How to become a child advocate in texas
Become a CASA - Texas CASA
A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer gathers information from everyone involved in a child’s daily life, including members of the child’s family, foster parents, teachers, lawyers, social workers and other relevant persons.
Then, they report to a judge in order to advocate for the child’s best interests.
Ideally, CASA volunteers will work towards reuniting the child with their family of origin whenever safe, and if reunification is not possible, they may recommend placing the child with extended family or family friends.
CASA volunteers, like the children they help, come from all walks of life.
How Much
Training Is Needed?
I have a full-time job, can I still be a CASA volunteer?
Will I also be working with the child's family?
Commit 10-15 hours of your time every month for at least 1 year.
Go through a criminal and CPS background check.
Have the desire, patience and heart to work with children and families.
Participate in in-depth training sessions.
Be over age 21
Not quite ready to be a CASA volunteer? Under 21? Many of the local CASA programs have other volunteer opportunities. Contact your local program using the volunteer form below to learn more.
If you have the desire and strength to help children and families, complete the form below and a representative with your local program will reach out to you about next steps.
Sign Up to Volunteer
Do you know someone who has a great heart and would like to volunteer for kids in the child protection system? Consider nominating them to become a CASA. We are looking for Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers from all walks of life who want to be a voice for children. We need volunteers with strength, compassion and determination.
If you know someone who can make a difference in a child’s life, fill out the Nominate form below and let them know about CASA.
- The Hardest Part
- Emily's Dragon
- The Ruiz Family
Become a CASA - CASA of Central Texas, Inc.

Become a CASA Volunteer
Take the first step to becoming a CASA advocate:
CASA volunteers are everyday people
Teachers, business people, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and grandparents – committed to making a difference for children who might otherwise slip through the cracks of an overburdened foster care system. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to help ensure that every child in foster care is moved to a safe, stable, permanent home as quickly as possible. CASA volunteers research case records and interview each person involved in a child’s life, including family members, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and social workers. They monitor the progress of the child and family and advocate for the child’s current and future needs in court, in school, and in agency meetings. CASA’s independent evaluations allow the court to make better informed decisions.
Because CASA volunteers serve on one case and commit at least 12 months of their time, they truly get to know an individual child or sibling group. They provide sustained, personal attention to every child – just as every child deserves.
We invite you to join our family of volunteers and make a difference in a child’s life – and your own.
1. Apply
- Be 21 years of age or older.
- Provide 5 references with email addresses.
- Provide your driver’s license number for the mandatory background check.
- Complete the application here:
- You must complete the application in a single session; you will not be able to save and return to it later.
- Our Training Coordinator will follow up with you after your application has been reviewed. Applicants will schedule a one hour pre-training interview to go over expectations and our Training Coordinator will answer any questions that you may have.
- Applicants must successfully pass screening, background checks, and fingerprint requirements prior to training.
3. tRAIN
View our training dates. CASA is requesting that applications be turned in two weeks before their preferred training date in order to allow for applicants to complete fingerprinting and a pre-training interview.
- Successfully complete initial 6-week training session provided by the CASA of Central Texas, Inc. program: 42 hours of initial training including weekly classroom sessions, homework, online coursework, and 4 hours of court observation.
- Complete 12 hours of continuing education per year.
- Be able to keep information confidential and work within established program guidelines.
- Be able to serve at least 12 months of your time (average 10-15 hours per month).
- Visit with the child on at least a monthly basis.
- Interview all parties associated with the case.
- Attend court hearings to testify as to the best interest of the child.
Texas wants to arm teachers ᐈ
Texas wants to arm teachers ᐈ
Photo: pixabay
A school district in Texas sent out a survey to 35,000 people. Only 9 answered%, most of them were against it, reports
The Keller School District in Texas has adopted a policy that allows certain employees to be armed. The policy was approved following a May 24 mass shooting at an elementary school in Yuvalde, Fox News reported.
Under the new policy, some volunteer staff will be required to complete marksmanship training. The school district may terminate employee protection status at any time.
The program is designed to help students and staff protect themselves in the event of an attack before the police arrive. The administration previously sent out a survey to get the opinions of teachers and parents. Of the 35 thousand people who received the questionnaire, only 9 answered%. Of these 9%, the majority were against teachers carrying weapons.
The Keller School District Board of Regents voted to change the policy. Details of this program may be developed in 2023.
School District Superintendent Harold David Twatt said that teachers in his district are allowed to carry weapons in concealment.
According to Thwatt, there were no incidents on school grounds. Employees participating in the program are known only to Twatt and the school board, who must approve each employee's application for protection status. nine0011
"We are 18 miles and 30 minutes from the nearest police station. So we should be able to help ourselves. If something happened here, we would have to protect our children.The police are real heroes, but one of them once told me that 95% of the time the police are late to the scene, I can't afford to let that happen." In this way, they protect other children from the ricochet of bullets. nine0005
According to Thwatt, all mass school shootings took place in places where the shooter knew there would be little resistance.
"Guns know where they're going. They're going where they won't meet any resistance. Let's put it this way: you'd hang a sign in front of your house saying, 'I'm against guns. You will meet no resistance here"? That would be stupid." David TwattRead also
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Texas shooting - RT in Russian
The massacre in the high school of the town of Uvalde (Texas) shocked America.
Executions in educational institutions have long been a hallmark of the United States. Although in everyday life the name "Columbine" was fixed for them - after the name of the school in Colorado, where at 19In 99, two students shot 12 of their classmates and a teacher, the first truly mass execution should be considered the 1966 massacre in the city of Austin (Texas).
Also related
Texas governor orders full investigation into school shooting
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered a full investigation into the Uvalde school shooting.
Then Charles Whitman, later nicknamed the Texas Sniper, killed 14 people, including his wife and mother, and wounded 31 people. Whitman, who sat on the top of the tower of the University of Texas, was eliminated by ordinary police officers (the SWAT special forces were created precisely after this incident). And they buried the Texas sniper with military honors, in a coffin draped with the Stars and Stripes flag - after all, he was not only a maniac, but also a sergeant in the Marine Corps.
After 56 years in the same state of Texas, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos came to his former school with a weapon, locked himself in the classroom and killed everyone who was there: 19 children and two teachers who were trying to protect their pupils. The police - and there were police at the school! - showed either criminal negligence, or amazing incompetence: at first, the guards calmly let the armed guy into the school, and then gave him the opportunity to complete his bloody deed. Only when almost all the hostages were already dead, two officers of the border service who arrived at the scene broke down the door, burst into the classroom and destroyed the shooter. nine0005
This happened on the morning of Tuesday 24 May. Since then, America has been shaking from top to bottom - the massacre in Yuvalda hit the consciousness of the nation much harder than all the mass shooters of recent years. Perhaps because the victims this time were very young children - mostly 9-10 years old, but there were also younger ones.
Or maybe the society, exhausted by the pandemic, lockdowns, BLM riots, actively curtailed "biodenomics", culture wars and other delights of recent years, has simply reached its psychological limit. nine0005
US President Joe Biden, who was just finishing his Asian tour (without much success, however, he failed to lure India into the anti-Russian coalition at the QUAD summit in Tokyo), promised to visit Yuvalde soon. “I think, as a nation, we should all be there for them (victims and their parents. — KB ),” the aged leader of the “free world” stated somewhat confusedly. “And we have to ask ourselves: when, in the name of God, are we going to do what needs to be done—if not completely stop, then radically change the scale of the carnage that is taking place in this country?” nine0005
Before the bodies of those killed in Yuvalda had cooled down, liberal-progressive America exploded with hysterical cries: ban the sale of weapons! Repeal the Second Amendment! Disperse the National Rifle Association! Social media accounts of Democratic Party sympathizers are seething these days with hatred for fellow citizens who dare to mutter something about the sacred right to own guns granted by the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
Moreover, Biden himself said: The Second Amendment, they say, is “not absolute” and Congress should pass a law on arms reform. Restricting the sale of guns and making the whole country look like New York or even Massachusetts, where owning a gun brings more problems than privileges, is an old and sweet dream of “Obama progressives”, which the Republicans resist with all their might. nine0005
The day after the tragedy, Texas Democratic politician Beto O'Rourke—a very colorful character, although not without stains in his biography—jumped up to Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, who was speaking at a press conference, and, spitting saliva, began screaming in his face: “It's all because of you! You don't do anything!"
The mayor of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, tried to call the enraged Democrat to order. “I can't believe it,” he said. “You sick son of a bitch coming to an event like this to raise political issues!” nine0005
Ironically, the Uvalda massacre took place days before the annual convention of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a powerful organization with close ties to the Republican Party.
The convention will open on Friday in Houston (same state of Texas) and will last all weekend - a grand convention of gun business lobbyists, a large-scale gathering of firearms marketers, a celebration of supporters of traditional American values. Donald Trump himself, who has always maintained the warmest relations with the NRA, is expected to speak: the ex-president has already confirmed that he will make an “important address”. “America needs real solutions and real leadership now, not politics and partisanship. That is why I will keep my long-standing promise to speak in Texas at the NRA convention, ”he said. nine0005
Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Abbott, and some other prominent Republicans have not abandoned their intention to speak at the convention. But all of them, of course, understand that, rising to the NRA podium just a few days after the tragedy that shook the country, they become convenient targets for criticism of the liberal media, and for noisy and noisy crowds who will certainly organize protest rallies before the conference.
John Brown Hall in Houston. Of course, the NRA leadership tried to soften the negative by issuing a press release saying that the participants of the convention will "think about" the tragedy in Uvalda, "pray for the victims ... and promise to double our commitment to keeping our schools safe." But no one can now predict in which direction the pendulum will swing, who will be supported by the majority of Americans. To the side of the Second Amendment defenders who believe that the solution is not to ban guns, but to pay more attention to improving the mental health of the nation? Or towards her opponents, who are ready to lay down their bones to defend the "sacred right" to abortion, but demand an unconditional ban on the sale of weapons? nine0005
It must be said that democrats and progressives seem to be the last to worry about the fate of the children who died in Uvalda. They are much more interested in such issues as protecting the rights of transpersonalities and combating transphobes.
What's with the "trans"? And here’s what: in the first hours after the shoot, photos of a trans girl slightly similar to Ramos appeared on the Reddit website and on the popular 4chan forum (later, the frightened trans girl was even specially photographed with a cardboard on which “May 25” was written in large letters to prove that she and the shooter killed in Texas on May 24 are different people). And this malicious fake, according to liberals, provoked a surge of hostility towards trans people in society, a stream of homophobic statements and other unacceptable manifestations of “hate speech”. Against the backdrop of such monstrous crimes, the very death of children in Yuvalda somehow faded and faded into the background. nine0005
And then there's Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar tweeted that the Texas killer was "a transgender left-wing illegal migrant named Salvatore Ramos." What started here! Arizona Democrats chief cerberus Laurie Roberts, calling Gosar "the king of disinformation", said that the congressman is "absolutely incompetent and cannot hold his office", recalling to him not only the "insults" of trans people, but also earlier statements - that the election results 2020 were stolen by the Democrats, that Ashley Babbitt, who died in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was “executed,” etc.
, etc.
“While the civilized world mourned the massacre of schoolchildren and their teachers, Congressman Paul Gosar was already saddling his favorite horse, using the shooter to attack two fronts in the culture wars of the far right,” Roberts mocked Congresswoman.
Perhaps she is even right about something, and Gosar should not have rushed to name labels (although not everything is completely clear with Ramos: he was offended and bullied at school, including for the photos posted on Facebook**, on which his eyes are thickly drawn with mascara). But since we are talking about culture wars, we should not forget that two sides always fight in a war. And on the other side, the Democrats, everything is very bad. nine0005
On May 25, the day after the shooting in Texas, former US President Barack Hussein Obama decided to honor the memory of drug addict and recidivist George Floyd, whose death started a wave of BLM riots two years ago that has changed America today in many ways (not for the better) .
"Just as we mourn the Uvalde children today, we must take the time to acknowledge that two years have passed since the killing of George Floyd at the knee of a police officer," Obama wrote. “His murder remains with us to this day, especially those who loved him.” nine0005
These days, only the laziest person has written about the Texas massacre on American social networks. But only Obama guessed to link the death of black George Floyd in May 2020 with the current national mourning for the children killed in Texas. The striking lack of empathy in the former owner of the White House shocked the conservative part of American society.
“It sucks that these kids are dead, but remember George Floyd? He's someone I still think about," Seth Dillon, CEO of the satirical website Babylon Bee, teased Obama. nine0005
"No parent mourning today is worried about what happened to Floyd or anyone else," Redstate editor Kyra Davis said. - Now, when everyone is crying out loud, this is not the time to advertise your favorite activist group (i.
e. BLM. - K.B. ). What an abomination!
Bro. It's not the same. Not at all,” Fox News correspondent Ben Domenech reproached Obama.
“George Floyd is the real victim of Yuvalde,” Washington Examiner journalist Harry Khachatryan commented sarcastically on the former president’s tweet. nine0005
“Brother, it's not like that. Young children killed at school are not the equivalent of Floyd's death after resisting arrest while intoxicated," wrote Blaze Media podcast host Jason Whitlock, summing up, "This is one of the worst tweets ever."
The tragedy at the Texas school and the reaction to it show how deep the tectonic fault that divided American society is. It has long outgrown the scale of the usual political dichotomy "Republicans - Democrats" and looks more like a confrontation between two different biological species. On the one hand, there are normal living people mourning the death of children and empathizing with their parents, on the other hand, there are biorobots blindly obeying the “progressive” ideological doctrine.