Regular braxton hicks
Frequent Braxton-Hicks: Causes, Risks, and Treatment
Frequent Braxton-Hicks: Causes, Risks, and TreatmentMedically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M.D. — By Madison Manske on July 30, 2020
As you begin mentally preparing for labor and delivery, your body may do some preparation drills. One such physical preparation can be the onset of Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Braxton-Hicks are non-labor (or “false labor”) contractions that occur regularly during your pregnancy as your body begins to prepare itself for the real thing. The frequency of these contractions can vary based on factors like your activity and hydration levels.
Regardless of the frequency, Braxton-Hicks contractions are quite normal and can really help you know more about what to expect as you count down to the big day.
Braxton-Hicks contractions are common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Unlike real labor contractions, the cervix doesn’t dilate during Braxton-Hicks contractions. These contractions also tend to be pretty painless.
Braxton-Hicks occur when the uterus muscles tighten and loosen, and they may increase as you approach your due date. They generally come at random times throughout the day and may stop with certain movements or body positions.
You may experience more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions if you’re:
- on your feet a lot
- dehydrated
- overhydrated
- experiencing stress
- close to your due date
Regardless of the cause, frequent Braxton-Hicks aren’t cause for concern. But if they don’t ease up, you may want to check in with your doctor in case you might be in labor.
Related: Learn how to tell Braxton-Hicks from labor contractions
It’s important to know the difference between frequent Braxton-Hicks and the frequent and painful contractions associated with uterine irritability.
Uterine irritability refers to a disorganized pattern of activity in the uterus that’s sometimes observed during external fetal monitoring, although it’s not necessarily a diagnosis.
It can result in contractions similar to those experienced with Braxton-Hicks in that the cervix doesn’t dilate as it does during real labor contractions.
Contractions associated with uterine irritability don’t respond to hydration or rest and may feel more like menstrual cramps. They’re also stronger and occur more frequently than Braxton-Hicks contractions. While they may be annoying, they’re mostly harmless and should go away.
However, some underlying causes need treatment.
Possible causes of uterine irritability
Uterine irritability may affect women differently, and the exact cause isn’t clear. Some things may increase its related contractions, such as:
- stress
- dehydration
- an untreated infection
- a urinary tract infection
- lifting heavy things
Talk to your doctor if you think you may have uterine irritability. In most cases, contractions will go away on their own and pose no risk to the mom or baby.
Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about frequent Braxton-Hicks. You may want to record the frequency and pain level of your contractions for your doctor. They’ll use this information to determine treatment, if necessary.
Call your doctor if you experience more than eight contractions in 1 hour or have:
- decreased movement in the stomach
- leaking amniotic fluid
- vaginal bleeding
- painful contractions every 10 minutes or less
Your doctor may recommend that you try some of these things at home to help treat false labor contractions:
- get plenty of rest
- drink water and stay hydrated
- avoid caffeine
- keep an empty bladder
- avoid lifting heavy things
- eat smaller portions more frequently
- reduce your stress and anxiety levels (try these tips)
Braxton-Hicks contractions are a very normal part of pregnancy. They can occur more frequently if you experience stress or dehydration.
If at any point you’re worried that your false labor contractions are real, consult your doctor. They’ll be more than happy to check and see how things are moving along.
Last medically reviewed on July 30, 2020
- Parenthood
- Pregnancy
- 3rd Trimester
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- Labor and birth. (2018). - Other labor and delivery FAQs. (2017). - Preterm birth. (2019).
- Raines DA, et al. (2020). Braxton Hicks contractions.
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Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M.D. — By Madison Manske on July 30, 2020
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5 questions about Braxton Hicks contractions
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Some of the bodily changes during pregnancy can be confusing. For some women, Braxton Hicks contractions can be particularly puzzling. They are uncomfortable, but painless, contractions during pregnancy and are sometimes referred to as "false labor" pains.
Here are answers to 5 common questions about Braxton Hicks contractions:
1. What do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like?
Braxton Hicks contractions are mild, irregular contractions during pregnancy. They feel like tightness in your abdomen. Some women feel a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, while some women don't feel them at all. They typically last less than 30 seconds, and they are uncomfortable but rarely painful.
These contractions also tend to occur more often and become stronger as you approach your due date. Finally, they're more likely to occur in the afternoon or evening, after physical activity, or after sex.
2. What is the purpose of Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions help tone your uterus' muscles and prepare your cervix for birth.
3. How can you tell the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and labor contractions?
There are three primary differences between Braxton Hicks contractions and true contractions:
- Pattern
Time your contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. Look for a regular pattern of contractions that get progressively stronger and closer together. Braxton Hicks contractions will remain irregular. - Duration
Time how long each contraction lasts. True contractions last about 30 to 70 seconds. - Change
True contractions continue regardless of your activity level or position. With false labor, the contractions might stop when you walk, rest or change position.
Contact your health care provider if contractions become regular and steadily increase in strength.
4. How can you ease the discomfort of Braxton Hicks contractions?
For some women, Braxton Hicks contractions can be uncomfortable, and they tend to become stronger as their due dates approach.
Here are a few things to try to relieve any unpleasant feelings:
- Change your position, such as lying down or going for a walk.
- Take a warm bath.
- Get a massage from your partner.
- Practice your breathing exercises.
5. What happens if you go to the hospital and you're not actually in labor?
During pregnancy, expect false alarms. No one knows for sure what triggers labor, and every woman's experience is different. Sometimes it's hard to tell when labor begins.
Don't hesitate to call your health care provider if you're confused about whether you're in labor or if you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. Preterm labor can be especially sneaky. If you have any signs of labor before 37 weeks, especially if you also experience vaginal spotting, consult your health care provider.
If you arrive at the hospital in false labor, don't feel embarrassed or frustrated. Think of it as a practice run. The real thing is likely on its way.
Amy Brien, M.D., is an OB-GYN in Mankato, Minnesota.
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Contractions: false or real / “Waiting for a baby”
Shortly before the birth, the expectant mother may be disturbed by training contractions, rhythmic contractions of the uterus, which quickly pass and appear occasionally. How to distinguish them from real contractions, and why they are needed, we will try to find out. nine0003
The phenomenon of temporary contractions was first described by the English doctor John Braxton Hicks. That is why they are called - Braxton Hicks contractions or false, training contractions, precursor contractions. In his scientific work of 1872, he argued that these contractions are short-term (from half a minute to 2 minutes) contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are felt by a pregnant woman as an increase in the tone of the uterus. They appear after the 20th week of pregnancy. And during the day they happen often, but the expectant mother in the daytime may not even notice them. However, as time goes on, they intensify, becoming more and more obvious. nine0003
The uterus is a muscular organ. And like any muscle that has to perform the work allotted to it in the body, it needs training. After all, if she hangs for all forty weeks like a bag, she will not cope with the load in childbirth. Thus, the purpose of training or false contractions is to prepare the uterus and cervix for childbirth. That is why one of the names of training bouts is contractions harbingers - harbingers of an approaching birth. nine0003
As a rule, false contractions are painless, but with increasing duration they become more noticeable and bring more discomfort. However, in all women, they manifest themselves in different ways, someone does not feel them at all, and someone does not sleep at night, tossing and turning and trying to find a comfortable position for sleeping. It all depends on the pain threshold. The main thing in this situation is to stop being nervous about this and calm yourself with the thought that such training is necessary for the most important upcoming event - the birth of your crumbs. And to calm down a little and sleep better, ask your doctor to prescribe a sedative for you and get a special pillow for expectant and nursing mothers. With her, falling asleep and experiencing the discomfort of the last weeks of pregnancy will be much easier! nine0003
Some expectant mothers complain that their Braxton Hicks contractions are frequent and cause significant discomfort, even when they are doing housework or other light physical activity. In such a situation, obstetricians are advised to lie down or vice versa, take an easy walk, in any case, change the type of activity. If training contractions bother you a lot, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, juice or herbal tea, calm down and get some rest. Ask someone close to give you a massage. Lie in silence. And to also benefit from training fights, try doing breathing exercises: practice breathing techniques in childbirth in practice. nine0003
The most important thing to understand is that real contractions are much more painful than Braxton Hicks contractions. You will understand it right away. In addition, the contractions that bring you closer to childbirth are more regular. The contractions begin in the lower back, spread to the front of the abdomen, and occur every 10 minutes (or more than 5 contractions per hour). Then they occur with an interval of about 30-70 seconds and over time the intervals between them are reduced. Some women describe the sensations of labor pains as severe menstrual cramps, or sensations during diarrhea, when the pain rolls in waves in the abdomen. These contractions, unlike false ones, continue even after a change in position and when walking, constantly intensifying. As soon as you feel all these symptoms, call your ob-gyn - hour X has arrived. If in doubt, also do not be afraid to disturb the doctor. The doctor will ask you a few questions that will help him determine the type of contractions and eliminate all your doubts and worries. After all, it is always better to consult a doctor and trust his professional experience.
You should seek help if:
• you have more than four contractions an hour and they happen regularly
• contractions are accompanied by pain in the lower spine
• contractions are accompanied by watery or bloody vaginal discharge
• the contractions are so strong that it is very difficult for you to endure them
• there is a marked change in the child's movement, or less than 10 movements every 2 hours nine0077 • you think your waters have started to break
Alla Misyutina, Consultant Physician, Independent Laboratory INVITRO
Dear women, during labor, the body needs a lot of oxygen, so proper breathing is very important. A large influx of oxygen into the blood of mother and baby alleviates the condition of the crumbs, which during childbirth experiences oxygen starvation. Special breathing techniques help to properly open the birth canal and make contractions and attempts as effective as possible. nine0003
Different types of breathing should be used at different stages of labor.
• During "false" contractions, breathing should be deep and slow. During the period when the contractions become more intense, it is necessary to use "pain-relieving breathing". This breathing is slow, deep, the inhalation is done through the nose, it should be longer than the exhalation through the mouth. More details: inhale is done at the expense of 1-2-3-4, and exhale - at the expense of 1-2-3-4-5-6. With the help of such breathing: mom relaxes, distracts from pain, focuses on the score; the baby receives as much as possible, so he needs oxygen. nine0077 • In breaks from contractions, you need to rest and breathe evenly without any effort, so that you can then easily follow the doctor's recommendations.
• During attempts, you need to exhale all the air from the lungs, then take a deep breath and push for up to 6-9 seconds. Quickly exhale all the air, quickly take a deep breath and again hold your breath for 6-9 seconds, and so on - about three times per attempt.
• In breaks from attempts to rest and breathe deeply, evenly and relaxed. nine0077 • It is very important to only push on the perineum and never push on the head. In this case, all efforts are wasted and will appear in the form of burst vessels in the eyes and on the face.
• In the period after the birth of the head, it is necessary to stop pushing and breathing shallowly, some call this breathing “dog-like”, deep breathing can harm both mom and baby. Then everything goes on as usual, the main thing is to obey the doctor.
• After the baby was born, within half an hour the last stage of labor begins - the birth of the placenta. Special breathing is no longer required, at the doctor's command, push a little into the perineum and EVERYTHING! Dear women, pain during childbirth is good, it means that your baby will be born soon. There is no need to resist the pain, this is a mistake that brings a woman and a child nothing but fatigue. On the contrary, it is necessary to concentrate and help in every possible way to give birth to a healthy baby. nine0003
So, you have decided that this is no longer a “teaching”, but the beginning of childbirth. In addition to contractions, the onset of labor can be indicated by the outflow of amniotic fluid and the passage of a mucous plug that closes the lumen of the cervix. The mucous plug can also come off 2-3 days before delivery. However, her departure does not always mean that it is time to go to the hospital. During pregnancy, the cervix is tightly closed. With the onset of labor pains, its opening begins: the cervix of the uterus gradually expands to 10-12 cm in diameter (full disclosure). The birth canal is preparing to "release" the child from the womb. Intrauterine pressure increases during contractions as the uterus shrinks. And in the end, this leads to rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of part of the amniotic fluid. nine0003
The first, preparatory, period of labor for women giving birth for the first time takes an average of 12 hours, and 2-4 hours less for those who have second births. At the beginning of the second stage of labor, contractions join the contractions - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. In addition to the fact that different muscle groups are involved in contractions and attempts, they have one more important difference: contractions are an involuntary and uncontrollable phenomenon, neither their strength nor frequency depend on the woman in labor, while attempts to a certain extent obey her will , it can delay or strengthen them. Therefore, at this stage of childbirth, a lot depends on the expectant mother and her ability to quickly and correctly follow the commands of the obstetrician taking delivery. And most importantly - to tune in correctly and not allow panic and thoughts about something bad. Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that mothers perceive childbirth as a holiday, a baby's birthday. Then it will be easier to concentrate on the fact that now your main task is to help the baby be born. If, during childbirth, the expectant mother panics, the concentration of adrenaline in her blood will increase significantly.
Which will not have a very good effect on the process of childbirth. Adrenaline affects the synthesis of oxytocin, which significantly weakens contractions and slows down the process of childbirth. In addition, adrenaline completely blocks the production of endorphins, which will increase the feeling of pain during contractions and attempts. That is why it is so important to properly tune in, concentrate and help the baby to be born as soon as possible. nine0003
Lilia Egorova
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Kristina Orbakaite told about her 3-month-old daughter
— Christina, you have such an amazing experience: your first son was born in London, the second in Moscow, and your daughter in Miami. Did you feel the difference?
- Yes, indeed, it so happened in my life that I do not repeat myself. (Laughs.) The fact is that when Nikita was born 21 years ago, there were no conditions in Moscow. Although we didn't plan anything on purpose. It's just that Volodya Presnyakov and my mother signed a contract with a British record company. It just coincided with my birth. nine0003
Mom recalled how she suffered while giving birth to me, those nightmarish trials - when I lay in the corridors on torn sheets, because there was not enough room for everyone in the wards. And here in London there is a clean hospital, nice people, separate boxes, as they say, not all collective farms give birth. Although today it already seems that these are common conditions, and good clinics have also appeared in Russia now, but then it was a novelty. Thank God, everything went well for me, Nikita was born quite easily. Mom and Vova were more worried than me, and I had to calm them down all the time. nine0003
— Was Alla Borisovna with you right at the birth?
— Yes, my mother was present. This was incredible too. In fact, no one was allowed into our maternity hospitals before. Remember how unfortunate young fathers stood under the windows and shouted to their wives? And then at least spend the night in the ward and bring as many people as you want. Moreover, this is not some kind of private elite clinic, but an ordinary hospital, quite old, located in the area where we rented an apartment...
When Denis was due to be born seven years later, a lot had already changed in Moscow. When choosing a clinic, I was guided by my London experience. We were looking for the same delivery bed as in England. She transformed into a special chair. The only such bed was found at Mark Arkadyevich Kurtser. At that time - 14 years ago - he was already an advanced obstetrician.
I immediately fell under his charm. In general, he is an amazing person and doctor, he started with a small department, then it began to expand, and now he has a huge center. He surrounded me with care and attention. We kept in touch. Mark Arkadievich himself personally took delivery from me. By the way, this is a funny story. I was pregnant for the second time, but I didn’t know that women in childbirth have this ... In English, this is called “Braxton Hicks” - false contractions. And it seemed to me on May 7 that this is it, it began. I'm calling Kurtsera. And outside the window is late evening. He was already at home and said to me: "Come on quickly, I'm leaving too." I began to get ready for the hospital - and suddenly I realize that nothing hurts me, everything is gone. Again I call Mark Arkadyevich. He laughs: "Well, what to do! I won't return home, I'll have to spend the night in my office on the couch." nine0003
Two days later, I felt that something was beginning to happen to me again. Here Kurtser decided this: “You know, first show up at our center, they will check you, and if you really give birth, then I will come ...” (Laughs.) This time the contractions turned out to be real. Denis was born on May 10 at five in the morning. And everything went smoothly too.
— Probably, the second time you did not experience fears and worries? Was it already clear how everything was going on?
— In fact, the second time, the third time, you never know exactly what will happen to you. All three times I gave birth in different ways, not a single scenario was repeated. Thank God, there were no complications. But each child came into this world in his own way. Nikita stayed with us until the very end, I wore him for 42 weeks. He did not want to leave the warm place. But when he decided to be born, he did it quickly, jumped right out of me. In principle, he still has such a character: he likes to sleep, but if he starts working, he does everything swiftly and selflessly. Denis was born exactly on time, right tutelka in tutelka. And in life he is very obligatory, he will plan everything in advance, he can be entrusted with any business, and you know that he will certainly do everything. nine0003
And Klavusya, it seems to me, will be obedient. The estimated due date was April 1st. And this is a day off - Sunday, and only doctors on duty take births in the clinic ...
- So, like Kurtser, American doctors won't go anywhere at night?
— Yes, Mark Arkadyevich could come running at any time of the day or night. In the States, with all the excellent conditions and wonderful specialists, they have their own work schedule, everything is business-like. And so Misha and I asked Claudia: "Daughter, let's try from Monday to Friday." And she listened to us, smart girl, she was born on Friday at eight in the evening ...
— How cute! Does she have a calm personality?
- Claudia is a persistent person, but at the same time accommodating. She sleeps well at night and lets everyone sleep. And during the day, of course, she loves to take a walk along the ocean with her nanny. She has a good appetite, so if she is properly fed, she will be grateful. On May 25, on my birthday, Denis flew to us and finally met his sister. He kisses her constantly. He says: "I can not resist ..." Passes by and is sure to kiss on the cheek. With pleasure she sings songs and entertains in every way. And bathing her helps. Klavusya loves this business very much. Even if she has something in her mood or she is hungry, as soon as she hears that the bath is pouring, she immediately calms down. For her, bathing is sacred. nine0003
Maybe I've become more tolerant, but I'm not annoyed by her crying. Or I'm in such a calm state because here in Miami I don't have stressful situations. We do a great job, we understand when Klava is hungry, when she wants to sleep, and when to go for a walk. During these two months we got to know her completely, and it’s easy for us, pah-pah-pah ...
In early July we will return to Russia, but we are unlikely to settle down in Moscow, in the summer it’s hard for a child in the city ... We’ll live in Istra . Mom is now engaged in landscaping there: she is preparing a nursery for Claudia .