How much money to give a child for birthday
How Much to Spend on Your Child’s Birthday Gift
If a child’s birthday is near, you may be wondering how much you should spend on their birthday gift. Below we’ve helped prep you the best we can by providing dollar amount suggestions for a variety of ages, buying considerations, and more. No need to worry about spending too little or too much!
Page Contents
Age of ChildAges 1 to 3: $20Ages 4 to 8: $30-$40Ages 9 to 12: $50-$60Ages 13 to 15: $100Ages 16 to 18: $200-$300Buying ConsiderationsYour BudgetCost vs. InterestAmount of Gifts Gifts From OthersBirthday Party Costs The Ultimatum When to Buy Birthday PresentsFAQs - Children's Birthday GiftsHow much should I spend on my child’s friend's birthday? Can I give my kid an experience instead of a present? What is a "fiver" birthday party? Final Thoughts
Age of Child
Ages 1 to 3: $20
Children ages one to five are the easiest to shop for as they have no concept of dollar value. They usually don’t understand what a birthday is for the most part, either! Spend $20 max as this is the only age where your little ones are less likely to understand what’s going on.
At this age, focus on a fun toy, stuffed animal, or book. Save some money and shop a sale too. Some of my kid’s favorite gifts at this age were from the dollar store!
Birthday parties can be cheap too. Get a cake or cupcakes from the grocery store and have a home party with one or two friends over.
Best Gift Ideas
1-Year-Old Boys
1-Year-Old Girls
2-Year-Old Boys
2-Year-Old Girls
3-Year-Old Boys
3-Year-Old Girls
Ages 4 to 8: $30-$40
At four to eight, the party is more important than the present. Kids are still excited to receive a surprise gift, so try to keep a small present budget around $30 to $40 max. You may even consider a fun present like a playhouse or swing set, but only if it’s within the budget.
Throw a themed party at a venue, if you can afford it, like at a trampoline park or skating rink. Another option would be to rent or purchase a bouncy castle in the backyard, but those can run around $200 or more.
If you have a party at a venue, it will cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but by the time your child turns 12, they probably won’t want another venue party. Instead, they will opt for the mall!
Best Gift Ideas
4-Year-Old Boy
4-Year-Old Girl
5-Year-Old Boy
5-Year Old Girl
6-Year-Old Boy
6-Year-Old Girl
7-Year-Old Boy
7-Year-Old Girl
8-Year-Old Boy
8-Year-Old Girl
Ages 9 to 12: $50-$60
Presents start getting a little expensive at this age as kids are interested in pricier products. Budget around $50 to $60 for the present and around $200 to $300 for the party if you pick a venue. If your child wants an expensive gift like a Fire HD Tablet, then have a home party to save some dough.
Kids may still want a venue party at this age, but they also understand money at this age too. If you can afford one but not the other, consider telling them to pick either a present or a party. This is a great way to compromise and teach children the value of money.
Best Gift Ideas
9-Year-Old Boy
9-Year-Old Girl
10-Year-Old Boy
10-Year-Old Girl
11-Year-Old Boy
11-Year-Old Girl
12-Year-Old Boy
12-Year-Old Girl
Ages 13 to 15: $100
Younger teens may still want a party but they’ve probably aged out of theme parties at venues. Instead, they may prefer a few of their closest friends over for food and movies. Follow their lead at this age.
As for presents, you will probably find they want more expensive gifts such as those in the electronic department. They may also want gift cards so they can purchase whatever they want. You may also consider purchasing something for their room as a teenager’s personality starts reflecting in their bedroom.
The budget is up to you, but many parents spend around $100 for the gift plus food and drinks for the house party.
Best Gift Ideas
13-Year-Old Boy
13-Year-Old Girl
14-Year-Old Boy
14-Year-Old Girl
15-Year-Old Boy
15-Year-Old Girl
Ages 16 to 18: $200-$300
At these ages, teenagers like money. They want to buy their own presents as they love the idea of control and the excitement that “free” money offers. At this age, unless they ask for something specific, cash or a gift card is the best gift for your child’s birthday.
Consider raising the gift budget at this age as many teens do not want a party. Girls will want to go to the mall with friends, while guys will want gifts or cash to spend with their friends. Older teens might even think ahead and want money to save for college or furnishings, but don’t get your hopes up.
Keep your budget around $200 to $300 as you are only buying a gift and maybe taking them out for a nice dinner. Mind you, this is the age where kids will push hard for a new cellphone and not one of your hand-me-downs. They may even want a laptop or a game console if they don’t have one already.
Best Gift Ideas
16-Year-Old Boy
16-Year-Old Girl
17-Year-Old Boy
17-Year-Old Girl
Buying Considerations
Your Budget
Before spending a dime, you need to consult with your checkbook. Your child’s birthday is not an opportunity to overspend and rack up your credit card. No matter what numbers are thrown around below, you need to stay within your budget.
While your child deserves everything in the world, you can only give what you can afford. Before receiving a gift, they need a roof over their head, food on their plate, and clothes in the closet.
Not to mention, the bills need to be paid so they can spend hours playing on the internet. If you can only afford to spend $20 on a present and $50 on a party, then that’s what you spend. Moreover, if you can only afford a home-cooked meal and a small gift, then that’s what you do.
Your child will love you because you are your parents, not because you can buy them everything they want.
Cost vs. Interest
Another point of interest is…well…interest! Not all gifts need to be expensive. Your child might have specifically asked for a specific video game.
It’s so helpful when kids know exactly what they want and tell you because then you have a point of basis. No matter how inexpensive the present is if that’s what they asked for, get it. If your child is extremely clear about what they want for their birthday, then there’s your shopping list. You do not need to feel like you need to get multiple presents. One birthday, one present.
However, if your child asks for something expensive like the latest iPhone, then you may need to reach a compromise. For example, you can ask relatives and friends to chip in, making the phone a gift from everyone (and the only gift they get).
Amount of Gifts
Have you watched Harry Potter? If so, you remember in the first movie where Dudley (Harry’s cousin that Harry, unfortunately, lives with) received 36 presents, and it wasn’t enough. His parents planned to buy him two more while out at the zoo. Don’t be like Dudley’s parents, please.
Get one or two presents for your child’s birthday no matter how old they are. Kids may think they want grandiose, but can you really afford to buy tons of presents? Save the multiple gifts for Christmas.
Gifts From Others
Remember, you are probably not the only person buying your child a gift. More than likely, people will be calling you up to ask for gift ideas. Be vague unless your child has been specific about multiple items.
Mention your child’s interests and likes so people can work within their budget. Instead of suggesting a craft kit from Hobby Lobby, tell them your child likes craft kits. Keep it open so they can surprise your child and not need to worry if they cannot afford something specific you mention.
For younger kids, if others give them cash or gift cards, you may want to consider using them to buy for your child instead of allowing them free reign in a store. It’s easier and makes for better decisions, too, unless you are okay with a little chaos.
Birthday Party Costs
Gifts are not the only expense for a birthday; the party can charge up quite a bill too. The cake, balloons, napkins, gift bags, candles, decorations, paper plates, and the list goes on.
If you have to stick to a tight budget, you need to figure out what is a must-have for a party and the price of a gift too. Home parties are definitely more affordable (especially if you shop at the dollar store) but take up a lot of time. Parties at a venue cost more, but they do all the work and supply everything. Plus, no clean-up!
It’s a lot easier at home to reduce costs and save more money for the present. Start saving some party money each month, so the party doesn’t cost you a fortune in a single month.
The Ultimatum
For those with a tight budget, consider giving your child the choice of either a party and a small gift or a big gift and no party. You can also alternate years. One year you give them a big gift and a dinner out, the next year throw a party and give them a small gift. This method makes life less stressful, especially if you have multiple children.
When to Buy Birthday Presents
You do not have to wait until right before your child’s birthday to buy their present. If you find it on sale, grab it! Although, keep in mind that if you buy early, you won’t have time to return the present if it doesn’t work.
The same goes for Christmas. Get a plastic bin to put in your closet, and as you find gifts on sale, buy them and stick them in the bin. This is by far the most affordable way to shop, as you can buy a Nintendo Switch or something expensive when it’s on sale or when you have a coupon.
Consider saving up over time for gifts too. If you bank at a place that provides points or rewards, you can save your points up for gifts too. Also, sell old stuff you or your kids don’t use anymore and save that money for gifts.
FAQs – Children’s Birthday Gifts
How much should I spend on my child’s friend’s birthday?
Most people budget between $20 and $30 for a gift for a child’s friend. Only take opinions, not directions, from your child as they do not know your budget. Trust us; your kids will have an opinion on what to get their friends.
Don’t be surprised if your child promised their friend something ridiculous for their birthday too. Keep it simple and universal, like a craft kit or something most kids would love.
Can I give my kid an experience instead of a present?
Experiences are a great way to celebrate a child’s birthday. You can even take one or two of their friends. If your child has been begging to go to Six Flags or a sports game, make it their birthday present and give them the full experience.
If you do choose to do so, be very clear with your child that this event is their present. Be clear about whether souvenirs and food are part of the experience to make the evening more enjoyable.
What is a “fiver” birthday party?
Fiver parties are a unique way to do a birthday party that makes it more affordable for everyone. All the guests simply bring five dollars and throw them in a bowl or container. This saves the guest from having to pick a gift and allows kids to save up for a big gift.
Your gift can be covering the difference in case your child doesn’t get enough to get the item they are after. Also, this is a great way to help your child understand money too and learn about saving up for a big purchase. You can always change the amount to $10 if you think your guests will be able to afford more, or guests may think five is too little and just put in more if they want.
Final Thoughts
Birthdays for kids need to be fun and have a little surprise. However, you do not need to go broke. Make sure to create a budget that includes the celebration and the gift and stick to the allowed amount.
Your kids will love what you get them, especially if you listen to them and what they want. Remind them birthdays about fun, family, and friends, not about money and expensive gifts.
Is cash too tacky for a kid's present?
This article was published more than 11 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.
Pulling money out of a wallet.Getty Images
Your eight-year-old son has just been invited to a birthday party. You don't know the child well, you don't want to buy him something he already has and, let's be honest, you would like to avoid going to the mall and scouring the stores for the perfect gift. So you slip $20 inside a Transformers-themed birthday card – an easy solution.
But it is it in good taste?
On parenting blogs and forums, it's a hotly debated question with no clear-cut answer. Crisp $10, $20 or $50 bills in a birthday card may be a common and socially acceptable present for adults, but when it comes to kids, the etiquette is much murkier.
Canadian parenting expert Alyson Schafer says that giving cash to kids can sometimes be acceptable, depending on who is giving it. "Grandma is going to buy you that knit sweater and you're gonna have to fake liking it. It would just be easier if she just gave you some money and you could go get a toy of your own," she says. "For other people, it says, 'I don't care for you enough to go out and try to figure out your personality' and it can feel kind of lazy and not personal."
Cindy Post, the great-granddaughter of American etiquette expert Emily Post and director of the Emily Post Institute, finds that the obvious value of cash is awkward. "Someone gives five dollars, someone gives 10. The set-up for comparison makes it feel squeamish. It just doesn't feel comfortable. The whole idea of etiquette is making people feel comfortable."
Ms. Schafer agrees. "When the socio-economic status of the families is different, that can get uncomfortable," she says. "It can be uncomfortable for the kids and parent if the cash gift is large and they feel as though they can never give an appropriate gift in return."
Giving a child a $20 bill may seem blunt, overly convenient and awkward, but some parents say that, as kids continue to want things like video-game systems and sporting equipment, cash may go further than a small wrapped gift.
Emma Waverman, a Toronto-area mother who blogs for MSN at, understands why cash might be preferred. "My son is 11 and, as they get older, they get less into toys. It's hard to buy a $20 gift for an 11- or 12-year-old when what they want are bigger things. They want video games and stuff like that. "
Other moms think that cash presents can be a great way to kick-start a savings fund for even bigger things, such as education. "I'm a firm believer in saving for education so I had people giving my kids money for their first birthdays," says Cassandra Knight, a Keswick, Ont., daycare provider and mother of two. "If [my daughter]gets money, she knows it goes straight into her bank account and it goes toward her future. I'm trying to teach my kids the responsibility of money and to not waste your money."
Ms. Knight says she would give cash gifts only to nieces and nephews; otherwise, she prefers to give gift cards to kids.
It's an idea Ms. Waverman also prefers. "I'm lazy and, even for me, [cash]is pretty lazy," she says. "I think, at the very minimum, I would run to Loblaws where they have all those gift-card selections and grab one of those."
Gift cards may not be the perfect compromise between hard cash and a gift-wrapped toy, however. According to a U.S study, 5 to 7 per cent of gift cards are never redeemed and the cash goes to waste. The cards may get lost or damaged, or the recipient may not shop at the particular retailer. "Sometimes cash leaves it a little more open for a person to be able to get exactly what they like," Ms. Post says.
One thing that etiquette experts, parenting gurus and mothers can all agree on is that if an adult chooses to give a child cash, there should be some rules in place.
Ms. Schafer says it's good practice for the giver to indicate to the child or parents what the money should be used for. "Was it meant for a gift, was it meant for savings, was it meant for their education? If you're going to give them money, in the card you should write, 'Buy yourself something great' or 'Hope you put this in your savings,' or 'Go crazy.' "
Keeping the money safe is another issue. Ms. Post recommends communicating with the child's parents. "Do that in conjunction with the parents so that they're sure that it doesn't get lost, or spent on something ridiculous, given away. I think kids under 12 may be at varying levels of money management and, as a giver, you might be setting up them for issues or problems. "
Though a cash-stuffed card may be an increasingly popular sight at children's birthday parties, Ms. Post says the choice of gift ultimately lies with the giver. "The gift you make is the choice you make as the giver. You might have a gazillion reasons why you don't want to give cash, so don't give cash."
How much should a birthday present for a child cost?
The more friends a child has, the more often he is invited to birthday parties. The kid is happy, because it's so great to have fun with the kids with whom he goes to kindergarten, goes to school or communicates on the playground. But parents shake their heads - after all, you need to buy gifts.
A young mother with a nickname in the Phoebe Network asked:
How much do you give for a child's birthday?
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Birthday questionnaire: an interesting tradition for children's birthday
Friends responded and listed what they choose as a gift for friends and girlfriends of their kids:
If in money - 2,000, plus some small things.
Toy, postcard symbolically (Jana)
First I ask the child's parents what he asked for DR, then I buy at my own expense. The day before yesterday we were at a birthday party, bought a big garbage truck crane with containers, the guy didn’t leave her all evening) (800 rubles) well, they inflated a bunch of balloons (Irina)
I ask what I need and buy) I don’t give money (Marina Vasilyeva)
1000 to 3000-4000 (Victoria)
Still depends on the region. I think it is appropriate 1500-2000 (Oksmama)
5 thousand for a child, about 7 thousand for an adult (if a close person). If not, then 1,000 for a child and 2,000 for an adult (Mamalysh)
We always give 2000 or a gift within that amount. I read above, people live in cities larger than ours, and give 1000. Hmm, I thought, but are we giving a lot? Although there is never free money, you always try to do something nice on the DR.
It doesn't matter if you have money or not (Victoria)
I gave a friend 1500 money, a small wooden puzzle book and a ball, it came out 2200 somewhere. To his nephew, he is also a godson, 3 thousand and a sweet gift (Sveta)
I give 1000 to the friends of the child, either in money, or I am looking for a gift for this amount. Relatives are basically the same, our budget does not allow any more (Maria)
Certificates for a children's store for 1000 rubles to my daughter's friends. Gifts for nephews within 2x (Alena Narkevich)
See also:
Wishlist: 15 gift ideas for a baby on his first birthday
Within 3000 usually. It also depends on the financial situation at the moment and the proximity of friends (GoodRussianGirl)
Daughter of a friend (she is my goddaughter) 5000, and so 1000-2000 (Catherine)
We sometimes give adults 1000 each.
Let's look at the budget. But 2000 seems too much for a child (Viktoria)
nine0003 I buy clothes and all sorts of goodies (mashed potatoes, ice cream, kinders, fruits) and it comes out around 2000. I don’t give money (Irina)
Usually I try to buy something from toys, educational toys, as it is more interesting for children. But it also happens 2000 (Dana)
Now the price tag for a good toy is at least 3,000. And I don't understand why you are surprised. Parents spend a lot of money on birthday celebrations. We have such a concept - as much as you want to be given, give no less! (Olga Popova)
What is your budget for gifts for your child's friends?
See also:
- Mom's strength: how to create a children's quest
- 15 Pirate Birthday Party Ideas
- Laughing and Crying: Women Talk About the Worst Gifts They've Ever Received
All photos: Depositphotos
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How much money should I give for my birthday?
What to choose for a gift so that the thing becomes useful for the birthday person? Maybe just donate money?
More and more often, when we go to a birthday party, we prefer to give money to the birthday person. This happens for two reasons:
- we have no time to go and choose a gift,
- we are afraid that we will give something that the birthday person will not really need.
After we preferred money to gifts, we faced another question: how much should we give? It is clear that everyone has different opportunities and income, but nevertheless, generally accepted amounts have been formed in society that they give on their birthday. Today we will talk about how much money to give on a significant day, which happens only once a year. nine0005
Is it possible to donate money for AR?
Opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that giving money for a birthday is a rule of bad taste and indicates some kind of disrespect for the birthday person. After all, it is much more pleasant to receive a significant and valuable thing as a gift. This suggests that the one who gives the gift knows the hero of the occasion well, spent time and effort, showed ingenuity when choosing a present. On the other hand, it is difficult to please a person whom you see only on holidays. nine0005
A good alternative to cash gifts is gift certificates to various stores. You can give, for example, a certificate for the purchase of cosmetics and perfumes, clothes and shoes, household appliances, etc.
How much and to whom should I give money for a birthday?
The amount of the cash gift depends on several factors:
- the income level of the one who gives,
- the degree of kinship or friendship,
- the location of the celebration.
It is customary to give 1500 UAH for an anniversary, 500-1000 UAH for a girlfriend or friend, 300-500 UAH for a child. These are the minimum amounts that are given in modern society. How much to give to mom or dad, sister or brother is a purely individual question. On holidays, it is better to give close relatives valuable items, unforgettable impressions or gift certificates. nine0005
How beautiful is it to give a cash gift?
If you have a desire to give money in a beautiful and original way, and not just hand it in a postcard or an envelope, you should show a little imagination and creativity. For example, you can donate money in a spin bank filled with banknotes and sweets. Another option is a cake made of money, where each bill is rolled into a tube and wrapped with ribbon. Other ideas can be found on the Internet.
What to do if there is not enough money for a gift? nine0176
There is always money! Even if the birthday of a person close to you is already tomorrow, and there is no gift, there is a way out of any situation.