How many easter eggs does the average child get
7 Steps to Planning an Easter Egg Hunt for Kids
Home News 7 Steps to Planning an Easter Egg Hunt for Kids
It’s almost that time of year when the Easter Bunny hops into town! If you’re parenting a toddler (or any age kiddo for that matter), Easter is such a fun holiday to celebrate! There are so many eggcelent activites for toddlers and older kids (ok, we know it's cheesy, but hopefully that made you giggle!). And, of course, an egg hunt is probably the best way to get those littles (of all ages) up and enjoying the spirit of this season.
Luckily, it's really easy to put a great hunt together on the fly. We’ve got the tips that will help you plan a stellar celebration just in time for the big day.
Pick a Date and Location
Your hunt doesn’t need to happen on Easter—in fact it may even be better to pick a different date and extend the Easter Bunny fun! If you’re planning a large community event, it probably makes most sense to choose an outdoor location (with a rain date just in case). Just a few kids? Limit it to your yard or an outdoor park. Just make sure whatever space you choose is safe (away from roads and traffic).
Put Together a Menu
This is the perfect opportunity to try out some of those fun recipes you’ve seen online—little rice cripsie baskets and Easter Bunny shaped rolls (yes, this is a thing). Don’t have time to research a menu? No worries—we’ve got it taken care of! Visit our Pinterest page for plenty of yummy snacks that are a snap to put together.
Get Your Supplies Together
What do you need for a great Easter egg hunt? The supplies are simple—eggs (plastic ones are ideal), and treats (to stash in the eggs). Make sure you’re not short-handed—estimate around 10-15 eggs per child. If you’re asking guests to bring their own baskets, pick up a few extra to have on hand (just in case anyone forgets). You can also think about having children decorate their own paper bags to use as “baskets”—it makes for great easter crafts. Stickers and crayons are all you need for this fun and affordable alternative!
It may seem obvious, but the best Easter egg hunts aren’t just about sugar—there are so many non-candy alternatives that kids will love. Think about tattoos, marbles (for the older kids, of course), Legos, and bubbles. Target’s dollar section can be a gold mine around this time of year—you can stock up on mini erasers, bouncy balls, and stickers. Stash a few dollar bills into some "money eggs" and throw them into the mix. Or, put a larger bill into a golden "money egg"—it's one of Jamie's favorite Easter traditions for kids.
Plan the Decor
Let your kids get involved in the prep! There are so many fun ways to get your house Easter-ready. Need some ideas? We’ve got plenty of Easter crafts over on our Pinterest page—everything from pretty door hangers to fun garlands. And what kid doesn't love a fun Easter Bunny craft? Check it out and get creative!
Hide Your Eggs—Be Creative!
If the weather’s cooperating, an outdoor hunt is ideal—we bet you can find plenty of great hiding spots in your yard or garden. Planters and tree branches are some of the more obvious ones—mail boxes and covered bins make things a little more challenging. It probably goes without saying, but try and tailor your strategy to your audience (so to speak). Older children will appreciate a more challenging hunt, while the little ones need something a bit easier. And don’t worry if you’ve got to take the egg hunt inside—you can still find creative spots to stash your Easter eggs. Here’s a great list of 10 unconventional places to hide easter eggs—both outdoor and indoor—if you’re struggling for ideas. Just be sure to make the boundaries for your egg hunt clear—you want the kids to know where they should be looking.
Make a Hunt Plan
What parent hasn’t heard “it’s not fair!” on occasion? And although life isn’t always fair (ain’t that the truth!), you’ve got to decide how your going to deal with the issue of equity and the Easter egg hunt. Maybe you’re planning an all-out free-for-all (which certainly makes for some traditional egg hunt fun!). But if you’re dealing with a mixture of older and younger kids (or all little ones), you may want to level the playing field. Consider assigning each child a color of egg—like blue, orange or pink—they’ll be responsible for collecting only their color. Let the little kids out first to get a head start. Or match an older child with a younger one and encourage teamwork. Whatever strategy you choose, be clear on expectations and rules—It will cut down on any post-hunt drama.
Have Fun
Remember—this is supposed to be about having fun! You’ve done what you need to prepare, now it’s time to sit back, relax, and watch the kiddos enjoy themselves.
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How many Easter eggs do you get your children ??
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383 replies
CocoLady · 19/03/2021 17:20
I have a 5 year old and is an only child and she always does so well as we come from a large family so will receive Easter eggs from both grandparents, aunties uncles etc
So this year as a single parent and a bit strapped for cash I'm thinking of getting my dd just 3 Easter eggs I would normally do a lot more and maybe a soft toy or a small toy. I feel bad but I think it's a waste of money and over exaggerated !
Just wondering what other parents do/or how many eggs they get ?
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dementedpixie · 19/03/2021 17:23
We get ours 1 each, but one of the bigger ones. Why would you buy multiple for your own child?
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CocoLady · 19/03/2021 17:25
I would normally would get diff types of ones as I always had it as a child but my parents always did massive Xmases birthday etc but it was all in debt ! So I think as I feel bad that's why, I am planning on one big one and two little ones
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anyoldname76 · 19/03/2021 17:25
We've got ours a medium sized egg, one of the small eggs, A box of creme eggs and a chocolate bunny. They will get 2 small eggs from grandparents, I think that's plenty tbh.
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BakewellGin1 · 19/03/2021 17:26
Mine are getting 2 eggs each from us... Oldest is getting a PS Gift Card and Youngest some books as they get eggs from family
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Lockdownennui · 19/03/2021 17:27
It’s never occurred to me to give my children more than one egg. They don’t usually get any from family either. We have a few treats like chocolate nests for Easter tea and an Easter egg hunt, but other than that one egg seems fine to me.
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SoWhyNot · 19/03/2021 17:27
One for one of them, none for another as she doesn’t like chocolate so she will get something else, and nothing for another as he is too young.
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Winterfellismyhome · 19/03/2021 17:27
- 3 is excessive
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CMOTDibbler · 19/03/2021 17:28
One. And that's all he gets
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ilovepuggies · 19/03/2021 17:28
I get an Easter egg hunt pack and hide them around the house and then a chocolate bunny each.
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Passthecake30 · 19/03/2021 17:28
Usually one, or none (£5 instead) if they are getting several from family. This year we won’t get any from family, so I have got them a large one each and 2 small £1 ones. They are preteens though so I’d expect them to eat more than a 5 yr old. We’ve had years where I’ve had to melt down the eggs in brownies etc as they got fed up with them, and they usually have fairly short dates on them.
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happytoday73 · 19/03/2021 17:28
One medium egg from us. .. When younger got some smaller ones too (for an egg hunt)... However they 'buy' for each other, get one from an aunt, 2 seperate uncles and grandparents...
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Superstardjs · 19/03/2021 17:28
Mine gets 1 from me. None from others unless maybe we saw someone for Easter lunch. When she was little I used to do an Easter egg hunt for a dozen mini eggs around the house.
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kowari · 19/03/2021 17:28
One boxed egg, size appropriate for age. My teen has a large one. Some smaller eggs to hide if doing a hunt.
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MissingTheMoonlight · 19/03/2021 17:28
Any more than 1 seems excessive to me
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digthroughtheditches · 19/03/2021 17:29
One but we do an Easter eggs hunt with lots of little ones. I'm enjoying them being young and still wanting to do this.
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QuitMoaning · 19/03/2021 17:29
The most I would have done is one larger egg and then maybe some small ones for an Easter Egg hunt.
But not just given more than one egg. No point to it, one egg is the gesture.
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ThePricklySheep · 19/03/2021 17:29
- Grandma buys them one too and we do a wee hunt of a few smaller eggs (the 1cm foil wrapped things) and a 10p bag of haribo.
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Mudandrain · 19/03/2021 17:29
Just get a box of the tiny egg hunt ones and hide them around the house. That will be more entertaining than receiving three eggs.
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tinkerbellvspredator · 19/03/2021 17:30
1 large egg. 1 bag of mini eggs that are hidden individually round the house. No family nearby so that's it and they are very happy with that. The Easter bunny leaves them.
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AuntieStella · 19/03/2021 17:31
I get them one each, and a few bags of mini eggs (the sort that are sugar coated in pastel colours) to put in rice krispie cake nests
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GreyhoundG1rl · 19/03/2021 17:31
God, one. Why would they need multiple eggs?
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Cindersrellie · 19/03/2021 17:31
'Just' three?! Bloody hell! We are right old meanies, my DD gets eggs from several others so we don't actually get her one at all!
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longhaulstress · 19/03/2021 17:34
Mumsnet is so different to my real life sometimes.
I don't know anyone who buys their dc's just one (unless a baby)) I end up buying mine around 5/6 each then some smaller treats. I love it and most of the eggs only cost about £1.
Although with family and friends buying they can sometimes end up with around 15 each which is pretty excessive but hey I always help them out if they're struggling!
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MrsWP · 19/03/2021 17:34
This year I think it'll be none.
I've picked DC up a little chocolate bunny and chocolate sheep each.
There are some new squishy toys they want so will get one of those each too as they're DESPERATE.
We're atheist so really Easter doesn't need celebrated at all. Also family will inundate them with chocolate so I don't want to add to it.
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The basics of nutrition for schoolchildren / What to include in the diet so that the child has enough strength for everything - an article from the "Correct approach" section on Food.

The principles of healthy nutrition
Every day a child should receive a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates . Proteins are responsible for metabolism and growth. They are well absorbed from fish, meat, eggs and dairy products. Fats are nutrient conductors. They are found in cream, sour cream, butter, soft cheeses, nuts. Children get energy and strength from carbohydrates: simple ones are in sweet fruits and vegetables, berries, slow ones - in potatoes, cereals and legumes.
Every child is different: some like to play football, others like to play the violin. Therefore, food must be given in such quantity in quantity to make up for energy losses.
The child must eat regularly. The intervals between meals should not be more than 4-5 hours. During this time, the food will have time to be digested and absorbed completely.
Carbohydrates serve as a source of energy and also act as reserve nutrients. They are necessary for a schoolboy, there should be more of them on the menu than proteins and fats. But you should not abuse it - an excess of fast carbohydrates leads to obesity. It is important to strike a balance: replace sweet buns with fruit, and sweets with marshmallow and honey.
How important is breakfast
Children who have time to have breakfast in the morning are more successful at school. In schoolchildren who do not eat in the morning, metabolism slows down, attention decreases, memory deteriorates.
Children who eat regularly in the morning are more stress resistant. And the beginning of lessons is always stressful: if you test it on an empty stomach, you can get gastritis.
Children who eat a hearty meal in the morning are less likely to be overweight. Breakfast kicks off metabolism, the process by which the body begins to burn calories. They have no desire to eat anything during the day.
Children's nutritionists advise feeding the child in the morning with something warm, not very greasy and sweet. To do this, include milk porridge in the menu. They are rich in complex carbohydrates. The student will feel full before lunch.
Buckwheat porridge is the leader in the amount of vegetable proteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, which are necessary for the active work of the brain. Oatmeal comes second. Rice porridge has more starch, but less protein.
What is fed at school
In Russia, a law began to operate, according to which elementary school students should receive free hot meals. Such food should not be fatty, fried or spicy.
According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, breakfast for a primary school student contains 12-16 grams of protein, the same amount of fat and 48-60 grams of carbohydrates. Children should be given fruit, fortified bread and drinks. Breakfast or lunch ideally contains at least one hot meal and one drink.
What to do if there is no canteen at school
Not all schools offer hot meals. In this case, parents themselves need to take care of the food for the child.
What and how much to give to a student will depend on what shift he is studying.
Approximate diet:
6:00-8:00 - breakfast;
9:00-11:00 - Snack at school or lunch at home if the child is studying on the second shift;
12:00-14:00 - lunch;
16:00-17:00 - afternoon tea at home or a snack at school for second shift children;
19:00-20:00 - dinner.
Lunch box products choose those that keep well. For a snack, vegetables, fruits, bread, unsweetened cookies are suitable. On days when there are a lot of lessons, and after a workout is planned, put in a lunch box, for example, boiled rice, it will give a feeling of satiety, and steamed vegetables - they will add nutrition. Chicken or fish cutlets will energize.
It is advisable for children to consume dairy products daily. Therefore, cheese, a small carton of milk, yogurt can be added to the food container.
During exams, you can add a piece of chocolate to the lunch box as a dessert. It contains carbohydrates - food for brain cells. A banana will cheer you up.
When preparing a sandwich, do not forget about fresh herbs and vegetables. They will strengthen the immune system, will keep the body in good shape. Use only fresh, not frozen food. Two slices of bread, a slice of ham and cheese, a crispy lettuce and a tomato - simple, tasty and healthy.
Here are some more fillings for healthy sandwiches:
chicken pieces, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, some cheese and sour cream;
tuna, canned corn, herbs, cream sauce;
cheese, cucumber and tomato slices, lettuce, some natural yoghurt;
cutlet, greens, vegetables;
tuna/salmon, hard-boiled egg, lettuce;
salmon, avocado, lettuce, sauce;
chicken, some cucumber, sauce, lettuce;
mozzarella and any other cheese that the child likes baked in a tortilla;
pâté, greens;
ham, vegetables, scrambled eggs.
For a change, they can be made not only with bread, but also wrapped in lavash, pita or pancakes.
Don't forget your drinks. The best solution would be to give the child water or milk, unsweetened homemade compote, fruit drink.
Whether to count calories
Doing this is not only necessary, but also important. The Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education found that the performance of the heart and breathing of children during lessons, the level of stress during classes can be compared with an astronaut in weightlessness.
A child's brain uses almost 25% of the energy it receives from food during study. For comparison: in an adult, this value is only 3-4%. Therefore, school-age children should receive from 2000 to 3000 kcal.
This indicator also depends on the age, height, and weight of the student. On average, a child of 7-10 years old should receive about 2000 kcal per day, 11-14 years old - 2400-2600 kcal, and at 16 years old - 3000 kcal.
In addition to kilocalories, it is worth paying attention to the composition of vitamins. B1, B2, B6, B12 are responsible for the work of the brain. Vitamin B1 enters the body with wholemeal bread, cereals, legumes. B2 is found in dairy products. B6 - in unrefined cereal grains, leafy salads, buckwheat and wheat cereals, legumes. B12 is found in liver, beef, poultry, fish, milk and cheese.
What to do if the child does not want to eat
Look at the child. Does he move enough during the day? If there are only lessons, a computer and a TV in the schedule, then you should not be surprised at a poor appetite. His energy consumption is minimal, he simply does not need a lot of food.
WHO recommends that children exercise at least one hour a day. Bicycling, hiking, physical education at home and at school - all this is necessary to raise a healthy child with a great appetite.
If the reason is not lack of movement, then talk to the student. Perhaps something is bothering him, so his appetite is gone.
Get creative when you cook. Cut vegetables not in standard rings and pieces, but make figures: stars, hearts, rhombuses. Do not buy chips, crackers, hard candies that children like to eat between meals.
Try cooking dinner together. Children enjoy eating what they have made themselves.
Respect your child's refusal to eat, just don't let him snack later. He must learn to say no, but he must not abuse your trust either.
What can be done?
Keep track of what, how much and when the student eats. Put together a proper lunch box for him: put a sandwich with greens, a banana and a bottle of water in it.
Read more about children's nutrition:
How to feed a child with vegetables, even if he does not like them
Coloring Easter eggs in different ways
Every year the entire Christian world celebrates the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The celebration is dedicated to the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven. The hostesses are preparing for the meeting of the divine holiday and are interested in how to color the eggs in an original way for the holiday, how to bake delicious cakes.
The day before the event, a real natural miracle takes place in holy Jerusalem, a blessed unburning fire breaks out of the earth.
Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gather at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and hold 33 candles in their hands. This is a sacred number, meaning the number of years that the Son of God lived on earth, and the number of steps from Golgotha to the last tomb of Christ.
Let's get ready for the bright holiday together and learn how to create unique beauty with our own hands. We will connect children and adults to the exciting process. Let's draw author's pictures on eggs, please friends and acquaintances with bright gifts for Easter.
- How and with what to paint Easter eggs with your own hands
- Onion Skin Dye
- Coloring with natural products
- How to decorate Easter eggs to make them marble
- Decoupage of Easter eggs from a napkin
- We paint with fabric
- We paint with improvised means
How and with what to paint Easter eggs with your own hands
It turns out you can completely do without tedious cooking and without any dyes. It is enough to purchase a pack of colored indelible markers and color them with the children according to your taste and imagination.
The hole left after removing the contents is easy to cover up with a fancy hat from a hardware store. You can also tie a pretty silk ribbon to it!
Beautiful coloring of eggs with spices
Housewives around the world prefer to use natural oriental spices for coloring. Only to obtain an unusual pattern in Europe, wild flowers are more often used.
Blanks are also wrapped in nylon bags and boiled in spices for 10-12 minutes. The result is a unique beauty, and you will not find two identical Easter eggs all over the world.
With varnish or water-insoluble paints
An unusual way that allows you to create real space patterns.
For painting use a container with water and insoluble varnishes. Dyes of two colors are sprayed on the surface, slightly mixed, protective gloves are put on and the egg is lowered into a beautiful solution. Lacquer lays on the surface with sinuous lines, but dries for a long time, approximately 24 hours!
Original coloring in shaving foam
Yes, such an unusual way! Foam is sprayed into the bath and drops of resistant paint are applied to its surface. Stir with a stick to create color transitions and lower the egg into the paint.
Place blanks in foam on a cardboard surface for 1 hour. Then they gently wipe the painted eggs with a dry napkin and get a completely unusual gradient color.
Colour: dry juice concentrates
Supermarkets still sell instant juice concentrates in small packets. At one time, Jupi dry juice was popular among the people, and all the children in the yard had green and orange tongues.
Now such concentrates can be easily used for dyeing eggs and any householder or single bachelor can do the job. Dissolve a bag of dry juice in 100 ml of water, add a tablespoon of vinegar and immerse it in it for 1 hour. After time, the shell will acquire a bright saturated color, which can be enhanced by the sheen of vegetable oil.
We paint through a napkin
A simple and truly ingenious method that does not require much effort. Boiled eggs are placed in paper towel bags, paint of different colors is applied on top and blurred with a spray gun. We leave the blanks for 35-40 minutes, and then we remove the paper bags and evaluate the unique bitmaps.
Using stencils
And another very simple and easy way that little kids will love. If the hostesses manage to buy ready-made semicircular egg stencils, then coloring will turn into an exciting activity. But if you don’t find such devices on sale, then try to make stencils from cardboard or thin plastic yourself.
Involve the kids in active preparation for the Easter holiday, and joint creativity will turn into an annual family tradition.
Dyeing in onion skins
First, let's reveal all the little secrets of dyeing eggs with onion skins. This is an old method used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
Approximately 2 months before Easter, the hostesses began to put onion skins in a bag to use it for the holiday to give the shell a pleasant chocolate color.
Required for painting. Remember:
- large saucepan;
- lots of onion skins;
- water and 1 tablespoon salt.
Pour boiling water over the husk, cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours to infuse.
Eggs must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance to bring them to room temperature.
Immerse the clean ones in onion infusion, add a spoonful of salt and poison the pan over medium heat. Cook for 10-12 minutes, turn off and leave in the paint until it cools completely.
The final touch is a little vegetable oil. It must be applied to a painted surface in order to shine beautifully on a festive dish.
Inventive housewives went further and figured out how to dye eggs in onion skins and get a colored surface with an original pattern. The most unexpected ingredients were used for the process: paper, gauze, lace, old tights, threads, rubber bands, cereals, leaves, flowers.
How did everyone use it? Just! Eggs were placed in bags of nylon stockings or tights, and with them rice or peas. Next came blanks wrapped with threads, elastic bands or lace. All bags were sent to cook in onion skins.
If you put an egg, pieces of paper, a little small onion peel into a stocking, then after cooking you will get a unique marble effect!
Finished products are cooled, lubricated with vegetable oil. The result is such beauty that pleases the hostess and creates a festive Easter mood in a large cozy house.
For clarity, I want to present a short video where an experienced culinary specialist Olga Matvey will clearly demonstrate how simple and beautiful it is to paint in onion peel. Take the original way into service!
Coloring with natural products
In many Christian families, on the first day of Easter, believers prefer to break their fast with a painted egg. In order for the egg to remain edible, it must be dyed with natural dyes, but even in this case, the product remains edible for 48 hours after cooking!
What natural dyes are used by experienced housewives around the world? The list is long and incredibly varied. It turns out that without chemistry you can achieve an excellent result, get the most beautiful Easter decorations.
Tea and coffee, wine, hibiscus tincture, nettle leaves, oak bark, beets, carrots, paprika, turmeric, and even red cabbage are used as natural natural dyes.
Hostesses often ask how to beautifully paint chicken and sawn eggs for Easter? There are methods that have been tested in practice for years:
- Cold - this is the immersion of boiled eggs in prepared dyes for 8-12 hours.
- Hot - boil raw eggs with coloring ingredients for 10-15 minutes.
Most hostesses prefer the hot method because it is fast and gives instant results. But the cold method is considered more effective and gentle, as it gives a rich color and protects the shell from cracking during cooking.
Consider both methods. In an old container, which is not a pity, we pour water and immerse a natural dye, for example, chopped red cabbage. We leave the eggs at room temperature 1 hour before cooking, rinse thoroughly in warm water and send them to a container with dye. Turn on medium heat and cook after boiling for 7-8 minutes. The hot dyeing process is so quick and easy!
Next, take it out of the pot and pour the infusion into a tall container. Again, dip the eggs in the dye, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and leave to dye in a cold way for 4-12 hours.
What colors are produced by natural dyes:
Spinach - green; | |
Red cabbage - blue; | |
Turmeric - yellow; | |
Blueberry - purple; | |
Beet - pink; | |
Coffee - brown; | |
Cranberry - red.![]() |
With the cold or hot dyeing method, it is easy to achieve bright, saturated colors. In conclusion, be sure to grease the shell with vegetable oil so that it sparkles with luminous highlights under the rays of the warm spring sun.
Let's turn to the experience of foreign housewives and see how they prepare each year for the celebration of Easter. I want to note right away that they prefer to extract the contents from the shell, because in Europe or America, Easter tables are bursting with treats, and painted eggs are only the main decoration of the table.
Before painting, the hostess carefully pierces holes in the shell with a needle or pin. It turns out a small hole through which the protein and yolk are easily removed with a straw (do not pour them into the sink, the products can come in handy!).
The empty egg is then thoroughly washed and set aside to dry. During this time, the housewives prepare a variety of ingredients that will be used to color Easter eggs.
Now I will tell you about the 7 most interesting methods that are used by hostesses in Europe and America, perhaps they will become a real discovery for you.
How to decorate Easter eggs to make them marble
There are ways to paint Easter eggs with a marble effect. To begin with, let's analyze the classic method of staining in onion peel with brilliant green and iodine.
Cut red and yellow onion husks into small squares with scissors. We dip a clean egg first into the water, and then into the chopped husk. Dry leaves adhere well to a smooth, damp surface.
We place the workpiece on a gauze square and add a little more onion peel. We collect gauze, fasten it with a thread and get a strong bag that goes into the pan.
Pour a spoonful of salt into the boiling water, pour out a bottle of brilliant green and add a little iodine to enhance the brown color. We cover the blanks with water and put on medium heat, after boiling, cook for no more than 7-10 minutes.
Note! Zelenka and iodine are strong dyes that are not washed off the surface of the container, so use an old saucepan for cooking.
Place the bags from hot water into cold water, cool and remove the gauze. We get magnificent marble eggs, which, after being treated with sunflower oil, sparkle with bright iridescent tints.
The second method will demonstrate how to enhance the marble effect of small sawn eggs. To work, you will need alcohol inks (Alcohol Inks) or any other resistant paints. A square of black Velcro is glued to the tip of a felt-tip pen or pencil, and small blanks are cut out of the felt, which will serve as interchangeable sponges.
We put drops of different paint on the fabric and apply it to the egg, making small prints. We change the felt, take another with a new color scheme, and again apply arbitrary bitmaps. The ink spreads, and it turns out, as in the photo, a unique marble effect. Were you convinced that you can create small Easter masterpieces with your own hands in 5 minutes?
I would like to give you pleasure and show you a short video that will clearly demonstrate how to make magnificent marbled eggs. Look, wind on your mustache!
Decoupage of Easter eggs from a napkin
What can you not do without at Easter? Of course, without a large dish of colored eggs and delicious Easter pastries.
Legend has it that Mary Magdalene, healed by Christ, was the first to bring news to Emperor Tiberius about the miraculous resurrection of the Savior. At this time, she had a basket of white eggs in her hands, and the ruler replied: "No one can rise from the dead, just as eggs cannot turn red!" And suddenly an incredible miracle happened in Magdalena's basket, the eggs turned red, and the amazed Tiberius exclaimed: “Truly, He is risen!”
Since then, the whole Christian world has been celebrating the Easter holiday with a dish of beautiful painted eggs. And I want to offer another simple but original way of decorating - decoupage of a smooth eggshell. The hostesses came up with a truly ingenious method of decorating with napkins and regular egg white.
The work is simple, both kids and older guys can handle it! Moms only need to show
children how to separate the layers of napkins from each other, cut out the desired patterns, and how to gently smear the pictures with beaten egg yolk. You will get an incredible beauty created in 10 minutes from simple materials.
Through a video, I would like to introduce you to the method of gilding Easter eggs. This is a simple method using potal or, as the people say, gold leaf. The method is absolutely harmless, but it is undesirable to eat beautiful gilded eggs!
Dyeing with cloth
Inventive housewives are always looking for new ways to dye eggs, and this time they are doing it with cloth. Believe it or not, water and cheap Chinese ties are used for the creative process.
An unusual method allows you to paint the shell in a creative black color and get an incredible pattern that even the most talented artist cannot depict.
The technology of the method is simple!
- Ties are cut into equal squares.
- The egg is placed in the center on the front side of the fabric, the edges are collected in the form of a bag, wrapped with a white cloth on top so that the pattern does not move during the cooking process.
- Secure the bags with rubber bands, and put the blanks in a deep saucepan.
- Cover with water until coated, add 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of vinegar and cook after boiling for 15 minutes.
- Hot bags are taken out, cooled, unpacked and get a unique beauty created in half an hour.
We paint with improvised means
Fantasizing hostesses invent new ways of painting Easter eggs every year.
Once a housewife traditionally dyed eggs in onion skins with leaves. And then I took multi-colored markers and added my own little author's touches. We got real Easter masterpieces that surprised housewives in different parts of the world.
Inventors continue to share their ideas and offer to create incredible drawings using paints and regular rubber bands.
Step by step I will describe the creative process, it is really easy and very exciting:
Let's prepare several shallow containers with warm water, add vinegar and different food colors to each spoonful.
Boil the eggs until cooked, cool and wrap several times with ordinary colorless rubber bands.
The dyes will dissolve in the water and it's time to dip the eggs into the containers, but only in one barrel.
We wait exactly 5 minutes, take out the blanks and see that one side is well painted.
We turn the egg in another side and immerse it in an adjacent container. Again we wait 5 minutes, and we get the second colored barrel.
Then turn the testicle again and dip it into the next dye, achieving a beautiful gradient coloring.
Repeat the procedure with each egg 4-5 times and put the result on a napkin.
Remove the rubber bands and get beautiful white stripes on a bright multi-colored background.
Real magic happens, created in 20 minutes from available materials. Lubricate the magnificent Easter beauty with vegetable oil, put it on a dish and admire the play of bright natural colors.
One lively American housewife, not looking up from raising small children, dyes eggs in a variety of ways. Take a look and see that the imagination and ingenuity of loving mothers is limitless.
Wondering how else to dye eggs at home? There is one way that will result in original and very cute chickens! Watch a short 5-minute video and see that with skillful hands you can create bright, unique beauty.