Fetal development in 20th week
20 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development
20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
You’re at the halfway mark of your pregnancy, and there are lots of developments to celebrate — read on to find out about just a few of them.
Your baby is looking more babylike than ever, as facial features including the nose take shape. His sucking reflex is coming along, and it's possible that he may suck his thumb this week or sometime soon. Rapid brain growth continues, particularly in the nerve centers dedicated to the senses.
Your little one is in the process of developing a definite sleep-wake cycle and is also becoming responsive to sounds in the environment. From time to time, loud noises may even wake him.
Around this time your baby’s skin is thickening and layers of skin are forming as well. The skin is protected from the amniotic fluid by a waxy coating called vernix.
When you’re around 20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s digestive system starts to produce a greenish-black, sticky substance called meconium, which will accumulate in his bowels over the rest of the pregnancy. Typically, your baby will pass this substance after he’s born, and you’ll see it in your baby’s first few diapers.
Pregnant with twins and wondering what your little ones might be up to? Find out more about what’s happening this week when carrying twins.
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The Size of the Fetus at 20 Weeks Pregnant?
At 20 weeks, your fetus is about the size of a bell pepper. By this stage your baby may weigh about 9 to 11 ounces pound and is over 6 inches long, crown to rump — you could cup your little guy in the palms of your hands.
Check out the visual below for an illustration of what your little one might look like this week.
Mom's Body at 20 Weeks Pregnant
At this point in your pregnancy, or sometime soon, you’re likely to feel your baby's movements, which is sometimes called quickening. Both the timing and the actual sensation vary from woman to woman — this is another way in which each and every pregnancy is unique — but you may sense tiny flutters or rumblings in your tummy! In the next few weeks, you might also detect some rhythmic jerking — baby hiccups!
If you have a checkup at 20 weeks, your healthcare provider may measure the distance from your pubic bone to the top of the uterus, which is called the fundus.
This fundal height measurement gives your provider information about your baby’s growth. At around 20 weeks of pregnancy, the top of the uterus reaches the navel, and your fundal height would be about 7 to 8.5 inches (18 to 22 centimeters).
Here's a fun fact about the fundal height measurement: Your fundal height in centimeters is roughly equal to the number of weeks you are pregnant!
If you’re 20 weeks pregnant with twins, you might notice your belly growing more quickly than it would with a single baby.
20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 20 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Hormonal activity and your growing baby pushing against your intestines can lead to constipation. Although this condition can be uncomfortable, drinking more water and eating more fiber can help get things moving.
Congestion and nosebleeds. Increased levels of hormones and extra blood volume during pregnancy can make the mucous membranes in your nose swell and dry out. This can lead to both congestion and nosebleeds. It's helpful to use a humidifier to moisten the air and to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
Lower back pain. As your belly grows and you gain pregnancy weight, you might find your back hurting, particularly toward the end of the day. There are a few things you can do to prevent or ease this discomfort, including wearing low-heeled shoes (not high heels but not completely flat shoes either), doing gentle exercise that helps stretch and strengthen your back muscles, and wearing a belly support band.
You may be having a hard time concentrating as well as you used to, and you may find that you’re forgetting small things. It might help to create checklists or reminders (on paper, sticky notes, or your phone), and to give yourself some extra breaks while doing tasks that require your concentration.
Swollen feet. This condition can be caused by both weight gain and fluid retention, but a hormone called relaxin also contributes. This hormone relaxes ligaments and joints to help make it easier for your baby to pass through the pelvis during birth, but relaxin also loosens the ligaments elsewhere in your body — including those in your feet, causing them to spread. To help you feel more comfortable, you may need to go up a shoe size; also, try propping your feet up on a pillow or footrest as often as you can.
20 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
Your healthcare provider may recommend an ultrasound exam at around 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
This ultrasound helps your provider confirm that everything is progressing well, including the size and position of your baby, and checking that the bones and organs that are visible are developing well. In addition, during this scan your provider can get an estimate of your baby’s gestational age and weight, detect his movement and heartrate, see the position of the placenta, and check the amount of amniotic fluid. You may also be able to find out whether you're expecting a girl or a boy (or choose to wait and be surprised). Ask your healthcare provider for advice if you have any questions about the ultrasound. By the way, if you don’t yet know the gender of your baby and you want to have a little fun, take our quiz to guess the gender.
The second trimester is usually a good time to travel, as your pregnancy symptoms may be a little less intense and your belly is probably not so big yet that it’s uncomfortable getting around. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re planning to get away.
Don’t commit yourself to a rigid schedule or plan too many activities, and be prepared to change your itinerary at the last minute based on how you’re feeling. If you’re thinking of flying, check with your healthcare provider and the airline. Although most airlines allow pregnant women to fly until about 36 weeks, each airline has its own policies. Whether you travel by bus, train, car, or plane, try to take breaks and get up and walk around regularly, stay hydrated, eat regularly to boost your energy, and have a copy of your health records with you. It’s a good idea to get a prenatal checkup before you leave, to make sure everything is OK.
There are many things you can do to help your partner experience more of your pregnancy along with you. For example, go together to the checkups and ultrasounds, and share the fun (and the work) of decorating the nursery. You could even go to childbirth classes together so your partner knows more about what you’ll experience during labor and delivery, and how you can both prepare for the big day.
These classes offer a chance to meet other parents, too. For more information, read our article on how your partner can prepare for parenthood.
Start to think about what kind of color scheme or theme you want for your baby’s nursery. Look for inspiration online and on social media, start taking screenshots or writing notes about what you like. You might like to get paint swatches if you’re planning to paint a wall, or go for neutral paint color and instead get decorations, like wall art, to make your baby’s nursery unique. Another option is to let your baby’s cute toys, books, and mobile do all the decorating.
With so many products to pick from, it can be hard to know which exact crib, stroller, or car seat to go for. We asked Pampers Parents to vote and review the best baby gear so you don’t have to guess. Check out the best baby products here.
20 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor
Are you on the right track with weight gain? What should you do differently if not? Use our weight gain calculator to learn about the recommended weight gain by week.
If you’re planning a babymoon — is there any specific medical advice about the destination you’re visiting?
How can you go about finding a great pediatrician?
When will your fundal height start being measured?
What should you expect when it comes to feeling your baby move, and should you start tracking movement?
20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Celebrate — you’re halfway there! Consider organizing a date night with your partner to mark this milestone, or enjoy some “me time” as a way to reflect on what your body’s achieved so far and what’s to come in the second half of your pregnancy.
If you now know the gender of your baby, you may want to organize a gender reveal party. The gender reveal can also be part of your baby shower. If you’d like your shower to have a gender reveal moment in it, you could pass these gender reveal themed shower ideas on to the host.
If you’re still on the hunt for a boy’s or a girl’s name, take another look at our Baby Name Generator, where you can search hundreds of names by gender and lots of other filters.
The ultrasound at 20 weeks might be your first peek at your baby, and this can make parenthood seem all the more real. Ask for a printout of the ultrasound image so you can start your baby's first photo album. In just a few months’ time, when your baby is born, you’ll be able to fill the album with many more prints.
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Baby and You at 20 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Development
Pregnancy Week by Week
- Week17
- Week18
- Week19
- Week20
- Week21
- Week22
- Week23
Key Takeaways at 20 Weeks Pregnant
- Cheers—you’ve officially made it to the halfway point of pregnancy! It might feel like time is crawling or time is flying; it depends on how you’re feeling and coping with all the changes happening to you and around you.
- The anatomy scan—or 20-week ultrasound—will be happening soon! Yes, you can find out baby’s sex at this appointment (if you want). More importantly, an ultrasound tech will look at baby’s organs, take measurements and assess that baby is developing appropriately.
- Your doctor or midwife will probably start measuring your fundal height soon. Essentially, they’ll measure your bump which is definitely starting to pop!
- You’ve probably gained about 10 pounds—give or take—at this point. Don’t get too caught up in the number; make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting some movement!
If you’ve recently found out baby’s sex, you’re in a completely new mindset—are we right? Things are suddenly feeling very real. Get ready—before you know it, you’ll be welcoming your little boy or girl!
Watch Week 20 Highlights
Baby at Week 20
Some moms-to-be at this point wonder, is baby fully developed at 20 weeks? Your 20-week fetus has come a long way but still has plenty of developing left to do at the halfway point in your pregnancy. There are a couple of important growth steps taking place around this time: A 20-week fetus has working taste buds and should have the sucking reflex—you may even catch baby sucking their thumb on the next ultrasound! They’re gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day—that's significantly more than before. Plus, regular sleep/wake cycles start taking shape. And when baby is awake, you’ll know it because they’ll probably be more active. That new, fluttering feeling in your stomach—called the quickening—is your baby saying hello!
How big is baby at 20 weeks?
At 20 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a banana. They weigh about 10.2 ounces and measure about 6.5 inches from crown to rump. (Starting next week, baby will be measured from head to toe.) Baby's still got a lot of growing to do but has an excellent start!
What does baby look like at 20 weeks in the womb?
Truth be told, they may look a little gaunt, because baby fat hasn’t developed much at this point. But at 20 weeks, the fingernails are growing and baby’s delicate skin stays protected while in the amniotic fluid thanks to lanugo (fine, light hair) and vernix (a slick, white substance) covering baby’s body. Ask for printouts of the sonogram photos. These are wonderful keepsakes of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that little nose?!
20 weeks pregnant is how many months?
Your stage in pregnancy is usually referred to by week, not month, but 20 weeks pregnant is five months pregnant. Because pregnancy is 40 weeks long, you’ve now hit the halfway point!
20 week ultrasound
If you haven’t already had your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, you will very soon, since this prenatal test happens between weeks 18 and 22. This is a detailed ultrasound—you’ll see parts of baby you might not have dreamed possible, including the chambers of their heart, the kidneys, the brain hemispheres and even the sex organs—which means if you haven’t learned baby’s sex yet, you may be able to find out during the 20-week ultrasound (if you’d like). The technician and OB will look to see that everything seems to be developing properly and that baby’s growth is on track for a 20-week fetus.
If you’re 20 weeks pregnant with twins, the ultrasound technician will check to see if babies’ heads are approximately the same size. If they aren’t, more measurements will be taken to be sure neither twin is having growth problems.
3D Views: My Baby, My Body
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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 20
So what should you be feeling at 20 weeks pregnant? Making it to 20 weeks pregnant probably feels pretty darn good. Your first trimester is under your belt, and your energy levels may be rebounding, making you feel stronger. Plus, increased estrogen and progesterone hormones mean your sex drive is high, and as long as your partner is up for it too, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn’t be pregnancy if you weren’t dealing with some annoying symptoms. After all, your body is hard at work. Right now, those symptoms likely include swelling, heartburn, leg cramps and a few other things. Here are some of the typical 20 weeks pregnant symptoms you may experience:
Vaginal discharge
You can expect the discharge to keep increasing until delivery, a direct result of heightened hormone levels. But let your doctor know if the discharge is yellow, green or foul smelling.
Leg cramps
Do stretches regularly, and drink plenty of water to prevent your legs from cramping.
Heartburn and/or indigestion
As baby starts to crowd your digestive system, it might not work exactly as it did pre-pregnancy. Watch what you’re eating if you’ve got heartburn or an upset stomach—acidic and spicy foods can cause tummy troubles.
High energy
Enjoy this energy (and libido) surge while it lasts! You might find yourself more fatigued in the third trimester.
Don't worry unless the swelling is sudden or severe. Mild swelling is normal and should subside after delivery. In the meantime, put up your feet whenever you can.
Shortness of breath
As your uterus expands, it pushes against your lungs, causing you to feel short of breath. You might find this to be especially true if you’re 20 weeks pregnant with twins. Don’t push yourself too hard, and sit down and rest if you feel yourself gasping for air.
Your Pregnant Belly at 20 Weeks
Starting around 20 weeks pregnant, your doctor will measure fundal height at each prenatal visit. Fundal height is the distance from the pubic bone to the top of your uterus. In centimeters, the fundal height should match your week of pregnancy, give or take 2 centimeters. So, for example, your 20 weeks pregnant belly should measure around 18 to 22 centimeters. It should continue to increase about a centimeter each week. A higher or lower fundal height could be the sign of a pregnancy condition, such as gestational diabetes, a growth issue or a breech baby, so if it doesn’t appear to be average, further testing may be necessary.
Curious as to where baby is at 20 weeks in your stomach? Your body is making room for the uterus to expand up towards your belly button, giving baby room to wiggle around. They still have plenty of time to get into the head-down birth position, which doesn’t occur until the third trimester.
At 20 weeks pregnant, weight gain is happening slowly yet surely. You may have gained around 10 pounds by now. Remember: You’re aiming to gain about 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Recommended pregnancy weight gain for moms of normal BMI is about 25 to 35 pounds. If you began pregnancy with a high BMI, your OB will likely advise that you gain a total of 15 to 25 pounds. If you were at a low BMI, 28 to 40 pounds will likely be the recommendation.
If you’re 20 weeks pregnant with twins or other multiples, don’t expect your doctor to measure your fundal height. That’s because it’s harder to say what’s average for moms-to-be carrying multiples. Instead, your OB will likely put more emphasis on your weight gain. Now that you’re 20 weeks pregnant with twins, you should aim to put on slightly more weight each week. In the first half of a twin pregnancy, the recommendation is about 1 pound per week, and in the second half, it’s about 1 to 2 pounds. That’s because healthy weight gain is gradual. Most OBs advise that twin moms-to-be of normal BMI gain about 35 to 45 pounds total during pregnancy.
“Finally! Your lower abdomen is starting to look more like a true baby bump – not just bloating and gas. Fetal movement may still be subtle but is increasing in strength. Most women are feeling rejuvenated. ENJOY this sweet-spot time and be proud of surviving – gracefully or not – the first half of pregnancy. - Julie Lamppa, APRN, CNM, a certified nurse midwife at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and the co-author of Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More.
Tips for 20 Weeks Pregnant
Twenty weeks down! You’re at the midway point. Here’s how you can prioritize your health and wellness in your second half of pregnancy.
Use your energy
While you’ve got the stamina, get things done in advance of your third trimester. Put together a birth plan, figure out what you need for the nursery and make other preparations. Be sure to get plenty of sleep!
Decide where you’ll give birth
If you’re planning to have your baby at a hospital, now is a good time to schedule a tour of the maternity wing. While you’re there, check out the classes that may be offered on childbirth techniques, lactation, breastfeeding, infant care and other topics. If you want to give birth at home, you’ll need to find a midwife and discuss your options with your OB.
Learn about Braxton Hicks contractions
These contractions may take you by surprise if you’ve never experienced them. They can feel uncomfortable but don’t last long. You’re not going into labor with Braxton Hicks, but if you start to feel pain and the contractions don’t stop, see your doctor—they could be a sign of something else.
Pregnancy Checklist at 20 Weeks Pregnant
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20th week of pregnancy what happens to the fetus
This period is marked by the fact that on the border with the twenty-first week a second ultrasound examination is performed. Half of the pregnancy is left behind, equal to five obstetric months. A woman directs her attention to the sensations that occur in the stomach, where her unborn child develops. If the fetus did not begin to move at an earlier date, it was at the twentieth week for a woman with her first pregnancy, you can expect the very first sensations of fetal movement, which are usually compared with the flutter of butterfly wings. nine0003
A woman during this period of pregnancy will have to more carefully monitor changes in her weight. The fetus increases in weight and size more actively. Its organs and systems develop. In twenty weeks, a woman should gain about three kilograms in weight. In the future, you can expect a weekly increase in her weight by about three hundred grams. If a woman develops twins, she will gain weight more intensively, by about thirty percent.
From this date, visits to the antenatal clinic by a pregnant woman become much more frequent. Blood and urine tests are carried out, both general routine and indicated for each woman. It's time to start visiting 2 times a month already. nine0003
The fetus is normally twenty-five centimeters long. Outwardly, the appearance of the unborn child begins to resemble a little man. The ears of the fetus acquire the usual shape, the nose of the unborn child is pointed, hair is more visible on his head. The body becomes more proportionate. Nails grow more actively on the fingers and toes. During this period, the genitals of the unborn child are already almost clearly formed, which makes it possible to easily and accurately determine the sex of the developing fetus during an ultrasound examination. nine0003
It is important to take into account that almost all the internal organs of the unborn baby are visible on ultrasound during this period. His body weight is approximately three hundred grams. When carrying twins, the weight of each of the fetuses is approximately two hundred and fifty grams. Using a regular stethoscope, you can listen to the heart of the unborn child. The nervous and circulatory systems of the fetus are efficient, while the future baby develops lungs, and the endocrine system of the fetus is actively improving and developing. At the same time, his thyroid and pancreas produce hormones. The immune system synthesizes antibodies and interferon. By the twentieth week, the unborn baby has an almost fully formed middle ear, which actively picks up sounds. The fetus begins to try to slightly open its eyes, reacts to sounds and bright lighting by stirring. nine0003
The skin of the unborn child during this period thickens, acquires a four-layer structure. The sebaceous glands begin their work, performing a protective function. The fetus with the help of such a lubricant will be provided with an easier glide at birth.
As a rule, during this period, a woman has an increase in vaginal discharge and an increase in bleeding gums. As a rule, a woman no longer has a waist, her nipples darken, and soreness is increasingly felt in the lower back. If a pregnant woman is overweight, then this may indicate the presence of possible hidden edema. To maintain health and well-being during this period, it is advisable to contact a specialist for a second ultrasound screening and to receive recommendations for health reasons. nine0003
20 weeks pregnant - what happens, abdominal sensations at 20 weeks pregnant, fetal development
At a period of 20 weeks of pregnancy, a layer of brown subcutaneous fat increases in a child, a paste-like primordial lubricant forms on the body (it is kept on the skin thanks to lanugo), hair begins to grow on the head. Now the rudiments of molars continue to be laid in the fetus, the ears and nose increase, there are more and more convolutions and grooves in the brain, and the heart beats at a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute. nine0003
At the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby's eyes begin to open slightly. The organs of vision are still imperfect, but he perfectly hears the sounds of the environment and actively moves. By this time, the child is able to roll over, bend and stretch the arms and legs, swallow and spit out amniotic fluid, grimace and purposefully touch the walls of the uterus.
At the 20th week of pregnancy, you may have such complaints:
The uterus is located in close proximity to the gastrointestinal tract. Increasing in size, it puts pressure on the intestines, which causes constipation.
TISSUE Swelling
There are two types of edema - external and internal. The first are visible on the face and limbs. Sometimes, because of them, the expectant mother even increases the size of her legs. But internal swelling is impossible to notice. Most often, they are detected when a woman is rapidly gaining weight (normally, at this time, the increase should be no more than 350 g per week). nine0003
At 20 weeks pregnant, the uterus compresses the bladder, reducing its volume, so you have to run a lot to the toilet "in a small way."
The uterus rises higher and begins to support the diaphragm, because of this, the frequency and depth of breathing can be disturbed.
During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone acts on the skin, which prepares the body for childbirth. Skin tissues and muscles become softer and more elastic, due to which the abdomen stretches, adjusting to the size of the fetus. At the same time, at the 20th week of pregnancy, in some places, the connective tissue is stretched so much that it cannot withstand and is torn. At the site of the rupture, striae are formed, which are nothing more than internal scars. Precisely because the scars are under the skin, they are very difficult to fight. And in order to avoid the appearance of new stretch marks, prevention is needed: weight control and daily skin care using special cosmetics. nine0003
Most often, age spots appear if you stay in the sun for a long time. In addition, their formation by the 19th - 20th week of pregnancy is affected by disturbances in the liver. In this case, the expectant mother's blood test reveals an excess of liver pigments.
By 20 weeks, the amount of circulating blood in a pregnant woman increases dramatically. Because of this, headaches, dizziness and a feeling of loss of energy may appear. The vessels of the mucous membranes are also weakened, so the gums bleed and nosebleeds occur. nine0003
At a period of 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, hyperhidrosis is provoked by changes in the hormonal background, and, unfortunately, this phenomenon cannot be avoided.
The abdomen and chest grow, due to which the center of gravity of the body is redistributed. A bandage and a properly selected bra will help to cope with the problem.
Normally, they are transparent or slightly whitish, practically odorless. If the discharge is white or yellow-green and smells bad, it could be a sign of vaginosis that needs to be treated. When they become bloody, we are talking about placental abruption or the threat of miscarriage. In such a situation, you need to urgently seek medical help. nine0003
At 20 weeks of pregnancy, stagnation of urine is a dangerous moment. And if at the same time an infection enters the body, there is a risk of developing inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis). You can prevent the disease by periodically unloading the kidneys. To do this, from time to time during the day you need to take a knee-elbow position for several minutes. With this position of the body, the pressure of the uterus on the kidneys is removed, and urine flows freely into the bladder.
At the 20th week of pregnancy, prolonged uterine tone is very dangerous. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid lifting weights, overexertion and nervous shocks. If you notice that your stomach often becomes hard, tell your doctor about it: the specialist will prescribe medications that eliminate this condition. nine0003
If before the 20th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother visits the antenatal clinic once a month, then after this period, the examination should be twice as often. At this stage, the gynecologist may order an ultrasound and blood and urine tests: the first is done to monitor hemoglobin and glucose levels, and the second is to determine how the kidneys are working.
Ultrasound examination is performed from the 18th to the 24th week and is multidisciplinary. The doctor determines how the size of all the organs of the fetus correspond to the norms and how they function. Also at the 20th week of pregnancy, the length of the cervix, the amount of amniotic fluid are measured, the location of the placenta is specified. If necessary, in parallel with ultrasound, a triple blood test is prescribed to determine malformations. nine0003
At the 20th week of pregnancy, all previous recommendations remain valid. You already know that you need to monitor the quality of food and follow the regimen: eat fractionally, in small portions, do not abuse foods that cause allergies (citrus fruits, etc.). Surely you walk a lot, or maybe you have already started attending special classes for pregnant women.
If dizziness bothers you at 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, try not to starve. Do you feel like you need to sit down or lie down? Don't hesitate and do it! Move carefully, without sharp turns and rises, try not to stay in the same position for a long time. nine0003
If your legs swell at 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, keep them elevated more often. Get into the habit of doing massage with cream in the evenings. And before that, you can pamper your feet with a cool bath with your favorite essential oil.
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