How to use bottle sterilizer
How to Sterilize Baby Bottles
As baby grows throughout their first year of life, their immune system is growing, too. Being exposed to germs in the home throughout their first year is part of how baby’s immune system develops and strengthens. That means you don’t have to stress about the mess in your home – it’s making your kid stronger!
Why Sterilize Baby Bottles?
There is a difference between immune-building bacteria and bad bacteria. Often, disease-causing germs are found on items that come into contact with baby’s mouth, like baby bottles. Washing bottles in hot, soapy water is key, but some harmful bacteria can linger through even the lengthiest scrubbing – and arrive after washing.
See, bacteria can cultivate through transfer, including handling bottle nipples with unwashed hands. Also from exposure, such as leaving a washed bottle on the kitchen counter when you prepped that raw chicken last night.
That’s why many parents choose to add sterilizing to your bottle cleaning process. By sterilizing, harmful bacteria is eliminated.
How Often Should I Sterilize?
The Centers for Disease Control states that, “Sanitizing is particularly important when your baby is younger than three months, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system.” In those cases, sterilizing at least one daily is recommended. For older, healthy babies, it may not be necessary as long as those items are carefully cleaned after each use.
Ask your pediatrician regarding how often to sterilize for healthy, older babies, but these are our general recommendations:
- Sterilize before the first use of the bottle after purchase.
- Sterilize after traveling with the bottle.
- Sterilize if milk or formula has been inside at room temperature beyond the recommended time period.
- Sterilize if it comes in contact with contaminated surfaces or floors.
- Sterilize daily when baby is sick with the flu or other viral or bacterial infections.
It’s important to note that excessive sterilization over time may cause the ink on some Dr. Brown’s bottles to come off. The same can be said about rough scrubbing of the exterior of the bottle vessel.
At Dr. Brown’s®, we like options – so let’s look at a few ways to sterilize your Dr. Brown’s bottles quickly and effectively no matter where you’re at when it’s feeding time.
How to Sterilize Baby Bottles on the Stovetop
You just need a clean pot (or saucepan depending on bottle count), water, and a stove burner.
The plus side to stovetop sterilizing is you already have all the mechanisms. The con is that it’s the most time-consuming way to sterilize. Here are the steps:
- Remove all internal parts from the bottles and place everything into a pot.
- Fill the pot with enough water to cover all bottle parts to make sure the bottles don’t touch an exposed area of the pot.
- Bring the pot of water to a boil and boil for at least five minutes.
- Turn off the stove and let everything cool before removing.
- Let bottles and parts air dry.
Take care with what you use to air dry bottles. Allowing them to touch the surface of the counter can contaminate the bottles. Instead, grab Dr. Brown’s Folding Drying rack. It’s designed to fit not just bottles and accessories but typical cups, bowls, and utensils. The drying rack features a raised drying platform, so you can eliminate bottle contact. The tray base collects water so your countertop doesn’t. When you’re done, fold the rack back up and store in a clean, dry place.
The Convenience of Electric Steam Sterilizers
If you prefer convenience and ease of use, go with an electric steam sterilizer. They use steamed water that reaches high temperatures to kill bacteria. They quickly sterilize, easily clean bottles, nipples, bottle parts, and pacifiers, and leave nothing behind. If you don’t have a dishwasher, we highly recommend the electric steam sterilizer. The only downside: They take up space.
Dr. Brown’s® Deluxe Bottle Sterilizer, has some other benefits, too. It fits all Dr. Brown’s bottles and most other bottle brands, it cleans up to 6 bottles at once, features an auto shut-off, and has an upper basket designed for a multitude of nipples, pacifiers, and internal bottle parts. Here’s how to use it:
- Remove the internal bottle tray.
- Fill the included measuring cup with distilled water to the designated fill line and dump into empty sterilizer.
- Reinsert the tray and place bottles and reservoirs separately in designated spots.
- Close top, and open top basket.
- Place nipples with the collars around them, pacifiers, and any other parts you wish to sterilize into the basket.
- Close the lid and turn on the sterilizer.
- Walk away because your job here is done.
How to Use a Microwave Steam Sterilizer
If you have a microwave and not a lot of counter or cabinet space, a microwave sterilizer is the perfect solution. It takes the same effective steam technology as an electric steam sterilizer, using your microwave as the heat source.
Most microwave sterilizers fit standard size microwaves, but if your particular microwave is on the small side, you might want to double check measurements.
Here’s how the Dr. Brown’s® Microwave Steam Sterilizer works:
- Fill clean bottle with 6 oz/180 ml of clean water and pour into sterilizer.
- Load items to be sterilized.
- Close the lid, place inside microwave, and set time according to instructions.
- Let items and water cool for at least 10 minutes.
Travel-Friendly Microwave Sterilizer Steam Bags
When you’re on-the-go and so are your baby bottles, microwave sterilizer bags are your best friend. Dr. Brown’s® Microwave Steam Sterilizer Bags are big enough to fit bottles, internal parts and nipples. And it’s not a use-and-lose technology; you get 20 uses per bag. It’s so safe, it’s cleared for hospital use. Plus, it will easily fit pacifiers, too.
Here’s how to use Dr. Brown’s Microwave Sterilizer Bags:
- Fill a clean bottle with 2 oz/60 ml of clean water and pour into bag.
- Place items to be sterilized into bag.
- Seal bag tightly.
- Place bag in microwave and set time according to instructions.
- Use an oven mitt when removing bag from microwave as it will be very hot.
- Open and let cool before use.
- Use the Drain Spout to pour out excess water before removing the contents.
Watch this quick video to see how to use Dr. Brown’s Microwave Steam Sterilizer and Microwave Steam Sterilizer Bags
You may not have to worry about picking up that living room – but you may need to think about what your baby bottles can pick up. Sterilizing them in whatever way works best for you keeps bacteria at bay and gives baby a chance to build up their immunity. For questions on any Dr. Brown’s sterilizing products, reach out today!
Sterilising baby bottles - NHS
It's important to sterilise all your baby's feeding equipment, including bottles and teats, until they are at least 12 months old.
This will protect your baby against infections, in particular diarrhoea and vomiting.
Before sterilising, you need to:
- Clean bottles, teats and other feeding equipment in hot, soapy water as soon as possible after feeds.
- Use a clean bottle brush to clean bottles (only use this brush for cleaning bottles), and a small teat brush to clean the inside of teats. You can also turn teats inside out then wash them in hot soapy water. Do not use salt to clean teats, as this can be dangerous for your baby.
- You can put your baby's feeding equipment in the dishwasher to clean it if you prefer. Putting feeding equipment through the dishwasher will clean it but it does not sterilise it. Make sure bottles, lids and teats are facing downwards. You may prefer to wash teats separately by hand to make sure they are completely clean.
- Rinse all your equipment in clean, cold running water before sterilising.
The advice above applies to all your baby's feeding equipment, and whether you are using expressed breast milk or formula milk.
How to sterilise baby feeding equipment
There are several ways you can sterilise your baby's feeding equipment. These include:
- cold water sterilising solution
- steam sterilising
- boiling
Cold water sterilising solution
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Leave feeding equipment in the sterilising solution for at least 30 minutes.
- Change the sterilising solution every 24 hours.
- Make sure there are no air bubbles trapped in the bottles or teats when putting them in the sterilising solution.
- Your steriliser should have a floating cover or a plunger to keep all the equipment under the solution.
Steam sterilising (electric steriliser or microwave)
- It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, as there are several different types of sterilisers.
- Make sure the openings of the bottles and teats are facing downwards in the steriliser.
- Manufacturers will give guidelines on how long you can leave equipment in the steriliser before it needs to be sterilised again.
Sterilising by boiling
- Make sure the items you want to sterilise in this way are safe to boil.
- Boil the feeding equipment in a large pan of water for at least 10 minutes, making sure it all stays under the surface.
- Set a timer so you do not forget to turn the heat off.
- Remember that teats tend to get damaged faster with this method. Regularly check that teats and bottles are not torn, cracked or damaged.
After you've finished sterilising
- It's best to leave bottles and teats in the steriliser or pan until you need them.
- If you do take them out, put the teats and lids on the bottles straightaway.
- Wash and dry your hands before handling sterilised equipment. Better still, use some sterile tongs.
- Assemble the bottles on a clean, disinfected surface or the upturned lid of the steriliser.
Find out more about expressing breast milk and how to make up formula feeds.
Page last reviewed: 24 September 2019
Next review due: 24 September 2022
types, which one is better, instructions for use, how to choose
Being born, the child is immediately exposed to active all-round influence. The first 90 days after birth, the baby copes with the threats of the outside world on its own, thanks to its immunity. This period can be extended for another six months if breastfeeding is continued, but after that the child is left almost alone with germs. What to do in such a situation? Sterilize everything you can. First of all, you need to buy a sterilizer for baby bottles. 9Ol000 Leader Review
Machine Types and Features
As for the process, it can be cold or steam . The latter, as is already clear from the name itself, implies processing like a steam bath. Cold sterilization occurs by means of UV radiation. It is also worth separating all devices regarding the source of heating, because there are electrical units and those that are placed in a microwave oven for further processing. Very rare 2 in 1 options.
The electric sterilizer is one of the most popular. It is a device powered by a socket with a voltage of 220 V. The mandatory package includes a special water tank, various additional accessories and even special bottles.
If the lid is not opened after the sterilization process, all items will remain sterile for 2-6 hours.
Modern models of Philips Avent bottles have as many as 2 levels of sterilization: in the first, all objects immersed in the container remain sterile for up to 6 hours, and in the second - up to 24 hours. This is due cycle program which automatically starts sterilization. Among other things, the models are equipped with automatic diagnostic systems and display all information on a digital screen. Such devices show not only the water level, but also all data regarding the start and end time of the sterilization process.
Modern sterilizer for baby dishes , according to its model can hold up to 8 classic bottles with a narrow or up to 4 with a wide neck and other items necessary for them.
It is possible and even necessary to sterilize not only dishes, but also any children's item.
The main condition is the temperature threshold, for all items reaching up to 100 degrees Celsius.
The second type of devices - sterilizers, which are placed in a microwave oven. They are a container where water is poured, bottles and other accessories are placed. Next, you need to put it in the microwave and set the maximum power mode, on average up to 10 minutes. Almost all microwave sterilizers for bottles can hold no more than 4 pieces. Among other things, a children's microwave sterilizer costs much less than electric options. But in such devices it is impossible to sterilize objects made of metal.
If bottle feeding is not done regularly, it is best to buy a special container that can sterilize itself. The instruction implies the following sequence of actions. To begin with, the bottle is washed out, after which the nipple is inserted there, and water is poured into a special cap from above, and all this is placed in the microwave.
During this type of sterilization, it should be understood that the process is relevant only when steaming . There will be no effect if you put just bottles in the microwave, without any specially designed devices.
There are also universal models that combine 2 functions at the same time. In addition to the sterilizer, they have special heater , which can heat baby food in different containers and from different materials. The maximum heating temperature reaches 37 degrees, after which it is maintained for 3 hours.
Sterilizers and universal bottle warmers with steam functions can steam vegetables in portions up to 150 grams.
Which sterilizer is battery operated? Only ultraviolet. Such devices do not imply the use of water or other heating options, but despite this, they provide the maximum level of safety against all types of bacteria. The process lasts 5 minutes, after which the device turns off.
Special portable UV bottles cannot be steam treated.
Cold sterilization
With regard to the cold sterilization method, in this case, all the necessary accessories or bottles are immersed in a special container, after which it is filled with a special liquid for 30 minutes . Further, through a special stoke on the side, the sterilized solution is drained, and all items inside the container remain sterile for up to a day.
More modern models of such devices have special indicators that display information about the quality of the solution and the duration of storage of dishes. The sterilization solution itself is completely harmless to children. It is produced in tablets or in already diluted liquid form.
Attention! Such solutions may have an unpleasant taste or smell, which may cause a child to refuse to use the treated dishes.
But be that as it may, this method is indispensable in cases where it is not possible to use other types of devices. However, such a sterilizer copes with its task no worse than steam models.
Instrument selection
Microwaveable bottle sterilizers are a must if you have a large amount of empty food containers. Since their capacity is much larger than that of other models. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the conditions under which the sterilizer will be used.
All parts of the appliance, especially those that come into contact with food, must be made of high quality and environmentally friendly materials. That is why you should ask sellers for a quality certificate of the sterilizer.
Before choosing a home bottle sterilizer, you need to decide on the place of purchase - it should only be a specialized point of sale or pharmacy. It is best to take products from well-known brands and manufacturers.
In order to determine the best models, the experts tested several of the most popular models and manufacturers on the following points:
- cost;
- capacity;
- sterilization process time;
- automation of the whole process and ease of use;
- extra bottle set;
- other options.
TOP 10 best models
Based on the above characteristics, the TOP 10 looks like this:
- Philips Avent SCF281/02 for microwave.
- Beurer JBY76.
- Philips Avent SCF284/03.
- Beurer JBY40.
- Ramili BSS150.
- TEFAL Baby Home.
- Chicco Steril Natural.
- Tefal Baby Home BH 7300.
- Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature.
- Maman LS-B210.
Leader Review
Philips has traditionally been a leader in many of its products, and nothing new happened this time either. Take, for example, 2 types of sterilizers from Avent. If you choose electric version , then it is able to maintain sterility for up to a day, and the time for this process takes up to 6 minutes. Pleased with the presence of an automatic shutdown at the end. Capacity - up to 6 bottles.
And model number two is steam. It also retains sterility for up to a day. Sterilization time - 2 minutes. There is no automatic shutdown, capacity - 4 bottles.
Both instruments are free of hazardous materials and include tongs. You need to choose based on your own preferences.
So, does a new mother need a bottle sterilizer or not? For the full and safe development of the newborn, it is simply necessary. Which model is better is up to you.
Philips Avent Microwave Sterilizer Instructions for Use
Any mother knows how important it is to pay special attention to hygiene and cleanliness in the first months of a child's life. Indeed, during this period, the children's body is not able to fully reflect the negative impact of most pathogenic microbes. Therefore, children's dishes require special care: bottles, pacifiers, spoons. The best way to achieve perfect sterility is by using special devices. One such device is the Philips Avent SCF281/02 Microwave Sterilizer.
- 1 What is a sterilizer for microwave oven
- 2 Principle of operation
- 3 Technical characteristics
- 4 Advantages
What is a microwave stove
9000 9000 9000 Philips Avent - Avent a brand that has proven itself only on the positive side. For the first time, the world saw the products of this company in 1984, when the first feeding bottle was released.Philips is now ready to offer parents a wide range of sterilizers. Philips Avent SCF281/02 microwave sterilizer takes the first place in this list. The device is popular due to its convenience and ease of use.
Device design:
- tray;
- stand for bottles, nipples and breast pumps, with special recesses for dishes;
- lid with handles and latch.
Despite its simple appearance and shape, this sterilizer can process absolutely any item used by a child, whether it be a feeding bottle, sippy cup, breast pump, pacifier or spoon. In general, everything that is not afraid of steam processing.
How it works
The first thing to note is that the sterilizer itself has nothing to do with electricity. In its design there is no wire, plug, motor, control unit. However, in the absence of electricity, it will not be possible to process children's utensils, because the main condition for using the device is the presence of a working microwave oven .
The sterilizer is easy and convenient to use, all you need is:
- Pour the required amount of water into the tray.
- Arrange baby bottles, pacifiers and other utensils on the rack.
- Close the lid and fasten the locks on both sides.
- Microwave for 2 to 6 minutes (depending on the power of the appliance).
Boiling water creates steam that sterilizes children's dishes.
After completing the procedure, it is important to follow the safety precautions . Do not rush to get the sterilizer out of the microwave oven in the first minutes - it is very hot, and even more so open and lift the lid. The water inside the device and the accumulated steam can burn you.
Avent Sterilizer has the following parameters:
- You can use bottles with both narrow and wide necks.
- The presence of side handles with a lock eliminates the possibility of accidentally opening the device if you need to rearrange it to another place.
- The handles do not get hot, which makes it easy to take the appliance out of the microwave oven.
- Up to 4 bottles can be processed at the same time.
- The set includes tweezers with which you can pick up processed dishes.
- Suitable for most microwaves.
Of course, sterilizing dishes with such devices is much more convenient. Now there is no need to boil a pot of water, as our mothers did, and catch hot bottles. Having such a device at home, it is enough to put all the children's dishes in it, put it in the microwave, set the right time and wait a bit.
The Avent sterilizer has significant advantages, which are reported to us by the instructions for it:
- Convenience . The device has a light weight, you can always take it with you to the country, on a trip, using it as storage for bottles on the road.
- Fast. It only takes 6 minutes to get sterile dishes.
- Antibacterial effect . Destroys up to 99.9% of all pathogenic bacteria.
- Long-term effect . The dishes remain sterile for a day with the lid closed.
- Safety . The main thing is not to neglect the precautions.
- Capacity . The device holds up to 4 bottles or 2 breast pumps.
- Environmental . The materials of which the sterilizer is made do not contain BPA.
The sterilizer is a special equipment designed for the treatment of children's dishes, the use of which will destroy to 99.
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