How to make shepherd costume for child
Jennifer's Little World blog - Parenting, craft and travel: How to make a Nativity Play Shepherd's costume from a pillowcase
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I was very relieved to find out that Harry had been cast as a Shepherd in his pre-school Nativity play. It is the very first costume that we've been asked to provide, and I think that we've been lucky. Because of this I was determined to put together my own costume. Asda sell a nice ready made Shepherd's costume for £8, so my personal challenge was to make a costume for cheaper that (in my opinion!) looks just as good.
At the time of making the costume I didn't have a sewing machine, and the costume probably won't last much longer than it's needed, but I think that it does the job!
Materials needed:
A brown pillowcase (£1.96 for two at Asda)
Brown ribbon (50p for a 3m remnant in our local craft shop)
Velcro (21p for 3 inches)
Cord (80p for 2m)
This gave me a total cost of £2. 49 - well under budget!
You also need:
A suitable checked tea towel
Brown sandals or flip flops
A T-shirt to wear underneath
Stuffed sheep
Old curtain pole or similar for the crook
The pillowcase forms the base of the outfit. I cut a hole for his head in the top, and then a small slit down the back, sewing velcro along the slit so it can be fastened. Then I cut a hole on each side for his arms, about an inch below the top of the pillowcase. I also removed some of the flap from the bottom of the pillowcase to make it less bulky. It is quite long on Harry (he was 3 when he wore this) but I decided not to shorten it as I thought I'd only make it look messy. I think that he looks sweet in an oversized costume anyway!
I decided to make the costume a bit more individual by sewing two lengths of ribbon down the front. It did take a while, and my stitches are a bit wonky, but I think it looks okay. I'm sure that a Shepherd would have sewn his own clothes, and he wouldn't have had a sewing machine. Then I cut my 2m length piece of cord into two, one half to tie around the tea towel on the head and one half to tie around his middle. Harry is wearing a long sleeved t-shirt underneath, I found one that had plain sleeves that matched the fabric.
The crook is made from an old curtain pole, the slim type used to hang net curtains. I fashioned the hooked end from cardboard, then sellotaped it all together firmly. I covered it with strips of plain paper and gave it a couple of coats of brown paint. I'm fully expecting the teachers to take it off him for health and safety reasons, as he does have a tendency to brandish it wildly!
I was really pleased with the finished costume, and it really was so easy to make!
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Make a no sew nativity costume in 10 minutes for most nativity characters
In the past (well, last year’s nursery nativity) I’ve just gone and bought a nativity costume because I just don’t have the time to sew, find patterns, spend a fortune on material and then have it end up looking stupid. But this year N is a villager in his nativity play.
In his book bag there was a slip:
N – villager. Needs a long tunic, belt, tea towel and band.
Ok, tea towel and band were easy enough. I just needed to find a non-musty, non-crumpled one that’s not ‘grey’ from overuse, never to see white again. And a band – bit of elastic would do fine, so he could just slip it over his head. It was a shame we’d given away my mum’s old arabic head-dress from her time living in Saudi Arabia as a child.
But a tunic. I didn’t really want to sew, so I debated using a pillowcase and cutting head and arm holes. The only problem was getting that on and off. N’s not as small as he used to be so I didn’t think a pillowcase would fit.
Second idea was a tabard style tunic. I just needed a long piece of fabric (brown duly bought), fold it over, cut a head hole, pop it over the head and then tie round the waist with a piece of cord (we don’t do belts in our house).
It all was going swimmingly until I cut the hole out. N refused to try it on, so it ended up being too big. I’d need to get the needle and thread out, and probably would need to sew up some of the sides as well to make it easier to wear.
So I was onto the stand-by idea. T-shirts as tunics. N is just about still short enough that I can get away with this.
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I bought a cheap men’s t shirt. I debated buying the OH’s size then at least it can get used afterwards, but that would have drowned N width-wise, although maybe my brother can squeeze into a small instead. Just a round neck t-shirt.
There’s no need to cut it, no sewing required. Just put on, add a belt and the costume is ready. They’re all in bare feet anyway, and I gave him a long sleeved t-shirt in a similar colour in case he needed an additional layer
It’s brilliant as well – choose different colours for different nativity play characters.
- Mary – blue t-shirt, add white fabric or tea towel for head-dress.
- Joseph – brown t-shirt,
- Villagers / inn keeper / shepherd – t-shirt in brown, beige, darker colours. Or if you can find one with vertical stripes, that would work for a shepherd.
- Wise men / king – bright jewel colours – just stick or sew on beading or braid to bling up.
- Angel – white
Obviously if you’re a whizz with a sewing machine, you could add on additional pieces, like a waist coat over for shepherds, or add an elasticated cinched in waist to make the t-shirt more fitted. But it goes to show that a DIY nativity costume doesn’t have to be a hassle.
You might struggle if your children are tall, but unless they definitely need to the floor costumes, they’ll do the job.
N was happy with his no sew nativity costume, and it cost me less than a fiver. On stage, he looked fabulous. It was just the right length, and I was impressed that the elasticated cord I’d tied for his headdress band worked well too.
If you can’t even do this version, just head to the shops and buy your nativity costumes*, or if you want to make more effort, check out the costume ideas at Rainy Day Mum
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DIY 2018 New Year dog costume: ideas, instructions
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The lady of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Dog, so a friendly puppy costume is indispensable at the New Year's carnival. While Santa Claus sharpens skis and prepares gifts, we will try to appease the hostess of 2018 by making a New Year's dog costume to meet the main winter holiday in all its glory.
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If this New Year You got the role of a dog, don't despair - her image is easy to create with your own hands. Such a New Year's costume nothing will be inferior to the acquired in the store, and most importantly - it will unique! So call your mom to the screen and start conjuring together over your tailed outfit.
How to make a New Year's dog costume?
Reincarnate in funny dalmatian, poodle, homeless Ball from "Prostokvashino" or handsome Max from The Secret Life of Pets - great idea. So quickly decide on your color scheme image and go ahead - create the most enchanting school masquerade costume.
The simplest way is wear brown trousers and a turtleneck, complementing the image with a fleecy vest beige colour. Attach a tail to the back from an old coat. To make the dog costume look more realistic, sew to festive along with red spots of irregular shapes.
Even plain white shirt with pantyhose can turn into the components of the dog costume, if combine them with shorts and a t-shirt, lined with faux fur.
Don't Forget the Details - stylish collar with mittens enrich the image and make it more natural. And paw prints or pits that are easy to apply homemade stamps made of polymer clay, will give your outfit a healthy humor.
For sewing a sleeveless jacket and shorts are perfect fleece, velvet, terry, cotton fabrics with pile, and for decoration - artificial fur. As patterns, use the old clothes or the following patterns.
Simple pattern suit for a boy (shirt, trousers and vest).
Vest pattern for girls.
Girls can create playful image of a dog with the help of tulle. A voluminous light skirt is the best will decorate poodle costume . And white leggings vest and knitted cap with ears effectively complete the image.
To make a tail wrap the wire with foam rubber, on both ends secured with rubber bands for banknotes. Put on a thick fleece cover on top with pompom. Ready! Now you can sew tail to tights or belt.
original decoration dog costume - fur cape.
Composite advantage costume - in its diversity. Choose clothes and accessories that suit you soul, and, like an asterisk, shine on New Year's masquerade!
Looks great And dog costume in the form of overalls with hood. You can sew it from lycra or velvet according to any pattern from Internet, but it will take time spend more.
Ears and muzzle elements sew directly to the hood. Sew in front a large light oval-brisket, and on sleeves, back and galoshes - small spots. Take care of the collar too can be made from an old strap. Do not forget to grab a soft one for the holiday foam rubber bone - so that no one doubted: in front of him - a real dog!
If you plan dress up as a dog to meet the New years at home, feel free to use the old sweatshirt.
We make a New Year's dog mask
Supplement New Year's dog costume Details will help you. But how to beautify your face to instantly transform into a four-legged hero?
Mask - like this magic accessory that can turn you into a dog even with minimal costume preparation. Print one of the following templates, stick it on cardboard, attach an elastic band and surprise your friends with your acting skills! New Year's the mask is from me, and the theatrical talent - For you.
Get even more interesting felt masks. You can sew the details of the mask threads, but if time is running out - just glue them with superglue.
Decorate your New Year's mask with rhinestones, sparkles and tinsel - then it will become even more beautiful and more original.
Grim. Paint your face so that it resembles a muzzle dogs. Mom's shadows will come in handy, tonal cream, black pencil and, of course, special paints for face painting.
Do it with a sponge white background around the lips and nose. on the cheeks apply pink eye shadow or blush. black paint black dots and mustaches. Not forget to mark the nose, depict tongue and spots.
Be sure to check Do you have allergies to medications makeup!
Creative cap Effectively complement any image of a dog. Put artificial eyes on it old toy, sew on ears and nose — you can go to the carnival! Girls can use instead of a hat hoop. Small ears, cardboard bows or felt will be fine stay on it all the time new year holiday.
Hairstyle. Today without interesting hairstyle - nowhere, but on carnival - and even more so. In this sense more lucky owners of long hair. To create the image of a dog, enough to make small curls, tie two ponytails and decorate the hair with bows. Restrained bagels of hair too - then what you need!
Imagine, invent interesting images and costumes - and then winter holidays will bring the sea positive impressions and give a real Christmas story.
Read also:
- for the New Year's carnival,
- How make a pirate costume,
- Fancy Dress costumes for girls.
Tags: Festive costumesFabric crafts
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DIY dog costume: top
What does a dog costume for a girl and a boy consist of and where to get ideas?
When the kindergarten or school was given the role of a dog or a puppy and there was not much time left until the day of the matinee or concert, and there was a whole bunch of things to do besides this.
How to make a dog costume for a child (boy, girl) with your own hands in a few evenings? And I don’t want to spend extra large funds from the family budget.
We offer you several options for costumes at once, especially since a hand-made one is suitable for any party, even New Year's, and if your child loves dog heroes, then you have a dream come true in your hands.
To get clear instructions and start acting right now, prepare a piece of paper and a pen, let's get down to the most important thing, let's analyze what it consists of.
- 1 How many main parts of a costume?
- 2 Let's divide the entire costume into several components:
- 3 Choose the image of the dog
- 4 Internet ideas costumes
- 5 for a boy
- 5.1 Dog gentleman
- 5.2 Dog hooligan
- 6 dogs
- 6.2 Costume with ears
- 6.3 Poodle costume for a girl
- 6.4 Dalmatian costume for a girl
- 6.
5 Universal costume made by one's own hands
How many main components of a costume?
Like a dog costume, a Christmas tree costume for a girl is always relevant, it is quite simple and easy to make it with your own hands in a few evenings, and thanks to instructions with master classes and videos, even beginner needlewomen can do it.
How to make costumes: squirrels, a bunny and a hedgehog for a boy and a girl with their own hands are described in detail with photos and videos in this article.
Let's also discuss a snowflake costume for a girl, master classes will help you create it with your own hands, which are described with step-by-step instructions here.
Its main advantage is that it can be easily transformed into any princess, queen or birthday dress. Therefore, take note of the ideas, or maybe your daughter will want to be a snowflake for the next matinee.
Approximately 6 components will be able to provide the most complete costume and nothing will be forgotten, of course - this is not ideal, some other additional parts may or may not be available, you and your baby approve the final set of the dog hero.
Let's divide the entire costume into several components:
- Clothes.
- Shoes.
- Headdress (hairstyle).
- Pantyhose, socks, stockings.
- Makeup.
- Accessories.
Choosing the image of a dog
Ask your child what kind of dog he wants to be?
A puppy from the cartoon "Who said Meow" or he likes the cartoon "Bobik visiting Barbos", or perhaps he has a favorite book character, for example, Totoshka from the "Wizard of the Emerald City". "Paw Patrol" and the heroes of Zuma, Sky, Marshal, Robust, Racer. Or maybe Max?
Offer him a choice of costumes if there is time for creativity.
Online costume ideas
Online shopping is the main source of ideas and inspiration, so look at as many photos as possible and sketch out your own version of the costume, taking into account the things that you have.
Assembling a dog costume from ready-made items
For a boy
Gentleman dog
- Shirt.
- Butterfly.
- Black trousers.
- Shoes.
- A vest trimmed with fur or a collar made of a jacket or coat, for example, silver fox.
- Headdress with a muzzle of a dog: ears, eyes, nose.
- Fur-lined gloves.
- Socks.
- Pony tail sewn to trousers or hanging down, attached to the belt.
Hooligan dog
Such a cheerful hero, a little hooligan, he can chase cats and bark at neighbors or birds. If you have chosen such a dog costume for a child, then in order to make it yourself, we suggest that you prepare such a complete set.
- White, black or brown turtleneck with fur sewn on the front.
- Vest with sewn fur on the sides or back.
- Shorts or trousers in dark or light colours.
- Stockings, black or white socks.
- Mask, ears and collar, tail, with a bone in his hands.
For a girl
When choosing a dog costume for a girl, consider both the option with panties and a dress or skirt, as the range of costume options expands, and overalls should not be excluded.
Let's remember images from cartoons of dog-girls: Skye from "Paw Patrol", Gidget (Gidget) from "Life of Pets", Lisa, Rose from "Barboskins", Sonya from "Smart Dog Sonya", Jenna from "Balto" , Bolonka from "Dog in Boots" and others. Let the girl choose who she wants to play at the New Year's party.
Dog girl costume
- Skirt or sundress in brown or black.
- Turtleneck in light colors or blouse.
- Hat - dog with ears.
- Tail sewn on a skirt or sundress, dress.
- Gloves or blowjobs with fur.
- White or light colored tights.
- Shoes.
- Fur on the shoulders or sewn on clothes, detachable or collar will do.
Suit with ears
If you have panties or trousers, overalls, then make 2 versions of the suit with ears instead of a hat.
- Pants, overalls or shorts.
- Turtleneck or blouse.
- Eyelets on the headband or clips.
- Tail sewn on.
- Gloves or blowjobs with fur.
- White or light colored tights.
- Shoes.
- Fur on the shoulders or sewn on clothes, a detachable or collar from my mother's coat or jacket will do.
If there is not a lot of hair, try to attach the ears on the hoop to match the hair, it will hold on quite tightly, and it is easy to hide the junction of the ears and the hoop with the help of pieces of fur.
Girl's poodle costume
Choose peach or white for the look. You will need: yarn for knitting grass, tulle or organza for a skirt.
- White knitted or crocheted hat with hanging ears.
- Pink tulle or organza tutu skirt, without sewing.
- White vest knitted or crocheted from grass.
- 2 armlets and similar wide bracelets on the legs.
- The tail is made of wire, covered with a white cloth and sewn onto the tip of a ball tied with white grass.
- White tights.
- Glue sandals to them or sew on white paws drawn on fleece or paper.
- Make-up: black nose and dots on the cheeks.
Such a suit can be quickly transformed and turned into another, so if you choose among the universal ones, then this one is the most suitable.
Pay attention to its simplicity and variability, ie. a skirt, like a vest with a cap, will become a costume for a lamb or a bunny.
Dalmatian girl costume
- Organza skirt with pieces of white fabric with black spots sewn on or drawn with felt-tip pen.
- Blouses white with black spots.
- White tights with black felt spots.
- Black shoes.
- On the head is a wide headband trimmed with white fabric with ears and black spots.
- A ponytail is attached to the Tutsi skirt, made of fabric with black spots.
This costume is suitable for ages 3-5, but if you add other accessories at the request of your daughter, then it will also suit older girls.
Universal costume made by one's own hands
The costume consists of: velor trousers, loose silhouette blouse and ears.
If it is not possible to knit or sew a hat, then make ears out of hair.
It can be 2 ponytails on the sides and on the very top of the head, putting them in buns and fluffing them thoroughly. If you pre-wind the hair, then the curls will add volume and the ears will turn out to be more voluminous.
You can not pull out the hair completely, leaving the ends of the hair at the base of the tail for even more volume.
If your girl has bangs, let them out on her forehead or remove them with a hair clip - this is already how you and the child like it.
Dog hat
Have you seen knitted hats, this is an idea for a hat.
Marina Trikoz has a wonderful hat, you can buy a description from her, for those who are limited in funds, we offer another option.
The size of the ears, as well as their shape, varies, in the above version of the photo they are erect and small.
Knitting a cap is quite simple and fast, like the rest of the details, while the skills of knitting in a circle or an oval will be in demand.
Knitting a hat with dog ears for a girl
When there is only a black pencil from improvised means. We draw on the child's face a mustache and a nose on the nose (painting over the entire upper part of the nose) using a cosmetic pencil.
On the forehead or around the eye, draw a circle with the same pencil and paint over to make a spot.
The make-up is almost done, if desired, add a tongue by drawing it at the bottom of the lip and painting it with pink lipstick with a brush.
If you have a face paint, then use it to create an image, while it is extremely important that it is anti-allergenic.
- white make the background of the muzzle or the second spot, muzzle;
- nose, moustache, freckles, lip, speck on forehead or around the eye is black or dark in color;
- draw a red tongue on the lower lip and chin, slightly tilted to the side.
Look at the different dog costume makeup variations to paint your own using the same technique.
What are the must-have companions for a dog?
Bone, plate, collar, leash, think carefully about the image or character, even a small accessory will transform your dog costume and make it recognizable.
For example, a butterfly in the shape of a bone or a scarf - a dog's head with a bone. Do not limit the flight of your imagination.
Now you figured out how to make a dog costume with your own hands, it remains only to start acting.
Any holiday requires a headdress, so let's discuss how to make a crown with your own hands - after all, it is a universal headdress for both boys and girls.
If you have a daughter, then we suggest you figure out how to make a crown for a girl with your own hands here, and a detailed description and step-by-step photos along with a video will help you make it in 1 evening.
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Where to start?
Action causes the main panic, because it seems that everything is clear, but how to do everything step by step? Let's start by defining the starting position, i. e. what we have and what we ultimately want to receive.
Costume step by step:
- Write a costume list using the list above.
- Then fill in each item with what you have or the planned result.
- Look at it again, underline those items that are not completed.
- Consider purchasing, sewing or knitting the missing parts.
- Write down where and when you can get them, set clear deadlines.
- Cross out as the details of the costume appear and try on the child.
So the costume will be ready very quickly, go from large and important parts to accessories, as it is written in the list.
For children who love the Paw Patrol, we offer costumes for puppies.
Puppy costume consists of:
- Headpiece.
- Vests.
- PAW Patrol emblems.
- Puppy costume: ears, tail and paws, makeup, secret backpack and paws.
- Personal badge - stars.
Paw Patrol Racer Costume
Paw Patrol lovers and their families will make any of the costumes.