How to get your child on disney channel
Disney Channel Looking for New Talent | Hometown to Hollywood
Exciting news! Disney has just posted an open casting call on their new website!
An open call means that anyone who wants to can have a chance to audition. They are currently looking for actors who can play ages 8-16. This means that if you look like you are between the ages of 8 and 16 (even if you are a little older) they are interested.
This doesn’t happen very often! It’s essentially the only way that actors who don’t yet have an agent can get in front of Disney casting. This is how you can have a chance to be cast on a new Disney show or movie.
At this time it looks like this casting call is only available to kids in the U.S.
Here is the notice:
“Disney Channel is looking for exciting new talent RIGHT NOW with an online open casting call for GIRLS AND BOYS who can play ages 8-16. All auditions will be considered for new and upcoming original movies and series produced by Disney Channel.
There is NEVER a fee to participate in a Disney Channel audition, open casting call or talent search. This is not an offer for, nor guarantee, of employment. Disney Channel is not affiliated with any acting school or acting workshop.
Disney welcomes all talent, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or any other characteristic.”
Here is the link for the Open Casting Call*:
*It is important to know that this link is the only one Disney Channel uses to post their open casting calls.
All videos, for anyone under 18, must be submitted by a parent or guardian.
All you need to do is:
- Watch short video for instructions
- Download the script and taping instructions
- Fill out the registration form
That’s it!!
This is a good time to remind everyone that Disney NEVER charges for auditions or casting calls. If someone wants to charge you for something, then it isn’t really a Disney project. Disney is also not affiliated with any acting schools, acting workshops, or acting teachers. Sometimes people who have worked with or for Disney will teach or coach actors, but if they are doing that for a fee, then they are doing it independently, and not for Disney.
Good luck!
If you are serious about an acting career for your child, you should increase their odds of success by reading my book, The Hollywood Parents Guide. It’s got everything I wish I’d known when my daughter Dove Cameron and I landed in Los Angeles almost ten years ago. And if you’re really ready to commit to that journey, you can save even more time and money by investing in a one-on-one consultation with me, either in Los Angeles or over a video call. A single session can save you dead ends, frustration, and give you peace of mind.
If you’re looking for inspiration for your young actor (or yourself!) check out my book, Young Hollywood Actors, where some of the most successful young artists today share their stories: how they got started, and how they keep going.
Disney Channel Auditions for Kids – Get the info
While this article has been up for sometime now, it seems that some of what I discuss below is still going strong and the companies involved have learned how to skate under the radar and cover their rears as to not get caught up in the legalities of it all.
Kids love Disney, that’s a fact. Disney Channel auditions and Disney movie auditions are a popular topic. I mean, which kid wouldn’t want to star alongside their favorite Disney Channel star? Kids love their Disney shows and many will look online for Disney auditions. But, not all is as it seems. Audition is a loose word and it is often used in a manner that is meant to confuse and sometimes victimize people whose kids get really excited at its mention.
There are many shady companies that will take advantage and talk people into spending money they should not. If you ended up on this page looking for more information to find out if that Disney Channel audition is legit, your gut instinct is most likely correct and that audition may not actually be a legit audition for Disney or the Disney Channel.
If you are reading this, you must have some concern, so read on…..
Now, this is a fairly long article and I do have a page that is shorter which covers the basic red flags of an acting scam.
A few points when dealing with kids looking for Disney auditions:
- Actual Disney casting directors DO NOT charge upfront fees.
- Disney does not advertise auditions on the radio or walk around malls and grocery stores looking for cute kids to put into a Disney movie.
- Disney Channel is not in the business of selling classes, photos or convention services.
- If you are asked for money, it is most likely a scam.
- If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is not true.
The basics:
The best way to get an audition for the Disney Channel or a Disney movie is by working hard and getting a legitimate agent. Most auditions for Disney are not open calls. They are handled through agents. Why? you may ask. The answer is simple.
There are millions of kids, most of whom have at some point dreamed of being a Disney Channel star. If every character for a Disney show was cast through an audition that was open to the public, the casting directors would be bombarded with thousands, 10’s of thousands of kids and teens all looking for their big break. Most casting directors don’t have a way to handle 1000’s of kids in one day. The cost would be enormous and it would take weeks to get through that many people. … most of which probably don’t even fit the part. For that reason, casting directors depend on agents to send them talent that fits the role, has the experience, training and the talent.
So, for most Disney, or even Nickelodeon roles, you will need an agent….. a legitimate agent.
Legit agents do NOT charge talent, they pay them. An agent gets a percentage of the talent’s pay… once they have booked the role. So, a talent agent makes zero if the talent they have never gets a role. For that reason, agents are very selective in who the represent and usually talent must first prove that they are capable of doing the job. That is where the working hard part comes in. Most agents expect that talent comes to them with a resume. Getting things for your resume, for a kid, may not be as hard as you think. They will be looking for some experience and maybe some training. They need to know you can handle the pressure and do the job. So where can someone get experience?
All over. It could be the Christmas show at your church, school plays, community theaters, commercials for local businesses, student films and more. Now, you would not be getting paid for any of those but you will be learning and gaining valuable experience that you can list on a resume. Training is also helpful. Most community colleges and schools offer low cost classes. Those classes will also help you learn the ropes and maybe even make some great contacts. Since I am talking about classes…. beware of the scammers there as well. Fake agents know that we all know that agents should not be paid up front, therefore they go the route of… I will work with you… only if you pay $XXXX for these classes. The classes they offer are sub-par and may even hurt your resume as every talent agent knows who those people are. Before taking classes do your research. Make sure the person teaching is respected in their field. Classes usually cost a few hundred bucks per class, not thousands.
Once you get all that, then an agent may take a chance on you. You may be naturally talented, but it doesn’t matter, you still need the training and experience. Talent is just one of the things you need, the others are commitment and passion for the art. Doing free gigs to build a resume goes a long way to proving that you ARE committed.
Now, many families, kids and teens believe there is some magical shortcut. Many have been led to believe that if they pay someone some money it will fast track them to Disney fame. People have come to believe that because there are countless FAKE agencies that are trying to convince them of that. These fakes approach people in malls, invite them to auditions which are nothing more than sales pitches and convince them that for 1000’s of dollars they will make their kid a star…. really? If it was just that easy, every other kid in America would be on Disney Channel. See How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam for more on what to watch out for. Always remember that this is a job, an acting job, but a job none the less, which means THEY pay you for your work…. You do not pay them! In California it is not legal for an agent to ask talent for money to get the job so anyone doing that is not a REAL agent. If you are unsure if one is legit, ask for the license and check with the Union SAG / AFTRA to see if they are franchised.
Always remember that an agents job is getting THEIR talent booked which means they spend all day talking to production companies and casting directors about the talent they represent. Legit agents do not troll the malls and walmarts looking for “new faces”. Why would they? There are more kids than roles. Anyone approaching you anywhere about getting your kid into Disney Channel is not on the level.
OK, so until you get an agent…. how else can you try out for Disney? Once a year, the Disney Channel and Disney XD hold an open casting call. They have done this for over a decade and most have been at certain locations. This year, the Disney open auditions where actually held online and kids in every state could tryout without leaving their homes. The Disney open auditions are usually held in early summer and announce between May and July. See this years for more info on what to expect… Disney Channel & Disney XD Online Open Casting Call.
Also, every now and then Disney does a talent search to fill a role in an upcoming movie or commercial. Those happen a few times a year and no one can tell you when it will happen next. You just have to keep your eyes open. Such events DO NOT advertise. They will not appear on the radio. Those are listed through the casting directors.
Be sure to also read this page about those Disney auditions that you hear on the radio.
Hope all that helps and break a leg!
Roskomnadzor warned Disney Channel about a cartoon harmful to children about a cartoon harmful to children - RIA Novosti, 05/29/2021
Roskomnadzor warned Disney Channel about a cartoon harmful to children RIA Novosti, 29.05.2021
Federal Service for Information Technology and Supervision of Mass Communications
disney channel
/html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/ @content
3_0:0:2388:1343_1920x0_80_0_0_31245e621c7c637cfdb7b1ed28c69601.jpg MOSCOW, May 28 - RIA Novosti. Roskomnadzor notified Disney Channel of the inadmissibility of distributing content harmful to children, the department’s telegram channel says. a preventive letter to the TV channel, in which he explained the norms of Russian legislation. In particular, the appeal states that, according to Russian laws, it is forbidden to propagate among children such information that denies family values and promotes non-traditional sexual relations. At the same time, the promotion of such relations among children in the media is regarded as an administrative offense. The TV channel was recommended to strictly follow Russian laws and not distribute content that could harm the health and development of minors. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs opened an administrative case on gay propaganda due to commercials Dolce&Gabbana on Instagram. The police considered that brand advertising could "harm the health and development" of children. As State Duma deputy Mikhail Romanov reported to RIA Novosti, he sent a request to the police after he was approached by an "outraged citizen." This person noted that in March of this year, D&G posted two promotional videos with two kissing girls and boys under the slogan Love is love ("Love is love").
The videos could be watched without any age restrictions. nine0003
RIA Novosti
1 9000 1 9000 1 9000 9000 4.7
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FSUE MIA "Russia Today"
https: //xn---c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn-p1ai/AVARDS/
2021 9000 9000 9000 9000 RIA Novosti
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Rossiya Segodnya
News -RU
RIA Novosti
4. 96
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Rossiya Segodnya 95 645-6601
Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA Russia Today
https: //xn---C1acbl2abdlkab1og. xn--p1ai/Awards/
RIA Novosti
4.7 9000 9000 9000
Internet- [email protected]
7 495 645-6601
Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA Rossiya Segodnya
Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), Disney Channel (TV channel), Russia
Society, Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Disney Channel (TV channel), Russia
MOSCOW, May 28 - RIA Novosti. Roskomnadzor notified Disney Channel of the inadmissibility of distributing content harmful to children, according to the telegram channel of the department.
As Roskomnadzor reminded, earlier Disney released a short cartoon Out, in which the protagonist has a non-traditional sexual orientation. nine0003
Roskomnadzor reported that it had sent a prophylactic letter to the TV channel, in which it explained the norms of Russian legislation.
In particular, the appeal states that under Russian law it is forbidden to propagate among children such information that denies family values and promotes non-traditional sexual relations. At the same time, the propaganda of such relations among children in the media is regarded as an administrative offense.
May 7, 2021, 08:00
About this. Russian parents outraged by sex education in Germany
The TV channel was advised to strictly follow Russian laws and not distribute content that could harm the health and development of minors.
Earlier, the Russian Interior Ministry opened an administrative case on gay propaganda because of Dolce & Gabbana's Instagram commercials. The police felt that advertising the brand could "harm the health and development" of children.
State Duma deputy Mikhail Romanov reported to RIA Novosti that he sent a request to the police after he was approached by an "indignant citizen. " This person noted that in March of this year, D&G ran two promotional videos of two kissing girls and boys under the slogan Love is love ("Love is love"). The videos could be watched without any age restrictions. nine0003
May 28, 2021, 14:27
The State Duma explained in which case they will take measures against IT giants
Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio": the most terrible of all
Photo: Netflix
Two Pinocchio films premiered this year, but the differences are clear. One is a remake of the 1940 Walt Disney cartoon directed by American director Robert Zemeckis, in which Tom Hanks plays the pleasant impoverished carpenter Geppetto and Joseph Gordon-Levitt voices the Talking Cricket. nine0003
In another film directed by Guillermo del Toro, Geppetto's son is killed by a bomb, Geppetto (David Bradley) carves a wooden boy in a drunken rage, and Italy is ruled by Mussolini's fascists. The protagonist also dies several times during the film. “Pinocchio dies three or four times in our film,” del Toro tells BBC Culture, “and he has a dialogue with death, and death teaches him that the only way to truly live life is to die at the end. There are about 60 versions of Pinocchio, and I'm willing to bet that there is no such thing in any of those sixty versions." nine0003
The director even included his name in the full title of the animated film - "Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro", which is quite right, because this is a typical work of del Toro. Its macabre magical creatures seem to be related to those in 2004's Hellboy, and the conflict between the offbeat protagonist (Gregory Mann) and the evil government official (Ron Perlman) echoes the conflict in The Shape of Water (2017). “We made it clear from the beginning that this film is inextricably linked to The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth,” del Toro says, referring to two of his earlier horror fantasies that combined supernatural manifestations and the Spanish Civil War. “I made it clear to [Netflix, who financed the film] that I am not doing this for kids or soccer parents. I do this for myself and my team." nine0003
"I saw a Disney movie when he was very young and it's one of the scariest movies I've ever seen" (Guillermo del Toro)
As peculiar as del Toro's vision is, he doesn't make a cute fairy tale terrifying. The most famous version of the Pinocchio story in the world is still the Disney cartoon in which Pinocchio was turned into a donkey and swallowed by a giant sea monster. "I saw a Disney movie when I was very young," says del Toro, "and it's one of the scariest movies I've ever seen in my life." nine0003
The original book is even scarier. More than 60 Pinocchio films have been made, del Toro says, and "even before he saw a Disney film, he saw the hero in coloring books and picture books." However, the novel stands apart from all of them as one of the most surprising and disturbing classics of children's literature.
Its author - Carlo Lorenzini - took the pseudonym Carlo Collodi, from the name of his mother's hometown. He, a civil servant, political journalist and writer, was commissioned by a Florentine publisher in 1875 to translate a selection of French fairy tales from the 17th and 18th centuries. This volume was such a success that Collodi was asked to write more children's stories, preferably with strong moral messages. In 1881, La storia di un burattino ("The Story of the Puppet") was published as a weekly column in a children's newspaper. nine0003
Anyone who knows Pinocchio only from his on-screen incarnations should be wary. In the book, Geppeto is poorer than in the Disney films or in the del Toro films - he has a picture of a fire on the wall, because he does not have money to buy coal or firewood for himself. The character we know as Jiminy the cricket or del Toro's Sebastian (Ewan McGregor) cricket is just a talking cricket. And he only exists for two pages before Pinocchio throws a hammer at him and “he, dead, sticks to the wall.” The Blue Fairy is a ghostly Little Girl who speaks "without moving her lips... in a faint voice that seemed to come from another world." And the Cat and the Fox are hanging Pinocchio on an oak tree. “The noose, which was getting tighter around his neck, was choking him,” writes Collodi. “He felt the approach of death…”. nine0003
To make things even bleaker, this could be the end of the story. Collodi planned to leave his hapless hero in the loop. And only four months later the series was restored, as readers began to ask for continuation. The next section is not so gloomy: the dead Little Girl is reborn as a fairy. But the fairy tale world continues to be stunningly strange. How to explain the hero's brief encounter with a giant snake that laughs so hard that it bursts and dies? nine0003
Fear of the adult world
The closest analogues of the book in English are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass.
The last was published in 1871, 10 years before Pinocchio; Lewis Carroll's Tales was released as a Disney movie in 1951, 11 years after Pinocchio. Anne Lawson Lucas, who translated and presented the Oxford University Press edition of Pinocchio, admits that both works can be repulsive to children: "Alice's adventures can be frightening (or annoying), while Pinocchio's unfortunate wanderings can be tiring or seem nightmarish," said the translator. for BBC.Culture. For adults, Collodi's whimsical tale raises questions about what the work is ridiculing and symbolizing, and what Collodi is saying about the newly unified (in 1871) Kingdom of Italy. nine0003
Pinocchio has been compared to Dante's Odyssey and Divine Comedy, says Lucas in the introduction. “Especially in Italy, as much has been written about it and as many interpretations have been put forward as for those great works of world literature ... There have been ideological, Marxist, philosophical, anthropological, psychoanalytic and Freudian readings.”
One of the works even claims that Pinocchio is a figure of Christ, since Geppetto is a carpenter, whose name is a diminutive of Giuseppe, or Joseph, and the color scheme of the Blue Fairy corresponds to the blue mantle in which traditionally portrayed the Virgin Mary. Lucas refutes this interpretation, but it is repeated in Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, when a living puppet looks at the crucifix and muses: “It is also made of wood. Why does everyone like him, but not me? nine0003
“I really wanted to make the naughty Pinocchio and make disobedience a virtue” (Guillermo del Toro)
The most accurate film adaptation of the novel is a fantastic Italian film of 2019, directed by Matteo Garrone (“Gomorrah”) according to his own script. Roberto Benigni plays Geppetto. (In 2002, Benigni played Pinocchio in a film he directed himself, even though he was 50 at the time.) For Garrone Pinocchio is a chronicle of parental love, rural poverty and dusty Tuscan landscapes. For del Toro's co-director Mark Gustafson, Pinocchio is the "creation story" of an art object that has a life of its own, separate from its creator. “As an artist,” Gustafson says in an interview with BBC Culture, “you do something, you think you know what you’re doing, and you show it to the world, and then maybe it doesn’t get the reaction you want. But it's good. You want to change everything. This is the perfect piece." nine0003
The main theme for del Toro is the injustice towards children who are bossed around by adults. In Collodi's novel, Pinocchio is punished whenever he disobeys, and eventually learns to do as he is told. “We were very defiant in trying to avoid that,” del Toro says. “I really wanted to make a naughty Pinocchio and show naughty as a good quality. I wanted everyone to change except for him. As the tape progresses, the cricket learns from Pinocchio, and Pinocchio learns very little from the cricket. I contradicted the piece in a way, but I wanted to show something more like how I felt as a child. I felt that all this “domestication” scared me.” nine0003
What unites all interpretations of the story of Pinocchio are the unforgettable images of Collodi: a wooden boy; talking cricket; a nose that sticks out when you lie. To work with these images is to move in search of a powerful truth. "I think it's the fear of the adult world," del Toro says. - This idea that you are thrown into the world of adult values, which are not only difficult to understand, but which in the end turn out to be false. This is how I felt when I was a child. Everything that adults told you, they themselves did not understand. nine0003
In the first half of Pinocchio's book, several thieves are obstructing it. In the second half, four black rabbits bring a coffin to his room to carry out Pinocchio in it, although he is still alive, and the judge (who turns out to be a gorilla) throws the hero into prison, since he became a victim of a robber. As fantastic as these episodes are, the fear they evoke, the feeling of being lost and helpless in an adult society where nothing makes sense, is more educational than the relatively orderly and logical stories in most children's books. nine0003
The same with the central character. Everyone knows that Pinocchio wants to be a real boy, but the main reason why he has remained a favorite for almost 150 years is that he is always real, real like no other literary hero. Instead of being fearless and noble, Pinocchio is rude, selfish, naive, curious, forgetful, easily tempted, slow to learn from his mistakes, easily embarrassed when things go wrong, but sincere, benevolent and capable of bold deeds.