being born prematurely. In fact, 60% of all multiple pregnancies occur before 37 weeks of gestation. The average gestation for a triplet pregnancy is even lower, at 32 weeks.
Delivery. Many triplet pregnancies end in a cesarean section for the safety of the babies and the mother. The probability of a vaginal delivery depends on:
- Size of each baby
- Positions of the babies
- Health of the babies
- Size and shape of the mother’s pelvis
During pregnancy, it is important to be aware of the signs of premature labor:
- Pelvic pressure
- Lower back pain
- Significant vaginal discharge
- Change in frequency or intensity of contractions
If you suspect you are experiencing premature labor, contact your doctor immediately. If caught early enough, the labor can be stopped so your babies have longer to grow.
Placenta. The placenta is an organ that attaches to the wall of the uterus and transfers blood, oxygen, and nutrition from mother to baby through the umbilical cord. When a placenta supports more than one baby, it ages faster, limiting your babies’ growth potential.
The placenta may also provide imbalanced nutrients to each baby, causing one to grow larger while another remains smaller.
Preeclampsia.Preeclampsia is a dangerous condition when your blood pressure gets too high during pregnancy, putting you at risk for seizures. You’re at a much higher risk for preeclampsia with triplets. Symptoms of preeclampsia include:
- High blood pressure
- Protein in urine
- Swelling in the legs, hands, face, and sometimes the entire body
- Headaches
- Changes in vision
- Nausea and abdominal pain
- Trouble breathing
Diabetes. Gestational diabetes is very common in women with triplet pregnancies. However, it is also common in pregnancies of only one baby, so it is well known and easy to manage.
Newborn complications. The average weight at birth for triplets is just under 4 pounds. Approximately 20% of triplet pregnancies result in one child having a life-long handicap of some sort. Preterm delivery means an increased risk that your baby’s lungs, eyes, brain, circulatory system, and intestinal system are not fully developed yet.
It is likely that your babies will require a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) where any complications will be treated, and they can thrive and grow.
What Triplet Pregnancies Are Like for the Mother
Due to the greater risks associated with pregnancy with triplets, you will need more medical care during your pregnancy. Even if everything goes well, you should still be seeing your doctor more often to check for issues with your babies.
You are more likely to experience common pregnancy symptoms like reflux, hemorrhoids, constipation, back pain, and varicose veins. You will also grow bigger more quickly, which may mean you need supplements or a specific nutrition plan. Talk to your doctor to create a plan for your triplet pregnancy.
Multiple pregnancy (triplets or more)
Multiple pregnancy (triplets or more) | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content7-minute read
During your pregnancy, you may find out that you're expecting 3 or more babies. This can sometimes be a surprise or even a shock. Most families with multiple pregnancies find having several babies at once to be a very positive experience. Being pregnant with triplets or more does mean you will need extra medical support throughout your pregnancy.
How do 'higher order multiples' occur?
If you are having 3 or more babies, they are known as 'higher order multiples'. This sort of multiple pregnancy can occur when:
- a single fertilised egg splits
- more than one egg is fertilised
Both of these things can also happen at the same time. This means that multiple babies could be fraternal (non-identical) or identical.
Higher order multiples rarely happen naturally and are usually the result of fertility treatments.
In 2020, 1.4% of all births in Australia were multiple births. Of these, almost all were twins. Just 1 in 100 of the multiple births were triplets or higher.
You can find out if you are having a multiple birth when you have an ultrasound.
When carrying triplets or more, you can expect the same early pregnancy symptoms that you would have with one baby. But they can start sooner and be more severe.
You will need extra medical care throughout your pregnancy. Choose an experienced doctor and medical support team that is right for you.
You may see a team of health care professionals who are experienced in higher order multiple pregnancies. These may include:
- obstetricians (specialist doctors who give medical care during pregnancy and birth)
- midwives (specialist nurses who give medical care during pregnancy and birth)
- sonographers (specialist in imaging with ultrasound)
- physiotherapists
- dietitians
You will need tests such as a glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. Frequent ultrasounds may be recommended to see how your babies are growing. Ultrasound scans can also check whether there are any problems with the placentas or cords.
The most common pregnancy complication with triplets or more is premature birth. Your healthcare team will keep a close eye on your health. Carrying multiple babies puts you at higher risk of certain problems. These can include:
- pre-term labour (going into labour early)
- anaemia (not having enough red blood cells, usually caused by iron deficiency)
- gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy)
- hypertension or pre-eclampsia (potentially dangerous forms of high blood pressure)
- hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness)
- polyhydramnios (having too much amniotic fluid around the baby)
- miscarriage or stillbirth (sometimes one of the babies may die in the womb)
- Postpartum depression (also known as postnatal depression, and perinatal anxiety and depression)
- postpartum haemorrhagep (heavy bleeding after the birth)
Talk to your healthcare team if you have any concerns while you are pregnant.
Looking after yourself during multiple pregnancy
Having a multiple pregnancy can be physically and mentally overwhelming. It is important to take care of yourself. Make sure to surround yourself with a positive support network.
If you are carrying triplets or more, you may grow bigger than with a normal pregnancy. You may also grow more quickly. You will need to eat more to meet the babies' nutritional needs, and your own.
You may need to take iron, calcium, Vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements. Your healthcare team will provide you with a nutrition plan.
Conditions associated with pregnancy
With a multiple pregnancy, you may be more likely to experience:
- reflux
- haemorrhoids
- varicose veins
- constipation
See your doctor for information and advice about how to manage these symptoms.
You may experience backache, so correct posture is very important. To keep good posture while pregnant, you should:
- continue gentle exercise as advised
- bend your knees when lifting
- tilt your pelvis forward when sitting, standing, or lying down
- consider stomach support
Activity and rest
Doing some gentle exercise during pregnancy can help ease tension and improve your muscle tone.
Towards the end of your pregnancy, you may need to make some changes, such as
- limiting physical activity
- limiting travel
- possible bed rest
You can feel very tired in the later stages of the pregnancy. You may have problems sleeping. Frequent rest and drinking plenty of water will help.
You will also usually have to stop work earlier than with a single pregnancy. Your healthcare team can advise you on the right time for this.
Preparing for multiple babies
Be as prepared as you can. The babies are likely to be born earlier so it's a good idea to get the nursery ready.
Attend antenatal classes earlier than you would for a single pregnancy. Some classes or information evenings are designed specifically for women expecting multiple babies. These sessions can provide support, and a chance to meet other families.
Before your babies are born, you can speak with your midwife or lactation consultant about feeding. They can provide advice and support on:
- what to expect when feeding multiple babies
- positions for breastfeeding
- different baby formula options
- how to bottle feed
- what equipment you may need
When are multiple babies born?
While a normal pregnancy usually lasts 40 weeks, triplets are often born earlier.
Usually, the longer your babies can stay in the uterus, the better. But when you are pregnant with triplets or more, complications can often develop. With some complications, it may be better for you and your babies if they are delivered early.
Most multiple births take place by caesarean section. Your medical team will decide when to deliver. This will be based on your health and the health of the babies. You may need to stay in hospital for a while before the birth.
If you experience any signs of preterm labour, call your doctor immediately.
Where to find more information
If you are expecting higher order multiples, it's common to worry about things such as:
- possible pregnancy complications
- changes to your body
- how your other children will cope
- what help you will need
For support and resources, contact the Australian Multiple Birth Association.
You can also call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 for advice or support 7 days a week
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Australian Multiple Birth Association (What to expect when you're expecting multiples), Australian Bureau of Statistics (Births, Australia), Multiples NZ (Pregnancy and Birth)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: June 2022
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Is there anyone who gave birth to triplets, or knows such, come in!?
Among my friends, I could not resist commenting. I really want to wish you an easy pregnancy and healthy babies.)
In general, strength to you, patience and good health to you and the kids!
Hall, well, I understand the difficulties, I understand that it will be difficult, it will be difficult but we will decide something, involve parents, or a nanny ... But for now, pregnancy worries me, because I still have to endure childbirth! Anyway, thanks to everyone and good night if they see that I'm awake at such a late hour...)
9000 9000 9000
I'll tell you how it was at one of my friends. She has triplets, she was cesareaned at 34 weeks, the babies are healthy, but premature, so the mother was discharged alone, the children lay still in the hospital until they gained the necessary weight. Of course, she was bored, but she managed to recover after the COP, visited constantly, of course. Then she took them home and almost does not appear on the site)))))) In general, be prepared for the fact that you will not be allowed to wear them before the deadline, because it is almost unrealistic, especially since you say that you yourself are petite. At 38 weeks my legs gave way under the weight of my belly with 1 baby.
9000 9000
And why everyone advises KS, I don't understand something . . .kak same natural childbirth?
God bless you) I also think caesarean is a must in order to save all the kids))))
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still natural birth is better than
Anyway is still a natural birth, I think that I think what difference between single pregnancy and triplets? would you also choose to give birth to one child by caesarean?
Triplets are one hundred percent indication for caesarean section. What ep, what are you talking about? Only 50 percent of ep give birth to twins, and here there are three. Here someone wrote that one is three what a difference. Huge. I have twins, so it seems to me that with one it’s generally easy. You just don't realize how much physical labor it is. Triplets are always caesarean, prematurity and willow. Author, health to you and children!
Ksenia Luk. .Someone like.
All the same, natural birth is better, I think what is the difference between pregnancy by one child and triplets? would you also choose to give birth to one child by caesarean?
“This is one case for 200 million”: in St. Petersburg, three-Treinski-twin
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Anna Svetlakova, Julia Stalin
were born for the first timeNovember 21, 2022 16:28
Mom, who gave birth to twin triplets, admitted that she still does not distinguish between children
Not just triplets, but “triple” twins were born in St.0005
Three from the chest are the same from the face. This, as doctors admit, occurs once in 200 million births. In St. Petersburg, not just triplets, but “triple” twins were born. Previously, doctors read about this only in textbooks. A unique case occurred in the maternity hospital number 10 of the Northern capital. Happy parents were 28-year-old Yulia and 36-year-old Semyon Lebedev. For them, it was their first birth.
As the mother of the girls recalls, at a planned ultrasound scan at 11 weeks, the doctor unexpectedly announced: “Get ready, you have twins, and maybe more…”
Toddlers are always under close attention of doctors. Photo: Artem KILKIN
- After these words, I was in a slight shock, - mommy smiles. - Even the doctor did not understand how many children I have, because she did not encounter this. I left the office and told my husband that we would have triplets. He couldn't believe it either.
Throughout her pregnancy, Yulia was under close medical supervision, several times she went to bed. The doctor who would undertake to take such a birth was succeeded in maternity hospital No. 10. At a period of 8.5 months, they decided to perform a caesarean section for Yulia, as it should be in such cases. By this time, the babies had already formed and could be born healthy. And so it happened: on November 15, two of them were born weighing 1.6 kg, one - 2 kg.
The girls were born at 8.5 months. Photo: Artem KILKIN
The doctors have not yet decided to discharge the triplets. In order for the children to get stronger and gain weight, they were sent to the hospital. The girls will be in the incubator for a whole month. Mom will be accommodated with them, only in the next room. And after the baby will go home to their parents.
- This is the second stage of nursing. Typically, these premature babies are at risk of heart disease. Our girls are healthy, but they require additional examination, - specifies the head of the resuscitation and advisory unit of the First City Hospital, Artem Minakov.
Yulia and Semyon are looking forward to the day when they will be together.
- Triplets are a surprise for us. But we will gradually get used to it. We live outside the city with my parents. They will help to babysit, - the father of the triplets says, puzzled.
The parents of three girls admit that their grandmother will help them with the children. Photo: Artem KILKIN
The mother of the children does not lose heart and admits that such childbirth is quite common for her family.
- Both my husband and I had twins, but not triplets. I still do not distinguish babies. They are so similar, but I think we'll get used to it, in the end, we'll put different hats on them at home. But we had no problems choosing a name. We named one daughter Miroslava, as we decided together, not knowing about the triplets, I gave the second name, I always wanted Etna, the third - my husband. He wanted Agnes. It’s convenient, everyone is happy, - mom jokes.
The babies were sent to a specialized hospital, where they will have to gain weight before being discharged. Photo: Artem KILKIN
“A case from the textbook”
- This happens extremely rarely when babies from one mother develop placenta. In the people it is called monozygotic. In the world this happens once in 200 million. This is a textbook case. In St. Petersburg, in the memory of doctors, for the first time, - clarifies the head physician of the St. Petersburg maternity hospital No. 10 Lada Ivanova.
Trojni-twiners were born in St. Petersburg
Artem Kilkin
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