How old should a child be to potty train
The Right Age to Potty Train
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One skill children need to learn is when and how to use the toilet. Here are general potty training tips that can help you begin the process. If your children have special health care needs, some tips may need to be modified. Talk with your child's doctor if you need specific guidance.
Learning to use the toilet
Potty training is a process that involves the body and the mind.
First, children need to be aware of their own bladder and bowel signals. They need to learn when their bodies are signaling them that it's time to urinate or have a movement. In general, children show signs of bladder and bowel control between 18 and 24 months of age.
Second, children need to learn how to use the toilet.
Children must be able to understand instructions and follow them. For instance, they have to be able to sit or stand comfortably. They have to be able to pull down their pants and underpants, as well as pull them back up.
Third, once children have bladder and bowel control and they know how to use the toilet, they need to be willing to use it. Toilet training struggles happen when children choose not to use the toilet. It's important to remember that children can succeed at using the toilet but in their own time.
When to start potty training
Toilet training may come up during children's 18-month, 2-year, 2½-year, and 3-year well-child visits. The average age toilet training begins in the United States is between 2 and 3 years of age. Most children in the United States are bowel and bladder trained by 4 years of age. However, toilet training can begin as soon as parents and children want to start.
In general, here are signs a child may be developmentally ready to begin the toilet training process. If you have any questions or concerns, talk with your child's doctor.
Is dry at least 2 hours at a time during the day or is dry after naps
Shows signs they are about to pee or poop, like grunting, freezing, or squatting
Can follow simple instructions
Can walk to and from the bathroom and help undress themselves
Does not like to be in wet diapers and wants to be changed
Asks to use the toilet or potty-chair
Asks to wear "big-kid" underwear
Potty training tips
Here are toilet training tips to help start the process. Parents can help empower their children to be in control of their own toilet training.
Keep the process positive. Choose the words your family will use to describe body parts, urine, and bowel movements. Avoid words that are negative, like dirty, naughty, or stinky.
Pick a potty-chair.
A potty-chair is a child-sized seat with an opening in the seat and a removable container underneath to collect pee and poop. Children's feet should be able to reach the floor. Books or toys for "potty time" may help make this time more fun.
Be a role model. Let your children see you use the toilet and wash your hands afterward.
Know the signs. When your children feel the urge to poop, you might notice grunting, squatting, or freezing. Children's faces may turn red while pooping. Explain briefly to your children that these signs mean a poop is about to come. If your children tell you about a wet diaper, praise them for "using their words." It may take longer for children to notice the need to pee than the need to poop.
Think of toilet training as toilet mastery. Invite your child to take over their toileting. Talk with them about how they will now be in charge of their pee and poop.
Read children's books about using the toilet to help the process make sense and seem inviting and exciting. When you start the process, try to turn as much of the care of toileting as possible over to your child. Remember, if parents are in charge, there is less room for children to step in and take charge.
Make trips to the potty-chair a routine. Routines are important, and practicing the steps is helpful. Make a habit of seating your children onto the potty-chair first thing in the morning. Boys can urinate by sitting down first and can stand up to urinate when better at it.
Expect hesitancy. Taking over toileting is a big step. Many children want their parents to take care of their pee and poop and may seek ways to keep parents involved, such as peeing and pooping into their pants. Gently help them overcome their hesitation. Then help them stay in charge by having them be in charge of the cleanup.
When toilet training starts, switch to big-kid underwear.
Talk with your children about taking control and toileting into the toilet and not their underwear. Some parents may use cloth training pants, which are a little thicker, to protect children's clothing. (Diapers and disposable training pants send a message to children that they are not taking over and do not need to learn to use the toilet.)
Teach your children proper hygiene habits. Show your children how to wipe carefully. Girls should spread their legs apart when wiping. They should wipe thoroughly from front to back to prevent bringing germs from their rectum to their vagina or bladder. Make sure both boys and girls learn to wash their hands well after using the toilet.
A word on praise. Taking over toileting is something all healthy children do. Achieving mastery is the best reward for toilet training success. Avoid treats and punishments. Because this is an adventure for your children—a reach for new responsibility— treats and punishments distract rather than encourage.
When your children succeed, be specific about why you are proud—"I am so proud you are able to use the toilet so well," for example.
Avoid a power struggle. Children at toilet training ages are becoming aware of their individuality. They look for ways to test their limits. Some children may do so by holding back bowel movements. Try to stay calm about toilet training. Remember that children control when and where they pee and poop. So power struggles, begging, pleading, rewarding, and punishing keep children from managing their own toileting.
Understand their fear. Some children believe that their pee and poop are part of their bodies. They may be scared the toilet will flush parts of them away. Some may also fear they will be sucked into the toilet if it is flushed while they are sitting on it. To give your children a feeling of control, let them flush the toilet.
Watch for a desire to move up.
Most of the time, your children will let you know when they are ready to move from the potty-chair to the "big toilet." Provide a stool to brace their feet.
When potty training should be put on hold
Major changes in the home may make toilet training more difficult. Sometimes it is a good idea to delay toilet training if
Your family has just moved or will move in the near future.
You are expecting a baby or have recently had a baby.
There is a major illness, a recent death, or some other family crisis.
If any concern comes up before, during, or after toilet training, talk with your child's doctor. Often, the problem is minor and can be resolved quickly. Sometimes, physical or emotional causes will require treatment. Getting professional help can make the process easier. If your child needs additional care, your child's doctor may suggest another pediatric health care specialist who can address the specific pediatric needs of your child.
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
what age should kids start (and do boys really take longer)?
Children's HealthMarch 3, 2021
Potty training is an important developmental milestone. But sometimes it can be more stressful on the parents than it is for kids! Allow your child to play on the potty so they can get used to it.
Most children complete potty training by 36 months. The average length it takes kids to learn the process is about six months. Girls learn faster, usually completing toilet training two to three months before boys do. Firstborn children also tend to take longer to learn than their younger siblings, who pick up cues from the older kids.
On their podcast Kids Considered, pediatricians Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List of UC Davis Children’s Hospital shared these five do’s and don’ts for potty training. Follow these tips to get started.
1. DON’T start at an age you feel you need to. DO wait until your child is ready: physiologically, cognitively and emotionally.
For physiological readiness, your child must be able to control the sphincter, the muscle that holds and empties the bladder and rectum. This usually happens around 12-18 months.
For developmental readiness, your child should be able to get to the toilet on their own, sit down, pull their pants up and down, and be able to communicate to you or another caregiver that they need to go.
For emotional readiness, your child might show an interest in being potty trained. For example, they might go to the same spot in the house when they need to go. They might tell you when they want their diaper changed. Or they could show that they can hold it in for longer periods, like waking up from a nap with a clean diaper. This usually happens after age 2.
2. DO get potty gear that makes the process easy and fun.
Consider getting a small potty seat. Or outfit your own toilet with an insert and stepstool. Let toddlers pick out the color or design! Getting underwear designed with your child’s favorite characters also makes training more exciting – make sure to get many pairs in case of accidents! Another tip: allow your child to play on the potty, starting with sitting on it fully clothed, so they can get used to it. Toilet training-themed books, videos, songs and games can also get your child more involved in the training process.
3. DO be consistent and give lots of praise, DON’T force it or punish your child.
Create a plan for consistency. A common strategy is taking your child to the potty every 30 or 60 minutes for the first couple of days. If that goes well, try to extend the periods between tries; good times to encourage your child to use the toilet include upon waking up in the morning, after meals, before and after naps, and before bedtime.
Choose a word your family is going to use for pee and poop. Stick to it!
If your child doesn’t end up going after a minute or two on the toilet, don’t force it. Get up, move on and try again later. If they have an accident, don’t punish them. Help them clean up, show them what to do with their dirty underwear and how to change into new ones.
Praise your child every time they make it to the potty, even if things don’t go as perfectly as you would like. Reward them with sticker charts in the bathroom or treats like a small candy – rewards are highly motivating for little kids!
4. DO be prepared for common issues.
If your toddler is afraid of flushing or sad to see their poop disappear, try making it a fun game, like waving bye-bye as it floats away.
Boys may have more success sitting down. Some might make a big mess standing up. Either way, this is all fine while training.
Some kids may only want to potty with one parent. Others may want to go only at their daycare because their peers do. Encourage success where you can.
If your child is struggling with constipation while pooping, consult your pediatrician before starting potty training.
5. DON’T be frustrated if you experience setbacks.
Eighty percent of families will experience setbacks. Even if your child is successful making it to the bathroom during the day, it’s very common for them to still need diapers or pull-ups during naps and overnight. Most kids, by age 6, will be able to get through a night’s sleep without having an accident.
If your child isn’t making progress, stop the process and try again in another two or three months. Don’t let family or friends make you feel you have to do it a certain way or on a certain timeline. Every family and child’s situation is different!
Related links
Kids Considered – Potty Training episode
Potty training
When to start
The normal development of young children is largely determined by proper care for them. The process of potty training is an important stage in the development and maturation of the child, as well as in the formation of his relationship with his parents. Many parents tend to become overly anxious when their child does not develop according to their expectations.
The methods of "early potty training" practiced until recently (during the first year of life) should be considered outdated and non-physiological, since their use does not take into account the degree of maturity of the muscles and nervous system of the child (in particular, the innervation of the bladder and intestines). As a result, learning becomes a long and unproductive process. In addition, when using them, children may experience negative reactions (since education is built on pressure from parents) and somato-neurological dysfunctions, which subsequently is fraught with problems such as constipation, urinary / fecal incontinence, numerous neurotic reactions (including logoneurosis, tics, etc.). .), and upon reaching a certain age - enuresis, overactive bladder and persistent encopresis. Forced potty training at any age can be stressful for both the child and the parent. The described stress becomes even more pronounced if the child is not able to understand or interpret the command received. Attempts to impose on a child such methods based on adult dominance inevitably lead to a delay in the learning process and low efficiency. nine0005
The described methods of early potty training are reflex, that is, based on the development of a conditioned reflex, and not a conscious skill. In the process of training, parents determine the signals and "body language" of the child before urination or defecation, similar to how pets are toilet trained. Such techniques are not based on real learning, but on the development of a reflex, and therefore are ineffective. The success of the process depends on whether the adult can recognize the need or desire of the child to go to the toilet (there are no basic elements of learning, and the process is not associative). The "skill" acquired by the child is of a non-permanent nature and can be lost in any stressful situation (for example, illness or moving from an apartment, a quarrel between parents) or other adverse circumstances. Therefore, attempts to force a child to potty train before he reaches physical readiness and / or increased intensity of training in no way accelerate or bring the desired result closer. Successful potty training is the development of a cognitive (conscious) skill or ability that should be centered around the child; it should be positive and entertaining. It is important to remember that an acquired reflex is easily lost if it is not a learned pattern of behavior. nine0005
To make the process of potty training quick and easy, parents should be informed about the “child-centered” method.
The “child-centered” or physiological toilet training method is a method that takes into account the degree of maturity of the central nervous system. It is the central nervous system that provides innervation to the muscles, organs of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract of children. This approach helps parents to understand the child correctly and direct the process of potty training in accordance with the level of development of the child. According to this method, the child becomes the main figure, his self-confidence and self-esteem increase. Training, according to this technique, is designed not only to develop a reflex in a child, but to accelerate the assimilation of relevant information or skills, in the case of potty training, the child's acquaintance with his own body. The physiological model takes into account three main components of child development: physiological maturity (strengthening the muscles of the sphincter of the bladder and intestines, the necessary development of the central nervous system), psychological and emotional readiness (understanding and desire to follow instructions). nine0015 According to the literature, a healthy child reaches the required physiological maturity at an average age of 18 to 24 months (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2003).
How a baby's body works
When potty training a child, you should know that the success of training depends entirely on how ready his body is for it. It has been proven that the child's body is ready for potty training on average no earlier than 18 months. A child can consciously go to the toilet only when he develops a connection between the nervous system and muscles. This connection is finally formed around the age of 18 months and consists of numerous neural structures that connect the spinal cord with the bladder and intestines. When the bladder or intestines are full, a signal is transmitted along the nerves to the spinal cord, from there to the brain, and the baby understands that he wants to pee or poop. Only then can the child consciously sit on the potty and do their thing. Knowing this, one can come to very significant conclusions, which, however, are quite obvious. The sooner you start the process of potty training, the more effort it will require from you. Potty training is more successful, painless and easier, the higher the level of physiological development of the child. And if you start training when the child's body is fully prepared for it, you and your child will succeed much faster and easier.
Early successes
True, many patient and active parents manage to achieve excellent results already in the first year of life. Quite often, proud statements are made that a child at 10, 9, 8, even at 7 months old, pees on the “pee-pee” command, and poops only after “ah”. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. It is not difficult to achieve the appearance of a conditioned reflex by repeated beeping and aakan, only this reflex is not quite what we need. Why? Yes, because this is the connection between the process of emptying the bladder and the sound "wee-wee." And if this sound is pronounced often and for a long time, and if anyway you are not left alone until you pee, then this connection will be established sooner or later. But the chain should be different: not “wee-wee” - filling the bladder - urination, but filling the bladder - a pot - urination. That is, the physiological process (filling the bubble), and not the sound stimulus (“pee-pee”), should become the motive for the potty. nine0005
Potty training around 18 months of age | Potty training at an earlier age |
Child consciously controls all processes | Process based entirely on reflexes |
Acquired skills are not lost | With any changes in a child's life, he quickly forgets everything he has learned |
Teaching is faster and easier | Teaching is longer and harder for the child |
The child enjoys his successes and the process itself | Frequent misses, more stress for the child |
Payback for early success comes in the second year of life. A supposedly capable and developed child, who has been sitting on the potty since the age of 9 months, suddenly, for some “incomprehensible” reasons, stops doing this, and actively fights for his freedom with anxious relatives. And the considerations are very understandable - the time is coming for the formation of that very normal, natural control over secretions, which we have already talked about. The bladder is empty, and they are here climbing with their "wee-wee" ... No matter how "amazing success" you have achieved, but before the child is ready for potty training (and this is approximately 18 months), these successes will be temporary, and misses are frequent. And this must be treated very philosophically. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that you will be able to introduce your child to such an interesting thing as a potty. But this acquaintance, at least from the point of view of medical science, will be superficial, and the skills developed are not stable. nine0005
How to know if a child is ready
In order for the process to go as smoothly as possible, you should know some signs that indicate the mental and physiological readiness of the child's body to learn toilet science.
These signs include:
- establishment of a more or less stable bowel habit
- the ability to keep diapers dry for more than 2 hours
- knowledge of body parts and names of garments
- knowledge or understanding of the words "pee" and "poop"
- demonstration of negative emotions from being in soiled diapers
- desire to dress and undress independently
- the desire to imitate adults
- interest in the toilet room and the processes taking place there
And, finally, the most reliable sign: the ability to convey the word “I want” to parents in any way — with a word, facial expressions, gestures. And not because it will be easier for mom and she will have time to put the child on the pot - this indicates that the baby has learned to communicate! nine0005
10 Rules for Successful Potty Training
Is your baby about 18 months old? Have you noticed any of the above signs of readiness in his behavior? So, you can start mastering a new complex science. Let's get started.
1. In addition to the readiness of the child, there must also be the readiness of adults. It is obvious that at the stage of transition from a diaper to a potty, the time spent on direct communication with the baby increases markedly. It is impossible to develop toilet skills only on Sundays or only on those days when an official visit from the grandmother is expected. nine0005
2. A child, like any adult, is prone to mood swings. Early toilet training is best done when all family members are healthy and cheerful.
3. Buy a comfortable and ... warm pot - a cold seat can ruin your relationship with the potty for a long time. The seat should repeat the anatomical curves, it is desirable to have a comfortable back (such pots are called physiological). First of all, wash the pot and put it in the room with the crumbs so that it becomes a familiar item for him. nine0005
4. Getting to know the potty. We offer it to the child when the probability of a "process" is maximum - after sleep, after eating, when he
shows by his behavior that it is time for him.
5. In case of success - very, very praise. In case of failure, we do our best not to be upset, and if we are upset, we do not show grief.
6. We fix attention not only on the potty itself, but also on the actions immediately preceding communication with the potty and parting with it: how to get the potty, how to open it, how to take off the panties, how to put on the panties, how and where to pour the contents from the pot how to wash the pot, how to close the pot and put it back in its place. The implementation of all of the above easily turns into an interesting game. It is wonderful if, after each successful action, parents do not skimp on praise - the whole process in this case is accompanied by positive emotions, and this is perhaps the main thing at the transitional stage. nine0005
7. Gradually we organize meetings with the potty not only when it is time for the child, but when the daily routine requires it. For example, without fail we sit down before going to bed, before a walk.
8. You shouldn't part with diapers completely and irrevocably. They are quite useful for traveling in transport, at night, for a walk in the cool season, at first and during daytime sleep. But every time when we woke up dry and quickly sat down on the potty, we pay attention to what good fellows we are, and in confirmation of this obvious fact, we demonstrate a dry diaper. nine0005
9. It is important that the pot is perceived not as a toy, but as an object of a very specific purpose. And in this regard, you should not encourage just playing with the potty. “This is a chair. They sit on it" - and, by analogy, - "This is a pot, they pee and poop on it."
10. It doesn't matter: a potty or a toilet (assuming a special child seat). Here's how you feel more comfortable. Considering that, especially at first, the process can be delayed, the potty is more convenient, since it is more pleasant to communicate in a room than in a cramped toilet space. Combining a potty with a toilet is a perfectly acceptable option, especially for boys. A special stool in the toilet, and peeing from it is just a pleasure and a conscious introduction to the world of adults. And if dad finds time to show how it's done...
“Baby refuses potty. How to be?
“We are already one year old. Our Anyuta can sit on the potty for a very long time, play, look at books, but she does not do what is necessary. How can we be? Maria
Don't worry about it. Your daughter is still too young to be potty trained. You can start accustoming a child only when his body is physiologically ready for this - that is, at about the age of 18 months. Only by this age does his nervous system form and he begins to realize that he wants to go to the toilet. And now, when your daughter is 1 year old and she is starting to walk, it is very important to help her develop balance and strengthen her back muscles - exercises on a gymnastic ball would be very suitable for this (swaying the baby lying down).0005
with your back or belly on a ball) or stepping over obstacles (over toys on the floor).
“We started potty training our baby about 3 weeks ago, he seemed to understand everything right away and did everything right, and then he began to refuse, and now he doesn’t even want to come close to him. We are 1.5 years old. Irina
This happens often, and there is nothing to worry about. Try to remember, after which the child began to refuse the potty. Maybe something scared him, or the pot was cold. Pay attention to the situation in the family, think about what has changed in the life of the baby and is he experiencing stress? And if you understand the reason, try to eliminate it. Never force him to sit on the potty. It is best to suspend the learning process for a few weeks and surround the child with attention and affection. Usually, after such a respite, children are ready to reacquaint themselves with the potty. nine0005
“Our Katyusha, at 1 year and 7 months old, does not use the potty. But she is very interested in everything that happens in the bathroom. When one of us goes there, every time she tries to break in and see what we are doing there. Is this normal? Daria
Don't worry! This is absolutely normal, moreover, this interest of your daughter indicates her readiness for potty training. If she is now ignoring the learning process, take a close look at my rules for successful potty training and make sure
You are doing everything right. And if a mistake was made somewhere and the pot now causes negative emotions in the child, stop and start learning again. Take advantage of her curiosity about adult behavior. It is known that kids are very fond of imitating adults. Buy your daughter a baby toilet seat and show her how to use the toilet. After that, most likely she herself will want to act like an adult and do the same.
6 most common misconceptions
1. “It seems to me that the sooner I start teaching the baby to use the potty, the sooner he will learn to do it. Is it so?"
You, like all parents, want only the best for your child and try to develop all his abilities as early as possible. But in such a matter as potty training, you should not rush. The earlier you start, the longer and more difficult this process will be for the child. After all, he will be able to control his bladder and intestines only when his body is sufficiently developed - an average of 18 months. And if you start learning at the right age, then the child will learn much faster and easier and will be able to be proud of his achievement. And you will be proud of it! nine0005
2. “Is it true that if a baby wears disposable diapers all the time in which he does not feel that he is wet, then it is more difficult to teach him to use the potty?”
No matter what diapers your baby wears or if he wears them at all, he will learn to use the potty when his body is ready. In support of this, there are the results of studies that compared the behavior of two groups of children - in the first group, babies wore traditional gauze diapers from birth, and in the second - disposable diapers. In both groups, the age at which the babies stopped completely needing diapers was exactly the same - an average of 27 months (E. Takanashi, 1988, Japan). Therefore, it is safe to say that the use of disposable dry surface diapers does not affect the ability of babies to learn to use the potty and the age when they can do it.
3. "I'm afraid to wear diapers on my 3-month-old son, because I heard that they can lead to infertility due to the greenhouse effect"
First, the reproductive system in boys begins to develop only at the age of 7-9 years. At the age of 7, spermatozoa precursor cells appear, and the spermatozoa themselves can be detected not earlier than at 10 years old, but as a rule, much later. From this it is clear that diapers cannot affect the quality of sperm in any way - boys at this age do not have it in principle. There are also a number of studies that confirm that disposable diapers do not create a greenhouse effect - the temperature under the diaper is practically the same as the skin temperature in ordinary diapers, and the humidity level under the diaper is much lower than when using diapers. Therefore, to sum up: disposable diapers and boys are compatible. nine0005
4. “My daughter is 1 year old. I know it's too early to potty train her, but I'm very worried that we won't have time to learn before kindergarten. ”
No matter what age you start potty training your child, there is no guarantee that she will learn to do it before kindergarten. After all, all children are potty trained at about the same time. Therefore, if you start accustoming at an early age, this will not help speed up the process, but on the contrary, the training will be delayed - the child will not understand what they want from him, she will be upset because of this, and you too. And if you start when the child's body is ready for this, then you and your baby will succeed much faster and easier, and the child will already understand that this is his achievement and will be proud of it. nine0005
5. “Many of my friends in the yard say that their babies go to the potty at the age of 9, 8, and even at 6 months. My daughter is 1 year old, I tried to teach her, but nothing comes of it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Why can't my child learn as quickly as other children?
Tatyana, I understand that you, like all other parents, compare your child with other people's children and try to prove that yours is no worse. I want to reassure you - at such an early age, children are simply physically unable to consciously go to the potty. Their nervous system is not yet sufficiently developed to give signals about a full bladder or intestines. Until the age of 1.5, they go to the toilet without realizing it or noticing it. And you can not influence it in any way and accelerate the development of the child. nine0005
Your girlfriends most likely keep silent about the fact that their babies sit on the potty and listen to endless “pee-pee” and “ah-ah” for 30-40 minutes, and by this time the child’s even empty bladder is full, and they pissing in a pot. And this leads to the development of a conditioned reflex to the mother's requests to pee or poop. But in the second year of life, this reflex suddenly disappears for the parents. And only then the child begins to consciously learn to go to the potty.
So remember that everything, especially potty stuff, has its time. nine0005
6. “My mother thinks that using diapers is better for our baby's health than diapers. Is it true?"
Such prejudices of the older generation towards diapers are due to the fact that earlier these hygiene products were simply not available. And today, grandmothers, who are often suspicious of everything new, find it difficult to appreciate the merits of diapers. Although, if we compare diapers with diapers, then the advantages of the first are obvious - the wet surface of the diapers causes irritation and skin diseases, and in cold weather, the duration of the baby's walks in diapers is significantly reduced. The Union of Pediatricians of Russia conducted clinical studies, and the results showed that the moisture content of the baby's skin in diapers is much lower than in diapers. Research has also shown that disposable diapers help soothe irritation on baby's skin, even if the baby has diaper dermatitis, which diapers can't do. Therefore, SPR doctors recommend that mothers regularly use disposable diapers from the very birth of their baby. nine0005
When to start potty training a child?
Potty training is a nightmare for many parents. The child refuses, is capricious, does not understand. Potty training a toddler is a long and arduous process. However, unpleasant moments can be smoothed out by knowing a few simple rules.
Consequences of early potty training
Many parents in this difficult process make the same mistakes that lead to stress for the child and the parents themselves. According to outdated methods, many pediatricians advise putting a child on the potty from 1 year old. To date, this theory is recognized as erroneous. Since it contradicts the natural physiology of the baby, his psychological development. As a result, early potting turns into a long and unproductive process. As a result, parents may face a number of problems: nine0005
- the development of stress;
- negative associations associated with the potty, as parents put pressure on the baby, force, raise their voice;
- incontinence;
- nervous tics;
- enuresis, encopresis.
The task of the parent is not to develop a reflex in the child, but a conscious skill.
Due to improper training, children develop the wrong order of actions. For example, adults have achieved bladder emptying with the help of murmuring water or other sound associations. As a result, the child got used to the need to run to the potty when these sounds are heard. In fact, you need to go to the potty when the bladder is full. nine0005
Skills gained as a reflex are unstable. Any stressful situation can nullify all the efforts of parents. Our doctors will remotely tell you how to properly plant a child on a potty, sort out all the nuances, and answer uncomfortable questions. Also, if necessary, you can get advice from a psychologist - sometimes adults need help with such a “childish” issue.
What is the best age to start learning
Scientists from the American Academy of Pediatrics report that children reach physiological maturity by 1.5-2 years. Therefore, this period is the most optimal for learning.
When choosing a method, they are guided by the state and degree of maturity of the child's nervous system. It is she who is responsible for the baby ready for potty training. In this case, there will be no pressure on the child.
What happens if you potty train at an early age
Today you can hear many stories of satisfied mothers that their child has been potty trained before the age of one. In this case, such parents are waiting for a large number of disappointments. The reasons are the same: trying to quickly get rid of diapers and diapers, parents stubbornly develop a conditioned reflex in their child. Then the “rollback” begins, when the seemingly toilet-trained child pees in his pants again. This is due to the fact that there is no signal of an overflowing bladder, and the parent stubbornly puts him on the potty. As a result, training has to be started all over again. nine0005
Comparison of early learning and timely:
Up to 1.5 years | After 1.5 years |
Developed on a conditioned reflex | The child clearly understands what they want and does nine0048 |
Acquired skill may disappear over time | Persistent skill based on physiological need |
Training is long, unproductive | The process is fast, easy |
Stress nine0005 | Most of the time there is no negative |
Example A young mother decided to potty train her baby at the age of 8 months. Long, tedious landings, often to no avail. The child was hysterical, refused to go to the potty. The training took a long time - about two months. Finally, the baby began to go to the potty when he was planted. Three months later, the child began to “walk” in panties again. That caused a storm of emotions and indignation in the parent. I had to re-learn. As a result, the child finally understood that from him at least two years. Mommy started training her second child at the age of two. The kid quickly understood what they wanted from him and the process turned out many times faster than with the first child. nine0005
Determining when a child is ready to use the potty
Many parents are interested in the most important question: how much should a child be potty trained? It is difficult to give an exact answer. Each child is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to say that all children learn easily from the age of 1.5, as well as to determine the time that will be spent on learning. A stable skill appears by the age of 3. Before making a decision to disembark, it is necessary to observe the baby and identify several “signals”: nine0005
- the act of defecation occurs at about the same time;
- urination - every two hours;
- the child is uncomfortable in a dirty diaper, he expresses dissatisfaction;
- the baby is over 1.5 years old.
Important! If a child is naughty in front of the pot, do not immediately scold him. Maybe he doesn't want to at the moment. To do this, parents just need to ask a few questions and find out the reason for this behavior of their child. nine0005
Successive steps towards the desired result
Potty training should be started gradually and consistently.
At the first stage, parents introduce the baby to the “white friend”. At first it is shown that you can just sit on it. But you don't need to demand to use it for its intended purpose. Playing with and on the potty is not worth it, otherwise the baby will perceive it as a place to play.
As soon as the child calmly sits on the potty, you can offer him the use for its intended purpose. In this case, the parent drops off at the moment when the child is supposed to be pissing. For example, after meals or before bed. And be sure to praise for the result. It’s not worth scolding and reprimanding for mistakes, since the baby has not yet fully understood what all this is for. It is enough for parents to constantly offer and put the baby on the potty. It can be turned into a kind of ritual. nine0005
How to potty train at night
Experts recommend offering your baby to sit on the potty before bed. For insurance, many mothers raise the child at night. To prevent unpleasant consequences, diapers are laid on the bed, water-repellent pillowcases on mattresses, and a spare set of bed linen is prepared. The toilet is placed next to the bed to make it more convenient to sit down. Raising a child often at night is not worth it, once is enough. nine0005
Nighttime training can be painless for the child and parent if everything is thought out to the smallest detail. If you have any questions, our doctors are remotely ready to answer them at any time of the day. They will explain the nuances that you should pay attention to when potty training a child at night.
What to look for when choosing a pot
You need to be prepared that you will have to change more than one or two toilets. Therefore, when choosing, consider: nine0005
- convenience;
- anatomical shape;
- the presence of a back;
- stability;
- without sound additions - they can scare.
The best option is the most common option. Bright, gassy, or toy-like baby toilets may be attractive to a child, but also associated with him as a new toy.
How to potty train a boy
The father is engaged in teaching all the intricacies of urination in boys. To do this, he shows all the necessary manipulations and helps the child. The pot is brought closer to the genitals. So it will be easier for the baby to get into it. Gradually this distance decreases. The best option is to purchase a urinal for boys. It is installed at the most comfortable height for the boy. A small ladder is placed near the toilet. This will allow you to cope on your own and not depend on adults. nine0005
How to potty train a girl?
It is necessary to accustom the girl not earlier than 1.5-2 years. To start the process, it is important to make sure that the child is ready for the learning process. Usually mom does it. You must follow all the recommendations described in this article.
Can a child sit on the potty without training?
Such cases occur, but extremely rarely. Since the baby does not yet understand what this device is for. Therefore, explanations and comments of parents in this process are necessary.
How many months can you start training?
Early landings are unproductive. The child is not yet ready psychologically, emotionally or physically. Therefore, planting begins no earlier than 22-36 months. A one-year-old baby is also not ready for learning. nine0005
What to do if the child categorically refuses to sit on the potty?
In this case, it is important to correct the behavior of the parents, to find out if the baby is ready for learning. For starters, you can just put on the children's toilet and see the reaction. It is necessary to convince that it is safe, not to scold. To teach a child you need to be patient and do everything methodically and gradually.
Expert opinion
Summer is the best time to start toilet training your baby. In this case, he has few clothes on, this can be done even on the street. Do not rush and resort to training ahead of time. It is worth remembering that all children sooner or later learn to go to the toilet. Therefore, there is no need to panic why “my child” still does not go to the toilet.