How much clothes should a child have
How to Create a Basic Capsule Wardrobe for Kids
My kids have capsule wardrobes. Maybe that sounds fancy, but it’s not. It means they have a few pieces of carefully selected clothes that are simple to mix and match.
Making a wardrobe capsule is actually the easiest thing you can do in the way of buying clothes for your kids.
All my kid’s clothes, pajamas included, fit into one drawer. That’s because a kid capsule is smaller than an adults (see my grown-up version here). Kids grow fast and we need to replace clothes quickly–so from a financial and sustainability perspective, it’s important to buy less to waste less.
A kid capsule ideally includes between 12-14 items of everyday wear. That means each season they need roughly 6 tops, 5 bottoms, and a dress for girls.
I know what you are thinking–that’s not enough clothes! Read my laundry disclaimer at the bottom of this article.
The important thing to remember is that to build an effective small wardrobe for your kids, you need to be intentional about the choices you make. That means you need to consider the following six factors: buy smart, simple, sustainable, comfortable, flexible, and affordable.
When we give careful consideration about purchases for our kids, they are learning from our ways. It all starts with us–so let’s teach about kids how to be conscious consumers.
SmartI want my kid’s clothes to be smart. Whether we like it or not, our clothes speak for us. As an adult, a well chosen outfit for a trip to the grocery store says, “I’ve got it together.” Sweatpants at the grocery store says “I’m still working on getting it together.” When we first meet a new friend, when we shop at the mall, when we head to the gym–clothing is one of the first things that others see.
I am very aware of this language that clothing speaks for us. Our kids are no exception. This is why I am intentional about what I choose for my kids. We skip the sparkly dress that garners superficial attention from complete strangers. We skip t-shirts that say “Cool Dude!” (because my dude already knows he’s cool–he doesn’t need the shirt to tell him that). I want my kids to seek out compliments based on their good character, not on their pretty clothes.
My kids are beautiful on the inside, I don’t want all the attention on clothes distracting from that inner beauty and intelligence. Therefore in our family we choose smart, basic clothing.
Before preparing the capsule, give some thought to what you want your kid’s clothes to say. That statement may be unique for each family and child.
SimpleWhen I shop for kid’s clothes it needs to be easy. I pick only one or two stores to purchase all the capsule items. In today’s market there are so many options for kid clothes–far more than I care to spend my time perusing.
Each brand of children’s clothing has dramatic variation in size. Who has time to order clothes from 4 different stores and ship back what doesn’t fit? Likewise, have you ever tried to wrangle a small child in a dressing room to try on multiple different sizes and pieces of clothing?
That’s why I choose to buy clothes from one or two clothing lines. Streamlining the purchases from as few brands as possible makes it easier to coordinate the style of the pieces and assures that you can get the size right on the first try.
When I buy clothes, I think about the entire lifespan of the piece. After my children outgrow it, where will it go?
Did you know the average American throws away 70 pounds of clothes each year? An overwhelming 85% of used clothing goes into the landfills.
Pre-capsule I bought my kid’s clothes at on the cheap. However, once I switched to a capsule and was washing the clothes more frequently–I found that this gear would barely last through a single season of my kid’s active wear. Therefore I am leaning less on bargain brands these days. Nowadays we are buying fewer clothes, but we are buying better clothes.
This is because I want these clothes to live on past the short period of time that my kids can wear them. That means they need to hold up to some vigorous wear and tear in my home and leave in good enough condition to be passed on to at least a few more families.
Being a conscious consumer means thinking about the impact of our purchases even beyond the time they spend in our home.
ComfortableI want my kids to be comfortable. That means finding clothes that fit well. This is a struggle in our house as I have a hard time finding pants that stay on my skinny boy. Watching him yank up his pants all day long makes me a little batty. A good fit goes a long way for comfort for our kids. But these clothes also need to be soft, cozy materials that I would want to wear myself. Therefore I stick to 100% cotton if at all possible.
Lastly, comfortable clothes also need to promote independence and be conducive for active play. Soft, stretchy cotton makes it easy for a young child to put on his own shirts. Elastic waist bottoms make her independent potty trips a breeze. It’s an added bonus when I find a brand that leaves the itchy tags off.
FlexibleFirst, pick a loose color scheme. Pastels, brights, neutrals, chambray-every-day, hipster black, whatever–but pick one and stick to it.
The only hard and fast rule of a simple kid’s capsule: All of the tops and bottoms have to match each other. Everything needs to go with everything else.
This is most easily accomplished by staying within a color scheme. For us, this varies by season. In the summer I tend to buy brights and in the winter I lean towards neutrals. To maintain an effective kid’s capsule, every piece must work together. Keeping the bottoms in neutral shades makes my life very easy.
AffordableAs parents, we have to buy kids clothes frequently. Therefore it needs to be affordable. Find a clothing line that provides good quality within a price range that works for your family. Also, most clothing lines offer significant sales at the beginning of seasons.
I am going to show you a capsule sampler platter that meets all these factors: Smart, sustainable, simple, comfortable, flexible, and affordable. In this post you will find two Spring/Summer capsules, one for boys and one for girls.
All of the pieces I have selected are from I chose to stick with Primary because they have a variety of options that fit the criteria [smart, simple, sustainable, comfortable, flexible, and affordable]. This post is not sponsored. Get 20% off your first order at with code AFF20PCT
Get 20% off your first order at with code AFF20PCT
Have you ever thought about starting a capsule for your child? Do you have any hard or soft rules that you follow?
LAUNDRY DISCLAIMER: I do laundry everyday–and it’s amazing. In a past life, I used to do laundry once a week. This meant our family needed a lot of clothes to make it through the week. It also meant that the mountain of laundry was a massive undertaking. Once-a-week laundry meant there was plenty of time for dirty clothes to end up on the floor in the bedrooms, on the floor in the closets, and littered across the sofa and living room during the day-long folding marathon.
Switching to a daily laundry habit has been an excellent decision for our family. Everything is clean, everyday. Best of all: we are officially free from the clothing clutter.
This post is not sponsored by Primary, however it does contain affiliate links. That means Simple Families will receive a very small amount of revenue when you order–I appreciate your support to help keep this operation running.
And where to buy them.
How many clothes do kids need? The answer to how many outfits depends on a lot of factors. We’ll talk babies, toddlers elementary through high school about how many sets of clothes a kid ACTUALLY needs.
In my recent reader survey someone asked — how many clothes does your child have? How much do they need? I think it depends on a few factors:
**UPDATE: While taking kids shopping is SO fun {note: sarcarsm font} I found this service that has made a huge difference — especially with my back to school shopping. You can see my experiences with my daughter and with my teen son.
How many clothes do kids need?
How many sets of clothes does a child need, depends on:
- If you have a washing machine — if you don’t, you’re less likely to wash frequently, so you might want more. Also, your desire to wash frequently.
- The age of the child
- How dirty the kid is (or, if they’re babies, how much they spit up — or blow out their diaper).
- Your budget — new clothes can be pricey!
- Do your kids wear a school uniform?
- Your clothing storage space
The reality is that kids clothes can really big a BIG budget suck. They can drain your time, and your energy (looking to organize kids clothes << that post has a ton of great info). Plus, in trying my own efforts to have a minimalist wardrobe I wanted to research this a little further.
In this post we’re going to go over (clicking on the link will take you just to that age-range)
School Aged Kids
“Back to School” Tips
I also created a handy-dandy organization checklist that might help you stay a bit more on top of it:
BTW if kid’s clothes organization has you puzzled — I LOVE this.
Not only does it help me kids clothes in line, but I’m finally teaching my kids the life skills they need because I’m not constantly overwhelmed by my own.
So you know:
I am not picking a BARE MINUMUM here, but I am trying to pick towards the lesser end. Obviously, 2-3 outfits would be enough if you’re able to wash them daily.
How many clothes does a newborn need?
Newborns need the largest number of clothes, as their bodily fluids are entirely unpredictable. 🙂
Clearly, these values are just based on my own history and budget. Keep in mind that although we spent the first 3 years of our marriage hauling laundry to the laundromat, we did get a washing machine once I was pregnant.
List of baby clothes you need:
- 5-10 sleepers
- 1-2 good outfits (you’ll likely have more, but the reality is that they are in sleepers or onesies most of the time)
- 5-10 onesies
- ** A lot of it also depends on the weather. If it’s hot out you’ll have more onesies than sleepers.
- A couple pair of socks — my kids were often in sleepers whic don’t require socks…
- A couple pair of shoes (check out the cute ones you can get free here).
** In re-reading this list in 2019 I was thinking how MANY more baby clothes we had than this. I am just really listing the BARE minimum. I also have a list of baby needs (beyond clothes) that you might find helpful.
Best places to get baby clothes:
While I buy a LOT of my baby clothes (and frankly, a lot of kids clothes in general) I do have a few stores:
Favorite Overall: Carters — they just have AWESOME baby stuff. Good prices, quality product. I love them!
Best splurge: I drool over Janie & Jack. I usually got one outfit from there, just because they’re SO. DARN. CUTE… (ESPECIALLY for newborns) — but so totally unreasonably priced. But still…. you only have a baby once, right? {sigh}
Best Budget Option: I find that of the big box stores Target is on point. Great prices, adorable clothes. Their new Cat & Jack options are bright, colorful and fun.
FYI, babies have their own set of supplies — I have a post all about the 11 things you can’t do without for newborns.
How many Toddler Clothes do I need?
- 5-10 shirts
- 3-8 pants
- 10 Socks (mostly because they get lost REALLY easily)
- 2-3 pair of shoes (I always tried to keep the next size up on hand since somehow their feet grow overnight!)
- 1 Dressy Outfit (tailor “dressy” to your needs, but you should probably have at least one outfit that looks nice if you get invited to an event — if you go to church weekly, I’d have at least 2).
Best places to get toddler clothes:
Best Overall: Target — I LOVE the bright colors and adorable patterns available at Target. Toddlers are rougher on clothes as they’re exploring more — and getting more food on them (think, stains) — so Target is an awesome option! Again, their Cat & Jack line is a favorite of mine.
**One of the things I like most about ALL of the stores I am posting about here, is how they allow kids to be KIDS — no immodest or “can’t play” clothing — it’s awesome! **
Great Dress-Up Option: It can be hard to find dress-up options at the other stores I’ve found, but I have found good stuff at TJ Maxx or Burlington Coat Factory (I don’t think they have an online store) at good prices. Might be something to check out if you’re in the market for that (especially boys — you can often find cute girls dresses at most stores).
How many sets of clothes should a child have?
My kids have “play” clothes that are good for the weekends/summers/holidays and then “school” clothes. Aka, if stuff gets stained or just looks really worn I just say — let’s save that one for Saturday. Something to keep in mind, that not all clothes have to look awesome.
I’m going to give the actual numbers I aim for with my daughter, but clearly, you can adjust based off of what we talked about at the top.
The girl really likes her clothes too — so keep that in mind (although my boys were rougher on clothes, they just didn’t want as MANY as she does):
- Tops: 10
- Pants: 7
- Dresses (she loves to wear dresses to school, with leggings underneath): 3 (these are “play” dresses, not Sunday dresses)
- Leggings: 3
- Tights: 2
- Nice Dresses: 3 (but she somehow has WAY more – keep in mind that we do attend church weekly)
- Socks: 10 pairs of socks
- Underwear: 10
- Shoes: 4 pairs of shoes (Dressy, casual, tennis shoes and a pair of sandals)
Best Kids Clothing Stores:
Again, I get the majority of her clothes 2nd hand, or at thrift stores — it is WAY easier to find great girls clothes at thrift stores — but I also like to get her some new things (and she loves that too).
Ways to Get Used Clothes:
- Tell friends and family that you love hand me downs if they ever have any
- Send the clothes you don’t need to another child (good Karma)
- Shop thrift store sales
Best Place for Kids Clothes: Children’s Place — I just love how the majority of their clothes are for KIDS. I find long shorts, where no undies will ever peek out. When I find a sale I often can’t beat the prices! We’ve often found great Sunday stuff for my middle son here. I’m a huge fan.
And, of course: There’s Target. I seriously can’t decide often with the Cat and Jack line (be sure to check the cartwheel app if you’re shopping in store).
Figure out your goal in “back to school shopping”
Back to school shopping can have several goals — and you need to figure out what yours is:
- Fill out your child’s wardrobe for the season (even if that season is ending soon)
- Giving your kids confidence with a few new pieces
- Holding off on buying new things until it gets cooler.
- Organizing the clothing from last year
- Organizing your kid’s closet
All of those options are valid — so just pick what works for you!
How many clothes to teens/tweens need?
Good luck. Teens. Am I right?
I have a few rules about buying my older kids clothes:
- They buy the majority of them, I give them a large enough allowance that they can buy a few things if they need to (I often do a few basics at the beginning of the school year/seasons change/holidays)
- They can’t buy more than what fits in their drawers — I try to keep small dressers, and so far that has helped my daughter realize it’s easier to keep a small number of clothes organized vs a large number.
- I don’t buy things I won’t approve of them wearing — 110%. I don’t want to veer to something I kind of think isn’t the best. Everything I buy is 100% modest 100% appropriate.
For me, that means everything has sleeves, no even NEARING inappropriate graphics. I want to make it really clear early on. But, again — my kids buy a lot of their own clothes, so that part is up to them.
So far, my sons aren’t big clothes hogs and we’ve been lucky to get a lot of great hand me downs. They mainly wear those, and I’m grateful for them.
But, I do see this becoming an issue with kids.
So, I’d just try to take stock of what you have before you go to the store. We’ve still had a lot of good luck at TJ Maxx for older kid’s clothes.
AND, if you/your child just hate going to the store, try Stitch Fix kids it seriously has SAVED me for back to school shopping. I adore it!
So, that’s it. Kids’ clothes in a nutshell.
A few parting thoughts:
Ways to Save on Kid’s Clothes
- Be open to hand-me-downs. You can always take your time to go through the bags to see what will work and what isn’t useable for you.
They can be AWESOME.
- Be open handing down — be sure to share your kid’s clothes once you’re done with them. You can truly be a blessing to someone else.
- Shop off-season sales and keep a stash of clothes for the next size up. You’ll be grateful you did — and you’ll save some good money! You can see how I deal with kid’s clothes in this post. I have a pretty great system in my daughter’s room. If you’d like me to do a FB live about it — let me know.
- Shop used — I have great posts on both shopping for girls and shopping for boys at thrift stores. What to watch for. They’re each kind of their own beast, so be sure to check that out!
- Look for good condition — It doesn’t help anyone if you’re buying clothes that are on their last leg. Getting good brands in good condition may last through multiple kids!
- Save big on special occasions — “Sunday best” clothes can cost a lot more, so make sure you prioritize getting those at a great price.
Plus, if you have an outfit in advance for something like that, you won’t splurge when you’re desperate.
- Don’t forget this to help you organize the mountains of clothes. 🙂
Honestly, at this point in time I shop at thrift stores a lot, and then twice a year (because Arizona only has two seasons — “hot” and “not hot”) I use Stitch Fix Kids. My kids aren’t big shoppers, and the pricing with Stitch Fix Kids is surprisingly good. My daughter absolutely loved her last box.
Be sure to be REALLY specific about what you need. If you need many more pants than you need shirts — be sure to tell them that. Since we’re often filling in the gaps around what we could find at thrift stores, that helps us a lot! you can see all of my kids stitch fix videos here:
I have created a handy-dandy clothing checklist for you to fill out and put in your purse. I’d just use hash marks as you buy things so you know how close you are to your goal. 🙂 It even allows you to buy many sizes (either for the same child or different children)
Minimalist Kid’s Wardrobe
There is nothing wrong with having a LOT of clothes for your kids, or having less. I think it’s really up to you and what you want to do.
Pro’s of having lots of kid’s clothes
- Kids get to try a variety of things and see what fits their style
- You don’t have to wash as often
- You’re not as worried if they ruin a piece
Con’s of having a lot of kid’s clothes
- Possibly more laundry/folding
- Overwhelmed to organize it all
- Kids feel entitled to many clothes
What you MOSTLY don’t want to do is to not focus on what you want. So, if you want to have 10 shirts but are constantly buying them because you think they don’t have any — that is not a great plan. Hence, the printable!
Kid’s Capsule Wardrobe:
Especially as kids get older, pick clothes that are in a similar color palette or match well, and just get a few pieces that they love and can wear frequently. More clothes doesn’t necessarily mean they love them more.
Round-up of awesome kids clothes stores:
- Carters — they just have AWESOME baby stuff. Good prices, quality product. I love them!
- I drool over Janie & Jack.
- I find that of the big box stores Target is on point. Their Cat & Jack line is a favorite of mine.
- I have found good stuff at TJ Maxx at good prices.
- Children’s Place — I just love how the majority of their clothes are for KIDS
And, if you’re looking to get those clothes (and kids) organized, don’t miss Family Routines… it really gives helpful advice to get your family on track, and having YOU do less! Check it out here. Shhh, don’t tell anyone but you can save 10% with code SAVE10. 🙂
Children's wardrobe - how to choose the right and plan it effectively
When arranging a wardrobe for their child, parents first of all face the main question - "where to start?" And you have to answer this question quite often. For example, when at the end of summer a child returns from his grandmother 5 or even 10 centimeters taller. Or when parents prepare the child for kindergarten, school and various circles and sections. You have to buy several everyday and holiday sets, underwear, shoes, sports and outerwear, as well as numerous accessories at once. My head is spinning - how to plan purchases, what to buy first, how many things do you need? Let's do everything in order.
First, let's take measurements!
You will need the child's height to buy clothes and the length of the foot to choose shoes. If your build is different from the standard, then you can measure the chest circumference, the length of the arms and legs, the fullness of the foot and its rise. And now, having the necessary parameters, you can make a shopping list, determine the amount that can be spent in the family budget, and go to the store. You can start browsing the range and choosing children's clothing without leaving your home. This is a virtual visit to an online children's clothing store. You will quickly find everything you need and save time, nerves, and also, with a high probability, money. Yes, and children will be happy to choose their own clothes with you at home, sitting at the computer screen, because long shopping trips make them very tired. To date, many parents throughout Russia have highly appreciated the possibilities of online shopping and successfully use the services offered.
What should I pay attention to before buying the item I like?
Since we buy clothes for a child, we must certainly take care of their quality, safety, comfort and durability. Therefore, first of all, we study the composition of the materials of products. Preference should be given to children's clothing made from natural fabrics. The most popular children's fabrics are made from cotton. At the same time, a small content of synthetic fibers is quite acceptable, this does not reduce the quality of things, but the strength and durability increase. In addition, smart clothes made of high-quality artificial and synthetic materials are acceptable in the children's wardrobe. Children don’t spend much time in festive outfits, so there will be no harm or tangible discomfort. A little advice - look for viscose in the outfits - this is a natural fiber obtained by artificial means. Viscose is very pleasant to the touch, does not electrify and absorbs moisture well.
The child will be comfortable in clothes that fit him. Of course, you can buy individual items of clothing a little larger - turn up sleeves, legs. But without fanaticism - a maximum of 4-5 centimeters, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable, and it will look ridiculous.
Also, when choosing between buying cheap children's clothing from abroad of unknown manufacturers and inexpensive Russian-made children's clothing, you should give preference to the second option. Children's clothing made in our country will certainly meet all the necessary requirements and standards, and will also be tailored to our climatic conditions of life and our mentality. You can always find information about the Russian manufacturer, make sure that the production is of good quality and carefully study the dimensional grids and materials of manufacture.
What clothes should a child have in their closet?
Let's go back to the moment when we make a shopping list for children's clothes. A properly formed children's wardrobe will save you in the future from the need to soon buy something more or give it away as unnecessary. So, you need to choose and buy each item of children's clothing thoughtfully. The three basic rules for creating a universal children's wardrobe are as follows:
- do not buy unnecessary things
- individual items of clothing must be combined with each other
- each type of clothing must be in sufficient quantity.
And now let's go directly to the objective and quantitative description of the basic children's wardrobe
1. Underwear, T-shirts, socks, tights and shirts. In this category of children's clothing, all items must be made from natural materials that are breathable. An exception can only be made with tights. They allow and sometimes even welcome the addition of synthetic fibers to give them elasticity and wear resistance.
2. T-shirts, blouses, shirts
A child's basic wardrobe should include at least 3 T-shirts, 3 blouses for girls for skirts and sundresses, and for boys 3 shirts for sets with trousers.
3. Trousers, shorts, jeans
For summer and off-season: girls - 2 pairs of shorts, 1 breeches, 1 leggings; boys - 1 shorts, 1 breeches, 1 trousers. Students will need 2 pairs of dress pants and 1 sweatpants. Jeans are still the most popular off-season walking wear for everyone. Therefore, do not forget to purchase at least 1 pair of jeans.
4. Dresses, sundresses, skirts (for girls)
In summer, skirts, dresses and sundresses should take the place of trousers and jeans in girls' wardrobes. In the off-season and for the winter, girls will need 1 fancy dress for the holidays, 1 casual dress, 1 sundress for school or kindergarten and 2 skirts.
5. Turtlenecks, sweaters, jumpers
In the off-season and in winter, children will need 2 turtlenecks, 1 sweater and 1 jumper. For cool, but not yet frosty weather, you can buy things made of cotton fabrics, and for winter, we choose products that contain natural wool.
6. Hats
For spring and autumn, you will need 2 hats, and for winter it is best to buy 1 ready-made set, which includes a hat and scarf, and immediately pick up mittens or gloves for it. In the summer, we buy caps, panama hats and scarves, always in light colors and made from natural materials.
7. Outerwear
Manufacturers have a variety of modern fabrics and materials for making outerwear that will perfectly cope with windy, frosty and rainy weather, not allowing the child to freeze, overcool or overheat. The choice of models and colors of outerwear for children from such materials is great. It will be enough 1 jacket for the off-season and 1 winter jacket or overalls for the baby for the winter.
8. Accessories
Yes, yes, the presence of accessories in the basic children's wardrobe is really necessary. Some parents think that they can do without them. But, take a few arguments in favor of children's accessories:
- various decorations for girls are quite inexpensive, but bring a lot of joy to a child
- as you know, good taste is formed from childhood, and with the help of accessories, children create and try on various images
- with the help of accessories it is easy to create unique festive and everyday outfits in which the child will feel the most special hair for girls - without them intricate hairstyles will not work.
The last thing worth mentioning when talking about the formation of children's wardrobe is shoes. When buying children's shoes, you need to be guided by the principle - it's not the quantity that matters, but the quality! The legs grow, form, and so that there are no orthopedic problems and the child is comfortable, children's shoes must necessarily meet the norms and quality standards.
And one more thing, do not try to buy expensive children's clothes, children grow up quickly, and they treat things carelessly, so it simply does not make sense to spend large sums.
We hope that by taking our version of the basic children's wardrobe as a basis, it will be easier for you to provide your child with enough clothes, saving time and money. We will be glad if in the comments to this article you offer your own version of the children's wardrobe and share your experience
That's all, we wish you a pleasant and easy shopping!
Putting together baby's wardrobe
Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna
September 15, 2021
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Some mothers are sure that there are never too many children's things, and they buy twenty pairs of tights and fifteen pairs of shorts, or they have a dozen dresses hanging in their closet for a little princess. It would seem that this is good, especially if the family budget allows you to replenish your wardrobe without stopping. But there is one problem: Conservative kids and even the biggest fashionistas have their favorite things that they are ready to wear every day, even when they no longer fit into them. And the rest of the dresses, capris, and that very fashionable bolero hang untouched in the closet.
So what minimum of things should a child have after a year, so that socks and panties do not suddenly run out, and elegant dresses do not get bored idle on a hanger? Let's try to sort everything on the shelves and carefully arrange it in baskets.
Let's start with underwear. Everything here must be true to size. 6 - 8 pieces of panties are enough, but the issue with T-shirts is solved separately. Some wear them and some don't. Focus only on your baby. If there are T-shirts, they should be in the number of panties, and it is desirable that they make up sets.
And of course pajamas! If a child attends a kindergarten, then there should be 2 of them, preferably interchangeable, supplemented. One at home, one in the garden. And of course, pajamas should differ by season: separately warm winter and separately light summer. True, many children do not sleep in pajamas. If your baby is one of them, just forget about the existence of such a wardrobe item.
Tights and socks
Don't have too many tights? How to say. 6 - 8 pairs is enough for the eyes. Naturally, they should be different in density depending on the season of wear. And girls should also have fancy white tights for the holidays. Moms of boys have a different attitude to tights. Some believe that this is a purely feminine wardrobe item and they buy just underpants or long socks for boys from early childhood, while others prefer tights. If the second option is close to you, then 6 - 8 pairs will be quite enough for a boy.
If you constantly collect baby socks around the house, then there are simply too many of them. 7 pairs is more than a decent supply of sock products. If you really want to, you can add two pairs of dressy socks for special occasions.
We buy socks according to the season, thin for summer, thick for spring-autumn, thermal and woolen for winter. Try not to mix them up, so as not to find out that the child ran away to splash through the puddles in rubber boots on an elastic sock.
T-shirts and sweatshirts
T-shirts are comfortable and stylish, which prints are not available now! And I want to buy them all for the baby, and in a week or two to replenish the collection.
However, 5 to 7 T-shirts, of which half are thin and half heavy, will be enough.
As for long sleeves, jackets and sweaters, they need even less. 2 sweaters and 2 sweatshirts will be enough. But long sleeves are better to have in reserve - ideally 7 for each day of the week. When the child starts attending kindergarten, this will decide the question of what to go there.
Trousers and skirts
Let's move on to skirts and trousers. 2 - 3 pairs of jeans are enough to complete a basic wardrobe. Girls can also have 2-3 skirts, and boys 2-3 pairs of shorts, kindergarteners have a little more (but not more than 5-7) for the reason that they will have to be washed constantly.
If a girl loves leggings, then 3-4 pairs will be enough. It is ideal to buy them in such a way that they are combined with T-shirts, long sleeves, they can be worn with sundresses or dresses.
Dresses and shirts
By the way, about dresses. Of course, mom wants her daughter to look like a princess. But here it is important not to overdo it. Make a rule: 1 elegant dress for each season. Then, at every holiday in the garden, the daughter will look fabulous, but the closet will not burst with clothes.
Everyday dresses are enough to have 4 - 5 pieces. However, you should pay attention to what your daughter likes to wear more. There are girls who do not get out of their dresses. And then they can buy only a pair of jeans in reserve and, accordingly, reduce the number of T-shirts and sweaters. And there are those for whom it is more convenient to drive in leggings and T-shirts. For them, dresses are needed only for going out.
When you want to buy a smart, stylish powder-colored coat for your child, think about what it will turn into after the first walk. If you really want to, buy it, but it makes sense to put it on a child only when you go to visit, a theater, a museum or some similar place.
Let's move on to outerwear. Ideally, the wardrobe should look like this:
- 1 warm winter jacket + 2 pairs of warm winter trousers (bib pants)
- 1 demi-season kit
- light jacket or windbreaker
Speaking of getting out. Every child must have one suit or set for going to visit or the theater! For a girl, it can be a sundress with a blouse or a blouse and a skirt, for a boy it can be an elegant shirt and trousers, and possibly a vest.
- 2 winter hats
- 2 demi-season
- 3 - 4 hats, caps or bandanas
- 1 scarf
- 2 – 3 pairs of winter mittens
- 2 pairs of autumn
And now the weak point of almost all women is shoes! When you once again look at charming shoes with butterflies for your baby or trendy backlit sneakers for your athlete, think that he simply won’t wear these shoes for more than six months - his leg will grow. So in the shoebox the baby should have:
- 1 pair of rubber boots
- 1 pair of winter shoes (boots, membrane shoes)
- 2 pairs of demi-season shoes - one for dry and one for slushy weather
- 1 pair of sneakers or sneakers (if the child is involved in sports, then there should be a separate pair for training)
- 2 pairs of summer shoes (sandals, sandals)
- for girls 2 pairs of smart shoes
- formal shoes for boys (going out)
- 1 pair of slippers
As you can see, sorting out the baby's closet is not so difficult.