How to find out if child support has been filed
How A Child Support Case Works
Either parent can open a child support case, as can a child’s legal guardian. Having an order from a judge for child support to be paid does not automatically open a child support case.
To open a case in California, fill out the online application or visit your local child support agency – agency locations can be found here.
After an application is submitted, the applicant will be contacted by their local office to assist with the process of obtaining a child support order with the court.
There are many benefits to opening a child support case:
- If you do not yet have an order, we provide assistance to both parents through all steps of the process.
- In certain situations, we can help you avoid court completely.
- Once you have an order, we keep official records, protecting both the payer and the recipient.
- We can assist recipients with enforcement of the order.
- We can help payers avoid or resolve negative enforcement actions if you are unable to pay.
See our instructional video below, “How To Open A Child Support Case” for more details on this process.
More Important Information
For information about changes in family status please see:
Before a child support order can be made, both parents of the child need to be located. There is no guarantee they will be found, but the more information we have, such as the parent’s date of birth and Social Security Number, the easier it will be.
Watch our “Locating a Parent” Quick Tip video below for more detailed information about this step.
After the case is opened, the parent being asked to pay child support will be given a Summons and Complaint packet. This is legal notification that you have been named in a child support case.
You only have 30 days to respond, or a “default” child support order may be ordered by the judge without your financial situation being considered.
See our instructional video below, “I Received a Summons and Complaint – What Do I Do?” for more information about this very important package of documents.
If you have been served with a Summons and Complaint, and you do not believe you are legally responsible for the child or children you are being asked to pay child support for, you have the right to request proof and we will assist you free of charge. This is either DNA testing to determine parentage (which is more than 99% accurate), or proof that the parents were legally married at the time of the child’s birth.
If you do not request proof, you can still be assigned legal parentage without your consent.
If you would like to avoid going to court, some local agencies offer “Family Meetings” that allow both individuals to meet with a child support caseworker, either together or separately. If both parents can agree on an amount, their signed document becomes the “Stipulated Agreement,” which is filed with the court.
This option may not be offered in all child support offices.
For more on the benefits of this, see our “Family Meetings” instructional video below.
If there is no Stipulated Agreement, a court date will be set. The judge will review the financial and other relevant information from both parties and decide on an appropriate amount of child support to be ordered.
If either parent can get medical insurance, the court will consider that cost in deciding the amount of child support ordered.
Below, our instructional video “How Does the Court Determine a Child Support Amount” includes more information on this decision, which becomes the official child support order.
After a child support order is set, payments are scheduled to begin. There are many options for payment but if the parent ordered to pay is employed, their employer will be required to make those payments by withholding the funds from their paycheck. This is mandated under Federal law for child support orders and does not imply a failure to pay.
All payments are recorded and this can provide security for the parent paying support in case there is any disagreement.
A child support order is a legal court order. Parents who refuse to pay or delay paying their child support face enforcement actions that can include:
- Suspension of their driver’s license or passport
- Revocation of professional and occupational licenses
- Bank and property liens
- Interception of tax refunds
- Interception of lottery winnings
Also, by California state law, unpaid court orders get charged 10% interest.
As a last resort, civil contempt charges may also be filed. If you have trouble paying your child support, talk to your local agency right away. There are programs available to help parents who are trying in good faith to pay their support.
For more on the consequences of unpaid child support, see our instructional video, “My Driver’s License has been suspended due to child support. How can I get a release?”
If either parent or guardian has a change in circumstances after a child support order is set, which could be losing a job, changing jobs, or a change in custody or visitation, the order may qualify for modification.
Your local agency or the Family Law Facilitator at your county courthouse can assist with this.
There are many reasons why a child support case can be closed. The usual one is that the youngest child reaches the age of 18, is no longer a full-time high school student, and no past-due balances are owed. At that time both parents are notified by the child support agency, and the case stays open for 60 days after this notification.
All records are maintained for at least four years and four months in accordance with federal law.
For more information about the Child Support Process, visit and follow our YouTube channel:
For more information on changing family status please see: FamiliesChange.
Child Support | North Carolina Judicial Branch
- What is child support?
Child support is money paid by a parent for the purpose of meeting the reasonable needs of the parent’s child for health, education and maintenance.
- What are the options for arranging child support?
Child support can be arranged in several ways.
- Parents can agree on an amount for child support in a Separation Agreement. See the Separation and Divorce Help Topic for more information.
- Parents may sign a Voluntary Support Agreement (VSA). A VSA is a child support agreement signed by both parties and then by the judge. Once a judge signs the VSA, it becomes a court order and is enforceable by the court.
- Child support can be arranged through the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSE).
- The person who wants to receive child support can file a civil complaint in district court.
- Who can file for child support?
Any parent or person who provides care for a minor child living in his or her home can file for child support.
- Do I have to go to court and request custody of a child before I request child support for a child who lives with me?
If you are caring for a child who lives with you, you do not have to have a court order granting you custody before requesting child support.
- Who can be required to pay child support?
All parents are responsible for supporting their children, unless the parent’s rights have been terminated. If a parent is under the age of 18, his or her parents can be obligated to pay child support until he or she reaches the age of 18. Non-parents are otherwise not responsible for child support.
- What if the parent or child is not a U.S. citizen?
All children living in the United States are entitled to child support, regardless of the citizenship or immigration status of the child or the parents.
- What if there is a joint custody arrangement?
Parents can be obligated to pay child support even if they have joint custody of their children. See below for more information on how child support is calculated.
- Can I file an action for child support if the father’s name is not on the child’s birth certificate?
A child support case can be filed against an alleged father even if his name is not listed on the child’s birth certificate.
- What if I’m not sure that I’m the father?
You may request a paternity test.
A judge will decide whether to grant your request. If CSE filed the child support case, the agency will require a paternity test. You may be charged for the cost of the test if you are found to be the father.
- What if the other person doesn’t let me see my child?
Child custody and child support are separate legal issues. Even if the other party denies you custody or visitation time, this does not affect your obligation to pay child support.
See the Child Custody Help Topic for more information about custody and visitation issues.
- Can I view the status of my child support case or payments online?
If your case is filed through CSE, you can create an account here to view the status of your case, payments, and any arrears.
- How can I begin a case with the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSE)?
You can find the location of your county’s CSE office here. Your local CSE office will tell you what information the agency needs to assist you.
- Where should I file my case?
A child support case may be filed in the county where the child lives or is physically present or in a county where a parent resides.
- Can I get assistance from CSE if I already have a child support case?
Yes, you can request assistance from CSE. Contact your local CSE agency for guidance.
- The other parent is not in North Carolina. Can I still get assistance from CSE to obtain child support?
Yes. Contact your local CSE agency for guidance.
- What if I don’t know the location of the other parent?
CSE has various tools that may be used to locate noncustodial parents. Providing information about the other parent, such as the person’s date of birth, social security number, or last known address, can assist the agency in locating the person.
Court Process
- What happens after a complaint is filed?
The other party must be “served” with a copy of the complaint. You may have the other party served by a sheriff’s deputy or through certified mail. The other party has 30 days to file an answer.
- I received a complaint for child support. What should I do?
You have 30 days after receiving a complaint to file an answer with the court.
You may hire an attorney to assist you or represent yourself.
- What should I expect in child support court?
Many cases will typically be scheduled for the same day. The judge or the CSE attorney will typically begin court by calling the names of everyone expected to be in court that day, and address each case one at a time.
- What should I bring with me to child support court?
- If you are the person entitled to receive child support, you should bring any documentation related to expenses paid on behalf of your child. For example, you should bring day care receipts or medical bills for the children. You should also bring proof of your income. If you have other children in the home, you should bring documentation to show that the other children live with you.
- If you are the person who will be paying child support, you should bring proof of your income. You also should bring documentation of any payments you have made to the other person or expenses you have paid for the children.
For example, you should bring proof of payment of rent, cell phone or car payments for the custodial parent or proof that you have provided groceries, clothing, diapers, etc., for the children.
- Do I need to hire an attorney for child support court?
If you are the party seeking child support, you may contact your local CSE to provide representation for you, or you may hire a private attorney. If you are the party obligated to pay child support, you may hire a private attorney to represent you or represent yourself. Court officials, such as judges and clerks of court, cannot give you legal advice about your rights and obligations, possible claims or defenses, or the likely outcome of your case.
- When will I start receiving child support?
The first payment is typically due on the first of the month after the judge signs an order for child support.
- How should I pay child support?
There are several possibilities if your case goes through CSE.
- In many cases, the judge will set up automatic deductions from your paycheck. If the money is not deducted, you are responsible for making the payments.
- You can make payments online using a credit or debit card or by setting up automatic bank drafts. Visit the ePayments site here to register for an account, or here for more information about online payments and statements.
- You can contact North Carolina Child Support Enforcement for more information about payment options or to make a payment at 1-877-361-5437, and can view additional contact information for the agency here.
If your case was not filed by CSE, a judge will instruct you on how to pay.
- What is family court?
Family court is available in some districts / counties in North Carolina. A major goal of family court is to consolidate and assign a family's legal issues before a single district court judge or team of judges. Parent education programs also may be available.
Together, the dedicated family court judges and staff implement policies that promote prompt and just resolution of family law issues. Learn more.
Calculating Child Support
- How is child support calculated?
North Carolina’s Child Support Guidelines set the amount of child support that should be paid depending on each family’s financial circumstances. Judges must order the amount of child support set out in the Guidelines unless applying the Guidelines would not meet or would exceed the reasonable needs of the child, or would otherwise be unjust or inappropriate.
- How can I estimate the amount of child support in my case?
There are online calculators that allow you to estimate the monthly child support in your case.
- Calculator if one parent has primary custody
- Calculator if the parents have joint custody
- Calculator if the parents have split custody
- What if I have other children?
Having other children in your home or paying child support for other children not living with you are factors in calculating child support.
- What is the minimum that a person can be ordered to pay in child support per month?
The Child Support Guidelines require a minimum child support order of $50 per month.
- What can I do if the other party is not paying child support?
If you are represented by the local CSE agency, you should contact your caseworker. Otherwise, you can file a Motion for Order to Show Cause, requesting the court to hold the other party in contempt.
- What are the consequences for refusing to pay child support?
A judge has a number of enforcement options available to address a parent’s failure to pay child support as ordered. Depending upon the circumstances, a parent who fails to pay support as ordered may have wages withheld or be required to serve time in jail.
- When can I get a modification of child support?
Child support orders can be modified after three years, or if there has been a “substantial change in circumstances.
” A difference of 15% or more of the child support paid under an existing order and the amount of child support resulting from the application of the guidelines based on the parents’ current income and circumstances is presumed to be a substantial change in circumstance.
- How can I file to modify child support?
If you are represented by the local CSE agency, you should contact your caseworker. Otherwise, you can file for a modification using this form. The judge will hold a hearing on the motion to modify. You should be prepared to show documentation that justifies your request to modify the child support order.
- What if I am required to pay child support, but I lose my job?
If you lose your job, you may file a Motion to Modify. A judge will determine how your unemployment impacts the current order of support.
- What if I find out that I am not the father?
If you have a child support order and then discover that you are not the biological father of the child, you can file a Motion for Relief within one year of discovering that you are not the father.
Children Age 18 and Older
- What happens when my child turns 18 years old?
In general, parents are not obligated to financially support a child once the child reaches the age of 18. Parents are required to support a child until the child turns 20 if the child has not yet graduated and remains in high school. In that case, child support will continue until the child graduates, stops attending school regularly, fails to make satisfactory academic progress, or reaches age 20, whichever happens first. Parents can also be required to support a child enrolled in a cooperative innovative high school (CIHS) program until the child reaches age 18 or completes four years in the program, whichever occurs later. You can see a list of CIHS programs here.
- Can parents agree that support will be paid until a child graduates from college?
Parents can agree in a separation agreement or consent order, for instance, to support a child through college or to continue supporting a disabled child.
Any valid agreement between the parents is binding.
- Am I required to go to court to ensure that child support lasts past age 18?
If your child qualifies for support after age 18, you are not required to return to court to continue receiving child support.
- Am I required to go to court to end child support when my child reaches age 18 or graduates from high school?
In general, no. If you have a CSE case, you should not have to go to court when your child reaches age 18 and has graduated from high school. If you do not have a CSE case and your child has reached the age of 18 and graduated from high school, you can file a Motion to Modify to terminate support.
- Can child support end before the child turns 18?
Yes, if the child marries, joins the U.S. military, or is granted emancipation by a court before reaching the age of 18.
- Am I still responsible for arrears once my child reaches age 18 and graduates from high school?
If arrears are owed after the child reaches the age of 18 and has graduated from high school, child support payments continue in the same amount until all arrears are paid.
How to find out if the wife filed for alimony
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The answer to question how to find out whether alimony was filed or not can be obtained in several ways. The legislation provides for the right of persons participating in the case to be notified of the time and place of the court session. You can find out that you have filed for alimony with the court upon receipt of a letter with a copy of the statement of claim for the recovery of alimony.
If for some reason such a letter was not received, then subsequently the court will send the defendant a ruling on the place and time of the court session. You can also find out whether alimony was filed or not on the website of the justice of the peace or the district (city) court at the place of residence of the plaintiff or defendant. If you have any difficulties, you can find out whether alimony has been filed with the help of a lawyer or a lawyer.
How can I find out if my wife has filed for alimony?
This issue can be clarified by the example of the collection of alimony by the wife (ex-wife). There are several ways to find out if your wife has filed for child support.
First, the wife, before filing for alimony in court, must send a copy of the statement of claim and documents that he does not have to the place of residence of her husband. Typically, a letter is sent with a stamped value and an acknowledgment of receipt. From a copy of the statement of claim, the arguments and requirements of the plaintiff will be available.
Second, you will receive a letter from the court containing a copy of the court's decision to accept the claim. This definition indicates the preparation of the case and the actions that need to be taken by the parties. Please note that items marked "Judicial" are stored in the mail for 7 days. The storage period is calculated from the next business day following the day the shipment arrives at the place of delivery.
Thirdly, you can find out whether the wife (ex-wife) has filed for alimony or not by going to court at her place of residence or the place of residence of her wife. If the wife filed for alimony for the maintenance of minor children, then you can find out from the justice of the peace or in the district (city) court. In the case when the wife filed for the collection of alimony in a fixed amount of money or for adult children or for her maintenance, you can find out about this in the district (city) court. You can also find out that the wife filed for alimony on the website of the relevant court.
Fourthly, if you do not follow the mail correspondence or because of the poor performance of the post office, then you will find out if the wife (ex-wife) filed for alimony because the employer withholds money from the salary, the bailiffs will be interested in you, they will arrest the bank account, they will impose bans on registration actions with an apartment and a car, or the border guards will not let you go abroad.
Remember! In order to find out whether the wife filed for alimony may need good knowledge of family law and litigation experience. Before checking whether the wife (ex-wife) has filed for alimony, we recommend that you contact an experienced lawyer or lawyer. Preliminary legal advice will help you find out whether the wife (ex-wife) filed for alimony or not in a particular situation.
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Fill out an application on the site, we will contact you shortly and answer all your questions.
Family Dispute Legal Services
Recovery of alimony in court
Legal services for recovery of alimony in court. Assistance of a family lawyer in the recovery of alimony through the court
More details
Collection of alimony in the district court
Legal services for the collection of alimony in the district court: determination of jurisdiction, filing a claim, obtaining and enforcement of a court decision
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Recovery of alimony through the Magistrate's Court
Legal services for the recovery of alimony through the Magistrate's Court. Legal assistance in filing an application for a court order for alimony to a justice of the peace
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Sample statements of claim for family disputes
Statement of claim to the court for the recovery of alimony
Statement of claim to the district court for the recovery of alimony. Download a sample statement of claim in court for alimony
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Application for a court order for alimony
Application for a court order for alimony. Download a sample application for issuing a court order for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of minor children
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Judicial practice in family cases
Court case for the recovery of alimony
Court proceedings for the recovery of alimony. Features of the trial in the case of the recovery of alimony and the counterclaim for determining the place of residence of children
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Court decision on a claim for the recovery of alimony
Court decision on a claim for the recovery of alimony and a counterclaim to challenge paternity
Decision of the Magistrate on the recovery of alimony
Decision of the Judge of the Magistrate's Court on the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of a minor child
More details
Judicial practice for the recovery of alimony
Overview of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on cases of recovery of alimony
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Questions and answers on family law
In which court to apply for alimony
In which court should I apply for alimony? In which court should I file a claim for the recovery of alimony?
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How to apply for alimony in court
How to file a claim for alimony in court? How to file a claim for the recovery of alimony through the world and district court?
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Where to apply for child support
Where to apply for child support? Where should I apply for child support? Where to apply for child support orders?
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Can a spouse file for alimony
Can a spouse file for alimony? When do spouses file for child support? How do I sue spousal support?
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When can parents sue for child support
When can parents sue for child support? Which parent can file for child support?
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How to find out the child support debt by last name - check the child support debt online
You can see the amount of child support debt in several ways. To do this, you can contact the MFC or come to an appointment with a bailiff. In addition, you can find out the debt by last name via the Internet. To do this, you need to use the main website of the FSSP, the State Services portal or the State Payment service.
State payment
The State payment online service offers the easiest and fastest way to find out the amount of alimony debt for yourself or another individual. The service does not require registration. To start checking:
- Go to the State Payments website;
- Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the debtor, his date of birth and region of residence. Click "Check";
- Next, enter the code from the picture and wait for the verification results.
The service will check the FSSP database and provide information about the amount of debt from a particular person.
With the help of "Gosoplata" you can not only find out, but also immediately pay the debt using any bank card.
The service has the following benefits:
- Instant payment of legal, tax and other debts;
- Simple and intuitive interface;
- Convenient mobile application;
- Payment information is automatically transferred to databases;
- All transmitted data is securely encrypted;
- Payment receipt is sent to the payer's e-mail immediately after the payment is made.
FSSP website
To find out the debt for alimony through the official website of the FSSP, you need:
- Go to the site at the link:;
- In the site menu, select the "Service" section, the "Database of Enforcement Proceedings" category;
- Next, you need to fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*):
- Territorial bodies;
- Last name, first name;
- Click the "Find" button to start checking. Next, the system will ask you to enter the code from the picture to confirm that the request is made by a person and not a robot.
If several debtors have the same first and last name, you need to enter the middle name and date of birth for a more accurate search.
As a result of the search, you will see a table where all the necessary information will be presented:
- amount of debt and enforcement fee;
- production number;
- court order number;
- territorial division of the FSSP;
- surname and phone numbers of the bailiff.
On the main website of the bailiff service, you can not only find out the debt for alimony, but also pay it. If necessary, you can pay the debt online through the State Services portal or generate a receipt and pay it through any bank.
Public services
To find out the amount of alimony arrears through the Gosuslug portal, you must first register.
Attention! The search for accruals is carried out according to the data from your personal account.
To see if you have a legal debt, log into your personal account and follow these steps:
- Select the "Services" section, then the "Authorities" subsection and the "FSSP of Russia" category;
- Next, open the "Territorial authorities" tab and select the name of the desired department from the list;
- Select the electronic service "Providing information...";
- Next, select the service "Law Debt";
- Click "Get Service";
You can pay your debt in several ways:
- With any bank card;
- Through Google Pay or Samsung Pay;
- Using an electronic wallet WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money;
- From a mobile phone account.
You can also generate a receipt and pay it at the bank or at the post office.
How quickly will an entry in the FSSP database be deleted?
If you have fully or partially paid the child support debt, the entry in the Database will be deleted or changed no earlier than 3-7 working days from the date of payment.