How much did child laborers get paid
Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution - HISTORY CRUNCH
The Industrial Revolution was a major event in world history and had a profound effect on societies around the world. In particular, the Industrial Revolution impacted the lives of working class people and the children of industrial societies. Child labor was a common feature in industrial societies as children as young as four years old were often employed in the factories and mines that developed during the time. This was particularly true in Britain, where the Industrial Revolution first began in the 1700s.
Child labor was especially common in the late 18th century, during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. At the time, industrial cities and towns grew dramatically due to the migration of farmers and their families who were looking for work in the newly developed factories and mines. The living conditions in the cities and towns were miserable and characterized by: overcrowding, poor sanitation, spread of diseases, and pollution. As well, workers were paid low wages that barely allowed them to afford the cost of living associated with their rent and food. As a result, many of these working-class families needed the extra income that their children earned while working.
For their part, factory owners wanted to employ children for several reasons. First, children generally made considerably less than adults did for doing the same work. For example, some estimates show that children were paid between 10-20% that of an adult. Therefore, the owners saved money by employing children. Second, children were generally more obedient than adults in terms of completing work and accepting punishment. Factory overseers, who were employed as managers of the factory floor, were known to whip or beat employees that were late for work. For example, in an interview in 1819, John Fairbrother commented that he had seen his master “with a horse whip standing outside the mill when the children have come too late [and] he lashed them all the way to the mill. |
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Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution |
Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution |
Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution |
The factories and mines of the late 18th century and early 19th century were dangerous and unforgiving places to work in. The working conditions that working-class people faced were known to include: long hours of work (12-16 hour shifts), low wages that barely covered the cost of living, and workplaces with little or no rights. These conditions were difficult for all workers but especially so for children. As such, children often faced incredible hardships and suffered abuse in the workplace. To better understand the situation, its first important to understand the political ideology of the time, which historians refer to as classical liberalism. Classical liberalism is an ideology characterized by laissez-faire capitalism, which means that the government played as little a role in the economy as possible. As a result, there were little to no rules in place for workers in the Industrial Revolution, and the wealthy owners could act in any manner that they wanted. For example, the factories and mines were incredibly dangerous places with very few safeguards.
Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution | Spinning machines in textile mills were often left unguarded and posed a serious risk. |
In the memoir he recounts witnessing a scene of horror. “A girl named Mary Richards, who was thought remarkably pretty when she left the workhouse, and, who was not quite ten years of age, attended a drawing frame, below which, and about a foot from the floor, was a horizontal shaft, by which the frames above were turned. It happened one evening, when her apron was caught by the shaft. In an instant the poor girl was drawn by an irresistible force and dashed on the floor. She uttered the most heart-rending shrieks! The factory overseer ran towards her, an agonized and helpless beholder of a scene of horror. He saw her whirled round and round with the shaft - he heard the bones of her arms, legs, thighs, etc. successively snap asunder, crushed, seemingly, to atoms, as the machinery whirled her round, and drew tighter and tighter her body within the works, her blood was scattered over the frame and streamed upon the floor, her head appeared dashed to pieces - at last, her mangled body was jammed in so fast, between the shafts and the floor, that the water being low and the wheels off the gear, it stopped the main shaft. |
Child Labor in Textile Mill |
Because children were small and could fit into tighter spaces, they were often tasked with unclogging machines that had stopped operating. As a result, children often suffered horrible injuries to their hands and fingers when the machines suddenly began working again. For example, a doctor from Manchester, England gave the following report in an 1819 interview. “When I was a surgeon in the infirmary, accidents were very often admitted to the infirmary, through the children's hands and arms having being caught in the machinery; in many instances the muscles, and the skin is stripped down to the bone, and in some instances a finger or two might be lost. Last summer I visited Lever Street School. The number of children at that time in the school, who were employed in factories, was 106. The number of children who had received injuries from the machinery amounted to very nearly one half. There were forty-seven injured in this way.” As his report suggests, the injuries that the children suffered were painful and disfiguring and relatively common.
Another hardship that many workers faced in the factories was the grueling heat produced by the numerous machines. Factories in the Industrial Revolution were cramped and contained spaces. Often times, they were built without windows or proper ventilation and as a result the machines would quickly cause the inside temperature of the factory to increase dramatically. For example, in 1824, William Cobbett, a British parliamentarian commented on his visit to a factory. “What… must be the situation of the poor children who are doomed to toil fourteen hours a day, in an average of eighty-two degrees? Can any man, with a heart in his body, and a tongue in his head, refrain from cursing a system that produces such slavery and such cruelty?”
Not only were children forced to work in hot, dangerous and cramped conditions, but if they were injured on the job they had little to no rights to receive compensation. Because the government practised laissez-faire capitalism, this meant that they did not have initiatives in place to force factories to protect workers or to compensate them when they became injured and could no longer work. For example, a report from the British House of Commons in 1832 commented that “workers are often abandoned from the moment that an accident occurs; their wages are stopped, no medical attendance is provided, and whatever the extent of the injury, no compensation is afforded.”
Child laborer (Neil Gallagher) who was injured in an accident at a Pennsylvania mine during the time of the Industrial Revolution. He was just 13 years old. |
Child Labor (Mining) in the Industrial Revolution. From the Pennsylvania Coal Company in 1911. |
As well as working in factories, many children were also employed in coal mines. Coal was one of the key resources necessary for industrialization and one of the reasons that Britain was the first country to industrialize in the 1700s. As well, with the creation of the steam engine, coal became an even more important resource as it was used to power the factories and methods of transportation, such as: ships and trains. Children were used in coal mines to do all sorts of work. In general, their small bodies were ideal for going into deep channels in order to carry coal to the surface. This was a common job completed by children and involved them being connected to a coal cart by a strap so that they could pull the cart of coal behind them. As well, children were also used to sort coal and remove any impurities. Coal mining was difficult and dangerous work for children for several reasons, including: the mine shafts were constantly susceptible to collapse and the air quality was extremely poor and led to breathing problems.
In all, child labor was a common feature of the Industrial Revolution and involved children suffering under horrible and abusive conditions. Whether it was in factories, mines or other workplaces, children were expected to work in hot and dangerous conditions for low amounts of pay and long gruelling hours.
Karl Marx Robert Owen | Eventually, people began to protest these conditions and argue that child labor should be outlawed or there should be limits placed upon the employment of children. In general, the movement to end child labor coincided with the rise of socialist ideologies such as utopian socialism and Marxism. For example, Robert Owen, a utopian socialist, believed it was important and necessary for business owners to operate profitable businesses that made them wealthy, he also believed it was important that the workers in these businesses were treated fairly. In his own mills, Owen improved the life of his employees in many ways including: creating a company store in which employees could buy goods, limiting the hours of workers, offering basic healthcare, and providing education for both children and adults. Karl Marx, the famous socialist writer, was also highly critical of child labor in the Industrial Revolution. |
The first major legislation created to place limits on child labor were a series of Factory Acts passed by the British parliament throughout the 1800s. These acts limited the number of hours that children could work and placed regulations on workplaces in terms of safety and cleanliness. For example, by 1819, the Factory Acts limited the workday for British children at 12 hours. By 1833, child labor was further regulated when it became illegal for children under 9 years old to work, and children under 13 were not allowed to work more than 9 hours a day.
Adam Smith - PowerPoint with Cloze Notes
Adam Smith - Reading, Questions and Key
Karl Marx - PowerPoint with Cloze Notes (25 Slides/Pages on his life and ideas!)
Industrial Revolution Child Labor - Questions and Key (8 Pages)
Industrial Revolution Child Labor - PowerPoint with Cloze Notes (64 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution in the USA - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (74 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Impacts - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (62 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Causes - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (44 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Working Conditions - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (36 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Why Britain Was First - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (54 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Living Conditions - PowerPoint with Notes Copy (30 Total Slides)
Industrial Revolution Inventions and Inventors - PowerPoint with Notes Copy
Working and Living Conditions - The Industrial Revolution
Working Conditions
Simply, the working conditions were terrible during the Industrial Revolution. As factories were being built, businesses were in need of workers. With a long line of people willing to work, employers could set wages as low as they wanted because people were willing to do work as long as they got paid. People worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week. However, the majority were unskilled workers, who only received about $8-$10 dollars a week, working at approximately 10 cents an hour. Skilled workers earned a little more, but not significantly more. Women received one-third or sometimes one-half the pay that men received. Children received even less. Owners, who were only concerned with making a profit, were satisfied because labor costed less.
Factories were not the best places to work. The only light present was the sunlight that came through the windows. Machines spit out smoke and in some factories, workers came out covered in black soot by the end of the day. There were a plethora of machines with not many safety precautions. This resulted in many accidents. The workers only received a break for lunch and a break for dinner.
Children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for fourteen hour days of work. They were used for simpler, unskilled jobs. Many children had physical deformities because of the lack of exercise and sunlight. The use of children as labor for such long hours with little pay led to the formation of labor unions.
Labor Unions formed because workers finally wanted to put a stop to long hours with little pay. They demanded more pay and fairer treatment. They did not want children to work in factories because of the danger involved. Labor unions organized strikes and protests. However, as more immigrants came to the United States, more workers became available. These workers were willing to work, even if others were not because of unfair treatment. This lessened the effect of the labor unions since businesses had no shortage of workers. This is why most labor unions were unsuccessful.
Living Conditions
As business began to boom and the national markets grew, more people began to move to the Northeast because they wanted jobs. Most people lived in the "slum" as depicted in the picture to the left. Five to nine people lived in a single room which was as big as an apartment. Not only was there not enough room, but more people got sick as well. Because everyone lived in terrible conditions and so close to one another, diseases spread rapidly and lack of medicine and medical care resulted in many deaths. At the time, population was increasing rapidly because of more people moving in, so apartments became more crowded and in worse condition. These were the people that lived every lives that had to fight for jobs and competed to live.
As industrialization occurred, the middle class emerged. The middle class, skilled workers, managers, clerks, accountants, and others, had the money they needed to survive, and had money left over for other leisure goods. This extra money enabled them to live comfortably. Most moved away from the cities because they thought the "slum" was unhygienic and unpleasant. This led to the beginning of suburbs, or socially segregated neighborhoods. However, the majority of the people living in industrialized areas lived in terrible, harsh conditions because of the lack of money and the overwhelming population.
List of additional payments to pension
Social supplement up to the subsistence minimum
If the pension of a non-working pensioner is below the subsistence minimum, then it will be increased by additional payments. The federal cost of living is established every year by the budget law, this year for pensioners it is 10,022 rubles. Each region also sets its own living wage, it can be higher or lower than the federal one.
If the federal PM is higher than the regional one, then the pensioner will receive a federal surcharge, and if the PM in the region is higher, the regional one. You can get a surcharge upon application. nine0006
Monthly cash payment
This payment is due to veterans, disabled people, Chernobyl victims and other persons affected by radiation, former minor prisoners of fascism, Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor. It is assigned automatically.
In addition to it, they are provided with monthly compensation for a set of social services (drugs, sanatorium treatment, travel to and from the sanatorium, train trips). A pensioner can refuse a set of social services and take the cash equivalent. nine0006
Dependent's pension supplement
A pensioner can count on state support if he/she supports disabled persons, for example, minor children, full-time students, elderly relatives (parents, spouses, grandparents), disabled persons.
The supplement can be received for a maximum of three disabled family members, the total amount of the supplement in 2021 is 6044.48 rubles. One third of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is paid for one family member. nine0006
"Rural" allowances
An increased pension is paid to citizens who have worked in rural areas for 30 years. The supplement to the pension is 25% of the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension, in 2021 its amount is 6044. 48 rubles.
Starting January 1, 2022, "rural" supplements to pensions will be paid regardless of the pensioner's place of residence. At present, when a pensioner moves from a rural area to a city, the allowance is removed. nine0006
Pension recalculation after 80 years
Pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are entitled to an increased fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, it increases by 100%.
A pensioner does not need to submit any applications to the FIU. The increase in the month of execution of 80 years is assigned automatically from the date of birth, and is paid from the next month.
Supplement to the pension for the "northern" experience
Citizens who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, regardless of the place of current residence, can receive an increased pension. The conditions for the additional payment are an insurance period of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women. You also need to work for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 years in areas equivalent to them. nine0006
If the length of service has been worked out in the regions of the Far North, the fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by 50%, if in areas equated to them - by 30%.
Additional material support for outstanding achievements and special merits
Additional payment in an increased amount due to a special additional payment can be received by: Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor and Heroes of Labor of Russia, awarded orders, laureates of state prizes, Champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympics. The full list can be found on the PFR website. nine0006
The supplement is assigned as a percentage of the social pension — 250, 330 or 415%. It depends on the category of pensioner.
how to get and where to apply for payments for children
Elena Glubko
mother of two children
Author profile
Diana Shigapova
This article contains all federal payments and benefits that parents of young children and teenagers can receive.
These are payments from the state. I will tell you what amounts you can count on and what you need for this. nine0006 6
Payments and benefits for a child in 2022
- benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy
- A allowance for pregnancy and childbirth
- Lombway at birth
- Monthly allowance for the first and second child up to 3 years old
- Monthly allowance for children from 3 to 7 years old
- Monthly allowance for children from 8 to 17 years old
- Maternity capital
What benefits we didn't mention
The article does not contain information about payments for a child from a large family or from a military family. There is still no information here for families in which a child with a disability is brought up. We described federal and regional benefits and payments for such families in separate articles:
- Benefits and payments to large families
- Benefits for single mothers
- Benefits and payments for a child with a disability 2
- The 12th week of pregnancy has come.
- The average per capita income for each family member does not exceed the subsistence level.
- The family does not have "excess property". If a family owns several apartments and their total area is such that each family member has more than 24 m², then the allowance will not be given. Three cars in a family is also grounds for denial of benefits.
- Family members have income or objective reasons why they do not have this income. This is called the “zero income rule”: help those who are trying to provide for themselves and their families, and not those who want to live only on benefits. There may be no income, for example, if a woman was on parental leave for up to 3 years. This is a good reason for the lack of income. nine0082
- to the Mir card;
- to a bank account to which no card is linked;
- postal order.
- You need to work under an employment contract, and the salary should be white, not gray.
- The average monthly salary for two years must not be lower than 78,250 R before deducting personal income tax.
- If you work in several places at the same time, each employer will pay maternity leave, but on the condition that you have worked at another place of work for at least two years. In this case, ask the antenatal clinic to write out a sick leave for each place of work. nine0082
- If you have changed jobs in the last two years, take a certificate of salary from your previous job in form 182n. Your employer will take this earnings into account when calculating maternity leave.
- If the maternity pay period fell on another maternity or parental benefit period, you can replace it with previous years to account for wages and get more money. We have a detailed article on how to independently calculate maternity payments.
At birth
Lump sum at birthWhen a child is born, the state compensates parents for part of the costs. Moreover, one of the parents can receive this money, regardless of who exactly goes on parental leave.
The size of the salary doesn't matter either. Even the unemployed will be paid.
How to get benefits when a child is born
How much. From February 1, 2022 - 20,472.77 R. Guardians, trustees or adoptive parents will receive the same amount. If they take a child over 7 years old, or relatives, or a disabled child, the amount of the payment is 156,428.66 R.
Regional allowances. Regions add their own payments to the lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child. To receive them, one of the parents and the child must be registered in this region.
For example, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, when registering the birth of a child in the registry office of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the region pays 20,000 RUR.
In St. - 46 372 R, for the third and subsequent children - 57 962 R. This card can be used to pay for the purchase of children's goods in most large stores in the city.
Who is supposed to. One of the child's parents. If both work - dad or mom, by choice. If the parents are unemployed, you can also choose who exactly will apply. If only one person works, he will receive the money, there are no options. For example, dad has an employment contract, but mom doesn’t. The allowance will be paid to the father of the child, but the mother will not be able to issue it.
If the parents are not married, the person with whom the child lives will receive the money, regardless of employment. nine0006
How to get. The payment is made by one of the parents at the place of work. A certificate is required from the second parent that he did not receive this payment.
If both parents are unemployed, the allowance is issued in the pension fund at the place of residence.
Regional Newborn Boxes
Newborn Box available in select regions. This is a gift set that is given to parents or adoptive parents upon discharge from the maternity hospital. This box contains baby clothes, accessories for feeding, swaddling, bathing. nine0006
Kit varies by region. The conditions for issuance also differ. In Samara, such a gift is given to mothers who have given birth to their first child. In Tatarstan, the set is given to low-income families. In Vologda, you can get a box for every newborn.
What to do? 02/21/19
How to get the status of a low-income family and why
In Moscow, they give a "Sobyanin's box" to all parents, regardless of their place of residence, but subject to two conditions:
- Their children were born in Moscow maternity hospitals.
- They received their birth certificate in Moscow.
You can pick up a set of things "Our Treasure" not only upon discharge, but also at the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence or stay in Moscow of one of the parents.
But the term is limited to two months. You will need to write an application, as well as submit documents that parents did not receive such a set at the maternity hospital.
From February 18, 2020, instead of a set of things, parents can receive compensation of 20,000 R. The amount is paid for each child born. If at least one of the parents has a registration in Moscow, the payment is processed at the regional department of social protection of the population. nine0006
If there is no registration, and only the birth of a child is registered in Moscow, then parents should contact the My Documents public services center. The decision on payment is made within 10 days, and the payment itself is transferred in the next month.
Additional allowances in Moscow at the birth of a child
One-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child. It can be issued by one of the parents, one of the adoptive parents (the only adoptive parent), the child's guardian - Russians, foreign citizens and stateless persons living in Moscow.
To do this, you need to have a Moscow residence permit. nine0006
6313 RUR will be paid for the first child, 16 642 RUR each for the second and subsequent ones. In case of birth or adoption of three or more children at the same time, 57 383 RUR will be paid. If both parents are under 36 at the time of the birth of the child and the family income per person is not more than the subsistence minimum, the city will pay an additional 93,570 R for the first child, 130,998 R for the second, 187,140 R for the third and subsequent. Citizens registered in New Moscow will also receive these payments. nine0006
Annex 1
to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 27, 2021 No. 718-PPUp to 1.5 years
Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 yearsWhen a mother's maternity leave is over, the next one may begin - to care for a child. During this period, a parent or other person who sits with a child is assigned an allowance - but only up to one and a half years.
Leave with the preservation of the workplace and position can last up to three years.
Benefits can be received not only by the employed, but also by the unemployed: difference in amounts and execution. And you can also combine child care and work duties and, in addition to payments from the budget, receive a salary at work. nine0006
How to get out of the decree
How much. 40% of the average salary for the previous two years. The minimum is 7677.81 R. The maximum in 2022 is 31,282.82 R: such a benefit will be paid if your average salary for 2020 and 2021 is more than 78,250 R. In fact, when assigning benefits, they calculate the average daily earnings - the same as well as for maternity leave.
Benefits and their calculated data for 2019-2022 - "Consultant Plus"
Who is entitled to. nine0122 Mother, father or other adult caring for the child. It could also be a grandmother.
Only one person will receive the benefit. Vacation can be taken in turn: for example, first mom, then father, and then grandmother.
How to get. They make payments at the place of work, and if the mother or father is unemployed, an application must be submitted to the social security at the place of residence.
How to get a job and keep your monthly allowance
During parental leave, a mother cannot work full time or she will lose her monthly allowance. At the same time, the law allows you to work part-time or work from home. And there is one trick here. nine0006
Judging by article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work can be considered both part-time and part-time work.
Since a full working day is 8 hours and a full working week is 40 hours, the parties must find an option for the employee to work a little or the prescribed 8 hours every day, but not on all days of the week.
Here it is necessary to take into account the position of the FSS and the Supreme Court - the child care allowance compensates for lost earnings.
If the mother has not lost her earnings, then she has nothing to compensate. Sometimes the assigned allowance is even cancelled. nine0006
I was laid off on maternity leave but managed to keep my allowance
the number of working hours for a woman to earn 60% of her previous salary. More about this has already been written in the article "How to reduce the working day and receive benefits."
Instead of a mother, a father can apply for parental leave plus part-time work in exactly the same way. nine0006
If both spouses do not want to lose their wages, they can apply for an allowance for working grandparents.
Up to 1.5 years
Putin's paymentsOn January 1, 2018, the law on monthly payments to families with children came into force. According to it, you can receive a monthly payment for the first or second child. This is not maternity leave or a child care allowance, but an additional measure of support.
People call the new allowance "Putin's payments". They do not replace, overlap or cancel other benefits. The payment is not provided as a one-time payment, but is paid every month to the bank card of the mother - or father, if the mother has died or she has been deprived of parental rights. nine0006
How I got Putin's payments per child
Putin's allowance is one regional living wage per child per month. When applying for payment in 2022, the allowance will be assigned in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the current year. For example, in Moscow it will be R17,791, in Novosibirsk it will be R14,562, and in Vladivostok it will be R17,628. nine0006
- Parents whose first or second child was born or adopted after January 1, 2018 can receive payments. Guardians can also claim payments - in the event of the death of parents or adoptive parents, they are declared dead, deprivation of parental rights, or in case of cancellation of adoption.
- The applicant must be a citizen of Russia and permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- The child must be a citizen of Russia. For example, if the birth was in the Russian Federation, but both parents are foreign citizens, then by default the child is not granted Russian citizenship. nine0082
- The average per capita family income for the billing period is no more than two regional living wages for the current year for the able-bodied population. The billing period is 12 months preceding the 6 months prior to the circulation month.
GD of the Novosibirsk Region dated May 31, 2022 No. 250-p
For the first child, the payment is made in social security. On the second - in the pension fund, because it will reduce maternity capital.
The allowance is granted for up to one year, and then it must be extended to two and three years. nine0006
Money can now be received only on the Mir card or on an account that is not linked to any cards.
Calculator of Putin's payments for the first and second child in 2022
Up to 3 years
Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 yearsCompensation for caring for a child up to 3 years is a benefit for parents who care for young children.
How much. 50 R is paid monthly to one of the parents of a child from 1.5 to 3 years. nine0006
Who is supposed to. To one of the parents who worked under an employment contract and went on parental leave.
How to get. From January 1, 2020, this payment was canceled, but not for everyone. It will continue to be available to mothers or fathers of children born before January 1, 2020.
If the child was born after January 1, 2020, the parents will not be able to receive this payment.
Over 3 years old
Monthly allowance for a child from 3 to 7 years nine0113Specific conditions for the provision of payment are established by regional authorities, but these conditions must fit into the federal framework.
So what? 03/12/21
Payments from 3 to 7 years will double, and the increase will be assigned retroactively
How much. 50, 75 or 100% of the subsistence minimum for children in the region - depends on the degree of need.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2020 No. 199 "On additional measures of state support for families with children"PDF, 143 KB
Who is supposed to. Families with children from 3 to 7 years old inclusive, subject to a number of conditions:
- Parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Russian Federation.
- The child is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
- The average per capita family income is not more than the subsistence minimum per capita in the region.
- The property of the family is not more than the established list. For example, a family has only one car and one apartment.
- In the billing period, family members had income or good reasons for their absence. nine0082
How to get. An application for payment can be submitted through public services or social security. To transfer money to the card, "Mir" is suitable. Or you need an account without a card. One of the child's parents can apply for payment.
First, the payment will be assigned for a year, then it can be extended upon application. The money is paid until the child is 8 years old.
Difficult question 09.04.21
How to get a payment for children from 3 to 7 years old in 2022
Over 3 years old
Allowance for a child from 8 to 17 yearsAs of July 1, 2021, the federal allowance for children under 17 years of age has appeared. It is appointed in all regions on the same terms.
How much. The amount of the allowance is 50% of the subsistence minimum for children in the region.
In 2022, this is almost seven thousand per month.
The amount of PM in the Russian Federation - "Consultant-plus"
Who is supposed to. Who can get this type of state support:
- The only parent of a child. That is, the second parent died or went missing, the father is listed in the documents according to the mother or is not included in the certificate at all.
- One of the parents in whose favor child support is assigned by court order.
There are also general conditions:
- The applicant has the citizenship of the Russian Federation or a residence permit in Russia.
- The allowance is granted if the average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence minimum per capita. nine0082
- Family property - within the established list.
- Adult family members have proven income or a good reason for not having it.
Starting May 1, 2022, complete families with low incomes also receive benefits.
The amount of payment for them is 50%, 75% or 100% of the subsistence minimum for children in the region.
50% - basic amount, all families receive it. If, after his appointment, the family income does not reach the subsistence minimum, 75% of the subsistence minimum per child will be paid. If this is not enough - 100%. Perhaps the allowance for single parents of children from 8 to 17 years old will be canceled - it is less profitable. A new payment is appointed immediately for two months - April and May, but you can apply for it from May 1. nine0006
How to get. You can apply for public services or the FIU. The benefit is assigned for a year, and then extended upon a new application. As part of the verification of the application, documents may be required that will have to be brought in person.
There are also payments for children under 16 in the regions. In practice, such a benefit is not available everywhere, but is usually assigned to low-income families.
For example, in Moscow, single mothers can receive such benefits.
Difficult question 08/24/21
Assets, zero income and deadlines: difficult questions about child support from 8 to 17 years old
One-time payments
Maternal capitalThis type of state support appeared in 2007, and since 2020 it is assigned even for the first child.
The right to maternity capital is confirmed by a personalized certificate. It can be obtained upon application to the FIU or automatically at public services.
So what? 01/13/22
Starting February 1, 2022, maternity capital will grow by 8.4%
How much. The amount depends on the year of birth of the child and what kind of account he is in the family.
Maternal capital in 2022
When the children were born Amount from 02/01/2022 First and second - until 2020 524 527. 9 R for the second
First - before 2020,
Second - in 2020 or later693 144.1 R for the second First and second - from 2020 524 527.9 R for the first, 168 616.2 R for the second When children
were born from 01.02.2022
The first and second - up to 2020
9000 524 527.9 r for the second, the second - in 2020 or later
22222222222 693,144.1 R for the second
First and second — from 2020
524,527.9 R for the first, 168,616.2 R for the second
Money can only be used for the specified purposes:
- Improvement of living conditions.
- Children's education.
- Monthly payments for the second child.
- Mom's funded pension.
- Goods for children with disabilities.
Responsibilities when using the mother capital
Who is supposed to.
Usually, the mother capital is received by a woman who has given birth or adopted a child.
If the mother is dead or deprived of parental rights, the certificate will be given to the father or adoptive parent. nine0006
How and where to apply. In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or on the public services portal. First you need to get a certificate, and then you need to apply for an order.
There is also regional maternity capital.
We have articles about maternity capital in order to use state support with profit:
- How to spend maternity capital on a mortgage
- Where you cannot spend maternity capital from 201
- How to spend a matkapaled on the construction of a house
- How to calculate a deduction when buying an apartment with a uterus
- How to reduce personal income tax when selling an apartment with a uterus
One -time payments and child benefits in 2022
Payments Payments Minimum size Maximum size Are there regional allowances Maternity benefit nine0553 70 324.8 Р
360 164 Р - Payment at birth 20,472.77 R - Yes. For example, in St. Petersburg - 34,777 R, in Moscow - 6313 R for the first and 16,642 R for the second, as well as "Sobyanin's box" and "Luzhkov's" payments to a young family Maternity capital 168616.2 R, 524527.9 R or 693144.1 R - Yes. For example, in St. Petersburg, capital is allocated at the birth of a third child Pressure allowance
Minimum size
70 324.8 R
360 164 R
Are there any regional allowances
9000 - 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 size20,472.77 Р
Maximum size
Are there regional allowances
Yes. For example, in St. Petersburg - 34,777 R, in Moscow - 6313 R for the first and 16,642 R for the second, as well as "Sobyanin's box" and "Luzhkov's" payments to a young family
Maternity capital
minimum size
168 616.
2 r, 524 527.9 r or 693 144.1 p
Is there any regional allowances
. For example, in St. Petersburg, capital is allocated at the birth of a third child
Monthly payments and benefits for a child in 2022
Payment Minimum size Maximum size nine0545 Are there regional allowancesRegistration allowance at the antenatal clinic 50% of the regional subsistence minimum for the working population - The amount of payments depends on the region Child care allowance up to 1.5 years 7677.81 R per child R 31,282.82 - "Putin's payments" up to 3 years Regional subsistence level per child - The amount of payments depends on the region Child allowance from 1.5 to 3 years 50 R if the child was born before 01/01/2020 - - Child benefit from 3 to 7 years 50% of the regional subsistence minimum per child 100% of the regional subsistence minimum per child The amount of payments depends on the region Child benefit from 8 to 17 years 50% of the regional subsistence minimum per child - The amount of payments depends on the region Manual when registering in a female consultation
minimum size
50%of the regional subsistence minimum
maximum size
Is there any regional allowances
Payments depends on the region
A allowance for childcare under 1.
5 years old
minimum size
7677.81 r for each child
Maximum size
31 282.82 R
Is there any regional allowances
“Putinsky“ Putinsky payments up to 3 years
Minimum amount
Regional subsistence level per child
Maximum amount
Are there any regional allowances
The amount of payments depends on the region
A child benefit from 1.5 to 3 years old
Minimum size
50 p if the child was born until 01.01.2020
Maximum size
Is there any regional allowances
Basis per child from 3 to 7 years old
Minimum amount
50% of the regional subsistence minimum per child
Maximum amount
100% of the regional subsistence minimum per child
Are there any regional allowances
Payments depends on the region
A child allowance from 8 to 17 years old
Minimum size
50%of the regional living wage
,0002 Maximum 9000
regional allowances
The amount of payments depends on the region
What child benefits you can count on
There are many benefits and payments, there are even more conditions for receiving them - it's easy to get confused in all this.
Monthly allowance upon registration in the antenatal clinic It is beneficial for the state that children are born healthy. For this, a pregnant woman needs to visit a doctor, take tests, do an ultrasound - all this helps to detect and eliminate problems in the development of the child in time. So that pregnant women do not delay a visit to the doctor, the state is ready to pay them money for early registration for pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, but only for those who have a low level of income. nine0006
So what? 07/01/21
Pregnancy allowance in 2022: basic conditions
How much. 50% of the subsistence minimum in the region where the woman lives. On average, 7586 R, but depending on the region, the amount will be more or less. For example, in the Belgorod region it is 6372.5 R, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 8420.5 R.
Living wages for the able-bodied population by region
Who is supposed to. Pregnant women may qualify for this benefit if the following conditions are met:
Self-employed women can also receive this allowance if they meet the above conditions.
How to get. To do this, you need to go to the local gynecologist in the first three months and get a card. Then you will need to submit an application through the public services website or in person to the FIU branch of your region.
No proof of pregnancy or income is required. The FIU will request information itself, but sometimes confirmation is required if there is not enough information in the databases. nine0006
You can apply from the 6th week of pregnancy. But the allowance will come only from the 12th week - monthly until the month of childbirth.
In order to receive benefits on the card, a pregnant woman will have to get a Mir payment system card. Details are indicated in the application.
All benefits for pregnancy and childbirth
Additional benefits in Moscow for pregnant women. In the capital, pregnant women with a Moscow residence permit who are registered with Moscow medical organizations up to 20 weeks of pregnancy will be paid a lump sum by social security 690 Р.
How parents can get money from the state
We will tell you in the free Glass of Water mailing list: once a week we send a letter about the financial side of parenthood
Maternity allowance In everyday life, this money is called "maternity". The allowance is paid once before going on maternity leave to compensate the woman for the loss of salary before and after the birth of the child.
According to the law, you can go on maternity leave at 30 weeks - this is the seventh month of pregnancy. In some cases, earlier. At the antenatal clinic, they will write out a sick leave, which will need to be given to the employer, and if the sheet is electronic, then report its number. nine0006
How to apply for maternity leave
How much. The minimum amount of maternity leave for those working under an employment contract is 70,324.8 R for the entire period of sick leave, the maximum for 140 days of maternity leave is 360,164 R.
To receive payments, the expectant mother must bring a sick leave or report the number of an electronic disability certificate. The accounting department will take the data from the sick leave, transfer the information to the FSS, and the latter will pay benefits. Maternity leave can only be obtained in three ways:
Who is supposed to. All pregnant women working under an employment contract, full-time students, female civil servants, municipal employees, military personnel.
Women who have been laid off can receive benefits if their employer ceased operations and laid off employees, and they were registered with the employment service within a year. True, the amount in this case will be quite symbolic. nine0006
How to get. The allowance is issued on the basis of a sick leave issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist. A woman must write an application addressed to the employer and attach a sick leave to it. Since 2022, this allowance has been transferred without any application at all.
RF GD dated 11/23/2021 No. 2010PDF, 1.2 MB
How to receive a salary while on maternity leave. It is impossible to be on maternity leave and work under an employment contract at the same time, but an employer can conclude a civil law contract with a pregnant employee, according to which she has the right to work remotely. You need to choose one thing. A woman may not go on maternity leave if she does not want to. Or get out of it even immediately after giving birth - if, for example, you are ready to work remotely. nine0006
A woman with individual entrepreneur status can also receive maternity leave, if she voluntarily insured herself with the FSS. This must be done in the previous year before the year of pregnancy and insurance premiums must be paid. To do this, we multiply the minimum wage by 2.9% - this is the percentage rate of the social insurance contribution. Then we multiply the received amount by 12 months.
How to go on maternity leave from abroad
To go on maternity leave in 2023 and receive benefits, you need to pay 4833. 72 rubles to the FSS in 2022.
The number 4833.62 was taken from the formula: 13,890 R × 2.9% × 12 months, where 13,890 R is the minimum wage from January 1 to May 31, 2022, 2.9% is the contribution rate to the Social Insurance Fund.
In districts and localities where district coefficients are applied to wages, they are also taken into account when calculating the payment in the FSS.
The contribution can be paid in one payment, or in installments, but must be paid before December 31, 2022. When the time comes to apply for maternity leave, the entrepreneur will submit an application for grants and sick leave to the FSS, and in return she will receive 70,324.8 R or a little more on her card if the minimum wage is increased. nine0006
What to do? 07/15/19
How can an individual entrepreneur receive maternity payments?
Maternity benefits are not subject to personal income tax - the expectant mother will receive the entire amount without deducting 13%.