What does having a miscarriage feel like
What Does a Miscarriage Feel Like? Symptoms at Different Stages
There’s no way around it. A miscarriage is so hard, and if you’re going through one or think you may be, we wish we could reach through the screen and give you a huge hug and a listening ear.
Tragically, statistics say that anywhere from 15 to 20 percent of clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. And if you add in the early miscarriages in pregnancies that haven’t yet been confirmed, the statistics go up even more.
But you’re more than any statistic. When you’ve been dreaming of and planning for a baby, knowing that you’re not alone may provide some level of comfort, but we know it won’t take away the pain.
If you’re pregnant and worried about miscarriage, remember that every woman — and even every pregnancy — is different. As an example: If you’ve had a previous loss that included lots of cramping and now have cramping with your current pregnancy, you might assume the worst — but this symptom doesn’t always mean miscarriage.
Similarly, it’s possible to have a miscarriage — either very early or with something called a “missed miscarriage” — without any immediate or unusual symptoms.
With all this in mind, let’s take a closer look at what a miscarriage can feel like.
If you believe you may be having a miscarriage, contact your medical provider. They’ll be able to provide you with the tests to determine your health and the health of your baby.
Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy and are unavoidable. While this is heartbreaking, it’s important to know that this means there was likely nothing that you or your partner did to cause it.
The most common cause of miscarriage during this time is a chromosomal abnormality in the DNA. Other, more rare reasons for a first trimester miscarriage include:
- hormonal factors
- maternal health
- exposure to toxic substances
- failure of the egg to properly implant into the uterine lining
Age can also play a role in miscarriage. In one 2019 study, researchers looking at 421,201 pregnancies found that women who were 25 to 29 years old had a 10 percent risk of miscarriage while women who were 45 and older had a 53 percent risk. This could be because egg quality decreases as we age, making chromosomal abnormalities more likely.
If you’re having a miscarriage during the first trimester, you may feel:
- Back pain. The extent of this can differ greatly from woman to woman, but it’s often worse than normal monthly menstrual cramping.
- A white-pink mucus coming from the vagina.
- Pelvic contractions. We can’t say this enough, though: As with everything else, the extent of this can differ greatly from woman to woman. Some women report experiencing labor level contractions every 5 to 20 minutes while others don’t report having contractions at all during their miscarriage.
- Brown or bright red bleeding with or without cramps. But some bleeding — especially light — isn’t too uncommon in normal pregnancies.
In one study, only 12 percent of women with first trimester bleeding experienced a miscarriage.
- A sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy like nausea or breast pain. But keep in mind that these symptoms — particularly nausea — typically decrease in the second trimester of a perfectly normal pregnancy.
- Diarrhea and abdominal pain.
It’s also possible to feel nothing unusual. A chemical pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy is lost so early on that bleeding occurs around the time of your expected period. Many women don’t realize that they’ve conceived in these cases and won’t recognize that they’re miscarrying.
And finally, your physical symptoms might be delayed in the case of a missed miscarriage. This is when the fetal heartbeat stops without your knowledge, but you don’t physically miscarry.
A missed miscarriage — also called a silent miscarriage or medically termed a “missed abortion” — is usually detected on a routine follow-up ultrasound after your pregnancy has been confirmed. Sometimes, growth measurements may even indicate that the fetal heartbeat stopped weeks earlier — for example, if you’re 11 weeks pregnant but the fetal age is measured as 7 weeks.
Physical feelings and recovery from a missed miscarriage depend on whether you have a D and C or are given medication to induce a miscarriage. To learn what happens after a missed miscarriage, take a look at this article.
A second trimester miscarriage is rare. In fact, once you hit 20 weeks, pregnancy loss isn’t referred to as miscarriage — but more on that in a minute.
Common causes for a miscarriage during the second trimester include:
- chromosomal abnormalities
- cervical insufficiencies, like a short or incompetent cervix
- drug use
- maternal infections
One possible complication of incompetent cervix is preterm delivery. Because of this, you may feel stronger cramping than you would with a first trimester miscarriage. If you’re experiencing bleeding and heavy cramping, this may mean that the cervix is opening and contractions are following.
A pregnancy loss in the third trimester isn’t referred to as a miscarriage. Instead, it’s called a stillbirth.
If you feel or have any of the following at this stage, call your OB — or just go to the ER — immediately:
- significant vaginal blood loss
- pain or cramping in the vaginal area
- fewer baby movements
It can be useful to do daily kick counts in the third trimester to get a feel for how often your baby moves and as a way to notice if movement seems to be decreasing.
If you feel like you’re having a miscarriage, it’s very important to call your doctor and not make a self-diagnosis.
There are many reasons to feel a lot of the things we’ve mentioned — including urinary tract infections, hormones, and other medical circumstances.
Your doctor may discover that instead of a miscarriage you have a problem that can be fixed without any effect on the pregnancy. Or, your doctor may find that there is a problem with the pregnancy, but that preventative measures can be taken to protect it.
Additionally, should they find that you did miscarry, they’ll be able to tell you whether the miscarriage is “complete,” “incomplete,” or “missed” (all medical terms). This will help the doctor make necessary medical decisions to protect your own health and future fertility.
A miscarriage — or even the thought of a miscarriage — can involve a lot of feelings. You might feel scared or like you’re in a bad dream. You might begin to blame yourself or someone else. And despite the statistics, you may feel very, very alone.
You may also have many unanswered questions about what’s happening to your body and pregnancy. If you feel confident that you’re having a miscarriage, you may even begin to wonder if you’ll ever be able to conceive or have a child. (Rest assured, most women are.) Your mind may go to having to tell other people about your loss.
These feelings are all very normal.
It’s critical that you keep lines of communication open with your family, friends, and health providers. Share your feelings with those who care about you and get your questions answered by medical professionals.
And if it turns out that you’re not miscarrying, the fear of having one may persist. Talking to a licensed therapist or joining a pregnancy support group can be helpful during the rest of your pregnancy.
Every woman and every pregnancy is different when it comes to what a miscarriage feels like. If you believe you may be having a miscarriage, seek advice and assistance from your doctor.
In addition to consulting your doctor, it’s important to reach out to your support system. If you’d like additional support from people who understand what you’re going through, there are online and in-person support groups for both those going through pregnancy and those who have experienced a miscarriage. Please remember, you’re not alone.
What Does a Miscarriage Feel Like? Symptoms at Different Stages
There’s no way around it. A miscarriage is so hard, and if you’re going through one or think you may be, we wish we could reach through the screen and give you a huge hug and a listening ear.
Tragically, statistics say that anywhere from 15 to 20 percent of clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. And if you add in the early miscarriages in pregnancies that haven’t yet been confirmed, the statistics go up even more.
But you’re more than any statistic. When you’ve been dreaming of and planning for a baby, knowing that you’re not alone may provide some level of comfort, but we know it won’t take away the pain.
If you’re pregnant and worried about miscarriage, remember that every woman — and even every pregnancy — is different. As an example: If you’ve had a previous loss that included lots of cramping and now have cramping with your current pregnancy, you might assume the worst — but this symptom doesn’t always mean miscarriage.
Similarly, it’s possible to have a miscarriage — either very early or with something called a “missed miscarriage” — without any immediate or unusual symptoms.
With all this in mind, let’s take a closer look at what a miscarriage can feel like.
If you believe you may be having a miscarriage, contact your medical provider. They’ll be able to provide you with the tests to determine your health and the health of your baby.
Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy and are unavoidable. While this is heartbreaking, it’s important to know that this means there was likely nothing that you or your partner did to cause it.
The most common cause of miscarriage during this time is a chromosomal abnormality in the DNA. Other, more rare reasons for a first trimester miscarriage include:
- hormonal factors
- maternal health
- exposure to toxic substances
- failure of the egg to properly implant into the uterine lining
Age can also play a role in miscarriage. In one 2019 study, researchers looking at 421,201 pregnancies found that women who were 25 to 29 years old had a 10 percent risk of miscarriage while women who were 45 and older had a 53 percent risk. This could be because egg quality decreases as we age, making chromosomal abnormalities more likely.
If you’re having a miscarriage during the first trimester, you may feel:
- Back pain. The extent of this can differ greatly from woman to woman, but it’s often worse than normal monthly menstrual cramping.
- A white-pink mucus coming from the vagina.
- Pelvic contractions. We can’t say this enough, though: As with everything else, the extent of this can differ greatly from woman to woman. Some women report experiencing labor level contractions every 5 to 20 minutes while others don’t report having contractions at all during their miscarriage.
- Brown or bright red bleeding with or without cramps. But some bleeding — especially light — isn’t too uncommon in normal pregnancies. In one study, only 12 percent of women with first trimester bleeding experienced a miscarriage.
- A sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy like nausea or breast pain.
But keep in mind that these symptoms — particularly nausea — typically decrease in the second trimester of a perfectly normal pregnancy.
- Diarrhea and abdominal pain.
It’s also possible to feel nothing unusual. A chemical pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy is lost so early on that bleeding occurs around the time of your expected period. Many women don’t realize that they’ve conceived in these cases and won’t recognize that they’re miscarrying.
And finally, your physical symptoms might be delayed in the case of a missed miscarriage. This is when the fetal heartbeat stops without your knowledge, but you don’t physically miscarry.
A missed miscarriage — also called a silent miscarriage or medically termed a “missed abortion” — is usually detected on a routine follow-up ultrasound after your pregnancy has been confirmed. Sometimes, growth measurements may even indicate that the fetal heartbeat stopped weeks earlier — for example, if you’re 11 weeks pregnant but the fetal age is measured as 7 weeks.
Physical feelings and recovery from a missed miscarriage depend on whether you have a D and C or are given medication to induce a miscarriage. To learn what happens after a missed miscarriage, take a look at this article.
A second trimester miscarriage is rare. In fact, once you hit 20 weeks, pregnancy loss isn’t referred to as miscarriage — but more on that in a minute.
Common causes for a miscarriage during the second trimester include:
- chromosomal abnormalities
- cervical insufficiencies, like a short or incompetent cervix
- drug use
- maternal infections
One possible complication of incompetent cervix is preterm delivery. Because of this, you may feel stronger cramping than you would with a first trimester miscarriage. If you’re experiencing bleeding and heavy cramping, this may mean that the cervix is opening and contractions are following.
A pregnancy loss in the third trimester isn’t referred to as a miscarriage. Instead, it’s called a stillbirth.
If you feel or have any of the following at this stage, call your OB — or just go to the ER — immediately:
- significant vaginal blood loss
- pain or cramping in the vaginal area
- fewer baby movements
It can be useful to do daily kick counts in the third trimester to get a feel for how often your baby moves and as a way to notice if movement seems to be decreasing.
If you feel like you’re having a miscarriage, it’s very important to call your doctor and not make a self-diagnosis.
There are many reasons to feel a lot of the things we’ve mentioned — including urinary tract infections, hormones, and other medical circumstances.
Your doctor may discover that instead of a miscarriage you have a problem that can be fixed without any effect on the pregnancy. Or, your doctor may find that there is a problem with the pregnancy, but that preventative measures can be taken to protect it.
Additionally, should they find that you did miscarry, they’ll be able to tell you whether the miscarriage is “complete,” “incomplete,” or “missed” (all medical terms). This will help the doctor make necessary medical decisions to protect your own health and future fertility.
A miscarriage — or even the thought of a miscarriage — can involve a lot of feelings. You might feel scared or like you’re in a bad dream. You might begin to blame yourself or someone else. And despite the statistics, you may feel very, very alone.
You may also have many unanswered questions about what’s happening to your body and pregnancy. If you feel confident that you’re having a miscarriage, you may even begin to wonder if you’ll ever be able to conceive or have a child. (Rest assured, most women are.) Your mind may go to having to tell other people about your loss.
These feelings are all very normal.
It’s critical that you keep lines of communication open with your family, friends, and health providers. Share your feelings with those who care about you and get your questions answered by medical professionals.
And if it turns out that you’re not miscarrying, the fear of having one may persist. Talking to a licensed therapist or joining a pregnancy support group can be helpful during the rest of your pregnancy.
Every woman and every pregnancy is different when it comes to what a miscarriage feels like. If you believe you may be having a miscarriage, seek advice and assistance from your doctor.
In addition to consulting your doctor, it’s important to reach out to your support system. If you’d like additional support from people who understand what you’re going through, there are online and in-person support groups for both those going through pregnancy and those who have experienced a miscarriage. Please remember, you’re not alone.
Miscarriage, symptoms - Health Clinic 365 Yekaterinburg
Causes of miscarriage
Questions to the doctor about miscarriage
Diagnosis of miscarriage
Treatment and prevention of miscarriage
According to statistics, 10 to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. However, the real numbers could be much higher, as a large number of miscarriages happen very early, and women are not even aware of their pregnancy. Most miscarriages happen due to abnormal development of the fetus. nine0003
Miscarriage is quite common, but this fact does not make things any easier. It is always difficult to cope with the realization that there was a pregnancy, but no child. Try to deal with the situation psychologically and understand what could be causing the miscarriage, what increases the risk of it, and what type of treatment might be needed.
Miscarriage symptoms .
Most miscarriages occur before 12 weeks. Signs and symptoms of a miscarriage include:
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting (although quite common in early pregnancy)
- Pain or cramps in the abdomen or lower back
- Fluid vaginal discharge or tissue fragments
It is important to consider the fact that in early pregnancy, spotting or vaginal bleeding is quite common. In most cases, women who experience light bleeding during the first three months have an uneventful pregnancy thereafter. In some cases, even with heavy bleeding, the pregnancy does not end in a miscarriage. nine0003
Some women who have a miscarriage develop an infection in the uterus. This infection, also called septic miscarriage, can cause:
- Fever (feeling hot, chills)
- Body pains
- Thick, foul-smelling vaginal discharge
When to see a doctor.
Call your doctor if:
- Bleeding, even if only light spotting occurs
- Profuse, liquid vaginal discharge without pain or bleeding
- Isolation of tissue fragments from the vagina
You can put a piece of tissue to be isolated in a clean container and take it to your doctor for examination. It is unlikely that the study will give any accurate results, but if it is determined that the fragments of the excreted tissue are from the placenta, the doctor will be able to conclude that the symptoms that appear are not associated with the presence of a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. nine0003
You can get more detailed information about miscarriage from the gynecologists of the Health 365 clinic in Yekaterinburg.
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In a miscarriage, the fetus is shed from the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. According to experts, two out of 10 clinically established pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to understand in more detail the causes, symptoms and methods of dealing with miscarriage. nine0003
How an early miscarriage occurs
There are three steps in this process. First, the fetus dies, after which it detaches from the endometrial layer. This is manifested by the fact that bleeding begins.
At the third stage, everything that has exfoliated is removed from the uterine cavity. The process may be complete or incomplete. In the early stages - five to six weeks - the process resembles ordinary menstruation. They are characterized by painful and much more unpleasant sensations. You can find out that it was just an early miscarriage by taking tests for the ratio of hCG in the blood. nine0003
Symptoms of a miscarriage
Signs of miscarriage are abdominal cramps, cramps or spotting. However, they do not always appear. It is necessary to note the most typical manifestations of the presented state and their main characteristics.
For a short period of time, hyperthermia may well not be observed. Fever is not the most common symptom. In some cases, the thermometer readings really rise to 38 degrees or more. nine0003
At the same time, when hyperthermia is accompanied by a number of additional symptoms, a septic miscarriage is likely. These are its symptoms:
- severe pain in the abdomen and in the depths of the vagina;
- increase in the tone of the uterus, which is felt by shocks inside;
- pungent, pungent and unpleasant odour.
All this indicates that the infection has joined. In such a case, emergency hospitalization is strongly recommended to stop the development of the process. It is better not to engage in self-medication or the use of folk recipes. nine0003
Early miscarriage can indeed be accompanied by discharge. They may be habitual, as during menstruation. Also, the discharge may be smearing, insignificant.
Brown, scanty secretion, much less likely to end in spontaneous abortion. Most often, this is indicated by abundant and bright red discharge. It is blood that normally appears when the fetus is rejected from the inner layer of the uterus.
The severity of unpleasant and specific sensations may differ from each other depending on the duration of pregnancy. Probably the accession of pain, similar to menstruation. Most often, a similar symptom indicates an early miscarriage - no more than six weeks. nine0003
Probably cramping pains in the abdomen, which pull in the back. Their strength can vary from subtle to much more pronounced. In the rarest cases, when the clinical picture is complicated by a long course, this leads to a state of shock.
Another typical manifestation of pain is discomfort in the back or abdomen. Only then are the discharges identified. A similar situation is most typical for spontaneous abortion at the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy. nine0003
Causes of miscarriage
The first factor is genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus. It is they who most often lead to miscarriage in the early stages. Violations can be expressed in qualitative or quantitative failures in chromosomes. In this regard, the female body recognizes the defect, and therefore does not allow such a fetus to develop further. Most often, such rejection is noted in the third week of pregnancy.
The next reason that an early miscarriage has developed may be disturbances in the work of the endocrine gland. Hormones determine not only the success and regularity of the cycle, but also how well the fetus is attached to the mucous surface of the uterus. If, due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland, the endometrium is not able to provide the fetus with all the necessary components, the pregnancy will not go well. Most often, a miscarriage occurs at the beginning or at the end of the fourth week. nine0003
Other reasons why pregnancy is terminated:
- Rhesus conflict. If the parents have different Rh factors, then the risk that a miscarriage will occur after the first weeks of pregnancy increases significantly. This happens if a woman has a negative Rh, and the child has a positive, inherited from the father. In such a situation, the female body recognizes the fetus as a foreign object. Therefore, it is excreted from the uterus.
Timely diagnosis allows you to save the child through full-fledged drug therapy. nine0024
- Sexually transmitted diseases, other infections. Similar problematic conditions also lead to spontaneous abortion. In this case, the embryo is infected at a very early stage. That is why the body will perceive it as a foreign object. In this regard, a miscarriage will occur already in the fifth week.
- Previous abortions. Another common reason why a miscarriage occurred. Abortion is a huge stress for the reproductive system, which leads to thinning of the lining of the uterus. That is why the risk of miscarriage may be greater. nine0024
Abdominal injuries should not be excluded from the injury list. Sharp pressure on the peritoneum, including when lifting weights, can provoke an abortion. Also on the list are severe stress, anxiety and depression. Anything that violates the normal state of a woman can lead to serious consequences.
How to avoid miscarriage
The main goal of treatment is to relieve tension in the uterus. It will be equally important to stop the bleeding and prolong the pregnancy, but only on the condition that the fetus is viable. The sooner medical assistance is provided, the higher the likelihood of preserving the fetus, without the need to determine the expected timing of miscarriages. nine0003
Our specialists will help you with this. Only we have the most qualified and experienced doctors who know exactly how to treat even the most difficult cases. They will conduct a full diagnosis and prescribe the most effective, effective medicines.
Drug treatment
Hormonal drugs are used. They at an early stage determine the normal course of pregnancy. Medicines based on the hormone progesterone are effective.
- The use of hemostatic drugs. In the case of pregnant women, droppers are used with drugs such as Dicinon or Tranexam. They are needed to stop bleeding.
- Antispasmodics. Experts recommend injections of Drotaverin, followed by a switch to painkillers such as No-shpa.
Papaverine suppositories, droppers with the addition of magnesia are also used. All of them are necessary in order to remove a number of signs of a pathological condition, namely, an increased tone of the uterus and pronounced pain. nine0024
- Use of Tocopherol. Vitamin E is an indispensable component for women, including pregnant women. It ensures the normal and full functioning of the ovaries. Tocopherol also strengthens the vascular walls, eliminates the formation of blood clots.
- Sedative preparations. Use motherwort or valerian tincture. The presented measure is recommended for increased irritability or nervousness of a pregnant woman.
To prevent early miscarriage, the specialists of our clinic recommend glucocorticosteroids. Apply Dexamethasone or Metipred. They are prescribed to patients with diagnosed immune disorders that can lead to early termination of pregnancy. nine0003
Optionally, a special relief ring can be installed. The presented procedure is carried out in the second trimester, or rather after the 20th week of gestation.
Remove such device not earlier than 38 weeks. It is necessary for a woman to maintain the correct position of the uterus. Also, the unloading ring helps to prevent premature birth.
Additional measures
To avoid early miscarriage, it is recommended to stop physical activity. Especially when it comes to jumping, lifting weights. Rest, lack of sudden physical activity and adherence to bed rest will help to keep the pregnancy. nine0003
Another preventive measure will be the exclusion of sudden movements. At any stage of pregnancy, they can provoke detachment of the embryo or lead to serious complications in its development.
An early miscarriage will be excluded by:
- emotional calm and absence of stress;
- refusal to take a hot bath or visit a bath, sauna - this is due to the fact that high temperatures provoke increased bleeding, as well as detachment of the fetus; nine0024
- restriction of sexual intercourse - if there is a threat that an early miscarriage will occur, they refuse to have sex;
- exclusion of alcohol, nicotine addiction.
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