How many hours does 2 month old sleep
2-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Sleep & Feeding Schedule
Have you noticed that your tiny newborn isn't so tiny anymore? There are many exciting growth and developmental milestones to look forward to once your baby turns 2 months old, and we’re providing a preview of some of the ones you’ll definitely want to watch for. We also cover how to deal with common health concerns like diaper rash and coughs. If you’re returning to work soon, we also have a section on things to keep in mind so that this transition goes smoothly for both you and your baby.
Baby Development Milestones
This month will be full of discovery for your baby, as he becomes more and more aware of the world around him. Here are some of the baby development milestones your 2-month-old baby may be approaching.
Growth and Physical Development: The Mani-Pedi Routine
During these early months, babies tend to grow about 1 to 1 ½ inches in length and gain about 1 ½ to 2 pounds in weight each month. Your healthcare provider will monitor your baby's growth rate at each checkup, noting your 2-month-old baby's weight, length, and head circumference to make sure he's on track and doing well. Read more about how baby growth charts are used in your baby's first 24 months.
Speaking of growth, you may have noticed that your baby's nails seem to grow at the speed of light. You'll likely have to clip or file your baby's fingernails about once a week, and his toenails about twice a month. You may not have to worry about reminding yourself — you'll know it's time when you or your baby get scratched! Here are some tips on how to care for your baby's nails:
Use baby nail scissors or clippers, or a soft nail file.
Clip your baby's nails while he's asleep or after a relaxing bath, as his hands will be less of a moving target.
Push down on the skin of the fingertip so you can safely clip just the nail, not the skin.
File any rough edges after clipping the nails.
If you're still unsure about how to safely cut your baby's nails, ask the healthcare provider to show you how.
For even more “growing news,” the soft spots on your baby's head, called the fontanelles, will begin to harden as the bones of your baby's head fuse together.
Senses: Seeing the World in Color
Your baby will start to recognize objects and will love to look at familiar human faces best of all, especially mom's and dad's. In earlier weeks, your baby may have been drawn to simple patterns with straight lines, but soon he'll start to notice circular shapes and patterns such as bull's-eyes and spirals. Your little one is starting to see colors better, too.
As you take your baby out for walks he'll enjoy looking out from the stroller or the baby carrier. Help him learn by saying the names of different objects aloud, in particular naming anything that catches his eye.
Movement: Baby Squats
Although many of your baby's movements are still reflexive, he'll gradually learn to control more of what he does. For a while he may seem less active as some of his early reflexes fade, but new movements will start appearing that are more purposeful. The kicks he may have started practicing last month will start to gather force, as you might well learn from experience if he accidentally kicks you. In the coming weeks, he'll start controlling bending and straightening his knees. If you hold him upright with his feet on the ground, he might crouch down and then “stand” — and he'll soon realize he can bounce.
Your baby's hand and finger skills are also developing. He may be spending more and more time with his hand unclenched, and he'll likely be fascinated by his hands as they pass by in front of him. He'll slowly develop the ability to bring his hand to his mouth — initially it might happen by accident, but eventually he will place his hands in his mouth on purpose as sucking his knuckles will be soothing. If you put a rattle in his hand he might hold onto it and even shake it, but — watch out! — he'll drop it when he gets bored.
All that tummy time he's been putting in (with you closely supervising) will slowly start to pay off. Around this month or next, your baby will be able to push up off his arms, and briefly hold his chest and head up. This is big news because it's a step toward greater independence for your little one. Gaining this skill will mean being able to look around at whatever interests him, even when he's lying on his tummy.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
Fill out your baby's details*:
What is your child*
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Age (between 0 and 24 months)
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Weight (lbs.)
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Height (in.)
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Personality: Muh-muh-muh-muh
Your baby's personality will reveal itself more and more each day. It will start to show in the way he communicates using facial expressions, vocalizations, and even gestures. For example, if you smile at him and he feels happy he might smile right back at you. Around this time, he might start to happily amuse himself by making all kinds of strange new sounds. You might hear muh-muh and bah-bah, and aahs and oohs. Have conversations with him repeating these sounds back to him. “Baby talk” is important at this stage, but add in real words, too. All along, he will be learning that conversation is a two-way street where each person takes turns, and each contribution is important. As the weeks progress, your baby will be more alert to your tone of voice and will be able to get an idea of your mood by how you talk to him. Your voice also helps signal what's to come, so tell him what you're doing when you're changing his diaper, taking him out for a walk, or bathing him.
Soon your baby won't just be smiling: he'll be squealing or laughing in delight. But don't be surprised if your baby isn't as responsive to strangers. Mom and Dad are his favorites, as are his siblings, and probably other regular visitors. Just like adults, your little one has his preferences, too!
How to Support Your Baby’s Development
Playing and interacting with you both have a huge role in your baby's brain development and early learning. Here are some activities you could do together:
Read to your baby. Even if he doesn't fully understand all the words, your baby is listening to the sounds you're making, and he's learning about tone and pacing, for example.
Don't hesitate to read the same book over and over — babies love repetition. For more tips on reading to your baby, watch this short video on language development through “baby talk”.
Have a “chat.” Respond to your baby's coos and aahs, and initiate conversation by telling him what you're up to. When he “talks,” try not to interrupt or look away. Your attention tells him that his voice is important too and helps build trust.
Tummy time. Continue to give your baby short periods of tummy time each day to help strengthen his neck, arm, and shoulder muscles. Tummy time involves laying your baby on his tummy on a firm surface like the floor — just make sure you're watching.
Introduce a variety of sounds. Play your baby music or give him toys that make different sounds when touched. Let him listen to the sounds of everyday life, too. For example, have him safely nearby as you do household chores — the sound of you tidying will probably fascinate him.
Feeding Your 2-Month-Old Baby
Feed your baby whenever he’s hungry — which will be often, as 2-month-old babies usually eat about six to eight times a day. He’ll show you he's ready to eat by making sucking motions, moving his hand to his mouth, whimpering, or flexing his arms and hands. Avoid overfeeding your baby by keeping an eye out for the signs he’s had enough, such as slowing down or stopping sucking or turning away. You can probably tell your baby is generally eating well if he dozes off after a feed but seems alert, content, and active between feeds. At this stage, you might be able to leave out one middle-of-the-night feed; as your baby’s stomach capacity grows he may not be hungry again until early morning.
Tracking wet and dirty diapers: The number of diapers you change gives you clues about whether your baby is healthy and is getting enough to eat. Keep in mind, each baby is unique and may pee anywhere from once every couple of hours to only once every four to six hours. Fewer than six wet diapers may be a sign of mild dehydration. Pay attention to how many diapers your baby typically goes through. If there is a significant drop in the number of wet diapers or your baby’s mouth seems dry, he may be dehydrated. If you’re in any doubt, consult your baby’s healthcare provider. There is no “right” number when it comes to poopy diapers either. Two-month-old babies can poop anywhere from several times a day to only once a week. If your baby is pooping less than normal but the stools are soft and your baby is otherwise well, there may not be cause for concern. Still, if you’re worried, your baby’s healthcare provider will be able to check whether everything is OK.
As you’ve no doubt realized, your baby’s getting through plenty of diapers. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to download the Pampers Club app so you can get great rewards for all those diapers you’re buying.
How Much Sleep Does a 2-Month-Old Baby Need?
At 2 months old, your baby may be getting about 14 to 17 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period. She may spend more time alert and awake during the day, and although she may want fewer naps they might be a little longer in duration. At this stage, some (but not all) babies even manage to sleep through the night, meaning about six to eight hours in one stretch.
Good sleep routines — regular bedtimes and naptimes, and restful sleeping periods — give your little one a great start in life, contributing to her general health and wellbeing. Although it can take a while for evening routines to become established, you can help your baby head in the right direction by making nighttime feeds as quiet as possible. For example, keep the lighting low, don’t speak much or loudly, and after the feeding and a quick diaper change put her right back to sleep on her back. For more on this, watch these great tips for a good night’s sleep.
Don’t miss these must-watch sleep tips from the Smart Sleep Coach pediatric sleep consultant:
A Day in the Life of Your Baby
Your 2-month-old baby’s daily schedule may include simple routines for sleeping, feeding, bathing, and playing. Here’s one example of what a typical day might look like:
Your Baby’s Health: Dealing With Diaper Rash
Skin conditions:
Diaper rash. A wet or soiled diaper that touches baby skin for too long can cause a red rash on the diaper area. To combat diaper rash, change wet or poopy diapers as soon as possible, clean the area with wipes at each change, and expose your baby’s bottom to air whenever possible. These steps will help the rash clear up and help prevent it from reoccurring. Watch our short video on diaper rash treatment and prevention for even more tips.
Heat rash. These tiny, red bumps typically occur in hot and humid weather, usually on the neck, arms, legs, or diaper area. Don’t apply skin ointments; instead, cool the area with water, then completely dry the skin, dress your baby in cool, dry clothing, and try to keep her out of the heat. With this kind of care, heat rash typically goes away after a few days.
Eczema. If your baby has red, itchy, scaly patches of skin in the crooks of her elbows and knees, it could be eczema. Your baby’s healthcare provider can make a diagnosis and will recommend treatment options. It may help to use mild, unscented baby soaps on your baby and her clothes and sheets, to dress her in soft clothes that don’t prickle, and to bathe her three times a week at the most.
Coughing. If you notice your 2-month-old baby coughing, it’s a sign that her airways are irritated. Coughs can be triggered by many kinds of respiratory illnesses, from the common cold to pneumonia. It’s a good idea to reach out to your baby’s healthcare provider if your little one is coughing; but if coughing is accompanied by fever or a difficulty in breathing take your baby to the doctor right away for treatment or advice.
Allergies. Potential signs of a food allergy or sensitivity include if your baby seems fussy or cries excessively, vomits up most of her food, has very watery or bloody poops, or develops a rash.
Your baby’s healthcare provider will need to explore potential causes and make a diagnosis.
Your Life as a Parent: Returning to Work
Depending on your situation, different factors may come into play as you decide if and when to go back to work, including your finances, maternity leave options, and general family considerations. If you can, allow yourself some flexibility as you may change your mind about your return to work when the time comes. Whenever you do return to work, it’s natural to feel sad, anxious, or concerned about how your baby will adjust. If your partner is not staying home with your baby, the key is to find child care that you feel comfortable with and that your baby thrives under. You might also consider getting additional help at home so you can spend that precious home time with your baby without additional distractions.
Establish a routine
A couple of weeks before you return to work, start mapping out what your typical workday will look like. Consider things like what time you will need to wake up in order to be ready to leave the house in time, how long will your commute take when you take into account dropping your baby off at day care, or perhaps you are getting a nanny, what time will they need to arrive? How about evenings, if you are nursing when do you plan on pumping etc? Be sure to include your baby’s naps and feeding times, and of course don’t forget to make sure you have time for those all-important baby snuggles!
To help you establish a consistent routine, check out the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. Co-developed with pediatric sleep experts and packed with articles that explain your baby’s development, the Smart Sleep Coach also has a powerful sleep tracking tool that suggests the best times for your baby to nap and sleep. Plus, the Smart Sleep Coach’s exclusive algorithm customizes sleep coaching approaches based on your input and your baby’s unique sleep patterns – all to help you help your baby grow well while giving you more free time and sleep time, too.
Once you have this draft schedule you have a rough idea of what you may need to try to adjust to make the return to work as smooth as possible for all of you. It’s a good idea to start to adjust your daily routine at least a week before going back to work so that you and your baby are already used to the new timeline.
Obviously at just 2-months old your baby still needs to be fed frequently and it may seem challenging to ‘get them on a schedule’. A lot of working parents try to adjust things they can control to help here. Things like waking up 30mins before your baby so you can shower and get ready first.
Babies thrive in a routine, and once routine is established it is scientifically proven that they will fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. You’ve got this!
Organizing Child Care
You may have multiple sources and forms of child care, which you could consider, including
your parents or other relatives
a babysitter
a day care center
in-home care, either solely for your baby or in a group with other children
a nanny
or a combination of the above.
As you search for child care, keep in mind that the most important thing is to make sure your baby is happy and developing well under the care you select. Ask other parents or your baby’s healthcare provider for referrals. Speak to potential caregivers at length, observe them with your baby for a day or two, check their references and do background checks, and trust your instincts. You should always keep a watchful eye that your baby is doing well, and reevaluate your choice if need be.
Expressing Breast Milk at Work
Returning to work can be stressful for some women and may reduce your breast milk supply (as may other sources of stress), particularly if you are not able to pump as much as you would like. By law, your employer must allow you time and a space — other than a bathroom — for you to express breast milk until your baby turns 1 year old. If you are concerned your milk supply may be running low, read up on how to increase breast milk supply and contact your healthcare provider or lactation consultant for help.
Finding Help at Home
As you return to work — or simply because you need an extra pair of helping hands — you may need help with cooking, household chores, or errands. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Make sure you have someone you trust who will relieve the load, not add to it.
Figure out when you’ll need help and make sure the helper can reliably commit to this schedule.
Be clear about what you need help with and consider having it in writing.
Ask for enough warning if the helper can’t make it or if they are sick.
Have a plan B like a babysitter or neighbor you can call to jump in at the last minute.
Consider getting a background check and checking for a valid driver’s license.
If the person’s role includes caring for your baby, ask the caregiver to complete a baby first aid course.
Sleep Schedule for Your Baby’s First Year – Happiest Baby
On This Page
- Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule: Year One
- Baby Sleep Schedule: Birth to 2 Months
- Baby Sleep Schedule: 2 to 4 Months
- Baby Sleep Schedule: 4 to 8 Months
- Baby Sleep Schedule: 8 to 12 Months
- Baby Sleep Schedule: 12 Months
- Final Thoughts on Baby Sleep Schedules
While newborns and sleep schedules don’t necessarily go together (a new baby’s sleep is all over the place!), I assure you that eventually you’ll fall into a rhythm with your baby’s sleep! It’s all about knowing what to expect, reading your baby’s sleepytime cues, and setting your little one up for sleep success. Read on to learn what a baby’s first-year sleep schedule generally looks like—and how to get there.
Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule: Year One
All parents want their infants to sleep well, but many don't know the nitty gritty details needed to achieve great baby sleep. They want to know:
How long will my baby nap?
What time should my baby go to bed?
How many hours of overnight sleep can I realistically expect from my baby?
When will my baby sleep through the night?
How does a baby's sleep schedule change over time?
And I'm here to help answer those questions—and more! I’m also here to dispel some common baby sleep myths. For instance, everyone knows that their new baby won't sleep a lot during the first weeks. But the biggest new-parent misconception is that once Baby ekes into their second month, sleep gradually but consistently improves. Many new parents expect sleep to simply get better and better until—poof!—their baby is sleeping an eight-hour stretch at 4 months old. Not so fast! The reality for many—if not most—babies is a bit of a roller coaster, complete with happy victories and frustrating regressions!
That said, there are some reasonable expectations you can have for your baby’s sleep…and those expectations include some common zigs and zags that many babies experience during the first year. And while this first-year sleep schedule works for many little ones, remember each baby is unique and sleep schedules can vary widely.
Baby Sleep Schedule: Birth to 2 MonthsHere’s the thing with newborns: Their natural day-night circadian rhythms have yet to develop. Plus, their bellies are teeny, so they need to eat a lot, including during the night. In fact, breastfed newborns wake up to nurse about every two to three hours and formula-fed babies do so roughly every three to four hours.
Total Sleep for Newborns to 2-Month-Olds: These teeny babies sleep 14 to 18 hours a day. During the first months, babies sleep in bits and pieces, waking throughout the day to feed. In the early weeks, you can expect your little one to fuss from hunger 10 to 12 times a day.
Wake Time for Newborns to 2-Month-Olds: Your baby’s day usually starts around 7am.
Napping for Newborns to 2-Month-Olds: Your wee sleepyhead will take lots of little naps—totaling up to eight hours a day. A newborn’s daytime wake/sleep cycle is 45 to 60 minutes of awake time, then one to two hours of napping. And for babies between 1 and 2 months old, that wake window opens a wee bit wider, landing between one and two hours.) During the second month, if your baby’s nap goes over an hour-and-a-half to two hours, it may be a good idea to wake them for a feeding. While waking a snoozing baby seems like a big no-no, know that long naps mean less eating during the day, making babies hungrier at night.
Bedtime for Newborns to 2-Month-Old: Babies this age often go down around 10pm.
Nighttime Sleep for Newborns to 2-Month-Olds: Your baby will drift on and off throughout the night, punctuated by occasional feedings. Remember, breastfed babies this age often wake to eat about every two to three hours and formula-fed babies wake about every three to four hours. This is 100% normal and to be expected!
Sleep Tips for Newborns to 2-Month-Olds:-
Activate Baby’s calming reflex: White noise, swaddling, and motion work wonders starting from the first day of life to help babies sleep better, naturally. That’s because these sleepytime helpers are all integral parts of the 5 S’s for soothing babies and helping them sleep. White noise (shushing), swaddling, and motion (swinging) all mimic the soothing sensations babies experience in the womb and trigger what’s known at the calming reflex, or nature’s “off switch” for crying and “on switch” for sleep.
Consider SNOO: SNOO—the smart bassinet developed here at Happiest Baby—was designed to provide those three important S’s. SNOO provides responsive white noise and motion—and swaddling—all in one bed, helping babies fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Don't worry, SNOO does not keep babies asleep who need to eat! Babies will always wake up and let you know when they are hungry.
Baby Sleep Schedule: 2 to 4 Months
By the time your baby reaches 4 months old, they will have finally sorted out their days and nights, making napping and night sleeps a bit easier. The womb-like trifecta of white noise, gentle rocking, and swaddling are still important…but one of these sleep-savers may need to stop soon. Once your baby shows signs of rolling, it’s no longer safe to swaddle them (however, you can continue to use SNOO’s special built-in swaddle which keeps babies safely on the back to prevent risky rolling). And be warned about the possible 3-month sleep regression! It can suddenly appear, with your baby starting to wake up like a newborn—every few hours—and wanting to play or cuddle…but refusing to sleep alone.
Total Sleep for 2- to 4-Month-Olds: Babies this age are still sleeping a ton, usually around 13 to14 hours of ZZZs a day.
Wake Time for 2- to 4-Month-Olds: Your little one will most likely wake up little earlier now. Most babies this age start their day around 6am.
Napping for 2- to 4-Month-Olds: When babies first emerge from newbornhood (between 2 and 4 months), they settle into two to three daily naps, totaling four to eight hours of sleep.
Bedtime for 2- to 4-Month-Olds: Lights out shifts a bit earlier, with most babies going down around 9pm.
Nighttime Sleep for 2- to 4-Month-Olds: Babies are able to sleep a little longer now, but they still wake for a feeding or two. Longest unbroken sleep can range from around five hours to up to eight hours.
Tweak naptime. Once your baby is 2 months old, gently wake them up if their morning or afternoon nap stretches over one-and-a-half to two hours. Long naps mean less daytime eating…making babies hungrier at night.
Try a dream feed. Consider adding a dream feed to your nightly routine to help delay Baby’s night-waking. Here you you gently rouse your baby (without fully waking them) right before you go to bed for the night (between 10pm and 12am) to feed one more time before you turn in for the night.
Assess swaddling. At 2 to 3 months of age—or when your baby learns to roll—it’s time to stop swaddling. Without the swaddle, your baby may start to startle more, roll more, and wake many times a night. To help, it’s extra important to use white noise as a sleep cue for all naps and all nights.
PS: If your baby is sleeping in SNOO, however, you can continue to safely swaddle until your little one graduates to the crib. (Our patented swaddle secures to the bed to prevent rolling, so you can safely swaddle without worry.)
Baby Sleep Schedule: 4 to 8 Months
When your baby passes the four-month mark, they’ve finished what I call the fourth trimester. Many of your new-parent friends may still be desperate from exhaustion. So, if your little one is a great sleeper, don’t brag too much! All babies are different.
Total Sleep for 4- to 8-Month-Olds: Your growing baby often clocks 12 to 14 hours of sleep a day.
Wake Time for 4- to 8-Month-Olds: The day starts between 6 and 8am for babies between 4- and 8-months old, depending on your baby, of course!
Napping for 4- to 8-Month-Olds: Babies this age may still be eking out three naps a day or they may have settled into a comfortable two-nap schedule, totaling three to five hours of sleep a day.
Bedtime for 4- to 8-Month-Olds: Night-night often starts around 7 to 9pm.
Nighttime Sleep for 4- to 8-Month-Olds: Your baby may have unbroken sleep of six to 10 hours, which most anyone would call “sleeping through the night!”
Sleep Tips for 4- to 8-Month-Olds:-
Continue with the 5 S’s. At around 4 months old, your baby’s natural calming reflex fades…but don’t worry! Once you start using white noise in the background during your baby’s bedtime routine, they’ll start to expect it and make the connection that white noise means sleepytime is here. That means every time you turn on white noise, your baby thinks, “Hey, I know that sound! It must mean it’s time to sleep.” (It’s like magic!)
Help with teething. Teething commonly starts between 4 to 6 months, but like everything, your baby may be earlier or later to the game. Gum pain can make your baby fussier and disrupt sleep.
Loud, rumbly white noise can be very helpful to help your baby tune out distractions, both internal, like teething, and external, such as sudden noises. (Learn more on how to safely and effectively combat Baby’s teething pain.)
Baby Sleep Schedule: 8 to 12 Months
Baby sleep is a little like a roller coaster with it’s ups and downs, thrills, and scaries. And right now, smack in the second half of your baby’s first year, a frightening dip might be fast approaching! (You can read more about the 8-month sleep regression here.) At this age, some little ones start developing separation anxiety and bedtime and others are so excited about their newly developing skills, that they find it more difficult to settle down.
Total Sleep for 8- to 12-Month-Olds: By the time your baby hits 8 months, they should be snoozing between 12 to 14 hours a day.
Wake Time for 8- to 12-Month-Olds: The day often starts around 6 to 7am for these tots.
Napping for 8- to 12-Month-Olds: Your little one will likely still be taking two naps a day. For some babies, those naps are brief (we’re talking 30 minutes), while other babies may nap for up to two hours at this age.
Bedtime for 8- to 12-Month-Olds: Night-night often falls somewhere between 7 and 9pm now.
Nighttime Sleep for 8- to 12-Month-Olds: .Your baby's longest stretch is likely a glorious seven to 10 hours a night! Wooo!
Sleep Tips for 8- to 12-Month-Olds:-
Tackle hunger. If you think a hungry tummy is the root of your tot’s wake-ups, add some extra fat during your evening feeds. For instance, try avocado or a smidge of olive oil or butter mixed into their baby food). And make sure your child is getting enough breastmilk or formula during the day.
Offer extra pacifiers. For babies who use pacifiers, placing a few extra pacifiers in their crib for naps and night sleeps can make it easy for them to get comfort when they need it.
(Sucking lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels.)
Consider a night light. While a dark bedroom is very important for sleep, sometimes a night light positioned a distance from your baby’s sleep space can help an older baby sleep. (When they wake up, they’ll see their familiar room…not an endless abyss!)
Baby Sleep Schedule: 12 Months
Happy birthday to your little one! You made it through an entire year—and many sleep cycles. You’re now entering a whole new stage of sleep—toddler sleep!
Total Sleep for 12-Month-Olds: At 1 year old, most babies sleep 12 to 14 hours in a full day’s cycle.
Wake Time for 12-Month-Olds: Rise and shine often occurs between 6 and 7am.
Napping for 12-Month-Olds: Your little one is likely still clocking two naps a day, totaling two to four hours. (FYI: Most babies drop the second nap between 12 and 24 months. )
Bedtime for 12-Month-Olds: Now your “big kid” will be hitting the hay between 7 and 9pm…early enough for the grownups to get some alone time!
Nighttime Sleep for 12-Month-Olds: The longest sleeping stretch for 12-month-olds usually averages seven to 10 hours at night.
Sleep Tips for 12-Month-Olds:-
Communicate differently. Communicating with kids this age requires a whole new set of tools and expectations. And figuring this out will make bedtime easier. For starters, explore the ins and outs of Toddler-ese and bedtime sweet talk. (You’ll find more fast-acting tips to boost sleep—and reduce tantrums—in the bestselling The Happiest Toddler on the Block.
Offer a lovey. You can now introduce a lovey to your tiny tot! Loveys are fantastic go-to-sleep helpers, offering toddlers much-needed comfort, confidence, and security. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics even attests that every child “needs” a comfort object in their early years for emotional support.
(Try my SNOObear, which does double duty as a lovey and a white noise machine.)
Be flexible. One-year-olds (and days with 1-year-olds) can be unpredictable. So, if your bub is a two-naps-a-day kid, but only got one, offer a slightly earlier bedtime on those days. In general, consider lengthening your tot’s wake window between naps and see how that goes before rushing to a fixed one-nap-a-day schedule.
Every baby is different, so your little one’s schedule might vary slightly from the ones outlined above. However, if you’re armed with the right information and resources, you should be snoozing sweetly in no time!
Check out more great advice related to baby and toddler sleep:
- All About Baby Sleep Cycles
- What to Do When Your Baby Won't Sleep in a Bassinet
- How to Sleep Train a Baby
- How to Sleep Train a Toddler
- Why Toddlers Won't Sleep
- Is it Time to Transition Your Baby From Two Naps to One?
3 naps a day seems odd, no?
About Dr.

Dr. Harvey Karp, one of America’s most trusted pediatricians, is the founder of Happiest Baby and the inventor of the groundbreaking SNOO Smart Sleeper. After years of treating patients in Los Angeles, Dr. Karp vaulted to global prominence with the release of the bestselling Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. His celebrated books and videos have since become standard pediatric practice, translated into more than 20 languages and have helped millions of parents. Dr. Karp’s landmark methods, including the 5 S’s for soothing babies, guide parents to understand and nurture their children and relieve stressful issues, like new-parent exhaustion, infant crying, and toddler tantrums.
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Have questions about a Happiest Baby product? Our consultants would be happy to help! Connect with us at customercare@happiestbaby. com.
Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.
Baby's sleep at 2 months: how to put the baby to sleep At an early age, sleep is the basis for the full development of the infant's central nervous system and the healthy growth of his body.
Let's analyze what is important to know about the sleep of children at this age!
How a baby should sleep at 2 months
By 2-2.5 months, you will notice that if your baby used to sleep constantly, now he wakes up more often, is more active during the day, shows more interest in others. This is due to the fact that at birth, the blood of newborns contained maternal melatonin, which entered the child through the placenta. And from 2-2.5 months, babies begin to gradually produce their own sleep hormone. By 3 months, there are also changes in fluctuations in the hormone cortisol. These two hormones will determine your baby's sleep in the future.
How much should a baby sleep at 2 months?
In the second month of life, the baby sleeps 14-17 hours a day.
By this age, sleep becomes more and more organized. From 6 weeks on, sleep periods become longer at night. The sleep cycle consists of fast and slow phases. During REM sleep, babies can toss and turn, coo, startle. During the slow phase, sleep in babies is deeper and stronger. At the end of each cycle between sleeps, babies wake up. And at 2 months, the task of parents is to help the baby fall asleep back in any way.
How much should two-month-old babies sleep during the day?
At this age, the child develops a more understandable structure of sleep during the day. The beginning and their duration will still change, as will the time the baby is awake between sleeps. You can stick to a schedule with 4-6 naps. One of the dreams will be long - about 2 hours.
Baby will start sleeping in cycles of 40-45 minutes. This is due to the duration of one sleep cycle and does not mean that the child has slept if he wakes up after this period of time. Re-lay the baby if necessary.
If a child sleeps too long (more than 3 hours) in one daytime sleep, it is better to wake him up correctly.
The baby can now stay awake for no more than 1 hour-1 hour and 15 minutes. But you should avoid overwork, watch for signs of fatigue and take into account the duration of the child's previous sleep.
If a child calms down, loses interest in surrounding objects, starts rubbing his eyes, directs his eyes to one point, for no reason starts to get nervous and asks for food, then he wants to sleep and it is necessary to go to bed. If the child is naughty and cries, then he is already overtired.
Babies of the second month of life stop sleeping everywhere.
Therefore, it is very important to organize suitable conditions and a safe place to sleep in the children's room.
It is important to create darkness for all dreams, turn on white noise and monitor the temperature and humidity in the nursery.
The crib is the best place for a child to rest. There should not be anything superfluous in it - only an elastic mattress with a sheet with an elastic band. Does the baby fall asleep in his arms, and when he is transferred to the crib he wakes up? Wait 20 minutes for the baby to fall asleep soundly, and then change the place of sleep.
If you have problems with daytime sleep, watch the free master class BABY DAY SLEEP: 3 STEPS TO PREDICTABILITY
Baby's night sleep at 2 months
The duration of night sleep gradually increases. The child already goes into the night earlier and “walks” less between sleep cycles. But for the time being, bedtime is not as important as whether the baby gets enough sleep. The night sleep of a two-month-old baby lasts about 9-10 hours with awakenings for feeding. What should be the routine of night feedings, the pediatrician will tell you. The baby will most likely wake up 2-4 times a night to eat.
Waking up at night is associated not only with hunger, but also with other factors
- The child is overworked - this happens if the mother missed the right time for bedtime or when the baby sleeps little during the daytime sleep.
- It is also the other way around if the child sleeps regularly more during the day than at night. The crumbs have a confusion of day and night.
- Baby experiencing physical discomfort (room too hot/cold, dry air, etc.) or tummy ache.
Some children at this age can already calm themselves for a while by sucking their thumb. But until 4 months old, they still need to get the most support from their parents to help them relax and fall back asleep when they wake up.
Here, in addition to the breast or bottle, swaddling, swaddling, motion sickness will help you. It is best to alternate all methods of calming.
Swaddling protects the arms and legs from tossing up - the baby does not wake himself up with them, and it is more convenient for you to transfer the baby to the crib. When swaddling, the baby is in a position that reminds him of the intrauterine atmosphere (darkness and tightness). And puffing and motion sickness even more soothe when falling asleep.
The child is ready for the introduction of the sleep ritual.
Daily repetitive bedtime activities set him to rest and make it easier to go to bed. Include massage, swaddling, feeding, carrying the baby in your arms in the ritual. At the end, read a fairy tale or sing a lullaby. Separating feeding and falling asleep will help your baby learn to fall asleep on his own in the future, instead of relying on the breast alone. Gradually, food will become part of the ritual, and not the only way to fall asleep.
Feeding and sleep
Feeding schedule remains on demand. Since formula is digested more slowly, meals will be less frequent in IV children.
The number of applications during breastfeeding during the day will be approximately 6-9, at night from 2 to 4 times. For a two-month-old baby, about 800-900 ml is enough. milk or 700-750 ml. mixture per day. Feeding the baby on demand usually occurs within 15-20 minutes.
A baby of the second month of life has a need for contact with the outside world. He begins to be distracted by environmental stimuli during suckling and eats less milk or formula during the day than he needs. Therefore, offer breasts for sleep and after waking up. And while feeding, take your baby to a quiet place, darken the room so that nothing distracts him, and offer the breast in a calm environment.
How does your baby sleep at night and during the day?
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90,000 sleeping and night06/16/2015
of the table
0-3 months
Elena Muradova
Elena Muradova
Head of the BabySleep Center, the first sleep consultant in Russia, author of the BabySleep 9 methodology0003
Mother of three children
By 2 months, the child gets used to life in a new world and begins to actively adapt to it. He has improved perception and reactions, he learns to control his body, which significantly adds in size. But the baby still cannot stay awake for a long time and therefore sleeps most of the day. During sleep, he recuperates after new dizzying experiences, so he needs a healthy and sound sleep for normal development.
Since a regular sleep schedule is out of the question at this age, it is important to carefully monitor your baby and help him fall asleep on time before he gets tired. More details about the norms of sleep and wakefulness, selected for a two-month-old baby - later in the article.
0–4 months. Establish sleep in 3 weeks
How much a child sleeps at 2 months
Features of sleep crumbs are largely determined by his temperament, but there are numbers that you can focus on. At this age, sleep usually accounts for about 15-16 hours a day, of which 5-6 hours the child sleeps during the day and 8-10 hours at night.
There are also changes in the rhythm of sleep: there is a tendency to fall asleep earlier and increase uninterrupted night sleep: this is due to biological changes in the body.
As a rule, the wakefulness of a baby at 2 months is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes from waking up to falling asleep again, that is, this time period includes not only communication and games with the child, but also feeding, getting ready for bed and laying down.
Since this is the age of active mental development, the level of anxiety may increase in the child, the mood may worsen not only in the evening, and going to bed can take too long. Children with a naturally low level of anxiety experience this less intensely than restless babies with the so-called "difficult" temperament. The latter are easily overexcited due to their natural sensitivity, they are more difficult to console, they sleep less and irregularly.
In any case, it is pointless to accustom a baby to a certain routine at two months, it is much more important at this age to observe a more or less stable rhythm of sleep and wakefulness and to carefully monitor signs of fatigue and possible causes of discomfort.
Stage of Development
A child's sleep is directly affected by changes in his body, both physical and mental. A new world becomes available to a newborn, filled with observations and phenomena. In this process, all his senses are involved, so there is a jump in mental development.
Height and weight gain at 2 months of age is often the greatest compared to other months. By this age, normally, he should gain approximately 1000–1500 g of weight and approximately 5 cm of height relative to his figures at the time of his birth. In premature babies, the numbers are different. One way or another, the pediatrician monitors the norms for increasing the height and weight of the child and gives individual recommendations.
Around 7-8 weeks, the baby's head circumference increases dramatically due to the active growth of the brain.
At the age of 2 months, a child's eyesight improves, so there are conscious reactions to parents, objects around. For the first time, the child realizes that he has pens, and examines them with interest, pays attention to moving objects - follows him with his eyes and focuses his attention.
Hearing in a two-month-old baby is also getting better. He begins to react to sources of noise and even to distinguish intonations of the voice - to be frightened by screams and sharp sounds, to relax with quiet, measured speech.
Closer to two months, the child establishes a relationship between the sounds he makes and the fact that he is given attention. Gradually, more and more of his actions begin to have a consistent research character.
The reflexes, invested by nature from birth, are being replaced by awareness of actions. At 2 months, the baby begins to grab objects that are next to him with his hands. It is at this age that one of the most joyful events in the life of parents most often occurs - the baby for the first time gives them a conscious smile, and sometimes even laughs.
By 2 months of age, the back and neck muscles of an infant develop when held correctly. This allows him, being in a vertical position, to keep his head up on his own, but sometimes it can tilt back - the baby has not mastered this ability to the end, and it is worthwhile to "insure" him for now.
Tip of the month
Sometimes a child's daytime nap becomes very short - 20-40 minutes. So, 40-minute sleeps are the lower limit of norms, but still do not allow the child to fully recover and withstand the waking time corresponding to the age norm without overwork.
From time to time, such short dreams (20-30 or 40-45 minutes) occur in almost all children at this age. But sometimes daytime naps become exceptionally short and obviously uncomfortable for the child (this can be expressed by crying when waking up, falling into a tantrum or whims). Perhaps some errors have crept into your two-month-old baby's wake and sleep patterns.
First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that such dreams are a symptom of the disease. Often the cause for excitement is prompted by intuition. If something is bothering you, you should contact your pediatrician or pediatric neurologist. Another reason may be accumulated fatigue from regular sleep deprivation. If none of these apply to your little one, try to extend your short naps throughout the day and keep a close eye on signs of fatigue, avoiding "over-walking" - a common cause of short naps.
If parents find it difficult to find a conditioned, flexible, and child-friendly sleep schedule, American pediatrician and well-known specialist in children's sleep, Professor Mark Weissbluth, suggests keeping a sleep diary, which records the baby's sleep or non-sleep. By recording the events of the day and time when the child slept, you can compare how certain circumstances affect your baby's sleep, track his progress and not give up in case of failure.
How to usefully communicate with a two-month-old baby
It is useful at this age to introduce daily walks in the fresh air, avoiding exposure to the open sun in summer, as well as in too much frost in winter (below 10 degrees Celsius). In the baby’s body, the production of the sleep hormone melatonin begins, and for this process it is important to have a large amount of bright light in the daytime.
When you are awake, you must definitely devote time to developing games and communication with your baby. Everything familiar to you in this world for a baby is completely new, completely amazing, completely exciting! Talk to him, talk about the things that you look at together, read books with beautiful pictures, talk about your feelings for him, about what you are doing. So you give him care and warmth, besides, you will introduce him to the pace and intonations of speech. However, remember that an excess of emotional stress leads to restless sleep.
The normal physical and, most importantly, the mental development of the child depends on communication with parents, primarily with the mother. In the first months of life, the main task of any activity in which the baby is involved is to improve the skills of perceiving the world around. Introduce him to pleasant sounds, smells, tactile sensations from touch, but not too intense so that he is not frightened.
The baby can already follow objects at a distance of 20 to 30 centimeters, so as one of the entertainment options for a 2-month-old baby, a soft hanging rattle with an elastic band over the baby's bed is suitable. It will be interesting for the child to watch how she bounces funny when pulling, and try to grab her with her hands. Of course, remember safety!
By the age of two months, the baby begins to take on human faces. Try to look at the baby while feeding and talk to him affectionately so that he observes your facial expressions. Cute human faces cut out of cardboard will also please the child.
Active games should be played with the baby in the first half of the day, and in the evening it is better to leave calm, relaxing activities.
| Daytime sleep |
Usually a two-month-old baby sleeps about 4-6 times during the day, the duration of dreams is from 40 minutes to 2 hours. In the nervous system of a small child, excitatory processes prevail over inhibitory ones, that is, it is difficult for him to calm down himself. And that is why it is so important to ensure that the baby does not “go over the top”. If the baby cannot fall asleep in 10-15 minutes, cries and falls asleep for a long time even with a breast, most likely he has been awake for too long. It's okay, almost all parents experience similar situations. Moreover, fixing it is not as difficult as it might seem. In the second month, the baby struggles with sleep in order to interact more with you. No matter how touching it may be, he needs to get his sleep rate: take care of the baby's health and postpone the games for later. To lay down the "overdone" crumbs, you can resort to the use of special relaxing methods (for example, turning on white noise, rhythmic motion sickness, and others). If the baby's performance at birth was normal, he is gaining weight well, then there is usually no need to wake him up during the day for feeding. Exceptions are cases if the child sleeps continuously for more than 5 hours, because of which his blood glucose level may drop. | |
| Night sleep |
At 2 months, the baby begins to have a biologically determined tendency to go to bed early and sleep longer at night. A schedule of bedtime and sleep that is strictly tied to the clock is still useless - you should focus on the rhythms natural for your child and signs of fatigue between 19 and 22 hours. This is the usual time for the second month of readiness for a night's sleep. It is already easier for parents to detect signs of fatigue in advance before the child begins to act up. At night, the baby still wakes up to eat, sometimes several times. |