How much folic acid should women take
Folic Acid | CDC
CDC urges all women of reproductive age to take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid each day, in addition to consuming food with folate from a varied diet, to help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida).
About folic acid
Folic acid is a B vitamin. Our bodies use it to make new cells. Think about the skin, hair, and nails. These–and other parts of the body – make new cells each day. Folic acid is the synthetic (that is, not generally occurring naturally) form of folate used in supplements and in fortified foods such as rice, pasta, bread, and some breakfast cereals
Why folic acid is important before and during pregnancy
When the baby is developing early during pregnancy, folic acid helps form the neural tube. Folic acid is very important because it can help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida). The neural tube forms the early brain and spine.
Women of reproductive age need 400 mcg of folic acid every day
- All women of reproductive age should get 400 mcg of folic acid every day to get enough folic acid to help prevent some birth defects because
- About half of U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, and
- Major birth defects of the baby’s brain or spine occur very early in pregnancy (3-4 weeks after conception), before most women know they are pregnant.
- When taking folic acid, a higher dose than 400 mcg of folic acid each day is not necessarily better to prevent neural tube defects, unless a doctor recommends taking more due to other health conditions.
- When planning to become pregnant, women who have already had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect should consult with their healthcare provider. CDC recommends that these women consume 4,000 mcg of folic acid each day one month before becoming pregnant and through the first 3 months of pregnancy.
- When planning to become pregnant, women who have already had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect should consult with their healthcare provider. CDC recommends that these women consume 4,000 mcg of folic acid each day one month before becoming pregnant and through the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Learn more about CDC’s folic acid recommendations here.
Learn more about the recommended intake level of folic acid here.
When to start taking folic acid
Every woman of reproductive age needs to get folic acid every day, whether she is planning to get pregnant or not, to help make new cells.
Are folate and folic acid the same thing?
The terms “folate” and “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, even though they are different. Folate is a general term to describe many different types of vitamin B9.
Types of folate can include
- Dihydrofolate (DHF)
- Tetrahydrofolate (THF)
- 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5, 10-Methylene-THF)
- 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-Methyl-THF or 5-MTHF)
Food fortification is a way to add vitamins or minerals, or both, to foods. Some rice, pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid. These foods are labeled “enriched.” Folic acid is a specific type of folate that does not generally occur naturally.
Folic acid is the ideal form of folate to use for food fortification. It is more stable than types of natural food folate, which can easily be broken down by heat and light. Folic acid is better suited for food fortification because many fortified products, such as bread and pasta, are cooked.6
CDC recommends that women of reproductive age who could become pregnant consume at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. However, it’s difficult to get 400 mcg of folic acid through diet alone. You can get 400 mcg of folic acid each day by taking a vitamin with folic acid in it, eating fortified foods, or a combination of the two, in addition to consuming a balanced diet rich in natural food folate.
How to get enough folic acid to prevent neural tube defects
In addition to eating foods with folate from a varied diet, women can get folic acid from
- Taking a vitamin that has folic acid in it:
- Most vitamins sold in the United States have the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 mcg) that women need for the prevention of neural tube defects.
Vitamins can be found at most local pharmacy, grocery, or discount stores.
- Most vitamins sold in the United States have the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 mcg) that women need for the prevention of neural tube defects.
- Eating fortified foods:
- You can find folic acid in some breads, breakfast cereals, and corn masa flour.
- Getting a combination of the two: taking a vitamin that has folic acid in it and eating fortified foods.
If taking folic acid for reasons other than neural tube defect prevention, talk to your healthcare provider.
Learn more about where to find folic acid in the United States here.
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Women Need 400 mcg of Folic Acid Every Day
CDC urges every woman who could become pregnant to get 400 micrograms (400 mcg) of folic acid every day.
The B vitamin folic acid helps prevent birth defects. If a woman has enough folic acid in her body before and while she is pregnant, her baby is less likely to have a major birth defect of the brain or spine.
What Is Folic Acid?
Folic acid is a B vitamin. Our bodies use it to make new cells. Everyone needs folic acid. But for women who can get pregnant, it is really important! If a woman has enough folic acid in her body before she is pregnant, it can help prevent major birth defects of her baby’s brain and spine. These birth defects are neural tube defects or NTDs. Women need to take folic acid every day, starting before they are pregnant to help prevent NTDs.
How Much Folic Acid Is Needed To Prevent Neural Tube Defects?
CDC and the US Public Health Service urge every woman who could become pregnant to get 400 micrograms (400 mcg) of synthetic folic acid every day.
One easy way a woman can be sure she is getting enough folic acid is to take a vitamin that has folic acid in it every day. Most vitamins sold in the United States have the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 mcg) that women need to prevent neural tube defects. Vitamins can be found at most local pharmacy, grocery, or discount stores.
You can get your vitamin with folic acid in one of several ways. You can take a multivitamin or a small, single supplement of folic acid. These days, multivitamins with folic acid come in chewable chocolate or fruit flavors, liquids, and large oval or smaller round pills. Many stores offer a single folic acid supplement for just pennies a day.
Another good choice is a store-brand multivitamin, which includes most of the vitamins you need each day. Unless your doctor suggests a special type, you do not need to choose among vitamins for women or active people, or one for people who are on a low carbohydrate diet. A basic multivitamin meets the needs of most women.
Another way to get folic acid is to eat enough breakfast cereal that has been enriched with folic acid every day. Amounts of folic acid in cereals vary, so be sure to check the label on the side of the box to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount.
When Should a Woman Start Taking Folic Acid?
These birth defects of the brain and spine happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman finds out she is pregnant. All women should get in the habit of taking folic acid daily even when they are not planning to get pregnant. For folic acid to help, a woman needs to take it every day, starting before she becomes pregnant.
Folic Acid: All Women, Every Day
You might think that you can get all the folic acid and other vitamins you need from the food you eat each day. But it is hard to eat a diet that has all the nutrients you need every day. Even with careful planning, you might not get all the vitamins you need from your diet alone. That’s why it’s important to take a vitamin with folic acid every day.
Today’s woman is busy. You know that you should exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep. You might wonder how you can fit another thing into your day. But it only takes a few seconds to take a vitamin to get all the folic acid you need.
How much do you know about folic acid? Take this quiz and find out.
If taking folic acid for reasons other than neural tube defect prevention, talk to your healthcare provider.
More Information
- Learn More About Folic Acid (available in English or Spanish)
- Preview and Order Folic Acid Educational Materials (available in English and in Spanish)
- Folic Acid: Helping to Ensure a Healthy Pregnancy (audio podcast in English or Spanish) (5:00 mins)
- CDC Pregnancy Information
Folic acid for women: benefits, effects
Consultation with a specialist:
The importance of folic acid for the female body
One of the main functions of folic acid is the formation and functioning of the hematopoietic system, immunity, and the digestive tract.
Folic acid is involved in a variety of biochemical processes:
production of platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes, nine0003
repair of damaged tissues,
stimulation of the growth of new cells, their division;
amino acid synthesis,
reproduction of DNA.
Folic acid during weight loss accelerates metabolism and the process of burning fat. Under its influence, fat reserves are actively broken down into alcohols and fatty acids, and are excreted through the excretory system. nine0003
Help! Vitamin B9 is present in its natural form in food - these are folates. Biological supplements, medicines contain an artificially synthesized substance - folic acid.
Folic acid has a pronounced nootropic effect on mental functions:
Vitamin B9 prevents neurological damage, minimizes exposure to carcinogens (substances that cause cancer), prevents osteoporosis (decrease in bone density). nine0003
One of the functions of vitamin B9 is to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. With insufficient intake of folates in the body, hair slows down growth and actively falls out, nails become brittle, and acne occurs.
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Importance of folic acid in pregnancy and lactation
The course and outcome of pregnancy, the formation and development of the child depend on the level of folates in the body of the expectant mother. nine0003
Initially, it is important to control and maintain sufficient levels of folate during the preparation for conception and in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, when the formation of organs and systems of the fetus takes place. Vitamin B9 improves fertility, and ensures the normal response of female reproductive organs to estrogen. And this increases the chance of successful fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy.
A sufficient level of vitamin B9 is a successful prevention of pregnancy pathologies and fetal malformations: nine0003
intrauterine growth retardation,
spinal cord and brain defects
congenital malformations in the structure of the heart and large vessels,
spina bifida, upper lip, palate,
absence of a brain. nine0003
If during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus folic acid is supplied in insufficient quantities, then the risk of impaired formation and development of the placenta increases. It is dangerous miscarriage, stillbirth, complete or partial abruption of the placenta.
It is especially important to resume taking folic acid during breastfeeding.
Why is vitamin B9 needed for lactating women: nine0003
stimulates milk production
prevents the development of postpartum depression,
provides the need of the newborn for folates.
Children who do not get enough folate are lagging behind in physical, mental and motor development, have a weakened immune system, which is why they often get sick. nine0003
Benefits of folic acid for women over 50?
At the age of 45-55, it is important to control the level of folate in the body. The fact is that vitamin B9 prevents the onset of early menopause, facilitates the severity and severity of the menopausal syndrome.
Other beneficial properties of folic acid for women of mature age:
improves sleep
nine0011 -
reduces the risk of diabetes,
prevents heart attacks, diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
starts the process of cell regeneration,
preserves the health and beauty of the skin and hair.
stabilizes blood pressure
A sufficient level of folate has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system, maintains an optimal level of iron in the blood, which prevents the development of anemia.
Why is low folate dangerous?
Vitamin B9 deficiency develops within a month after the cessation of its intake into the blood. For the first 7-14 days, the body maintains normal folate levels in the body by depleting stores from the liver and kidneys. nine0003
An insufficient amount of folic acid adversely affects the state of the cells and the body as a whole. First of all, the bone marrow suffers from a lack of vitamin B9. Due to the lack of folate, blood cells (erythrocytes) increase in size, forming megaloblasts (abnormally large cells), which leads to malignant anemia.
Other undesirable consequences of vitamin deficiency:
violation of the production of digestive enzymes, nine0003
damage to the stomach and esophagus,
slow wound healing
spontaneous abortion.
Prolonged deficiency of folate in the body causes weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, fainting. nine0003
Help! An excess of the vitamin in the blood is extremely rare, since the bulk is excreted with urine. Dietary habits cannot cause hypervitaminosis. An overdose of biological supplements and dosage forms of vitamin B9 can provoke an increase in the level of folates in the blood.
Daily intake
The absorption of folic acid directly depends on the state of the intestinal microflora, food and the method of their preparation. During the heat treatment of vegetables, about 75% of vitamin B9 is lost.. Folate absorption also impairs the use of anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives, and alcohol.
The norm of folic acid for women per day is 200 mcg. During the period of gestation and breastfeeding, it is recommended to additionally consume 400-600 mcg / day of vitamin B9. The need for folic acid increases during the recovery period after injuries, surgical interventions, active sports.
Important! nine0037 Can I take folic acid without a doctor's prescription? No. The duration of administration and dosage is determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist in the case of a particular patient after examining the level of folates in the blood.
Prevention of folic acid deficiency
Venous blood is used to determine the level of vitamin B9. Normal values for healthy women are in the range of 7–40 nmol/L. Deviation of the results from the norm requires the consultation of the therapist or other specialist who sent for the study. nine0003
First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the folate deficiency:
nutritional features,
diets and fasting
oncological diseases,
alcohol abuse, nine0003
vitamin B12 deficiency, since their levels are interrelated,
Crohn's disease (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract),
celiac disease (gluten intolerance),
cystic fibrosis (damage to the glands of external secretion, severe violations of the functions of the respiratory system).
Taking into account the causes of vitamin B9 deficiency, biologically active supplements are prescribed or foods high in folate are introduced into the diet.
Main sources of folic acid:
sprouted wheat,
nine0011 -
various nuts,
animal products,
It is important to simultaneously limit or completely eliminate strong tea, alcohol, control the level of vitamin B12.
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what you need, benefits, how much to take
Folic acid is in great demand, especially among women, due to its useful and irreplaceable properties. No wonder its second name is the beauty vitamin. It not only helps to prevent premature aging, but also to organize the full work of all organs. The endocrine, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems will work normally if vitamin deficiency is prevented in a timely manner. In addition, acid perfectly copes with the task of blocking weight. nine0003
Folic acid for women
Thanks to the regular replenishment of folic acid, a woman can maintain and, most importantly, prolong her youth for a long time. This magical vitamin regenerates the appearance of new cells and ensures the preservation of old ones. As a result, the skin remains fresh and smooth for a long time, the hair becomes thick and shiny, and the nails are strong.
Regular replenishment of vitamin B9 improves women's mood. Especially this helps with PMS and menopause . It was during this period that the female state is characterized by increased nervousness and overexcitability.
For women over 40 it is especially important to regularly take the beauty vitamin, which helps to normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines and speeds up metabolism. Thanks to B9, the absorption of nutrients improves. A very valuable function of folic acid is to prevent the occurrence of unwanted symptoms that occur as a result of hormonal changes during menopause. nine0003
Benefits of folic acid during pregnancy
Folic acid is #1 on the list of medicines that a doctor prescribes to a woman who is planning to have a baby or is already in position . It is essentially vitamin B9, which is easily soluble in water and actively affects a number of fundamental processes in the human body. Obstetricians around the world say that folic acid during early pregnancy and when planning a pregnancy is extremely important. It directly affects the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. Its deficiency not only complicates the course of pregnancy, but also the process of conception. nine0003
Conscious expectant mothers must regularly replenish vitamin B9 deficiency. According to scientific studies, in 80% of cases, regular intake of the vitamin prevents the possibility of congenital malformations of the fetus.
It is especially important for pregnant women to take folic acid. To bear a healthy child, the body needs a large amount of vitamin, so all its reserves in the expectant mother are quickly exhausted. They need to be replenished regularly. In addition, folic acid is independently formed in the body in very small doses, which are not enough for a pregnant woman. nine0003
Regular intake of the vitamin is especially important for expectant mothers who are in the first trimester . During this period, the main fetus is laid, the neural tube is formed, on which the development of the entire nervous system directly depends. Vitamin deficiency in the first trimester can lead to miscarriage or severe fetal developmental disorders. Folic acid deficiency in a newborn may result in:
- various mental illnesses; nine0014
- neuroses;
- mental retardation.
Therefore, folic acid during gestation (especially in the 1st trimester) must be regularly supplied to the female body in sufficient quantities. After the birth of baby , it is important not to interrupt the mother's intake of folic acid , since the infant receives this vitamin only through breast milk. And for a baby who is actively growing, acid is extremely important. It is a part of all cells of the body, therefore it is a kind of building material, the stocks of which must be regularly replenished. nine0003
Benefits of use for pregnant women:
- avoidance of anemia;
- prevention of preterm birth;
- improved mood;
- ensuring healthy sleep.
The benefits of folic acid for the fetus:
- ensuring the normal development of all vital organs and systems;
- prevention of the development of disorders of the nervous system. nine0014
Foods rich in folic acid
Nature has endowed fresh fruits and vegetables with high amounts of folic acid. Therefore, doctors recommend regularly eating parsley, lettuce, legumes, peanuts and oranges to replenish the vitamin in the body. A large supply of vitamin contains liver, kidneys, meat, milk and eggs .
Foods saturated with B9 are shown in the table:
But it is worth noting that most of the folic acid is destroyed during long-term storage of food and under the influence of hot water. Therefore, experts strongly recommend regular replenishment of the stock as part of special complexes. nine0003
Dosage of folic acid for women
- The daily requirement of the female body for the vitamin is 200 mcg. Experts recommend increasing the daily intake to 500 mcg in winter and spring. The female body is especially in dire need of an increased dose in a stressful situation or in the event of a nervous illness or depression.
- The body of a pregnant woman requires an increased dose of folic acid - 400 mcg per day. nine0284 In exceptional cases (for example, with an acute vitamin deficiency, anemia), the dosage for the expectant mother can be increased to 800 mcg.