Newborn ear smells
Why Do My Baby's Ears Stink? Questions And Answers
Baby ear smells may seem to be a minor hygiene issue. But for many parents, unusual body smells can be quite unsettling, particularly, if they’re coming from a sensitive area of the body like the ears.
The causes of unusual baby ear smells (like cheese, vinegar, spoiled food, maple or beer), may range from as mild as a need to clean your baby’s ears to as serious as ear infections and genetic disorders. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to investigate further on where this stinky odor is coming from.
If you found this article, you might also be a parent seeking answers for your baby’s smelly ear. So on this page, we’ve compiled the possible causes why a baby’s ear stinks and what you can do to help prevent and alleviate that unpleasant scent.
Table of Contents
What causes stinky ears in babies?
If your baby ear odor stinks or seem to omit an unusual scent, it may be a result of the following causes:
Build-up of Earwax
The stinky smell coming from your baby’s ears may come from the build-up of earwax in your little one’s ear canal.
Earwax or cerumen is a waxy substance naturally produced by the external ear. Cerumen protects the skin in the ear canal, acts as a skin moisturizer, as well as a barrier to foreign objects that may enter the ear.
While it may accumulate to a certain extent, cerumen naturally goes out of the ear’s surface where it can easily be wiped clean. However, there are times that this mechanism is impaired, leading to the build-up of earwax within the ear canal. This build-up is also referred as cerumen impaction.
Some circumstances that can increase the risk of cerumen impaction are:
- Deformities in the structure of the ear
- Presence of more hair in the ear canal
- Wearing ear plug type hearing protectors or hearing aids
- Using cotton-tipped swabs when cleaning the ear
With around 10 percent of children affected, cerumen impaction can cover the ear canal or push against the ear drum (tympanic membrane). This may lead to hearing problems, ear pain and itching. Moreover, the build-up of cerumen may contribute to ear infections and inflammation – which may also be a cause of foul smell.
Excess moisture
Sometimes, a smelly ear may simply be due to the excess moisture inside the ear canal as well as on the skin folds surrounding the ears.
The skin inside the ear canal should stay dry, and be naturally lubricated by earwax. Additional moisture coming from water or other body secretions may alter the usual scent of your baby’s ears and make it prone to itching.
Also, try to check the creases and folds on the out parts of the ear, as well as the skin at the back of the ears. It is possible that the earwax may be trapped in these folds and once it mixes up with the skin’s natural oils and sweat, it may produce smelly ear wax on those areas as well.
Leftover food, milk or vomit
Not all off-putting odors indicate something serious. In some cases, a bad smell from ear of baby who has just been fed may simply be due to the remnants of the food, milk or vomit that has dried up on the skin near the ears.
This may smell like sour milk, vomit, vinegar, or something that resembles the food that the baby has eaten. Breast milk also has its own distinct scent that may be labeled as sour, fishy, metallic or rancid, especially if it came from storage. Any of these offensive odors may be disturbing, but is easily removable with a quick wash.
Swimmer’s ear (Otitis Externa)
Swimmer’s ear received its name from the high incidence of getting this infection after swimming in bodies of water. However, your baby does not need to swim to get swimmer’s ear. Any trapped moisture inside the ear, even milk, may contribute to the risk of their ears getting infected.
Swimmer’s ear or otitis externa is the infection of the outer ear, including the pinna (auricle), ear canal, and the outer surface of ear drum (tympanic membrane). Swimmer’s ear is one of the most common ear conditions among children. Though it usually affects children older than 2 years of age, newborns and older babies can also get infected.
Swimmer’s ear is caused by bacteria that may produce a foul-smelling, white or yellowish ear discharge. This can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms like pain in the outer ear, itchiness, redness, and swelling in the ear. Younger babies who can’t verbalize pain may show irritability or excessive crying.
Middle ear infection (Otitis media)
Around 80 percent of children will have an infection of the middle ear in their lifetime, and most often, it occurs when babies are 6 to 24 months of age. Medically termed as otitis media, middle ear infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses which young children may get following an upper respiratory tract infection like colds.
Middle ear infections may cause purulent ear discharge. This is a smelly ear discharge leaking from the ear that contains pus. The ear discharge may also be stained with blood.
The other signs and symptoms to watch out for are:
- tugging or pulling the ears
- irritability
- headache
- sleep disturbance
- poor feeding or loss of appetite
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- low grade fever
Yeast cells or fungi may also find their way to infect the outer ear, leading to a condition called otomycosis. While rare, this fungal ear infection can affect the young children and cause itching, pain, tingling and ear pain. Upon inspection, the outer ear may also present black, gray, white or cheese-like structures and a foul-smelling, watery discharge. Sometimes, the discharge may also smell like beer or bread.
Cradle cap
Infantile seborrheic dermatitis is a skin inflammation that is often seen on the baby’s scalp, thus the term cradle cap. Cradle cap can also affect the other areas of the body where the production of an oily or waxy substance called sebum is highest. These include the face, back of the ears and neck, as well as armpit and groin areas.
Cradle cap can cause redness, swelling, and its characteristic symptom of oily and thick patches of scales. Though it may appear unsightly, cradle cap is NOT a result of bad hygiene, allergies nor bacteria. For babies, it usually resolves on its own after the baby’s 9th month.
However, since other skin conditions and infections may present an appearance that is similar to cradle cap, parents must be vigilant. Once the baby crusty ear, scalp, face or skin folds already feel warm, smell bad, or produce a watery discharge, it may already indicate an infection that will need treatment.
Ear piercings
A recently pierced ear lobe opens a gateway for bacteria to enter and infect the pierced site. Redness and tenderness (pain upon touching the area) are among the first indicators that the ear piercings are getting infected, so it is important to act immediately upon noticing these symptoms. Foul smell and abscess may also be noticed in later part of the infection.
Even after they have completely healed, ear piercings are a common reason why a baby ear smells like cheese or something rotten. The sebum and dead skin cells stuck in the holes and earring posts may attract bacteria, causing the areas behind baby’s ears smell unpleasant. This usually happens if the earrings have been untouched for a long while.
Foreign bodies in the ear
Babies and toddlers may put small things into their ear out of curiosity. It can be small pieces of food, toys or household items. A tiny insect may also find its way inside the ear canal.
A foreign body in the ear may induce the following signs and symptoms:
- pain or discomfort
- loss of hearing
- feeling of fullness in the ear
- symptoms of otitis media such as fluid draining and a foul smell from ear
Congenital diseases
Rarely, unusual smells in baby’s ears may be a symptom of congenital diseases.
There was a case wherein a baby was diagnosed with maple syrup urine disease with her sweet-smelling earwax as the key symptom. Maple syrup urine disease is a rare congenital disorder that makes body secretions, like urine, sweat and earwax, smell sweet- something that resembles the scent of a maple syrup or burnt sugar.
Another example is when a baby is born with congenital cholesteatoma. It is a birth defect wherein skin cells continue to grow behind the ear drum and form a white pearly cyst. The disorder can be manifested by conductive hearing loss, pain and sometimes, a foul-smelling ear discharge.
Baby ear wax or infection?
As you can see, the causes of a smelly ear in baby can be quite overwhelming, but don’t panic right away. Among the first things that you may want to know is whether this smell is coming from an infection or simply because their earwax smells bad.
So before you could compare the difference, let’s take a quick look of the normal characteristics of baby ear wax.
Healthy Earwax in Babies
New earwax is soft and golden-yellow. The baby ear wax color may turn to orange or reddish-brown and gets stickier and drier as it gets old. The smell of a healthy earwax often varies- it can be mild to smelly, but it shouldn’t be foul-smelling.
A few children may also produce more earwax than others. So even if you see a lot of earwax in baby ear, it can still be considered normal as long as the wax doesn’t completely block the ear canal.
What does an ear infection smell like?
An ear infection may cause a yellow or white fluid that will look different from a normal earwax. Traces of blood in baby’s ear canal may also be seen. Since there is bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms involved, the infected ear may emit a foul odor. Some of the ways parents may describe the smell are:
- The ear wax smells different
- A fishy ear wax or fishy smell from ear
- The ears of the baby smells like vinegar
- The ear smells like mildew
- The ear discharge smells like poop
What can I do if my baby’s ears stink?
While there are several causes why a baby’s ears stink, some of these can quickly be remedied at home. Depending on the cause, the tips on how to clean baby smelly ears are as follows:
How to get rid of smelly ear wax
Ears are specially-designed to be self-cleaning. The structure of the ear, jaw movements, and the old skin sloughing off the ear canal all contribute to bringing out the earwax naturally. Thus, it is a lot safer to wait until you see the ear wax falling out of baby ear, before wiping it clean.
Using a clean cloth, simply wipe the earwax that has come out of the outer part of the ears. If it’s just smelly ear wax no pain must be observed when wiping the area. Cleaning the outer parts of the ear regularly will usually help prevent the stinky scent.
Take note:
DO NOT use cotton-tipped swabs (cotton buds or Q-tips), bobby pins, matchsticks or any other cleaning device into the ear canal. This can lead to ear injuries.
Are you a new parent? Here’s a complete guide on how to clean a newborn baby’s ears properly.
How to clean the stinky, moist areas in the ears
- You can clean your baby’s outer ear and the surrounding areas using a soft washcloth, mild soap and water.
- Pay particular attention at the areas where the sebum is most likely concentrated. There areas include:
- The back of the ears
- The back of the neck
- Face
- Skin folds and creases
- Using a clean towel, gently pat the areas dry.
- Make sure to dry the skin thoroughly to prevent the stinky scent from coming back.
How to clean leftover food, milk or vomit in or near the ears
You can use a wet washcloth to wipe the ear and its surrounding areas, particularly, the creases and folds of the skin where food and milk debris may be trapped. For stubborn smells, you may wash the area using mild soap and water.
Take note:
Babies are prone to milk regurgitations that can smell like sour milk on your baby’s skin and clothing. Burping your baby after feeding may help minimize this problem. Make sure to change your baby’s clothes, burp cloths, and beddings as well to get rid of the bad smell.
You can also minimize the tendency of food being trapped in the neck by using a soft and hypoallergenic baby bibs every meal time.
How to treat cradle cap
A seborrheic dermatitis that is confined in the scalp (cradle cap) can be treated at home. Let’s take the guidelines on how to treat your baby’s cradle cap from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):
- Shampoo your baby’s hair and wash it more frequently than before.
- Use a soft brush to gently remove the scales.
- You may use a petroleum jelly to help lubricate the scales.
- The use of mineral oil or baby oil may NOT be effective as it may promote more scales to build-up on the fontanelle.
Take note:
DO NOT try to treat seborrheic dermatitis that extends at the back of the ears, neck and other skin areas. Leave it for the medical professionals instead.
How to care for baby ear piercings
Since babies can’t take care of it on their own, parents need to care for their ear piercings to prevent infection and other complications on the pierced site.
Here are the AAP guidelines on how to care for ear piercings to prevent infection:
- Disinfect the pierced site using rubbing alcohol or antibiotic ointment twice a day for a couple of days.
- While doing the disinfection, gently rotate the earrings to prevent them from getting stuck in the skin while healing.
- DO NOT change or remove the first pair of earrings for 4 to 6 weeks.
Ear piercings that have completely healed may also cause the so-called “ear cheese” if not cleaned for a long time.
Here are some tips on how to prevent the stinky smell from your baby’s healed or old ear piercings:
- Gently wash the ear lobes using warm water and mild soap.
- If you already notice the bad smell, you can remove and clean the earrings as well.
- Use an antibacterial wipes or alcohol to wipe the dirt or gunk off your earrings.
- DO NOT touch your baby’s ear piercings with unclean hands.
Removing foreign bodies or impacted cerumen from the ear
No matter how tempting it is to try, impacted earwax and foreign bodies in the ear canal should only be treated by a medical professional. These medical professionals have special tools and solutions to remove the foreign bodies and earwax without causing further damage to your baby’s sensitive ears.
When to seek medical help for baby’s smelly ears
Stinky and unusual smells in the ear may also indicate bigger problems to be resolved only with the help of a medical professional. Babies and young children are prone to ear infections and complications that is why parents must be extra vigilant of taking care of their baby’s ears.
Call or consult your pediatrician if:
- The bad smell doesn’t go away after washing or bathing.
- There are signs of an infection such as fever, swelling, redness and foul-smelling ear discharge.
- Your baby is irritable, crying, or tugging his or her ears.
- The pain doesn’t go away.
- Your baby has redness behind the ears, neck, armpits or groin aside from having a cradle cap.
- A foreign body or earwax is blocking your baby’s ear canal.
- Your baby’s sense of hearing and balance seems to be impaired or diminished.
- Your baby’s urine, sweat and earwax smell sweet.
So to round it up, your baby’s ears may stink due to a number of causes. Some of these are minor issues that can be resolved with proper hygiene and preventive measures at home. However, a smelly ear may also indicate infections and health conditions that may need prompt medical care.
Therefore, if you aren’t sure what causes the smell coming from baby’s ear, then it is best to ask your doctor for advice. Be it a mild cause or it turns out to be a medical emergency, you’ll surely keep your mind at peace knowing that everything will turn out fine for your baby.
Baby ear infections: Signs, symptoms, and treatment
Ear infections in babies and young children are common, especially after a cold or flu. Signs of an ear infection include fussiness, tugging at the ear, fever, and a loss of appetite. Fortunately, most kids get better in a few days with rest, lots of fluids, and an over-the-counter pain reliever (if recommended by the doctor). But if your baby is 6 months or younger, showing symptoms in both ears, or has severe symptoms such as a fever higher than 102 degrees F, see your child's doctor and discuss the possibility of antibiotic treatment.
What is an ear infection?
Also called otitis media, an ear infection refers to inflammation or infection of the middle ear (the little air-filled pocket behind the eardrum).
There are a few different types of middle ear infections, but the one most commonly experienced by babies and children is called acute otitis media (AOM). In this type of ear infection, fluid is trapped behind the eardrum, and parts of the middle ear become infected and swollen. This causes pain in the affected ear and your child may also develop a fever.
What causes ear infections?
A middle ear infection can be caused by bacteria or a virus. After an illness such as a cold or flu, fluid can build up in the middle ear, allowing bacteria or viruses that have traveled to the area to multiply and cause an infection.
Normally any fluid that enters this area drains quickly through the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. But if a eustachian tube is blocked – as often happens during colds, sinus infections, and even allergies – the fluid gets trapped in the middle ear.
Germs like to grow in dark, warm, wet places, so a fluid-filled middle ear is the perfect breeding ground. As the infection gets worse, the inflammation in and behind the eardrum also tends to worsen, making the condition more painful. Your child may also develop a fever as his body fights the infection.
Using a pacifier may increase the risk of middle ear infections. In one study, the incidence of ear infections was 33 percent lower in babies who didn't use pacifiers.
Babies are more prone to ear infections because they have short (about 1/2 inch) horizontal eustachian tubes. As children grow to adulthood, their tubes triple in length and become more vertical, allowing fluid to drain more easily.
© Dr. P. Marazzi / Science Source
The easiest way to tell if your baby might have an ear infection (or any other illness, for that matter) is by observing a change in her mood.
If your baby gets fussy or starts crying more than usual, be on the lookout for a problem. If she develops a fever (whether slight or high), you have another big clue. Ear infections tend to follow a common cold or sinus infection, so keep that in mind too.
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You may also notice the following symptoms:
- Pulling, grabbing, or tugging at the ear. This could be a sign that she's in pain. (Babies do pull on their ears for many other reasons, so if your baby seems otherwise fine, she probably doesn't have an ear infection.)
- Diarrhea or vomiting. The bug that causes the ear infection can also affect the gastrointestinal tract.
- Reduced appetite. Ear infections can cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also make it painful for your baby to swallow and chew. If your baby has an ear infection, she may pull away from the breast or bottle after the first few sips.
- Yellow or whitish fluid draining from the ear.
This doesn't happen to most babies, but it's a sure sign of infection. It also signals that a small hole has developed in the eardrum. (Don't worry – this will heal once the infection is treated.)
- Unpleasant smell. You may smell a foul odor coming from your child's ear.
- Difficulty sleeping. Lying down can make an ear infection more painful.
- Fever. Your child may have a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher.
If you have a toddler or an older child, an earache is often the first noticeable symptom. Your toddler may seem cranky or might tug at her ear. Or your child may tell you that her ear hurts.
In addition to the symptoms above, you may notice these symptoms in your toddler or older child:
- Headache. Pain from the ear can radiate to the head.
- Trouble hearing sounds. Fluid buildup in the middle ear can block sound.
- Difficulty with balance.
The ear helps with equilibrium, so you may notice that your child seems a bit unsteady.
How common are ear infections in children?
Ear infections are one of the most commonly diagnosed illnesses in children in the United States. A large study found that 23 percent of babies had at least one ear infection by their first birthday, and more than half had at least one ear infection by age 3.
Ear infection treatment in babies and children
Treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the age of your child. Babies who are 6 months and younger, and children with severe cases, may need to be treated with antibiotics. For most other children, doctors recommend a wait-and-see approach for two to three days, because ear infections usually clear up on their own. (About 80 percent of kids with AOM get better without antibiotics.)
For years, antibiotics were the first line of defense against ear infections, but now doctors are prescribing them more judiciously. Taking antibiotics too often is a concern because it can set children up to be vulnerable to antibiotic-resistant infections (see below for more information).
Ask your child's doctor whether she suggests watchful waiting or prescription medicine. The doctor may suggest an approach like this:
- If your child is between 6 and 24 months old and has mild symptoms in only one ear, or if he's at least 2 and has mild symptoms affecting one or both ears, keep an eye on his condition first. Your child's doctor may also suggest an over-the-counter pain reliever to help him feel better.
- If your child doesn't improve in 48 to 72 hours, follow up with your child's doctor, who may consider starting an antibiotic.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends treating AOM with antibiotics for:
- Babies 6 months or younger; infants don't yet have a strong immune system and are especially vulnerable to complications from AOM
- Children 6 months or older with severe symptoms, such as a fever higher than 102 degrees F or moderate to severe ear pain that lasts at least 48 hours
- Children between 6 and 24 months old who have AOM affecting both ears (even without severe symptoms)
If your child does need an antibiotic, give him the entire course, even after he seems to feel better. Then have his ear rechecked a few weeks later so the doctor can make sure the medication worked.
If your child doesn't improve after 48 to 72 hours on the antibiotics, let the doctor know. She may want to switch medications.
Why are doctors concerned about prescribing antibiotics for ear infections?
Doctors are generally cautious about prescribing antibiotics because more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to them. And besides contributing to antibiotic resistance, giving a child antibiotic medication kills good bacteria, which are essential for keeping the digestive tract healthy.
Also, an ear infection can be caused by either bacteria or a virus. Since antibiotics don't work against viral infections, doctors are more cautious about prescribing them.
Drug companies used to stay one step ahead by continually introducing new medications, but bacteria have been mutating rapidly in response, making the drugs less effective. (Doctors say that parents can help combat this problem by not requesting antibiotics for every ear infection or bout with the common cold. )
When to call the doctor
Call at the first sign of an ear infection. If the doctor asks you to come in, she'll probably look in your child's ear with an otoscope. An eardrum that's red, bulging, and possibly draining is probably infected.
The doctor may also check whether the eardrum moves in response to a device called a pneumatic otoscope, which releases a brief puff of air into the ear. If it's not moving, that's another indication that fluid is collecting in the middle ear and may be infected.
Whether the treatment is watchful waiting or antibiotics, your child's condition should improve each day. If your child isn't doing better after 48 to 72 hours, let the doctor know. She may want to have you come back for a follow-up exam and start antibiotics, or to change antibiotics if your child was already taking them.
Home remedies and other ways to treat pain and discomfort
Here are a few ways to help your child feel better:
- Pain reliever.
The correct dose of infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen (only give ibuprofen if your child is 6 months or older) can relieve pain. If your child is younger than 3 months, ask her doctor before giving her any medication.
- Warm compress. Hold it gently to your child's ear to help relieve pain.
- Lots of fluids. Encourage your child to drink more fluids, because swallowing helps to drain the middle ear and relieve painful pressure. If you have an infant, offer the breast or bottle more frequently. Encourage your toddler or older child to sip on water throughout the day.
Here's what NOT to do:
- If your child is 3 years or younger, do NOT give your child over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications such as decongestants or antihistamines. These not only won't help her get better, they can also cause dangerous side effects in young children. (The AAP does not recommend OTC cough and cold medications for children under the age of 6, though some doctors may suggest it for 4- and 5-year-olds.
Be sure to follow your doctor's advice.)
- Never give your child aspirin because it makes her more susceptible to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease.
How to prevent ear infections in babies and children
The following are steps you can take to lower your child's risk of recurring ear infections. (The first few are specifically intended for babies.)
- Breastfeed your baby for at least six months. Breast milk provides antibodies against ear infections. A major study published in the journal Pediatrics showed that children who are breastfed for the first 6 months of life are less likely to develop ear infections.
- Hold your baby upright when feeding him. Hold him so his head is higher than the rest of his body. Babies fed while they're lying down are more likely to develop AOM.
- Wean your baby off the pacifier if your baby is prone to ear infections. Babies who are 6 months of age or older are slightly more likely to develop ear infections if they use pacifiers.
But since using pacifiers in the first year may help protect against SIDS, ask your baby's doctor about the best time to wean.
- Wash your hands often. Although ear infections aren't contagious, the respiratory infections that lead to them are. Keep your child's hands clean, and stay away from people with respiratory infections whenever possible.
Make sure your child's vaccinations are up to date.Immunizations help prevent certain illnesses that can lead to an ear infection. For example, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has dramatically reduced the number of ear infections in children. Research shows that since the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has been on the immunization schedule, the number of 3-year-olds who have had at least one ear infection dropped by 20 percent.
If your child has repeated ear infections, especially after bouts of the flu, talk to your doctor about giving your child an annual flu vaccine. (Only children who are at least 6 months old can get a flu shot.
Avoid secondhand smoke. Researchers have concluded that kids whose parents smoke are more likely to get ear infections and have hearing problems.
Children living with a smoker have a 37 percent higher risk of middle ear infections and hearing problems, and a 62 percent higher risk if the mother is the household smoker. Kids are also 86 percent more likely to receive surgery for their middle ear problems when their mothers smoke, compared with children who have no smokers in their household.
Even a weekend spent in a house with a smoker can significantly harm a child and raise his chances of getting an ear infection. Tobacco smoke seems to suppress the immune system, making it more difficult for your child to fight off infection. Don't let people smoke in your house, and keep your child out of smoky environments.
Can ear tubes help with repeated ear infections?
Possibly. Doctors vary on whether ear tubes should be used for recurrent ear infections because there isn't much research on their effectiveness, and the available data is inconclusive. According to the AAP, "More and better controlled studies of [ear] tube placement would help determine its benefit versus harm."
If your child's doctor suggests ear tube surgery, you'll have a conversation about the procedure's pros and cons. The doctor may suggest this treatment if your child:
- Is at least 6 months old
- Has recurring hearing problems or speech delays due to multiple ear infections
- Has persistent fluid behind the eardrum
- No longer responds to antibiotic treatment
The AAP says ear tubes can be offered to babies (who are at least 6 months old) and children who have had three episodes of recurrent AOM in six months, or four episodes in one year with the most recent episode occurring within the last six months.
Here's how ear tube surgery works:
- Your child is taken to the operating room and given general anesthesia.
- An otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) makes a tiny incision in the eardrum and removes fluid using suction.
- The doctor inserts a small tube into the slit.
- The tube releases pressure and acts as a vent, letting air in and fluid out, so bacteria can't flourish.
- Your child will wake up in the recovery room.
As with any surgery, there are risks, which can include the following:
- Complications from the anesthesia
- Bleeding
- Infection
- The tubes can sometimes come out by themselves
- Increased risk of damage to the eardrum
Are ear infections in babies and children ever serious?
They can be. A severe or untreated infection can rupture your child's eardrum. Ruptures don't happen very often and generally heal quickly, but it's important to follow up with your child's doctor to make sure the infection has cleared up and the eardrum is healing well.
Repeated ear infections can sometimes cause hearing loss and scarring. And in very rare cases, untreated ear infections lead to mastoiditis (a skull infection behind the ear) or meningitis.
Learn more:
Is it true that colds cause babies to get ear infections?
How to give medicine to your child safely and effectively
Unpleasant smell from the ear of a child
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Review of the doctor Lebedinskaya E. A.
At the first appointment, exostosis of the left external auditory canal was immediately diagnosed, the operation was excellent
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Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God.
Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God.
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Thank you! Utkina Natalya Pavlovna for professionalism and high knowledge of her business
Thank you!
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I would like to thank Anton Pavlovich Osadchy for his professionalism and sensitive attitude towards the patient!
I would like to thank Anton Pavlovich Osadchy for his professionalism and sensitive attitude towards the patient!
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Lyudmila Vladimirovna is a polite specialist
Lyudmila Vladimirovna is a polite specialist who is very well versed in her field.
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Wonderful and talented doctor!
Good afternoon! For a long time he suffered from allergic rhinitis, as a consequence - polyposis.
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I would like to express my gratitude to Desyatka M.E. for his work.
I would like to thank Desyatka M.E. for his work.
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I would like to express my gratitude to AP Osadchy for his work.
I would like to express my gratitude to A.P. Osadchiy for his work.
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Seen by many doctors and chose Anton Pavlovich
Seen by many doctors and chose Anton Pavlovich.
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Osadchy A.P. is our family doctor
Osadchy A.P. is our family doctor, to whom we unconditionally trust our health!
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I have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for more than a year
I have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for more than a year, due to a chronic disease and frequent illnesses against this background,
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We have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for a year now, with our older and younger children.
We have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for a year now, with our older and younger children.
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Anton Pavlovich - Doctor from God!
Anton Pavlovich - Doctor from God! With children, he finds a common language with "half a kick" and with mothers too.
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Many thanks to Maxim Eduardovich!
Many thanks to Maxim Eduardovich! Health to you, professional success! Doctor from God!
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Doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field
Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose", doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field, we are treated only by her
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Anton Pavlovich - a doctor with the highest letter, a doctor from God
Very kind, attentive, competent, polite, competent, sympathetic, professional in his field.
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Everything is at the highest level!
Today I was at a consultation appointment with Vladlena Aleksandrovna Korotaeva.
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Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose"
Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose", doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field, we are treated only by her
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I want to express my gratitude to Anton Pavlovich Osadchy
I want to express my gratitude to Anton Pavlovich Osadchy.
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I want to express my deep gratitude to Natalia Alexandrovna
I want to express my deep gratitude to Natalia Alexandrovna, my son had prolonged snot, everything turned into bronchitis for a long time to treat
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A therapist friend advised Elena Alexandrovna as an excellent ENT surgeon
Specialist with a capital letter!
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Dmitry Vladimirovich diagnosed a rather complicated pathology in my child
Good afternoon!
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Osadchiy Anton Pavlovich - an excellent doctor and a pro in his field!
Osadchy Anton Pavlovich - an excellent doctor and a pro in his field!
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Friendly, helpful staff, comfortable, pleasant environment
Friendly, responsive staff, comfortable, pleasant environment, doctor Anfilatov is a high-level professional, we walk
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I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
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The doctor immediately endeared me and, more importantly, the child.
Applied with fever and suspected angina + otitis media.
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I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
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Special thanks to Dr. Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna
The medical staff in the clinic is attentive and responsive.
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I recommend Anton Pavlovich as a highly qualified specialist
Visited for the first time 2 years ago with a pain in the ears of my daughter.
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Good attitude and undoubted professionalism
Good afternoon, we want to leave a review about the wonderful doctor A.P.!
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Doctor Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich is quite competent.
The impression of the reception was extremely positive.
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Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God!
Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God! He really saved me!
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We will recommend this clinic and doctor to everyone - Maxim Eduardovich Ten.
I liked it very much. Very efficient and high quality. Great relationship with the patient. Very friendly staff.
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Osadchiy Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful, attentive, understanding, kind DOCTOR!!!!
Osadchy Anton Pavlovich wonderful, attentive, understanding, kind DOCTOR!!!!
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Many thanks to doctor Zykin Oleg Vladimirovich for the operation
Many thanks to doctor Zykin Oleg Vladimirovich for the operation. at the reception at the Ten M. E.
I decided to contact this clinic, because before that we had been at the reception with my daughter, we liked the treatment of the staff and BP
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Were at the reception of Sushkov I really liked the doctor
Were at the reception of Sushkov I really liked the doctor, he looked at both my granddaughter and myself, I am grateful for the timely appointment.
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Natalya Pavlovna Utkina is a high-level specialist, a doctor from God.
I like the doctor's attitude and approach, he always tries to find a new way to treat a chronic disease, if the previous one
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Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov is a highly qualified specialist.
Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov - highly qualified specialist.
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High professionals work here
High professionals work here, people who love their work, only positive feedback and words of gratitude all
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I express my deep gratitude to the doctor Maxim Eduardovich!
I express my deep gratitude to the doctor Maxim Eduardovich!
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Thanks to Maxim Eduardovich
I really want to express my huge, huge, gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich.
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Thanks a lot to Maxim Eduardovich!
Thanks a lot to Maxim Eduardovich! For a month they suffered with a child's nose, until they got an appointment with this doctor!
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I am very grateful to Maxim Eduardovich for the help and treatment.
I am very grateful to Maxim Eduardovich for the assistance and treatment provided.
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Operated on by Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna
Operated on by Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, straightening the nasal septum.
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Oleg Vladimirovich is a very competent and sympathetic doctor!
Oleg Vladimirovich is a very competent and sympathetic doctor. I went to him with my child, now I am being treated myself.
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Voronchihina Natalia Valerievna is the best ENT doctor in the city.
Voronchihina Natalia Valerievna - the best ENT doctor in the city. He was treated by everyone who can, and even abroad.
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Many thanks to the doctor
I recommend it to everyone who wants to breathe freely again! I went to the Ear.Throat.Nose clinic on the recommendations of doctors.
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I express my deep gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich
I express my deep gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich. An excellent specialist and a professional in his field!
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Sergei Grigorievich is a wonderful specialist
We have long known that Sergei Grigorievich is a remarkable specialist.
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I express my deep gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich.
I express my deep gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich. Great professional and just a nice person! My daughter is 2.8.
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We express our deep gratitude to Sindyaev Alexey Viktorovich
We express our deep gratitude to Aleksey Viktorovich Sindyaev for the high-quality and professional assistance in treating
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A very attentive specialist
We have been addressing Olesya Alekseevna for a long time. A very attentive professional.
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Thank you Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov for the exact diagnosis0003
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Thanks to him my husband began to breathe calmly at night!
Thanks to him, my husband began to breathe calmly at night! We have forgotten what drops and constant headaches are!
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I highly recommend her. More such doctors.
The best otolaryngologist in Perm at present. Caring, compassionate, excellent doctor.
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Yulia Yurievna is a very good doctor, attentive, responsible, sincere.
Yuliya Yurievna is a very good doctor, attentive, responsible, sincere. Everything is always explained clearly.
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I had an operation to correct the nasal septum and remove polyps.
I had surgery to correct my nasal septum and remove polyps. Toiled for 30 years.
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I want to express my gratitude for the professionally performed operation to remove the adenoid.
I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the ear-nose-throat clinic in Perm.
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Definitely here! And definitely to Berezina Elizaveta Sergeevna !!
Definitely here! And definitely to Berezina Elizaveta Sergeevna !!! She has saved us so many times.
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Professional examination, sensitive and attentive attitude of the doctor and medical staff!
Hello! Today I was at the reception of Lyudmila Vladimirovna.
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Low bow and good health to Elizaveta Sergeevna!
When a baby appeared in our family, we were told, most importantly, to find a good ENT, and when we came to Elizaveta Sergeevna
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A doctor from God, solved our problem, performed an operation.
Wonderful doctor - Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov. A professional in his field.
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Now we will be observed only by Anton Pavlovich.
Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful doctor!
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Resection of the nasal septum was done by Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna, I liked everything, competent and helpful staff.
I recommend this clinic.
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The best clinic in Perm for the treatment of ENT diseases
This is probably the best clinic in Perm for the treatment of ENT diseases.
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Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh - a professional doctor
Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh - a professional doctor and very attentive to patients.
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I think that Elena Pavlovna is a professional.
Doctor, Elena Pavlovna, very good.
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We want to leave a review with great gratitude from the whole family to the doctor Anfilatov AV
Good afternoon, group administrators. We would like to leave a review with great gratitude from the whole family to the doctor Anfilatov A.
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Thank you very much for your professionalism.
Hello. I heard about the clinic for a long time, but did not apply, but in vain.
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I want to express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic, especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna
I want to express gratitude to the staff of the clinic, especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna, for the quality of the performed tone
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Excellent diagnostics, HIGH PROFESSIONALITY and CAREFUL attitude towards patients
The child had polyps and adenoids in the nose. He practically did not breathe.
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A breathing nose after several years of suffering is a true gift.
My nose hasn't breathed in over 10 years.
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Thank you very much to all doctors, nurses and administrators.
Were in the clinic ear, throat, nose on Permskaya at the reception of Meltseva Elena Vladimirovna.
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Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna
Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna, very attentive, kind and qualified.
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Tervo Svetlana Olegovna removed adenoids for her son
I want to leave my review about the clinic ear throat nose. They write a lot about her here, so I decided to put in my 5 cents.
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I consider it my duty to say thank you at least by writing a review about the doctor Lebedinskaya
I consider it my duty to say thank you at least by writing a review about the doctor Lebedinskaya.
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Many thanks to Elena Aleksandrovna
He underwent a course of treatment to correct the nasal septum, I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Alexandrovna Le
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We wish there were more such doctors!
I couldn't breathe through my nose for a very long time, I sat on vasoconstrictor drops like a drug addict.
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Anton Pavlovich Osadchy is a very competent doctor!
Very competent doctor. Easily finds a common language with children.
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I want to express my gratitude to the clinic "Ear-Throat-Nose" and my doctor Sergey Grigoryevich Ostanin.
I want to express my gratitude to the clinic "Ear-Throat-Nos" and my doctor Sergey Grigoryevich Ostanin.
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I am very grateful to Elena Alexandrovna and all the doctors
I am very grateful to Elena Alexandrovna and all the doctors and employees of this clinic.
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The operation was carried out, now I breathe in full force!
Many thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and her colleagues!
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Generalchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna finds an approach to our child
Wonderful doctor Generalchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna, very responsive, kind, professional, finds the right fit
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Yulia Yuryevna - qualified specialist!
Yuliya Yuryevna - a qualified specialist, she helped us a lot, if we hadn’t contacted her, we wouldn’t have known what our needs were
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We are very glad that there is such a specialized clinic!
We are very glad that there is such a specialized clinic!
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Thanks to Zykin O.V. We turned to him with advanced acute purulent otitis media
Thanks to Zykin O.V.
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I express my gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich Anfilatov for his work!
I express my gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich for his work!
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Osadchy Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful specialist in his field
ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful specialist in his field.
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Thank you very much to Sergey Grigorievich Ostanin
Thank you very much to Sergey Grigorievich Ostanin for my long-awaited deliverance from 24 years of nasal congestion, no
Read full review. .. We are not afraid of anything with such a doctor...
I'm not afraid of big words, because Natalya Pavlovna is our everything. For 3.5 years she has been treating our two children.
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A miracle happened, because I got to Konishchev Dmitry Vladimirovich!
For the first time I decided to write a review for a doctor, as a sign of great gratitude.
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I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Desyatka Maxim Eduardovich.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Desyatka Maxim Eduardovich.
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I would like to thank Golovach Svetlana Vyacheslavna.
I would like to express my gratitude to Svetlana Vyacheslavna Golovach.
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The doctor found the problem, explained everything in great detail
Came with an acute problem to see Olesya Alekseevna, the doctor found the problem, explained everything in detail, in detail
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Thank you very much doctor Dolgikh Elena Pavlovna
Thank you very much doctor Dolgikh Elena Pavlovna for curing my sinusitis.
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Thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna for the operation
Thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna for the operation, for her professionalism and support, caring attitude
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We are very pleased with the doctor Utkina N .P.
We are very satisfied with the doctor Utkina N.P. Our whole family has been going to her for many years.
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Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna
Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna, very attentive
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Thank you very much Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya
I went to the clinic with persistent pain in the throat, before that it was in two ENTs, who after unsuccessful treatment
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Thanks for the professionally performed operation to remove the adenoid
I want to express my gratitude to the staff of the ear-nose-throat clinic in Perm.
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THANK YOU for forgetting what ADENOIDS are!!
I am writing to say a huge THANK YOU for forgetting what ADENOIDS are!! My daughter is 3 years old.
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I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya
He underwent a course of treatment to correct the nasal septum, I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Alexandrovna Le
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Highly qualified specialists work in the clinic
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You saved me!!!
Dear Olesya Alekseevna! Thank you so much wonderful wonderful! You saved me!!!
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The doctor was friendly, showed everything in detail...
Today we urgently contacted your clinic.
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Thank you for your professionalism!
Many thanks to Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya and Lyudmila Germanovna Makarova for their professionalism, attentive attention
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Review of ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
I want to say a huge human thanks to the young and charismatic Doctor
Read full review ...Review of the ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
Thank you for prescribing the treatment, which really helped me! You will always find the right solution so that everything passes without a trace and easily!
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Review of ENT doctor Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov
Very attentive, calm, tactful specialist
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Review of ENT doctor Generalchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna
I express my sincere gratitude Read full review...
Review of ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
"Thank you for the nose, thanks for the ears..."
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Review of the ENT doctor Komlik Lyubov Nikolaevna
I have addressed this doctor more than once, as she also sees at the Regional Clinical Hospital.
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Reviews about ENT doctor Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna: "I love you, thank you, dear doctor!"
After the operation to correct the nasal septum, I realized that I had been breathing incorrectly all my life.
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Thanks to Yuliya Yuryevna Kotelnikova: "Grateful for professionalism, experience and knowledge, attention"
I want to express my gratitude to the Clinic, especially to the ENT doctor Yulia Kotelnikova.
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Reviews about ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich: "Some positive emotions from treatment"
Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful doctor among ENTs of Perm, only positive emotions from treatment.
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Review about ENT doctor Samolovskikh L.A.: "Cured sinusitis without a "puncture!"0003
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Review of ENT doctor Semerikova NA: "... my joy knows no bounds..."
We arrived with the last hope at the Clinic ear, throat, nose. The child's nose was not breathing at all.
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ENT Semerikova Natalya Aleksandrovna reviews
Natalya Aleksandrovna is our favorite doctor!
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She just saved my son's life
I read the reviews and decided to leave my own. Doctor with a capital letter. Very whimsical!
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Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich - the best ENT doctor!
I express my deep gratitude to ENT doctor Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich.
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Saved my child from frequent SARS!
Many thanks to ENT doctor Utkina Natalya Pavlovna for her attentive and careful attitude, high professionalism!
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Please open your clinic in Naberezhnye Chelny!
I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Elena Aleksandrovna, Natalya Viktorovna, as well as the entire staff of your Clinic.
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I am very grateful to Utkina Natalia Pavlovna!
I, Borisova Oksana Andreevna, am a regular patient of the Clinic, or rather, my child has been observed in Kli for 4 years already.
We express our gratitude to the entire staff of the Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic, and especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna!
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Please encourage L.V. Vereshchagin!
I visit the Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic and treat tonsillitis. I am being treated by an ENT doctor Vereshchagina Lidia Vladimirovna.
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Thank you Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh!
Visited the clinic several times.
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My poor son, how did he live with such an adenoid?!
Hello everyone! I want to share my story and thank ENT doctor Svetlana Olegovna Tervo.
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My son can breathe normally! Thank you!
My child is severely allergic to house dust mites.
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Thanks to E.A. Lebedinskaya
Letter of thanks from ENT to doctor E.A.
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Review of ENT doctor L.V. Samolovskikh
Good day
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Reviews about ENT doctors E.A. Lebedinskaya, S.O. Tervo Nurses
Many thanks to E.A.
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Review of ENT doctor V.N. Shaidurova
I express my admiration for the reverent, humane and professional attitude towards the patient Shaidurovo
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Thank you for a healthy throat!
I lived with tonsillitis for many years, not a single ENT even tried to wash the plugs for me, apparently they didn’t want to bother.
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Helped at a difficult time for health
I support all the praise for the clinic! I can’t help but respond, because
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If only we could have such clinics...
Once again, my son and I used the services of the "Ear, Throat, Nose" clinic!
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With faith in recovery
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the doctor Ekaterina Alexandrovna Zaitseva.
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We didn't miss anything!
I consider it good form to leave a review about the doctors and the clinic and thus say "thank you" to those who cured us
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Thank you, Elena Alexandrovna!
Thank you for helping me breathe real air!
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We felt like at home in the clinic!
We express our deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, Medvedeva Natalya Viktorovna, Zaitsev Kirill Yuryev
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Thanks to Elena Aleksandrovna for golden hands!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya for her golden hands, which are able to accomplish
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Thank you for bringing back normal feelings!
Having gone through the operation and treatment in the clinic, I would like to express my gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Medvedeva
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I liked the doctor!
I would like to note the appointment of Dr. Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov. Very friendly and professional welcome.
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Thanks to Dr. Sindyaev!
After a long treatment in the district polyclinic, my case was very difficult and neglected...
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Thank you! Made my nose!
Thank you! They did my nose. I am breathing! Special thanks to Elena Alexandrovna for her patience.
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Many thanks to all the staff!
Many thanks to all the clinic staff! Very nice, responsive, attentive and professional team!
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Thanks to O.V. Zykin
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Thanks to NA Semerikova
Thanks to Natalia Aleksandrovna for the good attitude. She deserves an award!!!
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Thanks to Dr. Dolgikh
Thanks to Dr. Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh for the reception. Would love to see this specialist again!
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Hooray, I'm breathing!
Dear Elena Alexandrovna, thank you very much for your professionalism and kindness.
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Dear clinic!
Many thanks to Andrey Anfilatov for our health and the health of our loved ones!
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Thank you for your professionalism!
Many thanks to Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya and Lyudmila Germanovna Makarova for their professionalism, attentive attitude
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Keep making us HEALTHER!!!
Thank you so much!!! Great clinic!!! Well done staff!!! Keep making us HEALTHER!!!
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Thank you very much for your kind attitude
Many thanks to the doctor Zykin Oleg Vladimirovich and Davlyatshina Olesya for a kind, caring attitude, for high-quality
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We will help to remove an unpleasant smell from the ear - ENT Center in Kiev
Sometimes people may experience an unpleasant smell from ear . Often this symptom is accompanied by pain, itching, hearing loss and discomfort in the ear. All these are symptoms of dangerous ear diseases that require professional treatment. It will not work to remove the stench on your own - this will only lead to serious complications. Only a doctor can understand the causes and choose a therapy. Having cured the underlying disease, you will get rid of bad smell . Let's figure out why it may appear, and how to deal with it.
Page navigation:
- Causes of the problem
- Inflammatory processes
- Poor hygiene
- What to do if the ear stinks?
- What not to do
- How to treat a pathology?
- Ear stench
- Child
- Adult
- Infant
- Treatment of the ear stench in Betteron
- Possible complications
- Prevention
Sign up for reception
9000. bad hygiene .
Inflammatory processes
In case of inflammation, especially accompanied by the formation of pus, the ears may smell bad. The causes of this symptom are usually the following:
- Otitis externa - inflammation of the ear canal caused by a bacterial infection. It develops due to liquid getting into the ear, wearing dirty headphones, mechanical damage to the skin of the ear canal. In this case, not only the skin becomes inflamed, but also the cartilaginous tissue, there is a strong swelling and itching.
- Otitis media - is exudative and purulent. In the first case, you can notice the smell of fish from the ear , in the second - a purulent stench. Also, this disease is accompanied by pain and congestion in the ear, hearing loss. Often a liquid with an unpleasant odor flows from the ear.
- Otomycosis - caused by a fungal infection.
Along with bad smell , other symptoms of inflammation may appear - pain and congestion in the ears, hearing loss. Often, this increases body temperature, there is weakness, body aches.
Poor hygiene
When a person does not take care of the cleanliness of the ears, the following can accumulate inside:
- Dead cells of the epidermis along with subcutaneous fat
- Earwax
- Residues of cosmetic ingredients - gels, conditioners, hairsprays
Because of this, the ear canals can smell unpleasant. Most often this occurs in people suffering from excessive sweating. Also the cause of may be an ear piercing that was made without proper disinfection.
What should I do if my ear stinks?
If you notice a suspicious smell from your ear , you need to see a doctor. Before you get to the appointment, you can rinse the auditory canals with boric alcohol at home. Nothing else needs to be done - without knowing the cause, you will not be able to fix the problem. And if nothing is done at all, the diseases that cause this symptom will worsen, and this can lead to serious complications.
Do's and Don'ts
If your ear smells suspicious, do not:
- Put ear drops not prescribed by a doctor in your ear canals
- Try to clean your ear with sharp objects
- Warm your ears or put cold compresses on them
- Fill
- water into the ear canals, trying to rinse them out
Doing it yourself is bad for your health. These ill-conceived actions will only aggravate the inflammatory process and push it to spread, as a result, inflammation can affect neighboring organs and structures. No need to experiment with your health. Only a doctor knows how to remove bad smell .
How to treat a pathology?
An ENT doctor will help you get rid of this problem. He will determine the reason why the patient smells bad from the ears and prescribe the necessary measures. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the disease that caused this symptom. It can be:
- Taking antibiotics and antivirals - for otitis media
- Introducing turundas with an antiseptic preparation into the ear - for inflammation of the outer ear
- Antifungal ointments and sprays - for otomycosis
- Therapeutic procedures to remove pus and exudate - for inflammation of the middle ear
- Washing with medicinal solutions - for the accumulation of sulfur and epithelial cells in the ears
- Physiotherapy Treatment is prescribed for each patient individually
7 . In this case, the doctor takes into account the degree of its severity, the state of the body and other characteristics of the patient.
Ear stench
Patients of different ages experience the problem in different ways.
In a child
Most often, stench from the ear in children is a sign of inflammation. It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, until the inflammatory process has affected neighboring structures. Of particular danger is the discharge of pus with an odor from the ear in a child . Such conditions are dangerous because the baby may lose his hearing, which will complicate his development, learning and socialization. Also in babies, inflammatory processes progress rapidly and can affect important organs and structures.
In adults
In adulthood, this symptom often manifests itself in chronic ear diseases. Chronic inflammatory processes lead to the formation of exudate or pus. It is difficult to cure such conditions, but it is possible, so you should consult a doctor for help.
In infants
If the baby has an unpleasant smell from the ear, you should immediately take him to the doctor. The count goes on for days - the baby can become deaf due to inflammatory processes in the ears. There is also a high risk that inflammation will affect the inner ear, bone tissue, meninges and other structures - because of this, the baby may die. He needs urgent medical attention.
Ear stench treatment at Betterton
If you experience bad breath from your ear, contact our ENT Center. Experienced otolaryngologists will perform an otoscopy using modern equipment to find the cause of the problem. Then they will prescribe an effective treatment that will help remove the stench. Our doctors do not treat the symptoms, but the cause, so patients recover quickly and do not suffer from relapses.
Possible complications
Feeling , which smells strange from the ear, causes a lot of discomfort. But the most dangerous thing is the consequences that the underlying disease that causes this symptom can lead to. It is important to understand that this is an inflammatory process, which eventually passes to neighboring organs and structures - nerves, bone tissue and even the brain. Such conditions threaten a person's life.
Unpleasant smell will not bother you if you keep your ears clean, remove water from them in case of contact, protect from drafts.