How many weeks for 5 months pregnant
What Happens at 5 Months of Pregnancy?
In This Section
- Month by Month
- What happens in the second month?
- What happens in the third month?
- What happens in the fourth month?
- What happens in the fifth month?
- What happens in the sixth month?
- What happens in the seventh month?
- What happens in the eighth month?
- What happens in the ninth month?
- What happens in the tenth month?
When you’re 5 months pregnant, your fetus develops soft body hair and a greasy coating that helps protect the skin.
What happens during weeks 17 - 18?
The fetus has a CRL of 5.5–6 inches (14–15 cm).
What happens during week 19 - 20?
The fetus has a CRL of about 6.5 inches (16 cm). Lanugo — a fine downy hair — covers the body. The skin is also covered with vernix caseosa, a greasy material that protects the skin. A uterus forms in a biologically female fetus.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the fifth month?
People usually feel fetal movements for the first time during the fifth month. It may feel like flutters or butterflies in your stomach. This is sometimes called quickening.
The pregnancy symptoms of the fourth month continue this month. Heartburn, constipation, breast changes, dizziness, shortness of breath, nose bleeds, and gum bleeding are common. Your breasts may be as much as 2 cup sizes bigger by now.
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Calendar of pregnancy | Elite Private Clinic
Calendar of pregnancy | Elite Private Clinic backET RU EN LV LT SE FIN
Ask time for visit- The first month (weeks 0- 4)
- The second month (weeks 5-8)
- The third month (weeks 9-12)
- The fourth month (weeks 13-16)
- The fifth month (weeks 17- 20)
- The sixth month (weeks 21-24)
- The seventh month (weeks 25-28)
- The eighth month (weeks 29-32)
- The ninth month (weeks 33-36)
- The tenth month (weeks 37-40)
The first month (weeks 0- 4)
-begins on the day you started your last period and lasts 4 weeks.
- Conception takes place about two weeks from the start of your period – the baby’s life begins.
- At the end of the month there are still 36 weeks until the birth (8 months, 12 days).
- At the end of the month the fetus is 2 weeks old.
- The fetus is now the size of a pinhead.
REMEMBER: While you are pregnant, do not take any medicines without first checking that they are safe for you and your baby. Consult your doctor or the health nurse first.
The second month (weeks 5-8)
-begins 4 weeks after the start of your last period.
- Lasts 4 weeks.
- At the end of the month there are still 32 weeks until the birth (7 months, 14 days)
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 2 weeks old and at the end of the month 6 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 1,5 cm long at the end of the month.
- The fetus has got the beginnings of arms and legs.
- The heart, nose, ears and eyelids, the nervous system, spine and umbilical cord are beginning to develop.
REMEMBER: Heavy smoking and drinking during pregnancy can harm your baby!
The third month (weeks 9-12)
-begins 8 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 28 weeks until the birth (6 months, 16 days)
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 6 weeks old and at the end of the month 10 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 9 cm long at the end of the month and weights about 20 grams.
- The baby’s heart beats for the first time.
- The fetus floats in a sack of amniotic fluid and gets its food via the umbilical chord.
REMEMBER: The mother’s welfare is important to the child: healthy food and plenty of exercise are good for both.
The fourth month (weeks 13-16)
-begins 12 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 24 weeks until the birth (5 months, 18 days).
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 10 weeks old and at the end of the month 14 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 16 cm long at the end of the month and weights about 100 grams.
- The uterus is about the size of a fist.
- The head is big, about half the total length, and the face is beginning to acquire its own features. The ears and genitals are developing.
- The fetus practises breathing and swallowing movements. It kicks, moves its toes and thumbs and turns its head. The mother does not yet feel these tiny movements, however.
REMEMBER: In order to qualify for maternity benefit you must visit the clinic or a doctor before the end of the 16th week.
The fifth month(weeks 17- 20)
-begins 16 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 20 weeks until the birth (4 months, 20 days)
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 14 weeks old and at the end of the month 18 weeks old.
- The fetus is 25-27 cm long at the end of the month and weighs 250-300 grams.
- The fetus has its own circulatory system and its heart beats twice as fast as an adults.
- The foetus’s skin is covered in fine, downy hair (lanugo), which vanishes by the time the baby is born.
It now has eyebrows.
- At this stage the placenta is almost as big as the fetus. It protects the fetus from some but not all harmful substances.
- The mother can now feel the baby’s movements if she has had a baby before.
REMEMBER: Now’s the time to talk to the health nurse about antenatal classes.
The sixth month (weeks 21-24)
-begins 20 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 16 weeks until the birth (3 months, 2 days).
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 18 weeks old and at the end of the month, 22 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 30cm long at the end of the month and weighs 400-600 grams. Even a primapara (a women expecting her first baby) can feel its movements. Its heartbeats can be heard.
- By the end of the month the top of the uterus (the fundus) is up to the navel. Faster growth is a sign of twins.
- The fetus practises sucking and its thumb often find its way into its mouth.
Its hair and nails grow. The protective film begins to develop into skin.
- The fetus sleeps most of the time but may be woken by external noises or vibration.
REMEMBER: In week 22 you can apply for your maternity, paternity or parents’ pay (and leave of absence) as well as for maternity benefit.
The seventh month (weeks 25-28)
-begins 24 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 12 weeks until the birth (2 months, 24 days).
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 22 weeks old and at the end of the month 26 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 35 cm long and weighs about a kilo.
- The fetus moves a lot, turns and visibly kicks. It opens and closes its eyes, and it has a strong grip with its hands.
- The uterus is up to the navel. You may feel the first contractions, during which your tummy goes hard for a few seconds.
The eighth month (weeks 29-32)
-begins 28 weeks after the start of your last period.
- At the end of the month there are still 8 weeks until the birth (1 month, 26 days).
- At the beginning of the month the fetus is 26 weeks old and at the end of the month 30 weeks old.
- The fetus is about 40cm long and weighs about 1,5 kilos
- The fetus is really beginning to look like a baby, though a very frail one. If it were born now it would have chances of surviving.
- The foetus’s lungs and other organs are not yet fully developed, however, and it does not yet have all the antibodies of a full-term baby.
REMEMBER: Avoid standing, lifting heavy objects and other strenuous jobs.
The ninth month (weeks 33-36)
-begins 32 weeks after the start of your last period
- At the end of the month there are still 28 days until the birth, i.e. 4 weeks.
- At the beginning of the month the baby is 30 weeks old and at the end of the month 34 weeks old.
- The baby is about 47 cm long and weighs about 2, 700 grams.
It quickly gains weight.
- The baby moves less than before, because it has not much room left to move in. At this stage most babies get into position for birth, head down.
- The baby’s skin is covered with a creamy film called vernix.
REMEMBER: It’s a good idea to get everything ready for the baby at this stage.
The tenth month (weeks 37-40)
-begins 36 weeks after the start of your last period or 34 weeks after conception.
- At the beginning of the month the baby is 34 weeks old; most babies are born when they are 38 weeks old.
- The uterus drops and the baby’s head engages ready for birth. The contractions increase, considerably.
- The baby kicks so hard in the uterus that it can push away a book placed on the mother’s tummy.
- At birth most babies are 49-52 cm long and weigh 3,000-4, 000 grams
- Your baby is born at the end of the tenth month, give or take a week.
REMEMBER: Set off for the hospital immediately the waters break, if you have pain or bleeding, or when the contractions are coming regularly (see the chapter on the birth).
Fifth month of pregnancy: belly, fetal development and from what week the 5th month of pregnancy begins
From what week the 5th month of pregnancy begins
It is customary to count the beginning of the fifth month from the 17th-18th week of pregnancy. The gynecologist from the very beginning sets the gestational age according to ultrasound and a blood test for hCG. It is slightly different from the one that a woman can calculate herself from the day of the last ovulation. The difference is that this takes into account the time until the egg passes through the tubes, then, in the form of a fertilized zygote, it is fixed on the wall of the uterus. nine0005 Every time a gynecologist is examined, they ask exactly the gestational age. 5 months of pregnancy corresponds to the range of 17 - 20 weeks.
Signs, symptoms and sensations
The fifth month of pregnancy is considered a landmark for the expectant mother. The point is not only that the unpleasant sensations of nausea in the morning or drowsiness are already passing. This is practically the equator of pregnancy, so the expectant mother got used to the new position and got used to it.
Signs and symptoms 5 months:
- the uterus is the size of a small melon, the belly is firmer and more visible;
- at week 17, the fundus of the uterus (apex) is halfway between the navel and the pubic symphysis, by week 20 the uterus is already larger and its fundus is located 2 cm above the navel;
- the navel of the pregnant woman begins to smooth out;
- pulse becomes faster;
- at this time, the volume of water in the body and in the blood increases significantly, hemoglobin decreases and physiological anemia of pregnant women sets in; nine0017
- due to the growing uterus, pressure on the veins increases, and vascular networks appear on the legs, varicose veins appear;
- the fetus has grown significantly in 17 weeks and for the first time its tremors can be felt;
- yellow discharge from the nipples appears - the breast is preparing for the appearance of colostrum;
- morning sickness goes away, but swelling and heaviness in the legs, constipation, frequent urge to urinate begin;
- with a growing uterus and relaxed ligaments, pain in the lower back begins, gradually the center of gravity shifts; nine0017
- a pregnant woman establishes an invisible connection with the baby, she listens to the movements and for the first time can feel like a mother.
During this period, bleeding may occur, blood pressure may rise, the pulse may reach 100 beats per minute, and the lower limbs may swell. With these symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.
The first thing expectant mothers expect from the fifth month is movements and pushes.
Mothers often mistake other sounds and sensations for their baby's movements. This feeling is usually compared to the feeling of small bubbles, butterflies or a light touch inside. For the first time, it is more difficult to make out, is it the baby pushing or gases in the intestines, but every day the sensations will become more distinct, and the mother will be able to disassemble them.
It is known that in the second or subsequent pregnancies, the expectant mother notices the first movements of the fetus earlier than the first time. She can already compare her sensations, sensitivity is better developed. You don’t need to be upset if you don’t hear any movements or tremors during your first pregnancy at 17 weeks, you just need to wait a bit. nine0012 It is normal to feel the first tremors at 20 weeks.
In the second trimester, the expectant mother begins to feel a lack of calcium in the body. This is due to the active growth of the fetus and the formation of its skeleton. Calcium from the mother's body passes to the baby, a pregnant woman may feel weak, her nails become brittle, problems with teeth begin, leg cramps at night. This means that you need to make up for the deficiency - consume more foods with its content and drink vitamin-mineral complexes in consultation with your doctor. nine0005 If there are two or more fetuses, the pregnant woman feels the symptoms of a lack of vitamins and minerals more acutely, the stomach grows faster, which leads to the early appearance of edema and back pain. From tightness in the uterus, babies push more clearly.
Belly at 5 months pregnant
The fifth month of pregnancy is important for the future father, other family members and other people around the woman. At this time, the pregnant woman's tummy is clearly visible. It is becoming more and more difficult to hide an “interesting position”, it is no longer so easy to confuse it with overeating, especially for slender girls. With multiple pregnancy in the 5th month, the abdomen is clearly visible. nine0006
In the fifth month, it's time to start preparing for the decree. Prepare documents, slowly hand over cases, delegate as much routine as possible.
A growing tummy and a shift in the center of gravity leads to back pain, it becomes harder to walk. A bandage will help alleviate the condition. A special belt supports the stomach and unloads the lower back, it becomes easier to walk.
The volume of the abdomen at the 5th month of each woman is different, it depends on the complexion. In full, the stomach is not visible as expressively as in thin ones. The old clothes are already cramped, it's time to update your wardrobe with things for pregnant women and trousers with a special wide set-in belt. nine0006
Mother's weight during pregnancy
Women do not like to gain weight and always have complexes about it. The only exception is the period of pregnancy. At this time, any weight gain and an increase in the abdomen is perceived, in most cases, joyfully and as an indicator of the normal growth of the fetus.
Normally, during the entire pregnancy, the expectant mother gains from 9 kg with one fetus and from 16 kg with twins.
Maximum value may vary. On average, with a singleton pregnancy, you can gain up to 14 kg and with a multiple pregnancy, 20 kg. These figures are indicative, but not all are the same. nine0005 Weight gain during pregnancy depends on the woman's build and her eating habits, metabolic rate, diet during pregnancy, activity, hormonal levels and genetic predisposition.
During the first trimester, the fetus does not grow so noticeably, so the weight gain in the first 3 months is an average of 2 kg. Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus develops and grows faster, and the belly increases every week. In the third trimester, a woman gains even more weight. nine0005 This process cannot be controlled or modified. It makes no sense to try to restrain weight gain and eat less, this will lead to a delay in the development of the fetus and health problems not only for the child, but also for the mother. The child takes away from the mother the nutrients he needs for development, with malnutrition, she suffers in the first place.
In the second trimester with a singleton pregnancy it is normal to add 1 kg per month .
If calculated by weeks - 300 g per week. If the weight gain is normal, then the mother eats properly, and the baby is also growing. nine0005 It is very important for pregnant women to monitor weight gain and belly size. The gynecologist takes measurements at a scheduled visit once every 3 weeks. But the expectant mother must follow the process herself.
How to properly weigh yourself at home (once a week):
- stand on the scale each time in light clothing;
- do it in the morning before breakfast;
- write down the weight in a notebook and control the deviation in the diagram.
Gynecologists in the antenatal clinic often ask pregnant women to weigh themselves at home and give the weight at the reception instead of measurements in the office. This is necessary so that the result is more accurate - the visit can be during the day, and the weight in the morning and in the afternoon can differ by 1 - 1.5 kg. nine0006
What causes weight gain?
What is taken into account in the calculations:
- fruit weight - about 4 kg;
- maternal fat deposits, which always accumulate during pregnancy - 1 - 4 kg;
- uterus and amniotic fluid - may weigh approximately 2 kg;
- mother's blood - during pregnancy, it increases in volume by 1 - 1.5 kg;
- additional fluid in the body due to edema - up to 2.8 kg.
Weight gain is affected not only by the increased appetite and complexion of the expectant mother, but also by the fetus itself and its size, edema and toxicosis, polyhydramnios and age.
Stretch marks during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the skin in the abdomen and chest area is stretched due to the natural increase in the volume of these areas. When you gain weight, the volume of the hips and buttocks also increase. The skin does not have time to adapt to a sharp stretching and microtraumas appear - stretch marks or striae. They look like stripes, on problem areas there can be scars 1-5 mm thick and up to 10 cm long. Stretch marks are formed in parallel strips, at first red-blue in color, and then turn pale. Stretch marks appear with a sharp weight gain and stretching of the skin for any reason, and during pregnancy, the risk that they will appear increases significantly. The reason is that at this time the body changes very quickly and the volumes only grow, unlike the usual weight gain. nine0006
Can stretch marks be prevented?
A pregnant woman cannot gain weight gradually so that her skin has time to adapt.
With a rapid weight gain, starting from the 2nd trimester, the skin is stretched, which in 80% of cases leads to the formation of microtraumas - stretch marks (stretch marks).
Women who have had a stable weight are particularly affected.
How to prevent stretch marks in problem areas during pregnancy:
- take a contrast shower, focusing on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and chest; nine0017
- use hypoallergenic moisturizers: e.g.
- to do a light massage with a washcloth or massager with special attachments.
During pregnancy, intensive massage of any part of the body should not be done, only light, superficial massage is allowed. It is also not recommended to use cosmetics for stretch marks that are not suitable for pregnant women. It is better to give preference to products that contain natural ingredients in the composition and do not contain fragrances. nine0005 If you haven't started caring for your skin that is undergoing changes, now is the time!
In the second trimester, pay special attention to the areas of the chest, abdomen, sides, buttocks and thighs. A harbinger of the fact that it has already begun to stretch is itching in problem areas.
At the 5th month of pregnancy, the belly begins to grow rapidly, and the weight increases rapidly. If you use special remedies for stretch marks throughout your pregnancy, they may not appear. Don't change your skin care routine until the end of your pregnancy. nine0006
How to get rid of stretch marks if they have already appeared?
Many people do not use moisturizers and notice stretch marks when they have already appeared. When striae are just formed, you can still make them smaller. To do this, expectant mothers need to use cosmetic creams for stretch marks for pregnant women and take a contrast shower.
If stretch marks are already extensive, bluish or red in color, creams will not be able to restore the skin to its previous state.
Scars already formed, the epidermis is injured. In this case, cosmetic procedures will help - chemical peeling, mesotherapy or laser resurfacing. These are traumatic procedures that can be done according to indications and after pregnancy and lactation. nine0005 The best treatment for stretch marks is timely prevention. Modern hypoallergenic products for stretch marks for pregnant women effectively care for the skin, moisturize it and prevent injury even with severe sprains.
How the fetus develops
At the 5th month of pregnancy, the fetus can already be clearly seen on ultrasound. He is large and looks more like a baby, but he still has a lot of space in the uterus, he actively moves and swims.
What happens to the baby at 5 months:
- the baby has already begun to grow hair - on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes;
- the body is covered with an original white grease that protects and warms it while thermoregulation is not yet set;
- legs and arms are well developed, proportions become correct, limbs move actively;
- the inner and outer ear is formed, in the second trimester the baby begins to hear and respond to sounds from the outside;
- the brain, endocrine and central nervous system are actively developing; nine0017
- the baby begins to open his eyes and reacts to light outside the mother's tummy ;
- forms interferon and immunoglobulin, which will be responsible for the immunity of the child;
- the spleen is already working productively;
- at the beginning of the 5th month, the baby weighs 160 g, and his height is 18 cm, at the end of the month he is already 340 g and 24 cm tall;
- actively developing tongue and taste buds;
- baby opens mouth and swallows amniotic fluid, sucks thumb; nine0017
- biorhythms are formed, the mode of sleep and wakefulness is adjusted ;
- the skin gradually becomes denser and less transparent.
By the 5th month, the baby is almost completely formed. It can already be perceived as a real baby, not a fetus.
Ultrasound and tests at the fifth month of pregnancy (description and photo)
From 18 to 22 weeks, it is time to conduct another examination and ultrasound, to take the necessary tests. The doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, sees the features of his face, the shape and structure of the head and brain, skeleton and internal organs, the structure of the heart and arteries, the placenta attachment site, the condition of the umbilical cord and the volume of amniotic fluid. nine0006
What is measured on ultrasound at the 5th month:
- head circumference;
- abdominal circumference;
- leg and arm length;
- nasolabial triangle and collar zone.
Second screening at 5 months of pregnancy includes ultrasound and blood tests - a triple test. The results make it possible to determine the development of the fetus, the correspondence of the measurements of the parameters to the norm and the month of pregnancy according to the gestational age and according to the blood test. Research helps to establish or exclude anomalies and deviations in development. nine0006
From 16 to 18 weeks you need to take a blood test (triple test), which includes:
- hCG level;
- estriol;
- AFP.
The triple test is a single test, which is carried out together with ultrasound, and constitutes the second screening for a comprehensive study of the course of pregnancy and the exclusion of pathologies.
Triple test detects the presence of genetic diseases. Gynecologists insist on passing this test to pregnant women over 35 years old. The result does not give a 100% guarantee of the presence or absence of chromosomal pathologies. Ultrasound is done to confirm or refute the diagnosis, the information on the screen is more visual. General blood and urine tests are also taken. nine0006
Recommended restrictions for expectant mothers
Pregnancy is a difficult time when the expectant mother experiences a storm of different emotions, fatigue, feels changes in sensations, establishes contact with the baby. Her appearance and hormonal background, mood and tastes are changing, excessive emotionality drains and exhausts. It is important to know what physiological processes take place in the body in order to understand what kind of reaction hormones can provoke.
It is not always necessary to listen to your fleeting desires and indulge whims, it can be harmful for the baby and for the health of the pregnant woman. Relatives and friends should also protect the expectant mother and help her take care of herself and the baby. nine0006
What not to do during pregnancy:
Eat for two. It is better to eat right, balanced. Quality matters, not quantity. The diet should include vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and essential nutrients. Include protein foods - meat, poultry, fatty fish as a source of omega-3, nuts. Don't forget multivitamins. Complexes for pregnant women are selected taking into account the daily need of the body for various microelements for pregnant women, and it differs from the standard set. nine0006
Sunbathe , especially when there is already a pigment strip on the stomach. The sun provokes the formation of age spots on the face, so in summer it is better to wear a hat with a brim and use products with a high protection factor.
Eating junk food. Pregnant women can be "drawn" to salty, smoked, sweet, sometimes whims plague the husband and relatives. Hormones are to blame - so junk food brings satisfaction. But they will not bring benefits to the baby, but only provoke constipation, gas formation, heartburn. nine0005
Drink little water to avoid swelling. On the contrary, it is very important for pregnant women to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day. Heaviness in the legs should be removed with baths, a contrast shower, and comfortable shoes should be worn.
Go in for sports. Light exercise will only benefit, but it is better to postpone training even for athletes during the second half of pregnancy and replace it with yoga and warm-up. Sharp movements, jerks and jumps during physical exertion bring the uterus into tone and often provoke miscarriages. nine0006
General recommendations for pregnant women in the 5th month - relax more, eat right and balanced, and take care of your skin. This will help to stay healthy and beautiful, taking care of the unborn child.
During this period, a woman's hormonal background changes, she experiences stress, gets used to strong emotional and physical stress. Now it is especially important to rest and relax. 5 months is the middle of the journey, the stomach is still small. This is the time for frequent walks in the fresh air, vacations, preparation of the children's room. In the 3rd trimester, it will be harder to do this. nine0006
Months of pregnancy | Elite Clinic
- First month of pregnancy (weeks 0-4)
- Second month of pregnancy (weeks 5-8)
- Third month of pregnancy (weeks 9-12)
- Fourth month of pregnancy (weeks 13-16)
- Fifth month of pregnancy (weeks 17-20)
- Sixth month of pregnancy (weeks 21-24)
- Seventh month of pregnancy (weeks 25 -28)
- Eighth month of pregnancy (weeks 29-32) nine0016 Ninth month pregnant (weeks 33-36)
- Tenth month of pregnancy (weeks 37-40)
First month of pregnancy (weeks 0-4) >
starts on the first day of the last menstrual period and lasts 4 weeks.
Fertilization occurs about two weeks after menstruation. Then a child is born.
At the end of the month, 36 weeks (8 months 12 days) remain before delivery.
At the end of the month the fetus is two weeks old.
Pinhead sized fetus. nine0006
REMEMBER! During pregnancy, you should not take any medication on your own initiative. Check with your doctor or health center nurse for safety information.
back to index
The second month of pregnancy (weeks 5-8)
begins when 4 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation.
Lasts 4 weeks.
At the end of the month, 32 weeks remain before delivery (7 months 14 days).
At the beginning of the month, the embryo is two weeks old, at the end - six weeks old. nine0005 At the end of the month, the length of the embryo is about 1.5 cm.
The embryo has small arms and leg rudiments.
The heart and nose begin to develop. ears and eyelids, nervous system, spine and umbilical cord.
REMEMBER! Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm your baby.
back to index
The third month of pregnancy (weeks 9-12)
begins when 8 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation
At the end of the month, 28 weeks (6 months 16 days) remain before delivery. nine0005 At the beginning of the month the fetus is 6 weeks old? at the end of 10 weeks.
At the end of the month, the length of the fruit is about 9 cm. The weight is about 20 g.
The heart starts beating for the first time.
The fetus floats in the amniotic fluid in the bladder and receives nutrients through the umbilical cord.
The fetus already has the upper and lower jaws and the rudiment of the tongue. The first rudiments of teeth appear.
REMEMBER! A good physical and mental condition of the mother contributes to the successful development of the fetus: a healthy diet and walks in the fresh air are useful for both. nine0006
back to index
The fourth month of pregnancy (weeks 13-16)
begins when 12 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation.
At the end of the month, 24 weeks remain before delivery (5 months 18 days)
At the beginning of the month, the fetus is 10 weeks old, at the end of the 14 weeks.
At the end of the month, the fetus is about 16 cm long and weighs about 100 g. The uterus is about the size of a fist.
The head is large and makes up almost half of the total length. The face begins to take shape. Ears and genitals develop. nine0005 The fetus tries to breathe and swallow. He pushes with his legs, moves his toes and fingers, turns his head. The mother, however, does not yet feel these slight movements.
REMEMBER! in order to receive maternity benefit, must appear at the antenatal clinic or doctor no later than during the fourth month of pregnancy.
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The fifth month of pregnancy (weeks 17-20)
begins when 16 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation. nine0006
At the end of the month, 20 weeks (4 months 20 days) remain before delivery.
At the beginning of the month the fetus is 14 weeks old, at the end of the month it is 18 weeks old.
At the end of the month, the length of the fetus is about 25-27 cm, its weight is about 250-300 g.
The fetus develops its own blood circulation and the heart beats twice as fast as that of an adult.
The skin of the fetus is covered with fluffy hair that disappears before delivery. Appear. in particular. brows.
The placenta at this stage is almost the size of the fetus, it protects the fetus from harmful substances. but can't filter everything. nine0005 By this time, the mother already feels the movements of the fetus in that case. if she gave birth before.
REMEMBER! The time has come to arrange with the antenatal clinic nurse about family preparation.
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The sixth month of pregnancy (weeks 21-24)
begins when 20 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation.
At the end of the month, 16 weeks (3 months 22 days) remain before delivery.
At the beginning of the month the fetus is 18 weeks old, at the end of the month it is 22 weeks old. nine0005 The weight of the fetus is from 400 to 600 g, the length is about 30 cm. It moves so that even the primipara feels its movements. A heartbeat is heard.
At the end of the month, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel. Faster uterine growth is often a sign of twins.
The fetus tries to suck, the thumb often slips into the mouth. Hands, hair and nails grow. The protective shell begins to turn into skin.
The fetus sleeps most of the time, but may be awakened by voices or shaking from outside.
REMEMBER! At the 22nd week of pregnancy, you can already apply for maternity, paternity, parenthood and childbirth benefits. (See chapter Services and Benefits for Families with Children).
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The seventh month of pregnancy (weeks 25-28)
-begins when 24 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation.
At the end of the month, there are 12 weeks left before delivery (2 months 24 days).
At the beginning of the month the fetus is 22 weeks old, at the end of the month it is 26 weeks old. nine0005 The weight of the fetus is about one kilogram, its length is about 35 cm.
The fetus moves a lot, turns and pushes with its legs so that it can be seen even from the outside. He opens and closes his eyes, has a strong grip on his hands.
The uterus has risen to the level of the navel. The first contractions of the uterus may be felt in such a way that the abdomen "hardens" for a few seconds.
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The eighth month of pregnancy (weeks 29-32)
begins when 28 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation
At the end of the month, there are 8 weeks left before delivery (1 month 26 days).
At the beginning of the month the fetus is 26 weeks old, at the end of the month it is 30 weeks old.
The fruit is about 40 cm long and weighs about 1. 5 kg.
In appearance, the fetus is similar to a newborn, however, it is more fragile, If it had been born, it could have remained alive.
However, the lungs and many other organs of the fetus are not yet fully developed. It does not have all the antibodies that a full-term fetus has.
REMEMBER! during this period, you should not work for a long time standing on your feet, lifting heavy weights or doing other heavy work. nine0006
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The ninth month of pregnancy (weeks 33-36)
begins when 32 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation.
At the end of the month, there are 28 days or four weeks left before delivery.
At the beginning of the month the fetus is 30 weeks old, at the end of the month it is 34 weeks old.
The length of the fetus is about 47 cm, weight is about 2700 g.
The fetus moves less than before, as the uterus becomes cramped for him. Most fruits turn head down during this period. nine0005 A greasy layer forms on the surface of the skin, the so-called. original lubricant.
The uterus has risen to its maximum height, to the ribs.
REMEMBER! Prepare now everything you need for the child.
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The tenth month of pregnancy (weeks 37-40)
- begins when 36 weeks have elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation, or 34 weeks from the start of fertilization.
At the beginning of the month, the fetus is 34 weeks old and is usually born at 38 weeks. nine0005 The uterus descends and the fetal head is placed in the exit position. The cuts are greatly enhanced.
The fetus pushes so hard in the uterus that it can knock over a book placed on the mother's stomach.
Most newborns are 49 to 52 cm long and weigh 3,000 to 4,000 grams. Childbirth occurs at the end of the tenth month of pregnancy. However, the onset of labor a week earlier or a week later is a common occurrence.
REMEMBER! If amniotic fluid begins to leak, pain or spotting occurs, or when contractions become regular, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital.