How long is a child with chickenpox contagious
Chickenpox (varicella) | NHS inform
See all parts of this guide Hide guide parts
- 1. About chickenpox
- 2. Symptoms of chickenpox
- 3. Causes of chickenpox
Diagnosing chickenpox
- 5. Treating chickenpox
- 6. Complications of chickenpox
- 7. Preventing the spread of chickenpox
About chickenpox
Chickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that most children catch at some point.
It causes a rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off.
Some children have only a few spots, but other children can have spots that cover their entire body. These are most likely to appear on the face, ears and scalp, under the arms, on the chest and belly, and on the arms and legs.
Read more about the symptoms of chickenpox.
Chickenpox (known medically as varicella) is caused by a virus called the varicella-zoster virus. It's spread quickly and easily from someone who is infected.
Read more about the causes of chickenpox.
Chickenpox is most common in children under the age of 10. In fact, chickenpox is so common in childhood that over 90% of adults are immune to the condition because they've had it before.
Children usually catch chickenpox in winter and spring, particularly between March and May.
What to do
To prevent spreading the infection, keep children off nursery or school until all their spots have crusted over.
Chickenpox is infectious from 1 to 2 days before the rash starts, until all the blisters have crusted over (usually 5 to 6 days after the start of the rash).
If your child has chickenpox, try to keep them away from public areas to avoid contact with people who may not have had it, especially people who are at risk of serious problems, such as newborn babies, pregnant women and anyone with a weakened immune system (for example, people having cancer treatment or taking steroid tablets).
Read more about what you need to do to stop chickenpox spreading.
Chickenpox treatment
Chickenpox in children is considered a mild illness, but your child will probably feel pretty miserable and irritable while they have it.
Your child may have a fever for the first few days of the illness. The spots can be incredibly itchy.
There is no specific treatment for chickenpox, but there are pharmacy remedies that can alleviate symptoms. These include paracetamol to relieve fever, and calamine lotion and cooling gels to ease itching.
In most children, the blisters crust up and fall off naturally within one to two weeks.
Read more about chickenpox treatments.
When to see a doctor
For most children, chickenpox is a mild illness that gets better on its own.
However, some children can become more seriously ill with chickenpox and need to see a doctor.
Contact your GP straight away if your child develops any abnormal symptoms, such as:
- if the blisters on their skin become infected
- if your child has a pain in their chest or has difficulty breathing
Chickenpox in adults
Chickenpox may be a childhood illness, but adults can get it too. Chickenpox tends to be more severe in adults than children, and adults have a higher risk of developing complications.
Adults with chickenpox should stay off work until all the spots have crusted over. They should seek medical advice if they develop any abnormal symptoms, such as infected blisters.
Adults with chickenpox may benefit from taking antiviral medicine if treatment is started early in the course of the illness. Read more about antivirals in the treatment of chickenpox.
Who's at special risk?
Some children and adults are at special risk of serious problems if they catch chickenpox. They include:
- pregnant women
- newborn babies
- people with a weakened immune system
These people should seek medical advice as soon as they are exposed to the chickenpox virus or they develop chickenpox symptoms.
They may need a blood test to check if they are protected from (immune to) chickenpox.
Read more about immunity testing and the diagnosis of chickenpox in people at special risk.
Chickenpox in pregnancy
Chickenpox occurs in approximately 3 in every 1,000 pregnancies. It can cause serious complications for both the pregnant woman and her baby. See complications of chickenpox for further information on what to do if you are exposed to chickenpox during pregnancy.
Chickenpox and shingles
Once you have had chickenpox, you usually develop antibodies to the infection and become immune to catching it again. However, the virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus, remains inactive (dormant) in your body's nerve tissues and can return later in life as an illness called shingles.
It's possible to catch chickenpox from someone with shingles, but not the other way around.
Read more about shingles.
Is there a vaccine against chickenpox?
There is a chickenpox vaccine, but it is not part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule. The vaccine is only offered to children and adults who are particularly vulnerable to chickenpox complications.
The recommended 2 doses of the vaccine is estimated to offer 98% protection from chickenpox in children and 75% protection in adolescents and adults.
So it may be possible to develop the infection after vaccination. Similarly, there is a chance that someone who has received the vaccine could develop chickenpox after coming in close contact with a person who has shingles.
Symptoms of chickenpox
The most commonly recognised chickenpox symptom is a spotty, blistering red rash that can cover the entire body.
Chickenpox spots
Chickenpox spots
The spots normally appear in clusters and tend to be:
- behind the ears
- on the face
- over the scalp
- on the chest and belly
- on the arms and legs
However, the spots can be anywhere on the body, even inside the ears and mouth, on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and inside the nappy area.
Although the rash starts as small, itchy red spots, these develop a blister on top and become intensely itchy after about 12-14 hours.
After a day or two, the fluid in the blisters gets cloudy and they begin to dry out and crust over.
After 1 to 2 weeks, the crusting skin will fall off naturally.
New spots can keep appearing in waves for 3 to 5 days after the rash begins. Therefore, different clusters of spots may be at different stages of blistering or drying out.
Read more about how to ease the itchiness and other symptoms of chickenpox in our section on chickenpox treatments.
Find out what you can do to stop chickenpox spreading.
Feeling unwell
Before the rash appears, you or your child may have some mild flu-like symptoms, including:
- feeling sick
- a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
- aching, painful muscles
- headache
- generally feeling unwell
- loss of appetite
These flu-like symptoms, especially the fever, tend to be more common and worse in adults than in children.
Unusual symptoms
Most healthy children (and adults) recover from chickenpox with no lasting ill-effects simply by resting, just as with a cold or the flu.
However, some children and adults are unlucky and have a more severe bout.
Contact your GP straight away if you or your child develop any abnormal symptoms, such as:
- the skin surrounding the blisters becoming red and painful
- pain in the chest or difficulty breathing
- signs of dehydration, such as fewer wet nappies, drowsiness and cold hands and feet
In cases such as this, prescription medicine or hospital treatment may be needed.
Read more about chickenpox complications.
Causes of chickenpox
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. You catch it by coming into contact with someone who is infected.
Chickenpox is a very contagious infection. Around 90% of people who have not previously had chickenpox will become infected when they come into contact with the virus.
How you catch the virus
The chickenpox virus is spread most easily from someone who has the rash. The blisters are very itchy and break open easily, which can contaminate surfaces or objects. The virus may then be transferred by touching the surface or object, then touching your face.
The virus is also contained in the millions of tiny droplets that come out of the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This can also contaminate surfaces or objects.
It normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the "incubation period".
Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from 1 to 2 days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes 5 to 6 days from the start of the rash.
Read more about the diagnosis of chickenpox and how to stop chickenpox spreading.
If you have not had chickenpox before, you can also catch chickenpox from someone with shingles (an infection caused by the same virus). However, it's not possible to catch shingles from someone who has chickenpox.
Read more about shingles.
Diagnosing chickenpox
You or your child should not usually need any medical tests to diagnose chickenpox. You can be pretty sure that it is chickenpox if there are the key symptoms of a mild fever followed by an itchy rash, with blisters and scabs.
Chickenpox spots are usually distinctive enough to distinguish from other rashes, although they can be confused with other conditions that affect the skin, such as insect bites or scabies (another contagious skin condition that causes intense itching).
If you're uncertain about what is causing the symptoms, your GP can carry out a simple blood test to identify the virus.
Find your local GP surgery.
When to contact your GP
1. See your GP if you're not sure whether you or your child have chickenpox.
2. Contact your GP urgently if you have been in contact with someone who has chickenpox, or you have chickenpox symptoms and:
- you are pregnant
- you have a weakened immune system (the body’s defence system)
- your baby is less than 4 weeks old
Chickenpox in these instances can cause serious complications, if left untreated. It is essential to seek medical advice so that you can receive any necessary treatment.
3. Contact your GP if you have chickenpox and are breastfeeding. They can advise about whether you should continue breastfeeding your baby.
Having a blood test
Once you have contacted your GP, you may need a test to see if you're already immune from chickenpox.
If you have had chickenpox in the past, it is extremely unlikely that you will develop chickenpox for a second time. If you've never had chickenpox, or you're unsure whether you've had it, you may need an immunity test.
This is a blood test that checks whether you are producing the antibodies to the chickenpox virus.
If your blood test result shows that you have the antibodies, you'll be naturally protected from the virus. If you don't have the antibodies, you'll need to be monitored closely to see if you develop chickenpox symptoms. If you do, further treatment may be needed.
Read more about chickenpox treatment.
Treating chickenpox
There is no cure for chickenpox, and the virus usually clears up by itself without any treatment.
However, there are ways of easing the itch and discomfort, and there are important steps you can take to stop chickenpox spreading.
If your child is in pain or has a high temperature (fever), you can give them a mild painkiller, such as paracetamol (available over the counter in pharmacies). Always read the manufacturer's dosage instructions.
Paracetamol is the preferred painkiller for treating the associated symptoms of chickenpox. This is due to a very small risk of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, causing adverse skin reactions during chickenpox.
Avoid giving your child ibuprofen if they have asthma or a history of stomach problems. If you're not sure whether ibuprofen is suitable, check with your GP or pharmacist. If your child is younger than 3 months old, you should always speak to your GP before giving your child any kind of pain relief.
Never give your child aspirin if you suspect or know that they have chickenpox.
If you're pregnant and need to take painkillers, then paracetamol is the first choice. You can use it at any stage of pregnancy. Only take ibuprofen during the second trimester (weeks 14-27 of the pregnancy).
If you're pregnant and have chickenpox, you should visit your GP as soon as possible. You may need to have antiviral medicine or immunoglobulin treatment to prevent your symptoms from getting worse.
Keeping hydrated
It is important for children (and adults) with chickenpox to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Sugar-free ice lollies are a good way of getting fluids into children. They also help to soothe a sore mouth that has chickenpox spots in it.
Avoid anything that may make the mouth sore, such as salty foods. Soup is easy to swallow as long as it is not too hot.
Stop the scratching
Chickenpox can be incredibly itchy, but it's important for children (and adults) to not scratch the spots, to avoid future scarring.
One way of stopping scratching is to keep fingernails clean and short. You can also put socks over your child's hands at night to stop them scratching the rash as they sleep.
If your child's skin is very itchy or sore, try using calamine lotion or cooling gels. These are available in pharmacies and are very safe to use. They have a soothing, cooling effect.
A stronger medicine called chlorphenamine can also help to relieve the itching. It's available from your pharmacist over the counter or it can be prescribed by your GP. Chlorphenamine is taken by mouth and is suitable for children over 1 year old.
Cool clothing
If your child has a fever, or if their skin is sore and aggravated, dress them appropriately so that they don't get too hot or too cold. Loose-fitting, smooth, cotton fabrics are best and will help stop the skin from becoming sore and irritated.
If your child has chickenpox, avoid sponging them down with cool water. This can make your child too cold and may make them shiver.
Stronger treatments
Antiviral medicine
Aciclovir is an antiviral medicine that is sometimes given to people with chickenpox.
Aciclovir may be prescribed to:
- pregnant women
- adults, if they visit their GP within 24 hours of the rash appearing
- newborn babies
- people with a weakened immune system (the body’s defence system)
Ideally, aciclovir needs to be started within 24 hours of the rash appearing. It does not cure chickenpox, but it makes the symptoms less severe. You normally need to take the medicine as tablets 5 times a day for 7 days.
If you are taking aciclovir, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Side effects are rare, but can include nausea and diarrhoea.
Immunoglobulin treatment
Immunoglobulin is a solution of antibodies that is taken from healthy donors. Varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) contains antibodies to the chickenpox virus.
Immunoglobulin treatment is given by injection. It is not used to treat chickenpox, but to protect people who are at high risk of developing a severe chickenpox infection. This includes:
- pregnant women
- newborn babies
- people with weakened immune systems
In the case of pregnant women, immunoglobulin treatment also reduces the risk of the unborn baby becoming infected.
As the supply of VZIG is limited, it will only be considered if a high-risk person has:
- been significantly exposed to the virus – significant exposure could be face-to-face contact with someone who has chickenpox
- been in the same room for 15 minutes with someone who has chickenpox
- had a blood test to confirm that they've not had chickenpox before
In some cases, newborn babies may be given immunoglobulin treatment without having a blood test first.
Read more about the complications of chickenpox.
Complications of chickenpox
Complications of chickenpox are rare in healthy children. The most common complication is where the blisters become infected with bacteria.
A sign that the blisters have become infected is when the surrounding skin becomes red and sore.
If you think that your child's blisters have become infected, contact your GP as the child may need a course of antibiotics.
Other complications in children
Very rarely, chickenpox can lead to more serious complications involving the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) in children.
These include infections of the brain (encephalitis), the protective membranes around the brain (meningitis) or part of the brain called the cerebellum (cerebellitis).
Signs of these problems can include:
- a lack of energy
- drowsiness
- confusion
- seizures (fits)
- vomiting
- severe headaches
- a stiff neck
- behavioural changes
- problems with walking, balance or speech (ataxia)
Seek medical advice as soon as possible if your child develops any of these symptoms after having chickenpox.
At-risk groups
The people who are most at risk of developing chickenpox complications are:
- adults
- pregnant women
- babies under four weeks old
- people with a weakened immune system
Chickenpox can be more serious in adults than in children. Adults with the virus are more likely to be admitted into hospital. Approximately 5-14% of adults with chickenpox develop lung problems, such as pneumonia. If you smoke, your risk of developing lung problems is much higher.
Although it is more serious in adults, most people will still make a full recovery from the chickenpox virus.
Pregnant women
If you're pregnant, chickenpox can occasionally cause complications.
For example, your risk of developing pneumonia is slightly higher if you're pregnant, especially if you smoke. The further you are into your pregnancy, the more serious the risk of pneumonia tends to be.
If you get chickenpox while you're pregnant, there is also a small but significant risk to your unborn baby.
If you are infected with chickenpox during the first 28 weeks of your pregnancy, there is a risk that your unborn baby could develop a condition known as foetal varicella syndrome (FVS).
This syndrome is rare. The risk of it occurring in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is less than 1%. Between weeks 13 and 20, the risk is 2%.
There have only been a few reports of FVS due to an infection from weeks 20 to 28 of pregnancy, and the risk is thought to be much less than 1%.
FVS can cause serious complications, including:
- scarring
- eye defects, such as cataracts
- shortened limbs
- brain damage
There are also other risks from catching chickenpox after week 20 of pregnancy.
It's possible that your baby may be born prematurely (before week 37 of the pregnancy).
If you are infected with chickenpox 7 days before or 7 days after giving birth, your newborn baby may develop a more serious type of chickenpox. In a few severe cases, this type of chickenpox can be fatal.
See your GP urgently if you're pregnant or have given birth in the last 7 days and you think you may have chickenpox, or if you've been exposed to someone who has chickenpox.
People with a weakened immune system
Your immune system is your body's way of defending itself against disease, bacteria and viruses.
If your immune system is weak or does not work properly, you are more susceptible to developing infections such as chickenpox. This is because your body produces fewer antibodies to fight off the infection.
You may have a weakened immune system if you take immunosuppressive medication.
Immunosuppressive medication such as steroid tablets may be used if, for example, you have an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or certain blood conditions.
If you have a weakened immune system, you're also more at risk of developing complications from chickenpox. These complications include:
- pneumonia
- blood poisoning (septicaemia)
- meningitis
See your GP urgently if you have a weakened immune system and you've been exposed to the chickenpox virus.
For more information, read about how to stop the spread of chickenpox.
Preventing the spread of chickenpox
If your child has chickenpox,it is recommended that you inform their school or nursery, and keep them at home for 5 days.
If you have chickenpox, stay off work and at home until you're no longer infectious, which is until the last blister has burst and crusted over. This usually happens five or six days after the rash begins.
It is a good idea for anyone who has chickenpox to avoid contact with:
- pregnant women
- newborn babies
- anyone who has a weak immune system, such as people who are having chemotherapy (a treatment for cancer) or taking steroid tablets
If you or your child have recently been exposed to the chickenpox virus, you may not be able to visit friends or relatives in hospital. Telephone the ward to check first.
Travelling on a plane
If you or your child have chickenpox, you may not be allowed to fly until 6 days after the last spot has appeared.
You and your child should be safe to fly once you're past the infectious stage and all of the blisters have crusted over. However, it's best to check the policy of your airline first. Inform the airline as soon as chickenpox is diagnosed.
It is also important to let your travel insurer know if you or your child has chickenpox. You need to make sure that you'll be covered if you have to delay or cancel your holiday, or if you need to extend your stay until your child is well enough to fly home.
Stop the virus spreading
Chickenpox can sometimes be spread through contact with objects that have been contaminated with the virus, such as children's toys, bedding or clothing.
If someone in your household has chickenpox, you can help stop the virus spreading by wiping any objects or surfaces with a sterilising solution and making sure that any infected clothing or bedding is washed regularly.
There is a chickenpox vaccine that is used to protect people who are most at risk of a serious chickenpox infection or of passing the infection on to someone who is at risk.
People who may be considered for chickenpox vaccination include:
- healthcare workers who are not already immune – for example, a nurse who has never had chickenpox and who may pass it to someone they are treating if they become infected
- people living with someone who has a weakened immune system – for example, the child of a parent receiving chemotherapy
The vaccine is not suitable for pregnant women. Avoid getting pregnant for 3 months after having the vaccine. The vaccine is also not suitable for people with weakened immune systems.
How effective is the vaccine?
The recommended 2 doses of the vaccine is estimated to offer 98% protection from chickenpox in children and 75% protection in adolescents and adults.
So it may be possible to develop the infection after vaccination.
Chickenpox (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth
What Is Chickenpox?
Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. People who get the virus have:
- a fever
- a rash of spots that look like blisters
They also might get a runny nose, cough, and stomachache.
Thanks to the chickenpox vaccine, kids don't get chickenpox as much as they once did.
What Are the Signs of Chickenpox?
Chickenpox may start out seeming like a cold: You might have a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and a cough.
But 1 to 2 days later, the rash begins, often in bunches of spots on the chest and face. From there it can spread out quickly over the entire body — sometimes the rash is even in a person's ears and mouth.
You've probably heard that chickenpox is itchy. It's true! The chickenpox blisters are small and sit on an area of red skin that can be anywhere from the size of a pencil eraser to the size of a dime.
At first, the rash looks like pinkish dots that quickly develop a small blister on top (a blister is a bump on your skin that fills up with fluid). After about 24 to 48 hours, the fluid in the blisters gets cloudy and the blisters begin to crust over.
Chickenpox blisters show up in waves. So after some begin to crust over, a new group of spots might appear. It usually takes 10–14 days for all the blisters to be scabbed over and then you are no longer contagious.
How Does Chickenpox Spread?
Chickenpox is contagious, meaning that somebody who has it can easily spread it to someone else. A person with chickenpox is most contagious during the first 2 to 5 days of being sick. That's usually about 1 to 2 days before the rash shows up. So you could be spreading around chickenpox without even knowing it!
Someone with chickenpox can pass it to others by coughing or sneezing, when tiny drops come out of the mouth and nose. These drops are full of the chickenpox virus. It's easy for others to breathe in these drops or get them on their hands. Before you know it, the chickenpox virus has infected someone new.
Itchy-Itchy, Scratchy-Scratchy
If you are that unlucky person, how do you keep your chickenpox from driving you crazy? They itch, but you shouldn't scratch them. Scratching the blisters can tear your skin and leave scars. Scratching also can let germs in, and the blisters could get infected.
These tips can help you feel less itchy:
- Keep cool because heat and sweat will make you itch more. You might want to put a lukewarm washcloth on the really bad areas.
- Trim your fingernails, so if you do scratch, you won't tear your skin.
- Soak in a lukewarm bath. Adding some oatmealto your bath water can help relieve the itching.
- Have your mom or dad help you apply calamine lotion, which soothes itching.
If your fever goes higher and an area of your skin gets really red, warm, and painful, tell an adult right away. You'll need to see a doctor because you could have an infection.
How Can I Feel Better?
While you have the chickenpox, a pain reliever like
acetaminophenmight help you feel better, but let your parents help you with this. Medicines and creams that may stop the itch can also be helpful.
Do not take aspirin because it can cause a rare but serious illness in kids called Reye syndrome.
It doesn't usually happen, but let your parents know if you feel especially bad. Sometimes, chickenpox leads to other, more serious illnesses.
Most kids don't have any major problems and get better in a week or two. And when all the blisters have scabs, you're not contagious anymore and you can go back to school! In a few days, the scabs will fall off. A kid who gets chickenpox is unlikely to ever get it again.
Get a Shot, Avoid the Dots!
Not long ago, millions of people got chickenpox each year in the United States. But now that kids get the vaccine, fewer and fewer people get chickenpox.
Kids get the chickenpox vaccine as two shots:
- a first shot when they're 12–15 months old
- a booster shot when they're 4–6 years old
But kids can get vaccinated when they're older too. Ask your mom or dad if you've had your shots. You'll be glad that you did if chickenpox starts making its way around your school!
Reviewed by: Kate M. Cronan, MD
Date reviewed: January 2019
Chickenpox and the risk of contracting chickenpox
Time to read: Approximately 2 min.
Find out about chickenpox and the risk of getting chickenpox, including how it's spread and how it's treated.
back to top of pageWhat is chicken pox?
Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This is a common condition that causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters (pockmarks) all over the body.
back to top of pageWhat are the symptoms of chickenpox?
Chickenpox symptoms may include muscle pain, fever, and itchy rash or blisters.
back to top of pageHow is chickenpox spread?
Chickenpox can be spread by contact with droplets of fluid from the nose and throat of an infected person. These droplets move in the air when a person coughs or sneezes. Also, you can get chickenpox by touching an infected person's blisters.
A person with chickenpox becomes contagious 1-2 days before the rash appears and remains a source of infection until all blisters have dried and crusted over.
When chickenpox clears up, the varicella-zoster virus remains in the body as inactive (i.e., a virus that is in the body but does not cause disease). Sometimes the virus can become active and cause shingles. Shingles (also known as herpes zoster) is characterized by a painful rash. It usually occurs in those who have serious illnesses or have a weakened immune system.
back to top of pageWhat to do if you are at risk of contracting chickenpox?
Tell your doctor or nurse if you or someone in your household is at risk of contracting chickenpox. Your doctor will ask you if you have had chickenpox before or will do a blood test to see if you are immune to the disease.
If you have been in close contact with a person with chickenpox for a while, you will be observed to see if you have become infected. Typically, symptoms of chickenpox appear 10 to 21 days after a person is at risk of infection. This period is called the incubation period. Your doctor or nurse will tell you what the incubation period is.
How to treat chickenpox?
Chickenpox can be treated with antiviral drugs (drugs that fight viruses). Other medicines can be used to reduce itching and relieve discomfort from blisters.
back to top of pageWhat precautions are taken in the hospital if I have chickenpox?
Isolation measures are measures we take to prevent the spread of infection among patients. If you were diagnosed with chickenpox during your hospital stay or were at risk of contracting the disease:
- You will be placed in a separate room.
- The door to your room should always be closed.
- There will be a sign on your door telling all staff and visitors to wash their hands with soap or alcohol-based hand rub before entering and after leaving your room.
- All visitors and staff must wear a yellow gown, gloves, and a respiratory mask while in your room.
- If you leave your room for diagnostic tests, you should wear a surgical mask, yellow gown, and gloves.
- You are prohibited from walking around the department and access to the following areas of the hospital:
- food pantry in your department;
- recreation center at M15;
- children's recreation areas in M9;
- cafeteria;
- main lobby;
- any other common areas within the hospital.
- You may have art therapy or massage sessions in your room if the isolation measures are followed.
You must follow these precautions until all blisters have dried and crusted over. Your doctor or nurse will tell you when to stop following these measures.
back to top of pageWhere can I get more information about chickenpox?
If you have questions, ask your doctor or nurse. You can also visit the following websites for more information:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
New York State Department of Health diseases/communicable/chickenpox/fact_sheet.htm
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Date last updated
Monday, February 7, 2022
Chickenpox in children and adults.

Petrova Marina Nikolaevna
Leading physician
Creation date: 2016.03.11
Chicken pox (chicken pox) is an acute infectious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets and is predominantly characteristic of children. A typical manifestation of chickenpox is a profuse blistering rash all over the body.
Most often, chickenpox is ill at the age of from 6 months to 7 years . A child up to 6 months old has immunity received from the mother's body. After 10 years, the disease is rare. However, if a person did not have chickenpox as a child, they can become ill as an adult, in which case the disease is usually severe.
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Causes of chickenpox
Chickenpox in children and adults
The causative agent of the disease is one of the types of herpes virus. It is carried with tiny particles of mucus that enter the air when coughing, sneezing, and even when talking. In the external environment, the virus quickly dies (within 10 minutes). At the same time, the disease is highly contagious, and upon contact with a sick person who does not have immunity to chickenpox, it is almost certain that he will get sick.
The incubation period of chickenpox is from 10 to 21 days (usually 14-17 days). Already a day before the appearance of the rash, the patient can be contagious, so that there was contact with the infection, you can often find out only after the fact. The threat of infection persists throughout the entire period of the rash, and only after five days have passed since the last elements of the rash appeared, contact with the patient ceases to be dangerous.
It is believed that chickenpox gets sick only once in a lifetime . Therefore, chickenpox is considered a "childhood" disease: most of us encounter the pathogen for the first time, while still being children. However, if a person has a severely weakened immune system, he can be re-infected.
After the illness, the virus remains in the body in an inactive form for a long time. This can lead to the development of another disease - herpes zoster (shingles), caused by the same type of virus as chicken pox. Contact of a child with a patient with herpes zoster can lead to chickenpox.
Chickenpox symptoms
Chickenpox usually has an acute onset.
A complex of symptoms immediately appears:
Weakness is a symptom of intoxication.
More about the symptom
The temperature rises and may stay around 38°C for the entire period until new rashes appear. In some children, at the onset of the disease, the temperature can reach 39-40°C
More about symptom
Rashes are found throughout the body, including on the scalp, mucous membranes, and even (in exceptional cases) on the palms and feet. At first they look like rounded pink or red spots . Then bubbles appear. After 2-3 bubbles dry up and crusts form in their place. The rash usually lasts for 5-10 days; therefore, elements at different stages can be present on the body at the same time.
More about the symptom
Chickenpox treatments
As a rule, chickenpox in children passes without complications. The disease is dangerous during pregnancy: if the expectant mother did not have chickenpox in childhood (that is, she does not have the appropriate immunity), the infection can lead to the development of serious pathologies and even death of the fetus.
Treatment of chickenpox is aimed at preventing complications; in children, first of all, one should try to exclude secondary infection from getting into the skin lesions.
If you find symptoms of chickenpox in your child, call our pediatrician at home.
Symptomatic treatment
A sick child is prescribed bed rest. If the child does not tolerate the temperature, he may be prescribed antipyretics. The focus is on relieving itching and treating rashes. Plentiful drinking is recommended. Prescribing antiviral drugs is practiced.
Vaccination is a method of specific prevention of the disease. The vaccine forms strong immunity for many years. Upon contact with the patient, an emergency vaccination is carried out within the first 72 hours.
When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to take tests to make sure that you have immunity to the causative agent of chickenpox. In the event that specific bodies are not found, doctors recommend vaccinating against chickenpox to eliminate risks during childbearing.
In JSC "Family Doctor" vaccination against chickenpox is carried out with imported drugs - Varilrix, Okavax. Our specialists will select a convenient vaccination scheme for you.
More about the treatment
Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.