How to know when child is dehydrated
Dehydration (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Reviewed by: Amy W. Anzilotti, MD
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What Is Dehydration?
Dehydration is when there is not enough water in the body.
What Causes Dehydration?
Dehydration in children usually is caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. It also can happen when children don't want to drink because they have mouth sores or a sore throat. Kids also can get dehydrated in hot weather or when they are very active.
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Dehydration?
Signs of dehydration include:
- a dry or sticky mouth
- few or no tears when crying
- eyes that look sunken
- in babies, the soft spot (fontanelle) on top of the head looks sunken
- peeing less or fewer wet diapers than usual
- crankiness
- drowsiness or dizziness
How Is Dehydration Treated?
Treatment for dehydration depends on how severe it is. Kids with mild dehydration can get extra liquids at home. Kids with more severe dehydration may need treatment in the ER or hospital.
Mild dehydration is treated with oral (by mouth) rehydration. This usually includes giving oral rehydration solution (such as Pedialyte, Enfalyte, or a store brand). It has the right amounts of water, sugar, and salt to help with dehydration. You can buy it without a prescription at drugstores or supermarkets. If you can’t get oral rehydration solution, talk to your doctor. There are other fluids that can help with dehydration.
If your child has mild dehydration and your doctor says it’s OK to start treatment at home:
- Give your child small sips of oral rehydration solution as often as possible, about 1 or 2 teaspoons (5 or 10 milliliters) every few minutes.
- Babies can continue to breastfeed or take formula, as long as they are not vomiting repeatedly.
- Older children also can have electrolyte ice pops.
- Kids can keep eating their regular diet, unless the doctor recommends a change. They may not want to eat at first but as long they are drinking, it’s OK if they aren’t eating much solid foods.
- Don't give babies plain water instead of oral rehydration solution. It doesn't have the right nutrients for babies with dehydration.
- Don't give sports drinks, soda, or full-strength (undiluted) juice. They have too much sugar and can make some symptoms worse.
- As your child starts to feel better and have a better appetite, you can give less oral rehydration solution and more of their usual food and drink.
- Don’t give medicines for diarrhea or vomiting unless the doctor recommends it.
When Should I Call the Doctor?
Call your doctor if your child:
- won't take anything to drink for more than a few hours
- is under 1 year old and is drinking only oral rehydration solution (no breastmilk or formula) for 24 hours
- vomits more than a few times in 24 hours
- has vomit that's bright green, red, or brown
- hasn’t started eating some food within 3-4 days
- has signs of dehydration like a dry mouth, peeing less often (or fewer wet diapers in babies), fewer tears, or sunken soft spot (in babies)
- doesn’t seem to be getting better
Go to the ER if your child is very sleepy or isn’t responding to you.
How Can We Prevent Dehydration?
Whenever your child gets sick, give extra fluids or oral rehydration solution. Give small amounts often, especially if your child is vomiting.
Kids need to drink often during hot weather. Those who play sports or are very physically active should drink extra fluids beforehand, and then take regular drink breaks (about every 20 minutes) during the activity.
Reviewed by: Amy W. Anzilotti, MD
Date reviewed: March 2020
Signs of Dehydration in Toddlers: Warning Signs
Signs of Dehydration in Toddlers: Warning SignsMedically reviewed by Laura Marusinec, MD — By Jacquelyn Cafasso on June 2, 2016
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All kids and adults lose water constantly throughout the day. Water evaporates from the skin and leaves the body when you breathe, cry, sweat, and use the toilet.
Most of the time, a toddler gets enough water from eating and drinking to replace the fluids they lose. But in some cases, kids can lose more water than normal. Fevers, stomach flus, being out in hot weather, or too much exercise, for example, may result in too much fluid loss. This can lead to dehydration.
Dehydration isn’t something to take lightly. When it happens, the body doesn’t have enough fluids and water to function properly. In severe cases, this could lead to brain damage or even death.
Read on to learn the warning signs of dehydration in your toddler, and tips for how to prevent it.
Is my toddler at risk for dehydration?
Dehydration happens when more fluid is leaving the body than entering it. Children are more susceptible to dehydration than older teens and adults because they have smaller bodies. They have smaller reserves of water.
Some toddlers become dehydrated because they don’t drink enough water. Certain factors can also put your toddler at a higher risk of dehydration. These include:
- fever
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- excessive sweating
- poor fluid intake during an illness
- chronic illnesses like diabetes or a bowel disorder
- exposure to hot and humid weather
Diarrhea may be caused by an infection (viral, bacterial, or parasite), food allergy or sensitivity, a medical condition such as inflammatory bowel disease, or a reaction to a medication. If your toddler is vomiting, has watery stools, or is unable or unwilling to drink because of an illness, monitor them for signs of dehydration. Be ready to respond.
Warning signs of dehydration in toddlers
Dehydration can happen very slowly over time, or it can happen suddenly. Toddlers with an illness, especially stomach flu, should be monitored closely for signs of dehydration. The warning signs aren’t always obvious.
Don’t wait until your toddler is excessively thirsty. If they’re really thirsty, they may already be dehydrated. Instead, look out for these warning signs:
- dry, cracked lips
- dark-colored urine
- little or no urine for eight hours
- cold or dry skin
- sunken eyes or sunken soft spot on the head (for babies)
- excessive sleepiness
- low energy levels
- no tears when crying
- extreme fussiness
- fast breathing or heart rate
In the most serious cases, your toddler can become delirious or unconscious.
Treating dehydration in toddlers
The only way to effectively treat dehydration is to replenish the lost fluids. Mild dehydration can be managed at home. If your toddler has diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, or is showing signs of dehydration, take the following steps.
- Give your toddler an oral rehydration solution like Pedialyte. You can purchase Pedialyte online. These solutions contain water and salts in precise proportions and are easy to digest. Plain water won’t usually be enough. If you don’t have an oral rehydration solution available, you can try milk or diluted juice until you are able to get some.
- Keep giving your toddler liquids slowly until their urine is clear. If your toddler is vomiting, give them only a small amount at a time until they’re able to keep it down. They may only be able to tolerate a spoonful at a time, but anything is better than nothing. Gradually increase the frequency and amount. Giving too much too fast will often cause vomiting to return.
- If you are still breast-feeding, continue to do so. You can also give your baby a rehydration solution in their bottle.
Preventing dehydration in toddlers
It’s important for parents to learn the warning signs of dehydration. If your toddler is excessively thirsty, it may already be too late. Here are some steps to take to prevent dehydration.
Have an oral rehydration solution on hand at all times. These are available in liquids, popsicles, and powders.
- If your toddler gets sick, be proactive about their fluid intake. Start giving them extra water and a rehydration solution at the first sign of an illness.
- Toddlers who won’t eat or drink due to a sore throat may need to ease the pain with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Shop for acetaminophen or ibuprofen at Amazon.
- Make sure your toddler is up-to-date on vaccinations, including the rotavirus vaccine. Rotavirus causes one-third of all diarrhea-related hospitalizations in kids under 5.
Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or questions about the rotavirus vaccine.
- Teach your toddler how to wash their hands before eating or drinking and after using the bathroom to avoid contracting infections.
- Encourage children to drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise.
- If you’re outside on a hot summer day, allow your toddler to enjoy a pool, sprinkler, or rest in a cool, shaded environment, and offer them plenty of water.
When to see a doctor if your toddler is dehydrated
Bring your child to the doctor if:
- your child doesn’t appear to be recovering or is becoming more dehydrated
- there’s blood in your toddler’s stool or vomit
- your child refuses to drink or have an oral rehydration solution
- your toddler’s vomiting or diarrhea is persistent and severe and they can’t drink enough fluid to keep up with how much they’re losing
- the diarrhea is lasting more than a few days
A doctor can check for dehydration and replenish your child’s fluids and salts quickly intravenously (through a vein) if needed.
Next steps
Dehydration in your toddler can’t always be prevented, but there are actions you can take right now to help. Learn to recognize the warning signs. Contact your pediatrician if you’re concerned your toddler might be dehydrated.
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Last medically reviewed on June 2, 2016
- Parenthood
- Toddler
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Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
- Berger, E. (2013, August 9). Dehydration - Churgay, C. A., & Aftab, Z. (2012, June 1). Gastroenteritis in Children: Part I. Diagnosis. American Family Physician, 85(11), 1059-1062
- Churgay, C. A., & Aftab, Z. (2012, June 1). Gastroenteritis in Children: Part 2. Prevention and Management. American Family Physician, 85(11), 1066-1070 - Dehydration. (2016, March) - Mayo Clinic Staff. (2014, February 12). Dehydration - Signs of dehydration in infants and children. (2015, November 21)
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Current Version
Jun 2, 2016
Written By
Jacquelyn Cafasso
Edited By
Frank Crooks
Medically Reviewed By
Laura Marusinec, MD
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Medically reviewed by Laura Marusinec, MD — By Jacquelyn Cafasso on June 2, 2016
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Symptoms of dehydration in a child
Various factors cause dehydration in the human body, such as disease, sudden loss of large amounts of water through vomiting, indigestion and other reactions. Pathology is dangerous for an adult and unacceptable for a baby. Acute dehydration occurs in a child, a high risk persists until the age of five.
Causes of dehydration in children
There are 2 groups of reasons that affect the decrease in fluid.
- Loss of water in large quantities with symptoms such as vomiting for a long period, diarrhea, excessive sweating, frequent, profuse urination. All processes in the aggregate and an insufficient amount of incoming fluid lead to pathology.
- Dehydration can occur due to the baby being under the sun for a long time, in a hot room, as a result of infection, vomiting, not wanting to drink, which leads to a sharp and critical decrease in water. nine0015
Fluid levels below normal
Diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination, lack of thirst, leading to signs of dehydration in the child. The reason for this condition will be discussed below.
- Enteroviral, rotavirus infections, a serious disease like salmonellosis cause diarrhea.
The patient can go to the toilet up to 20 times in 24 hours, the malaise is accompanied by vomiting. Such a reaction to an infection greatly depletes a person, especially a baby, leads to a strong loss of water. If diarrhea is not accompanied by vomiting, then the child's body gives signals about the lack of water, it requires drinking. When the situation is supplemented by vomiting, the patient does not refuse to drink. nine0015
- This happens in the summer, when the weather is hot outside, staying in the sun for a long time, for some reason in a very hot, stuffy room, leads to a fever. It becomes bad not only for babies on artificial feeding, babies are also at risk. Thermoregulation of the baby does not work fully, so the body cools or warms up very quickly, depending on the ambient temperature. Normal perspiration can lead to severe dehydration of the child. A large% of fluid is lost in relation to the total mass, since the ratio of skin area to weight of a baby is up to 4 times greater than that of an adult.
- Use of drugs with a diuretic effect, polyuria associated with disorders in the kidneys, diabetes, its various stages lead to an increase in the amount of urine and rapid fluid loss, more than normal.
Insufficient fluid intake in the child's body
At each age, a person receives a certain daily dose of fluid for full functioning. The first ones who are obliged to know about this and control the process are the relatives of the baby.
- From 0 to 1 year old, an infant needs 1 liter of fluid daily. The first 12 months the weight of the child varies from 3 to 10 kg. You can find out the required amount of water for a specific weight using the formula: for 1 kg of baby weight - 100 ml of water. nine0015
- As you grow from 11 to 20 kg, each kg over 10 gets +50 ml of water. Therefore, a child weighing 12 kg per day is supposed to have 1,100 ml of water + liquid food.
- When the weight exceeds 20 kg, it is necessary to take 1,200 ml of water as a basis, and add 20 ml for each kilogram over 20.
It turns out that for 25 kg of body weight per day, at least 1,600 ml of liquid is obtained.
If these norms are not observed, a fluid deficiency appears in the body, which negatively affects the general condition of the child and each organ specifically, this factor leads to the fact that the body compensates for the deficiency in all possible ways, reduces the amount of urine, absorbs water through the intestines, which leads to constipation and dry skin. nine0003
Lack of fluid often arises from negligence or ignorance, the baby does not have enough drink and liquid food, and he cannot explain to his parents, who interpret his crying, whims in a completely different way. To avoid misunderstandings, the first thing to offer a child is a bottle of water.
In a situation of severe vomiting, certain types of infections and other similar illnesses, the child does not require and refuses to drink, but he needs liquid.
Summer heat, hot sun, stuffy room, environment in which the child should be accompanied by regular drinking. At least a couple of drops should be given to the baby every 10-15 minutes. Small children sweat a lot, we remember that the child's body loses a large amount of water during sweating. nine0003
How to know if a child is dehydrated
Fluid loss can be fatal, so every parent should know the 3 main stages and be able to identify the symptoms of dehydration in a child.
A factor that directly depends on the level of fluid is a sharp decrease in urination. The first 12 months the child urinates within 15-20 times a day. At the age of 1 to 3 years - the number decreases to 10, from 3 to 5 - 7 times, older than 5 years old to an adult goes to the toilet 5-7 times. nine0003
If the wetness of the baby's diaper has decreased sharply, it is worth paying attention to this, and the stage of the disease can also be determined by the number of urination.
- Mild degree - the baby's weight decreases within 3-5%, the number of trips to the toilet is slightly reduced, the urine is yellow, the color is saturated.
The skin is pale, it becomes dry, if gathered into a fold, it is immediately leveled. Crying with tears, eyes slightly sunken. At an easy stage, the general condition is satisfactory, the child may even play. nine0015
- Moderate fluid loss - kilograms are reduced by 6-9%, the baby pees only 5-7 times a day, if the age is under one year, 3-5 for older children. The concentration of urine is increased, a rich yellow hue, may contain impurities. The skin is dry, pale, at this stage, when collected in a fold, it does not immediately level out. The eyes are sunken, the skin around is bluish, there are very few tears when crying. General condition: lethargy, the child lies, does not play, has no desire to communicate. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. nine0015
- Severe degree b, such dehydration in a child has the following symptoms - weight is reduced by more than 10%, urination stops, maybe 1 - 2 times. High, almost deadly pallor, dryness, the collected fold does not straighten out.
Crying without tears, or the child cannot cry at all. The eyes are sunken, the heartbeat is greatly increased, the pressure is low. Severe lethargy, does not respond to others, constantly sleepy. In this case, it is urgent to call an ambulance, it will not do without hospitalization, perhaps even resuscitation. nine0015
Treatment of dehydration
The diagnosis of dehydration in a child whose symptoms indicate this problem should be a guide to action. It is urgent to replenish the lack of water in the body.
At the initial stages of the disease, the parents will cope on their own, giving the child to drink often, eat liquid food. But if the child has constant vomiting, weakness, unwillingness to drink, the stage of dehydration is running, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists. Such a child is placed in a hospital, infusion therapy is used. In the hospital, a specialist will calculate the number of constituent substances for treatment, this is saline, potassium chloride, sodium chloride are used, magnesium and other important elements are added to quickly restore the child's body. nine0003
The indicator of recovery will be the volume of outgoing urine, when it is in balance with the fluid entering the body, the patient can be discharged from the hospital.
Even in the case where the parents can cope with the treatment at home, the doctor should give an assessment of the patient's condition. The pediatrician prescribes medicines, a way to replenish the body with water, means for recovery. On their own, even with the greatest love, parents do not always correctly understand the state of their baby. Thinking that the child is recovering, it is realistic to miss the moment of deterioration. When a child is lethargic and often sleepy, this is a clear cause of dehydration, which affects the functioning of the brain. nine0003
The most dangerous age for dehydration is from 0 to 1 year and up to 5 years. It is at this age that the risk of serious consequences is too great, therefore, at the slightest suspicion or signs of dehydration in a child, an urgent appeal to a pediatrician will be correct.
Even if everything is fine with the child, it does not hurt to play it safe once again.
Dehydration in a child: symptoms and prevention
reference Information nine0003
Resources for Parents
Dehydration in a child: symptoms and prevention
Dehydration is a pathological condition in which the body loses fluid and, along with it, salts and minerals. Infants and young children are especially at risk of dehydration because they lose fluid faster than adults.
Causes of dehydration
1. Difficulty in the flow of fluid into the body. This situation is rare. This may be the refusal of the child to drink liquid, for example, due to pain when swallowing. Or these are severe pathological conditions in which the child cannot swallow on his own. nine0003
2. Increased excretion of water and minerals by the body, when the loss of fluid exceeds its intake. This situation is observed in acute infections, food poisoning, parasitic damage, overheating, burns.
Signs of dehydration in a child: dry mucous membranes, shallow breathing, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, lethargy and irritability; decreased frequency of urination, deformation of the fontanel, lack of tears when crying. nine0003
Dehydration is a very dangerous condition, especially for children. Its most common cause is a viral infection with the following manifestations: high fever, loss of appetite, loose stools, vomiting.
In many cases, the infection is caused by rotaviruses.
Dehydration can also be the result of the formation of wounds in the child's mouth, because they are also the result of the entry of the virus into the body. Painful mouth ulcers make it difficult for a child to eat and drink normally. Dehydration can also occur as a result of intense sweating, so on hot days you should make sure that the child consumes more fluids than usual. Always carry a bottle of water with you. nine0003
2. Symptoms of dehydration in children
The first symptoms of dehydration in infants and children are as follows: chills, weakness, crying without tears, dry mouth. In severe cases, symptoms include dry skin, a change in the smell and color of urine, and a decrease in the amount of urination. Having recognized these symptoms, it is worth thinking about how to restore the water balance of the body as soon as possible.
How to quench a child's thirst?
Pediatricians always recommend water to quench your thirst. Drinking water will not cause a child to lose their appetite and will not have problems with tooth decay and obesity in the future, unlike the consequences of drinking sugary drinks. nine0003
A baby only needs a few teaspoons of water a day. When he shows that he is no longer thirsty, stop the process and give the next dose in a few hours.
The water given to the child should be boiled and cooled. Even tap water filtered with special filters is not suitable for direct consumption by a child, as it contains many chemicals and metals that can be harmful to health.
Teas nine0003
Teas are also recommended for children, but only in small amounts, as babies often like the sweetened drink. You can also give your child juices, preferably diluted 1:1 with water. The most useful are low-sugar juices containing pulp, without dyes and preservatives. They are meant to be safe for children to consume.
How to avoid dehydration?
If you have already experienced the annoying problem of dehydration in your child, do not rush to panic! Read the detailed description of actions on how to avoid this phenomenon. nine0003
Give your child a small amount of water several times a day
Breastfeed your baby more often, especially in hot weather
Use drinking water, chamomile tea and light fruit infusions
Check the temperature of drinks before serving it to the child - it should be at room temperature
Remember that hot days can be dangerous not only for your baby, but also for you. At this time, be sure to have a bottle of water with you separately for yourself and your baby. When a child's dehydration is so severe that he looks visibly weak and lethargic, see a doctor as soon as possible. nine0003
In extreme cases of dehydration (accompanied by fever and diarrhoea), we are talking about inpatient treatment and the installation of a drip under the supervision of doctors
What Diet Should You Follow During Dehydration?
The most important rule during dehydration is the constant filling of the body with fluid. Not only oral rehydration fluids, but also some dietary changes play a key role in solving this problem.
Fruits and vegetables are best for consumption. Liquid products are also ideal.
It is very important to provide the child's body with the necessary nutrients that enter it with food. Your baby's diet should be free of complex carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, whole wheat bread, cereals), lean meats, and yogurt. The diet should be appropriate for the age of the child.
Prevention of conditions that contribute to dehydration.
First of all, you need to try to protect the baby from intestinal infections. Vaccination is a specific preventive measure.